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A Moment to Remember

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Written by JULIA CUDDY

Illustrated by BARRETT SENN


IN MAY, THE MOODY College of Communication will hold its 2022 Spring Graduation Ceremony, a day that current seniors have been looking forward to and envisioning from the very start of their time on the Forty Acres.

A Moody graduation ceremony typically consists of an in-person event where, one by one, each student crosses the stage, receives their diploma, and looks out to an audience filled with parents, fellow students, professors, and university staff. With hundreds of people gathered in the room, there is energy from the audience cheering and clapping through the hours of names being called. This year, however, Moody is welcoming graduates and guests to an alternative graduation ceremony similar to “Graduation Recognition Moments”, the COVID-safe, live-streamed event that took place last year where students could get their diploma and picture taken accompanied by only a few family members.

As word spread about this decision, many seniors were frustrated. Many were outspoken about their confusion with the college’s choice, especially when little information was provided about this decision. As COVID-19 cases in Austin have dropped and for many people become less of a concern compared to last year, many seniors were not expecting their graduation to resemble the ceremony of 2021.

But, despite student skepticism and disappointment, Dean Jay Bernhardt and the Moody administration were confident in pursuing this intimate ceremony to complement the traditional university-wide commencement in DKR that will take place the following day. So, what exactly will this year’s graduation ceremony look like?

The ceremony will be held at the Etter-Harbin Alumni Center, a smaller venue from previous years, to enhance the intimate feeling Moody administration has envisioned. Graduates can invite as many family and friends as they would like to stand close to the stage, where students will be recognized one by one, photographed, and cheered on by Moody professors and advisors.

Sierra Wiggers, a senior Advertising major who attended last year’s graduation event, says that logistically a ceremony like this one is better, as she “knew how much people liked it last year.” With COVID safety still in mind, especially for older parents and loved ones attending, having fewer people tightly packed into one room is something Sierra and other students are glad to hear. She also remembers the ease of photography, as parents are all able to have a front-row seat for their graduates. Attendees are able to capture clear, personal photos of the special moment as opposed to zoomed-in blurry shots that unfortunately always end up on Facebook despite their cringe-worthy amount of grain.

Students will arrive based on their major. During the ceremony there will be speeches and a reception following with a champagne toast. Fortunately, there will still be a livestream of the ceremony for those who cannot be there in person.

While this format certainly was not what most Moody seniors were expecting for their college graduation, students’ academic achievements and accomplishments should not be lost in this change of events. With the extra time provided, given that the ceremony will be more personal and shorter, seniors can enjoy this time with the people that matter most to them. They can use this time to celebrate their amazing hard work and triumph. And, for those many students who are disappointed about the lack of collectivism, the university-wide commencement will fortunately have energy and spirit that students can share with friends and family on May 22.

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