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Appendix III: Motivation & Recognition

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Campus Policies

Keeping group members motivated is key to a successful and sustainable student organization. The difficult part is figuring out how to do it. Motivation is not an exact science, but there are a few things you can do to keep your members interested and motivated in helping the team.

Here are a few quick hints: • Use “we” statements rather than “I.” • Delegate responsibility to members. Show members that you have confidence in them. • Give credit when it is due and show appreciation. • Be a good listener. • Keep everyone informed. • Be fair, honest and consistent – show no favoritism. • Be respectful. • Use members’ names often. • Provide honest feedback. Privately give constructive criticism to help members learn from their mistakes. • Make your wishes known by suggestions or requests, not demands, and explain why. • When you are wrong or make a mistake, admit it. Don’t get upset by little mistakes – it’s a learning process for everyone. • Give members a chance to take part in decisions, particularly those affecting them.

Adapted from the Wheaton College Student Involvement Handbook & the University of Nebraska – Lincoln Student Organization Advisor Guide

GRAPE Theory of Motivation

Adapted from Thundar Bolts, NDSU as shown in the University of Nebraska – Lincoln Student Organization Advisor Guide

• Growth Being able to increase one’s skills and competencies, performing new or more complex tasks, participating in training programs. • Recognition Promotion within the organization, praise for achievements, positive and constructive critical feedback, giving an award, printed references to an individual’s activities, being “listened to.” • Achievement The opportunity to solve a problem, to see the results of one’s efforts, to reach goals that one has established to create a ‘whole’ tangible product. • Participation Involvement in the organization’s decision making, planning and scheduling one’s own work and controlling one’s own work activities. • Enjoyment Having fun in a warm, friendly, supportive atmosphere.

Growth: What opportunities can you provide to help members grow as a person?

Recognition: How will you show appreciation to your members?

Achievement: How can members contribute to the organization and have a sense of accomplishment?

Participation: What opportunities can you create for members to socialize and be involved in organization activities?

Enjoyment: How can you make being part of the organization fun?  

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