Utah Style & Design SP22

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O.C. Tanner Jewelers, SLC, octannerjewelers.com

PAGES 78-89

PAGE 24 MOST WANTED Curate to the Trade, SLC, curatetothetrade.com; Glass House, SLC, glasshouseslc.com; Hammerton Studio, SLC, studio. hammerton.com; John Brooks Inc., SLC, johnbrooksinc.com; Osmond Designs, Lehi and Orem, osmonddesigns.com; San Francisco Design, SLC and Park City, sanfrandesign.com

Photographer: Meagan Larsen, meaganlarsen.com; Interior Design: Andrea West, Andrea West Design, Kaysville, andreawestdesign.com; Architect: Hyrum Bates, Hyrum McKay Bates Design, Inc., Kaysville, 801-599-8434; Builder: Premier Remodeling, Layton, remodelbypremier.com

PAGE 78 ENTRY Front doors: Price’s Guaranteed Doors, SLC, pricesdoors.com

PAGE 26 SHOP TALK Cosy House, St. George, becosyhouse.com



Sectional: Four Hands, fourhands.com; Coffee table: Alice Lane Home Collection, SLC, alicelanehome.com

Salt by Sabrina, saltbysabrina.com


Valley City, sandiastone.com; Linear light: Hammerton Studio, SLC, studio.hammerton.com; Barstools: Holly Hunt, hollyhunt.com; Cabinets: Cabinets by Design, North Salt Lake, 801-296-1950

PAGE 96 PRIMARY BATHROOM Stone countertops: Venetian Tile & Stone Gallery, SLC, venetianstonegallery.com; Fabrication: Sandia Stone, West Valley City, sandiastone.com; Cabinets: Cabinets by Design, North Salt Lake, 801-296-1950; Chandelier: Hubbardton Forge, SLC, hubbardtonforge.com

PAGE 97 PRIMARY BEDROOM Wallpaper: Phillip Jeffries, phillipjeffries.com; Draperies: Uptown Drapes, Lindon, uptowndrapes.com


Lauren Brasserie & Bar, SLC, laurelslc.com

Porcelain countertop: The Stone Collection, SLC, thestonecollection.com; Pendant lights: Rejuvenation, rejuvenation.com; Sconces: Circa Lighting, circalighting.com


Credenza and desk base: Bradshaw Design, SLC, bradshawfurniture.com; Stone desk top: European Marble & Granite, SLC, europeanmarbleandgranite.com; Cabinets: Cabinets by Design, North Salt Lake, 801-296-1950




PAGES 34-36 Backyard Birds, SLC, 801-467-7222, @backyardbirdsslc; The Garden Store, SLC, thegardenstoresaltlake.com; Wild Birds Unlimited, Holladay, saltlakecity.wbu.com

25 YEARS/ARCHIVES ON THE RIGHT PATH PAGES 38-40 Dean Anesi, The Urban Garden Company, SLC, urbangardencompany.com; Rob McQuay, McQuay Architects, St. George, mcquayarchitects.com; Emily Brooks Wayment, Garden by Emily, SLC, gardenbyemily.com; Jayson King, Landform Design Group, SLC, landformdesigngroup. com; Willie Eschenfelder, Eschenfelder Landscaping, Park City and SLC, eschenfelderlandscaping.com; Rob McFarland, Ward and Child Design, SLC, 801-859-4781; Jeremy Fillmore and Ryan Talbot, Northland Design Group, Alpine, northland-design.com

MELLOW YELLOW PAGES 44-47 Hillary Taylor, SLC, hillarytaylorinteriors.com; Sanderson, sanderson.sandersondesigngroup.com; Peter Fasano, peterfasano.com; Morris & Co., morrisandco. sandersondesigngroup.com; Camengo, camengo.com; Christopher Farr Cloth, christopherfarrcloth.com; Casamance, casamance.com; John Brooks Inc., SLC, johnbrooksinc.com

FASHION FORWARD PAGES 50-57 Photographer: Rebekah Westover, rebekahwestover.com; Courtney Grow, courtneygrow.com; Foundation Goods, South Salt Lake, foundationgoods.com

Agatha Black Granite countertop: Bedrock Quartz, bedrockquartz.com; Ladder: Artisan Hardware, artisanhardware.com

IN FINE FORM PAGES 90-101 Photographer: Joshua Caldwall, joshuacaldwell.com; Interior Design: Leslie Schofield, Lecate Design, SLC, lecatedesign. com; Architect: James Carroll, James Carroll & Associates, SLC, jamescarrollandassociates.com; Builder: Jackson & LeRoy, SLC, jacksonandleroy.com; Landscape Design: Jeremy Fillmore, Northland Design Group, Alpine, northland-design. com; Landscape installation: Tuck Landscape, Murray, tucklandscape.com; Doors: Lecate Artisan Doors, SLC, lecateartisandoors.com

PAGE 90-91 EXTERIOR Garage Doors: Custom Carriage House Doors, Park City, carriagedoorutah.com; Landscape installation: Tuck Landscape, Murray, tucklandscape.com

PAGE 92 DINING ROOM Chandelier: Skakuff, shakuff.com; Lapchi rug: Regency Royale, SLC, regencyroyale.com; Art: Jennifer Rasmussen, A Gallery, SLC, agalleryonline.com

PAGE 93 LIVING ROOM White oak floors: KT Hardwoods, Inc., West Jordan, kthardwoods.com; Fireplace stone: Venetian Tile & Stone Gallery, SLC, venetianstonegallery.com; Installation: Sandia Stone, West Valley City, sandiastone.com; Lighting: Skakuff, shakuff.com

PAGE 94-95 KITCHEN Appliances: MLD, South Salt Lake, mld.com; Stone countertops: Venetian Tile & Stone Gallery, SLC, venetianstonegallery.com; Fabrication: Sandia Stone, West

Venetian Tile & Stone Gallery, SLC, venetianstonegallery.com; Fabrication: Sandia Stone, West Valley City, sandiastone.com; Wallpaper: Phillip Jeffries, phillipjeffries.com; Mirror: Handmade Industries, SLC, handmadeindustries.com; Window Coverings: Uptown Drapes, Lindon, uptowndrapes. com; Plumbing fixtures: MLD, South Salt Lake, mld.com

PAGE 99 STAIRWELL Steel structure: Knox Custom Fabrication, North Salt Lake, knoxcustom.com; Wood stairs: KT Hardwoods, Inc., West Jordan, kthardwoods.com

PAGE 101 ENTRY Front door: Lecate Artisan Doors, SLC, lecateartisandoors. com; Door hardware: Rocky Mountain Hardware, MLD, South Salt Lake, mld.com

ON THE RANCH PAGES 102-113 Photographer: Lindsay Salazar, lindsaysalazar.com; Interior Design: Ashley Amman, Ashley Amman Design, New Orleans, ashleyammandesign.com; Architect: Glenn Taucher, Line 8 Design, SLC, line8design.com; Builder: J.A. Preib Construction, LLC, Kamas, 435-649-8047; Cabinetry: Premier Woodwork and Design, Kaysville, 801-547-8009

BUZZ WORTHY PAGE 120 FLOWER CLASS Jamie Heusser, Native Flower Company, SLC, nativeflowercompany.com

Sources are acknowledgements of services and items provided by featured design principals and homeowners. Those not listed are either private, pre-existing or available through the professionals noted.

USD (ISSN 1941-2169) Utah Style & Design is published quarterly (Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall) by Utah Partners Publishing, L.L.P. Editorial, advertising and administrative office: 515 S. 700 East, Suite 3i, Salt Lake City, UT 84102. Telephone: 801-485-5100; fax 801-485-5133. Periodicals Postage Paid at Salt Lake City and at additional mailing offices. Subscriptions: One year ($14.95); outside the continental U.S. add $20 a year. Toll-free subscription number: 855-276-4395. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Utah Style & Design/Subscription Dept., PO Box 820, Boca Raton, FL 33429. Copyright 2022, JES Publishing Corp. No whole or part of the contents may be reproduced in any manner without prior permission of Utah Style & Design, excepting individually copyrighted articles and photographs. Manuscripts accompanied by SASE are accepted, but no responsibility will be assumed for unsolicited contributions.

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