M O O DY M O N T H LY AU G U ST 2 01 7
welcome back, longhorns
The summer is (tragically) coming to an end, but with that brings another year of fun for Moody students! Additionally, that brings a new era in the life of Moody Monthly – I will be taking the reins from the wonderful previous editor, and creator, of this publication. Moving forward, I hope to continue the legacy of convenience and accessibility that Moody Monthly holds, as well as expanding the reach of our content to cater more specifically to the needs of students like yourself. A new year can be scary and daunting to many, especially to our new students (freshmen and transfer alike). One of the most important things is going into each situation with positive expectations – taking a chance to put yourself out there will likely end in success, so take advantage of as many opportunities as you can. I hope that this edition of Moody Monthly gives you a peak into the vast array of experiences that our university and community provides for us. Each organization, council, club, and publication that Moody supports is top-of-line and filled to the brim with passionate students just like yourself. This month, we will spotlight a few of those clubs, as well as other Moody resources. I can’t wait to see where this year takes us Moody students, and I look forward to leading this publication forwards during it! M AYA H A W S - S H A D D O C K EDITOR
upcoming moody events
AUGUST 29TH @ 6PM BMC 2.106
C O M M U N I C AT I O N I N T E R N S H I P & J O B F A I R
moody writing center
An Intro to the Moody Writing Support Program Even the best writers sometimes struggle when learning the unique language of communication professionals. Our staff at the Moody Writing Support Program consists of peer writing coaches from all Moody majors, which enables you to work with a student who probably has taken (and survived!) your courses with your professors. Starting Sept. 7 undergrads may book appointments to brainstorm story ideas, to work on problems or to polish specific skills. Return as often as you like, knowing that we don’t charge a penny. Everyone working here embraces the mission of giving students a boost in skills and the encouragement to succeed. We’re here for you whether you’re writing your first news story or advertising copy or you’re polishing your final screenplay. In addition to writing coaching, we’ll offer workshops to introduce and reinforce core skills and we host a Moody Readers’ Book Club for all students, faculty and staff. Conversations on the Craft is our speaker series celebrating the great art of writing for our communication professions.
moody book club
Because we all know the best writers read often, Moody College students, faculty and staff are invited to join the Moody Readers’ Book Club. Our first selection this year is a very quick read, “We Should All Be Feminists” by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. The New York Times bestseller is actually a lengthy essay based on the Nigerian author’s popular TED talk, which presents a 21st century definition of feminism rooted in justice by embracing awareness and inclusion. In 2015 the Swedish Women’s Lobby gave every 16 year old in that country a copy of the book, hoping it would “work as a stepping stone for a discussion about gender equality and feminism”.
We’ll discuss the book at NOON, FRIDAY OCTOBER 13 in BMC 3.378. All are welcome!
moody organization fair T H E F I R S T E V E R M O O D Y O R G A N I Z AT I O N FA I R W I L L B E H E L D AUGUST 31ST @ 10AM-1PM IN THE CMA PLAZA CHECK OUT SOME OF THE CLUBS YOU MIGHT MEET! Communication Council Communication Council is the official student voice and governing body of the Moody College of Communication. With over 80 members from all six majors from the College, we’re a diverse group of students with a passionate curiosity to finding new ways to improve our school. We exist to bridge gaps between students, faculty, staff and administration between the College and the rest of the campus and Austin communities. We also afford community service and social opportunities to our members as a way to help foster responsible, well-rounded 21st century students. Our goal is to effectively represent, engage, and empower the greater Moody student body through active participation in Senate, opportunities to get involved, and contributions to Moody organzations. PRSSA Texas PRSSA – Dr. Alan Scott Chapter, formed in 1868, is one of the largest chapters in the nation located in the heart of a thriving city. As one of the founding chapters, our focus is to provide an out-of-the-classroom experience that gives students, regardless of their major, an enhanced knowledge of the public relations field. Our focus on professional development and engagement is centered on the success of our members. Asian American Journalists Association AAJA’s mission is to provide a means of association and support among Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) journalists, and to advance AAPI journalists as news managers and media executives; to provide encouragement, information, advice and scholarship assistance to AAPI students who aspire to professional journalism careers; to provide to the AAPI community an awareness of news media and an understanding of how to gain fair access; and to research and point out when news media organizations stray from accuracy and fairness in the coverage of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders and AAPI issues. Texas Tower PR Texas Tower PR is The University of Texas at Austin’s PRSSA nationally affiliated student-run public relations firm. Tower is affiliated with the Alan Scott chapter of PRSSA. The goal of Texas Tower PR is to provide students with hands-on experience in the field of public relations and Austin-area nonprofits with quality public relations assistance. The structure and size of Texas Tower PR allows us to focus on the individual needs of each client. Each account is assigned an account executive or two to meet your publicity needs. The account executives are responsible for most of the contact and planning between Texas Tower PR and the client. While each account has at least one executive, every account will participate in brainstorms and receive feedback from the entire firm.
moody organization fair We accept membership applications at the beginning of each semester. Listen during PRSSA meetings and in PR classes for more information, or just look for an update from us here on Facebook! You can also follow us on Twitter at www.twitter.com/TexasTowerPR. MinuteMen Creative MinuteMen Creatives (MMC) is a student-run ad agency specializing in creative strategy & execution within The University of Texas at Austin. MMC’s aim is to expose our members to industry knowledge and practices, and even more so, gain acceptance into the noteworthy TX Creative track within The Stan Richards School of Advertising & PR. MinuteMen Creatives is in constant recruitment of accounts to partner with, including: student orgs & non-profits. MMC offers free graphic design, copywriting and creative execution to any individual or collective with the only compensation being the experience we gain from working with you. Texas Advertising Group (TAG) TAG meets every week. At each meeting, students can expect to hear from at least one representative from the advertising industry. Guest speakers of the past have included media professionals, creatives, CEOs., & etc. Besides showcasing guest speakers from major Advertising Agencies and the like, TAG also hosts several Industry Field Trips and links students up with volunteering opportunities. Students visit local Advertising Agencies within Texas, and once a year also make trips to New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Dallas, Houston. LSI SLO The Lang Stuttering Institute Student Leadership Organization (LSI SLO) strives to educate, advocate, and spread awareness about stuttering. Stuttering is something many people know very little about, and this organization is working hard to change that. We hope that by uniting students from diverse backgrounds and majors, the stereotypes and myths surrounding stuttering will turn into facts, and people who stutter across the world will benefit due to our efforts. We host events that promote stuttering awareness, make videos to spread positive information, and interact with people who stutter of all ages to learn how stuttering can impact a person’s life. Getting involved with LSI SLO will strengthen your leadership and communication skills as well as provide a source of inspiration to continue advocating on behalf of others. If you are interested in joining LSI SLO or would just like more information about stuttering, “like” our Facebook page (Lang Stuttering Institute Student Leadership Organization) or contact langstutteringinstituteslo@gmail. com! Diversity in AD & PR Diversity in Advertising and Public Relations was founded as Minorities in Advertising in 2013 at The University of Texas at Austin. A small group of female, multicultural woman looked around and realized that the industry lacked diversity and decided to try and change that. MIA would then go on to become Diversity in Advertising and PR (DA&PR), in order to become a more inclusive organization and to create an empowering space for like-minded individuals. We stand on the three pillars of diversity, networking, and professionalism.
moody organization fair
NAHJ UT NAHJ is the official student chapter of the National Association of Hispanic Journalists. With approximately 2,000 members across the country, NAHJ is dedicated to the recognition and professional advancement of Hispanics in the news industry. The student chapter was established in the fall of 2016 and is open to UT students of all majors and backgrounds. NSSLHA We are the National Student Speech, Language, and Hearing Association (NSSLHA) chapter at the University of Texas at Austin. We are future speech pathologists, audiologists, and deaf education specialists. We host many speakers from the field who come and talk about their experiences and provide insight about our future professions. Additionally, we participate in community service and fundraisers to help benefit clinics around Austin. And of course, we get together for social events and have lots of fun! Interested? Then join us! Texas Speech Texas Speech is the Individual Events half of The University of Texas at Austin forensics program and the university’s official competitive speech organization. Established in its current form in 1988, the team has been graced with six national team sweepstakes championships by the American Forensic Association, alongside 67 individual championship titles between 1989-2017. Texas Speech has placed in the top 6 nationally every year since 1990. Beyond these remarkable achievements, our story is also one of academic success. We pride ourselves on our dedication to scholastic excellence at one of the most competitive public schools in the country, a Tier 1 research university. We believe in fostering open communication, supporting student research, and furthering the university’s goal of transforming lives for the benefit of society. In all things, we hope to exemplify excellence and the message that what starts here does change the world. Orange Magazine ORANGE Magazine is a lifestyle magazine produced by students of the University of Texas at Austin. Dave Garlock, former head of the magazine program of the journalism school, developed the idea for ORANGE in the late 1990s to give students hands-on experience producing a magazine. Today, in its fourth semester as an independent online publication, the ORANGE staff is dedicated to producing freshly squeezed content that connects students to Austin life. Through ORANGE, students have the opportunity to gain valuable experience in writing, photography, marketing, social media, editing and other areas. Visit our website at orangemagazine.com. National Association of Black Journalists The National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) is an organization of journalists, students and media-related professionals that provides quality programs and services to and advocates on behalf of black journalists worldwide. Visit us at https://universityoftexasnabj.wordpress.com/.
moody organization fair
Spark Magazine Spark Magazine is UT’s premier fashion publication. Whether it be fashion journalism, photography, public relations, modeling or even hair and makeup, there is a position that matches the interests of anyone who is passionate about style or fashion. Spark offers a unique space for an ongoing dialogue about fashion in our everyday life. If you’re interested in joining this wholly student-produced publication, visit sparkmagazinetx.com to apply! Apps will open Aug. 28th and will stay open until Sep. 7th at 11:59PM. The Daily Texan The Daily Texan is the independent, student-run newspaper of the University of Texas. Founded in 1900, The Texan is one of oldest, largest newspapers in the South, as well as the winningest college newspaper in the country. The paper counts Lady Bird Johnson, Sen. Judith Zaffirini and Walter Cronkite among its alumni, a group that includes 10 Pulitzer prize winners. The Daily Texan is seeking applicants of all majors, backgrounds and interests, and will be accepting tryouts through September 15. Interested students should stop by the Texan office, located in the basement of the HSM building, or fill out the fall interest form on the “Jobs” page of our website (thedailytexan.com/participate.)” No experience is required for application. Texas Student TV (TSTV) Texas Student TV is UT’s very own student run television station, offering 23 different programs ranging from news, sports, entertainment, and everything in between! TSTV is a perfect place for people who want to learn about writing, reporting, hosting, directing, acting, and even media marketing and advertising. We’re open to all majors, and there’s no experience or application required! Come check us out at our fall general meeting on September 13th at 7pm in Burdine 106! KVRX KVRX is the student-run radio station at UT Austin. We are dedicated to bringing the community “none of the hits, all of the time” by supporting unknown and up-and-coming artists. Students interested in joining KVRX should email programming@kvrx.org. MORE MOODY ORGANIZATIONS TO CHECK OUT National Press Photographer’s Association CAGE University Filmmakers Alliance Women in Cinema Cactus Yearbook Texas Travesty Burnt X Association of Latinos in Communication Black Media Council Association of Women in Communication Texas Belles Event Planning Texas Advertising and Public Relations (TAPR) DKA (Film Fraternity)