1 minute readIntroductionfrom Utah Centennial County History Series Daggett County 1998by Utah Historical SocietyNext ArticleIndexMore articles from this publication:Index1minpages 320-328Chapter 11 - A Recreation Economy32minpages 260-291Chapter 10 - Keith Smith and Daggett County Transportation23minpages 241-259Chapter 9 - Flaming Gorge Dam and Reservoir35minpages 206-240Chapter 8 - The Creation and Early Development of Daggett County39minpages 171-205Chapter 7 - Building New Towns31minpages 140-170Contents1minpages 8-9Chapter 1 Natural History and Early Inhabitants1minpages 18-31Preface1minpages 10-13Show moreThis article is from:Utah Centennial County History Series Daggett County 1998