TOURISM AND RECREATION Millions of travelers come to and through Iron County every year, impacting the economy and lifestyle of its communities and fulfilling the predictions of early twentieth-century boosters regarding the scenic attractions of the area. Tourism currently ranks third in economic impact among industries in Utah, just behind mining and manufacturing. Iron County is fortunate to be midway between Los Angeles and the metropolitan areas of Salt Lake City and Denver, centrally located among four scenic national parks, and to have become a tourist destination in its own right. Tourists spent $72 million in the county in 1994, ranking Iron County as one of the top ten counties in tourism income in Utah. 1 Iron County is situated in the center of a circle encompassing Grand Canyon, Zion, Bryce Canyon, and Great Basin national parks, some of which have more than 3 million visitors a year, and Iron County has its own natural scenic wonder in Cedar Breaks National Monument. Some 500,000 tourists visit Cedar Breaks, while the Utah Shakespearean Festival, American Folk Ballet, Utah Summer Games, Dixie National Forest, and Brian Head Resort host 400,000 visitors 398