4 minute read
Interfraternity Council
The Interfraternity Council (IFC) experience revolves around character, leadership, responsibility, and philanthropy. As a collection of fraternities, IFC's vision is to create a unified community of fraternity men who are leaders in academics and service. Many of the chapters in the IFC have long histories, and each offers a unique experience. Some fraternities and traditions date back to 1883, when UT Austin first opened its doors.
Organizations: 20 Members: 2,076 Web: texasifc.com Facebook: fb.me/TexasIFC Twitter: @TexasIFC Instagram: @TexasIFC
Who is eligible?
Only The University of Texas at Austin students are eligible to join an IFC fraternity. Every fraternity has other minimum requirements that are set by their national organizations.
How do I join?
Each IFC fraternity follows its own recruitment schedule and establishes its own selection process. Some chapters begin recruitment in the summer, while others wait until the fall, or recruit each semester. Register for recruitment and find more information at texasifc.com.
What is IFC recruitment?
The IFC does not organize a formal recruitment for students interested in joining a fraternity. Instead, chapters set their own timelines for recruitment. Interested students are encouraged to register on IFC’s Chapter Builder account by clicking “Recruitment” on texasifc.com, as that information will be shared with all recruiting chapters. Additionally, you may also reach out to a chapter’s recruitment officers to inquire about timelines directly.
IFC Events
Movember —Grow a mustache, raise money, and spread awareness about men's health issues like prostate and testicular cancer. Movember events throughout November include speaker series, fundraising events, and social media contests.
B+ Foundation —IFC is proud to collaborate with the B+ Foundation, supporting families of children with cancer and critical, cutting-edge childhood cancer research. The council supports a community-wide effort to build awareness of childhood cancer, raise funds, and provide fun experiences for the IFC and chapters' B+ Heroes.
ΑΕΠ Alpha Epsilon Pi
Developing Leadership for the Jewish Community NICKNAME: A-E-Pi FOUNDED: New York University, 1913 UT Austin: 1939 WEB: aepi.org, texasaepi.com FACEBOOK: fb.me/TexasAEPi TWITTER @TexasAEPi INSTAGRAM: @Texas_AEPi
BΘΠ Beta Theta Pi
Men of Principle NICKNAME: Beta FOUNDED: Miami University, 1839 UT Austin: 1886 WEB: beta.org, texasbeta.org FACEBOOK: fb.me/BetaThetaPiTexas INSTAGRAM: @betatexas
ΔTΔ Delta Tau Delta
Committed to Lives of Excellence NICKNAME: Delt FOUNDED: Bethany College, 1858 UT Austin: 1904 WEB: delts.org
ΔΥ Delta Upsilon
Building Better Men
NICKNAME: DU FOUNDED: Williams College, 1834 UT Austin: 2016 WEB: deltau.org, texasdu.org FACEBOOK: fb.me/DeltaUspilonTx TWITTER: @DeltaUpsilonTx INSTAGRAM: @texasdu
Fiji Phi Gamma Delta
Friendship, the Sweetest Influence NICKNAME: Fiji FOUNDED: Jefferson College, 1848 UT Austin: 1883 WEB: phigam.org, texasfiji.com
KA Kappa Alpha Order
Dieu et les Dames NICKNAME: K-A BΘΠ FOUNDED: Washington College, 1865 UT Austin: 1883 WEB: kappaalphaorder.org, TexasKA.com
ΚΣ Kappa Sigma
Fellowship, Leadership, Scholarship, and Service NICKNAME: Kappa Sig FOUNDED: University of Virginia, 1869 UT Austin: 1884 WEB: kappasigma.org, kappasigtauut.org
ΛΧΑ Lambda Chi Alpha
Naught Without Labor
NICKNAME: Lambda-Chi FOUNDED: Boston University, 1909 UT Austin: 1917 WEB: lambdachi.org, texaslxa.com FACEBOOK: fb.me/TexasLambdaChiAlpha TWITTER: @UTLXA INSTAGRAM: @TexasLXA
ΦΔΘ Phi Delta Theta
One Man is No Man NICKNAME: Phi-Delt FOUNDED: Miami University (OH), 1848 UT Austin: 1883 WEB: phideltatheta.org, txphidelt.com FACEBOOK: b.me/TexasPhiDelt TWITTER: @TexasPhiDelt INSTAGRAM: @texasphidelt
ΦΚΨ Phi Kappa Psi
United by Friendship, Sustained by Honor, and Led by Truth, We Live and We Flourish NICKNAME: Phi-Psi FOUNDED: Jefferson College, 1852 UT Austin: 1904 WEB: phikappapsi.org, phipsitexas.com FACEBOOK: fb.me/phipsitexas TWITTER: @PhiPsiUTexas INSTAGRAM: @phipsitexas
ΦΚΣ Phi Kappa Sigma
Brotherhood is More than Skin Deep
NICKNAME: Phi Kapor Skulls FOUNDED: University of Pennsylvania, 1850 UT Austin: 1940 WEB: pks.org, texasskulls.org FACEBOOK: fb.me/texas.skulls TWITTER: @TexasSkulls INSTAGRAM: @texas_skulls
ΦΚΤ Phi Kappa Tau
Champion a Lifelong Commitment to Brotherhood, Learning, Ethical Leadership, and Exemplary Character NICKNAME: Phi-Tau FOUNDED: Miami University (OH), 1906 UT Austin: 1943 WEB: phikappatau.org, texasphitau.org TWITTER: @TexasPhiTau INSTAGRAM: @texasphitau
ΠΚΑ Pi Kappa Alpha
Scholars, Leaders, Athletes, Gentlemen NICKNAME: Pike FOUNDED: University of Virginia, 1868 UT Austin: 1920 WEB: pikes.com, texaspike.com FACEBOOK: fb.me/TexasPikes TWITTER: @UTAustinPikes
ΣΑΜ Sigma Alpha Mu
For Honor, For Passion, For Life NICKNAME: Sammy FOUNDED: City College, New York, 1909 UT Austin: 1922 WEB: sam.org, texassammy.org FACEBOOK: fb.me/TexasSigmaAlphaMu INSTAGRAM: @texas.sammy
ΣΧ Sigma Chi
In Hoc Signo Vinces FOUNDED: Miami University (OH), 1855 UT Austin: 1884 WEB: sigmachi.org, txsigmachi.org FACEBOOK: fb.me/texassigmachi
TKE Tau Kappa Epsilon
Not for Wealth, Rank, or Honor, but for Personal Worth and Charcter NICKNAME: Teke FOUNDED: Illinois Wesleyan University, 1899 UT Austin: 1951 WEB: tke.org, txtke.org FACEBOOK: fb.me/TexasTke TWITTER: @Texas_TKE INSTAGRAM: @tketexas
ΘΧ Theta Chi
An Assisting Hand FOUNDED: Norwich University, 1856 UT Austin: 1951 WEB: texasthetachi.org FACEBOOK: fb.me/TexasThetaChi TWITTER: @TexasThetaChi INSTAGRAM: @texasthetachi
ΣΦΕ Sigma Phi Epsilon
Virtue, Diligence, and Brotherly Love NICKNAME: Sig-Ep FOUNDED: Richmond College, 1901 UT Austin: 1930 WEB: sigep.org, texassigep.org
ZBT Zeta Beta Tau
Brotherhood for a Lifetime NICKNAME: Z-B-T FOUNDED: City College of New York, 1898 UT Austin: 1920 WEB: zbt.org, zbttexas.com FACEBOOK: fb.me/TexasZBT INSTAGRAM: @zbttexas
ΖΨ Zeta Psi
Tau Kappa Phi NICKNAME: Zetes FOUNDED: New York University, 1847 UT Austin: 1979 WEB: zetapsi.org FACEBOOK: fb.me/ZetaPsiTexas TWITTER: @ZetaPsiTexas INSTAGRAM: @ZetaPsiTexas