Osmyn Deuel cabin, presently located on Temple Square. Utah Historical Society photograph by Charles R. Savage.
Some Botanical Cures in Mormon Folk Medicine: An Analysis BY RICHARD C. POULSEN
\ \ HILE EXAMINING A RATHER sizeable collection of folk beliefs in the University of Utah Folklore Archives not long ago, I came across an interesting cure for pneumonia, which I repeat verbatim here: T o cure pneumonia, get your wife to wear the same pair of u n d e r p a n t s for one m o n t h . T h e n p u t the u n d e r p a n t s in a bowl (of specific dimensions) of w a r m water a n d wash them (with some particular kind of h o m e m a d e s o a p ) . Drink the water left in the bowl after washing. 1 Dr. Poulsen is assistant professor of English at Brigham Young University. 'Collected by Sally Hurth, Salt Lake City, 1965, from Chris Van Orman, University of Utah Folklore Archives.