Utah Historical Quarterly, Volume 58, Number 3, 1990

Page 67

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A staff artist dr.eic free portraits of Sail Lakers during an ,1// Center tneinbership drive. Ihe Federal Arl Project created considerable local inleresl in the visual and other (DIS in Utah. WPA collection, Utah Stale Historical Society.

The Federal Art Project in Utah: Out of Oblivion or More o f t h e Same? BY WILL SOUTH

A LETTER TO E D W A R D C R O F U T , THEN ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF exhibitions for the Federal Art Project, western regional director Donald Bear made a plea for what he considered to be one of the more problematic IN

Mr. South is a doctoral candidate in art histcjrv at the Graduate Center of The City University of New York. H e expresses appreciation to Dr. Marlene Park lor her assistance.

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