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Recent Articles
Gould, Lewis L. "Western Range Senators and the Payne-Aldrich Tariff," Pacific Northwest Quarterly, 64 (April 1973), 49-56. Opposition to elimination of tariff on hides.
Peterson, Charles S. "Small Holding Land Patterns in Utah and the Problem of Watershed Management," Forest History, 17 (July 1973), 4-13.
Grimshaw, Velma, et al. "The Cache Genealogical Library," Genealogical Journal, 2 (September 1973), 84-89. Describes collections at Logan.
Schmidt, Donald T. "The Historical Department of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints," Genealogical Journal, 2 (June 1973), 62-65.
Svenningsen, Robert. "Genealogical Records in the Denver Federal Archives and Records Centers," Genealogical Journal, 2 (June 1973), 43-50.
Jessee, Dean C. "The Writings of Brigham Young," The Western Historical Quarterly, 4 (July 1973), 273-94.
Oberley, Edith Toole, "The Baron C. C. O'Keeffe: The Legend and the Legacy," Montana, The Magazine of Western History, 22 (Summer 1973), 18-29. O'Keeffe ran one of the first stores in Montana, sending supplies as far away as Corinne, Utah, in the 1860s.
"Richard Leigh—Beaver Dick," Upper Snake River Valley Historical Society Quarterly, 2 (Winter 1972-73), 52-56. Brigham Young is said to have nicknamed Leigh "Beaver Dick."
Richards, Hyrum John. "The Saga of Hyrum Thomas Richards: Nauvoo Refugee Built First House in Mendon," The Pioneer, 20 (September-October 1973), 14-15.
Ellsworth, S. George, ed. "Simon Bamberger: Governor of Utah," Western States Jewish Historical Quarterly, 5 (July 1973), 231—42.
Lai, Him Mark. "Oral History," Bulletin of the Chinese Historical Society of America, 8 (January 1973).
"The Chicano," Pacific Historical Review, 42 (August 1973). Issue contains seven articles on the history of the Chicanos in the United States.
Malone, Michael P. "The Gallatin Canyon and the Tides of History," Montana, The Magazine of Western History, 22 (Summer 1973), 2-17. Traces history of the area through Mountain Men Jedediah Smith and Peter Skene Ogden up to present-day resort development.
Brooks, Maurice. "Historic Sites and Their Preservation," West Virginia History, 34 (January 1973).
Clary, David A. "Preserving the Environment: Participating in the Review Process," History News, 28 (February 1973). Historic preservation and the NEPA.
Donaldson, Wayne. "Country of the Soul: Life as it Should Be Lives on in Sanpete," Utah Holiday, 2 (August 20-September 10, 1973), 4-7. Photo-essay on Sanpete County historic sites.
"Historic Preservation," Law and Contemporary Problems, 36 (Summer 1971). Includes articles on federal and state legislation, environment, Blacks, and periodical literature on the legal aspects of preservation.
"Northwest General Purchases Ogden Mansion . . . ," Univest, 3 (August 28, 1973), 1, 7. Real estate development firm plans restoration of Scowcroft mansion in Ogden.
Brichford, Maynard. "Historians and Mirrors: A Review Essay," The American Archivist, 36 (July 1973), 397-402. What historians write about the practice of history.
Committee on Oral History of the Society of American Archivists. "Oral History and Archivists: Some Questions to Ask," The American Archivist, 36 (July 1973), 361-65.
Edwards, F. Henry. "Historians and the Department of History of the Reorganization," Part 1, 120 (August 1973), 19-21; Part 2, 120 (September 1973), 24-25, 37. Lecture presented at 1973 Mormon History Association meeting in Salt Lake City.
Gunderson, Robert C. "The Accreditation Program of the Genealogical Society of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints," Genealogical Journal, 2 (September 1973), 97-102.
Holmes, Reed M. "The Need for a Sense of History," Courage, 3 (Winter-Spring 1973), 114-16. Remarks made at the 1973 Mormon History Association meeting in Salt Lake City.
Stegner, Wallace. "Historian by Serendipity," American Heritage, 24 (August 1973), 28-32, 92-96. Bernard DeVoto is the historian.
Peterson, Charles S. "Searching the Past to Serve the Present," Genealogical Journal, 2 (September 1973), 79-83. Research should be more than vital statistics. Russell, Don. "How I Got This Way," The Western Historical Quarterly, 4 (July 1973), 253-61. Autobiographical sketch.
Bork, Jeff, and Larry M. Blair. "San Juan County Navajos: Social and Economic Statistics," Utah Economic and Business Review, 33 (August 1973), 1-5. Colley, Charles C. "The Struggle of Nevada Indians to Hold Their Lands, 1847- 1870," The Indian Historian, 6 (Summer 1973), 5-17.
Euler, Robert C. "Exploring the Past on Black Mesa," The American West, 10 (September 1973), 12-17. Strip mining company in northern Arizona supports archaeological excavations on Hopi and Navajo reservations.
Howard, Enid. "The Pilling Figurines," Desert Magazine, 36 (September 1973), 18-19. Clay figurines of the eleventh century found in a southeastern Utah cave.
Etulain, Richard W. "Research Opportunities in Western Literary History," The Western Historical Quarterly, 4 (July 1973), 263-72.
Graham, Ina Agnes. "My Aunt, Ina Coolbrith," The Pacific Historian, 17 (Fall 1973), 12-19. Ina, born Josephine Donna Smith, a daughter of Don Carlos Smith, became the first librarian of the Oakland Free Public Library and achieved literary note as a poet.
Mead, Norman W. "Zane Grey: The Man Whose Books Made the West Famous
Lived Here," Arizona Highways, 49 (October 1973), 8-9. Sweeney, Ben. "Jack London's Noble Lady," The Pacific Historian, 17 (Fall 1973). 20-31. Ina Coolbrith is the lady.
Hofman, Cornelius A. and John H. Merriam. "Interaction of Federal and State Tax Laws: Idaho, A Case Study," Rendezvous, 7 (Spring 1972).
Jackson, Sheldon G. "Two Pro-British Plots in Alta California," Southern California Quarterly, 55 (Summer 1973), 105-35. Details rumors of Mormon "invasion" of California in 1840s.
Jensen, Richard. "A New Home, A New Life: Contributions of the European Saints in Building the Kingdom," The Ensign of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints, 3 (August 1973), 56-62. Early converts to Mormonism and their contributions in various fields.
Quinn, D. Michael. "The First Months of Mormonism: A Contemporary View by Rev. Diedrich Willers," New York History, 54 (July 1973), 317-33. Includes annotated translation of Willers's letter about the Book of Mormon and the organizers of the church.
Young, Biloine W. "Minnesota Mormons: The Cutlerites," Courage, 3 (Winter- Spring 1973), 117-37.