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PURPOSE The purpose of this document is to describe the process for the requisition, approval, and tracking of State Severity funds.


BACKGROUND Severity Funding is the authorized use of Catastrophic Wildfire Reduction Strategy (CatFire) funds to augment local firefighting capacity during periods of extraordinary fire potential due to: • Anticipated fire activity will exceed the capability of local resources. • Fire Danger Indices indicate the need for additional suppression resources • An abnormal increase in fire potential or danger due to: Hazardous weather events (dry lightning events, cold front passages)unseasonably dry fuels conditions, or periods of potentially increased fire activity.

TYPICAL USES • Preposition Initial Attack suppression forces (including travel expenses) • Provide for aircraft availability • Pay for extended staffing • Pay for move up and cover of stations experiencing drawdown of available resources

DURATION Severity requests will be valid for a period of 30 days from approval, but the use of funds must be discontinued once the conditions warranting the request have abated.

SEVERITY FUNDS REQUEST PROCESS [3] (1) Complete the Severity Request form (see reference section) (2) Complete Severity Request Spreadsheet. (see reference section) (3) Forward both to the State FMO or AFMO (if FMO is unavailable) (4) Requests will be reviewed and consolidated at the Salt Lake City Office. (5) The State Fire Management Officer (SFMO) will determine whether the request(s) warrant severity funding. (6) The respective Area Fire Management Officer (FMO) will be notified of the disposition (approval, denial, modification). (7) If approved, an approval memo from the State FMO will list authorized resources, along with a cost code for all approved line items. (8) All severity Resources will be requested through a Resource Order placed through a local Interagency Dispatch Center

TRACKING OF SEVERITY EXPENDITURES Area offices are expected to track all severity expenditures closely on the severity tracking spreadsheets. Estimates of labor and operational costs should be updated at least bi-weekly (preferably more often). Comparison of estimated versus actual expenditures will provide a

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