1 minute read
Established December 26, 1898
Formally Abandoned: January 1, 1907
Milepost: 705 miles from San Francisco
Walden existed for a brief time along the line between Terrace and Bovine. It was established, primarily to service the livestock industry in western Box Elder County. The origin of the name for this station is unknown. Walden first appears in the SP Station lists in December of 1898 where it was written in as a new station between Terrace and Bovine, at MP 705, as a non-agency station with no services shown. By 1905, Walden was designated as a Class A Freight Station, but disappears from the list by 1907. 1 Walden is listed as a stop in the 1904 Employee Timetable and in 1905 it is listed as a flag stop.2 It drops from timetables after this year. Due to decreased traffic on the line after the Lucin Cutoff was completed, Walden was abandoned as a station in late 1906.
1 Southern Pacific Company, List of Officers, Agencies and Stations, (San Francisco: Southern Pacific Company, 1898-1906), On file at Sacramento: California State Railroad Museum Library.
2 Southern Pacific Company, List of Officers, Agencies and Stations, 1904-1905.