SOCIAL LIFE IN DUCHESNE COUNTY FROM WORLD WAR II TO THE PRESENT I n late September 1940, Myton town baseball team members Frank Adams, Leon Olsen, John Murdock, DeVere Dennis, Alma Murdock, William Sutter, Howard Bingham, Lowell Bingham, Acel Bingham, Clyde Bingham, and Owen Bingham returned from Levan, where the state baseball championship series was played, without having won a game. Although the team was disappointed with the outcome, the Uintah Basin Record of 27 September 1940 reported that Alma Murdock was awarded a special prize for striking out fifteen batters in their only game played in Levan. On the front page of the same issue of the Uintah Basin Record was another news item, which was smaller than the baseball team's results b u t of m u c h m o r e i m p o r t a n c e . The story was a b o u t the appointment of county commissioner Lyle Young and county clerk G.A. Goodrich to the newly established county Selective Service board. Two weeks earlier, Congress had passed the Selective Training and Service Act, which required all men in the country to register with their local Selective Service, or military draff, board. The schools in the county were selected as registration locations, and registration 267