4 minute read
The Grand America, SLC, grandamerica.com
Curate to the Trade, SLC, curatetothetrade.com; The Fox Shop, Holladay, thefoxshop.co; Forsey’s Fine Furniture, SLC, forseys.com; The Garden Store, SLC, thegardenstoresaltlake.com; Helm, Murray, helmhome.com; John Brooks Inc., SLC, johnbrooksinc.com; Madison McCord Interiors, SLC, madisonmccord.com; San Francisco Design, SLC and Park City, sanfrandesign.com
Allison Campbell, Orem, allisoncampbelldesign.com
Modern West Fine Art, SLC, modernwestfineart.com
Leuca Floral, leucafloral.com
PAGES 38-40
Photographer: Scot Zimmerman, scotzimmermanphotography.com; LMK Interior Design, SLC, lmkinteriordesign.com
PAGES 44-49
Photographer: Skylar Nielsen, skylarnielsen.com; WOW Atelier, SLC, be-wow.com
PAGES 54-59
Photographer: Rebekah Westover, rebekahwestover.com; Twenty & Creek, Sandy, twentyandcreek.com; The Fox Group, Holladay, thefoxgroup.com; Ferran Construction, South Jordan, ferranconstruction.com; Emily Brooks Wayment, SLC, gardenbyemily.com; Peter Fillerup, SLC, ansonfillerupdesign.com
PAGES 76-85
Photographer: David Livingston, davidduncanlivingston.com; Interior Designer: Anne-Marie Barton, AMB Design, Holladay, annemariebarton.com; Architect: Warren Lloyd, Lloyd Architects, SLC, lloyd-arch.com; Builder: Steve Dubell Construction Group Inc., SLC, dubellcustomhomes.com; Landscape Design: Berghoff Design Group, Phoenix, berghoffdesign. com; Cabinetry: Dan MacDonald, Craftsman Kitchens, SLC, craftsmankitchen.com; Stair railing and fireplace surround: Metalmorphic, SLC, metalmorphic.com; Fireplace surround stone, European Marble & Granite, South Salt Lake, europeanmarbleandgranite.com; Furnishings, fixtures and art: AMB Design, Holladay, annemariebarton.com
PAGES 86-95
Photographer: Mykal Bush, mykalsphotography. com; Design: Yvonne Christensen and Nichole Speirs, House West Design, St. George and SLC, housewestdesign.com; Architectural Design: Shawn Patten, Creative Dimensions, St. George, 435-668-2228; Builder: RL Wyman, St. George, rlwyman.com; Landscape Design: Cutting Edge, St. George, cuttingedgepools.com; Kitchen cabinets: Prestige Woodworks, St. George, prestigewoodworks.com; Custom wood flooring: Henriksen Butler, St. George, hbdg.com; Custom draperies: Park City Blind and Design, Park City, parkcityblind.com
PAGES 96-105
Photographer: Rebekah Westover, rebekahwestover. com; Interior Design: Remedy Design Firm, Springville, remedydesignfirm.com; Architectural Design: Mitch Lee, Curtis Design Group, Spanish Fork, curtisdesigngroup.com; Builder: Scott Dent, RC Dent Construction, Orem, rcdentconstruction. com; Landscape Design: Darren Burnett, Envision Land Design, Highland, envisionlanddesign.com; Cabinets: R&M Woods, Orem, 801-226-2214; Stone: CR Stoneworld, Mapleton, crstoneworld.com; Windows and doors: Rocky Mountain Windows & Doors, Orem, rockymountainwindows.com; Furnishings: Elements by Remedy, Springville, elementsbyremedy.com
Lee Jofa, kravet.com; Schumacher, fschumacher. com; Casamance, casamance.com; Sanderson, sanderson.sandersondesigngroup.com; Brunschwig & Fils, kravet.com
Sources are acknowledgements of services and items provided by featured design principals and homeowners. Those not listed are either private, pre-existing or available through the professionals noted.
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