Utah Historical Quarterly, Volume 47, Number 1, 1979

Page 101

Book Reviews and Notices from quilts to dulcimers, this book is more concerned with the personalities of the craftsmen than the actual craft procedures. Although the emphasis is not local, this book could be a model and an incentive for developing research on U t a h artisans. American ent.


1860 to the Pres-


tributions in Medical History, no. 1. (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1978. Xii + 197 pp. $15.95.) Women and Men Midwives: Medicine and Morality in Early America. By J A N E B. D O N E G A N . C o n t r i b u t i o n s in

Medical History, no. 2. (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1978. Viii + 316 p p . $17.95.) These two books deal with the history of midwifery in America during different periods and the decline of midwifery's popularity in the face of pressure from medical doctors. Women and Men Midwives examines the midwife's status, duties, a n d skills from the sixteenth to nineteenth centuries a n d the development of the "man midwives" w h o eventually overshadowed female midwives in

99 deliveries. American Midwives, traces the decline of midwifery as an institution and recounts how childbirth was transformed in most American minds from a natural event to an infirmity requiring a doctor's care. Taken by the Wind: The Vanishing Architecture of the West. By RONALD WOODALL a n d T . H . W A T K I N S . (Bos-

ton: New York Graphic Society, 1977. $29.95.) This book consists of 431 color photographs of old fisheries, schools, wagons, churches, locomotives, canneries, barns, and ghost towns throughout western C a n a d a a n d the United States. U t a h is represented by photographs of the Union Pacific Depot, the City Hall a n d the Silver King Coalition Mine building in Park City, a n d scenes from Heber City, Harrisburg, a n d Rockport. Buildings



New Uses, Places. By



York: H a r p e r & Row, 1978. 255 p p . Paper, $10.00.) Black-and-white photographs a n d illustrations document the adaptive use of historic buildings.

In Memoriam Gustive O. Larson, 1897 - 1978 M e n leave their m a r k u p o n this m o r t a l e a r t h in m a n y ways. Some build physical structures of stone a n d concrete a n d steel. O t h e r s m a k e money a n d e n d o w foundations or universities. O t h e r s leave t h e i m p a c t of their m i n d a n d c h a r a c t e r in w h a t they teach a n d write a n d w h a t they w e r e — u a s e e n like a skyscraper or a bridge b u t r e m e m b e r e d forever in t h e hearts of those they t o u c h e d . S u c h w a s Gustive O . Larson, fellow of t h e U t a h State Historical Society, w h o died O c t o b e r 22, 1978 at t h e age of e i g h t y - o n e - - h i s t o r i a n , writer, philosopher, a n d h u m b l e s t of m e n .

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