1 minute read
It’s a beautiful day in St. George. The future is ready for Brooks to forge. Stretching his arms, he climbs out of bed and slams his foot on a post made of lead.
But yelling at himself isn’t meant to be. Being kind starts with being kind to me. Brooks says to himself, “Everywhere you go, spread kindness and it will grow.” job,” he says, “I know you did your best. Thanks for trying instead of getting rest.”
It’s time for breakfast. To the kitchen Brooks goes, where burnt pancakes waft past his nose. At first, he wants to complain in disgust, but practicing kindness is a must.
Mean words would certainly make Mama sad, but eating these pancakes won’t be so bad.
Mama opens an umbrella to keep them dry and sees Swoop and Waldo soaked nearby.
“We can share,” Mama says as her arm extends.
“Together we can all stay warm, my friends.”
“Thanks for keeping us dry,” they say.
Mama is happy to spread kindness this way.
Swoop and Waldo see Buster all alone. “We’ll work with you,” they say in a nice tone.
Buster thanks them for being his friend. His lonely days have come to an end. They say, “When you see others in need, we know you will do the same, indeed.”
One day, he’ll grow big and strong, and go to Utah Tech all day long. He’ll learn by doing and jump-start his career. Brooks will continue to be kind there.