Arthur Brown. USHS collections
The "Gentile Polygamist": Arthur Brown, Ex-Senator from Utah By LINDA T H A T C H E R
13, 1906, A R T H U R BROWN, one of the first two U.S. senators elected after Utah gained statehood, died in the Emergency Hospital in Washington, D. C , from complications following a gunshot wound. 1 He had been shot on December 8 by Anne Maddison Bradley, his mistress of several years, after a turbulent and wellpublicized love affair. Residents of Salt Lake City were "shocked but not surprised by the news that Mrs. Anna [sic] M. Bradley had shot O N DECEMBER
Ms. Thatcher is a librarian at the Utah State Historical Society and current president of the Utah Women's History Association. 1 T h e information for the main text of this article was taken from the Salt Lake Tribune and Deseret News, January 1896, September 29, 30, October 1, 1902; January, October 1903; Salt Lake Tribune, Deseret News, and Washington Star, December 8, 1906, to December 15, 1907. Membership records of the First Unitarian Church, Salt Lake City, were also used.