1 minute read

Recovery Through The Earth And Farms

Travis David Johnson

I wish this interview could be heard by every single person in Salt Lake City, but also nationally, and listen to this gentleman explain how a different perspective besides throwing more money and funds could help individuals enjoy responsibility and have a positive impact on their day-to-day lives.


Comments from Facebook: Homeless Population Forces Prominent Business to Leave Downtown Salt Lake City

Laurie Daines

Valley House Inn of Utah

They need to bring back the shelters for the homeless. I understand that each situation is different, but once they started tearing down the shelters, homelessness became more of an issue in Salt Lake.

Laurie Daines

It’s so weird to me! I read an article while living for 15 years in LA (which obviously has an enormous homeless population) that said something to the effect that, “Utah has eradicated homelessness.” I was surprised to move back and see a major difference from that statement!

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