New Student Orientation 2020-21

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I am glad to have you on campus and commend you for taking your first steps toward becoming a Trailblazer.

I hope during your visit, you’ll get a sense of what DSU’s “active learning. active life.” is all about. Already, you have taken charge of your own future by enrolling and attending orientation — that is the Trailblazer way. The decisions you make, the experience you gain, the things you learn, and the people you meet in these crucial years will help you chart your course for the rest of your life.

At Dixie State, you can count on a hands-on, innovative approach to learning, a one of a kind recreational setting among southern Utah’s red rocks, an active campus life and tradition, and a wealth of opportunities. I challenge you to take advantage of all of it during your time at DSU.

I encourage you to embrace active learning and living here but also hope you’ll continue to do so throughout your career and life. Commit yourself to actively seeking knowledge and growth at Dixie State, and you can expect a life packed with experiences, achievements, and fulfillment.

I look forward to seeing you on campus. Go Trailblazers!



Welcome to Dixie State University. As our newest Trailblazers, you will find DSU to be a warm, welcoming university where dreams and aspirations turn into reality. Failure is never an option here.

Our dedicated team in Student Affairs and across campus works hard to ensure that you are never alone in your journey through college. DSU has a dedicated support team of faculty, staff, and peers who will partner with you in this adventure. Please do your best to learn about the multiple resources that DSU has, and do not hesitate to use these resources.

Your experience at Dixie State University will be especially memorable if you seek involvement opportunities. From clubs and organizations to study abroad experiences, student government, service learning and volunteerism, DSU lives up to the “active learning. active life.” motto.

Congratulations on becoming a Trailblazer. We cannot wait to see your journey begin here at DSU.

9,950 STUDENTS Location St. George UTAH Public University Est. 1911 21:1 STUDENT – FACULTY RATIO

Athletic Identity: :



Purchase your parking pass before school starts.

Visit the DSU Campus Store for apparel, textbooks, laptops, and more.

Get to know Canvas before classes start, and make sure to read your syllabus and announcements to prepare for the first week of class.

Familiarize yourself with campus before classes begin.

Attend as many Dixie State events as possible! Getting involved will help you meet people and contribute to a better overall experience.

Get to know your academic advisor and professors, and let them get to know you. Building a relationship early on will help as you approach graduation.

Join one of our 80+ clubs or create your own.

Follow @thedixielife on social media to keep up with what’s happening on campus.

Keep tabs on your Student ID card! It’s your FREE ticket for DSU events, local busses, and discounts at certain places around town.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Drink water — St. George is a desert.

Take good notes.



Academic Problems

Speak to your instructor and academic advisor. Also, visit the Academic Performance and Tutoring Center ( and Writing Center ( on the Holland 4th floor or the Math Lab ( in the Snow Math and Science Building.

Campus Involvement

Go to an athletic event, join a club, attend free Wednes-D events weekly, join student government (, participate in undergraduate research ( or study abroad (, visit the Multicultural & Inclusion Center (, volunteer for service projects, and so much more.

Disability Accommodations

Visit the Disability Resource Center (

“Freshman 15” Concerns

Take advantage of the Human performance center, Intramurals, and student activity Center. (

Gender Inequity, Sexual Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, Sexual Abuse, and Sexual Assault

See the Office of Title IX Clery Act & Compliance ( to report a concern regarding gender inequity or sexual issues. For other concerns relating to gender or sex, you can also visit the Booth Wellness Center (, Women’s Resource Center (, LGBTQ Office (, and the Dean of Students Office (

Housing Issues

Speak to your RA or apartment manager (

Login, Computer, or Phone Issues

Visit the Information Technology Help Desk on the Holland 2nd floor (

Major or Career Indecision

Schedule an appointment with Career Services ( and/or the Academic Advisement Center (

Medical, Emotional, Psychological Issues

Visit the Booth Wellness Center (

Money Problems

For student employment, visit and/or check with Career Services (

Also visit the Financial Aid Office (

Substance Abuse

Visit the Booth Wellness Center (


College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Master’s Degrees

Marriage & Family T herapy

Technical Wr iting & Digital Rhetori c

Bachelor’s Degrees

Applied Sociology

Communi cation Studies*

Applied Leadership

Health Communi cation

Organization & Leadership

Criminal Justi ce*


Digital Defense & Security

English Education

Literar y Studies


Creative Wr iting

Professional & Technical Wr iting

Histor y*

History & Social Science Teachin g

Media Studies*

Broadcastin g

Multimedia Journalism

Public Relations

Social Media

Ps ychology *


Spanish Education

Associate Degrees

Criminal Justi ce


American Sign Language *

Communi cation Studies

Creativ e Wr iting

Criminolog y

Digital Forensics

English Edu cation

Gene ral English

Global Studies*

Health Psy cholog y

Histor y

Humanities & Philosop hy*

Media Studies

Nonprofit Management

Professional & Technical Wr iting

Ps ychology


Social Justice

Spanis h

College of the Arts

Bachelor’s Degrees


BFA Studio Art

3-D / Sculpture / Ceramics

Art Education

Entertainment / Arts/ Animation

Painting / Drawing / Illustration

Photography / Digital Imagery

Danc e*

Digital Film *


Music Edu cation

Music Performance

Theatre *

Theatre Edu cation

Minors Art

Art Histor y Danc e

Musi c

Photogr aphy


College of Science, Engineering & Technology

Bachelor’s Degrees

Applied & Computational Mat h

Actuarial Science

Computational Mat h

Data Analytics



Biology Education

Biological Sciences

Biomedical Sciences

Natural Sciences

Biology with Integ rated Science

Chemistry *

Computer Scien ce*

Computer & Information Technology

Information Technology *

Softw are Development

We b Design & De velopment*


Digital Design*

Graphic Design

Interaction Design


Mathematics Edu cation

Mechanic al Engineerin g

Molecular Biology-Biochemistry

Ph ysical Science Composite Teachin g

Associate Degrees



Biolog y Biology Edu cation

Chemist ry

Chemist ry Education

Computer Scien ce

Digital Design

Information Technology

Mathematic s

Mathematics Edu cation

We b Design & De velopment

Ph ysic s

*An emphasis in this program is available to fulfill the requirements for the Bachelor of Arts/Science in Integrated Studies. Other emphases not shown here are also available (see catalog).

College of Health Sciences

Master’s Degree

Athletic Training

Bachelor’s Degree

Applied Science in Health Sciences

Dental Hygiene

Exercise Science

Pre-Occupation Therapy

Pre-Physical Therapy

Medical Laboratory Science


Population Health

Health Care Administration*

Long Term Care Administration*

Public Health*

Recreation & Sport Management*

Sport Management

Corporate Recreation & Wellness

Experience Industry Management

Associate Degree

Emergency Medical Services

Medical Radiography

Physical Therapist Assistant

Respiratory Therapy

Surgical Technology


Health Care Administration

Long Term Care Administration

Public Health

Craig & Maureen Booth Honors Progr am

Our most talented and motivated students challenge themsel ves to become critical thinkers in DSU’s Booth Honors Progr am. Honors students enjo y:

Priority registration

E xclusive scholarship opportunities and travel grants

Unique internships, experiential learning, and study abroad experiences

“ The Booth” — Comfortable study space in the Holland Centennial Commons

Honors recognition on transcript at g raduation

Visit integr


Financial Aid & Scholarships Office

The primary focus of the Financial Aid & Scholarships office at Dixie State University is to help students understand the financial resources that are available to make a college education more affordable. Students are required to meet certain criteria to be eligible for financial aid and scholarships.

This includes:

• Federal student aid (pell grants, work-study funds, and student loans)

• Academic scholarships

• Other institutional scholarships

• Community & local scholarships

• Outside scholarships

• Private loans

• Much more...

Email: •

Phone: 435.652.7575

• Fax: 435.879.4087

FAFSA School Code: 003671

• Tuition/Costs:

How to Pay

1. Log in to your MyDixie account with your DixieID (Student ID #) and password. Click on the Student tab then select “Make a payment.”

2. Option 1: To pay your balance in full, select “Make a Payment,” press continue, select your payment method (Credit card or electronic check).

3. Option 2: To enroll in a payment plan, select “View Payment Plan Options,” select “Enroll in Plan” and continue with prompts until you are enrolled in the plan.

4. Please note there is a non-refundable 2.75% service charge by CASHNet for payment with a credit or debit card.

5. Electronic checks do not have a fee.

To authorize access to Cashnet for a parent/payer:

1. Login to myDixie

2. Click on Student Tab > Make a payment

3. Click on your name in the upper left corner under the DSU logo

4. Select “Send a payer invitation” in the Payers section

5. Enter name and email of the person to invite to view your account

6. Click Send

7. An email with a login, password and link will be sent from

8. Click on the link in that email or type in the following URL ( WEB?LT=P), enter the login and password from the email. It will prompt you to create a new password.

9. Select Continue


On-Campus Housing

On-campus student housing options at Dixie State are conveniently located close to classes and offer a variety of residential options. Students may pick from private or shared rooms in apartment, dormitory, or suite-style units. On-campus student housing is characterized by trained, live-in Resident Life staff, accessibility to campus resources, and fun student life activities. DSU students who live on campus enjoy a living experience that is conducive to their success.

Off-Campus Housing

For off-campus housing needs, you can find a list of available options at There are several options that can be found a short distance from campus. As off-campus housing rules, standards, conditions, costs and physical appearance vary, it is very important for students to check and compare units carefully, and understand contract requirements, before making a decision.

Apply at: Email: • Phone: 435-652-7570 • Fax: 435.656.4050 HOUSING CHECKLIST


Student Success Center

The Student Success Center (SSC), located in the Browning Resource Building, is a one-stop shop for all of your Dixie State University questions and concerns. The staff of the SSC, along with peer mentors, are here to help, and if we don’t have all the answers to your questions, we will take you to the appropriate resource.

The SSC includes:

• Peer Mentoring

• Success Program

• Trio Student Support Services

Academic Resources

• Career Services

• Early Alert

Dixie State University is dedicated to helping their students succeed and has provided resources that can assist students in their academic career. There is no additional cost to DSU students to use these resources. Students have the option to drop-in or to make an appointment to help accommodate their schedule. DSU encourages each student to take advantage:

• Academic advisement

• Testing center

• Elab

• Writing Center

• Library

• Tutoring

CENTER Email: • Phone: 435.879.4691



Follow @thedixielife

Stay in the loop on social media, and enjoy weekly Wednes-”D” events like the Drive-In movie, Casino Night, the Foam Dance, and more.

Check out the Blazer Digest

Find out about weekly campus activities from the comfort of your own bathroom stall. Join

one of our 85+ clubs

Get involved in a variety of clubs and organizations or create your own!

Compete in intramurals

Our program ranks 20th in the nation with more than 40 events each year and more than 3,000 participants.

Visit the Outdoor Recreation & Adventure Center (ORAC)

Rent discounted kayaks, paddle boards, mountain bikes and more, and take advantage of the biking, rock climbing, and canyoneering excursions offered.

Human Performance Center (HPC)

Take advantage of the state-of-the-art Human Performance Center. This building defines our motto “active learning. active life.” by providing Dixie students with new and innovative opportunities in student recreation.

Enjoy resident life

Campus housing events include barbecues, bubble soccer, ice cream socials, speed dating, sports tournaments, bingo, and spa nights.



Parent & Family Programs

The Dixie State University Parent and Family Programs Department serves as the center for communication and support for student families (both parents/families of DSU students and student parents with spouses and/or children).


The Dixie State University Parent and Family Programs mission is to strengthen the student support network, provide information and activities that allow families of students to better support their students, and help families of students to feel connected to Dixie State University.

Additionally, this mission includes the support of student parents by providing information and support for the specific needs of “non-traditional” students and helping them to connect to Dixie State University.

Supporting Your Student

The transition to college can be as intimidating and confusing for parents as it is for students. Navigating this unfamiliar territory is tricky in many ways as you learn — often the hard way — about college policies and academic expectations and as you observe the changes in your student.

The faculty and staff at Dixie State University are invested in the success of your student and recognize that parental support is crucial in your student’s development and success.

We developed the Parent & Guardian Resources site to assist you in your adjustment to parenting a college student. The site provides information and encouragement as you guide your student through the Dixie State experience. Email: • Phone: 435.879.4691


As a parent of a K-12 student, you have constant access to your student’s records, and you are expected to be involved in your student’s education. However, when your student comes to college, you no longer have access to your student’s records and aren’t asked to volunteer for student activities. So how do you transition? We want you to be involved and want you to support your student, but we first need to explain the Family Educational Rights to Privacy Act (FERPA). FERPA is a federal law that prohibits DSU from releasing a student’s personal information, grades, and schedule without the student’s written consent. Talk with your student about what information should be shared with you as the parent, guardian, or spouse. You can fill out an information release form together that allows you to access your student’s records. The consent form can be found at The form is titled “Release of Student Information.”

How to Pay

1. Log in to your MyDixie account with your DixieID (Student ID #) and password. Click on the Student tab then select “Make a payment.”

2. Option 1: To pay your balance in full, select “Make a Payment,” press continue, select your payment method (Credit card or electronic check).

3. Option 2: To enroll in a payment plan, select “View Payment Plan Options,” select “Enroll in Plan” and continue with prompts until you are enrolled in the plan.

4. Please note there is a non-refundable 2.75% service charge by CASHNet for payment with a credit or debit card.

5. Electronic checks do not have a fee.

FERPA Email: • Phone: 435.652.7708


My student tells me everything is “fine.” How can I get my student to share with me?

Students often like to feel independent and often feel that parents who are asking questions are prying or lacking trust. Of course, we know this is not the case! During this phase in their lives, it is important to maintain open lines of communication with your students. We have found that asking open-ended questions (rather than closed questions that can be answered with a “yes,” “no,” or “fine”) can sometimes help.

Some examples are:

“What is your most difficult class this semester, and what are you doing to succeed in that course?”

“Tell me about an out-of-class activity or program you have gone to.”

“What is your next assignment and when is it due? What is your plan to complete it?”

I am not happy with my student’s grades. How can I support my student?

If your student did not do well during a semester, please be encouraging. Try asking your student to speak to an academic advisor, especially if retaking a course is necessary. In an effort for students to complete their course requirements and graduate in a timely manner, it is a must that they see their academic advisor once or even twice a semester at the minimum. There are many reasons why students may have an academically difficult semester: lack of motivation, study skills, time management, homesickness, and more. The Student Success Center has Peer and Success Coaches who can give guidance in time management, test taking, and study tips. Encourage your student to take advantage of the different tutoring centers and the many resources on campus.

What tutoring services are available to my student?

Tutoring is one of DSU’s most widely-used learning assistance services and is available to all registered degree-seeking DSU students. Drop-in tutoring is available at no cost to all DSU students making it convenient and easy for students to access the tutoring resources on campus.

Academic Performance Center - Tutoring Elab - Math tutoring Writing Center Library

Should my student work while in school?

Many students find that they can work a part-time job (15 hours per week or less) and go to school full-time (at least 12 credit hours). Working while going to school can give students an extra sense of responsibility and independence as they transition to adult life. However, depending on other school commitments (clubs, student government, athletics, etc.), some students might find working while going to school to be overwhelming. Talking with students about expectations and priorities for their college experience before they commit to working part time while going to school can be benificial. You can direct your student to available jobs on or near campus at

My student is having issues with a roommate. How can I be supportive?

We encourage roommates to work together to establish mutually accepted expectations and to develop good communication so that “bumps in the road” don’t develop into significant issues. If roommates do not get along, they should seek the help of a Resident Assistant or Resident Manager to guide them toward resolution. If a resolution cannot be attained, then we will allow a room change based on availability.


My student is having trouble in school. How can I be supportive?

Be understanding: Students are often put in classes and situations that will allow their perspective to increase. This is an exciting and challenging time. Transitions in life are often messy, and a caring and understanding family member can be the greatest support.


In some cases, a listening ear is all a student needs to feel better. This can be a great way to keep the line of communication open.

Assess the situation:

After listening to your student, determine the severity of the issue and if you are needed in solving it. Sometimes, you will need to step in and help. However, allowing students to figure things out on their own provides growth and an opportunity to become more independent in the problem-solving process.


Students sometimes feel overlooked for various reasons, such as age or standing. Help from an “adult” may help them feel like they are being heard during their young adult transition.


Call, send occasional emails and text messages, send them a care package, and let them know you are proud of them. Be connected to your student and DSU campus.

My student has tried to contact a professor on numerous occasions. How can I help?

We encourage students, especially first-year students, to take an initiative in their academic success. Although students may truly need and appreciate help, it’s important that they learn the importance of problem solving and dealing with many issues on their own. Please encourage your student to not only call the professor, but also send the professor an email, and visit the professor during assigned office hours to discuss any problems. Office hours are typically included in every course syllabus and on faculty members’ office doors. In addition, you can find instructor information on Canvas and the DSU Directory online.

How can I encourage my student to get more involved in campus activities?

There is always something going on at DSU. If your student is interested in getting involved in a DSU club or organization or has even considered starting a new club or organization, please encourage your student to visit The Dixie Life website at Most events are FREE and open to all DSU students so have your student follow @thedixielife on social media for up to date information. Encourage your student to find out more about campus and outdoor recreation activities, the Student Activities Center (SAC), student government, volunteer opportunities, the Human Performance Building, undergraduate research opportunities, and study abroad opportunities.


Emergency Information

Dixie State University Campus Police can be reached in an emergency by calling 911. For non-imminent emergencies, call dispatch at 435.627.4300

Medical Emergencies

Call 911 or Visit the Dixie Regional Medical Center ER at 1380 E Medical Center Dr., St. George, UT.

Mental Health Emergencies

National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1.800.273.TALK

National Runaway Switchboard: 1.800.RUNAWAY

Dean of Students

Del Beatty

Phone: 435.652.7514 • Email:

Booth Wellness Center

For concerns about health and wellness, call the Booth Wellness Center. All visits are free for students.

Location: 1037 E 100 South • Website: • Phone: 435.652.7756

Student Concern Form

If you have an academic or behavioral concern regarding your student that isn’t an emergency and would like someone to reach out to your student, you can fill out a student concern form. Someone from the Student Success Center, or their designee, will reach out to your student to provide the needed support, guiding your student to the appropriate campus resources. To access the form, visit

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