WASHINGTON COUNTY GARFIELD COUNTY IRON COUNTY KANE COUNTY BowersSpring BullochWash DryCamp Wash Tributary DuckCreek HayCreek Rosy Canyon Tributary DrawAspen Righthand Creek Schoppman Hollow Anderson Wash EverettHollow Dry Draw XrayDraw DrawHwy14 North Fork Virgin River OakCreek MidwayCreek EastForkDeepCreek DryCampWash Seth Canyon TarKiln Hollow Duck Creek MiddleForkDeepCreek FifeCreek HoppCreek KnollyDraw MullCreek RosyCanyon Ashdown Wash Bear Creek DeepCreek CorralCanyon Puzzle Draw Right Fork Deep Creek Left Fork Bear Creek Straight Canyon Wash Fife Creek LarsFork DeerValley StrawberryCreek StevensCanyon Swains Creek StrawberryCreek Willis Creek Spring Run Gulch Navajo Lake Draft Zone A Base Level Engineering (BLE) Results Utah Division of Emergency Management NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM GREATER SEVIER PROJECT AREA GARFIELD, JUAB, KANE, MILLARD, PIUTE, SANPETE, AND SEVIER COUNTIES, UTAH RISK MAP PROJECT RELEASE DATE 10/4/2023 Garfield and Kane County - Unincorporated Areas BLE HYDRAULICS WORK MAP Nevada Colorado Wyoming Arizona TOOELE SAN JUAN MILLARD KANE JUAB IRON EMERY UINTAH BOX ELDER GARFIELD GRAND UTAH WAYNE BEAVER SEVIER SUMMIT WASHINGTON CARBON DAVIS DUCHESNE RICH SANPETE CACHE PIUTE WASATCH WEBER SALT LAKE DAGGETT MORGAN STUDY LOCATOR GARFIELD KANE Arizona Alton Hatch Kanab Tropic Glendale Escalante Panguitch Big Water Orderville Cannonville Henrieville 58 59 65 60 66 61 62 72 67 68 73 69 79 74 75 80 76 86 81 82 87 83 88 89 90 84 77 70 63 57 64 71 78 85 56 55 54 53 52 SAN JUAN IRON COUNTY MAP LOCATOR All base information on this map sourced from public data, including the Utah Geospatial Resource Center (UGRC), FEMA, ESRI, and USGS. Note: This map is not an official Flood Insurance Rate Map and the data presented on this map is for draft information only, to be used as best available data where applicable. ***Draft 2023 hydraulic analysis using new LiDAR topography (no ground survey conducted, Tribal Lands excluded). Floodplain delineations are draft and subject to change. * Streams with a drainage area greater than 1 square mile NOTES TO USERS MAP SYMBOLOGY Draft BLE Zone A*** LiDAR Acquisition Area (2014-2019)Project Area Municipalities Counties Alluvial Fan Study Streams* ! A Letters of Map Amendment (LOMA) ! Stream Gauges DRAFT BLM and Other Federal Land State Land National Park Service Private Tribal US Forest Service Land Ownership No Color Effective NFIP Floodplains Effective Zone AE (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Zone A (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Floodway (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Zone AO (1%-annual-chance flood) !!!!!!! Effective 0.2%-annual-chance flood Proposed Detailed Study Area (TBD) Study Streams Outside Initial Refinement Area** ** Floodplain cleanup and refinement within unincorporated areas to occur after Discovery. These areas mainly constitute state and federal land ownership. 64 Map 0 3,000 6,000 1,500 Feet I
GARFIELD COUNTY KANE COUNTY Alton EastForkVirginRiver BlubberCreek AsayCreek PointSawyerDraw KanabCreek Doll Draw BuckKnollDraw West Fork Stout Canyon Sunset Draw Seaman Canyon Cub WashSpring Clay Creek Birch Canyon Lower Robinson Creek Asay Bench Wash SpringAlton KnollsStrawberry Wash East Alton Spring Minnie Creek KnollyDraw Mill Creek TylerCreek SpringBranch Sieler Creek SeamanCanyonSpring Tank Draw Horse Hollow WillisCreek SwappCreek LowerRushCanyon Alton Amphitheater Johnny Draw Dry Canyon Dry Fork Stout Canyon Sevier River Everett Hollow RobinsonCanyonCreek Pole Canyon Creek Crawford Creek RightForkBlubberCreek Ikes Valley Wash GeorgeMtnDrain Roundy Canyon Middle Fork Blubber Creek Skunk Creek DairyCanyon HarrisFlatWash Reservoir Canyon EastForkSevierRiver Borrow Draw Left Fork Blubber Creek UpperKanabCreek FranceCanyonCreek UpperRightFork CreekKanab Left Fork UpperKanabCreek Strawberry Knolls Wash CastleCreek LeVangerLakes PoleCanyonCreek BowersSpring StrawberryCreek Swains Creek Don Creek Draft Zone A Base Level Engineering (BLE) Results Utah Division of Emergency Management NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM GREATER SEVIER PROJECT AREA GARFIELD, JUAB, KANE, MILLARD, PIUTE, SANPETE, AND SEVIER COUNTIES, UTAH RISK MAP PROJECT RELEASE DATE 10/4/2023 Garfield and Kane County - Unincorporated Areas BLE HYDRAULICS WORK MAP Nevada Colorado Wyoming Arizona TOOELE SAN JUAN MILLARD KANE JUAB IRON EMERY UINTAH BOX ELDER GARFIELD GRAND UTAH WAYNE BEAVER SEVIER SUMMIT WASHINGTON CARBON DAVIS DUCHESNE RICH SANPETE CACHE PIUTE WASATCH WEBER SALT LAKE DAGGETT MORGAN STUDY LOCATOR GARFIELD KANE Arizona Alton Hatch Kanab Tropic Glendale Escalante Panguitch Big Water Orderville Cannonville Henrieville 58 59 65 60 66 61 62 72 67 68 73 69 79 74 75 80 76 86 81 82 87 83 88 89 90 84 77 70 63 57 64 71 78 85 56 55 54 53 52 SAN JUAN IRON COUNTY MAP LOCATOR All base information on this map sourced from public data, including the Utah Geospatial Resource Center (UGRC), FEMA, ESRI, and USGS. Note: This map is not an official Flood Insurance Rate Map and the data presented on this map is for draft information only, to be used as best available data where applicable. ***Draft 2023 hydraulic analysis using new LiDAR topography (no ground survey conducted, Tribal Lands excluded). Floodplain delineations are draft and subject to change. * Streams with a drainage area greater than 1 square mile NOTES TO USERS MAP SYMBOLOGY Draft BLE Zone A*** LiDAR Acquisition Area (2014-2019)Project Area Municipalities Counties Alluvial Fan Study Streams* ! A Letters of Map Amendment (LOMA) ! Stream Gauges DRAFT BLM and Other Federal Land State Land National Park Service Private Tribal US Forest Service Land Ownership No Color Effective NFIP Floodplains Effective Zone AE (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Zone A (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Floodway (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Zone AO (1%-annual-chance flood) !!!!!!! Effective 0.2%-annual-chance flood Proposed Detailed Study Area (TBD) Study Streams Outside Initial Refinement Area** ** Floodplain cleanup and refinement within unincorporated areas to occur after Discovery. These areas mainly constitute state and federal land ownership. 65 Map 0 3,000 6,000 1,500 Feet I
! A ! A ! A GARFIELD COUNTY KANE COUNTY Henrieville Cannonville DrawCanyonSwamp Heward Creek BullRun Rock Springs Bench Draw DeathValleyDraw BenchSpringsNorthRock Wash UpperBullValey Draw SmallHerdWash TopDraw TightWash BenchLittleWood Draw Averett Canyon Draw NoSpringDraw JimHollowWash Bridge Creek IndianHollowDraw WashRipple Bulldog Bench Draw BigDryValleyWash KadachromeFlatsDraw Henrieville Creek Sheep Creek SaltFlats Space Spring Draw Mid-Valley Wash BigHerdWash Calf Draw WideGap Wash LowerCliffsDraw Sheep Creek Flats Wash WashHerd LittleBullValleyDraw PodunkCreek DryValleyCreek Squaw Creek SwampCanyonDraw RockSpringsCreek Birch Canyon Bullrush Tributary East Fork Sevier River Death ValleyDraw DrawHollowMerrill Bottom Draw Corral Hollow CreekSkunk Lower Crawford Creek JuniperDraw Clay Creek PapooseSpringDraw Pasture Wash Paria River Ponderosa Ridge Draw Papoose Creek Cougar Hollow Off Trail Wash WillowWash Upper Kanab Creek Willis Creek LongHollow Wildcat Wash CedarWash Dixie Draw PonderosaCanyonDraw Little Creek Coal Bench Draw BlubberCreek IndianHollowWash DryCreek BlackBirchCanyonDraw LowerPodunkCreek Shepherd Point Wash Yellow Creek BullrushHollow LittleDryValleyWash Draft Zone A Base Level Engineering (BLE) Results Utah Division of Emergency Management NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM GREATER SEVIER PROJECT AREA GARFIELD, JUAB, KANE, MILLARD, PIUTE, SANPETE, AND SEVIER COUNTIES, UTAH RISK MAP PROJECT RELEASE DATE 10/4/2023 Garfield and Kane County - Unincorporated Areas BLE HYDRAULICS WORK MAP Nevada Colorado Wyoming Arizona TOOELE SAN JUAN MILLARD KANE JUAB IRON EMERY UINTAH BOX ELDER GARFIELD GRAND UTAH WAYNE BEAVER SEVIER SUMMIT WASHINGTON CARBON DAVIS DUCHESNE RICH SANPETE CACHE PIUTE WASATCH WEBER SALT LAKE DAGGETT MORGAN STUDY LOCATOR GARFIELD KANE Arizona Alton Hatch Kanab Tropic Glendale Escalante Panguitch Big Water Orderville Cannonville Henrieville 58 59 65 60 66 61 62 72 67 68 73 69 79 74 75 80 76 86 81 82 87 83 88 89 90 84 77 70 63 57 64 71 78 85 56 55 54 53 52 SAN JUAN IRON COUNTY MAP LOCATOR All base information on this map sourced from public data, including the Utah Geospatial Resource Center (UGRC), FEMA, ESRI, and USGS. Note: This map is not an official Flood Insurance Rate Map and the data presented on this map is for draft information only, to be used as best available data where applicable. ***Draft 2023 hydraulic analysis using new LiDAR topography (no ground survey conducted, Tribal Lands excluded). Floodplain delineations are draft and subject to change. * Streams with a drainage area greater than 1 square mile NOTES TO USERS MAP SYMBOLOGY Draft BLE Zone A*** LiDAR Acquisition Area (2014-2019)Project Area Municipalities Counties Alluvial Fan Study Streams* ! A Letters of Map Amendment (LOMA) ! Stream Gauges DRAFT BLM and Other Federal Land State Land National Park Service Private Tribal US Forest Service Land Ownership No Color Effective NFIP Floodplains Effective Zone AE (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Zone A (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Floodway (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Zone AO (1%-annual-chance flood) !!!!!!! Effective 0.2%-annual-chance flood Proposed Detailed Study Area (TBD) Study Streams Outside Initial Refinement Area** ** Floodplain cleanup and refinement within unincorporated areas to occur after Discovery. These areas mainly constitute state and federal land ownership. 66 Map 0 3,000 6,000 1,500 Feet I
GARFIELD COUNTY KANE COUNTY Little Creek Wiggler Bench Wash Little FlatsWash Tommy Water Hollow Wiggler Wash ElkWash Round ValleyDrawTributary 2 HorseValleyWash Cottonwood Creek Horse Creek WestRushBedsDraw RoundValleyDrawTributary1 Long CanyonFlat DrawHeadquarters DogFlatDraw RoundValleyDrawTributary5 RightHandColletCanyon Little KaneCreek DryValleyCreek Butler Valley Draw DogFlatDrawTributary Butler Valley TributaryDraw 2 TommyWaterHollowTributary Mud Spring Canyon Wash DeathValleyDraw TributaryCreekEscalante CleanDraw ValleyButler TributaryDraw 1 Blue Wash Hackberry Creek MorrowHollow Central Star Seep Round Valley TributaryDraw 4 StarSeep ParadiseCreek EscalanteCreek West Paradise Bench Lower Star Seep Blue Wash Tributary Paradise Bench Tommy Smith Creek Death Valley Draw UpperRelishenSeep Little Escalante Creek CedarWash Tranquil Draw Desolate Wash BigDry Valley Wash Horse Mountain Round Valley Draw Lost Draw Headquarters Vally Wash Little Right Hand Collet Canyon Cockscomb Secret Draw Wahweap Creek Hidden Wash Draft Zone A Base Level Engineering (BLE) Results Utah Division of Emergency Management NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM GREATER SEVIER PROJECT AREA GARFIELD, JUAB, KANE, MILLARD, PIUTE, SANPETE, AND SEVIER COUNTIES, UTAH RISK MAP PROJECT RELEASE DATE 10/4/2023 Garfield and Kane County - Unincorporated Areas BLE HYDRAULICS WORK MAP Nevada Colorado Wyoming Arizona TOOELE SAN JUAN MILLARD KANE JUAB IRON EMERY UINTAH BOX ELDER GARFIELD GRAND UTAH WAYNE BEAVER SEVIER SUMMIT WASHINGTON CARBON DAVIS DUCHESNE RICH SANPETE CACHE PIUTE WASATCH WEBER SALT LAKE DAGGETT MORGAN STUDY LOCATOR GARFIELD KANE Arizona Alton Hatch Kanab Tropic Glendale Escalante Panguitch Big Water Orderville Cannonville Henrieville 58 59 65 60 66 61 62 72 67 68 73 69 79 74 75 80 76 86 81 82 87 83 88 89 90 84 77 70 63 57 64 71 78 85 56 55 54 53 52 SAN JUAN IRON COUNTY MAP LOCATOR All base information on this map sourced from public data, including the Utah Geospatial Resource Center (UGRC), FEMA, ESRI, and USGS. Note: This map is not an official Flood Insurance Rate Map and the data presented on this map is for draft information only, to be used as best available data where applicable. ***Draft 2023 hydraulic analysis using new LiDAR topography (no ground survey conducted, Tribal Lands excluded). Floodplain delineations are draft and subject to change. * Streams with a drainage area greater than 1 square mile NOTES TO USERS MAP SYMBOLOGY Draft BLE Zone A*** LiDAR Acquisition Area (2014-2019)Project Area Municipalities Counties Alluvial Fan Study Streams* ! A Letters of Map Amendment (LOMA) ! Stream Gauges DRAFT BLM and Other Federal Land State Land National Park Service Private Tribal US Forest Service Land Ownership No Color Effective NFIP Floodplains Effective Zone AE (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Zone A (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Floodway (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Zone AO (1%-annual-chance flood) !!!!!!! Effective 0.2%-annual-chance flood Proposed Detailed Study Area (TBD) Study Streams Outside Initial Refinement Area** ** Floodplain cleanup and refinement within unincorporated areas to occur after Discovery. These areas mainly constitute state and federal land ownership. 67 Map 0 3,000 6,000 1,500 Feet I
GARFIELD COUNTY KANE COUNTY Rat Seep Hollow Dry Fork Coyote Gulch Twentyfive Mile Wash UpperWillardTributaryCanyon DryWash BullRunPoint SlickrockCanyon Little Sunset Flat CoyoteDryFork TributaryGulch 1 SarahAnn Canyon ReservoirBarney LowerBigSage Buckaroo BenchFiftymile East Fork Lower Willard TributaryCanyon Sunset Flat South Washboard Wash Pete's Cove Collet Top Twentyfive Mile Wash LowerTwentymileCorral Allen-HarrisDump WhitePoint Big Sage Slickrock Water UpperLeftHandColletCanyon Roger'sCanyon WestValleyLittle Fork ParadiseBench BlackRidge Draw CircleSpringTributary Left Hand Collet Canyon Lower Little Willard Canyon Sunset Flat Draw CarcassCanyon Devil'sGarden Sunset Flat Wash Reese Canyon Escalante Creek Upper ColletCove East Collet Top Little Willard Canyon LittleSarahAnnCanyon LowerTrail Canyon Upper CircleSpring FiftymileValleyBenchDraw Lower Sunset Flat NorthRatSeepHollow LongCanyon Lower Collet Cove CliffsStraightLeftHand Wash MileTwentyfive Straight Cliffs Draw Central Washboard Wash Lower Kaiparowits Peak WillardCanyon CircleSpring Early Weed Draw Collet Peak Horse Canyon CampFlat North Washboard Wash BenchFiftymile West Fork KaiparowitsPeak Right Hand Collet Canyon Draft Zone A Base Level Engineering (BLE) Results Utah Division of Emergency Management NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM GREATER SEVIER PROJECT AREA GARFIELD, JUAB, KANE, MILLARD, PIUTE, SANPETE, AND SEVIER COUNTIES, UTAH RISK MAP PROJECT RELEASE DATE 10/4/2023 Garfield and Kane County - Unincorporated Areas BLE HYDRAULICS WORK MAP Nevada Colorado Wyoming Arizona TOOELE SAN JUAN MILLARD KANE JUAB IRON EMERY UINTAH BOX ELDER GARFIELD GRAND UTAH WAYNE BEAVER SEVIER SUMMIT WASHINGTON CARBON DAVIS DUCHESNE RICH SANPETE CACHE PIUTE WASATCH WEBER SALT LAKE DAGGETT MORGAN STUDY LOCATOR GARFIELD KANE Arizona Alton Hatch Kanab Tropic Glendale Escalante Panguitch Big Water Orderville Cannonville Henrieville 58 59 65 60 66 61 62 72 67 68 73 69 79 74 75 80 76 86 81 82 87 83 88 89 90 84 77 70 63 57 64 71 78 85 56 55 54 53 52 SAN JUAN IRON COUNTY MAP LOCATOR All base information on this map sourced from public data, including the Utah Geospatial Resource Center (UGRC), FEMA, ESRI, and USGS. Note: This map is not an official Flood Insurance Rate Map and the data presented on this map is for draft information only, to be used as best available data where applicable. ***Draft 2023 hydraulic analysis using new LiDAR topography (no ground survey conducted, Tribal Lands excluded). Floodplain delineations are draft and subject to change. * Streams with a drainage area greater than 1 square mile NOTES TO USERS MAP SYMBOLOGY Draft BLE Zone A*** LiDAR Acquisition Area (2014-2019)Project Area Municipalities Counties Alluvial Fan Study Streams* ! A Letters of Map Amendment (LOMA) ! Stream Gauges DRAFT BLM and Other Federal Land State Land National Park Service Private Tribal US Forest Service Land Ownership No Color Effective NFIP Floodplains Effective Zone AE (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Zone A (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Floodway (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Zone AO (1%-annual-chance flood) !!!!!!! Effective 0.2%-annual-chance flood Proposed Detailed Study Area (TBD) Study Streams Outside Initial Refinement Area** ** Floodplain cleanup and refinement within unincorporated areas to occur after Discovery. These areas mainly constitute state and federal land ownership. 68 Map 0 3,000 6,000 1,500 Feet I
GARFIELD COUNTY KANE COUNTY Escalante River ScorpionGulch DrawPointGeorge ScorpionGulchTributary3 Fold Wash Tributary1 Liston Seep Wash CoyoteGulch Tributary1 Bat Hollow KingsSpingDraw StevensCreek PoisonDraw Ezra TributaryWash ScorpionGulch StevensCreek Egypt KingMesaWash Scorpion Flat EarlyWeedBench TwentyfiveMile Wash FoldWashTributary2 SouthWashboardWash KingMesaHollow Lower Egypt West Fork Scorpion Gulch Tributary 1 BigHollowWash Tributary1 Cat Pasture Wash Gates Wash Scorpion Gulch Tributary2 Bat Canyon Wash Coyote Gulch CoyoteGulch ScorpionDraw CoyoteGulch Allen Dump Moody Wash DryForkCoyoteGulch CatPastureDraw StevensCreek Tributary1 EastMoodyWash Upper Egypt LowerEgyptEastFork EastMoodyTributary3 Willow Gulch Escalante River Lower Scorpion Flat Cat Pasture Wash Tributary LesGeorgeWash FiftymileBenchWash King Mesa Draw ScorpionWash Black Ridge Draw Scorpion Flat StevensCreekTributary2 Big Hollow Wash George Point Wash Black Ridge Wash KnollWash Stevens Creek StevensCreek West Brimstone Wash Section Wash Widow Wash DeepDraw West Scorpion Hollow Bench Wash EzraWash WestScorpionWash BigHollowWash Tributary2 StevensCreek Tributary6 LightningGully Brimstone Gulch FoolsWash FoldWash SouthBatCanyonWash OrinsWellWash Draft Zone A Base Level Engineering (BLE) Results Utah Division of Emergency Management NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM GREATER SEVIER PROJECT AREA GARFIELD, JUAB, KANE, MILLARD, PIUTE, SANPETE, AND SEVIER COUNTIES, UTAH RISK MAP PROJECT RELEASE DATE 10/4/2023 Garfield and Kane County - Unincorporated Areas BLE HYDRAULICS WORK MAP Nevada Colorado Wyoming Arizona TOOELE SAN JUAN MILLARD KANE JUAB IRON EMERY UINTAH BOX ELDER GARFIELD GRAND UTAH WAYNE BEAVER SEVIER SUMMIT WASHINGTON CARBON DAVIS DUCHESNE RICH SANPETE CACHE PIUTE WASATCH WEBER SALT LAKE DAGGETT MORGAN STUDY LOCATOR GARFIELD KANE Arizona Alton Hatch Kanab Tropic Glendale Escalante Panguitch Big Water Orderville Cannonville Henrieville 58 59 65 60 66 61 62 72 67 68 73 69 79 74 75 80 76 86 81 82 87 83 88 89 90 84 77 70 63 57 64 71 78 85 56 55 54 53 52 SAN JUAN IRON COUNTY MAP LOCATOR All base information on this map sourced from public data, including the Utah Geospatial Resource Center (UGRC), FEMA, ESRI, and USGS. Note: This map is not an official Flood Insurance Rate Map and the data presented on this map is for draft information only, to be used as best available data where applicable. ***Draft 2023 hydraulic analysis using new LiDAR topography (no ground survey conducted, Tribal Lands excluded). Floodplain delineations are draft and subject to change. * Streams with a drainage area greater than 1 square mile NOTES TO USERS MAP SYMBOLOGY Draft BLE Zone A*** LiDAR Acquisition Area (2014-2019)Project Area Municipalities Counties Alluvial Fan Study Streams* ! A Letters of Map Amendment (LOMA) ! Stream Gauges DRAFT BLM and Other Federal Land State Land National Park Service Private Tribal US Forest Service Land Ownership No Color Effective NFIP Floodplains Effective Zone AE (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Zone A (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Floodway (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Zone AO (1%-annual-chance flood) !!!!!!! Effective 0.2%-annual-chance flood Proposed Detailed Study Area (TBD) Study Streams Outside Initial Refinement Area** ** Floodplain cleanup and refinement within unincorporated areas to occur after Discovery. These areas mainly constitute state and federal land ownership. 69 Map 0 3,000 6,000 1,500 Feet I
GARFIELD COUNTY SAN JUAN COUNTY KANE COUNTY Colorado River ColoradoRiver NorthMoquiWash Moqui Wash Colorado River Colorado River ColoradoRiver Colorado river Colorado River Little Moqui Wash Colorado River Stevens Creek ColoradoRiver StevensCreekTributary3 Colorado River ColoradoRiver Stevens Creek Tributary2 Colorado River HallMesa-ColoradoRiver CreekHansen Cow Wash Tributary 2 ColoradoRiver Glen Canyon Spring Draw ColoradoRiver IronTop Mesa ColoradoRiver Colorado River Stevens Creek FenceWash StevensCreek Tributary5 ColoradoRiver ColoradoRiver Lower Water Fold-ColoradoPocket River ColoradoRiver StevensCreek Tributary6 ColoradoRiver Colorado River Colorado River Colorado River Colorado River Halls Creek Stevens Creek Tributary 6 Smith Fork ColoradoRiver ColoradoRiver Waterpocket Fold Draw StevensCreek Tributary4 ColoradoRiver ColoradoRiver ColoradoRiver CowWashTributary1 Lower Lost Eden Canyon Navajo Creek Cow Wash Colorado River LostEdenCanyon Colorado River WaterPocketFold-Colorado River ColoradoRiver Draft Zone A Base Level Engineering (BLE) Results Utah Division of Emergency Management NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM GREATER SEVIER PROJECT AREA GARFIELD, JUAB, KANE, MILLARD, PIUTE, SANPETE, AND SEVIER COUNTIES, UTAH RISK MAP PROJECT RELEASE DATE 10/4/2023 Garfield and Kane County - Unincorporated Areas BLE HYDRAULICS WORK MAP Nevada Colorado Wyoming Arizona TOOELE SAN JUAN MILLARD KANE JUAB IRON EMERY UINTAH BOX ELDER GARFIELD GRAND UTAH WAYNE BEAVER SEVIER SUMMIT WASHINGTON CARBON DAVIS DUCHESNE RICH SANPETE CACHE PIUTE WASATCH WEBER SALT LAKE DAGGETT MORGAN STUDY LOCATOR GARFIELD KANE Arizona Alton Hatch Kanab Tropic Glendale Escalante Panguitch Big Water Orderville Cannonville Henrieville 58 59 65 60 66 61 62 72 67 68 73 69 79 74 75 80 76 86 81 82 87 83 88 89 90 84 77 70 63 57 64 71 78 85 56 55 54 53 52 SAN JUAN IRON COUNTY MAP LOCATOR All base information on this map sourced from public data, including the Utah Geospatial Resource Center (UGRC), FEMA, ESRI, and USGS. Note: This map is not an official Flood Insurance Rate Map and the data presented on this map is for draft information only, to be used as best available data where applicable. ***Draft 2023 hydraulic analysis using new LiDAR topography (no ground survey conducted, Tribal Lands excluded). Floodplain delineations are draft and subject to change. * Streams with a drainage area greater than 1 square mile NOTES TO USERS MAP SYMBOLOGY Draft BLE Zone A*** LiDAR Acquisition Area (2014-2019)Project Area Municipalities Counties Alluvial Fan Study Streams* ! A Letters of Map Amendment (LOMA) ! Stream Gauges DRAFT BLM and Other Federal Land State Land National Park Service Private Tribal US Forest Service Land Ownership No Color Effective NFIP Floodplains Effective Zone AE (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Zone A (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Floodway (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Zone AO (1%-annual-chance flood) !!!!!!! Effective 0.2%-annual-chance flood Proposed Detailed Study Area (TBD) Study Streams Outside Initial Refinement Area** ** Floodplain cleanup and refinement within unincorporated areas to occur after Discovery. These areas mainly constitute state and federal land ownership. 70 Map 0 3,000 6,000 1,500 Feet I
WASHINGTON COUNTY KANE COUNTY Orderville Trail Canyon Dave'sCanyon Minor Right Fork CanyonLydias Meadow Creek KellerCanyon Muddy Creek EastForkVirginRiver Reed Canyon BurntFlatGulch Little Meadow Creek Cove Canyon Dakota Draw TwinsHollow Long Hollow JolleyGulch RightFork Orderville Gulch Bullock Draw LydiasCanyon Cogswell Wash Trubutary Bob Creek MapleHollow Cougar Canyon Hay Creek Dakota Wash TrailCanyon Tributary Brush Wash NorthFork Virgin River Millet Wash WillowCreek Walker Gulch Right Fork Lydias Canyon LeftFork Lydias Canyon Esplin Gulch Cogswell Draw Table Wash BirchHollow ReubsCanyon EnglesteedHollow Cogswell Wash NorthForkVirginRiver Orderville Gulch Draft Zone A Base Level Engineering (BLE) Results Utah Division of Emergency Management NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM GREATER SEVIER PROJECT AREA GARFIELD, JUAB, KANE, MILLARD, PIUTE, SANPETE, AND SEVIER COUNTIES, UTAH RISK MAP PROJECT RELEASE DATE 10/4/2023 Kane County - Unincorporated Areas BLE HYDRAULICS WORK MAP Nevada Colorado Wyoming Arizona TOOELE SAN JUAN MILLARD KANE JUAB IRON EMERY UINTAH BOX ELDER GARFIELD GRAND UTAH WAYNE BEAVER SEVIER SUMMIT WASHINGTON CARBON DAVIS DUCHESNE RICH SANPETE CACHE PIUTE WASATCH WEBER SALT LAKE DAGGETT MORGAN STUDY LOCATOR GARFIELD KANE Arizona Alton Hatch Kanab Tropic Glendale Escalante Panguitch Big Water Orderville Cannonville Henrieville 58 59 65 60 66 61 62 72 67 68 73 69 79 74 75 80 76 86 81 82 87 83 88 89 90 84 77 70 63 57 64 71 78 85 56 55 54 53 52 SAN JUAN IRON COUNTY MAP LOCATOR All base information on this map sourced from public data, including the Utah Geospatial Resource Center (UGRC), FEMA, ESRI, and USGS. Note: This map is not an official Flood Insurance Rate Map and the data presented on this map is for draft information only, to be used as best available data where applicable. ***Draft 2023 hydraulic analysis using new LiDAR topography (no ground survey conducted, Tribal Lands excluded). Floodplain delineations are draft and subject to change. * Streams with a drainage area greater than 1 square mile NOTES TO USERS MAP SYMBOLOGY Draft BLE Zone A*** LiDAR Acquisition Area (2014-2019)Project Area Municipalities Counties Alluvial Fan Study Streams* ! A Letters of Map Amendment (LOMA) ! Stream Gauges DRAFT BLM and Other Federal Land State Land National Park Service Private Tribal US Forest Service Land Ownership No Color Effective NFIP Floodplains Effective Zone AE (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Zone A (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Floodway (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Zone AO (1%-annual-chance flood) !!!!!!! Effective 0.2%-annual-chance flood Proposed Detailed Study Area (TBD) Study Streams Outside Initial Refinement Area** ** Floodplain cleanup and refinement within unincorporated areas to occur after Discovery. These areas mainly constitute state and federal land ownership. 71 Map 0 3,000 6,000 1,500 Feet I
! A ! A KANE COUNTY Orderville Alton Glendale LydiasCanyonTributary CalfPastureHollow Stout Canyon Spring Hollow Alton Spring CurrantCanyon Red Hollow LydiasCanyon Upper Johnson Canyon CanyonDairy GrassyHollow EastCoal Hollow Threemile Hollow Tributary The Falls Skutumpah Creek SpringCottonwood Big Hollow McDonaldCanyon EastAltonSpring Frankie Hollow Tenny Creek Lower Ford Pasture Dry Fork Skutumpah Terrace WhiteCliffs ShingleMillCanyon Jump-upCanyon LickCreek AmphitheaterAlton Thompson Creek Coal Hollow Fuller Cove Skutumpah Terrace West Broad Hollow Fourmile Hollow Kanab Creek BishopCanyon FisherCanyon Lower Ford Pasture Trail MileCanyon Coal Hollow North Fork Threemile Hollow Slide Hollow Lower Ford Pasture DryWash StewartCreek SwappCreek Lower Elbo Spring East Fork Virgin River SpencerBench Upper Swain Hollow ElboSpring Sink Valley Wash Swapp Hollow Broad Hollow UpperJohnson Canyon MineralCreek RedWash Broad Hollow Mill Creek Birch Creek Lower Robinson Creek Lower Birch Creek FordPasture Draft Zone A Base Level Engineering (BLE) Results Utah Division of Emergency Management NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM GREATER SEVIER PROJECT AREA GARFIELD, JUAB, KANE, MILLARD, PIUTE, SANPETE, AND SEVIER COUNTIES, UTAH RISK MAP PROJECT RELEASE DATE 10/4/2023 Kane County - Unincorporated Areas BLE HYDRAULICS WORK MAP Nevada Colorado Wyoming Arizona TOOELE SAN JUAN MILLARD KANE JUAB IRON EMERY UINTAH BOX ELDER GARFIELD GRAND UTAH WAYNE BEAVER SEVIER SUMMIT WASHINGTON CARBON DAVIS DUCHESNE RICH SANPETE CACHE PIUTE WASATCH WEBER SALT LAKE DAGGETT MORGAN STUDY LOCATOR GARFIELD KANE Arizona Alton Hatch Kanab Tropic Glendale Escalante Panguitch Big Water Orderville Cannonville Henrieville 58 59 65 60 66 61 62 72 67 68 73 69 79 74 75 80 76 86 81 82 87 83 88 89 90 84 77 70 63 57 64 71 78 85 56 55 54 53 52 SAN JUAN IRON COUNTY MAP LOCATOR All base information on this map sourced from public data, including the Utah Geospatial Resource Center (UGRC), FEMA, ESRI, and USGS. Note: This map is not an official Flood Insurance Rate Map and the data presented on this map is for draft information only, to be used as best available data where applicable. ***Draft 2023 hydraulic analysis using new LiDAR topography (no ground survey conducted, Tribal Lands excluded). Floodplain delineations are draft and subject to change. * Streams with a drainage area greater than 1 square mile NOTES TO USERS MAP SYMBOLOGY Draft BLE Zone A*** LiDAR Acquisition Area (2014-2019)Project Area Municipalities Counties Alluvial Fan Study Streams* ! A Letters of Map Amendment (LOMA) ! Stream Gauges DRAFT BLM and Other Federal Land State Land National Park Service Private Tribal US Forest Service Land Ownership No Color Effective NFIP Floodplains Effective Zone AE (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Zone A (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Floodway (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Zone AO (1%-annual-chance flood) !!!!!!! Effective 0.2%-annual-chance flood Proposed Detailed Study Area (TBD) Study Streams Outside Initial Refinement Area** ** Floodplain cleanup and refinement within unincorporated areas to occur after Discovery. These areas mainly constitute state and federal land ownership. 72 Map 0 3,000 6,000 1,500 Feet I
KANE COUNTY Skutumpah Terrace South Swag TributaryCreekStarlight Red Wash CanyonGravel CanyonPipeline SpringSandUpper LowerDeathValleyDraw PariaRiver Crawford Canyon WashLickLittle DeerCreek NorthSwag TributaryCreekDeer White Cliffs Paria River LowerWhite Cliffs Upper White Cliffs CadDraw Potters Butte Draw Deer Trail Wash WhiteCliffWash WhiteCliffDraw Sheep Creek Cad Wash Adam'sWash String Wash Lower Crawford Creek Rock Springs Bench Hollow Potters Butte Wash StarlightCreek Deer Spring Wash Birch Canyon WestSwag Red Breaks Wash Wilsey Hollow LittleDeerRangeCanyon LowerCliffsDraw Johnson Draw Bullrush Tributary DunhamWash Snake Creek DeerRange Canyon Slide Hollow Tank Canyon DeerRange PointWash Lower Death ValleyHollow LowerDeerRangeCanyon Bullrush Hollow Deer Spring Wash Tributary Jody'sKnoll Corral Canyon Park KitchenCreek BroadHollow RockSpringsBenchDraw Park Wash CoalCanyon BullrushGorge HogeyeCreek LickWash Lower Podunk Creek Draft Zone A Base Level Engineering (BLE) Results Utah Division of Emergency Management NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM GREATER SEVIER PROJECT AREA GARFIELD, JUAB, KANE, MILLARD, PIUTE, SANPETE, AND SEVIER COUNTIES, UTAH RISK MAP PROJECT RELEASE DATE 10/4/2023 Kane County - Unincorporated Areas BLE HYDRAULICS WORK MAP Nevada Colorado Wyoming Arizona TOOELE SAN JUAN MILLARD KANE JUAB IRON EMERY UINTAH BOX ELDER GARFIELD GRAND UTAH WAYNE BEAVER SEVIER SUMMIT WASHINGTON CARBON DAVIS DUCHESNE RICH SANPETE CACHE PIUTE WASATCH WEBER SALT LAKE DAGGETT MORGAN STUDY LOCATOR GARFIELD KANE Arizona Alton Hatch Kanab Tropic Glendale Escalante Panguitch Big Water Orderville Cannonville Henrieville 58 59 65 60 66 61 62 72 67 68 73 69 79 74 75 80 76 86 81 82 87 83 88 89 90 84 77 70 63 57 64 71 78 85 56 55 54 53 52 SAN JUAN IRON COUNTY MAP LOCATOR All base information on this map sourced from public data, including the Utah Geospatial Resource Center (UGRC), FEMA, ESRI, and USGS. Note: This map is not an official Flood Insurance Rate Map and the data presented on this map is for draft information only, to be used as best available data where applicable. ***Draft 2023 hydraulic analysis using new LiDAR topography (no ground survey conducted, Tribal Lands excluded). Floodplain delineations are draft and subject to change. * Streams with a drainage area greater than 1 square mile NOTES TO USERS MAP SYMBOLOGY Draft BLE Zone A*** LiDAR Acquisition Area (2014-2019)Project Area Municipalities Counties Alluvial Fan Study Streams* ! A Letters of Map Amendment (LOMA) ! Stream Gauges DRAFT BLM and Other Federal Land State Land National Park Service Private Tribal US Forest Service Land Ownership No Color Effective NFIP Floodplains Effective Zone AE (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Zone A (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Floodway (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Zone AO (1%-annual-chance flood) !!!!!!! Effective 0.2%-annual-chance flood Proposed Detailed Study Area (TBD) Study Streams Outside Initial Refinement Area** ** Floodplain cleanup and refinement within unincorporated areas to occur after Discovery. These areas mainly constitute state and federal land ownership. 73 Map 0 3,000 6,000 1,500 Feet I
KANE COUNTY Dog Flat Draw Paradise Creek Horse Mountain North Branch Creek Desolate Wash Sam DrawPollards GulchAdam Little FourmileCanyon TributaryCanyonFourmile 1 Arm Draw West Rush Beds Draw Tributary 2 Hackberry Draw Tributary 2 Left Fork John Henry Canyon Draw Hackberry Draw Tributary 3 Lost Draw North Arm Draw RunSmith Draw BedsWestRush TributaryDraw 1 Fourmile Canyon Tributary2 DireHollow Upper Squaw Bench HorseDrawFlat 6 DrawValleyDeath WahweapCreek Shirts Draw Little Horse Mountain Blue Wash Long Draw Little Long Flat Canyon Coyote Creek Tommy Water Hollow Horse Flat Draw 1 Horse Spring Fourmile Draw BenchHollow SaddleDraw HorseMountainTrail Smith Run Fourmile Bench HackberryDraw Tributary1 West Rush Beds Draw FourmileCanyon Right Fork John CanyonHenry Draw SouthDeathValleyDraw CenterArmDraw Halfmile Canyon JoustHollow FourmileCanyonTributary3 UpperDeathValleyWash SitDown Bench Hackberry Creek HorseFlatDraw5 Horse Flat Draw 2 Rush Beds Wash SquawBench Lower Death Valley Wash South Rush Beds Wash Hidden Draw Under House Hollow Cottonwood Point Draw Tommy Smith Creek HorseFlatDraw3 HorseFlatDraw4 Long Flat Canyon North Branch Creek Cottonwood Creek Draft Zone A Base Level Engineering (BLE) Results Utah Division of Emergency Management NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM GREATER SEVIER PROJECT AREA GARFIELD, JUAB, KANE, MILLARD, PIUTE, SANPETE, AND SEVIER COUNTIES, UTAH RISK MAP PROJECT RELEASE DATE 10/4/2023 Kane County - Unincorporated Areas BLE HYDRAULICS WORK MAP Nevada Colorado Wyoming Arizona TOOELE SAN JUAN MILLARD KANE JUAB IRON EMERY UINTAH BOX ELDER GARFIELD GRAND UTAH WAYNE BEAVER SEVIER SUMMIT WASHINGTON CARBON DAVIS DUCHESNE RICH SANPETE CACHE PIUTE WASATCH WEBER SALT LAKE DAGGETT MORGAN STUDY LOCATOR GARFIELD KANE Arizona Alton Hatch Kanab Tropic Glendale Escalante Panguitch Big Water Orderville Cannonville Henrieville 58 59 65 60 66 61 62 72 67 68 73 69 79 74 75 80 76 86 81 82 87 83 88 89 90 84 77 70 63 57 64 71 78 85 56 55 54 53 52 SAN JUAN IRON COUNTY MAP LOCATOR All base information on this map sourced from public data, including the Utah Geospatial Resource Center (UGRC), FEMA, ESRI, and USGS. Note: This map is not an official Flood Insurance Rate Map and the data presented on this map is for draft information only, to be used as best available data where applicable. ***Draft 2023 hydraulic analysis using new LiDAR topography (no ground survey conducted, Tribal Lands excluded). Floodplain delineations are draft and subject to change. * Streams with a drainage area greater than 1 square mile NOTES TO USERS MAP SYMBOLOGY Draft BLE Zone A*** LiDAR Acquisition Area (2014-2019)Project Area Municipalities Counties Alluvial Fan Study Streams* ! A Letters of Map Amendment (LOMA) ! Stream Gauges DRAFT BLM and Other Federal Land State Land National Park Service Private Tribal US Forest Service Land Ownership No Color Effective NFIP Floodplains Effective Zone AE (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Zone A (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Floodway (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Zone AO (1%-annual-chance flood) !!!!!!! Effective 0.2%-annual-chance flood Proposed Detailed Study Area (TBD) Study Streams Outside Initial Refinement Area** ** Floodplain cleanup and refinement within unincorporated areas to occur after Discovery. These areas mainly constitute state and federal land ownership. 74 Map 0 3,000 6,000 1,500 Feet I
KANE COUNTY Basin PointCanyon WindowSashCreek UpperDropTankTributary Navajo Canyon Lower Fiftymile Bench West Fork Reese Canyon WellBenchCaine Window Sash Bench Trail RidgePete's WindowSashBench Smoky Point Canyon Draw Little Drip Tank Canyon Escalante Creek LazySunday Creek NeedleEyePoint LastChanceCreek FourmileCanyon Mudhole'sPoint Roger's Canyon-East Navajos East Collet Top Little Dry Wash Ship Mountain Point LittleReeseCanyon West Canyon WestBenchFiftymile Fork UpperShip Mountain Point CreekBranchNorth CanyonParadiseLittle Window Sash Bench UpperWillow GulchTributary Pete's Cove Caine Bench BasinCanyonTributary Reese Canyon Tributary LowerWillowGulchTributary Lower Reynolds Talus ReynoldsTalus WestSurpriseValley NeedleEyeCanyon LittleBasinCanyon Paradise Creek Whities Canyon Surprise Valley Dry Bench UpperBurningHills Willow Gulch Upper Pete's Ridge Lower East End Navajo Canyon Roger'sCanyon Last Chance Oil Well SundayCanyon Lower Pete's Ridge Paradise Bench Croton Canyon Reese Jeep Trail DripTankCanyon Wesses Cove Draw WestBasinCanyon East End Navajo Canyon Basin Canyon Monday Canyon FiftymileBenchEastFork Fourmile Draw ColletTop Dry Wash Draft Zone A Base Level Engineering (BLE) Results Utah Division of Emergency Management NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM GREATER SEVIER PROJECT AREA GARFIELD, JUAB, KANE, MILLARD, PIUTE, SANPETE, AND SEVIER COUNTIES, UTAH RISK MAP PROJECT RELEASE DATE 10/4/2023 Kane County - Unincorporated Areas BLE HYDRAULICS WORK MAP Nevada Colorado Wyoming Arizona TOOELE SAN JUAN MILLARD KANE JUAB IRON EMERY UINTAH BOX ELDER GARFIELD GRAND UTAH WAYNE BEAVER SEVIER SUMMIT WASHINGTON CARBON DAVIS DUCHESNE RICH SANPETE CACHE PIUTE WASATCH WEBER SALT LAKE DAGGETT MORGAN STUDY LOCATOR GARFIELD KANE Arizona Alton Hatch Kanab Tropic Glendale Escalante Panguitch Big Water Orderville Cannonville Henrieville 58 59 65 60 66 61 62 72 67 68 73 69 79 74 75 80 76 86 81 82 87 83 88 89 90 84 77 70 63 57 64 71 78 85 56 55 54 53 52 SAN JUAN IRON COUNTY MAP LOCATOR All base information on this map sourced from public data, including the Utah Geospatial Resource Center (UGRC), FEMA, ESRI, and USGS. Note: This map is not an official Flood Insurance Rate Map and the data presented on this map is for draft information only, to be used as best available data where applicable. ***Draft 2023 hydraulic analysis using new LiDAR topography (no ground survey conducted, Tribal Lands excluded). Floodplain delineations are draft and subject to change. * Streams with a drainage area greater than 1 square mile NOTES TO USERS MAP SYMBOLOGY Draft BLE Zone A*** LiDAR Acquisition Area (2014-2019)Project Area Municipalities Counties Alluvial Fan Study Streams* ! A Letters of Map Amendment (LOMA) ! Stream Gauges DRAFT BLM and Other Federal Land State Land National Park Service Private Tribal US Forest Service Land Ownership No Color Effective NFIP Floodplains Effective Zone AE (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Zone A (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Floodway (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Zone AO (1%-annual-chance flood) !!!!!!! Effective 0.2%-annual-chance flood Proposed Detailed Study Area (TBD) Study Streams Outside Initial Refinement Area** ** Floodplain cleanup and refinement within unincorporated areas to occur after Discovery. These areas mainly constitute state and federal land ownership. 75 Map 0 3,000 6,000 1,500 Feet I
KANE COUNTY DogWash Soda Slide Wash Sooner Wash Tributary FortymileRidgeDraw WillowGulchTributary PoisonDraw Clear Creek Spot Wash WestCanyon Red Well Draw Hurrican Wash Tributary 1 RightForkSpotWash WillowTankWash Blackburn Creek Upper Steer Point Lower Blackburn Creek East Willow Tank Wash Lower Steer Point CowWash EscalanteRiver Sooner Bench Draw StraightCliffsWashTributary EastForkSunsetArchWash Cottonwood Wash Coyote Gulch Fortymile Creek Fiftymile Bench Wash Tributary West Cottonwood Wash SoonerBenchWash George Point Draw Coyote Gulch RidgeFortymile TributaryDraw Monday Canyon George Point Wash WillowGulch SodaSlide Wash Tributary PocketHollowSpring East Cottonwood Wash LeftForkSpotWash Pterodactyl Wash FenceWash Explorer Wash Gate's Canyon West ArchSunsetFork Wash HurricanWashTributary2 Lone Rock Wash FiftymileCreek RidgeDraw Sunset Arch Wash Fiftymile Bench Wash StraightCliffsWash LeftForkCarcassWash Burst Wash WestEndCanyon RockCreek Section Wash Carcass Wash Left Fork Fortymile Creek HurricaneWash LakeCanyon CreekFortymileRightFork Fortymile Slide Wash Right Fork Carcass Wash SoonerWash SundayCanyon Mask Wash Sooner Slide Wash Mudhole Creek CavePointWash
DavisGulch FortymileRidgeWash Draft Zone A Base Level Engineering (BLE) Results Utah Division of Emergency Management NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM GREATER SEVIER PROJECT AREA GARFIELD, JUAB, KANE, MILLARD, PIUTE, SANPETE, AND SEVIER COUNTIES, UTAH RISK MAP PROJECT RELEASE DATE 10/4/2023 Kane County - Unincorporated Areas BLE HYDRAULICS WORK MAP Nevada Colorado Wyoming Arizona TOOELE SAN JUAN MILLARD KANE JUAB IRON EMERY UINTAH BOX ELDER GARFIELD GRAND UTAH WAYNE BEAVER SEVIER SUMMIT WASHINGTON CARBON DAVIS DUCHESNE RICH SANPETE CACHE PIUTE WASATCH WEBER SALT LAKE DAGGETT MORGAN STUDY LOCATOR GARFIELD KANE Arizona Alton Hatch Kanab Tropic Glendale Escalante Panguitch Big Water Orderville Cannonville Henrieville 58 59 65 60 66 61 62 72 67 68 73 69 79 74 75 80 76 86 81 82 87 83 88 89 90 84 77 70 63 57 64 71 78 85 56 55 54 53 52 SAN JUAN IRON COUNTY MAP LOCATOR All base information on this map sourced from public data, including the Utah Geospatial Resource Center (UGRC), FEMA, ESRI, and USGS. Note: This map is not an official Flood Insurance Rate Map and the data presented on this map is for draft information only, to be used as best available data where applicable. ***Draft 2023 hydraulic analysis using new LiDAR topography (no ground survey conducted, Tribal Lands excluded). Floodplain delineations are draft and subject to change. * Streams with a drainage area greater than 1 square mile NOTES TO USERS MAP SYMBOLOGY Draft BLE Zone A*** LiDAR Acquisition Area (2014-2019)Project Area Municipalities Counties Alluvial Fan Study Streams* ! A Letters of Map Amendment (LOMA) ! Stream Gauges DRAFT BLM and Other Federal Land State Land National Park Service Private Tribal US Forest Service Land Ownership No Color Effective NFIP Floodplains Effective Zone AE (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Zone A (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Floodway (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Zone AO (1%-annual-chance flood) !!!!!!! Effective 0.2%-annual-chance flood Proposed Detailed Study Area (TBD) Study Streams Outside Initial Refinement Area** ** Floodplain cleanup and refinement within unincorporated areas to occur after Discovery. These areas mainly constitute state and federal land ownership. 76 Map 0 3,000 6,000 1,500 Feet I
SAN JUAN COUNTY KANE COUNTY Colorado River SlickRock Slick Rock Cathedral Wash Colorado River CreekNavajoUpper Tributary Colorado River Cow Wash ColoradoRiver Annie's Canyon DogWash ColoradoRiver EscalanteRiver Cow Wash Tributary 1 Colorado River NavajoCreek Central Tributary Bowns Canyon East Fork ColoradoRiver North Fork UpperAnnie's Canyon Colorado River Colorado River Escalante River ColoradoRiver Iron Top Mesa DavisGulch ColoradoRiver PollywogWash ColoradoRiver Navajo Creek UpperAnnie'sCanyon LowerAnnie'sCanyon ExplorerWash Colorado River ColoradoRiver LeftForkSpotWash Colorado River ColoradoRiver Clear Creek ColoradoRiver RightForkSpotWash IndianCreek ColoradoRiver Navajo Creek Lower Tributary ColoradoRiver FenceWash BownsCanyon Draft Zone A Base Level Engineering (BLE) Results Utah Division of Emergency Management NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM GREATER SEVIER PROJECT AREA GARFIELD, JUAB, KANE, MILLARD, PIUTE, SANPETE, AND SEVIER COUNTIES, UTAH RISK MAP PROJECT RELEASE DATE 10/4/2023 Kane County - Unincorporated Areas BLE HYDRAULICS WORK MAP Nevada Colorado Wyoming Arizona TOOELE SAN JUAN MILLARD KANE JUAB IRON EMERY UINTAH BOX ELDER GARFIELD GRAND UTAH WAYNE BEAVER SEVIER SUMMIT WASHINGTON CARBON DAVIS DUCHESNE RICH SANPETE CACHE PIUTE WASATCH WEBER SALT LAKE DAGGETT MORGAN STUDY LOCATOR GARFIELD KANE Arizona Alton Hatch Kanab Tropic Glendale Escalante Panguitch Big Water Orderville Cannonville Henrieville 58 59 65 60 66 61 62 72 67 68 73 69 79 74 75 80 76 86 81 82 87 83 88 89 90 84 77 70 63 57 64 71 78 85 56 55 54 53 52 SAN JUAN IRON COUNTY MAP LOCATOR All base information on this map sourced from public data, including the Utah Geospatial Resource Center (UGRC), FEMA, ESRI, and USGS. Note: This map is not an official Flood Insurance Rate Map and the data presented on this map is for draft information only, to be used as best available data where applicable. ***Draft 2023 hydraulic analysis using new LiDAR topography (no ground survey conducted, Tribal Lands excluded). Floodplain delineations are draft and subject to change. * Streams with a drainage area greater than 1 square mile NOTES TO USERS MAP SYMBOLOGY Draft BLE Zone A*** LiDAR Acquisition Area (2014-2019)Project Area Municipalities Counties Alluvial Fan Study Streams* ! A Letters of Map Amendment (LOMA) ! Stream Gauges DRAFT BLM and Other Federal Land State Land National Park Service Private Tribal US Forest Service Land Ownership No Color Effective NFIP Floodplains Effective Zone AE (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Zone A (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Floodway (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Zone AO (1%-annual-chance flood) !!!!!!! Effective 0.2%-annual-chance flood Proposed Detailed Study Area (TBD) Study Streams Outside Initial Refinement Area** ** Floodplain cleanup and refinement within unincorporated areas to occur after Discovery. These areas mainly constitute state and federal land ownership. 77 Map 0 3,000 6,000 1,500 Feet I
WASHINGTON COUNTY KANE COUNTY Orderville Springdale SpringHollow Lower Rock Canyon MountainCliffs-HarrisWhite Miners Gulch ClayFlat Elephant Cove Bay Bill Canyon YellowjacketCanyon FlatCliffs-PovertyWhite Tributary Broad Hollow MinersGulch GravelPit LowerSandWash CanyonYellowjacketWest TheSandHills Meadow Creek StateBarnWash Muddy Creek MountainWhiteCliffs-Harris Tributary Mineral Gulch Monument Hollow PovertyWash Merwin Canyon LittleMeadowCreek Poverty TributaryWash Elkheart Cliffs SandWash Co-opCreek Diana'sThrone Deer Hollow ClayFlat Minor Tributary ElephantWhiteCliffs Cove Shune's Creek IndianKnoll West Fork ElephantCove Waterpocket Creek Co-op Creek Clay TributaryMajorFlat East Fork Virgin River Shune'sSpring EastForkClayFlat Cove Canyon Little Miners Gulch TwinHollow Burnt Flat Gulch Cave Wash SouthPovertyWash Joseph Canyon Jolley Gulch FlatCliffs-PovertyWhite Sethy's Canyon Rock Canyon Draft Zone A Base Level Engineering (BLE) Results Utah Division of Emergency Management NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM GREATER SEVIER PROJECT AREA GARFIELD, JUAB, KANE, MILLARD, PIUTE, SANPETE, AND SEVIER COUNTIES, UTAH RISK MAP PROJECT RELEASE DATE 10/4/2023 Kane County - Unincorporated Areas BLE HYDRAULICS WORK MAP Nevada Colorado Wyoming Arizona TOOELE SAN JUAN MILLARD KANE JUAB IRON EMERY UINTAH BOX ELDER GARFIELD GRAND UTAH WAYNE BEAVER SEVIER SUMMIT WASHINGTON CARBON DAVIS DUCHESNE RICH SANPETE CACHE PIUTE WASATCH WEBER SALT LAKE DAGGETT MORGAN STUDY LOCATOR GARFIELD KANE Arizona Alton Hatch Kanab Tropic Glendale Escalante Panguitch Big Water Orderville Cannonville Henrieville 58 59 65 60 66 61 62 72 67 68 73 69 79 74 75 80 76 86 81 82 87 83 88 89 90 84 77 70 63 57 64 71 78 85 56 55 54 53 52 SAN JUAN IRON COUNTY MAP LOCATOR All base information on this map sourced from public data, including the Utah Geospatial Resource Center (UGRC), FEMA, ESRI, and USGS. Note: This map is not an official Flood Insurance Rate Map and the data presented on this map is for draft information only, to be used as best available data where applicable. ***Draft 2023 hydraulic analysis using new LiDAR topography (no ground survey conducted, Tribal Lands excluded). Floodplain delineations are draft and subject to change. * Streams with a drainage area greater than 1 square mile NOTES TO USERS MAP SYMBOLOGY Draft BLE Zone A*** LiDAR Acquisition Area (2014-2019)Project Area Municipalities Counties Alluvial Fan Study Streams* ! A Letters of Map Amendment (LOMA) ! Stream Gauges DRAFT BLM and Other Federal Land State Land National Park Service Private Tribal US Forest Service Land Ownership No Color Effective NFIP Floodplains Effective Zone AE (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Zone A (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Floodway (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Zone AO (1%-annual-chance flood) !!!!!!! Effective 0.2%-annual-chance flood Proposed Detailed Study Area (TBD) Study Streams Outside Initial Refinement Area** ** Floodplain cleanup and refinement within unincorporated areas to occur after Discovery. These areas mainly constitute state and federal land ownership. 78 Map 0 3,000 6,000 1,500 Feet I
! A KANE COUNTY Orderville DryLakeCanyon West Fork Johnson Lakes Canyon Red Hollow WestFork ThreeLakes Canyon White Tower Kanab Creek CottonwoodSpring Red Wash JohnCanyon South Cottonwood Spring Old Corral Spring JohnsonLakeCanyon White TowerValley RedButteDraw SkutumpahTerrace Skutumpah Point Red Canyon MountainTimberUpper John R Flat Pack Tributary MeadowCanyon Left Fork Cottonwood Canyon Tributary Skutumpah Canyon PastureFord SkutumpahCanyonNorthFork Red Canyon South Fork Three Lakes Canyon East LakesJohnsonForkCanyon TerraceWygaretUpper Little Johnson Canyon Long Canyon-Wygaret Terrace BrownCanyonMajorTributary RightFork Cottonwood Canyon Johnson Wash Little Red Canyon SandWash SkutumpahTower Lower Timber Mountain Lower Pink Cove UpperJohnsonCanyon Fourmile Hollow SpringPoint LowerFordPasture Burnt Cedar Point Red Canyon South Fork Little Brown Canyon Oak Canyon Little Sand Hills EastJohnRFlatDraw WestForkTributary Skutumpah Terrace-Swapp Canyon White Tower-Glendale Bench Cave Lakes Canyon Three Lakes Draw CottonwoodCanyon North Fork Hog Canyon Long Canyon Swapp Canyon Johnson Canyon Skutumpah Creek SkutumpahCove BrownCanyon Dry Lake Canyon LeftForkCottonwoodCanyon Draft Zone A Base Level Engineering (BLE) Results Utah Division of Emergency Management NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM GREATER SEVIER PROJECT AREA GARFIELD, JUAB, KANE, MILLARD, PIUTE, SANPETE, AND SEVIER COUNTIES, UTAH RISK MAP PROJECT RELEASE DATE 10/4/2023 Kane County - Unincorporated Areas BLE HYDRAULICS WORK MAP Nevada Colorado Wyoming Arizona TOOELE SAN JUAN MILLARD KANE JUAB IRON EMERY UINTAH BOX ELDER GARFIELD GRAND UTAH WAYNE BEAVER SEVIER SUMMIT WASHINGTON CARBON DAVIS DUCHESNE RICH SANPETE CACHE PIUTE WASATCH WEBER SALT LAKE DAGGETT MORGAN STUDY LOCATOR GARFIELD KANE Arizona Alton Hatch Kanab Tropic Glendale Escalante Panguitch Big Water Orderville Cannonville Henrieville 58 59 65 60 66 61 62 72 67 68 73 69 79 74 75 80 76 86 81 82 87 83 88 89 90 84 77 70 63 57 64 71 78 85 56 55 54 53 52 SAN JUAN IRON COUNTY MAP LOCATOR All base information on this map sourced from public data, including the Utah Geospatial Resource Center (UGRC), FEMA, ESRI, and USGS. Note: This map is not an official Flood Insurance Rate Map and the data presented on this map is for draft information only, to be used as best available data where applicable. ***Draft 2023 hydraulic analysis using new LiDAR topography (no ground survey conducted, Tribal Lands excluded). Floodplain delineations are draft and subject to change. * Streams with a drainage area greater than 1 square mile NOTES TO USERS MAP SYMBOLOGY Draft BLE Zone A*** LiDAR Acquisition Area (2014-2019)Project Area Municipalities Counties Alluvial Fan Study Streams* ! A Letters of Map Amendment (LOMA) ! Stream Gauges DRAFT BLM and Other Federal Land State Land National Park Service Private Tribal US Forest Service Land Ownership No Color Effective NFIP Floodplains Effective Zone AE (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Zone A (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Floodway (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Zone AO (1%-annual-chance flood) !!!!!!! Effective 0.2%-annual-chance flood Proposed Detailed Study Area (TBD) Study Streams Outside Initial Refinement Area** ** Floodplain cleanup and refinement within unincorporated areas to occur after Discovery. These areas mainly constitute state and federal land ownership. 79 Map 0 3,000 6,000 1,500 Feet I
KANE COUNTY Snake Canyon Little Swag Draw SouthSwag Snake Canyon LowerKimballValley Sand Gulch Tributary LittleClay HoleWash KitchenCorralWash Nephi Pasture Trail VermilionCliffsDraw Paria River UpperNephiPoint ValleyKimballTributaryDraw East Nephi Pasture Snake Canyon Telegraph Wash PeakCalico Draw Fin Little Wash Upper MountainTimber East Pine Point Long Canyon East Nephi Pasture Pink Cove Jody's Knoll DeerSpring Wash WestCove Wash LittleNephiPasture KimballValley LowerDeathValleyDraw SandGulch StarlightArchDraw Kimball Valley Wash West Kitchen Corral Point KimballValleyDraw SwagDraw ValleyFivemileWash Tributary Vermilion Cliffs Draw Tributary2 Skutumpah Terrace Vermilion Cliffs Draw Tributary4 Little No Mans Mesa Telegraph Flat LowerNephiWash Upper Nephi Wash Little Box Elder Canyon EastForkJohnsonLakesCanyon FinLittlePoint NephiPasture KirbyWash Upper Five Mile Mountain Fin Little Spring Vermilion Cliffs ClayHole Wash Starlight Creek WildcatSpring KaibabGulchGravelPits BoxElderCanyon WestFork Johnson LakesCanyon Fivemile Valley Wash Park Wash NephiPasture VermilionCliffsDrawTributary3 Pilot Wash Right Fork Cottonwood Canyon NephiWash Draft Zone A Base Level Engineering (BLE) Results Utah Division of Emergency Management NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM GREATER SEVIER PROJECT AREA GARFIELD, JUAB, KANE, MILLARD, PIUTE, SANPETE, AND SEVIER COUNTIES, UTAH RISK MAP PROJECT RELEASE DATE 10/4/2023 Kane County - Unincorporated Areas BLE HYDRAULICS WORK MAP Nevada Colorado Wyoming Arizona TOOELE SAN JUAN MILLARD KANE JUAB IRON EMERY UINTAH BOX ELDER GARFIELD GRAND UTAH WAYNE BEAVER SEVIER SUMMIT WASHINGTON CARBON DAVIS DUCHESNE RICH SANPETE CACHE PIUTE WASATCH WEBER SALT LAKE DAGGETT MORGAN STUDY LOCATOR GARFIELD KANE Arizona Alton Hatch Kanab Tropic Glendale Escalante Panguitch Big Water Orderville Cannonville Henrieville 58 59 65 60 66 61 62 72 67 68 73 69 79 74 75 80 76 86 81 82 87 83 88 89 90 84 77 70 63 57 64 71 78 85 56 55 54 53 52 SAN JUAN IRON COUNTY MAP LOCATOR All base information on this map sourced from public data, including the Utah Geospatial Resource Center (UGRC), FEMA, ESRI, and USGS. Note: This map is not an official Flood Insurance Rate Map and the data presented on this map is for draft information only, to be used as best available data where applicable. ***Draft 2023 hydraulic analysis using new LiDAR topography (no ground survey conducted, Tribal Lands excluded). Floodplain delineations are draft and subject to change. * Streams with a drainage area greater than 1 square mile NOTES TO USERS MAP SYMBOLOGY Draft BLE Zone A*** LiDAR Acquisition Area (2014-2019)Project Area Municipalities Counties Alluvial Fan Study Streams* ! A Letters of Map Amendment (LOMA) ! Stream Gauges DRAFT BLM and Other Federal Land State Land National Park Service Private Tribal US Forest Service Land Ownership No Color Effective NFIP Floodplains Effective Zone AE (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Zone A (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Floodway (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Zone AO (1%-annual-chance flood) !!!!!!! Effective 0.2%-annual-chance flood Proposed Detailed Study Area (TBD) Study Streams Outside Initial Refinement Area** ** Floodplain cleanup and refinement within unincorporated areas to occur after Discovery. These areas mainly constitute state and federal land ownership. 80 Map 0 3,000 6,000 1,500 Feet I
KANE COUNTY TopDraw Cottonwood Creek Haycock Point Wash Brigham Plains Wash Tributary Brigham Plains Draw 3 Wahweap Creek JohnLeftFork CanyonHenry Draw Coyote Creek GulchAdam Nipple Creek Tributary 1 Cockscomb OppositeDraw BrighamDrawPlains 2 SmithRunHollow Coyote Creek Haycock Point Wash Tributary1 BrighamDrawPlains 1 PlainsBrigham TributaryWash Little White Sands Draw Vermilion Cliffs Draw NippleCreekTributary3 PointHaycockTributaryWash 2 ChynowethCanyon Meander Swale Nipple Creek SandsWhite TributaryWash RimrockWash BrighamPlainsWash Breast Draw Wonder Draw HattleGreenDraw RimrockWash Tributary OneRidgeDraw Rock House Cove Wash SouthBranch SpringDraw JackRiggsBenchGulch NippleTributaryCreek 2 Wahweap Creek CoyoteSpringHollow Nipple Creek Tributary 4 JackRiggsCanyon HattleGreenWash CanyonJohnHenry Draw Little White Rock Canyon BigWhiteRockCanyon Maze Draw Two Head Draw PariaRiver TyHatchCreek SouthArmDraw Under Riggs Draw Sit Down Bench Draw DryForkTyHatchCreek Cads Crotch Draw LobeWash WestForkTyHatchCreek Jack Riggs Bench Hollow ArmDraw BrighamPlainsDraw ClintsCanyonDraw Bull Canyon Right Fork JohnHenryCanyonDraw Hackberry Creek Jack Riggs Bench Draw ChimneyRockCanyon Pet Hollow Rimrock Valley Wash WhiteSandsWash Blue Cove 1 SmithRun Blue Cove 2 ThreeBowlWash Draft Zone A Base Level Engineering (BLE) Results Utah Division of Emergency Management NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM GREATER SEVIER PROJECT AREA GARFIELD, JUAB, KANE, MILLARD, PIUTE, SANPETE, AND SEVIER COUNTIES, UTAH RISK MAP PROJECT RELEASE DATE 10/4/2023 Kane County - Unincorporated Areas BLE HYDRAULICS WORK MAP Nevada Colorado Wyoming Arizona TOOELE SAN JUAN MILLARD KANE JUAB IRON EMERY UINTAH BOX ELDER GARFIELD GRAND UTAH WAYNE BEAVER SEVIER SUMMIT WASHINGTON CARBON DAVIS DUCHESNE RICH SANPETE CACHE PIUTE WASATCH WEBER SALT LAKE DAGGETT MORGAN STUDY LOCATOR GARFIELD KANE Arizona Alton Hatch Kanab Tropic Glendale Escalante Panguitch Big Water Orderville Cannonville Henrieville 58 59 65 60 66 61 62 72 67 68 73 69 79 74 75 80 76 86 81 82 87 83 88 89 90 84 77 70 63 57 64 71 78 85 56 55 54 53 52 SAN JUAN IRON COUNTY MAP LOCATOR All base information on this map sourced from public data, including the Utah Geospatial Resource Center (UGRC), FEMA, ESRI, and USGS. Note: This map is not an official Flood Insurance Rate Map and the data presented on this map is for draft information only, to be used as best available data where applicable. ***Draft 2023 hydraulic analysis using new LiDAR topography (no ground survey conducted, Tribal Lands excluded). Floodplain delineations are draft and subject to change. * Streams with a drainage area greater than 1 square mile NOTES TO USERS MAP SYMBOLOGY Draft BLE Zone A*** LiDAR Acquisition Area (2014-2019)Project Area Municipalities Counties Alluvial Fan Study Streams* ! A Letters of Map Amendment (LOMA) ! Stream Gauges DRAFT BLM and Other Federal Land State Land National Park Service Private Tribal US Forest Service Land Ownership No Color Effective NFIP Floodplains Effective Zone AE (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Zone A (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Floodway (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Zone AO (1%-annual-chance flood) !!!!!!! Effective 0.2%-annual-chance flood Proposed Detailed Study Area (TBD) Study Streams Outside Initial Refinement Area** ** Floodplain cleanup and refinement within unincorporated areas to occur after Discovery. These areas mainly constitute state and federal land ownership. 81 Map 0 3,000 6,000 1,500 Feet I
KANE COUNTY Smoky Mine Draw Baldwin Hollow Draw NippleBenchDraw LowerSquawValleyDraw SpringPointDraw UpperSmokyButte Croton Canyon Colorado River Quick Draw Colorado River NippleFlatsDraw Upper Smoky Butte TributaryMinor Colorado River JohnHenryCanyonDraw SouthBranchCreek KellySteepsDraw EastSmokyHollowTributary Lost Pilot Draw Colorado River ColoradoRiver DrawTiny ColoradoRiver Warm Creek Lower Grand Bench PilotDraw Nipple Springs Draw Lower Sit Down Creek WarmSpringDraw Colorado River Lower Burning Hills Tributary Lower SmokyButte South Fork ColoradoRiver Colorado River GrandBench Upper Sit Down Creek Colorado River Clints Canyon Draw WaterRightFork Canyon Gunsight Canyon Draw Standup Creek Mudhole Valley Colorado River SundayValley KellyFlatsDraw Left Fork Water Canyon Water Canyon Squaw Canyon Draw UpperSquawCanyonDraw Lower Smoky Butte UpperButteSmoky North Fork Colorado River Last Chance Creek Fourmile Draw Colorado River Dirty Devil Draw MidSquaw Valley CanyonDraw Blackburn Creek Central Burning Hills FireDraw Reese Canyon LowerBurningHills NorthBranchCreek EastSmokyHollow SmokyDraw ColoradoRiver LittleBurningHillsCanyon SmokyHollow Wesses Cove Draw Smoky Point Canyon Draw NavajoCanyon Smoky Cove Smoky Hollow Draw BurningHillsCreek Draft Zone A Base Level Engineering (BLE) Results Utah Division of Emergency Management NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM GREATER SEVIER PROJECT AREA GARFIELD, JUAB, KANE, MILLARD, PIUTE, SANPETE, AND SEVIER COUNTIES, UTAH RISK MAP PROJECT RELEASE DATE 10/4/2023 Kane County - Unincorporated Areas BLE HYDRAULICS WORK MAP Nevada Colorado Wyoming Arizona TOOELE SAN JUAN MILLARD KANE JUAB IRON EMERY UINTAH BOX ELDER GARFIELD GRAND UTAH WAYNE BEAVER SEVIER SUMMIT WASHINGTON CARBON DAVIS DUCHESNE RICH SANPETE CACHE PIUTE WASATCH WEBER SALT LAKE DAGGETT MORGAN STUDY LOCATOR GARFIELD KANE Arizona Alton Hatch Kanab Tropic Glendale Escalante Panguitch Big Water Orderville Cannonville Henrieville 58 59 65 60 66 61 62 72 67 68 73 69 79 74 75 80 76 86 81 82 87 83 88 89 90 84 77 70 63 57 64 71 78 85 56 55 54 53 52 SAN JUAN IRON COUNTY MAP LOCATOR All base information on this map sourced from public data, including the Utah Geospatial Resource Center (UGRC), FEMA, ESRI, and USGS. Note: This map is not an official Flood Insurance Rate Map and the data presented on this map is for draft information only, to be used as best available data where applicable. ***Draft 2023 hydraulic analysis using new LiDAR topography (no ground survey conducted, Tribal Lands excluded). Floodplain delineations are draft and subject to change. * Streams with a drainage area greater than 1 square mile NOTES TO USERS MAP SYMBOLOGY Draft BLE Zone A*** LiDAR Acquisition Area (2014-2019)Project Area Municipalities Counties Alluvial Fan Study Streams* ! A Letters of Map Amendment (LOMA) ! Stream Gauges DRAFT BLM and Other Federal Land State Land National Park Service Private Tribal US Forest Service Land Ownership No Color Effective NFIP Floodplains Effective Zone AE (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Zone A (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Floodway (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Zone AO (1%-annual-chance flood) !!!!!!! Effective 0.2%-annual-chance flood Proposed Detailed Study Area (TBD) Study Streams Outside Initial Refinement Area** ** Floodplain cleanup and refinement within unincorporated areas to occur after Discovery. These areas mainly constitute state and federal land ownership. 82 Map 0 3,000 6,000 1,500 Feet I
SAN JUAN COUNTY KANE COUNTY DrySpaceHollow DrySpaceHollowTributary1 Navajo Bench Wash Twilight TributaryCanyon2 FiftymileSpringDraw TrailHollow Fiftymile Point NavajoPointHollow Twilight Canyon Tributary 1 Upper Grand Bench Fiftymile Creek Tank Hollow FearDraw Colorado River SpringCave Draw DryHollowSpace Tributary 2 BlackburnCreek Colorado River Colorado River NavajoPointDraw Colorado River NeckDraw Grand Bench Neck Twilight Canyon Tributary 3 CavePointWash Interim Draw Little Neck Draw ColoradoRiver BenchNavajoWash Tributary ReflectionCanyon FiftymileCreekTributary DryRockCreek Driftwood Canyon Sour Gulch SpencerViewDraw Little Valley Draw ColoradoRiver Soda Slide Wash ColoradoRiver Cascade Canyon Lake Canyon Grand Bench Harveys Fear Hollow Lower Blackburn Creek Mudhole Creek Colorado River Davis Gulch Balanced Rock Canyon Llewellyn Gulch Pleasant Hollow CottonwoodGulch Twilight Canyon Balanced View Gulch Rock Creek Corral Ridge Draw Spencer Canyon UnderIndianGardenDraw WestTeddysGulch Rock Creek Henry Cowels View Draw BullRidgeDraw Middle Rock Creek Teddys Horse Pasture Draw Draft Zone A Base Level Engineering (BLE) Results Utah Division of Emergency Management NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM GREATER SEVIER PROJECT AREA GARFIELD, JUAB, KANE, MILLARD, PIUTE, SANPETE, AND SEVIER COUNTIES, UTAH RISK MAP PROJECT RELEASE DATE 10/4/2023 Kane County - Unincorporated Areas BLE HYDRAULICS WORK MAP Nevada Colorado Wyoming Arizona TOOELE SAN JUAN MILLARD KANE JUAB IRON EMERY UINTAH BOX ELDER GARFIELD GRAND UTAH WAYNE BEAVER SEVIER SUMMIT WASHINGTON CARBON DAVIS DUCHESNE RICH SANPETE CACHE PIUTE WASATCH WEBER SALT LAKE DAGGETT MORGAN STUDY LOCATOR GARFIELD KANE Arizona Alton Hatch Kanab Tropic Glendale Escalante Panguitch Big Water Orderville Cannonville Henrieville 58 59 65 60 66 61 62 72 67 68 73 69 79 74 75 80 76 86 81 82 87 83 88 89 90 84 77 70 63 57 64 71 78 85 56 55 54 53 52 SAN JUAN IRON COUNTY MAP LOCATOR All base information on this map sourced from public data, including the Utah Geospatial Resource Center (UGRC), FEMA, ESRI, and USGS. Note: This map is not an official Flood Insurance Rate Map and the data presented on this map is for draft information only, to be used as best available data where applicable. ***Draft 2023 hydraulic analysis using new LiDAR topography (no ground survey conducted, Tribal Lands excluded). Floodplain delineations are draft and subject to change. * Streams with a drainage area greater than 1 square mile NOTES TO USERS MAP SYMBOLOGY Draft BLE Zone A*** LiDAR Acquisition Area (2014-2019)Project Area Municipalities Counties Alluvial Fan Study Streams* ! A Letters of Map Amendment (LOMA) ! Stream Gauges DRAFT BLM and Other Federal Land State Land National Park Service Private Tribal US Forest Service Land Ownership No Color Effective NFIP Floodplains Effective Zone AE (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Zone A (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Floodway (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Zone AO (1%-annual-chance flood) !!!!!!! Effective 0.2%-annual-chance flood Proposed Detailed Study Area (TBD) Study Streams Outside Initial Refinement Area** ** Floodplain cleanup and refinement within unincorporated areas to occur after Discovery. These areas mainly constitute state and federal land ownership. 83 Map 0 3,000 6,000 1,500 Feet I
SAN JUAN COUNTY KANE COUNTY CottonwoodCreek Colorado River Colorado River ReflectionCanyon ColoradoRiver ColoradoRiver ColoradoRiver CottonwoodGulch Indian Creek ColoradoRiver Colorado River Draft Zone A Base Level Engineering (BLE) Results Utah Division of Emergency Management NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM GREATER SEVIER PROJECT AREA GARFIELD, JUAB, KANE, MILLARD, PIUTE, SANPETE, AND SEVIER COUNTIES, UTAH RISK MAP PROJECT RELEASE DATE 10/4/2023 Kane County - Unincorporated Areas BLE HYDRAULICS WORK MAP Nevada Colorado Wyoming Arizona TOOELE SAN JUAN MILLARD KANE JUAB IRON EMERY UINTAH BOX ELDER GARFIELD GRAND UTAH WAYNE BEAVER SEVIER SUMMIT WASHINGTON CARBON DAVIS DUCHESNE RICH SANPETE CACHE PIUTE WASATCH WEBER SALT LAKE DAGGETT MORGAN STUDY LOCATOR GARFIELD KANE Arizona Alton Hatch Kanab Tropic Glendale Escalante Panguitch Big Water Orderville Cannonville Henrieville 58 59 65 60 66 61 62 72 67 68 73 69 79 74 75 80 76 86 81 82 87 83 88 89 90 84 77 70 63 57 64 71 78 85 56 55 54 53 52 SAN JUAN IRON COUNTY MAP LOCATOR All base information on this map sourced from public data, including the Utah Geospatial Resource Center (UGRC), FEMA, ESRI, and USGS. Note: This map is not an official Flood Insurance Rate Map and the data presented on this map is for draft information only, to be used as best available data where applicable. ***Draft 2023 hydraulic analysis using new LiDAR topography (no ground survey conducted, Tribal Lands excluded). Floodplain delineations are draft and subject to change. * Streams with a drainage area greater than 1 square mile NOTES TO USERS MAP SYMBOLOGY Draft BLE Zone A*** LiDAR Acquisition Area (2014-2019)Project Area Municipalities Counties Alluvial Fan Study Streams* ! A Letters of Map Amendment (LOMA) ! Stream Gauges DRAFT BLM and Other Federal Land State Land National Park Service Private Tribal US Forest Service Land Ownership No Color Effective NFIP Floodplains Effective Zone AE (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Zone A (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Floodway (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Zone AO (1%-annual-chance flood) !!!!!!! Effective 0.2%-annual-chance flood Proposed Detailed Study Area (TBD) Study Streams Outside Initial Refinement Area** ** Floodplain cleanup and refinement within unincorporated areas to occur after Discovery. These areas mainly constitute state and federal land ownership. 84 Map 0 3,000 6,000 1,500 Feet I
! A WASHINGTON COUNTY KANE COUNTY Hildale Rock Canyon SouthForkCanyon WaterCanyon Tributary HarrisSprings SpringWillowNorth DixieKnoll Shune's Creek Sandy Canyon Wash Upper Sandy Canyon Wash Dixie Knoll Distributary Sand Canyon Wash SpringShune's Upper Sandy Canyon Wash Tributary Lower Block Mesas Little Block Mesas ChrisSpring South TributaryCanyonFork Sand Dunes Draw CottonwoodCreek CoralPink SandDunesCampground CaveLakes Canyon Upper Cottonwood Creek East Block Mesas Yellowjacket Spring Lower Sand WashCanyon DixieKnollValley GoatSprings Sethy's Canyon Yellowjacket Canyon Sand Canyon WaterCanyon CougarCanyon ArtCanyon Draft Zone A Base Level Engineering (BLE) Results Utah Division of Emergency Management NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM GREATER SEVIER PROJECT AREA GARFIELD, JUAB, KANE, MILLARD, PIUTE, SANPETE, AND SEVIER COUNTIES, UTAH RISK MAP PROJECT RELEASE DATE 10/4/2023 Kane County - Unincorporated Areas BLE HYDRAULICS WORK MAP Nevada Colorado Wyoming Arizona TOOELE SAN JUAN MILLARD KANE JUAB IRON EMERY UINTAH BOX ELDER GARFIELD GRAND UTAH WAYNE BEAVER SEVIER SUMMIT WASHINGTON CARBON DAVIS DUCHESNE RICH SANPETE CACHE PIUTE WASATCH WEBER SALT LAKE DAGGETT MORGAN STUDY LOCATOR GARFIELD KANE Arizona Alton Hatch Kanab Tropic Glendale Escalante Panguitch Big Water Orderville Cannonville Henrieville 58 59 65 60 66 61 62 72 67 68 73 69 79 74 75 80 76 86 81 82 87 83 88 89 90 84 77 70 63 57 64 71 78 85 56 55 54 53 52 SAN JUAN IRON COUNTY MAP LOCATOR All base information on this map sourced from public data, including the Utah Geospatial Resource Center (UGRC), FEMA, ESRI, and USGS. Note: This map is not an official Flood Insurance Rate Map and the data presented on this map is for draft information only, to be used as best available data where applicable. ***Draft 2023 hydraulic analysis using new LiDAR topography (no ground survey conducted, Tribal Lands excluded). Floodplain delineations are draft and subject to change. * Streams with a drainage area greater than 1 square mile NOTES TO USERS MAP SYMBOLOGY Draft BLE Zone A*** LiDAR Acquisition Area (2014-2019)Project Area Municipalities Counties Alluvial Fan Study Streams* ! A Letters of Map Amendment (LOMA) ! Stream Gauges DRAFT BLM and Other Federal Land State Land National Park Service Private Tribal US Forest Service Land Ownership No Color Effective NFIP Floodplains Effective Zone AE (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Zone A (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Floodway (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Zone AO (1%-annual-chance flood) !!!!!!! Effective 0.2%-annual-chance flood Proposed Detailed Study Area (TBD) Study Streams Outside Initial Refinement Area** ** Floodplain cleanup and refinement within unincorporated areas to occur after Discovery. These areas mainly constitute state and federal land ownership. 85 Map 0 3,000 6,000 1,500 Feet I
! A ! A ! A ! A ! A ! A KANE COUNTY Kanab Kanab Creek CaveLakesCanyon RodeoGrounds Lower Lost Spring Gap PughCanyon ThreeLakesCanyon Hog Canyon ArtCanyon HogSouthFork Canyon Tiny Canyon TomsCanyon BuntingCanyon CaveLakesCanyon Farm Canyon WaterCanyon KanabCreek Tributary PointBunting Upper Lost Spring Gap Tributary West Lost Spring Gap Kanab Well Draw Kanab Airport NorthFork PughCanyon Lower Seeps Dairy Canyon LittleTiny Canyon Hog Springs LittleDairyCanyon Rock Canyon Flood Canyon LandingStripDraw BigTiny Canyon Kanab Airport Tributary JohnsonLakeCanyon Hell Dive Canyon Sand Canyon LowerFloodCanyon TheSeeps EastWillisSprings Lower Wygaret Terrace EightmileGap Lower Lost Spring Gap Tributary Long Canyon Upper CottonwoodCreek SouthForkWillisCanyon NorthForkHogCanyon GlassEye Canyon John R Flat Lower JohnR Flat TrailCanyon UpperLostSpringGap Cottonwood Creek Hell's Bellows Wash Eagle Gate Arch CougarCanyon Johnson Wash NorthForkWillisCanyon Seeps Wash Meadow Canyon Center Canyon Upper Crescent Butte WillisCanyon Sherman Cove LostSpringWash Draft Zone A Base Level Engineering (BLE) Results Utah Division of Emergency Management NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM GREATER SEVIER PROJECT AREA GARFIELD, JUAB, KANE, MILLARD, PIUTE, SANPETE, AND SEVIER COUNTIES, UTAH RISK MAP PROJECT RELEASE DATE 10/4/2023 Kane County - Unincorporated Areas BLE HYDRAULICS WORK MAP Nevada Colorado Wyoming Arizona TOOELE SAN JUAN MILLARD KANE JUAB IRON EMERY UINTAH BOX ELDER GARFIELD GRAND UTAH WAYNE BEAVER SEVIER SUMMIT WASHINGTON CARBON DAVIS DUCHESNE RICH SANPETE CACHE PIUTE WASATCH WEBER SALT LAKE DAGGETT MORGAN STUDY LOCATOR GARFIELD KANE Arizona Alton Hatch Kanab Tropic Glendale Escalante Panguitch Big Water Orderville Cannonville Henrieville 58 59 65 60 66 61 62 72 67 68 73 69 79 74 75 80 76 86 81 82 87 83 88 89 90 84 77 70 63 57 64 71 78 85 56 55 54 53 52 SAN JUAN IRON COUNTY MAP LOCATOR All base information on this map sourced from public data, including the Utah Geospatial Resource Center (UGRC), FEMA, ESRI, and USGS. Note: This map is not an official Flood Insurance Rate Map and the data presented on this map is for draft information only, to be used as best available data where applicable. ***Draft 2023 hydraulic analysis using new LiDAR topography (no ground survey conducted, Tribal Lands excluded). Floodplain delineations are draft and subject to change. * Streams with a drainage area greater than 1 square mile NOTES TO USERS MAP SYMBOLOGY Draft BLE Zone A*** LiDAR Acquisition Area (2014-2019)Project Area Municipalities Counties Alluvial Fan Study Streams* ! A Letters of Map Amendment (LOMA) ! Stream Gauges DRAFT BLM and Other Federal Land State Land National Park Service Private Tribal US Forest Service Land Ownership No Color Effective NFIP Floodplains Effective Zone AE (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Zone A (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Floodway (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Zone AO (1%-annual-chance flood) !!!!!!! Effective 0.2%-annual-chance flood Proposed Detailed Study Area (TBD) Study Streams Outside Initial Refinement Area** ** Floodplain cleanup and refinement within unincorporated areas to occur after Discovery. These areas mainly constitute state and federal land ownership. 86 Map 0 3,000 6,000 1,500 Feet I
KANE COUNTY Upper Paria Canyon LittleTelegraphWash FloodCanyon Sand Gulch WhiteSageTributaryMajor Upper Little WashTelegraph Upper Telegraph Wash Upper DrawCockscombEast Prospect Draw Adam'sReservoir LittleParia Canyon UpperCoyoteValley Lower WashTelegraphLittle LowerSeamanWash FiveMileMountain GlassEye Spring KaibabGulchTrailDraw WashTelegraphLower East White Sage Wash Corral UpperFive Mile Mountain Little Kaibab Gulch Draw SageUpperWhite TributaryMajor Telegraph Wash CentralLittle TelegraphWash TelegraphWashAqueduct Horse Canyon West Coyote Valley Cockscomb Wash Lower Bull Pasture Draw Seeps Wash Arizona Draw LowerEastCockscomb Draw Center Canyon DryLakeFlatDraw WhiteSageWash PetrifiedHollow SouthWhiteSageWash Coyote Wash TelegraphFlat UpperWest Cockscomb Draw Buckskin Gulch WhiteLowerLittleSageWash SageLowerWhite TributaryMajor Kaibab GulchTributaryTrailDraw LittleWhiteSageWash Lower White Sage Wash Kaibab Gulch Lower SageWhiteEast Wash Seaman Wash Petrified Hollow Pine Hollow Canyon EastWhiteSage Wash Powerline Draw Draft Zone A Base Level Engineering (BLE) Results Utah Division of Emergency Management NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM GREATER SEVIER PROJECT AREA GARFIELD, JUAB, KANE, MILLARD, PIUTE, SANPETE, AND SEVIER COUNTIES, UTAH RISK MAP PROJECT RELEASE DATE 10/4/2023 Kane County - Unincorporated Areas BLE HYDRAULICS WORK MAP Nevada Colorado Wyoming Arizona TOOELE SAN JUAN MILLARD KANE JUAB IRON EMERY UINTAH BOX ELDER GARFIELD GRAND UTAH WAYNE BEAVER SEVIER SUMMIT WASHINGTON CARBON DAVIS DUCHESNE RICH SANPETE CACHE PIUTE WASATCH WEBER SALT LAKE DAGGETT MORGAN STUDY LOCATOR GARFIELD KANE Arizona Alton Hatch Kanab Tropic Glendale Escalante Panguitch Big Water Orderville Cannonville Henrieville 58 59 65 60 66 61 62 72 67 68 73 69 79 74 75 80 76 86 81 82 87 83 88 89 90 84 77 70 63 57 64 71 78 85 56 55 54 53 52 SAN JUAN IRON COUNTY MAP LOCATOR All base information on this map sourced from public data, including the Utah Geospatial Resource Center (UGRC), FEMA, ESRI, and USGS. Note: This map is not an official Flood Insurance Rate Map and the data presented on this map is for draft information only, to be used as best available data where applicable. ***Draft 2023 hydraulic analysis using new LiDAR topography (no ground survey conducted, Tribal Lands excluded). Floodplain delineations are draft and subject to change. * Streams with a drainage area greater than 1 square mile NOTES TO USERS MAP SYMBOLOGY Draft BLE Zone A*** LiDAR Acquisition Area (2014-2019)Project Area Municipalities Counties Alluvial Fan Study Streams* ! A Letters of Map Amendment (LOMA) ! Stream Gauges DRAFT BLM and Other Federal Land State Land National Park Service Private Tribal US Forest Service Land Ownership No Color Effective NFIP Floodplains Effective Zone AE (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Zone A (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Floodway (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Zone AO (1%-annual-chance flood) !!!!!!! Effective 0.2%-annual-chance flood Proposed Detailed Study Area (TBD) Study Streams Outside Initial Refinement Area** ** Floodplain cleanup and refinement within unincorporated areas to occur after Discovery. These areas mainly constitute state and federal land ownership. 87 Map 0 3,000 6,000 1,500 Feet I
KANE COUNTY Big Water CedarHollowTributary3 GlenCanyonCitySwale Cedar Hollow Jacob Tanks Draw Cedar Hollow Tributary1 WestClark BenchTributaryWash BluePoolWash Tributary2 PariaRiver FlatTop Draw Tributary ShittumWashTributary2 SouthSteamboatRock Steamboat Rock Wahweap Creek Blue Pool Wash Tributary 3 ChurchDrawTributary2 South Steamboat Rock Lower Branch East Cove Draw Tributary SouthSteamboat RockUpperBranch Cedar Hollow Tributary3 BuckskinGulch Cedar Mountain Gulch Church Draw Tributary 1 TributaryShittumWash 1 JacobTanksDrawTributary1 WestCoveDraw South Tank Draw East Clark Bench Wash Tributary Flat Top Hollow LittleSteamboatRock NorthJuddHollow Blue Pool Wash Blue Pool Wash Tributary1 Church Draw EastCoveDraw Border Wash Jacob Tanks Draw Tributary 2 White House Draw LittleCedar MountainGulch Bridger Wash Wolf Knoll East Clark Draw South Cobra Arch EastClark BenchWash Nipple Creek East Cove Wash FlatTopDraw CedarMountainDraw LongCanyon WestClarkBenchWash Little White Rock Canyon JuddHollow Sand Gulch Coyote Creek CockscombDraw ShittumWash Haycock Point Wash BuckTankDraw Draft Zone A Base Level Engineering (BLE) Results Utah Division of Emergency Management NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM GREATER SEVIER PROJECT AREA GARFIELD, JUAB, KANE, MILLARD, PIUTE, SANPETE, AND SEVIER COUNTIES, UTAH RISK MAP PROJECT RELEASE DATE 10/4/2023 Kane County - Unincorporated Areas BLE HYDRAULICS WORK MAP Nevada Colorado Wyoming Arizona TOOELE SAN JUAN MILLARD KANE JUAB IRON EMERY UINTAH BOX ELDER GARFIELD GRAND UTAH WAYNE BEAVER SEVIER SUMMIT WASHINGTON CARBON DAVIS DUCHESNE RICH SANPETE CACHE PIUTE WASATCH WEBER SALT LAKE DAGGETT MORGAN STUDY LOCATOR GARFIELD KANE Arizona Alton Hatch Kanab Tropic Glendale Escalante Panguitch Big Water Orderville Cannonville Henrieville 58 59 65 60 66 61 62 72 67 68 73 69 79 74 75 80 76 86 81 82 87 83 88 89 90 84 77 70 63 57 64 71 78 85 56 55 54 53 52 SAN JUAN IRON COUNTY MAP LOCATOR All base information on this map sourced from public data, including the Utah Geospatial Resource Center (UGRC), FEMA, ESRI, and USGS. Note: This map is not an official Flood Insurance Rate Map and the data presented on this map is for draft information only, to be used as best available data where applicable. ***Draft 2023 hydraulic analysis using new LiDAR topography (no ground survey conducted, Tribal Lands excluded). Floodplain delineations are draft and subject to change. * Streams with a drainage area greater than 1 square mile NOTES TO USERS MAP SYMBOLOGY Draft BLE Zone A*** LiDAR Acquisition Area (2014-2019)Project Area Municipalities Counties Alluvial Fan Study Streams* ! A Letters of Map Amendment (LOMA) ! Stream Gauges DRAFT BLM and Other Federal Land State Land National Park Service Private Tribal US Forest Service Land Ownership No Color Effective NFIP Floodplains Effective Zone AE (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Zone A (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Floodway (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Zone AO (1%-annual-chance flood) !!!!!!! Effective 0.2%-annual-chance flood Proposed Detailed Study Area (TBD) Study Streams Outside Initial Refinement Area** ** Floodplain cleanup and refinement within unincorporated areas to occur after Discovery. These areas mainly constitute state and federal land ownership. 88 Map 0 3,000 6,000 1,500 Feet I
SAN JUAN COUNTY KANE COUNTY Lake Powell Pasture Point CanyonDraw Lake Powell RomaneMesaWash Lake Powell East BayLabyrinth Draw Lake Powell WahweapCreek Lake Powell Lake Powell Middle Warm Point Draw LakePowell Lake Powell Scope Draw Lone Rock Canyon PadreCreek DrawMadre Lake Powell WestLabyrinth Bay Draw Colorado River Prickley Pear Point Draw Little Lone Rock Canyon SmokyDraw LakePowell Wiregrass Canyon Tributary 1 SowDraw GunsightSpringDraw ClawDraw SileBrink Hollow Draw WiregrassTributaryCanyon 2 West Navajo Draw LakePowell WarmCreek Lake Powell Lake Powell CrosbyCanyonDraw AlstromPointDraw LakePowell LakePowell WagonBoxCanyonDraw NavajoDraw WahweapCreek Lone Creek BluePoolWash Sand Hill Draw Colorado River LoneCreekTributary Lake Powell Gunsight CanyonDraw OleyKnollsDraw LakePowell Lake Powell SkylightWash Lake Powell Lake Powell Lake Powell Stud Horse Wash StudDraw Wiregrass Canyon Window Wash Draft Zone A Base Level Engineering (BLE) Results Utah Division of Emergency Management NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM GREATER SEVIER PROJECT AREA GARFIELD, JUAB, KANE, MILLARD, PIUTE, SANPETE, AND SEVIER COUNTIES, UTAH RISK MAP PROJECT RELEASE DATE 10/4/2023 Kane County - Unincorporated Areas BLE HYDRAULICS WORK MAP Nevada Colorado Wyoming Arizona TOOELE SAN JUAN MILLARD KANE JUAB IRON EMERY UINTAH BOX ELDER GARFIELD GRAND UTAH WAYNE BEAVER SEVIER SUMMIT WASHINGTON CARBON DAVIS DUCHESNE RICH SANPETE CACHE PIUTE WASATCH WEBER SALT LAKE DAGGETT MORGAN STUDY LOCATOR GARFIELD KANE Arizona Alton Hatch Kanab Tropic Glendale Escalante Panguitch Big Water Orderville Cannonville Henrieville 58 59 65 60 66 61 62 72 67 68 73 69 79 74 75 80 76 86 81 82 87 83 88 89 90 84 77 70 63 57 64 71 78 85 56 55 54 53 52 SAN JUAN IRON COUNTY MAP LOCATOR All base information on this map sourced from public data, including the Utah Geospatial Resource Center (UGRC), FEMA, ESRI, and USGS. Note: This map is not an official Flood Insurance Rate Map and the data presented on this map is for draft information only, to be used as best available data where applicable. ***Draft 2023 hydraulic analysis using new LiDAR topography (no ground survey conducted, Tribal Lands excluded). Floodplain delineations are draft and subject to change. * Streams with a drainage area greater than 1 square mile NOTES TO USERS MAP SYMBOLOGY Draft BLE Zone A*** LiDAR Acquisition Area (2014-2019)Project Area Municipalities Counties Alluvial Fan Study Streams* ! A Letters of Map Amendment (LOMA) ! Stream Gauges DRAFT BLM and Other Federal Land State Land National Park Service Private Tribal US Forest Service Land Ownership No Color Effective NFIP Floodplains Effective Zone AE (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Zone A (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Floodway (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Zone AO (1%-annual-chance flood) !!!!!!! Effective 0.2%-annual-chance flood Proposed Detailed Study Area (TBD) Study Streams Outside Initial Refinement Area** ** Floodplain cleanup and refinement within unincorporated areas to occur after Discovery. These areas mainly constitute state and federal land ownership. 89 Map 0 3,000 6,000 1,500 Feet I
SAN JUAN COUNTY KANE COUNTY Lake Powell LakePowell East Rainbow Draw LakePowell Colorado River Lake Powell Lake Powell San Juan Springs Draw RockCreek Lake Powell Driftwood Canyon Sie Billikoon Draw West Rainbow Draw Rock Creek Balanced Rock Canyon Lake Powell TeddysHorsePastureDraw Cascade Canyon WestTeddys Gulch Colorado River Colorado River Lake Powell ColoradoRiver Draft Zone A Base Level Engineering (BLE) Results Utah Division of Emergency Management NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM GREATER SEVIER PROJECT AREA GARFIELD, JUAB, KANE, MILLARD, PIUTE, SANPETE, AND SEVIER COUNTIES, UTAH RISK MAP PROJECT RELEASE DATE 10/4/2023 Kane County - Unincorporated Areas BLE HYDRAULICS WORK MAP Nevada Colorado Wyoming Arizona TOOELE SAN JUAN MILLARD KANE JUAB IRON EMERY UINTAH BOX ELDER GARFIELD GRAND UTAH WAYNE BEAVER SEVIER SUMMIT WASHINGTON CARBON DAVIS DUCHESNE RICH SANPETE CACHE PIUTE WASATCH WEBER SALT LAKE DAGGETT MORGAN STUDY LOCATOR GARFIELD KANE Arizona Alton Hatch Kanab Tropic Glendale Escalante Panguitch Big Water Orderville Cannonville Henrieville 58 59 65 60 66 61 62 72 67 68 73 69 79 74 75 80 76 86 81 82 87 83 88 89 90 84 77 70 63 57 64 71 78 85 56 55 54 53 52 SAN JUAN IRON COUNTY MAP LOCATOR All base information on this map sourced from public data, including the Utah Geospatial Resource Center (UGRC), FEMA, ESRI, and USGS. Note: This map is not an official Flood Insurance Rate Map and the data presented on this map is for draft information only, to be used as best available data where applicable. ***Draft 2023 hydraulic analysis using new LiDAR topography (no ground survey conducted, Tribal Lands excluded). Floodplain delineations are draft and subject to change. * Streams with a drainage area greater than 1 square mile NOTES TO USERS MAP SYMBOLOGY Draft BLE Zone A*** LiDAR Acquisition Area (2014-2019)Project Area Municipalities Counties Alluvial Fan Study Streams* ! A Letters of Map Amendment (LOMA) ! Stream Gauges DRAFT BLM and Other Federal Land State Land National Park Service Private Tribal US Forest Service Land Ownership No Color Effective NFIP Floodplains Effective Zone AE (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Zone A (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Floodway (1%-annual-chance flood) Effective Zone AO (1%-annual-chance flood) !!!!!!! Effective 0.2%-annual-chance flood Proposed Detailed Study Area (TBD) Study Streams Outside Initial Refinement Area** ** Floodplain cleanup and refinement within unincorporated areas to occur after Discovery. These areas mainly constitute state and federal land ownership. 90 Map 0 3,000 6,000 1,500 Feet I