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COOL AS A cucumber

COOL AS A cucumber

Style File


O.C. Tanner Jewelers, SLC, octannerjewelers.com


Ambient A Landscape Hotel, Sedona, AZ, ambientsedona.com


Native Flower Company, SLC, nativeflowercompany.com; Urban Hill, SLC, urban-hill.com


Curate to the Trade, SLC, curatetothetrade.com; Eldredge Furniture, SLC, eldredgefurniture.com; Helm, Murray, helmhome.com; MLD, SLC, mld. com; The Garden Store, SLC, thegardenstoresaltlake.com


Principal Design Co., SLC, shopprincipal.com; The Fox Shop, Holladay, thefoxshop.co; Commerce & Craft, SLC, commerceandcraft.com

Design Solutions

Big Ideas For Small Living

PAGES 40-42, 44

Photographer: Mykal Bush, Mykals Photography, St. George, mykalsphotography.com; Interior Design: Gregg Hodson, Gregg Hodson Interior Design, Ivins, gregghodsondesigns.com; Builder: Paul Zabriskie, Finish Line Construction, St. George, 435-229-3298

Spaces Shower Power

PAGES 50-52

1. Photo by Nick Adams, St. George, nick-adamsphotography.squarespace.com; Contractor: C. Blake Homes, Ivins, cblakehomes.com; Architect: Todd Benson, McQuay Architects, St. George, mcquayarchitects.com; Interior Design: Brenda Blake Interior Design, cblakehomes.com

2. Photo by Laura Bruschke, SLC, laurabruschke. com; Interior Design; Beck & Engle Design Park City, beckandengle.com; Architect: Jeff Schindewolf, JSARC Architects, Park City, jsarcpllc. com; Builder: Jford Construction, Park City, jfordhomes.com

Living Home Construction, SLC, living-home.net; Interior design: Ramsey Madsen, Ramsey Madsen Design, Park City, 949-466-0950; Architectural drafting: Republic of Rational Design, rofrd.com

4. Photo by Joshua Caldwell, joshuacaldwell.com; Interior Design: Rochelle Warner, Rochelle Warner Interiors, SLC, @rochelle.warner.design; Layout Design: Leah Wynn, Inside Out Architecturals, SLC, insideoutarchitecturals.com

5. Photo by Scott Davis, scott-davis-photo.com; Builder and Interior Design: The Fox Group, Holladay, thefoxgroup.com; Vanities: Ryan Reeder Cabinets, ryanreedercabinets.com

6. Photo by Rebekah Westover, Orem, rebekahwestover.com; Interior Design and Architecture: Joseph Ward, HOMEWARDesign, Highland, homewardesign.com; Contractor: McEwan Custom Homes. American Fork, mcewancustomhomes.com

7. Photo by Amanda Peterson, amandapetersondesign.com; Interior Design: Allison Campbell, Allison Campbell Design, Orem, allisoncampbelldesign.com; Builder: Anderson Custom Homes, St. George, andersoncustomhomesinc.com

Go With The Flow

PAGES 58-63

Photographer: Michael Todoran; Landscape Architect: Seth Bockholt, Bockholt Landscape Architecture, SLC, bockholtlandscapearchitecture. com; Gilmer Farms, SLC, simplygilmer.com


PAGES 68-73

Photographer: Rebekah Westover, Orem, rebekahwestover.com; Interior Design: Aubrey Smith, Aubrey Veva Design, Springville, aubreyvevadesign.com; Homeowner and Designer

Dresses: JessaKae Maddocks, jessakae.com; Construction: Five Star Custom Carpentry Window treatments: Uptown Drapes, Lindon, uptowndrapes.com; Custom pillows: Katie Mortensen, The Sewing Nerd, Spanish Fork, thesewingnerd.com

A New Light

PAGES 92-101

Photographer: Rebekah Westover, rebekahwestover.com; Interior Design, furnishings and fixtures: Lucca Design, Draper, lucca-design. com; Builder: Tri City Construction, Draper, tricityconstruction.com

A Warm Welcome

PAGES 102-111

Photographer: Amanda Peterson, amandapetersondesign.com; Interior Design, furnishings and fixtures: Allison Campbell, Allison Campbell Design, Orem, allisoncampbelldesign. com; Architectural Design: Bryson Carrick, JCD Custom Home Design, Spanish Fork, jcdhomes. com; Flooring: National Flooring Brokers, Orem, nationalflooringbrokers.blogspot.com; Fireplace and countertop stone: JAB Marble & Granite, SLC, 435-219-8048; Cabinetry/Built-ins: R&M Woods, Orem, 801-226-2214; Custom steel pivot entry door: Style Source Productions, Orem, stylesourceproductions.com; Primary bedroom window treatments: Uptown Drapes, Lindon, uptowndrapes.com; Interior plaster work: Marrwall Plaster, marrwall.com

Natural Fit

PAGES 112-121

Photographer: Laura Bruschke, laurabruschke.com; Interior Designers, furnishings and fixtures: Amanda Engle and Stacey Beck, Beck & Engle Design, Park City, beckandengle.com; Architect: Jeff Schindewolf, JSARC Architects, Park City, jsarcpllc.com; Builder: Jford Construction, Park City, jfordhomes. com; Cabinetry: Craftsman Kitchens, SLC, craftsmankitchen.com; Kitchen, bathroom and primary bedroom fireplace stone: European Marble & Granite, SLC and Park City, europeanmarbleandgranite.com; Living, dining and stairway light fixtures: Hammerton Studio, SLC, studio.hammerton.com; Draperies: Park City Blind & Design, Park City, parkcityblind.com; Rift white-oak flooring: Underfoot Floors, SLC, underfootfloors.net

Windows and doors: Epic Windows + Doors, SLC, epicwd.com; Kitchen and bathroom hardware: Rocky MountainHardware, rockymountainhardware.com; Fireplace and staircase steel work: Lightning Forge, Murray, 801268-1838; Select original art pieces: 15th Street Gallery, SLC, 15thstreetgallery.com

Sources are acknowledgements of services and items provided by featured design principals and homeowners. Those not listed are either private, pre-existing or available through the professionals noted.

USD (ISSN 1941-2169) Utah Style & Design is published quarterly (Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall) by Utah Partners Publishing, L.L.P. Editorial, advertising and administrative office: 515 S. 700 East, Suite 3i, Salt Lake City, UT 84102. Telephone: 801-485-5100; fax 801-485-5133. Periodicals Postage Paid at Salt Lake City and at additional mailing offices.

Subscriptions: One year ($19.95); outside the continental U.S. add $20 a year. Toll-free subscription number: 855-276-4395. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Utah Style & Design/Subscription Dept., PO Box 820, Boca Raton, FL 33429. Copyright 2023, JES Publishing Corp. No whole or part of the contents may be reproduced in any manner without prior permission of Utah Style & Design, excepting individually copyrighted articles and photographs. Manuscripts accompanied by SASE are accepted, but no responsibility will be assumed for unsolicited contributions.

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