DAILY UNION YEDETTE. A champion brave, alert and strong
Vol. 1.1
To aid the right, oppose the wrong
C a m p D o u g l a s , XJ. T . , T h u r s d a y INlorning, J a n u a r y 2 8 , 1 8 6 4 .
to a Select Committee of three. The Military Committee reported PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING, EXCEPT SUNDAYS, the Senate's amendatory enrollment CAMP D O M U S , UTAH TERRITORY, bill, and amendments. The consideration of the bill is postponed until O F F I C E R S A N D ^ E N L I S T E D MEN, Wednesday. CHICAGO, J a n . 26th. tfc\»r»r»u Jt N t v i l t Territory W«mtr«r» SENATE—In Executive Session yesT i m of &ateccLp4oa: terday, R. L. Perkins was confirmed as Postmaster of San Francisco, vice Parker, removed. X i M of U M r t i l n i Another amendment, proposed to the Enrollment Bill of the House, yesterday, provides t h a t those physically exempted, b u t who have an income of twelve hundred dollars, shall p a y the Jfoto W o r k , regular Comnrotation of three hundred dollars. BILL HEADS, A bill w a s introduced in the House
gaily *tni<m Wt&ttU,
Cards, Circulars, Blank Forms, I GOOD STYLE
A Speech by P. ] . Blair. NRW Yon« J a n . 86th.
yesterday authorizing Utah to form a Constitution and State government. A resolution w a s also adopted instructing the Judiciary Committee to inquire into the expediency of organizing a I)cp*Hrricnt of Industry to embrace the Agricultural, Colonization, Emigration, Frccdmans, and Mineral Lands Bureaus. Bank Statement—Foreign News. NEW YORK, J a n . 25th. Bank statement shows a decrease in loans of three millions ; decrease of specie, ei^-lit hundred thousand ; decrease of deposits one hundred and seventy-five thousand. The Comiher?ial s a y s : Private advices from well informed q u a r t e r s state positively that the SchleswigHoUtein qnestion is about to he settled peacefully by an agreement between the Great Powers in whicli Denmark has already promised to acquiese in and which will be imposed by Austria and Prussia upon the lesser German States by force, if necessary.
master-General Blaiv made a speech a t Annapolis, Friday evening, in advocacy of tlie President's Emancipation 'and Amnesty Proclamations. The speech gives much satisfaction. Congressional. WASHINGTON, J a n . 25th. HOUSE—To-day Fernando Wood spoke against confiscation and in favor of peace. The Committee on Conduct of the W a r meets to-day and will a t once A Pcrnambuco letter, of Dec. 15th, take up the casts of all frouds on the reports both the Alabama and TuscaGovernment. loosa at St. Catharines, on Nov. 20th. A special to the Commercial says : They were refused supplies and orThe House Military Committee to-day
scribed bv the President's proclamation. Loyal citizens s a y they will be able to poll twenty thousand votes for the Constitution.
[IVo. 19.
days, for the immediate conscription of persons who furnished substitutes. They will be put in camps of instruction within ten days. Exploit of Col. Palmer, The Savannah Republican of t h e CmcACO, J a n . 25th. 13th s a y s : A flutter is created h e r e b y A Nashville telegram of Saturday, this law, the most interesting papers says : A Federal train, with a guard on record, and will cause an extensivo consisting of six companies of the 15th stampede to the north and other forPensylvania, w a s captured 28 miles eign parts, by gentlemen who have east of Knoxville on the 14th. As been e n g a g e d in trade. soon as the news w a s received, Col. The Richmond correspondent of tho Palmer, Rt the head of a brigade of Columbia ( G a . ) Sun h a s it, from a Union cavalry, was sent in pursuit. In trustworthy source, that one of the a few hours ho overtook the enemy designs in abolishing the exemptions and recaptured *he wagons and killed by substitutes, w a s to g e t rid of cerand wounded a hundred and fifty rebtain editors and obnoxious to the a u ' els. So complete w a s the rout that thorities. anything like a regular pursuit w a s The Examiner of the 12th says : impossible, as the fugitive rebels fled to the mountains, c\ich man taking care The Senate, yesterday, passed t h e House bill putting in the army all who of himself. Upon Palmer's attack, the Federals who were prisoners drew have furnished substitutes. This will their sabres, of which they had not curtail the cfl'ectivo working force of been relieved, I and cut their w a y he \ irginia railroads, whose executhrough, all escaping. It w a s in this ivc officers can now hardly keep them fight t h a t the rebel Maj.-Gcn. Vance, n good running order, by all t h e means at their command. All the Virwas captured. ginia railroad iron is nearly worn out Important Order. and so are the men working them. LOUISVILLE, J a n . 23th. T+ie Eiu]uirrro( the 13th, s a y s : The Major-Gen. F o s t e r h a s issued an lo^s of our beef raising territory of order prohibiting the distillation of W e s t Mississippi has reduced the supgrain within the limits of the Depart- ply of this article, and the most vigment of Ohio. orous measures are needed to keep tho Vallandigham's Case. troops in meat. Great economy is New York, J a n . 25. necessary in case our supply is cutoff. Washington specials s a y that the The Sciitiitcl sees alarming signs of point raised by Pugh in Vallandigtrouble in North Carolina. S p e a k i n g ham's case, in the Supreme Court, is of the papers of that State, it says that the military commission has no those located at Raleigh, rarely fail to authority to t r y a citizen; having no publish every gloomy article and injurisdiction, except over persons of temperate accusation against the Govthe military and naval service. Holt ernment which appears a n y where. submitted a written argument in opTheir editorials inculcate the same position to this view. The court has ntiments as their selections. I t conreserved its decision. ins frequent documents against 60ssionists for bringing on the war for cause whatever, and indulge in \ \ ASHINCTON, 2 O . as-lcss accusations that North CarThe President'! letter of i n s t i l
The Daily Union Vedette: A Military Voice on the Mormon Frontier BY LYMAN C. PEDF.RSEN. JR.