UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY— A N ADMINISTRATIVE HISTORY In the whole range of the mountain region there is no institution more beautifully located than the Agricultural College of Utah [W]ork in this cool mountain atmosphere cannot fail to be restful and strengthening in a high degree, far more so than in the crowded sessions of a city university. —DAVID STARR JORDAN
.n the summer of 1862 General Robert E. Lee's Confederate Army once again moved into northern Virginia and, within thirtyfive miles of Washington, engaged the Union Army near Manasas Junction. That same year Abraham Lincoln signed into a law four bills that had a tremendous impact on Cache County. It is well to remember that the Morrill Act which created the land-grant college system and Utah State Agricultural Codege was Civd War legislation. While Cache Valley pioneers were founding settlements, buildings churches, and organizing governments, thousands of their fellow Americans were dying on battlefields. Three companion pieces of legislation that year also dramaticady affected Utah Territory and Cache County: the transcontinental railroad authorization, the Morrill 216