Folklorists Wayland Hand, Hector Lee, and Austin E. Fife in 1946.
The Study of Mormon Folklore BY W I L L I A M A. W I L S O N G U E S T EDITOR
JLN 1892 THE REVEREND David Utter of Salt Lake City sent to the Chicago Folk-Lore Society a brief description of the Mormon legend of the Three Nephites, including an account of a purported meeting between Brigham Young and one of these Nephite apostles.1 The society printed Dr. Wilson is associate professor of English at Brigham Y o u n g University and a past president of the Folklore Society of U t a h . 1 David Utter, " M o r m o n Superstitions," The Folk-Lorist 1 ( 1 8 9 2 - 9 3 ) : 76. For information on the development of folklore study in U t a h , see "A Bibliography of the Archives of the U t a h Humanities Research Foundation, 1944-1947," Bulletin, University of U t a h 38 (December 1947), no. 9 ; T h o m a s E. Cheney, " T h e Folklore Society of U t a h , " Journal of American Folklore 82 (1969) : 3 2 - 3 3 ; Austin E. Fife, foreword to A Guide for Collectors of Folklore in Utah, by J a n H . Brunvand (Salt Lake City: University of U t a h Press, 1971), p p . i x - x i ; Austin E. Fife, foreword to Lore of Faith and Folly, ed. T h o m a s E. Cheney (Salt Lake City: University of U t a h Press, 1971), p p . i - i v ; William A. Wilson, " O n O u r Down-Again Up-Again Society," Newsletter of the Folklore Society of Utah 7 ( J u n e 1 9 7 0 ) : 3 - 5 ; William A. Wilson, " I n d e p e n d e n c e or D e p e n d e n c e : T h e Fate of O u r Folklore Society," Newsletter of the Folklore Society of Utah 8 (April 1971) : 4 - 7 . I n addition to consulting these sources, I have interviewed T h o m a s E. Cheney, Austin E. a n d Alta S. Fife, H a r o l d F. Folland, a n d H e c t o r Lee.