Utah Centennial County History Series - Utah County 1999

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Selected Bibliography

Aikens, C. Melvin, and David B. Madsen. "Prehistory of the Eastern Area." In W a r r e n L. D'Azevedo. Great Basin. Vol. 11 of Handbook of North American Indians. Washington, D . C : Smithsonian Institution, 1986. Alexander, T h o m a s G. Utah, The Right Place: The Official Centennial History. Salt Lake City: Gibbs Smith Publisher, 1995. Alexander, T h o m a s G., and Leonard J. Arrington. "Utah's First Line of Defense: The Utah National G u a r d and C a m p W.G. Williams: 1926-1965." Utah Historical Quarterly 33 (Spring 1965): 141-56. Allen, lames B. "Ecclesiastical Influence on Local G o v e r n m e n t in the Territory of Utah." Arizona and the West 8 (Spring 1966): 35-48. . "The Evolution of County Boundaries in Utah." Utah Historical Quarterly 23 (Summer 1955): 262-76 Allen, lames B., and Glen M. Leonard. The Story of the Latter-day Saints. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1976. Alley, lohn R., Ir., "Prelude to Disposition: The Fur Trade's Significance for the Northern Utes and Southern Paiutes." Utah Historical Quarterly 50 (Spring 1982): 104-23. Arrington, Leonard J. "Economic History of a M o r m o n Valley." Pacific Northwest Quarterly 46 (October 1955): 97-107. 409

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