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• Cut items into rag pieces to be used or thrown away.

“WEARABILITY” LIFE Once an item has faded dramatically, has holes, excessive fraying or been stained considerably it does not meet the professional appearance standard and must be taken out of service. The supervisor must ensure these items are NOT worn in public unless all patches and logos are removed.


MISCELLANEOUS SITUATIONS For employees that are terminated before the end of their probationary period, follow the Department Policy. Supervisors can determine the uniform items that must be returned if usable and issue them to other seasonal employees when reasonable. Supervisors will follow disposal options if uniform items are unusable.

Uniform items issued to seasonal employees must be returned to their immediate supervisor upon completion of their employment. When possible and depending on the condition of the uniform items, they will be re-issued to other seasonal employees. Coats may be issued to seasonal employees depending on season of hire. The coat must be returned to their immediate supervisor upon the completion of their employment. For retirees, supervisors will ensure that the employee knows the disposal methods.

Division and Department logos are protected by the Department’s Uniform Committee and the Executive Director. Area logos and or crew logos must be approved if used in conjunction with the official Division and Department logos. Contact the division uniform committee representatives to receive the Division Director’s approval.

If an employee transfers to another area office or position that has a different uniform class amount, the supervisor may use discretion to determine items needed for the new position. The supervisor will prorate the difference between the two class amounts and remaining months until the end of the fiscal year.


The following travel information is specific to fire management operations. The state travel office website has moved under the office of Fleet Management. Visit (https://fleet.utah.gov/ state-travel-a/) - for QR code see 3.12 on page 137, for all travel rules and policies not cited herein that must be followed when traveling in-state or out-of-state. It is necessary to properly schedule and obtain travel authorization for employees or volunteers to receive coverage under state liability insurance and other added insurance benefits for travelers. All flights, outof-state or over per diem hotel rooms, and rental cars must be booked through State Travel. For another reference on travel information please refer to the FFSL Finance Desk Guide at (https://ffsl.link/EnterpriseFinance) - for QR code see 3.13 on page 137.

Employees must follow the guidance below when needing State Travel services.

• If unable to use the daytime number, use the 24hr emergency service, but beware of challenges such as timeliness and travel confirmation. • If unable to get an outcome using the 24 hr assistance, book accommodations and contact the daytime service. Explain the situation and gain authorization. • Note, if State Travel books a room(s), a car, or a flight, there will be a credit card number attached for the reservation. • When a Federal employee or other cooperator reserves a room for you, you still need

State approval. • Attach all State Travel approval/itineraries with all reimbursement actions.

Traveling out-of-state needs prior approval through one of these methods. • An authorized request. • Division’s annual travel plan – This applies to non-emergency pre-planned travel (e.g. training, conferences, contract compliance inspections, etc.). • Emergency Mobilization – Our Executive Director approves our request for emergency travel to all hazard incidents on an annual basis. The current emergency travel authorization is listed under Admin in the Reference section of this manual.

DIVISION ANNUAL TRAVEL PLAN To meet DNR requirements for all “out-of-state travel” (OST), training, conferences, or other approved activities outside of Utah, the annual travel plan must be completed and approved by May each year. The ATP will be developed by FFSL management working with FFSL staff to include staff’s entries. Managers will approve the plan and forward it to FFSL Finance to review and pass on to the next level of reviews and approval. Refer to the following guidance for planning: • Include all conceivable events for the one-year timeframe that you intend to go to. • Be as clear as possible when adding a request to the ATP. (i.e., when, where, what, why, who, and how much) • Do your best to get close estimates of expenses for that travel. • Your direct supervisor must support the request. • Keep in mind that being on the ATP does not mean it will be approved when received by the

Salt Lake office; any travel expense over $750 will need DNR leadership approval 30 days in advance. • Once the ATP has been signed and approved by all parties it cannot be changed or added to. • Travel authorization requests must be submitted 45 days in advance of the travel date. • The state travel office can get air travel and rental cost estimates if needed. • Confirmed air travel itinerary requires an authorization number from the Travel Coordinator and booked by the State travel office. • All out-of-state (OST) motel/hotel accommodations require a state travel office booked itinerary.

EMERGENCY MOBILIZATION Resource orders generated by Interagency Resource Ordering Capability (IROC) authorize travel to all-hazard incidents when the Department Director has issued a current annual emergency out-of-state travel authorization.

• Confirm your travel request meets the intent of the emergency travel authorization. • The traveler has received a resource order through the IROC for the emergency incident. • When air travel is required, the local fire dispatch center will book a flight itinerary and bill the flight to a regional fire account. • All motel/hotel accommodations for Emergency Mobilization can be booked by the traveler as long as rates are at or below GSA rates for that area. If no lodging is available within GSA rates then the traveler must book lodging through the State Travel Office. • The resource order must document rental vehicles are authorized if renting a vehicle. • Booking of rental vehicles must be done by the traveler through the state travel office to assure insurance coverage and travel reimbursement. If you need a rental due to road side assistance, the traveler must contact the state travel office. (https://fleet.utah.gov/ contact-us/) - for QR code see 3.14 on page 137. Other unplanned travel can receive

Executive Director authorization for special purposes travel such as Federal Excess and

Personal Property (FEPP) screening.

STATE TRAVEL OFFICE CONTACT INFORMATION Mon. - Fri., 8am to 5pm, In-state toll free Main Line/Daytime Emergency: 800-367-3230 After Hours: Monday–Friday and Weekends Emergency, 5pm to 8am (MT) All day on weekends and holidays: 888-739-7018

OUT-OF-STATE LODGING The traveler must book all non-Emergency Mobilization OST lodging through the state travel office. A copy of the confirmation and itinerary will be emailed to the traveler. A copy of the itinerary must be included with travel documents for reimbursement. Accommodations for Emergency Mobilization can be booked by the traveler as long as rates are at or below GSA rates for that area. If no lodging is available within GSA rates then the traveler must book lodging through the State Travel Office.

Circumstances may dictate the incident logistics section or local dispatch book lodging for an Incident Management Team (IMT) or a single resource. If the lodging booked is not within GSA rates, Travelers should contact State Travel and request an itinerary and approval by email. If the rates are at or below GSA rates for that area, no further action is required.

OUT-OF-STATE MEALS The basic meal allowance for a 24-hour period of travel is $50. The allowance rates listed include tax, tips, etc., associated with the meals. A list of premium cities and reimbursement options are listed on the state travel office website. Meal Rates: Breakfast $13 • Lunch $14 • Dinner $23 Fiscal year changes posted at (https://fleet.utah.gov/state-travel-a/per-diem-rates/) - for QR code see 3.15 on page 137.

GSA When a third party, such as the Forest Service or the BLM, will be reimbursing the outof-state travel expenses the traveler may be reimbursed at the federal meal & incidental per diem rates (M&IE) for their destination. The federal M&IE amounts by location are found on the GSA website (https://www.gsa.gov/travel-resources)- for QR code see 3.16 on page 137, or you can obtain the allowable amount from the State Travel Office. Meal reimbursement eligibility will still be based on State Travel rule time frames. Travelers will be eligible for incidentals every day except the 1st and last day of travel.

IN-STATE LODGING Travelers may secure their own in-state lodging reservations as long as the rate is within the state lodging per diem limits.

FFSL recommends the traveler utilize the state travel office to book all lodging including instate travel, when allowable rates cannot be found. Travel will be reimbursed at the higher rate only when accompanied by state travel office itinerary listing a reason for the higher rate.

For in-state lodging at a non-conference hotel, the state will reimburse the actual cost up to $75 per night for single occupancy plus tax. Premium Utah Cities have higher allowable rates. City rates are subject to change during the fiscal year. Visit the In-state Lodging per diem rates for updates or book in-state lodging with the state travel office to ensure the current rate at (https://fleet.utah.gov/state-travel-a/in-state-per-diem-rates-1/) - for QR code see 3.17 on page 138.

Depending on the lodging operators’ policy they may add a cost for double occupancy. State policy allows you to add $20 to the rates listed in the following table for double state employee occupancy.

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