Selected Bibliography
^ e e n o t e s at e n d of c h a p t e r s for a m o r e c o m p l e t e list of sources u s e d in this b o o k . A b r a m , Rallet D. "The Town That Vanished." Park City Lodestar 16 (Summer 1993): 28-30. Allen, lames B. "The Evolution of C o u n t y Boundaries in Utah." Utah Historical Quarterly 23 (Fall 1955): 261-78. Arrington, Leonard J. "Abundance from the Earth: The Beginnings of Commercial Mining in Utah." Utah Historical Quarterly 31 (Summer 1963): 192-219. . Great Basin Kingdom: An Economic History of the Latter-day Saints, 1830-1900. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1958. 'Utah's Coal Road in the Age of Unregulated Competition." Utah Historical Quarterly 23 (Winter 1955): 35-63. Athearn, Robert O. "Opening of the Gates of Zion: Utah and the Coming of the Union Pacific Railroad." Utah Historical Quarterly 36 (Fall 1968): 291-314. Barnes, Marvin P., and John G. Simos. "Ore Deposits of the Park City District with a Contribution on the Mayflower Lode." In Ore Deposits 357