35 minute read
The Settlements on the Muddy 1865-1871 "A God Forsaken Place"
Utah Historical Quarterly
Vol. 35, 1967, No. 3
The Settlementson the Muddy 1865 to 1871 "A God Forsaken place"
Colonization in any area in North America presented no greater difficulties than those faced by the settlers on the Muddy River. First was the remoteness of the area — they were 450 miles from Salt Lake City and 90 miles from their headquarters in St. George; there were no cash markets for anything they produced; there were no roads — the original pioneers traveled down the Virgin River crossing it as many as 35 times; and there was the terrible summer heat — even the nights were unbearable. The country was desolate; the trees and palms that now line the valley were planted by the colonists. Then there were Indians—marauding, sneaking, thieving Indians — present everywhere. And always there was the wind — one day it blew from the south; the next day it blew from the north. In the winter it blew cold; in the summer it blew hot; and it always carried the drifting sand. Sand blew into food, into the cracks of houses, and on at least one occasion the people at St. Joseph awoke to find their water ditches blown full of it.
One wonders how these pioneers succeeded as well as they did. To understand, one has to know and consider the people themselves. These settlers were Mormons, members of a new church — a church whose very foundation was based upon the concept of a prophet who was guided by the Almighty to direct them to go places and do things. When that prophet stood up in the semiannual conference of their church, called them by name, and told them they had been selected to go and settle on the Muddy, the call carried the seal of Diety upon it. It was as though the Lord Himself had called them. And they went.
The name "Muddy," which was given to the stream, goes back to early packers who used the California Trail many years before any permanent settlements were there. Kit Carson referred to the river as the Muddy when he camped on it in the spring of 1847. Orville C. Pratt camped on the river October 10, 1848, and called it the Muddy in his journal. James McClintock states that an early map of New Mexico Territory dated 1853 says the "Muddy is set down as the El Rio Atascoso," Spanish for "Boggy." Joseph W. Young, in a letter to the Deseret
News of June 19, 1868, gives the best clue as to how the name was derived. He says:
It became known as the Muddy Crossing and then the Muddy Valley. The Muddy Valley (now known as the Moapa Valley) lies in the extreme southeast part of the State of Nevada. It is approximately 30 miles in length from the springs in the northwest to where it empties into the Virgin River. At no place is the valley over two and one-half miles in width. It is composed of three separate valleys, the first or upper valley is the source of water. Here, in many separate, crystal clear, warm springs, the Muddy River is born. This upper valley is about two miles wide and five miles long, terminating at the lower end in what is called the Upper Narrows. The second or middle valley commences at the Upper Narrows and continues down to the Lower Narrows and is about two miles wide and about six miles long. The third valley begins at the lower end of the Lower Narrows and runs to the confluence with the Virgin River (now covered by Lake Mead) and is about 18 miles long. This is what has always been known as the Muddy Valley. Actually, it is a continuation of the great drainage system of that part of Utah and Nevada not in the Great Basin.
The climate is harsh, for it is true desert. The summer temperatures are extremely high, and with little moisture in the air, the heat of the day in winter is rapidly dissipated so the nights are cold. The vegetation is limited to the creosote bush, cactus, mesquite, and other related hardy desert plants. Timber suitable for sawing into lumber was 60 miles away.
There were three basic reasons for the Mormon Church establishing these settlements on the Muddy, and it is difficult to state which was the most important. The first was the navigation of the Colorado River. There were a thousand miles of wagon roads from the Missouri River to the Salt Lake Valley, all through hostile Indian country. By bringing freight and passengers around the southern tip of South America and up the Colorado as far as navigation was possible, the wagon haul to Salt Lake was only 450 miles, all through country dotted with Mormon communities.
The second reason was Brigham Young's desire to make his inland empire economically secure. Soon after establishing the Indian Mission on the Santa Clara, the colonists learned cotton could be grown there. The Mormons knew from their explorations that there were valleys at lower elevations, with warmer climates, where cotton could be produced even better than in Utah's Dixie area. This no doubt was a very important factor for settling the Muddy Valley.
The third reason was to keep non-Mormons from settling in these valleys and gaining control of them. The mines at Pioche, in El Dorado Canyon, and throughout Arizona Territory were coming to life. The natural route for travelers to take from the Nevada mines to the Arizona country was down the Meadow Valley Wash to the Muddy, thence to the Virgin and the Colorado rivers, and into Arizona. If travelers were to pass this way, it was only a matter of time until people would locate here permanently.
At a meeting in St. George in 1864, President Erastus Snow told his people that "in his recent visit to Clover and Meadow Valleys he was satisfied that it is the intention of Col. Connor and other Gentiles to settle there, and not only claim the mines of silver, in that vicinity, but also the farming lands, water priviledges, &c. in those and surrounding valleys." With that idea in mind, he thought it best to "strengthen those settlements."
With the outbreak of the Civil War and the supply of cotton cloth cut off, it became imperative that the Mormons produce their own cotton goods. In the October conference of 1861, 300 families were called to settle in the south on a "Cotton Mission." By 1864 these colonies were permanently established, and cotton was being successfully produced.
Steamship travel was becoming fairly common on the Colorado River by the summer of 1864. Regular service was in existence from the mouth of the river to Hardy's Landing, approximately 150 miles below the confluence of the Rio Virgin and the Colorado rivers. The time was ripe for the Colorado River transportation to Utah to begin. The idea of transporting goods from Europe and New York over the Isthmus of Panama, or around South America and up the Colorado River to the "head of Navigation" was to become a reality.
At a High Council meeting held in St. George on June 11, 1864, it was decided that it would be "advisable to explore for a more direct wagon-road from St. George to the head of navigation on the Colorado and especially for a distance of twenty miles, or so, from St. George in a S. W. direction." Jacob Hamblin, Isaac Duffin, David H. Cannon, and Leonard Conger were selected as the exploring party for this purpose. They were given authority to call others to assist, them if needed.
In the meantime a group of the leading merchants of Salt Lake City formed a company with the idea of "building a warehouse at some suitable place on the Rio Colorado, with a view of bringing goods into Utah by that River." Also it was thought, "the Mormon emigration might come into Utah from that direction should possible contingencies render it advisable."
At the general conference of October 1864, Anson Call of Davis County was directed by the First Presidency "to take a suitable company, locate a road to the Colorado, explore the river, find a suitable place for a warehouse, build it, and form a settlement at, or near, the landing."
By fall word had spread down the river to Hardy's Landing that the Mormons were embarking on the river freighting business. William H. Hardy immediately dispatched a letter to the leaders at St. George, which was read to the conference of November 4, 1864. Hardy invited trade with the Mormons
Following the reading of Hardy's letter, President Erastus Snow proposed that a party of men be sent to the Colorado River for further exploration and to visit Hardy's Landing to see what arrangements for commerce could be made. Jacob Hamblin, James M. Whitmore, Angus M. Cannon, and David H. Cannon were selected for this purpose.
On December 17, 1864, Anson Call had arrived at the Colorado River. He selected a site for the church warehouse and landing, 125 miles from St. George.
While he was exploring the river, Call and his party went to Hardy's Landing, 150 miles downstream. Very likely the purpose of this trip was to ascertain whether the best possible site for the church warehouse and landing had been selected. In telling of the trip, Call stated that "no steamboat was there but one was expected daily." Call also reported to President Snow that "during the prevalence of high water, it was judged that boats could go up the river to Jacob's Crossing [mouth of Grand Wash] on the Colorado, 75 miles from St. George."
On January 15, 1865, William Hardy of Hardy's Landing arrived at Call's Landing in a flat-bottomed barge, 50-feet long and 8-feet wide. His crew had propelled the barge 150 miles upstream by poles and oars. The barge was equipped with a sail, but due to strong head winds, it could be used but two hours on the entire trip. Hardy told Call that he had no difficulty in getting up the river and with a little improvement the stream would be safe for steamers. He offered, for $500.00 in currency, to remove all the rocks considered dangerous between Hardy's Landing and Call's Landing and declared "that he cannot see how more than fifty thousand dollars could be expended to advantage in improving the Colorado from it's [sic] mouth to Call's Landing." Hardy promised Anson Call that
Hardy also brought a communication from the firm of George A. Johnson and Company, which operated a warehouse of 500-tons capacity at the mouth of the river. The communication stated,
The warehouse and a few dwellings, together with some huge rock corrals, were completed some time during the month of February. The warehouse, between 75- and 100-feet long and about 45-feet wide, was constructed of stone laid up in lime mortar. The walls were about three feet thick with no windows. There were some rooms petitioned off at one end of the building.
The Saints were very optimistic about shipping along the Colorado River when the project was first considered. Two steamships, the Esmeralda and the Nina Tilden, made the trip somewhat regularly from the mouth of the Colorado to Call's Landing, connecting with other steamships plying between the mouth of the Colorado and San Francisco. The owners of the river boats carried a standing advertisement in the Salt Lake Telegraph seeking trade up to December 1, 1866.
On December 18, 1865, Bleak stated that "Jacob Hamblin and Dr. James M. Whitmore, returned from a trip they had made to the Colorado River. Dr. Whitmore reports, that but little business is being done at Call's Landing."
No estimate is available as to how much freight passed through Call's Landing. Bleak on December 10, 1865, wrote, "Some of the teams that passed through St. George some time ago, on their way to Calls [sic] Landing on the Colorado, came in this morning on their way north," no doubt loaded with freight.
In 1866 the Arizona Legislature, at Prescott, by resolution thanked Admiral Robert Rodgers, commander of the steamer Esmeralda, and Captain William Gilmore for the successful accomplishment of the navigation of the Colorado River to Callville (Call's Landing) "effected by the indomitable energy of the enterprising Pacific and Colorado Navigation Co." Both the Arizona and the Nevada legislatures petitioned Congress to improve the stream.
The port of Call's Landing had a short life. In June of 1869 the Deseret News printed an article mentioning that Call's Landing had been abandoned. The mention of Call's Landing in the newspaper was in connection with the escape of three horse thieves from St. George. These men wrenched four large doors from the warehouse for the construction of a raft upon which they committed themselves to the river at flood time.
Whether the Mormons could have made a success of the navigation and long, slow freight haul to Salt Lake City will never be determined. Hardy claimed it would cost $50,000 to improve the river for navigation. Call claimed it would cost $60,000 to construct a road from St. George to the river. In any event freighting on the river would be expensive. The warehouses and buildings at Call's Landing had hardly been completed when word came through that the Union Pacific had started laying rails west from Omaha in July of 1865. The dream of a transcontinental railway was to become a reality, after which the river project was dropped completely.
When Anson Call was called at the October general conference of 1864 to proceed to the Colorado River to select and build a warehouse and landing, he was also instructed to "form a settlement at or near the landing." From his party's exploration of the river and adjacent country, they knew the only area capable of supporting a settlement of any size would be at the lower end of the Muddy. So at the same conference that called Anson Call, the order went out for "missionaries to strengthen the Southern Mission and especially to settle on the Muddy."
This proposed settlement on the Muddy River very likely had a twofold purpose. It was a part of the Southern Utah Cotton Mission; and the Muddy Valley, at a lower elevation, possessed ample water for irrigation, a warmer and much longer growing season, and was much better adapted for the cultivation of cotton than Utah's Dixie. Also the settlement could provide food and forage for those living at the warehouse and for the freighters traveling to and from there.
On January 8, 1865, the first of the missionaries arrived on the Muddy. Brigham Young had called Thomas S. Smith of Davis County to preside over this first settlement. The party consisted of 11 men and 3 women. Within a matter of days after the first party arrived, additional settlers came and the colony soon numbered 45 families.
A typical Mormon village was laid out — dwellings in the center of town and farmland surrounding the area. The streets ran north-south and east-west — "85 lots of one acre each and about the same number of vinyard lots of two and a half acres each, and the same number of farm lots of five acres each. Ten lots formed a block. The streets were six rods wide, including a 12 foot sidewalk." The town was given the name of St. Thomas after their leader Thomas S. Smith.
As soon as the land was surveyed and apportioned out, settlers commenced the hard work of clearing the brush, grubbing out the mesquite, and planting gardens and fields. The Mission report that summer showed 55 acres of wheat were planted as well as considerable oats and barley.
The August irrigation report for the Mission showed St. Thomas with a three-mile canal, eight feet wide and two and one-half feet deep, which cost $3,840 to construct. The colonists also had another small canal in process of construction which would cost $1,160.
It was a harsh land, and to the eyes of Hannah Sharp anything but hospitable and inviting. She described it by saying,
On April 26, President Erastus Snow; his secretary, James G. Bleak; and Brothers Cragun and Ensign arrived on the Muddy. Along with his ecclesiastical duties of checking on the people, President Snow was looking for a place to establish another settlement. The day following their arrival on the Muddy, the Snow party with Elder Thomas S. Smith and others traveled up the valley. About two miles above the settlement of St. Thomas, they came to a "fine meadow which was estimated to contain about 1000 acres, the grass of which was then ready to cut." About two miles above the first meadow they found another "meadow of about 600 acres." In the vicinity of the second meadow they found what they considered a good mill site and a fine body of farmland suitable for another settlement.
All spring additional settlers had been arriving in the valley. In June of 1865, the town of St. Joseph, about 12 miles upstream from St. Thomas, was established. It was organized as a branch of the St. Thomas Ward, and Warren Foote was appointed to preside over it. The town was surveyed and the land apportioned to the settlers. At this time 40 families were located there.
As with the first settlement the Saints immediately set to work clearing the land. The irrigation report for August showed the settlers at St. Joseph had constructed a canal three and one-half miles long, four and one-half feet wide, and one and one-half feet deep, which cost $1,000. Another canal was planned that would be four miles long, fourteen feet wide, and three and one-half feet deep, to cost in excess of $5,000.
Some time after the town was established, Joseph W. Young in a letter to the Deseret News described the place.
By December 1865 enough people had arrived in the valley that still another settlement was established. President Erastus Snow appointed Orawell Simons to preside over this new colony and it became known as Simonsville. By spring a grist mill had been constructed at Simonsville and was being used to grind wheat, corn, and salt. Bleak in his history commented,
The first year was a hard one. Along with clearing the land, building irrigation ditches, planting crops, and constructing homes, many of the people came down with malaria and dysentery. In the town of St. Joseph there were four deaths. Many settlers were discouraged, could not take the hardships, gave up, and moved out. By fall, out of the 40 families when the town was organized, only 25 remained.
By spring of 1866 the Indian depredations that had become so prevalent in southern Utah had spread to the large Indian population along the Muddy and the Virgin rivers. In February the Indians killed several head of stock and drove off about 60 more. One Indian, Co- Quap, who had been branded an outlaw by the Indian chiefs in the area, was taken prisoner and executed at St. Thomas. A few weeks later a miner was murdered near Panaca. An Indian, forced to admit his guilt of this crime, was brutally treated and hung. Four other Indians were killed for participation in the miner's murder.
With their every success, the Indians became more brazen in their stealing. According to Andrew Gibbons, during the latter part of March all the Upper Muddy Indians "have pulled up their wheat, some 30 acres and have left for the mountains," taking with them 32 head of horses, mules, and cattle from St. Joseph and Simonsville. A posse of about 25 men, including 10 from St. Thomas had gone in pursuit but were unsuccessful in finding the stolen stock.
By May Indian-white relations in the Southern Utah Mission had deteriorated to the point that Brigham Young wrote President Snow a lengthy letter counseling him on the subject. The letter told the Saints to abandon all the small communities they were unable to defend and to collect in the larger settlements. The following are excerpts from Brigham Young's letter.
On May 30, President Erastus Snow and a company of 10 men with two wagons and 13 animals started from St. George for the Muddy for the purpose of organizing the defense of these colonies, At St. Joseph a meeting took place between President Snow, the valley leaders, and the Indians. The Indian chiefs present were Tut-se-gavitz, chief of the Santa Clara Indians; To-ish-obe, principal chief of the Muddy Indians; William, chief of the Colorado band and 17 of his men; Farmer, chief of the St. Thomas band and 20 of his men; Frank, chief of the Simonsville band and 12 of his band; Rufus, chief of the Muddy Springs band above the California road and 14 of his men; and Thomas, chief of the Indians at the Narrows of the Muddy and one of his men. A total of 7 chiefs and 64 of their men were at the council.
President Snow addressed the Indians, with Andrew Gibbons as interpreter, assisted by James Pierce and Indian "Benjamin." A very good feeling prevailed, and the white settlers on the Muddy felt that much good was accomplished.
It was considered wise at this time to organize a battalion of the Nauvoo Legion for the protection of the settlers. This was done under the guidance of Brigadier General Erastus Snow. Thomas S. Smith was given the rank of major and placed in charge of the Muddy River group. The battalion consisted of 93 men, rank and file.
Several days after President Snow arrived back in St. George, he received the following letter from General Daniel H. Wells of the Nauvoo Legion.
On June 12, Brigadier General Snow sent an express to Major Thomas S. Smith giving such extracts from the above letter as applied to the settlements on the Muddy. Following these extracts General Snow stated,
Following the counsel of President Snow, most of the people of St. Joseph moved down to Mill Point. Here they built an adobe fort for their protection. The Mission census for that fall listed 167 settlers at Mill Point, 35 of them men. Their crop report showed 89 acres of wheat, 25 acres of corn, 23 acres of cotton, 9 acres of cane, and 4 acres of orchard and vineyard. A total of 151 acres was under cultivation. The wheat crop had yielded better than 31 bushels per acre, and the colonists had 2,793 bushels of threshed wheat.
The census report for St. Thomas gave a population of 129, 40 of whom were men. Their crop report showed 152 acres of wheat, 30 acres of corn, 24 acres of cotton, and 24 acres of cane; making a total of 231 acres under cultivation. The settlers had 3,812 bushels of threshed wheat, an average of 25 bushels per acre.
However, the prime crop for the area was cotton, and in 1866 3,000 pounds of lint were raised in St. Thomas which was an average of 222 pounds per acre. At Mill Point 17 acres of cotton had yielded 6,000 pounds of lint.
The harvest in the fall of 1867, found the cotton crop a huge success; 23 men at St. Joseph had produced over 14,600 pounds of first-class cotton lint, in addition to their other crops. The cotton culture on the Muddy was proving so successful that at the October conference of the church in Salt Lake it was decided to call additional families to strengthen this part of the Cotton Mission. As a result 158 new families received a call to proceed to the Muddy.
There were other changes in the valley also. Alma H. Bennett, who was the presiding elder at the settlement of St. Joseph, was now sustained as bishop, succeeding Warren Foote. In St. Thomas, Thomas S. Smith, bishop of that settlement had been released and gone north because of ill health. Elder James Leithead, one of the first settlers on the Muddy and assistant to Thomas Smith, was sustained as bishop.
The Saints called at the October conference began to arrive at their new home. By the middle of February between 75 and 80 men out of the 158 called were there. The settlers at St. Joseph had been generous in sharing their land with the newcomers, but many were dissatisfied and talked Andrew Gibbons, the Indian interpreter, into going with them to the Upper Valley to establish a new settlement.
Hardly had the wagons arrived at the site of the proposed new settlement when they were approached by a large band of Indians with blackened faces and armed with bows and arrows. The Indians demanded that the new settlers pay for the land. Interpreter Gibbons addressed them, telling the Indians of the advantages arising from having their Mormon friends settle near them. This did not appear to satisfy the natives. The fact that the newcomers were all well armed appeared to pacify the Indians more than any argument.
President Erastus Snow in Salt Lake City was sent a report telling him of the new colony and the trouble with the Indians. This in turn was relayed to Brigham Young. Brigham was annoyed. The colonists were called to strengthen the present settlements, not to start a new one. On Monday, February 17, the following telegram was received in St. George and immediately relayed to the Muddy. "Bishop Gardner: —The brethern who are on the Upper Muddy must return to the place where they were sent, or else return home," signed Brigham Young. The result was that quite a number of the willful settlers left the Muddy for their homes in the north.
It is not recorded if the attempt to colonize the Upper Muddy at this time was abandoned or whether the colonists defied Brigham Young and stayed. Shortly thereafter, there was a settlement on the Upper Muddy. It became known as West Point and had 20 families. It was a very desirable location. Here the creek ran almost on the level of the surrounding land. To get water in the ditches, it was only necessary to cut through sod banks. With the first harvest, these people reaped 2,000 bushels of wheat and raised a good cotton crop.
In May at the quarterly conference held in St. George, Bishop Bennett reported the affairs of the valley settlements. They were good and bad. Bad because of the 158 families called at the past October conference, only 25 or 30 now remained. Good because the crops had produced so well. In the coming year it was estimated that 80 men could produce from 200 to 250 acres of cotton with an average yield of 400 pounds of lint per acre or 80,000 to 100,000 pounds, but the cry was "send us more help." Following Bennett's appeal, President Snow noted that "any one in St. George or surrounding settlements was at liberty to go and settle on the Muddy, and such should have his blessing."
On the afternoon of August 18, a devastating fire broke out in the tule-thatched roofs of some of the buildings in St. Joseph. Before it was over most of the settlement was destroyed. Bishop Bennett reported to President Snow in St. George by express.
St. Joseph, Aug. 19th, 1868.
Brothers E. Snow and J. W. Young: —
Not mentioned in the letter was the fact that Brother Chaffin's cotton gin was also consumed in the flames.
The following morning, after receipt of the letter, President Snow called an early meeting to discuss the catastrophe. An appeal was sent to the towns of Washington, Toquerville, and Santa Clara and also to the people in St. George to donate anything in the way of food, clothing, and household goods that could be spared to the settlers in St. Joseph. As a result of the appeal for help, several wagon loads of the necessities of life were collected and dispatched to the burned-out people on the following Sunday.
By this time the mines in Pioche, Hiko, and farther west in Nevada were going full force. The mines in Arizona and El Dorado canyons were also very active. The most logical place for people traveling to and from these mines was down the Virgin River and across the Colorado at the confluence of the two. Consequently, it was desirable that the Saints hold the crossing or ferry site.
Early in 1869 Brigham Young issued orders for a settlement to be established at the mouth of the Rio Virgin. Jacob Gates of the First Council of the Seventies was appointed to select suitable persons from St. George and adjacent settlements for this purpose. Joseph W. Young, who had now been appointed by President Snow to preside over the Mission on the Muddy, was appointed to make selections from the settlements there.
On February 22, 1869, Joseph W. Young wrote from St. Joseph to President Brigham Young telling him of the establishment of the new colony: "We have five men at the mouth of the Virgin, and will at once send more and carry out your instructions." The new settlement was given the name of Junction City.
On August 30, a Mr. Asay and his two sons were out on the Colorado River fishing with a seine when out of the canyon floated Major John Wesley Powell and his exploring party. Major Powell recorded in his journal that
This colony on the banks of the Colorado River had problems — the Indians pestered and pilfered from them. Finally in desperation and to reinforce their ranks, Brother Asay induced three Gentiles to settle there and go in partners with him. This so disturbed Bishop Leithead that he sent a telegram to President Snow, who was in Salt Lake. Snow's reply was to hold Junction City till President Young came in March, and to send help if Leithead could.
Early in 1870 Brigham Young, George Albert Smith, and others did come to the Muddy and on down to Junction City arriving there on March 16. Apparently President Young was not favorably impressed with the valley. One settler quoted him as saying it was a "God Forsaken place and the people would have to redeem it."
During the early years of these settlements, the creek did not run in a channel as it does now. The present channel is the result of floods and man's containing them. Joseph W. Young described the valley as it was in their day in a letter to the Deseret News.
The first land farmed by the Saints was the land around the edge of the swamp where the water was easy to get upon the land. The irrigation of this marginal land caused the alkali and other mineral salts to rise so much that the land could be used for only one year. If the swamps were drained the rich bottom land, free of alkali, would be available. Also there was a health factor — the settlers would be rid of the huge swarms of mosquitos that persistently bothered them from warm weather in spring to the first frost in the fall. On June 3, 1869, Bleak made the following entry in his journal.
Early in June, President Snow and a party of men left St. George on a visit to the Muddy settlements. This was a twofold mission, to sell the Saints living there stock in the newly established cotton factory at Washington, and to sound out the people on the advisability of extending the telegraph line to these colonies. A meeting was held at St. Thomas. Both programs were "viewed with favor by the people," and they passed a resolution to build their portion of a telegraph line to St. George. Andrew Gibbons, with Joseph Young and such others as the Upper Muddy settlements might choose, was to locate the line. Seven hundred dollars was subscribed at the meeting to purchase stock in the cotton factory.
Snow and his party then proceeded to St. Joseph. The people were assembled and told of the telegraph and cotton factory proposals. Here also the people gave a "unanimous vote to build their pro rata share of the telegraph line."
The party went on to West Point. As in the other settlement, the colonists voted to construct the telegraph line and subscribed $400.00 in capital stock in the Washington cotton factory.
With the continued arrival in the valley of new settlers, another colony was established southwest of Simonsville about two miles. In the fall of 1869 it was organized into a branch of the church and given the name of Overton. Heleman Pratt was called to preside over this settlement of 20 families.
Early in 1869 a valley cooperative was organized among the settlements. Its purpose was to enable the people to become, in effect, their own merchants and share in the profits of the business by wide distribution of shares of stock. It was also used as a means of marketing their cotton. Joseph W. Young was elected president, James Leithead, vicepresident, and a board of directors consisted of Brothers Stark and Elmer at St. Joseph, Foote and Johnson at St. Thomas, and Johnson at West Point.
Brigham Young again visited the Muddy River Mission early in 1870, and following his visit a feeling of doubt and uncertainty seemed to prevail over the entire valley. Many settlers were discouraged as indicated in James Leithead's letter to President Erastus Snow.
St. Thomas Nov. 24, 1870.
Conditions continued to be critical among the Saints all fall. They lacked the necessities of life, and many were disheartened. Finally Leithead wrote to James G. Bleak, the Mission secretary, what almost amounts to a prayer for help.
St. Thomas, Dec. 1 1870.
Bro. James G. Bleak:
This area of the country is subject to very violent and devastating thunderstorms — storms that come up suddenly and end suddenly, but literally pour out rivers of water while they last. Such storms usually come during the months of August and September. One of the violent storms struck the settlement of West Point. Bleak recorded the following from a letter to the Saints located there.
But while a natural storm may have prompted the abandonment of West Point, storms of a political nature were responsible for the collapse of the other colonies along the Muddy. As in other parts of Utah, there was considerable uncertainty as to the exact location of Utah's border. A careful survey line had not been run, and then the boundaries were altered in 1861, 1862, 1866, and 1868.
Three of these boundary alterations occurred in the area of the Muddy Mission. The one of 1866 actually cut the Mormons off from Utah and made them part of the new State of Nevada. But the Utahns did not know where the boundary was — maintaining that it lay to the west of the settlements in the Upper Muddy country.
The Nevada officials, however, were sure that the settlements of Pioche, Panaca, and those on the Lower Muddy were indeed in Nevada and included them in Lincoln County, whose county seat was at Hiko.
Furthermore, they attempted,to collect taxes and in at least one instance at the point of a gun.
Meanwhile, the Utah Legislature on February 18, 1869, created Rio Virgin County to include the Muddy settlements. St. Joseph was designated the county seat by the county court on April 3, 1869. Joseph W. Young had been named probate judge and Royal J. Cutler was named clerk of the probate and county courts. The court set the tax, most of which was paid in produce ($20.00 worth of flour, $12.45 worth of wheat, and $28.55 in cash) ,
Nevada, on the other hand, required the payment of all taxes in "United States Gold and silver coin."
The stage was set for a real struggle. However, the law was on the side of the Nevadans. And despite pleas and petitions to Carson City, to Washington, D.C, and to Mormon friends elsewhere, the case was decided against the Mormon colonists. A survey line, run by Isaac James and Captain Monroe in the summer of 1870, proved that the 114 degree latitude was 30 miles east of the Mormon settlements. They were officially Nevadans not Utahns.
There was small liklihood that the taxes already paid in Utah would be recognized by the Lincoln County officials. This double tax burden, along with the many other already suffered by the Mormons, prompted Brigham Young to write the following to the leaders on the Muddy.
At St. Thomas, the vote for abandonment was 61 for, two against — with Daniel Bonelli and his wife choosing to remain. In the Upper Valley all but three (S. M. Anderson, Joseph Asay, Sr., and James Jackson) chose to leave.
Most of the settlers in the Upper Valley around Pioche stayed on and found a cash market from the mines of Pioche for their produce. In February of 1871 the more than 600 colonists of the Muddy Valley were once more in exodus — this time eastward from Nevada where they left behind 150 homes, 500 acres of cleared land, 8,000 bushels of wheat in the "boot," and an irrigation system valued at $100,000.
Moving back along the route which had brought them to the Muddy Mission, the colonists, for the most part, settled in Long Valley east of Utah's Dixie. Here they founded the towns of Glendale and Mount Carmel. Descendants of these Muddyites are still living along the approaches to Utah's national parks. Here they reminisce of what life would have been for them had their ancestors remained to be removed at a later date by the rising waters of Lake Mead.
April 20, 1867 — Richfield, Sevier Co., was deserted by its inhabitants because of Indian trouble. About the same time the other settlements in Sevier and those in Piute County were abandoned by the same cause, as well as the settlements of Berryville, Winsor, Upper and Lower Kanab, Shunesberg, Springdale and Northup, and many ranches in Kane County; also the settlements of Panguitch and Fort Sandford, in Iron County. [Church Chronology: A Record of Important Events Pertaining to the History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, compiled by Andrew Jenson [Salt Lake City, 1914])
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