28 minute read
New Light on the Mountain Meadows Caravan
s On September 15, 1990, this memorial was dedicated near the site of the Mountain Meadows Massacre. On the monument are the names of those believed to have been killed near there in September 1857. The memorial was planned and executed with the cooperation of relatives of the victims, citizens of southern Utah, and officials of the state of Utah and of the Mormon church. Photo by author.
New Light on the Mountain Meadows Caravan
ACCURATE DETAILED INFORMATION ABOUT THE VICTIMS of the Mountain Meadows Massacre has for many years been scarce. Many writers have studied the event, attempting to place blame, to expose complicity, to draw meaning, or to teach lessons from the tragic details of the killing.1 But, even with a considerable amount of literature on the subject, reliable information about the Arkansas emigrants has remained hard to find. It is, therefore, difficult to describe my joy when, after I had collected information about the massacre for many years, Ron Loving, a descendant of John Fancher (brother of emigrant Alexander Fancher), called me and said that he had found depositions taken in 1860 from close relatives and friends of the victims of the massacre. Loving read from one of the documents signed by my ancestor, James Douglas Dunlap. It contained information about one of his two brothers who had fallen in the massacre. In all, there are depositions signed by seventeen people They provide a glimpse of what the caravan was like.
Loving said he discovered some of the depositions while reading microfilm copies of the original records in the National Archives filed under the rather uninviting title Territorial Papers of the United States Senate 1789-1873, Roll 15, Utah December 31, 1849-June 11,1870 (Washington, D.C., 1951) Among a number of other items on the roll were the sixty pages of depositions. The documents were made as a part of a futile effort by Arkansas's U.S. Sen. William K. Sebastian, apparently prompted by State Sen. William C. Mitchell, to get the federal government to reimburse seventeen of the surviving children of the Mountain Meadows Massacre for the financial losses they had sustained in the event
The organizer of one of the main contingents of the emigrant caravan was Capt. John T. Baker, a farmer, cattleman, and slave owner who lived on Crooked Creek near modern Harrison, Arkansas. His wife Mary in a deposition made October 22, 1860, said:
John T. Baker and his son Abel Baker and his married son George W. Baker were all victims of the Mountain Meadows tragedy.2 Another of Baker's sons, John H. Baker, also gave a deposition verifying what his mother had said. He added that his father had taken guns, saddles, and bridles and gave detailed information about the cattle John H Baker said that he was familiar with livestock prices in Arkansas and in California:
John Crabtree, a neighbor who lived about half a mile from John T. Baker, said:
Hugh A. Torrance said:
One fact becomes readily apparent from the depositions: John T Baker was the organizer and leading character in the contingent of the Mountain Meadows caravan that originated at Crooked Creek. Most of the depositions mention the other victims as having gone west in company with Baker. It is interesting to note that none of the 60 pages of depositions mentions Alexander Fancher, the person traditionally thought to have been the leader of the caravan Other evidence shows that Fancher was in the caravan and that he was referred to as its leader by a number of persons who saw the train Most modern accounts list him as the leader.3
Another leading citizen of the caravan was John T and Mary Baker's oldest son, George W. Baker. He took his wife and family along on the trip west. Only three of his children would return.4 Joseph B. Baines, a neighbor of the Bakers, testified on October 23, 1860:
William C. Beller, George Baker's brother-in-law, said:
John H. Baker, mentioned above, testified about the composition of his brother's family and estimated the value of his 136 cattle, 8 yoke of oxen, 3 mules, and other possessions at $3,815.00. He said that he knew that the three children returned to Arkansas were his brother's.
Irwin T. Beller, a brother-in-law of George W. Baker, swore that he had accompanied Baker for two days at the start of the trip west and that he was familiar with his stock and other possessions He estimated the value at $5,135.00.
Lorenzo D. Rush, Sr., was one of the earliest settlers of the area that is now Harrison, Arkansas. His son Milam L. Rush died at Mountain Meadows.5 The elder Rush testified October 23, 1860:
H. A. Torrance testified that he was well acquainted with Milam L. Rush and knew that he had left with about ten head of cattle. Torrance said he was a neighbor to Baker, Rush, and DeShazo who were all emigrants in the Mountain Meadows caravan.
Francis M. Rowan testified about members of the Jones and Tackitt families:
Rowan said that the Jones herd consisted of eight head of cattle and four yoke of oxen With their equipment and other possessions he estimated the value of their property to be $1,075.00 Rowan thought that the Jones brothers each owned half interest in the wagon and that Newton Jones had one yoke of oxen of his own. He said John M. Jones had a gun. He further deposed that:
Fielding Wilburn also testified about the Jones and Tackitt group:
Wilburn went on to say that the Jones brothers had six or eight stock cattle and that there were other cattle totaling about sixty but he did not know to whom they all belonged. He mentioned that the Widow Tackitt, Pleasant Tackitt, Peteats, and others were in the crowd and said that they all left Arkansas for California together during April 1857 He said that the Peteats, Basham, and Tackitts had three wagons, several yoke of good oxen to each wagon, and one horse and provisions.
Felix W. Jones testified that he was a brother to the two Jones men He said that John M.Jones was married and went west with his wife and two children He said that Newton Jones was a young man and was going with his brother to California. Felix Jones gave further details about the property his brothers had taken with them and confirmed much of what Wilburn had already stated about them.
James DeShazo, who lived in the same neighborhood as John T. Baker, lost a son, Allen DeShazo, in the massacre. 6 On October 23, 1860, he testified that his son had left for California with Baker in April 1857 and that he believed he had been murdered at Mountain Meadows.
James DeShazo said his son's property was worth $300.00 Hugh A Torrance said young DeShazo's cattle were well selected and "likely" and worth $15.00 per head at least.
One of the most interesting depositions is that of a state senator and later Confederate colonel, William C Mitchell.7 He had the melancholy job of describing his murdered sons' property. Earlier, he had written to Senator Sebastian (December 31, 1857):
Mitchell felt strongly that something must be done to punish the guilty in this matter. He continued:
Colonel Mitchell believed that his infant grandson, John Mitchell, had survived the massacre. He wrote about the boy on different occasions and worked tirelessly for the return of the surviving children. Mitchell was appointed an agent of the U.S. government and sent to Fort Leavenworth, Kansas Territory, to receive the surviving children in August 1859. He, with others from Arkansas, brought the children back to Carrollton where they were distributed to their families, and in one case, to a friend. Two of the surviving children who had been kept in Utah to serve as witnesses, should the guilty be prosecuted, were later taken to Washington, D. C , and then delivered to Mitchell at Carrollton, Arkansas, in January 1860.
It is because of William C. Mitchell that we have most of the original written records of who the emigrants were. He was present at the taking of most, if not all, of the depositions and appears to have been the one who forwarded them to Senator Sebastian in Washington Mitchell's own deposition tells a good deal about his sons and their property:
Sam Mitchell, another son of William C. Mitchell, did not go west with the wagon train. He also gave a statement about his brothers:
William C Mitchell's wife Nancy was a sister of two victims of the massacre, Lorenzo Dow Dunlap and Jesse Dunlap, Jr.9 The Dunlap-Mitchell family had twenty-six members in the caravan, and only five orphan children survived the massacre. 10 Senator Mitchell gave a second deposition about his brother-in-law Lorenzo D. Dunlap:
Three other family members verified that Mitchell's statement about Lorenzo D. Dunlap was correct. They were Samuel Mitchell, already mentioned, and James D. Dunlap and Adam P. Dunlap, brothers of Lorenzo D Dunlap.
My great, great, great-grandfather, James Douglas Dunlap, who helped raise three of the orphaned survivors of the massacre, said in his affidavit:
In a short statement William C Mitchell added that James D Dunlap had the three children of Jesse Dunlap at his house "which is their home at the time."
In their affidavits Robert H Mitchell and William C Dunlap told how they were with William C Mitchell, special agent for the U.S government, when he received surviving children from the massacre at Fort Leavenworth.11 These men said they were well acquainted with Jesse Dunlap and knew his outfit, having traveled with him the day of his departure for California in the spring of 1857. They said that the statement made by James D. Dunlap was correct. An additional affidavit made by Adam P. Dunlap and Samuel Mitchell also verified the accuracy of James D. Dunlap's statements.
The depositions, while not the only contemporary records of the Arkansas emigrants,12 are some of the best. In reading them one can sense the concern that the affiants felt for the well-being of the orphaned survivors who were bereft of parents and estate and who faced the prospect of great adversity. The depositions failed to accomplish their primary goal of securing government assistance under some sort of Indian depredations compensation act. Such laws were passed but none is known to have benefitted the Mountain Meadows survivors.
The documents are valuable for the detail they add to the body of knowledge about the emigrant caravan, its composition, and leadership. They also provide some of the best statements of the purpose many emigrants had in making the journey west and give an accurate account of the property owned by them. It should also be noted that many emigrants are known to have been in the Mountain Meadows caravan who are not mentioned in the depositions Clearly, the documents do not give a complete picture or answer all questions, but they provide a fascinating glimpse of some of those who suffered so long ago as a result of the Mountain Meadows Massacre.
Judge Logan lives in Harrison, Arkansas.
1 John D Lee, Mormonism Unveiled; Including the Remarkable Life and Confessions of the Late Mormon Bishop, John D. Lee. Also the True History of. the Mountain Meadows Massacre (St Louis: Vandawalker & Co., 1892);Juanita Brooks, The Mountain Meadows Massacre (1950; Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1962); Josiah F Gibbs, The Mountain Meadows Massacre (Salt Lake City: Salt Lake Tribune Publishing Co., 1910); James H Carleton and William C Mitchell, Report on the Subject of the Massacre at Mountain Meadows Relative to the Seventeen Surviving Children , Arkansas State Senate Document (Litde Rock: True Democrat Steam Press, 1860) Many other books deal with the Mountain Meadows Massacre, and scores of newspaper articles and even some ficdonal works treat it See, for example, Jack London, Star Rover (1915; Second Printing, Malibu, Ca.: Sun Publishing Co., 1987).
2 William C Mitchell to A B Greenwood, commissioner of Indian Affairs, April 27, 1860, Microcopy 234, Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-1881, Roll 899, Utah Superintendency, 1849-80—1859-60, M-244/1860 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives, 1957).
3 Brooks, The Mountain Meadows Massacre, pp. 44, 49, 52, 69, 142, 151, refers to the caravan as the Fancher Company; see also Lee, Mormonism Unveiled, p 242.
4 Carleton and Mitchell, Report on the Subject of the Massacre, p. 32.
5 Ibid.
6 James DeShazo was a pioneer citizen of Boone County, Arkansas Killed during the Civil War, he was buried at the Old Milam Cemetery northeast of Harrison, Arkansas.
7 Desmond Walls Allen, The Fourteenth Arkansas Confederate Infantry (Conway: Arkansas Research, 1988), pp 9, 10, 12, 42.
8 William C Mitchell to Sen William K Sebasdan in U.S., Congress, Senate, Senate Executive Document 42, Message of the President. Communicating Information in Relation to the Massacre at Mountain Meadows, and Other Massacres in Utah Territory, 36th Cong., 1st sess., 1860, pp. 42-43.
9 Ibid.,p 47.
10 Carleton and Mitchell, Report on the Subject of the Massacre, p 32.
11 William C Mitchell to A B Greenwood in Senate Executive Document 42, p 90
12 The following letter from William C Mitchell to fellow Arkansan Alfred B Greenwood, commissioner of Indian Affairs in the Buchanan administration, is one of the best sources of information on the identity of the Arkansas emigrants at Mountain Meadows. It is in Letters Received, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Utah Territory, National Archives:
As there is no list of the names of the survivors of the Mountain Meadow Massacre of 1857, which was conveyed to their relatives and friends in Arkansas [They are:]
Martha Elizabeth Baker
Sarah Frances Baker
William Twitty Baker
Rebecca Dunlap
Louisa Dunlap
Sarah Ann Dunlap
Prudy Angeline Dunlap
Georgeann Dunlap
Saphrona Huff
Christopher Carson Fancher
Triphena Fancher
Joh n Calvin Miller
Mary Miller
Josiah Miller
Felix Jones
Mariam [Milam] Tackett
William Tackett
All of the above is in the care of their relatives and friends in Arkansas except Saphrona Huff who was taken by her grandfather Brown who lives in Miggs Co Tennessee to Tennessee There was two of those children wounded in the battle Sarah Frances Baker shot through the left ear and Sarah Ann Dunlap shot through the right arm and her shoulder dislocated having no use of it and much less than the other Those children vary in age from ten years to four years old Also included you will find a list of die killed and missing as far as we can obtain them All of the children that was large enough to recollect state that they were never in the possession of the Indians but kept by the whites
I am Yours Respectfully
Hon A B Greenwood Commissioner of Indian Affairs Washington City D.C
The following is the names of those that was massacred at the Mountain Meadow in September 1857 [:]
Capt Joh n T Baker
George W Baker, wife & 1 child
Abel Baker "
Milum Rush
David W. Beller
Allen Deshazo
Melissa Ann Beller
Robert Fancher
Charles R. Mitchell, wife & 1 child
Joel D Mitchell
Lawson McEntire
William &John Prewett, two brothers
Jesse Dunlap, wife & 6 children
L D Dunlap, wife & 5 children
William Wood
Solomon Wood
Richard Wilson
Milam Jones, wife & 1 child
Pleasant Tacket, wife & 2 children
Cinthia Tacket & 3 children
Josiah Miller, wife & 3 children
William Cameron, wife & 5 children
Alexander Fancher, wife & 4 children
Peter Huff, wife & 3 children
The above is correct as far as we have any information