Utah Historical Quarterly, Volume 33, Number 1, 1965

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INAUGURAL MESSAGE by Governor Calvin L. Rampton GOVERNOR CLYDE, M R . C H I E F J U S T I C E , F R I E N D S A N D N E I G H B O R S O F T H E S T A T E O F U T A H '.

This is a particularly memorable day for our state. Not because a new administration assumes office, for that is only incidental in the passage of history. But memorably because today marks the Sixty-Ninth Anniversary of the date on which Utah achieved statehood. For no other state was the quest for acceptance into the Union as long or as difficult as that of Utah. Numerous petitions for statehood Governor Calvin L. Rampton's Inaugural Message, January 4, 1965. For the past two years, the U t a h State Historical Society has sponsored a Statehood Day observance. T h e addresses given on this occasion have been published in previous Quarterlies. This year the inauguration of state officials fell on Statehood Day, so the governor's inauguraL address commemorates that day.

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