1962 Flowsheet
The Door Opens On Progress at Texas Western College
Editor: Frances Shanblum Bus. Mgr: Judy Rettinger Artist: Kit Detwiler Sponsor: John Middagh Publisher: Henington Publishing Co.
Mrs. Louise Resley
of Women 5
Table of Contents In trod uctio n ______________ -------------------------------------------------- 1 Table of Con tents ______________________________________________________ 6 Flowsheet Sta£ f _____________ ---------------------------------------------7 Cam pus Life _________________________ ---------------------------------------8 Flo wsheet Salutes ____________________________________________________ 52 Faculty _______________ ---------------------------------------------------- _ 98 Classes
Spoili Military
-------------------------------------------------- 2 50 ----------------------------- -----------------------· ----------- 280
Advertisements -····-·-·-····---·--·------------------------------· 296 Student Index
Flowsheet Staff Charles O 'Reilly--Assistant Editor osemary Petzold Lou Shapiro Betty Jane Thomas Ann Abernathy Susan Cone Barbara Stokes Sheila Hoffman Mary Jane Stanley Ann Brooks Thelma Moreno Velma Moreno Cecilia Rico Emilia Rico Mel Lauderdale Verna Kaplan James McDuffie Jane Reid Sandee Dozier Emili Mejia Barbara Ridley Ann Wehmeyer
Itta Vinikoff Carole McCool Charlene Williams Beverly Wade Al Cameras Linda Ulin Virginia Starr Ed Sullivan Thomas Locke Carlos Valenzuela Charles Knipp Jackie Schlafly Janeen Manzo Stuart Kahn Thelma Levine Judy Wolter Luis Pena Emmett Cantrell Mary Lou Lambka Karen Johnson Jack Hensley
7 .
Campus Life
Graduation Memories Will Always Be Cherished
Speeches at grad uation seem to instill us with the desire to better ourselves in life.
Oh , oh! At a last-minute hours' check, it appears that you will have to take that P.E. course after all. Hope you won't mind!
The that that than
long line of ladies must prove there is something to theories say women are much smarter men .
Summer School egistration Began A onderful Summer at
TWC Okay, y'all! Let's have that money for your fees. Otherwise, you can't go to any of your classes.
With all that food around, you'd think that this was the SUB snackbar instead of the TWC registration line.
I promise to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth; this is a mess!
After long hours of classes every day, the Peace Corps ought to be highly qualified, especially since Dr. Margaret .Bates was an instructor.
The Peace Corps Came To Texas Western Part of the Peace Corps consisted of a corp of surveying engineers who examined every inch of the land around the college. Tanganyika is similar in climate and topography to El Paso and the Southwest.
They're off and running at Sunland Park, but the boys in the Peace Corps were not there for all the fun. From the concentration they're giving the lecture, they don't even care about it.
This happy Peace Corps member obviously has just discovered a secret: sun glasses and an occasional break make the hot sun a lot more bearable.
"Oh, I don't know, Ron; maybe if you could sleep through the African History course, you could make it through the dance."
Two TWC Lovelies Were Selected To Reign Over Festivitie Any big Miner football star would enjoy having his noble brow dried by lovely Carol Knapp, the 1961 "Miss Operation Kick-Off," and it seems that John Young sure does.
Queen Mary Jane tanley is receiving her crown at the last event of the ummer School session. D ean McCarty looks like he enjoyed the dance, too.
~~ M"
- Day Was Fun
For Everyone, Even The Frosh! Tramp, tramp, tramp. A-marching we will go. "To whitewash the M; hi-ho, hi-ho, off to work we go!"
Into each life some rain must fall, even if it is M-Day and the rain is awfuliy white, too.
"Drink to me only with thine eyes," and I wilI pledge that I never wiII climb up here again just for a paint job.
Fall Classes Began
"And what's more, Anacin doesn't upset your stomach."
Fullest attention is given to all college instruc• tors.
In the shade of the old apple tree . ..
"Come in ! We were expecting you--everything is going wrong today."
" .. . and I'm taking math, and ... "
You can always tell a Zeta girl- -you can tell by the wink in her eye?
.. .which one will the fountain bless?
The Year Began With Sorority Rush
" And now may we present Hilicopater Persanthermer IV and his performing seals."
Fratern it A Variet
"Hope they don 't notice the dice are loaded!"
Time for a change.
Presented a rties
Robinson Crusoe never had it so good.
Oh, goody! Cartoon time!
Let's twist again like we did last summer.
"Do you ever get that run-down feeling . .. ?
With Football Came Fun and Excitement
Kids do the darndest things.
"W atch him, fellas, he's got a mean right hook!"
Will the father of the child please step forward?
"May I help you?"
One little, two little, three little Indians...
0 M E C
0 M I N G
You're not supposed to eat it.
Outstanding Organizations were Named And here are the lucky winners.
Kay Porter accepts the Tri Delta award.
It won't fit!
Elections Caused Quite A Stir Decisions, decisions!
Your story has touched my heart.
The regional president of Spurs directed the more serious business.
Spurs Held Their Regional Convention at T.W.C.
Funny the way I can ' t find a parking place.
Snow Came ToT.W.
Even the trains couldn 't get through.
s ·1
Hey, look me over.
The SAM'S sextet made a fine showing at Sing Song.
"Say ahh."
Wesley contributed much to Sing Song.
s 0 N G
Sing Song was fun
for all.
Swab the deck.
One member of the College Players hides the evidence.
One of the Four Freshmen rehearses backstage.
Fall Brought Entertainment To Our Campus
A large crowd gathers as the cur-
tain is ready to rise.
I'll be home for Christmas move!
if I can get this burro to
Christmas Is Here-
T. W. C.'s Engine No. 1 shows off its Christmas decorations.
Lambda Chi Alphas fold sacks for the traditional lurninarias.
Can Finals Be Far Away?
Beauties and Best Dressed Eds were Chosen Now, take my word for it! A big smile is the answer.
How did this get in? He isn't a beauty, is h e?
To the victors belo 0 all of the spoils, ao the happiness that goe with it.
Four beauties were chosen from the twelve finalists m the TWc Beauty Contest.
Being military royalty is a serious business, huh Jake?
The Military Ball Was Glamorous and Exciting Okay, Ken, open your eyes and face the music.
Oh, that's okay! We can come back and pick it up later after we' re through.
Only an occasion like this could produce such serious contemplation.
And for my second number, I am going to do my impression of dorm girls avoiding nightly pin-ups.
"Now, don't make a scene."
Don't let those romances fade, fade, fade away.
TW C Co- Eds Salut
"Shucks, fellas, you make me feel like a king!"
'I dare you to say that Gentry."
Men "The winnah of the pie-throwing contest is ... "
Paying your poll tax, or is this the free-soup line?
"Don't move. It's a bomb."
Cagey Cage
Texas Western's Memorial Gymnasium.
'Tm not drunk, I'm dancing-the minuet."
.a tu red The Crowd
"Me Tarzan! Is that you up there, Jane?"
"It's mine, I tell you. Mine!"
Kit Displayed The Spirit of ttThe College On The Hill" Yipee!
How about a little more noise?
One yard to go-fourth down- 10 seconds left in the gameIs it really showing?
When you gotta go, you gotta go!
You put your right foot in, . . .
Mommy, I have a tummy ache.
Organizations Displayed Their Talent at The Variety Show
Wait! Hear me out!
Know what this is ? We don't.
'TU pay you back later."
Both The Spring Fiesta And Miss TWC Contest Made This A Wonderful Day
'TH pay YOU to take it!"
Well, boys, do you approve?
T.W.C. Beauties Were On Parade Lots of Luck!
Miss T. W. C. Pretty good viewing?!
/ "Wait here, I'll be back in a minute."
May we take this opportunity to congratulate you on your new found happiness.
"I regret I have but one life to give for my country."
Get Alo
''I'd say about 36-22-36.
How ! Me big chief!
i tie Dogies
ROTC in review.
There's more future in this than in finals!
Finals -What More Can We Say?
His mind is on something better than finals.
"And I want a chocolate soda with lots of whipped cream."
The outstanding seniors were announced at the prom.
Seniors Enjoyed Their Activities
When in doubt, try an Alka-Seltzer.
What? Stealing the decorations? 49
"I wish I could get this !*&X ! ? tassel out of my nose !"
The Night All Seniors Look Forward To ... "We've come to bury Caesar, not to praise him."
"After looking over the grades, . . ."
The Door to Progress Opens - -
Giving Light to a Bigger and Better TWC 51
standing Girl
Susan Cone
Marsha Hail
James Hill
Terry LaPera
Anne Lieberman
e 1ors
Robert Rios
Judith Moore
Joseph Milchen
Janet Yerby
Frances Shanblum
Who's Who Among Students In
Philip Bornstein, a Chemistry Major, is a member of Scabbard and Blade and Sardonyx Pres.
A Speech major, Judith Moore, is a member of Chi Omega, Alpha Chi, Kappa Delta, Kappa Delta Pi.
Treva Hulen is an Elementary Education major and a member of Christian Science Org. and active in A. C. E.
William Conner is a member of Alpha Phi Omega and is a Physics major.
American Colleges and Universities
James McNutt, who belongs to Sigma Alpha Epsilon, and Circle K Club, is a BBA major.
Susan Cone, an Elementary Ed. major, is active in Zeta Tau Alpha, Chenrizig, Alpha Chi, and Kappa Delta Pi.
Frances Shanblum is an Elementary Ed. major, a member of Chenrizig, Alpha Chi, is Flowsheet Editor and was a cheerleader.
A Biology major, Stuart Kahn, is President of Sigma Alpha Mu, Pre-Med Club Pres. and Sardonyx.
Who's Who
Jose Ontivaros, a Radio and TV major is active in Newman Club, Alpha Chi, and Alpha Epsilon Rho.
Brenda Henderson is an Elementary Ed. major and a member of Spurs, Zeta Tau Pres., and A WS Vice Pres.
Kay Porter, a member of Delta Delta Delta, Chen-
rizig, Psi Chi, Spurs, is a Math major.
A BBA major, Edward Elias is a member of Newman Club and Cosmopolitan Club Pres.
Who's Who
Robert S. Rios, who is a member of Sardonyx, Lambda Chi Alpha, and Circle K Pres. is a Physics major.
An English major, Marsha Hail, is a member of Zeta Tau Alpha, Chenrizig Pres., Alpha Chi, and Prospector Editor.
Mrs. Ellen Rich, an Elementary Ed. major, is a member of Kappa Delta Pi, and Alpha Chi.
Terry LePera is a Math major and a member of Alpha Chi and Sardonyx. 61
Who's Who
Joseph Milchen, a History major, is active in Phi Kappa Tau, Sardonyx, Phi Alpha Theta, and Alpha Chi Pres.
Mrs. Anne Lieberman, Kappa Delta Pi Pres. and a member of A. C. E. and Alpha Chi, is an Elementary Ed. major.
Janie Flynt is a BBA major and active in Phi Gamma Nu, and a Student Council Representative.
Pres. of AIEE Student Chapter and a member of Alpha Chi, James B. Hill, 1s an Elec. Eng. major.
Who's Who
Eyungwha Kang is an Electrical Eng. major and a member of AIEE Student Chapter.
A Speech major, Janet Yerby, is active in Pi Kappa Delta, Phi Alpha Theta, Alpha Chi, and the Debate Team.
Kay Broadwell, an English major, is a member of Alpha Chi, Chenrizig, and Delta Delta Delta Pres.,
Diane Rosenthal, a member of Alpha Lambda Delta, Alpha Chi, Hillel, Chenrizig, Pre-Med Club is a Biological Sci. maj. '
Who 's Who
Eldemira Navarro, a BA major, is active Gamma Nu, Sigma Delta Pi, and Chenrizig.
Dorothy Green is an Elementary Ed. major and a member of Alpha Chi, Kappa Delta Pi, Alpha Phi , and A. C. E.
Diane Dutton is a Psychology major and is active in Alpha Chi, Chenrizig, Psi Chi, and Zeta Tau Alpha.
David Alvarez
Kenneth Allen
Men of Mines
James Boatright
Phillip Bornstein
Sanford Brown
Edward Elias
William Connor
Men of
Tom Holmsley
John Faraone
Terry La Pera
Harry Lamberth
Men of Mines
Don McGehee
Lester Lieberman
Joe Milchen
Men Robert Rios
Fred Saluatti
Bruce Rosen
Louis Varela
James Severns
Men of
Dale Walker
James Wells
Del Williams
Flowsheet Judges
John Stewart
Bob Shane
Nick Reynolds
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Ct,«~1hccluaoltcrv••dn1rcd. •ho.'"'tM' 1h, -....- • 111 M Mftt nthc full ,-It
The Kingston Trio
# 26, 6-
Flows heet Queen
Ellen Sikes
Helen Odom 72
Jo Ann Hoover
Sharon Pierce
The Flow h et Que n and honor wer lect cl from 125 ntri s. ny single girl on th Texa \ t rn oil g campus wa hgihl to nt r an " x 10" photograph of h rself for the Flow h t ontest. hil th King ·ton Trio , a app aring in El Pa o, th Flow h t taff a k d John t wart, i ick R , nold and Boh han to judg th photograph from th 125 entrie . Th girl on th pag ar th re ult of th ir judging. Th Flow h t taff alut Flow h t Qu en Kit D twilr.
Kay Tillman
Angel Stromberg Beauty
Sandy Snodgrass Beauty
Diane French Beauty
Ana Maria Holguin
Judy Wolter
Marcia Haney
Karen Johnson
Winfrey Rogers
Sandi Ward
Carol Knapp
Marilyn Geyer
Miss TW C Finalist s Nicky Morris
Monta Rae Jenkins
John Garmon Duke Rusty Jennet Duke
Sandy McClusky Jester
Sun Carnival Royalty
Nickie Lettunich A AU W
Margaret Glardon Junior Woman's Club
Sharon Hugos Biggs Air Force Base
Ernestine Ruebush Woman's Auxiliary
Kathleen Sparks Dell City Princess
<[,;r~• Wut11·~ (oil,_,, .,
Dr. Joseph Ray President of Texas Western
November 2, 1961
I want to congratulate the Flowaheet editor ■ for producing an Annual that mouu.rea up in all reapecta to a diatingui•hed Une of ouch publlcatioruo in the paat. Thia la one of the moat diatinctive year ■ of your life• It
will be dated primarily from your academic atatu■ in thia CoU•s• year. In the future you will Identify event• aa having happened 1
during 1961-1962, but rather aa having occurred the year you••::, a freahman, aophomore, Junior or aenior. The Flowahoot prov! an invaluable record of thia apecial year of your ■• FrlendahiP• and memoriea will fade a ■ time move• on, but the 1962 ~ will aervo ever to refreah the experience ■ you had during thl• year• One of the moat valuable reaourcea the College ha• i• th • loyal aupport of Ito former atudenta. Aa you finiah your work at Tex.a ■ Weatern and move along to other line• of activity, perh&P.:iu thla Flowaheet and the other ■ you accumulate aa a atudent here help to keep your intoreat alive in tho growth and development of tho Collea:e. Thia hu been a happy and conatructive year for the coUeJ' aa a whole and I truat It haa been the aame for you.
100 JMR:zj
Officials of the College
Dr. Anton Berkman Dean of Arts and Sciences Dr. Ray Small Assistant to the President Professor of English
Dr. Eugene Thomas Dean of Mines and Engineering
Dr. Charles Sonnichsen Dean of Graduate Division
Mr. George McCarty Dean of Men
Mrs. Louise Resley Dean of Women
of Art
Miss Vera Wise Chairman
Miss Ellen Coogler Assistant Professor
Mr. Wiltz Harrison Associate Professor
Mr. Robert Massey Assistant Professor
Music Dr. Engebret Thormodsgaard Chairman
Mr. August Carnovale Assistant Professor
Mr. Abraham Chavez Instructor
Dr. 0. E. Eidbo Professor
Mr. Ralph Briggs Associate Professor
Mr. Lynn Thayer Instructor
Department of Biological Sciences
Mrs. Eleanor Duke Associate Professor
Mr. John Williams Assistant Professor
Mrs. B. H . Miter Instructor
Mr. Henry Hampton Instructor
Dr. Peter Chrapliwy Instructor
Mrs. Eleanore Tulley Instructor
Department of Chemistry Mr. Richard Miller Instructor
Miss Maureen O'Brien Instructor
Dr. Harold Alexander Professor
Mr. Nacim Miledi Instructor
Mr. Frank Shioji Instructor
Mr. John Meason Instructor
Dr. Howard Quinn Chairman
Dr. Lloyd Nelson Professor
Department of Geology Mrs. Emily Vowell
Mr. William Strain Associate Professor
Department of Economics and Business Administration Mr. Michael Brand Chairman
Mr. Bernard Herber Associate Professor
Mr. Everett Heins Assistant Professor
Mrs. Florence Buckner Assistant Professor
Mr. Donald Freeland Assistant Professor
Dr. Wade Hartrick Professor
Department of Education Mrs. Catherine O'Malley Assistant Professor
Dr. James F. Day Chairman
Dr. Alonzo N . Foster Professor
Dr. William Fisher Associ ate Professor
Mrs. Bertha Reynolds Associate Professor
Dr. Lozier Henderson Professor
D r. Jack Meadows Professor
Dr. Floyd Farquear Professor
Department of
Mr. Walter Ducoff Instructor
Mr. Philip Young Assistant Professor
Mr. Clyde Nichols Professor
Dr. Joseph Rintelen Chairman
Mr. Clarence Cervenka Assistant Professor
Mr. Floyd Decker Professor
Mr. Robert Coltharp Instructor
Mr. Ralph Coleman Professor Mr. David Rozendal Assistant Professor
Mr. John Whitacre Associate Professor 107
Department of
English Mrs. Roberta Walker Instructor
Dr. Joseph Leach Chairman Mrs. Marie Waddell Assistant Professor
Mrs. Eleanor Hall Instructor
Mrs. Lurline Douglas Assistant Professor
Dr. Raymond Past Associate Professor
Dr. Haldeen Braddy Professor
Mrs. Roberta Hoffman Instructor
Department of Health and Physical Education Dr. Le Roy Seils Chairman Mrs. Lynette Glardon Assistant Professor
Mr. Jimmy Walker Assistant Professor Mr. Ben Collins Assistant Professor
Mrs. Mona Loper Instructor
Mr. Kenneth George Instructor
Mr. William Plumbley Athletic Business Manager
Mr. Ross Moore Instructor
Mrs. Kathleen Craigo Instructor
Department of History, Government and Sociology Dr. Wilbert Timmons Professor
Dr. Rex Strickland Chairman
Dr. Wayne Fuller Associate Professor Mr. John Denny Instructor
Mrs. Mary Quinn Associate Professor Mr. John Hovel Instructor Mr. Paul Goodman Instructor Mr. Theodore Harris Instructor
Mr. Melvin Shores Instructor Mrs. Roberta Logerman Instructor Mr. Jack Vowell Instructor Mr. Rex Gerald Assistant Professor
Department of Journalism, Radio and Telev is ion
Mr. John Middagh Co-Chairman
Mr. Virgil Hicks Co-Chairman
Mr. Ralph Lowenstein Assistant Professor
Mr. Steele Jones Director of News and Information
Department of Speech and Drama Mr. Robert leech Associate Professor
Mr. Frank Harland Assistant Professor
Mrs. Sara Martin Instructor
Mrs. J. Miculfee Instructor
Mr. James Tucker 111 Assistant Professor
Depa rt ment of Mathematics and Physics Mr. Robert Schumaker Assistant Professor
Dr. Edwin Knapp Chairman
Dr. Thomas Barnes Professor Dr. Ralph Bentz Associate Professor Mr. William Burgett Instructor
Mr. Vladik Miculka Assistant Professor Mr. Ralph Pryor Instructor Mr. Charles Gladman Associate Professor Col. Frank Miter Instructor
Mr. Oscar McMahan Associate Professor Mrs. Bulah Patterson As istant Professor Mr. Leif eprud Instructor Mr. Orvi lle Kruschwitz Instructor
Department of Military Science
Ca1 t. Gene Bond
Col. Joseph Buys Chairman
'. I
John Swidelsky Instructor
Sgt. Robert Cox Instructor
Department of Modern Languages
Capt. William Boyers Assistant Professor
Dr. Caleb Bevans Associate Professor
Dr. Edgar Ruff Chairman
Mr. Fred Brewer Instructor
Dr. Robert Tappan Assistant Professor
Department of
Philosophy and Psychology Dr. C. C. Crawford Professor
Dr. Clyde E. Kelsey Chairman
Dr. R. Whitworth Assistant Professor Mrs. Patricia Rennick Instructor
Dr. John Haddox Assistant Professor
Mr. Lan i Bo worth As i tant Profes or
Mr. Tom Chism Instructor
Claudia Collins Secretary Dean of Graduate Division
Marlene Buswell Receptionist Dean of Men
Kathy Crouch Secretary Dean of Men
Harry Gerecki Assistant Busines Manager
Sheryee Dulaney Secretary Dean of Arts and Sciences
Janis Elliott Personnel and Placement
Zelma Juarez Assistant Secretary to the President
Betty Lynn Secretary to the Business Manager Nancy Strate Clerk and
Jane Pitts Health urse
Mildred Torok Secretary to the Presid nt
Joseph Whitaker Registrar
Pauline Powell Cashier Snack Bar 115
LUIS AMPARA Secondary Education Newman Club
DAVID ALVAREZ Electrical Engineering A.I.E.E. Scabbard & Blade Men of Mines
RICARDO ADAUTO Elementary Education
Music Band Orche tra
Physics Pershing Rifles Scabbard & Blade Men of Mines
Ro~ p ALLDREDGE s·5Ychulogy 1•&ma Alpha Epsilon Associat _etterman's Von ."M" Club arsity Football
DONNA ANGEL Engli h Delta D elta Delta Modern Dance lub
GE EK. BO WELL Geology Alpha Phi Omega AIME
!"fechanical Engineermg SME
ROBERT BRADY Radio-T.V. Alpha Epsilon Rho
GUILLERMO BLA CO Physical Education PEM Club
KATHRY WELL Delta Delta Delta Chenrizig Who's Who
JAMES BOATRIGHT Speech Men of Mines B. S. U.
TA FORD BROW Mechanical Engineering Alpha Phi Omega Men of Mines
PHILIPP BOR TEI Chemistry Orange Key Pre-Med Club Men of Mines Sardonyx Who's Who
J.P. BURNET! Music Educati on Kappa Kappa Psi
DORA BUE 0 Elementary Educa· tion
Class of '62
SHIRLEY COLE Music Education Tau Beta Sigma Band
RO DA COLE Physical Education Tri-Delta FEM Club Gold diggers Modern Dance
CARLOS COBOS, JR. B. A. I-F Council B. . U. Student Senate
, A. hi K~ppa Tau tuden! Senate
EDITH A. CLOUD Physical Education FEM Club
Physics Phi Kappa Tau Orange Key
ORMA DERAS Math Phrateres ewmao Club
EDWARD ELIAS B. A. Who's Who Meo of Mines
KYLE ELLIS Physical Educati "M" Club PEM Club Varsity Football
LOUIS M. DIAZ Physical Education PEM Club
DIANA DRULEY Journalism Tri-Delta
BETTIE A English Tri-Delta Football Court Engineering Princess Military Court Feature Twirler
EFFIE NELL DUNLAP Elementary Education Alpha Lambda Delta Spurs Kappa Delta Pi A. C. E. Choir CARMEN DELGADO
B. B. A. Phi Gamma Nu
CALVIN EISE rsERG B.B.A. ~ Sigma Alpha Hillel
Class of '62
GERALD GAR ER B. B. A. Sigma Alpha Epsilon Wesley Foundation
B. B. A. Who's Who Phi Gamma Nu
JOHN FIFER Secondary Education
N i Omega
ARMIDA GO ZALEZ Physical Education Spurs Phrateres Newman Club PEM Club
SAM T. FIELD Geology Alpha Phi Omega
/ JOYCE GLOCK Psychology Chi Omega Panhellenic Council Ten Best Dressed Little Sisters of Minerva
JOHN FARAONE Music Education Phi Kappa Tau Orange Key Band Men of Mines
LEO ARD 0. GE SON Physics Orange Key
Alpha Mu
MARSHA HAIL English Who's Who Chenrizig Zeta Tau Alpha Alpha Chi Prospector Editor
SA DRA HARGRAVES Elementary Education
THOMAS HAINES B. A. Lambda Chi Alpha
DAVID HARL Secondary I:.duca tion
GAIL GORDON English Alpha Epsilon Phi Hillel Psi Chi
RAMON D. HAMRIC Math APO Scabbard & Blade
MICHAEL Y. GREER History Newman Club Interfaith Council
Class of '62
CAROL HOLLHWA DNER econdary Education
BRE DA HE DERSON Elementary Education Zeta Tau Alpha Junior Favorite Chenrizig Kappa Delta Pi Who's Who JAMES B. HILL Electrical Engineering Who 's Who
LA.1 .E HARRIS lementary Educa-
on ti-Delta tUdent Council rm Council
A. I.E. E. Alpha Chi
IDA MAE HILL Music Alpha Lambda Delta Alpha Chi Band Orchestra Tau Beta Sigma
Government Interfaith Council Christian Science Organization Student Council Men of Mines
EDWARD HILL English Phi Kappa Tau
RVANDo l-iER.NANDEZ rtcal Engineerg ~t.
I.E. E.
CHARLES HORAK Civil Engineering Kappa igma cabbard & Blade I. F. C. A. S. C. E.
ANA MARIE HOLGUIN Elementary Education Civil Engineering Princess Phrateres ewman Club Independents
TREV A T. HULEN Elementary Education Alpha Chi A.C.E. Who's Who
PATSY HULSE Radio-T. V. Zeta Tau Alpha
Government Phi Kappa Tau
DAVID A. KELTON B. B. A. Kappa Sigma
MICHAEL B. HOWE Geology Sigma Alpha Epsilon Scabbard & Blade
STUART KAHN Bio. Sc. Sigma Alpha Mu Orange Key Sardonyx Pre-Med Club Who's Who JERRY HOWORTH B. A. Kappa Sigma
NINA E. J<EEL Psychology Chenrizig Psi Chi Spurs Golddiggers
Class of '62
AM LIGHTBOUR History Phi Kappa Tau
ys1 ucation Varsity Football "M" Club
'ORM KILBURN I •Clllentary Educan 011egiate Chorale ldd1 •gers
Elementary Education Kappa Delta Pi
W'S Council
LIEBERMA Elementary Education Who's Who Kappa Delta Pi
MARLYS A. LEITER Elementary Education Mathematics Who's Who Men of Mines Orange Key Sardonyx Alpha Chi
hRRy R llA~fBER TH
GLENN LEITER B.B.A. Delta Sigma Pi
ectrical Engineer-
1.1:. E bbard
Blade dent Senate
Electrical Engineering Rifle Team A. I.E. E.
ESTHER MARTINEZ Secondary Education Newman Club Spurs
MIKE MARTIN B. B. A. Kappa Sigma Delta Sigma Pi
MICHAEL MARTI r.Z Physics Newman Cl1,b Pershing Rifles Rifle Team Independents
LESTER LIEBERMA English Men of Mines Rifle Team I - F Council
WINIFRED MARTIN Secondary Eduction
J. LEWIS Elementary Education Delta Delta Delta Canterbury Club
CARIDAD MARTINEZ . Secondary Educattl Phrateres
Class of '62
Speech Wesley Foundation
JOSEPH A. MILCHEN History Who's Who Men of Mines Sardonyx Literary Society
CAROLYN McCAIN English Wesley Foundation
GRACIELA MENDEZ Elementary Education Spurs Phrateres
A. C. E. Choir THELMA MORENO Elementary Education A. C. E. Flowsheet Staff
JAMES M . McPHAIL B. B. A. Newman Club
JUDY MOORE English Who's Who Chi Omega Alpha Chi Chenrizig
Civil Engineering Kappa Sigma
ARBARA J McDANIEL eech eta Tau Alpha
JANE MOORE Psychology Delta Delta Delta Wesley Fundation Spurs Scholaris
WILLIAM MUZZY Mechanical Engineering M. E. S.
ANA MARIE NAVAR B. B. A. Phi Gamma Nu Newman Club
RALPH NAVAR B. B. A. Delta Sigma Pi
VELMA A. MORENO Elementary Education
RUBY NEALE Elementary Education
A. C. E. Flowsheet Staff
WILLIAM H . MUELLER Metallurgy Alpha Phi Omega Sigma Gamma Epsilon
JAMES NECING Electrical Engineering
RUBEN B. MURO Physics Newman Club
DOROTHY O'KELLEY Elementary Educa· tion Spurs Kappa Delta Pi Chenrizig
JEFFREY NELS( Chemistry A. C. S. d Scabbard & Bia 1
Class of '62
CELIA PROO B. B. A. PHI Gamma Nu Newman Club
KAY PORTER Mathematics Delta Delta Delta Who's Who Chenrizig Spurs
ANTONIO QUINONES B. B. A. Delta Sigma Pi Newman Club
GENE PIERSON Mining APO Sigma Gamma Epsilon
-T. V. Who Chi Epsilon
CECILIA RICO Elementary Education Phrateres A. C. E. Flowsheet Staff
BONNIE PFEIFFER Elementary Education Wesley Foundation
MARVIN RATHKE Geology Alpha Phi Omega AIME
fllGINIA OAXACA ernentary Educa-
hrateres e-wrnan Club dependents
. C. E.
DO E. ROBERTS Psychology Lambda Chi Alpha
MICHAEL P. RYAN Journalism Lambda Chi Alpha Editor Prospector
GLORIA SAAB Elementary EJuca· tion Student Scna.e
Elemen tion Phrateres Co-ed Council Alpha Chi
EMILIA RICO Elementary Education Phrateres A. C. E. Flowsheet Staff
B. A. Sardonyx Men of Mines Sigma Alpha Mu
Journalism Sigma Alpha Epsilon Scabbard & Blade Men of Mines Editor El Burro
Biological Sciences Who's Who Alpha Lambda Pre-Med Club Spurs ROBERT RIOS Physics Who's Who Men of Mines Orange Key Sardonyx
B. A. Chi Omega
Class of '62
JAMES G. SEVERNS Electrical Engineering A. I.E. E. Men of Mines
MARY LOUISE SALAZAR Elementary Education A. C. E. FLY
JOTEE B. B. A. Phi Gamma Nu Hillel
l'EGGY SEGALL Elementary Education A. C. E.
SCHLAFLY our02 lism hrateres rosp('C tor lowsheet Staff lpha Epsilon Rho
ALBERT SIPLE Metallurgy A. I. M. E.
JOY D. SCHUHMANN English Alpha Chi Sigma Delta Pi
PEGGY SJ CLAIR Elementary Education Chi Omega A. C. E.
ALICE SANTOSCOY English Newman Club Band Orchestra
FRANCES HA BLUM Elemenary Education Who's Who 1961-62 Flowsheet Editor Alpha Epsilon Phi Alpha Chi Cheerleader Chenrizig
ROY C. SPRI GER Biological Sciences
B. S. U. Pre-Med Club "M"Club
FRED TINNIN Pre-Law Newman Club
ROBERT STEVENSON Psychology Tau Kappa Epsilon
GLADYS SKORKA Biological Sciences Pre-Med Spurs Hillel Alpha Epsilon Phi
MARY JA E STA LEY Secondary Education Zeta Tau Alpha Flowsheet Queen Summer School Queen
CARLE E STRICKLA D Elementary Education A. C. E.
RO ALD UTLEY Mining Engineering APO A.I.M.E. Sigma Gamma Epsilon
GORDON TAYLOR . Secondary Educatl Basketball 'M"Club
Class of '62
STELLA WEG TEI Elementary Education
YVONNE W AKEEM Elementary Education Delta Gamma Ph rate res A. C. E.
MARTHA R . VALDEZ Elementary Education Phrateres A. C. E.
A >RA UTLEY _lemen tary Educa-
Economics Wesley Foundation
on amma Phi Beta
· C. E.
JAMES . WITT Civil Engineering Tau Kappa Epsilon A. S. C. E. Student enate
DONALD VA PELT Physical Education Sigma Alpha Epsilon
JAMES WELLS Pre-Med Men of Mines Phi Kappa Tau Sardonyx Pre-Med Club Orange Key S. A . President
GRACE VILLALOBOS Elementary Education Newman Club A. C. E.
~ours VARELA -B. A.
Men of Mines
1961 Newman Cardinal Ball Queen Newman Club Phrateres
Scabbard and Blade
YOLA WILDMAN Spanish Sigma Delta Pi Newman Club
0 . C. WILLIAMS Math Lambda Chi Alpha
JANET YERBY Speech Who's Who Chenrizig
MARY JANE WITH OLDER Physical Education Chi Omega FEM Club A. C. E.
CA THERI E WIPF History Zeta Tau Alpha
TA TLEY R. WOOLSEY Math Pershing Rifles
WANDA WHITE Elementary Education
DRUSILLA WRIGHT Elementary Education Zeta Tau Alpha
WILLIAM K. YOU G History Episcopal Community
JOHN YOU 1 ~ Physical Educa ion Football Capta:n "M" Club
JAKE YOUN~ Physical Educatl Varsity Football
Campus police
Smile tells all
Well, I like it
Celia Alvarez
Pat Baker
M. F. Battla
Michael Black
Bill Bowles
Jose Buergo
Bruce Bannon
Charles Beauford
Elreta Brayboy
Penny Cannon
Joseph Baranowski
Susan Beehler
Calvin Benson
Nancy Brennand
Bill Carnes
Ronald Cole
Ronald Coleman
Alex Correa
Suellen Creighton
Kathy Dickinson
Sanna Eshelman
Nancy Farrar
William Coleman
Chris Crockett
Ruth Donges
V elene Fleager
Gary Conwell
William Cook
Donald Crouch
James Dunn
Elva Edmisten
Sheila Fomby
Rede Franco
Marie Frerichs
David Hageman
Alida Hollingshead
Dwain Holsapple
Carol Irvin
Johnny Garmon
Sally Haraway
Harry Howe
J eaonine Jarratt
Marilyn Geyer
Jim Bell Harris
Cole Holderman
Robert Huston
Monta Rae Jenkins
Elizabeth Jenness
James Johnson
Ocil Lacy
Yvette Lalonde
Mel Lauderdale
James Love
Harris Lowenhaupt
Jose Kennard
Joseph Larremore
Sheila Layne
Dolores Lowery
Leonard Knox
William Kramer
Linda Lasater
Dale Long
Cynthia Longnecker
Dolores Martinez
Glenn McCain
Chuck McCalmont
Billy McDaniel
Roger Miles
Lila Murphy
Carlos Ortega
Robert McCarty
Ginny Meadows
Judy Nelson
Kathryn 0th
Leo McCulloch
Gloria Meili
Frank Merrem
Kay O'Connor
Dale Owen
Ella Owen
Terry Park
Leticia Pena
Anthony Perez
Clyde Posey
Ruben Ramos
Charles Rayner
Curtis Parkin
Lona Perkins
Lonn Potter
Joyce Reeder
Lawrence Paschich
Hector Pedregon
Rosemary Petzold
Ed Prado
Doshi Pravinchandra
Tom Richardson
Reta Rickords
Rebecca Roberts
Mara Rubio
Joye Scheffler
Michael Sharp
Randy Smith 144
Bill Robinson
Fay Rude
Carolyn Shaver
Andy Springer
Eugene Rosen
John Russell
Lawrence Sandell
Elizabeth Ann Smith
Lee Strain
Carmen Taboada
Robert Taboada
Dolores Velasquez
Roy Ward
Chance Williams
Alleane Young
Grady Cofer
Carleton Talbot
Mike Webb
Sheila Wipf
Leonard Bailes
Jerry Taylor
William Taylor
Anne Wehmeyer
Judy Wolter
Magdalene Yapor
Frank Fcuille
Sophomores Madeline Aaronson Dorthy Aiken Linda Alexander Barbara Alfers
Emma Alvarez Susan Ardis John Armstrong Betty Autrey
Frank P. Ball Jr. Elizabeth Barnes Judith Beall
Richard Bela Don Benson Michael Bernstein Joe Blanco Jr.
Linda Boone Phil Boswell Reinhold Bridges Sandra Kay Brown
Tommy Brown Larry Bucher Pam Bulls Robin Butler
George Butterworth Kay Burg Beverly Cagle Glenda Cornelius
Enrique Chin Sandra Claxton Judy Coffin Julie Conyers
Tommy Cook James Cozart Joey Cruz Kit Detwiler
Sharon Dodgen J.B. Doyle Sandee Dozier Robert Duran
Sue Eaton Charles Elson John J. English Terry Teed
Barbara Fell Patricia Fletcher Marie Franco Miguel Franco
Barbara Glovin Fred Gerth Frances Glaves John Griffith
Pat Groves Linda Gust Judy Hail Leland Housman
Marshall Hamilton Jack Harden George T. Harris David Harrison
Lynn Hartman Ray Hilburn Sheila Hoffman Dennis Hohn
Rosy Hakim Michael Hopper Carol Jean Hudson Sharon Bugos
Diane Hunter Ronnie Hutchison Judy Jameson Karen Johnson
Leroy Johnston Steve Kahn Verna Kaplan Jentry Kendall
John Kimmey Ralph Kennedy Robert Kinneburgh Kay Kiser
Carol Knapp Katherine Kolliker Paul Krupp Carolyn Landavazo
James Langford Eugene Lawrance Jean Larkin Keith Leavitt
Diana Lewis Niki Lettunich Thelma Levine Daphne Love
Truett Maddox Denny Macasky Dll'Vid Lewis Janeen A. Manzo
Nancy Marshall Pat Maveety James F. McDuffie Peggy McFadden
Kathleen McGrath Enrique Menacho Keith Miller George R. Minjarez
Carol Mobly Daisy Moor Nicky Morris Victor Munoz Jr.
Jeannie Murrell Tom Niland John O'Rourke Pat O'Rourke
Dora Owens James Paski Roy Pena John Phillips
George Poe
Lewis Price Irma Elena Ramirez Jane Reed
Judy Rettinger Norma Reyes l>atsy Rincon Ronald Rinihart
Sam Rodehaver Jan Rodgers Winfrey Rogers Charlotte Roisman
Barbara Roland Ruth Roper Bluford Sanders Monica Santiesteban
Dorthy Scott Ronald Scroggins Kerney Sue Scuddy Marjorie Sharpley
Ann Sherwin Judy Shultz Jim lemenda Jean 0 . mith
Sandy Snodgrass Phyllis Stanchos Nancy Stitt Mayda Nel Strong
Nancy Sullivan Esther Tovar Jack Taylor Kay Tillman
Mary Ann Thompson Susan Thompson Charlie Tupper Herberto Valenzuela
Sandra Van Brunt Charles Warren Nancy Whitly LeRoy Weber
Wingo Susan Withrow David Womack Margie Woods
Margaret Bean Robert Flanders
Jim Carter Robert Daniele Don Duckett
Ronnie Hefler Jane Norris Jane Nootbaar Eddie Okies
Amparo Pena Gregg Yundt Stella Yturralde
Richard York Mary Jean Yates
What do you mean, there's more coming?
Here goes rhat diet I was starting today!
Where are your beanies, freshmen?
Burton Ann Adams Ann Adkinson Jeff Alden Carol Almquist Pat Ambrose
Dawn Angaran Barbara Archer Judy Arnold Paul Avenna
Barbara Bailey Shirley Bailey Keith Ball Sandy Bason
Bob Becker Margaret Becker Carol Beddingfield James D. Benner
Jefferey Berry Bob Berryhill Billy Best Kenneth Black Ted Blackwell
Robert Blystone Ann Brooks Robert Brown Mary Brittain Grover Bryson
Suzanne Berrateron Ken Burdick Jan Burke Cecil Burnett
Charles Burnett Mashburn Burt Terry Butler Richard Canter
James Carlton Linda Carpenter Tony Carrea Ramiro Castillo
Stella Castillo Varner Coake Vaughn Cockran James Connolly Steve Cone
Larry Conyers J oho Childress Lea Narric Chumbley Ronald Crouch Minisa Crumbo
Ann Curton Mike Davis Wesley Dils George Demings
Leopaldo Deras Ann De Witt George Dominguez Marylee Donaldson
Stephen Danforth Gina Drahan Deana Dreckman Cecilia Duarte
Jerry Lee Duke Dana Durst Patricia Ervin Ralph Erwin Shirley Evans
Raymond Faircloth Gary Feldman Sandy Fernandez John Fiol Josephine Franco
Diane French Gary Fritchoff Margi Garcia Pamela Gates
Linda Geck Joseph Gelsthrope Sue Glover Martha Goldberg
Irma Gonzales Jacob Gonzales Gaylord Grimes David Greenberg
Aida Gutirrez Constance Haddad Rick Hagenloh Jack Harden William Harrison
Guy Harwell Vivian House Ida Henderson Michael Henderson Durward Higgins
Phoebe Higgins Connie Hoon JoAnn Hoover James Huff
James Huff Carolyn Hughes Marilyn Hughes Henry Ingle
Diane Irvin Janet Irvin Betty Jackson Martin Jaffe
Louis Jaramillo Jim Jasper Carol Jennings Irene Jimenez Bi11 Johnson
Brenda Johnson Jo Johnson Sandra Karlsruaer Charles Keeler Sally Kelly
Margaret King Alan Kipnis Chuck Knipp Junior Knox
Anne Lambert Boyd-Lee Lanier Annett Lanoux Patrick Lanphor
James Larkin Robert Lee Sandra Lempert Thomas Locke
Vicki Logan Judi Lotspuch Roger Luedtke Alex Lupercio Bob Lumpkin
Virginia McCollum Owena McCarty Fred McConachie Carole McCoole Elizabeth McCoy
Charles McCulloch Bin McDonald Jerry McNamera Bob McN ell is
Bobby Maddox Grace Mahan Irene Martinez Mary Martinez
Henry Martinez Myrna Matoy Olga Medina Anita Meek
Shiela Mendoza Carolyn Meyer Mike Milligan Boward Moeck Janet Moore
Theresa Moore James Lee Morris Mozaffar Nassirzadek Paul Neel Joe Nelson
Stanley Nelson Alan Newton Arturo Oaxaca Jimmy Onick
Carmen Ortiz Jim O'Shields John Palm Judi Palmore
Karen Beth Park Tony Pascualli James Pauling Carlos Perez
Marie Perez Bob Peticolas Karen Petterson Sharon Pierce Adrian Porras
Billie Powell Ronnie Purvin Sheryl Reese Linda Reynolds Tom Rhoads
Nick Rizzo Jan Rodgers John Rudsill Diane Rogers
Larry Rumsey Beatrice Rutice Evelyn Ruiz Lee Sage
Nelson Sanders Gerald Sartin Royetta Satterfield Judy Saylar
Robert Scardino Deanna Schoen Lou Ann Scott Bob Schuessler Ralph Seitsinger
George Sevier Louvenia Shapiro Ronnie Shelan Charlie Shook Jimmy Simmions
Johnnie Simpson Larry Simpson Jackie Sliles Herbert Smith
Irma Smith Joe Smith Joe Smith Justin Smith
Chris Smoat Kathleen Soldan Stephen Spencer Malcom Spitaenick
Fred Spite Virgima Starr Stanley Steen Tita Steele Alva Martha Stelly
Jerry Stephens Gary Strauss Pamela Strickland Mari e Tamburo Alan Thomas
John Thomas Tooley Town J•mmy Urias C:trlos Valenzuela Helen Vannerson
Bonnie Vega P1uJa Walker Harold Walls An n Waters ayne Wendom
Howard S. White 'foni Wiggs Sallie Williams Sandra Williams Gerald Williamson
Norma Winkley Sally Womack William Worthington Peggy Wright JoAnn Yapor
~-~ ZazTr~
Alpha Chi Alpha Chi is a scholastic organization for juniors and seniors who maintain a 3.5 over-all average. Susan Cone
Treva Hulen
Terry LePera
Anne Lieberman
Joe Milchen
Judy Moore
/ 170
Jose Ontiveros
Ruben Ramos
Diane Rosenthal
Frances Shanblum
Dorothy Green
Kay Broadwell
Betty Brown
Ch nrizig is a chola tic and ervice organization for enior women.
Susan Cone
Dorothy O'Kelly
Diane Dutton
Marsha Hail
Brenda Henderson
Nina Keeler
Judy Moore
Edelmira Navarro
Diane Rosenthal
Frances Shanblum
Janet Yerby
Sardonyx is a scholastic and service organization for junior and senior men with a 3.0 grade average.
Phillip Bornstein
Stuart Kahn
Ruben Ramos
William Conner
William Kiely
Robert Rios
Gary Conrwell
Terry LePera
Bruce Rosen
Harry Howe
Paul Dano
Curtis Parkin
Joe Milchen
Jay Madrid
Justin Roth
Stanley Hyde
Jim Wells
Chad es Womack 173
Spurs Leila Aboud
Judy Coffin
Kit Detwiler
Judy Hail
Helen McMullan 174
Frances McNabb
Carol Dickinson
Patricia Hamilton
Pam Nolan
Margaret Divilbiss
Sharon Hugos
Jan Rodgers
Sharon Dodgen
Diane Hunter
Winfrey Rogers
Carol Jordan
Spurs is a scholastic and service honorary group for sophomore women with a 2.5 overall grade average.
Sue Eaton
Thalia Kennedy
Nicki Elms
Carol Knapp
Judith Shultz
Pat Maveety
Ellen Sikes
Patricia Ann Fletcher
Elizabeth McCutcheon
Kathryn Tillman
Dorothy Aiken
Jo Ann Anderson
Kathy Flood
Margaret Glardon
Peggy McFadden
Stella Uturralda
Margie Woods
Alpha Lambda Delta Alpha Lambda Delta is a scholastic honorary for freshman and sophomore women with a 3.5 grade average.
Dorthy Scott 176
Ellen Sikes
Anne Wehmeyer
Tau Beta Sigma Tau Beta Sigma is an honorary society for female band members with a 3.0 grade average.
Sandra Brown
Deborah Carnovale
Shirley Cole
Patricia Ann Fletcher
Ida Hill President
Reta Rickords
Dorothy Scott
Ph rate res Phrateres International is a women's social and sen-ice organization. Sigma chapter is Kelli Edmiston President
Jackie Schlafly Vice-President
Keith Miller Secretary
Trudelis Dunlap
Anna Marie Encinas
Connie Haddad
Gloria Meili
Carmen Taboada
Marie Tamburo
Grace Mendez
Bobbie Tilley
the TWC group.
Jane Harbrink
Sheila Mendoza
Esther Tovar
Anna Marie Holguin
Rose Marie Noriega
Martha Valdez
Virginia Oaxaca
Ella Owen
Mary Louise Aguirre
Gloria Arroyo
Susie Berroteran
Sandee Dozier
Pris Dominguez
Irene Jimenez
Kay Kiser
Regina Loe
Irene Martinez
Emma McKnight
Leticia Pena
Yvonne Wakeem
Patricia Reschenthaler
Sharon Wauls
Judy Roper
Magdalena Yapor
Rosalie andoval
Joanne Yapor
Mary Louise Young
Pre -Med Club Pre-Med Club gives members an opportunity to find out more about the biological sciDawn Angaran
James Black
James Connolly
Michael Black
Kelli Edmiston
ences and medicine.
Thomas Fagan
John Fiol
Rede Franco
Aida Gutirrez
Jack Harden
Malcolm pitalnick
Fred Spite
Carol Jean Hudson
Enrique Perez
Tooley Towns
Stuart Kahn
Martin Jaffee
Justin Roth
Charles Santoscoy
Herman Cantu
Gladys Skorka
Stu dent Cou nci I Officers
Cole Holderman Vice-President
Carol Irvin Treasurer
Marilyn Geyer Secretary
Susan Cone Arts and Sciences' Representative
Student Council
Dorothy Aiken
Ron Coleman
Kit Detwiler
Ruth Donges
Janet Lucas
Kathy Flood
Mary Gnauck
Alida Hollingshead
Diane Hunter
Joe Milchen
Judy Moore
Dora Owens
Luis Renteria
Elaine Harris
Jackie Sch la fly
Maggie Yapor 183
Stu dent Senate Doug Tompkins President
Betsy Aronson
Carol Beddingfiel
Jose Buergo
Suellen Creighton Gary Conwell
Judy Hail
Margaret Divelbliss
Cole Holderman
Alida Hollingshead
Robert Huston 184
Anne Lieberman
Paul Larremore
Jane Lennon
Mel Lauderdale
George Minjarez
Thelma Levine
Diane Rogers
Cynthia Longnecker
Gloria Saab
Judy Roper
Gordon Smith
Fay Rude
Lee Strain
Jerry Taylor 185
Panhellenic Council Panhellenic Council is a coordinating group for the cam-
Jo Ann Anderson
pus sororities. Elizabeth A Betsy Aronson Kay Broadwell
Julie Conyers
Marilyn Geyer Joyce Glock Brenda Henderson
Gayle Kahn
Jane Lennon Judy Moore Kay Porter
Francis Shanblum
Mary Ann Thompson Ann Wehmeyer Judy Wolter 186
Inter-Fraternity Council The Inter-Fraternity Council is a coordinating group made up of representatives from each campus fraternity.
John Kelley
Fred Johnson
Gerald Garner
Ron Coleman
Ernest Perez
Ron Paulk
Roger Mac Parks
Don Le Brecht
David Womack
Jim Wells
Justin Roth
Donald Roberts 187
Int erf ait h Council Lester Lieberman President
Mrs. Emily Vowell Sponsor
Interfaith Council is a coordinating agency for the campus religious organizations. Each organization is represented on this council.
Mary Ghauck
Michael Greer
Connie Haddad
Peggy McFadden
Ralph Magruder
Norma Reyes
James Stephens
David Stewart
Margie Woods
Lou Shapiro 188
Associated Women Students Associated Women Students is a group composed of every woman student at TWC. Ruth Donges President
Susan Beehler
The governing board is designed to coordinate the activities of the women students.
Kelli Edmiston
Patricia Fletcher
Lynda Gust
Sandra Hargraves
Brenda Henderson
Diane Rosenthal
Carolyn Shaver
Ann Wehmeyer
Columns Club
of A Ip ha Epsi Ion Phi
Betsy Aronson Treasurer
Gayle Kahn President
Frances Shanblum Vice-President
Ann Serwin Vice-President
Gladys Skorka Secretary
Thelma Levine Secretary
Madeline Aaronson
Sandra Epstein
Linda Golden
Barbara Glavin
Lynda Gust
Sheila Hoffman
Sandra Menacker
Eileen Morgan
Ronnie Purvin
Linda Ulin
Itta Vinikoff
Carol Krupp
Chi Omega President ·········· ········-·•-·-·-··-·--···-···-·------·-·----·· Joyce Glock Vice-President __ --··----------·---- ---·-·-·-- Virginia Wiggington Secretary --······-·-·-·-··-·--·· ·-·-·-··------·-- Mary Jane Witholder Treasurer ···-·-····-·--····-·-···-··--·---·-····--··-··-··-·----- Jan Rodgers
Ann Abernathy
Billi Sue Anderson Jo Ann Anderson
Jari Bennett Linda Bevans Roberta Border Julie Conyers Diane Cook Bea Cooley
Harriet Cotnam Ruth Ann DeWitt Margaret Divelbiss Nicki Elms Nancy Farrar Judy Fitzpatrick
Patricia Fletcher Kathy Flood Marie Frericks Jeanie Froemel Joyce Glock Shari Happe
Sally Haraway Marie Harmon Jessie Harris Joann Hartman Terry Ann Hill Gail Huber
Chi Omega
Sharon Hugos Karen Johnson Carol Jordan Verna Kaplan Thalia Kennedy Nella Key
Paula Lingle Elizabeth McCutcheon Sharon McJunkin Hellen McMullen Frances McNabb Patti Metzger
Judy Moore Pam Nolan Janet Payne Rosemary Petzold Jackie Pierce Sharon Pierce
Donna Reimer Zelda Rippe Rebecca Roberts Jan Rodgers Diane Rogers Judy Rogers
Ernestine Ruebush Peggy Sinclair Kathleen Sparks Lee Strain Melinda Summers Linda Taylor
Betty Jane Thomas Mary Ann Thompson Christy Upshaw Virginia Wiggington Mary Jane Witholder Margaret Worthen 193
Delta Delta Delta Presid ent --------------------------------- ------------------- Kay Broadwell Vi ce President --------- ------------------------- ----- ·-------- Kay Porter Secretary -----·-- ------- ·-------------- ·-·- ---------- Alida Hollingshead Treasurer ------------- -- ---------·-·-·---··--·-·-·---···-····-··- Carol Irvin
Burton Ann Adams
Donna Angel
Carol Andress Linda Alexander Sandra Bason Kris Broughton Carol Beddinfield Nancy Brennand
Kathryn Broadwell Adele Brown Pamela Bulls Terry Butler Sara Connally Judy Coffin
Ann Curton Bettie Ann Davis Carol Dickinson Diane Dillard Sharon Dodgen Marylee Donaldson
Diane Dreckman Diana Druly Dianne French Marilyn Geyer Margaret Glardon Mary Joan Golding 194
Delta Delta Delta
Elaine Harris Lynne Hartman Alida Hollingshead
Carol Irvin Dianne Irvin Carol Jenness Jo Johnson
Margaret King Katherine Kolliker Yvette Lalonde Anne Lambert Jane Lennon Niki lettunich
Diane lewis Kathryn lewis Janeen Manz·o Pac Maveety Ginny Meadows Jane Moore
Kay O'Connor Joyce Reeder Linda Reynolds Winfrey Rogers Barbara Roland Judy Shultz
Sandra Slaughter Tita Steele Nancy Sullivan Janet Walters Joyce Walters Peggy Wright
Zeta Tau Alpha President .. ........... ..... ............ .............. Brenda Henderson Vi ce President ............................. ...... ......... Sharon Street Secretary .. ......... .......... .............................. ... ...... Susa n Cone Treasurer ........... ..................................... M aril yn W oo dfin Hi stori an .. ........... .......... ................... .............. Pats y Hulse
Doroth y Aiken
Dorothy Ainsa Susan Beehler j / ;,~ ~
Linda Boone Kay Burg Di ana Carpenter Stephanie Conboye Susan Cone Lynn D acey
Kathy Dickinson Dana Durst Diane Dutton Sharon Eason Judy Faith Joan Fiske
Meg Gaither Sue Glover Mary Gnauck Judy Hail Marsha Hail Lynda Halloran
Sue Hayes Brenda Henderson Jo Ann Hoover Elizabeth Hughey Patsy Hulse Diane Hunter
""·• •
1,1 ..
Zeta Tau Alpha
Sandra Karlsruher D olores Lowery
Janet Lucas Bar bara McDaniel Claire Miller
Janet Moore Lucinda Moser Barbara Olfers Penny Paul Pennye Pinnell Barbara Ridley
Ellen Sikes Mary Jane Stanley Sharon Starkey Sharon Street Sharon Tappan Kay Tillman
Denise Wagner Sandi Ward Anne Wehmeyer Toni Wiggs Cathy Wipf Sheila Wipf
Susie Withrow Judy Wolter Sally Womack Drusilla Wright Mary Jean Yates Alleane Young
Kappa Sigma President ........................................................ Mike Morton Vice-President .................................... Charles McDonald Corresponding Secretary ........................ David Skipworth Recording Secretary ................................ Davis Peticolas Treasurer ............................................ Grady Hold erman
Ronald Barz D ick Beard Winston Black
Philip Boswell Rick Bowhay Bill Burns Stanton Camp Steve Camp Jim Carter
Bob Cobb Pete Drypolcher Larry Durham Dale Gardner Gary Gardner Keith Gardner
John Garmon Lloyd Glasgon Gaylord Grimes Ed Guthrie Don Hall Tony Garries
Pete Hintze Cole Holderman Grady Holderman Charlie Horak Jerry Holsworth Robert Humphrey
John Kelley David Kelton Lee Kirby Monroe Kirby Stephen Legg Chuck McCalmont 198
Kappa Sigma
Carol Irvin Sweetheart
Clarence Moyers Fred McConachi Charles McDonald Glenn McKinney David Manning Roger Miles
Bob Milles Dan Mills David Morris Mike Morton Ronald Nelson Bill Oakes
Davis Peticolas James Peticolas Bill Robinson Sam Rodehaver Wayne Routh Charles Sandoval
David Skipworth Bill Sims John Spanagel Stanley Steen David Subach Judson Stahl
Jack Taylor Roy Thomas Patrick Thompson David Thornton Roy Ward Jerry Ward
Charles Warren Bob Wells Mike Wieland Gerald Williams Jim Wingo Charles Yates
Lambda Chi Alpha President ................................................. Doug Tompkins Vice-President ............. ............................... Gary Conwell Secretary ........................................................ Roy Covert Treasurer ........................................................ Tom Haines
Chester Adams
Shelby Allen
Chuck Armstrong Larry Amsbury Peter Bennett Curtis Borden Patrick Bowman Larry Bucher
Jimmy Carlton Ron Coleman Gary Conwell Roy Covert John Cullen Paul Dano
Alfred Diaz Jack Elder John English Tom Haines John Griffith Jerry Harris
Mike Hinds Roger Hernandz Frank Highsmith John Highsmith Harry Howe Clyde Huchet
Lamba Chi Alpha
Jan Rodgers Sweetheart
Bill Killett
Joe Larremore Kieth Levitt
Bill Liles Ed Lowenberg Richard Loya Bill McDonald Paul Neel
Bruce Nickle Kenneth Owen Jimmy Onick Terry Parks George Poe
James Psaki Robert Rios Steve Ritchig Donald Roberts Jimmy Simmons Charles Stevens
Robert Taboada Carleton Talbor Doug Tompkins John Trollinger Bob Whitworth 0. C. Williams 201
Phi Kappa Tau President ······--···-·-------------------························ John Burrow Vice-President ........................................ Marshall Meece Corresponding Secretary ........................ John Conway Recording Secretary ........................................ Tom Oler T reasurer ................................................ Charles Womack
Capt. W . S. Boyers Sponsor
Gebhard Barbee
Bob Beauford James Benner Eugene Bourland John Burrow Don Christian John Conway
James Cozart John Cram Walter Cross Gene Daniel Robert Daniel Bob Davi dson
Michael Davis Robert DeBaca Tom Dillon Larry Fanning John Faroone Eddie Fredericks
Tom Garza Jeff Gates Garry Grant Bob Grimsley Jerry Harris Mike Hatch
Phi Kappa Tau
Carla Maffei Sweetheart
David Holmes Jerry Janosek
Jack Keller Pat Kelly Bill Kiely Chuck Kn ipp Jon LaFoy
Clyde Lawrence David Lawrance Skip McCormick William McCloughan Lee McDowell Marshall Meece
Michael Metzgar Joseph Milch en Russell Moore Don Myres Bill Niemeier Curt Parkin
Jim Phillips John Prati David Roen Leland Rowe Nick Rizzo Joe Smith
Bob Thiess Steve Tredennich Frank Walker Jim Wells Charles Womack David Womack
Sigma Alpha Epsilon Eminent Eminent Eminent Eminent Eminent
Archon ............ .............. .................. Jake Young Deputy Archon .......... .............. Robert Irvin Recorder ........................................ Ronnie Cole Corresponding Secretary ................ Jay Madrid Treasurer ............... ............ ..... Skeet McCulloch
Ron Alldredg e
Bruce Bannon
Bob Brown Robin Butler George Butterworth Bill Carnes
Jack Chapman Ronnie Cole Don Crouch Russell Donahue J . B. Doyle
Frank Feuille Dick Fletcher Gerald Garner Fred Gerth John H afen Jack H arden
Bill Harrison Mike Henderson Durwood Higgins Mike Howe Bill Johnson Charles McCulloch
Sigma Alpha Epsilon Anne Wehmeyer Sweetheart
Leo McCulloch
Bob McNellis Bob Maddox
Truett Maddox Jay Madrid Alan Newton Ton Niland Buddy Parrish
Edward Petioolas Tom Richardson John Rudisill Bluford Sanders Robert Scardino
Ronald Scroggins Gordon Smith Chris Smoot John Stephenson Barry Strauss Gerry Strauss
John Thomas Charlie Tupper Don Van Pelt Maurice Web Mike Webb Jake Young
Alph a Phi Omega President ........................................................ Dan Hamric Vice-President ........................................ Wendell Whitley Secretary ........................................................ Larry Sandell Treasurer ........................................................ Jack Vincent
Gene Boswell
Sanford Brown
Dick Buonocore Sonny Chamness James Chapin Tommy Cook
William Cook Mick Elliston Sam Field Tom Foster
Carl Glaser Don Hamric Fred Johnson Ronald Martin
Alpha Phi Omega
Tim Morris
Bill Mueller Ronnie Paulk
Travis Pederson Walter Phillips Gene Pierson Marvin Rathke
Pete Rogowski Lawrance Sandell Wilbur Stone John Stroud
Lame Taylor Ronald Utley Jack Vincent Wendel Whitley
Delta Chi President ........................... ..................... Ralph Magruder Vice President ............................................ D avid Stewart Secretary .................................................... David Dungan Treasurer .................................................... James Padden
John Armstrong
Brian Arnold
David Duncan
Bruce Flanders
Bob Huston
Al Kipnis
Don LeBrecht
Ralph Magruder
Charles Raynor
Ronnie Reinhart
Michael Sharp
David Stewart
LeRoy Weber
Sigma Alpha Mu President ····················-·----- --·--·------ --·-------------- Stuart Kahn Vice-President -- --------------------------------- ------- ------ Bruce Rosen Secretary ·------------------------------···----- ----··-···-·---·- Gene Rosen Treasurer ------- -------- --- -------- ----- -------------- ---- -- - Mike Bernstein
Howard Baron
Michael Bernstein
Don Fagelman
Joe Feldman
Leo Gluck
David Greenberg
Leland Housman
Martin Jaffe
Stuart Kahn
Paul Krupp
Bruce Rosen
Eugene Rosen
Justin Roth
Neil Waxman
Tau Kappa Epsilon President ............................................................ Ray Gilley Vice-President ................................................ James Witt Treasurer ........................................................ Grady Cofer Historian ........................................................ Ernie Perez
Grady Cofer
Ray Gilley
Ernest Perez
Stephen Danforth
Guy Harwell
John Phillips
Roger Parks
Nicholas Veloz
James Witt
Sigma Alpha Epsilon Most Outstanding Organization on Campus Bluford Sanders holds with pride the awards that Si gma Alpha Eps il on won in Intramural compet ition .
"That ole gang of min e."
Three charming Tri-Deltas are pictured among their trophies.
Delta Delta Delta Outstanding Sorority Is this h ow you won the scholarship trophies?
Here are the girls who worked long and hard to win the Non-Greek Division of the Trophy System.
Phrateres Outstanding Non-Greek 0 rga ni zation Making s·treamers was one method of earning points for the trophy. Past and present presidents discuss trophy.
The members work hard on their projects.
The crowd goes wild as Frank Feuille completes the last lap of the race!
The bell is a symbol of the Sig Alph's spirit during football season.
Don't the pledges do any work, Fred?
Can you all believe that line that Barry is feeding you?
Tom Ellerbe and Mrs. Garner make plans for the Mothers ' Club.
What conversation could be holding such interest?
The members of Little Sisters of Minerva are (I. to r.) seated, Linda Boone, Sara Connally, Susan Cone, Lynda Halloran, Brenda Henderson, Ginny Meadows, Diane Hunter, and standing, Kathy Flood, Joyce Glock, Verna Kaplan, Kathy Dickinson, Niki Lettunkh, Anne Wehmeyer, and Alida Hollingshead. Not pictured are Nancy Brennand, Mary Jane Stanley, an d Alleane Young.
The Little Sisters of Minerva was the first organization of its kind to start at T. W. C. Is this how you help the fraternity, girls?
The officers are Ginny-Secretary, Alida-Treasurer, Lynda-President, Anne-Vice-President, and Diane-Historian.
Lambda Chi Alpha Outstanding Fr ate rn ity
Is this how the Lambda Chi's get their pledges, havin,g pretty girls help with rush ?
The Lambda Chi's Trophy Room houses the many honors they have won.
Alpha Epsilon Rho Alpha Epsilon Rho is an honorary organization for students interested in radio.
Robert Brad y
Robert Duran
Jose Ontiveros
Robert Huston
Jackie Schlafly
Keith Miller
Mary Ann Thompson
Delta Kappa Pi Kappa D elta Pi is a national honorary education organization. Dr. A. N . Foster
Effie Nell Dunlap
~-----~ ,J. - . : . - ... ;~ j ., " Brenda Henderson
Dorothy O 'Kelley
Gwendolyn Lawrence
Jose Ontiveros
Anne Lieberman
Frances Shanblum
Delta Sigma Pi Delta Sigma Pi is a professional organization for men majoring in busin ess.
G len Leiter
Henry Martinez
Ra lph Navar
Hector Venegas
Women's Dormitory Council
Row 1: Sandra Van Brunt and Sanna Eshelman; Row 2: Katie Robbins, Sue Glover, Armi Gonzales.
Women 's Dormitory Council is a group to plan and coordinate the activities of Bell Hall and Benedict Hall. Members are chosen from among the dorm residents.
Row 1: Barbara Stokes, Ann Brooks, Sanna Eshelman, Margaret Bean; Row 2: Katie Robbins, Bettie Davis, Anni Gonzales, Sandra Van Brunt, Betsy McCoy; Row 3: Moselle Alden , Carol Pelletier, Macey Pike, Dana Tubb, Sue Glover.
Circle K Circle K is a service club and the college division of the nation-wide Kiwanis group.
Richard Bela
Michael Bernstein
Gary Conwell
Tony Pascarelli
Robert Rios
Ted Blackwell
Leopoldo Deras
Douglas Tompkins
Paul Dano
Carlos Valenzuela
Andy Livingston
Jim Wells
Kappa Kappa Psi Kappa Kappa Psi is the honorary band fraternity for male band members.
Al Flores
Cletus Hill
Thomas Macias
J.P. Burnett
John Faraone
Juan Ramirez
D ale Schultz
D wain Holseapple
Don Paul
22 1
Delta Sigma Pi Delta Sigma Pi is a professional organization for men majoring in business.
G len Leiter
Henry Martinez
Ralph Navar
Hector Venegas
Women's Dormitory Council
Row 1: Sandra Van Brunt and Sanna Eshelman; Row 2: Katie Robbins, Sue Glover, Armi Gonzales.
Women's Dormitory Council is a group to plan and coordinate the activities of Bell Hall and Benedict Hall. Members are ch osen from among the dorm residents.
Row 1 : Barbara Stokes, Ann Brooks, Sanna Eshelman, Margaret Bean; Row 2: Katie Robbin s, Bettie D avis, Armi Gonzales, Sandra Van Brunt, Betsy McCoy; Row 3: Moselle Alden , Carol Pelletier, Macey Pike, Dana Tubb, Su e Glover.
Association For Childhood Education
Row 1: Marie H armon, Gloria Sa·ab, Margaret Esparza, Virginia Cabellero, Helen Bigelow, Lee Arthur, Peggy Sinclair; Row 2: unidentified , Margarita Corral, Judy Fields, Felicia Cobalis, Mary Miller, Mrs. Stell Wegestein, Peggy Segall ; Row 3: Betty Brown, Myra True, Esther Delgado, Argelia Davila, Walter Tymniak, Sandra Utley, Mrs. Irene McAllister, Marianne Bowman, Betty Jean Autry, Mrs. Jan Horswell, Mary Jane Witholder.
ACE is an organization of future teachers of elem entary schools.
Row 1: Yolanda Cooper, Elizabeth Smith, Treva Hulen, Gwen Lawrence, Mrs. Marlys Lei ter, Connie Benson, Dorothy O'Kelly; Row 2: Velma Moreno, Gloria Meili, Marilyn Geyer, Donna Lewis, Kay O 'Conner, Linda Alexander, Mrs. Anne Lieberman, Mary Louise Salazar; Row 3: Cecilie Rico, Juliet Hart, unidentified, Emilia Rico, Jean Reeves, Cecilia Chavez, Mrs. Glenda Truett, Thelma Moreno, Mrs. Dorcas Wilkinson, Bernice Davis, Mrs. Wanda White, Rebecca Trujillo, Mrs. Alma Dawkins, Mrs. LaRue. 1
ROW 1: Servan do Hernandez, Ernesto Limon, Ruben Ramos, John Sullivan, Ralph Woo ROW 2: James Hill , Fred Salvatti, Bill Cook Adrian Johnson, Calvin Benson, Floyd D ecker, Leandro Gonzalez ROW 3: Clyde Nichols, Ruben Gonzales, Boyd Lanier, Gabriel Armij o, James Gray, Raul Blanco, Jack Bourguin
ROW 1 : Alberto Comas, Leonard Hughes, Denis Gomez, Jesus Salas, Enrique Garcia, James Neary, H arry Lamberth ROW 2: James Harrison, Malcolm Spitalnick, Carlos Ortega, Luis Fresquez, Edmunco Montes, Miguel Franco, Tony Uribe ROW 3: Luis Chavez, E.W. Kang, James Severns, David Alvarez, Gerald Taliaferro, John Sustarsic, Frank Sanchez, Ruben Muro, Fernando Pena, Bill Everhart.
OFFICERS: ROW 1 : James Hill, Chairman, Floyd Decker, Sponsor, Fred Salvatti, Vice Ch. ROW 2: E. W. Kang, Secretary, H arry Lamberith, Treas.
ROW 1: Phillip Bornstein, David Lynch, Martha Valazquez, Herbert Bustillos, Jeffery Nelson ROW 2: R. L. Miller, Edmundo Castanada, Pedro Medrano, John Whittler, Wilham Kramer ROW 3: Frank Merrem, Wilham Harney, Aqustin Ramos, Enrique Solis Jr.
OFFICERS: David Lynch Jeffrey Nelson Phillip Bornstein Herbert Bustillos
Baptist Student Union
FRESHMAN COUNCIL ROW 1: Farley Simpson, Barbara Taylor, Nardos Nystrom, Sue Torbit ROW 2: Denise Wagener, Owena McCarty, Alta Eaton, Sandra Brown, Jan Burkes ROW 3: James McDuffie, Bryan Carpenter, Don Burgess, Bill Thrash
EXECUTIVE COUNCIL ROW 1: Julie Sarbaugh, Barbara Clayton, Norma Reyes, Peggy McFadden ROW 2: Moselle Alden, Sanna Eshelman, Mary Kay Barnes, Carol Mobley, Judy Jamesson ROW 3: Don Burgess, Dale Jones, Nell Carson, Larry Wilson, Carlos Cobos, John Teegarden, Tom Chism
22 7
ROW 1: Cecil Clifford, Jim Ibarra, Billinelle McClenden, Frances Glaves, Kathy 0th, Jackie Lewis, Jim White ROW 2: James Bussalacchi, Lee Fant, Carol Knapp, Harey Haynes, Yvette La Londe, George Nibling, Jime Love ROW 3: Norton E. Wey, Pablo Calderon, Thomas Johnson, Willie Ellis, David Parker, Paul Mitchell, Charles Eskew, Eddie Seitsinger, Dr. Charles L. Green
Wesley Foundation
OFFICERS: Jackie Lewis, Vice Pres. David Parker, Treasurer Yvette Lalonde, Secretary
ROW 1: Gayle Kahn , Frances Shanblu.m, Betsy Aronson, Sandra Menacker. ROW 2: Mike Bernstein, Justin Roth, Allan Troppe, Ken Goldblatt, Gene Rosen ROW 3: Thelma Levine, Ronnie Purvin, Bob Segalman, Lester Lieberman, Eileen Morgan, Steve Kahn, Barbara Glovin, Ralph Orner ROW, 4: David Greenberg, Sandra Epstein, Neil W axman, Sheila Hoffmen, Koe Feldman, Ann Sherwin, Steve Johnson, Calvin Eisenberb, Ronald Shelou, Norman Seligman, Alan Kipnis, Mike White, Anne Lieberman BACK ROW: Ralph Lowenstein, and Bruce Rosen.
Hi I lel OFFICERS: Ralph Lowenstein, Sponsor Gayle Kahn, Recording Sec. Lester Leiberman, President Betsy Aronson, Corres. Sec. Justin Roth, Vice President
ROW 1: Marie Castillo, Alicia Aceves, Irene Mancillas, Monica Fresquez, Mary Lou Fresquez ROW 2: Michael Greer, Margaret Fresquez, Patsy Rincon, Aida Vargas ROW 3: Art Ward, James Connolly, Father Burke, Albert Delgado, Oscar Velerde, Mike Martinez
Newman Club
EXECUTIVE BOARD : Alicia Aceves, Aida Vargas, Michael Greer, Albert Delgado, and Father Burke.
United Campus Christian Fellowship
ROW 1: Paul Paynter, Adrienne Ames, Nancy Farrar, Ernestine Reubush, Fred Love ROW 2: David Harlan, Dale Owen, R•ev. Keith Pierce
American Society Of Civil Engineers
ROW 1: Bradley Roe, Ricardo Baca, Lorenzo Madrid, Bill Blackwell, Jose Maldonado, Hugh Sharp, Dave Womack, Rodo-lfo Chong ROW 2: Charles Womack, Sam Carreon, Luis Chacon, Mike Holand, Oscar Flores, Glenn McKinney, Jessie Ari, Mr. Robert Coltharp ROW 3: Bruce Boyer, Charles Overton, John Blawis, Joe Larremore, Pete Holcomb, Charles Horak
ROW 1: Aida Gutierrez, Rebecca Valencia, Estela Rocha, Martha Martinez, Teresa Espinoza, Beatrice Rubio ROW 2: Katherine Montoya, Lily Gomez, Yolanda Munoz, Yvonne Rodela, Francisca Marrufo ROW 3: Clara Lewis, Marysue Deragisch, Elnora Olivas, Lorraine Benedict, Ru th MayhaH, Sue Bourland
Hotel Dieu School Of Nursing
ROW 1: Carolyn Hughes, Marilyn Hughes, Sharon Ferrell, Carol Hudson, Carmen De Baca, Jackie Norrie, Ma-rie Perez ROW 2: Bonnie Vega, Lea Chumbley, Irma Gonzalez Pat Ervin, Angelica Schneider, Helen I.:ight ROW 3: Rachael Guzmrun, Jackie Stiles, Joyce McQuiUen, Evelyn Ruiz ROW 4: Christine Salas, Carol Hart, Lydia Salas, Judy Arnold, Ruby Vasquez
OFFICERS: Mrs. Jean Echols, Sponsor Patricia Newton, Treasurer Rebecca Jennings, President Judy Murray, Secretary Marilyn Sandberg, Vice President Mrs. Gladys Stevenson, Sponsor
ROW 1: George Omo, Wilbur Stone, Gene Pierson ROW 2: Rene De Hon, Ted Field, Lawrence Sandell, Bar,bon M. Sproule, Ronald Utley ROW 3: William Mueller, Robert Falconer, Henry P. Ehrlinger, William Strain (sponsor), Pat Elliston.
Sigma Gamma Epsilon
OFFICERS: Ronald Utley, Corresponding Sec. William Strain, Sponsor Gene Pier,son, Presidenit Robert Falconer, Sec.-Treas. George Omo, Vice President
ROW 1: Manuel Hornedo, Ratael Pagan, Joe Ontiveros ROW 2: Alida Hollingshead, Carla Maffei, Barbara Stokes, Martha Pina,
Yerby ROW 3: Jean Young, Col. William Vestal , Donna Angel, Carolyn Radcliffe, Mary Busalacchi, Mary Butchofsky, Joe Mikhen, K. C. Smith, G uillermina Valdes.
Pi Alp ha Theta
OFFICERS: Guillermina Valdes, Treas. Joe Milchen , President Janet Yerby, Sec re vary Jose Manu-el Hornedo, Vice Pres. Not Shown : Jean Young, Hj,storian Dr. W. T. Timmons, Sponsor Morgan Broddaus, Sponsor
Pi Kappa Delta
ROW 1: Judy Moore, Janet Yerby, Jeri Valdes ROW 2: Carl Moore, Joe Milchen, Gary Conwell, Mr. Reynolds
ROW 1: Judy Moore, Janet Yerby, Jeri Valdes ROW 2: Mr. Reynolds, Dexter Mapel, Gary Conwell ROW 3: Carl Moore, Clyde Posey, Winston Bodwell, Joe Milchen 236
ROW 1: Antihony Perez, Mary Jean Yates, Joe Smith ROW 2: Charles Shook, Douglas B. Cowan, Bob Schuessler, Tom Weaver ROW 3: Ray Atkinson, Johnny Stubbs, J. A. Love, Skip Reebie
Editor Frances Shanblum
Members of the hard working Flowsheet staff look over ann uals to get ideas.
"This is the funniest picture I ever saw!"
Business Manager Judy Rettinger
Mr. Middagh, Flowsheet Editor, and Mr. Goss discuss plans for the 1962 yearbook. 239
Editor Mike Rya.n
Here are two of the Prospector staff working but they don't seem to have the same reaction.
Here are two of the Prospector staff hard in the dark room.
Dale Walker Business Manager
"Don't just stand there and watch Mike do all the work."
El Burro
Editor Henri Rettig
"Jackie and Buba, won't you tell us what is so-o-o funny?"
Business Manager Skeet McCulloch
It seems that Skeet's surroundings make his work very enjoyable.
The censorship board???
Texas Western\
Watch it, don't trip!
"Gabriel , bl ow your horn."
Mr. Carnovale prepares the band for a good half time.
Marc hing Cavalcade
D oroth y Scott Band Sweetheart
Band mem bers step into the rocket h eaded for th e moon.
The band demonstrates, "time on ".
Virginia Starr
Peggy Wright
Sharon McJunkin
Herb Marsh
College Players
Opening night nervous wreck!
you're a
"Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?"
First row from left to rig ht: Osama Kawar, Ray Lucero, Bea Ramirez, Bob Lawson, Penny P enaska, Mayda Nel Strong Second row: Glenn English, Roberta Martin, Preston Porter, Sara Van Horn, Bill Nunn Third row: Keith Leavitt, Bernard Abramson , John Cox, Madeliene Love, Carol Dew, Jeanette Alexander Fourth row: J. Henry Tucker, Frank Harland, Milton Leech , Mary Jean Houser, Ed Houser, Wanda Rice .
Back row, standing fr om left to ri gh t: Steve Kahn , George Collette, Robert Du ram, Jose Banales, John Fiol , Wilbur Bateman, Mr. Virgil Hicks (sponsor), and Henry Ingle. Middle row : Margaret Worth e, Joye Scheffler, Keith Miller, and Lou Ann Scott. Front row: Ted Blackwell , Deane Byrne, Ed Justa, and Robert Huston.
"Joe, it takes brains to run the F. M . Transmitter."
Are you winding the wheels the right way? D on't talk on the job!
" Here, play this one."
You're on!!
M arci a H aney
Beverly O 'Brient
Court Sandra Van Brunt
Dana Tubb
Judy Connelly
Bea Cooley
Jean ie Froemel
Barbara Green
Sandy Fernandez
Martha Goldberg
N ancy Johnson
Carolyn Landavazo
Mary Martinez
Olga Medina _ ..__ __.__ ..& I
Mary Lou McClimons
Sandra McCarty
Poncy Odom
Kathy 0th
Zelda Rippe
Monica Santiesteba
Sandra Van Brunt
Diggers I
Niki Lettunich
Dale Long Rebecca Roberts
Sheila Hoffman Velene Fleager
Linda Ulin
Outstanding Golddigger Velene Fleager
Barbara Pruett Sponsor
Joyce Gillis Head
Carolyn Shaver Assistant
Nancy Marshall President
Frankie Volmer
Jerri Winn Rachel Walker
Nancy Whitley Ann Wa:ters
Sandra Wa:tt
. ,.-
T.W.C. ,: Janet Lucas
Diana Carpenter Head Cheerleader
L e
C h e e
d e r
Diane Hunter
Kit Detwiler
1962 Coaching Staff: Warren Harper, Howland Reich, Fred Jackson, 0. A. Phillips, Jim Stanley, and Bill Cross .
1961 Football Season
Kenneth George Line Coach
Ben Collins Head Coach
Jimmy Walker End Coach
John Furman All-Border Conference
David Hardison
John Young All-Border Conference
Leroy Johnston
Dean Holden
Phillip Boswell
James Carter
Don Boyce
Willie Caisillas
Kennith Burdick
Charles Burnett
Larry Conyers
Frank Dowdy
Larry Durham
Kyle Ellis
Jimmy Evans
Robert Glover
Luis Hernandez
Billy Bob Holden
Cole Holderman
Ray Jackson
Louis James
Ralph Kennedy All-Border Gonference
Jim Jasper
Tillmon Kirby
Delton Jones
Junior Knox
Bill levy
Donald Mason
Larry Meeks
Roger Miles
Mike Milligan
Stanley Nelson
Paul Paxson
Arch Ratliff
Bill Robinson
Chuck McCalmont
Keith Ball
Pat O'Donnell
Martin Adams
Ronrni,e Alledredge
Robert Berryhill
La,rry Rumsey
Andy Springer
Jerry Taylor
Dan Turner, Jr.
Charles Warr en
Del Williams
Gene Williamson
Gerald W. Williams
Jake Young
Willie Brown 6 - 0
Joe Esquivel 6 -1
Nolan Richardson 6- 2
Danny Vaughn 6 - 4
Bobby Lesley 6 -1 Bobby Joe Hill 6 - 4
Major Dennis 5 - 10
Gordon Taylor 6 - 1
Ted Sterrett 6 - 7 1/ 2
Jerry Ray 6 - 2 Paul Hines 6 - 3 1/2
Texas Western Memorial Gymnasium
Basketball Snaps
" Get that ball !"
The team looks on attentively.
Willie tries for two points.
1962 Track Team
Ross Moore Track Coach
Jimmie Allen
Gary McLish
Raymond Andrade
Stanley McPherson
Ray Hillburn
Abel Ortiz
Jim Moore
Celso Rico
Bobby O'Dell
Sal Rocha
Ronni e
John Teegarden
James Smith
Ted Teegarden
Justin Smith
Ch arles Whitson
"He flies through the air. .. "
D el Williams
l T-w-i-s-t ! ! !
Bill Vogel
Intra murals
Stretching for vhe rebound.
1961 - 62
Ball's up for graJbs.
APO on the defense.
Good slam, Armi.
And over ~he net she goes.
" She flys through the air with the greatest of ease."
Nice layup.
Get that jump-ball!
It's all mine.
All College Basketball Tournament
"H elp him -
Get that rebound. "
A Two-pointer.
Grab that pass ! !
□□ .- - -, □ □
D 0
l ,•H
Military Court
Sharon Street Lady-in-Waiting
Marcia Haney
Carol Knapp
Susie Boyd
FIRST BATTLE GROUP Raymond Alden Leonard Bolich Lewis Brown Howard Moeck Robert Niehaus Herbert Trammell
Color Guards
SECOND BATTLE GROUP Joseph Gelsthorpe James Grijalva Ri ck Hagenloh Patrick Lanpher Gerald Sartin Chuck Seward Howard White
FIRST BATTLE GROUP Ronald Alldredge, Kenneth Allen, Herbert Cooper, John Furman, Gerald Garner, Josue Gomez, Jerry Gracy, Frank Highsmith, Charles. Horak, Jr. , Jerry Howorth, David Lawrence, Lester Lieberman, Ralph Magruder, Michael
Martinez, Robert McCarty, Donald Roberits, Wimmiam Roberts, III , Joel Rosado, Federico Salvatti, Jr., Robert Smiley, William Van Sickle, Louis Varela, Robert Walshe.
SECOND BATTLE GROUP George Adams, David Alvarez, Luis Amparan, Phillip Bornstein, William Bruce, George Brunner, Lynn Des Boine, William Everhart, Phillip Hart, Dell Holmsley, James Jackson, Harry Lamberth, Luis Lopez, Jerry Love,
Robert Navarro, Jeffrey Nelson, Fernando Pena, Bruce Rosen, William Taylor, Charles Womack, Jacob Young, Jr.
DISTINGUISHED MILITARY STUDENTS To be chosen as a DMS each Cadet Officer must have at least a "B" average in ROTC, and be in the upper one-forth of his college class. He must have outstanding qualities of leadership and high moral character. A definite aptitude for the military service must be exhibited. A DMS must have the approval of the ROTC PMS&T, the school President, the Dean of Men and the Dean of the School in which he is registered. Major David Alvarez
I'-...._ ,t '
--Capt. George Brunner
DMG Robert Navarro
Lt. Col. John Furman
Capt. Gerald Garner
Major Harry Lamberth
M ajor Louis Varela
Capt. Charles Womack
Lt. Ool. Jake Young
FIRST BATTLE GROUP Gerald Garner Charles Hornk, Jr. Frank Highsmith Joel Rosado Louis Varela Michael Lanpher
SECOND BATTLE GROUP Harry Lamberth David Alvarez Lui s Lopez Bruce Rosen George Brunner
-_----~ ·
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A Company Furman, J.B., Gomez, Jr. , Gracy, J. L., Roberts, D. E., Walshe, R.C., Lanpher, M. J. , Oakes, W. R., Carson, L. T., Jr. , Saucedo, H. G. , Kramer, W . V., Lankford, J. W., Jr., Treece, T. R. , Aguirre, A. , Buys, R., Carlson D. , Estrada, M. , Franco, 1\11. , Jackson , K. , Lack, B., Lawrence, C. , Loya, J., Matthews, C. , Mikeska, D. , Navarette, J., Rodriguez, J., Self, S., Fournier, L., Aguirre, T., Berry, J. , Chambers, C.,
Cone, J ., Evans, C., Fran klin , J ., Fredericks, E., Fritchoff, G. Fuentes, H. , Full er, W/., Gonza les , F. , Hagneloh, R. , Hartshorn, D ., Hernsberger, J., Huchet, C., Janson, H ., Kennet, D ., Lanpher, P .,_Leake, J ., Lumpkin , R. , Lutes, S., Mclane, R., Mart in, R. , Molder, R., Moore, R., N a nce, R. , Parker, J ., Peticolas, R., Rhoades, T. , Sartin, G., Seward, C., Tourk, T., W•illi-ams, W.
B Company McCulloch, L. A., Fulford, E. L., Bailes, L. W., Drahan, J. S., Coleman, R. D. , Becker, R., Rayner, C. E., Jr. , LaPointe, H. D ., Braam, R., Carnes, B., Cozart, J., Jr., Davis, R., Fletcher, R., Garci a, F., Guy, H. , Herbster, G., Hopkins L. , Hopper, M., Keller, J. , King, T., Maxon , J. , Poe, G., Psaki, J ., Thompson , C., Womack, D ., Bennett, P., Biediger, J., Brown, H ., Campbell, A. , Diaz, R., Dunn, J., Epley, D.
Galaviz, A ., Garcia, A ., Gates, J ., Goilbl att, K. , Gonzales, V. L., Jr., Grijalva, J., G uy, B., H adden, E., H arris, G., McNell is, B., Montes, V. , Mott, F., Jr. , Okubo, R., P orras, D ., Porras, R., Price, R., Quijano, R., Rainwater, D ., Rice, T., Roper, J., Rosales, M., Sensenbach, R., Smith, D ., Smith, P. , Thomas, J ., Valdez, L., Valencia, G ., White, M. , Whittler, J.
C Company Cooper, H. E.; Magruder, R . C.; Lawrence, D. M.; Smiley, R. W .; T,o mpkins, D. ; Perez, A.; Acevedo , G . A.; Bond, R. L. ; Cantrell, E. L.; Kramer, W. J.; Hannum, S. R.; Ranels, E. R .; Adams, L. R.; Altomare, C. A.; Gerbel, R. J.; Gerth, F. L.; Gonzalez, G.; Hensley, J .; Kinniburgh, R . M.; Madrid, J. J.; Matthews, L.; Mills, J. D.; Ramos, R.; Ross, B. M.; Stine, D .; Strauss, B.; Yanez, L.; Alexander, C.; Allen, R. ; Beard, 0. T.; Brown, W. H .; Cabrales, J.; Cantu, H. R.; Castelo, H .; Childress, J. D.; Corral, L.;
Croft, J .; Crouch, R. E.; Crum, J .; Delgado, G. J.; Dunlap, C.; Fierro, G.; Fitzpatrick, G .; Gelsthorpe, J.; Gutierrez, J. I.; Hernandez, R. R.; Hewitt, W.; Jackson , H. E.; Knipp, C.; McCulloch, C.; Mellado, D.; Metzgar, M.; Ortiz, A. ; Page, J. L.; Parsons, F.; Pascarelli, A.; Shelton, W.; Smi-th, P.; Smith, R. E.; Spencer, S.; Stanchos, D.; Stephenson, H . J.; Towns, M. T.; Veloz, N. F.; Ward, J. W.; Webb, M. E.; Yegge, E.
D Company Salvatt i, F.; Martinez, M. A.; Lieberman, L; McCarty, R . L.; Van Sickle, W. C.; Parkin, C.; Armenta, H.; Daniel, E. L.; Molder, J. S.; Nunn , W . W.; Sharp, M. V.; Smith, W . G .; Banales, M.; Chavez, M.; Cox, J.; Cra'ig, R. A.; Gallegos, J.; Gomez, R . B.; Hospodar, A.; Luera, V.; Martinez, J .; Mier, F. J.; Montes, E. R.; Murphy, G. J.; Perez C.; Perez, R. ; Subia, A.; Tejada, M. R.; Tischler, L. F.; Avenna, P .; Bej arano, V.; Brooks, J.; Cano, E.; Cercone, J.;
Collins, H.; C'Ouder, L.; Dan fourth·, L.; Dominguez, R.; Faircloth, R.; Fonseca, E.; Fourzan, R.; Franco, A.; Garcia, A.; Glasgow, W .; Grimes, W.; Harper, R.; Hoover, W.; Jarrell, W.; Johns, D.; Kozera, A.; Liston , P.; Lopez, R .; Lorio, J.; Lupercio, A.; Lupercio, A. A.; Madrid, A .; Mata, A .; O'Rear, R.; Perez, R.; Ryan , H .; Trollinger, J.; White, H.; Williams, L.; Young, J .
E Company Taylor, W.; Navarro, R. ; Amparan, L.; Hart, P .; Hopkins, W.; Williams, C.; Benavidez, J.; Brown, J.; Chacon, L.; Garcia, A.; Tovar, W.; Allen, W. ; Bolich, T.; Carter, J.; Cullen, J.; Hill, J.; Larremore, P.; Lowenberg, E.; Reschenthaler, G.; Wright, W.; Kotur, J.; Arredondo, R.; Story, J .; Alden, R.; Anderson, D.; Andreas, V .; Baker, D.; Bostick, W.; Brown, L.; Brown, R.; Caballero, M.; Cardona, R.; Clark, R.; Cole, W. ; Cottman, T.; Dils, E.; Edwards, L.; Fanning, L.; Ferguson, J.; Fiske, R. ; Gemoets, .J.; Di-
asi, L.; Heavi lon , B.; Jacobson, D.; Kee, E.; Larkin, J.; Machristie, L. ; Martin, R.; McDonald, J .; Meili, H.; Minjarez, G.; Moeck, H.; Morris, J.; Napoles, R.; Netzer, R.; Neihaus, R.; Owens, K.; Parrish, B.; Ruck, F.; Schneider, D.; Schneider, R.; Seelmeyer, S.; Seitsinger, R.; Simon, F.; Stahl, J.; Sutherland, R.; Trammell, H.; Valdez, J .; Valdez, R.; Waldrop, H .; Wilson, F.; Windom, W.; Avila, R.; Salcedo, A.; Brown, L.
F Company W omack, C.; Love, J.; Bornstein, P.; Jackson, J.; Larremore, J.; Conwell, G.; McClesky, R.; McKinnon, J.; Snoddy, S.; Thies, B.; Vetter, B.; Bernstein, M.; Butterworth, G.; Caba ll ero, R.; Donohue, R.; Dunn, E.; Hohn, D.; Jameson, H .; Menchaca, L.; Park, T.; Perez, E.; Ratliff, A.; O 'Reilly , C.; Yerby, B.; Benner, J.; Bethany, C.; Bourland, E.; Burris, D.; Calamantes, M.; Castello, A.; Chapman, J.; Dominguez, F.; Feldman, G.; Flores, A.; Fulton, 290
C.; Gallagher, J.; Green, M .; Jones, R.; Howell, W.; Johnson, W.; Luedtke, R.; M cCull och, W .; McDonald, R.; McNamara, J .. ; Merryman, N .; Moore, J.; Myres, D.; Navarro, R.; Nevarez, L.; Onick, J.; Patrick, G.; Perez, C.; Perry, L.; Porter, R.; Rapley, C.; Rudisill, W.; Schooley, C.; Simpson, J .; Smith, J.; Smith, H.; Snow, R.; Spanagel, J .; Talamantes, M.; Torres, J.; Tredennick, S.; Vera, G .; Watkins, W.; Whitworth, B.; York, G.
G Company Young, J.; Adams, G.; Eve rhart, W .; Nelson, J.; Roe, G.; Kiely, W.; M artinez, J.; McGuirk, D .; Richey, J .; Rojas, V .; Sartor, O.; Ball, F.; Baranowski, J.; Beaufor, C.; Bridges, R. ; Dennis, R .; Jasuta, E.; Jimerson, J.; Long, J .; Nunez, S.; Rosemond, R.; Sandova l, C.; Sudbury, T.; Vargas, N.; Mcllhaney, J.; Mintz, S.; Velerio, J.; Armendariz, G .; Arrieta, D.; Beltran, G .; Billman, F.; Brown, J.; Bustamante, J .; Celum, R.; Coupland, E.; Demings, G.; Dom-
inguez, D.; Eastham, B.; Escandon , S.; Escudero, L.; Guardado, J. ; Harrison, W.; Hines, W.; Holmes, J.; Howard , B.; Jeffcoat, C.; Lang berg, L.; Leonard, R.; Long, J.; Lopez, R.; Lucas, R. ; Martinez, V .; Miller, R.; Mintz, J.; M oran, G.; Neblett, S.; Ozxaca, R.; Posey, E. ; Ramirez, J .; Randol, C. ; Riggs, S.; Rizzo , N.; Rosado, R.; Sevier, G.; Silva, J.; Smith, J.; Snow, R.; Stevens, C.; Telles, A.; Valdez, F.; Barwise, R.; Blackburn, J .
H Company Holmsley, D.; Des Boine, L.; Bruce, W.; Pena, F.; Conwell, G.; Gonzalez, L.; Hernandez, L.; McClesky, R.; McKinnon, J .; Snoddy, S.; Vetter, B.; Aranda, R.; Bela, J.; Blanco, J .; Bradford, R.; Burtner, S.; Chew, R.; Endlich, E.; Favila, R.; Herbig, F.; Ornelas, O .; Ponce, J. ; Rosen , E.; Teran, J.; York, R.; Amor, F.; Armstrong, C.; Baca, E. ; Baca, J.; Banales, J.; Berry, D .; Black, W.; Blackwell, T.; Bradford, A.; Cardona, J .; Cilino, J.; Coelho, W .; Cram,
J.; DeVore, D .; Duran, D .; Galindo, J.; Gomez, J.; Janet, B.; Jaramillo, L.; Keeton , J.; Kelly, G .; Lara, P .; Legg, S.; Liles, W .; Lipstet, M.; M adrid , A .; Miles, J.; Mont•oya, O.; Newton, A .; Ortega, J.; Ortiz, G .; O'Shields, C.; Parga, P.; Peinado, A.; Plowman, J.; Ramsdale, J.; Rodriquez, E.; Sanchez, C.; Smith, H.; Taylor, W.; Thomas, J.; Trillo, G .; Trotter, W .; Valle, X .; Walters, L.; Scardino, R.; Blackwell, T .; Mintz, S.; McBee, H. 291
9 6 I
Pershing Rifle Sweetheart Terry Butler
Pershing Rifles
Actives Allen, K.; Brunner, G.; Cantrell, E.; Draham, J .; Dunn, E.; Fulford , E.; Garcia, A.; Holland, M .; Kramer, W.; Lanpher, M .; Larremore, J.; Larremore, P.; Martinez,
M.; Menchaca, L.; Perez, A.; Ranels, E.; Rayner, C.; Williams, C.
Pledges Alden, J.; Altomare, C. ; Baker, D .; Baca, E.; Ball, F.; Blanco, J.; Bostick, W.; Brown, L.; Cantu, R.; Carter, J.; Costello, H.; Costello, L.; Cozart, J.; Dils, W.; Epley, A.; Feldman, G.; Fierro, G.; Fi tzpatrick, M.; Fonseca, E.; Fritchoff, G.; Garcia, A.; Gelsthorpe, J.; Gomez, J.; Guiterrez, J.; Hadden, E.; Hewitt, B.; Hagenloh, R.; Jar-
amillo, L.; Lanpher, P.; Lawrence, D .; Lupercio, A.; Lupercio, A.; Matthews, C.; Miles, J.; McNamera, J.; Minjarez, G .; Moeck, H.; Morris, J.; Navarrete, J.; Niehaus, B.; Ortega, J.; O'Shields, J.; Psaki, J.; Rapley, C. ; Randol, C.; Sartin, G.; Schooley, T.; Thomas, E.; Thompson, C.; Trammel, H .; White, H.; Williams, W .
Scabbard and Blade
L. to R. Row 1: Brunner, G.; Gonzalez, L. ; Rosen, B.; Tompkins, D .; Allen, K.; Varela, L.; Lamberth, H .; Ramos, R.; Young, J.; Cooper, H .; N avarro, R.; Capt. Gene T. Bond, Spon sor.
Rifle Team
L. to R .: Gilbert Del Gardo Michael Martinez Miguel Franco Richard Buys
L. to R .: Fred Billman , LeRoy Plowman, Joe M artinez, Dennis Hohn , Bernard Vetter, Roger Lved tke.
Society of American Military Engineers
L. to R. - John McKinnon, Bradley Roe, Herbert J. BeII, John Martinez, George Brunner, Joe Larremore, Harry Lamberth, Paul Larremore, Charles Womack, David Womack, Bob Thies, Curt Parkin, Norman Gionet, Ruben Ramos. Faculty Sponsors are: Capt. Willia:n S. Boyers and Mr. Phiilip W. Young.
These two officers look like they could be planning something malicious to do to their fellow officers for not coming to meeting.
R. to L..Harry Lamberth, President, Joe Larremore, Secretary
□□ □□
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The University of Texas Board of Regents
Seated at the head of the table fac ing the camera: Th orn to n Hardie of El Paso, chairman; from left to right: Walter P. Brenan of San Antonio, W ales H. Madden, Jr. of Amarillo, A. G. McNeese, Jr. of Houston , John S. Redditt of Lufkin, Chairman Hardie, Dr. H. Frank Connally, Jr. of Waco, W. W. Heath , vice-chairman, of Austin, French M . Robertson of Abilene, and J. P. Bryan of Freeport.
These are the men who direct the destinies of the University of Texas system. They are members of the Board of Regents. The government of the University of Texas system is by law vested in a Board of Regents composed of nine members appointed by the Governor of Texas, with the approval of the Senate, for staggered terms of six years each, the terms of three members expiring on oddnumbered years. Regular meetings of the Board are held customarily every two months, usually in Austin. The Board presides over all matters relating to the policies governing the University of Texas and its component institutions.
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"Dial fifty-six"
KE 2-2583
From the 61-62
School Y ,
A Aaronson, Madeline 147, 189 Abernathy, Ann 192 Aboud , Leila 174, 176 Abram so n. Bernard 247 Aceves, Alicia 230 Adams, Bu rton 157, 194 Adams, Chester 200 Adams, Martin 265 Adkinson, Ann 157 Aduato , Ri cardo 119 Aguilar, Sergio 119 Aguirre, Mary Lou ise 179 Aiken , D orothy 147, 175, 183, 196, 258 Ainsa, Dorothy 196 Alden, Jeff 157 Alden , Moselle 223 , 227 Alden, Ray 284 Alexander, Jeanette 247 Alexander, Linda 147, 194, 224 Alldridge, Ron 119, 204, 265 Alfers, Barbara 147 Allen, Jimmie 272 Allen , Kenneth 65 , 119, 293, 294 Almquist, Carl 157 Allen, Shelby 200 Alsup , Ri chard 119 Alvarez, Celia 138 Al varez, D av id 65 , 119, 286, 287 Alvarez, Emma 147, 176 Al varez, Jose 119 Alvarez, Mary l 76 Ambrose, Pat 15 7 Ames, Adrienne 231 , 255 Amparan, L_u is 11_9 Amsbury, Larry 200 Armstrong, Chuck 200 Anderson, Billi e Sue 192 Anderson, Jo Ann 17 5, l 76, 186. 192 Andrad e, Raymond 272 Andress , Carol 194 Angaran, D on 157, 180 Angel , Donn a 119 , 194. 235 Archer, Barbara 15 7 Ardis, Susan 14 7 Arias, Jessie 231 Arm strong, J o hn 147, 208 Arn old , Bri an 208 Arnold , Judy 157 Aronso n, Betsy 89 . 184. 186. 189. 229 Arroyo, Gl or ia I 79 Arthur, Lee 224 Asher, Robert 11 9 Atkinson , Ray 237 Avenn , Paul 157 Autrey, Betty 147, 224
Baca. Ri ca rclo 23 1 Bailes, Leonard 14 5 Bai ley, Barbara 157 Bailey, Shirley 157, 255 Baker. Pat I .>8 Ball, Frank 147 Ball, Keit h 157 Banales, J ose 267 Banno n, Bru ce 138, 204 Baranowski, Joseph I 38 Barbee, Gebbard 202 Barnes, Elizabeth 147 Barnes, Mary Kay 227 Baron, H oward 209 Barret , Loui se I 76 Barz, Ronald 198 Bason , Sand y 157, 194 Bateman , Wilbur 265 Battla , JI.I . F. 138 Beall, Judith 147 Bean , J\fargaret 155 , 223 Beard, Dick 198 Beauford. Bob 202 Beauford , Charles 138 Becker, Bob 157 Becker, Marga ret 157 Beddingfield , Carol 157, 184, 194 Beehler, Susan 138. 189. 196 Bela, Ri chard 147, 220 Bell. Herbert 295 Bellamy, Pat 119 Benner, Jam es, 157, 202 Bennet, J ari 192 Bennett, Peter 200 Benson , Calvin 138 Benson , Connie 224 Benso n, D on 147 Bernstein, Michael 147, 209, 220, 229 Berroteron , Suzanne 158, 179 Berry, Jeff 157 Berryhill , Bob 157, 265
31 6
Student Index
Best, Biliy 157 Bevins, Linda 19.2 Bigelow, Helen 224 Billman, Fred 294 Bjorklund , Joanne 255 Black, Kenneth 157 Black, James 180 Bl ac k, Michael 138, 180 Black, Winston 198 Blackwe ll , Willi am 321 Blackwell , Ted 157, 220, 248 Blanco, Guillermo 120 Blanco , Joe 147 Blawis, John 231 Blystone, Bob 158 Boatwrig ht, James 65 , 120 Bodwell , Winston 246 Boli ch, Leonard 284 Boone, Linda 147, 196, 214 Borden, Curtis 200 Border, Robin 192 Bornstein, Philip 58, 65, 120, 172, 226 Boswell , Gene 120, 206 Boswell, Phillip 147, 198, 261 Bounland, Eugene 202 Bowhay, Rick 198 Bowles, Bill 138 Bowman, Patrick 200 Bowman, Marianne 224 Boyce, Don 261 Boyd , Susie 283 Boyer, Bruce 231 Bradford , Benjamin 120 Brady, Robert 120, 218 Brayboy, Ereta 138 Brennard , Nancy 138, 194 Bridges, Reinhold 147 Britton, Mary I 58 Broadwell , Kathryn 63, 120, 171. 186, 194 Brooks, Ann 158, 223 Broughton, Chris 194 Brown, Adele 194 Brown , Lewis 284 Brown , Robert 158, 204 Brown, Sandra Kay 117, 147, 227 Brown , Sanford 200 Brown, Stanford 65, 120 Brown, Tommy 148 Brown , Willi e 268, 270 Brunner, George 286, 287, 293 294, 295 Bryson, Graver 158 Bu cher, Larry 148, 200 Bueno, Dora 120 Bueno, Emma 120 Buer go, Jose 138, 184 Bulls, Pam 148, 194 Buonocore, Dick 206 Burdick, Ken 15 8, 261 Burg, Ka y 148, 196 Burgess, D on 227 Burke, J an 158, 227 Burnett, Ceci l 158 Burnett, Charles 158, 261 Burnett, J. P. 1 20, 22 1 Burns, Bill 198 Burrow, J ohn 121, 202 Bussa lacc hi . J ames 228 Busalacchi, Mary 235 Bustillos, H erbert 226 Butchofsky, Mary 235 Butler, Rob in 148 , 204 Butler, Terry 158, 194, 255, 282 , 292 Butterworth , George 148, 204 Buys, Ri chard 294 Byrne, Deane 248
C Cabellero, Virginia 224 Calderon , Pablo 228 Cagle, Beverly 148 Camp, Stanton 198 Camp, Steve 198 Cannon, Penny 138 Canter, Ri chard 158 Cantrell, Emmett 293 Ca ntu , H erman 180 Carpenter, Linda 158 Carter, Jim 198 Carlton, Jimmy 158, 200 Carnes, Bi II 138, 204 Carnovale, Deborah 177 Carpenter, Brya n 227 Carpenter, Diana 196, 258 Carrea, Tony 158 Carrion, Sam 23 1 Carrizal, Ernest 121 Carson, Nell 227 Carson, Pam 2 55 Carter, James 261
Carter, Jim 155 Casillas, Willie 261 Castanada, Edmundo 226 Castillo, Marie 230 Castillo, Ra miro 158 Castillo, Stella 158 Cathey, Richard 12 1 Chacon, Luis 231 Chamness, Sonny 206 Chapin, James 206 Chapman, Jack 204 Chavez, Cecilia 224 Childress, John 159 Chin , Enri que 148 Chong, Rodolfo 231 Christian, Don 202 Chumbley, Lea 159 Claxton, Sandra 148 Clay, Eugene 121 Clayton, Barbara 227 Clifford , Ceci l 228 Cloud, Edith 121 Coba li s, Felicia 224 Cobb, Bob 198 Cobos, Carlos 121, 227 Cockran, V ave hn 158 Cofer, Grady 145, 210 Coffin, Judy 148, 174, 194 Cole, Ronda 121 Cole, Ronald 138, 204 Cole, Shirley 121, 177 Coleman , Ronald 139, 183, 186, 200 Coleman , William 139 Collette, George 248 Conally, J ames 158, 180 Conally, Judy 255 Conboy, Stephanie 196 Cone, Steve 158 Cone, Susan 56, 59, 170, 171 , 182, 196, 214 Connally, Sara 194, 214 Conne r, William 66, 58 Connolly, J ames 230 Conway, John 121, 202 Conwell, Gary 139, 172, 184, 200, 220, 236 Conyers, Lar ry 159, 216 Conyors, Julie 148, 176, 186, 192 Cook, Di ane 192 Coo k, T ommy 148, 206 Cook, William 139, 206 Cooke, Varner 158 Cooley , Bea 192, 255 Cooper, Yoland a 224 Corbell, Connie 121 Corella, Ca rlos 121 Cornelius, Glenda 148, 176 Corrall , Marga rita 224 Correa, Alex 139 Cotnam , H arriet 192, 255 Covert, Roy 200 Cowan , D oug las 237 Cox, J ohn 247 Cozart, J ames 148, 202 Cram , J o hn 202 Creighton, Suellen 139, 184 Crockett , Chris 139 Cross, W a lter 202 Crouch , D o nald 139, 204 Crou ch, Ronald 159 Crumbo, Misias 159, 255 Cruz, J oey 148 Cull en, J ohn 200 Curton, Ann 159, 194
D Dacey, Lynn 196 Danforth, Stephen 159, 210 D ani el, G ene 202 Daniel , Robert 202 Daniels, Robert 155 Dano, Pau l 122, 173 , 200, 220 Davidson, Bob 202 D av il a, Argelia 224 Davis, Berni ce 224 D av is, Bettie Ann 122, 194, 223 D avis, Mike, 157, 202 Dawkins, Alma 224 D eBaca, Robert 202 Delgado, Albert 230 Delgado, Carmen 122 D e lgad o, Esth er 224 Delgardo, Gilbert 294 Demings, George 157 Dennis, Major 269 Deras, Leopaldo 159, 220 D eras, Norma 122 Detwi ler, Kit 71, 148, 174, 183, 258 De Witt, Ann 159, 192 Di az , Alfred 122, 200 Diaz, Louis 122
Uickinson, Carol 174, 194 Dickinson, Kathy 139 , 196, 214 Dill ard , Diane 19 4 Dillon, T om 202 Dils , Wesley 159 D ivilbiss, Margaret 174, 184, 192 D omi ng uez, G eo rge 159 Domi ng uez, Priss 179 Dodgen, Sharon 148, 174, 194 Donahue, Russell 204 D ona ld son, Marylee 159, 194 D onges, Ruth 139, 183, 189 D owdy, Frank 26 1 Doyle, J. B. 148, 204 Dozier, Sand ee 148, 179 Drahan, Gina 159, 255 Drah an, John 293 Dreckman, D eana 159, 194 Druley, Diana 12 2, 194 Drypolche r, Pete 198 Du ckett , Don 15 5• Duran, Robert 148 Duarte, Cec ilia 159 Duke, Jerry .159 Dunlap, Effie 122, 219 Dunlap, Trudelise 178 Duncan , D avid 208 Dunn, Charles 293 Dunn , James 139 Duran, Robert 218 Durham, Larry 197, 262 Duram , Robert 248 Durst, Dana 159, 196 Dutton, Diane 64, 171, 196
E Eason, Sharon 196 Eaton, Alta 227 Eaton, Sue 149, 175, 176 Edminsten , Elva 139 Edmisten, Kelli 178, 180, 189 Eisenberg, Calvm 122, 229 Elder, J ack 200 Elias, Edward 60, 66, 122 Ellerbe, Tom 213 Ellis, Kyle 122, 262 Ellis, Willie 228 Elliston, Mick 206 Elliston, Patrick 123 Elms, Nikki l 75, 192 Elson, Charles 149 Encimas 1 Anna Marie 178
English, Glen 247 English, John 149, 200 Epstein , Sandra 191, 229 Ervin, Patri cia 159 Erwin, Ralph 159 Eshelman, Sanna 139, 223, 227 Eskew , Charles 228 Esparza, M argaret 224 Esquivel , Joe 268 Ev ans, Jimm y 262 Evans, Shirley 159. 255
F Fagan , Thomas 12 3, 180 Fagelman , D ona ld 123 , 209, Faith, Judy 196 Faircloth, Raymond J 60 Fanning, Larry 262 Fant, Lee 225Faraone, J ohn 66, 123, 202, 221 Farra r, NanC)' 139, 192, 231 Feed , Terry 149 Feldman, Gary 160 Feldman, Joe 209, 229 Fell , Barbara 149 Fernand ez, Sandy 160, 255 Fevil le, Frank 145 , 204, 2 12 Fi eld, Sam 12 3, 206 Fi e lds, Jud y 224 Fifer, John 12 3 Fiol, John 160, 180, 248 Fiske, Joan 196 Fitzpatrick, Judy 192 Fl anders, Bruce 208 Flanders, Robert 155 Fleage r, Vel ene 139, 257 Fletcher, Dick 204 Fletcher, Patricia, 149, 175, 176, 177, 189, 192 Flood, K athy 175, 183, 192, 214, 258 Flores, Al 221 Flores, Oscar 23 1 Flyn!, Janie 62, 123 Fomby, Sheila 139 Foster, Tom 206 France, Rede 140, 180 Franco, J osephine 160 Franco, Marie 149
Franco, Miguel 149, 294 Fredericks, Eddie 202 French, Diane 80, 81, 160, 194 Freri chs, Marie 140, 192 Fresquez, Mary 230 Fresquez, Margaret 230 Fresquez, Monica 230 Fritehoff, Gary 160 Froemel, Jeanie 192, 255 Fulford, Ernest 29 3 Furman, John 260, 283
G Gaither, Meg 196 Garcia, Margi 160, 255 Gardner, Dale 198 Gardner, Gary 198 G ardner, Keith 198 Garmon, Johnny 93, 140, 197 Garner, Gerald 123, 186, 204, 286, 287 Garza, Tom 202 Gates, Jeff 202 Gates, Pam l 60, 2 55 Geck, Georginna 176 Geck, Linda 160 Gelsthrope, J oseph 160, 284 Genson, Leonard 123 Geovin, Barbara 149 Gerth, Fred 149, 204 Geyer, Marilyn 86, 140, 182, 186, 194, 224, 252 Gilles, Joyce 257 Gillespie, Carczyio 255 Gilley, Ray 210 Gionet, Norman 295 Glardon, Margaret 95, 175, 176, 194 Glasen, Carl 206 Glasgon, Lloyd 198 Glaves, Frances, 149, 228, 255 Glock, Joyce 123, 186, 192, 214 Glover, Robert 262 Glover, Sue 160, 196, 223 Glovin, Barbara 191, 229 Gluck, Leo 209 Gnauck, Mary 183 , 188, 196 Goldberg, Martha 160, 255 Golden, Linda 191 G olding, Mary 194 Gonzalez, Armida 123, 223 G onzalez, Jacob 160 Gonzales, Martha 160 G ordon, Gail 124 Goza, Ruth 124 Grant, G arry 202 Green, Barbara 255 Green, D orothy 64 , 170 Greenberg, David 160, 229 Greer, Michael 124, 188, 230 Griffith, John 149, 200 Grijal va, James 284 Grimes, Gaylord 160, 198 Grimsley, Bob 202 Groves, Pat 149 Grunberg, David 209 Gust, Lynda 149, 189, 191 Guthrie, Ed 198 Gutierez, Aida 160, 180
H H addad, Constance 160, 178, 188 Hafen , J ohn 204 H ageman, D avid 140 Hagen loh , Ri ck 160, 284 H all, Don 124, 198 H ail , Judy 149, 174, 176, 184, 196 H ai l, Marsha 55, 56, 61, 124, 171, 196 H aines, Thomas 124, 200 Halldran, Lynd a 196, 214 Halow, Wadad 124 Hakim, Rosy 150 Hamilton, Marshall 149 H amilton, Patri cia 174 Hamm ock, Earlene 255 Hamri c, Ramon 124, 206 H aney, Marcia 82 , 253, 255, 283 H anna, Marlin 124 H appe, Shari 192, 255 Haraway, Sally 140, 192 Harbrink, Jane 178 H arden, Jack 160, 180, 204 Hardison, D avid 260 Hargraves, Sandra 124, 189 Harken, Jack 149 Harlan, David 124, 231 Harm on, Marie 192, 224 Harney, William 226 Harri es, Tony 198 Harris, Elaine 125, 194 J-{arris, George 149
Harris, Jerry 200, 202 H arris, Jessie 192 Harri s, Jim 140 Harrison, David 149 Harrison , William 160, 204 H art, Juliet 224 H artman, Joann 192 Hartman,Lynn 150, 176, 194 Harwell , Guy 161, 210 Hatch, Mike 202 H ayes, Sue 196 Haynes, Harey 228 Hefler, Ronnie 155 H enderson, Brenda 60, 125, 171, 186, 189, 196, 21 4, 219 H enderson, Mike 204 H ernandez, Louis 262 H ernandez, R ~dger 200 H ernandez, Servando 125 Hend erson, Id a 161 Henderso n, Michael 161 Higgins, Durward 161, 204, 211 Higgi ns, Phoebe 161, 255 Highsmith, Frank 200, 287 H ighsmith , J ohn 200 Hill, Bobby Jo 268 Hill , Cletus 221 Hill , Edward 125 Hill , Ida Mae 125, 177 Hill , James 56, 62, 125 Hill , Terry Ann 192 Hilburn , Ray 150, 272 Hinds, Mike 200 Hines, Paul 269 Hintze, Pete 198 H offman, Sheila 150, 191, 229, 257 Hohn, Dennis 150, 294 H olcomb, Pete 231 Holden, Billy 262 Holden, Dean 260 H o lderman, Charles 125 Holderman, Cole 140, 182, 184, 262 H olderman , Grady 198 Holguin, Ana Maria 82, 125, 178 Holland, Mike 231 , 293 Hollingshead, Alida 140, 183, 184, 194, 214 , 235 Holmes, D avid 203 Holmsl ey, Dell 66 H ollshwander, Carol 125 Holmsley, Tom 125 Holsapple, Dwain 140, 221 Holsworth, Jerry 198 Hoon, Connie 161 Hopper, Michael 150 Hoover, Jo Ann 72 , 161, 196 Horak, Charles 125 , 198, 231, 287 H ornedo, Manuel 235 Horsley, Charles 126 Horswell, Jan 224 H ouser, Mary 247 H ouser, Ed 247 Howe, Michael 126, 204 H owe, H arry 140, 173, 200 Housman, LeLa:nd 149, 209 Howorth, Jerry 126 Huber, Gail 192 Huchet, Clyde 200 Hudson, Carol Jean 150, 180 Huelen, Treva 170 Huff, James 161 Hughes, Carolyn 161 Hughes, M arilyn 161 Hughey, Eli zabeth 196 Hugos, Sharon 95, 150, 174, 176, 199 Hulen, Treva 58, 126, 224 Hulse, Patsy 84, 85, 126, 196 Humphrey, Robert 198 Hunter, Diane 150, 174, 183, 196, 214 Huston, Robert 140, 184, 208, 218, 248 Hutchesion , Ronni e 150 Hyde, Stanley 126, 173
I Ibarra, Jim 228 Ingle, Henry 248 Irvin, Carol 140, 182, 194, 199 Irvin, Di ane 91, 161, 194 Irvin, Janet 161
J J ackson, Betty 161 J ackson, Ray 262 J ackson, Steven 263 Jaffe, Martin 161, 180, 209 James, Louis 263
Jameson, Judy 150, 227 Janosek, Jerry 203 Jaramillo, Louis 161 Jarratt, Jeannine 140 Jasper, Jim 161, 263 J asuka, Ed 248 Jenkins, Monta Rae 86, 140 Jenness, Elizabeth 140 Jenness, Carol 194 Jennett, Rusty 93 Jennings, Carol 161 Jimenez, Irene 167, 179 Johnson, Bill 161, 204 J ohnson, Brenda 162 Johnson, Fred 187, 206 Johnson, J ames 141 Johnson, Jo 162, 194 Johnson, Karen 83, 90, 150, 193 Johnson, Nancy 2 55 J ohns ton, Leroy 150, 260 Johnston, Thomas 228 Jones, Dale 126, 227 Jones Dalton 263 Jordan, Carol 174, 193
K Kahn, Gayle 186, 191, 229 Kahn, Steve 150, 229, 248 Kahn, Stuart 58, 126, 172, 180, 209 Kaplan, Verna 150, 193, 214 K arlsruaer, Sandra 162, 197 Kawar, Osama 247 Keel er, Charles 162 Keeler, Nina 126, 171 Keller, Jack 203 KeL!y, Sally 102 Kelley, John 187, 198 Kelley, Pat 126, 203 Kelton, David 126, 198 Kemmey·, John 150 Kendall, Jentry 92, 150 Kennard , J ose 141 Kennedy, Pha:1ia 175, 193 Kennedy, Ralph 150, 263 Key, Nella 193 Ki ely, William 172, 203 Kilburn, Norma 127 Killett, Bill 201 King, Margaret 162, 194 Kinniburgh, Robert 150 Kipnis, Alan, 162, 208, 229 Kirby, Lee 198 Kivby, Monroe 198 Kirby, Tillmon 127, 263 Ki ser, Kay 150, 176, 179 Knapp, Carol 14, 86, 151, 175, 228, 283 Knipp, Charles 162, 203 Knox, Junior 162, 263 Knox, Leonard 141 Kolliker, Katherine 151, 194 Kong, Eyung Whu 63 Kramer, William 14 1, 226, 29 3 Krupp, Carol 191 Krupp, Paul 131, 180, 209
L Lacy, Ocil 141 LaPoy, J on 203 Lalonde, Yvette 141, 194, 228 Lamberth, Ann 162, 194 Lamberth, H arry 67, 127, 286, 287, 294 Landavozo, Carolyn 151 , 256 Langford, James 151 Lankford , Sharon 256 Lanier, Boyd 162 Lanoux, Annett, 162 Lanpher, Mike 287, 29 3 Lanpher, Patrick 162, 284 LruPera, Terry 56, 61 , 67, 127, 170, 172 Larkin, J ames 162 Larkin, J ean 151 Larremore, J oseph 141, 201 , 231, 293, 295 Larremore, Paul 185, 293 , 295 LaRue, Al va 224 Lasater, Linda 141 Lauderdal e, Mel, 141, 185 Lawrence, Clyde 203 Lawrence, David , 127, 203 Lawrence, Eugene 151 Lawrence, Gwendolyn 127, 219, 224 Lawson, Bob 247 Layne, Sheila 14 l Leavitt, Keith 151 , 201 , 247
teBrecht, Don 187, 2U8 Lee, Robert, 162 Lee,William F. 127 Legg, Stephen 198 Leigh, Vivian 161 Leiter, Glenn 127, 222 Leiter, Marlys 224 Lembert, Sandra 162 Lennon, Jane 185, 186, 194 Lesley, Bobby 268 Lettunich, Niki 95, 151, 194, 214, 257 Levine, Thelma 151, 185, 189, 229 Lewis, David 151 Lewis, Diana 151 , 194 Lewis, Donna 224 Lewis, Jackie 228 Lewis, Kathryn 128, 194 Lewis, Kathryn, 128, 194 Lieberman, Anne 50, 62, 127, 170, 185, 219, 224, 229 Lieberman, Lester 57, 128, 188, 229 Liefer, J ames 128 Lightbourn, Sam 127 Liles, Bill, 201 Limon, Ernesto 128 Lingle, Pau la 193, 256 Livi ngston, Andrew 128, 220 Locke, Thomas 162 Loe, Regina 179 Loedtte, Roger 162 Logan, Vi cki 162 Long, D ale 141, 257 Longnecker, Cynthia 141 , 185 Lopez, Luis 287 Lotspuch, Judi 162 Love, Daphne 151 Love, Fred 231 Love, J ames 14 I, 228, 237 Love, Madeliene 247 Lowenberg, Ed 201 Lowenhaupt, Harris 141 Lowery, Dolores 141 , 197 Loya, Ri chard 201 Lucas, Janet 197, 258 Lucero, Ray 247 Lupkin , Bob 162 Lupercito, Alex 162 Lvedtke, Roger 294 Lynch, J:>avid 226
M McAllister, Jrene 224 McCain, Carolyn 129 McCain , Glenn 142 McCalmont, Chuck 142, 198 McCarty, Owena 163, 227 McCarty, Robert 142 McCarty, Sandra 256 McClenden, Billinelle 228 McClesky, Sandy 93 McCollum, Virginia 163 McClimmons, Mary Lou 156 McCloughan, William 203 McConachie, Fred 163, 199 McCoole, Carole 163 McCormick, Skip 20 3 McCoy, Elizabeth 163, 223 McCullock, Charles 163, 204 McCulloch, Leo 142, 205 McCutcheon, Eli zabeth 175, 19 3 McDaniel, Barbara 129, 197 McDaniel, Billy 142, 201 McDonald , Charles 199 M cDonalp, Bill 163 McDowell , Lee 203 McDuffie, James 151, 227 McFadden, Peggy 151 , 175, 188, 227 McGehee, Don 67 McGrath , Kathleen 152, 176 McJunckin, Sharon 193, 246 McKinney, Glenn 129, 199, 23 1 McKinnon, John 295 McKnight, Emma 179 Melish, Gary 262 McMullen, Hel en 174, 193 M cNab, Francis 17 4, 19 3 McNamera , Jerry 163 McNab, Francis 174, 193 McNamera, Jerry 163 M cNellis , Bob 163, 205, 211 McNutt, James 59 McPhail, James 129 McPherson, Stanley 272 Macasky, D enny 151 Macias, Thomas 221 Maddox , Bobby 163, 205 Maddox, Truett 151, 205 Madrid , Jay 173, 205 Madrid, Lorenzo _231
Maffei, Carla 203, 235 Magruder, Ralph 188, 208, 285 Mahan, Grzce 163 Maldonado, J ose 2 31 Mancillas, Irene 230 Manning, David 199 Manzo, J aneen 151 , 194 Maple, Dexter 236 Marsh, H erb 246 Marshall , Joyce 256 Marshall, Nancy 151, 257 Martin, Mike 163 Martin, Roberta 247 Martin, Ronald 128, 206 Martin, Winifred 128 Martinez, Caridad 128 Martinez, D olo res 141 Martinez, Esther 128 Martinez, Henry 163, 222 Martinez, Irene 163, 179, 256 Martinez, J oe 294 Martinez, John 295 Martinez, Mary 163, 256 Martinez, Michael 128, 293, 294, 230 Mason, Jam es 129 Matoy, M yrna 163 Maveety, Pat 151, 175, 194 Meadows, Ginny 142, 194, 214 Medina, Olga 163, 256 Medrano, Pedro 226 M eece, M ars hall 203 Meek, Anita 163 Meili , Gloria 142, 178, 224 Menacho, Enrique 152 Menacker, Sandra 191 , 229 Menchaca, Larry 293 Mendez, Graciela 129, 178 Mendoza, Shiela 163, 178 Mer rem , Frank 142, 226 Metzgar, Michael 203 Metzger, P atti 193 Meyer, Carolyn 163 Milchen, Josephn 55 , 57, 62, 68. 129, 170, 173, 183, 203 ,235 , 236 Miles, Roger 142, 199 Miller, Bob 199 Miller Claire 197 Miller, K eith 152, 178, 218, 248 Miller, Mary 224 Miller, R. L. 226 Milligan, Mike 163 Mills, D an 199 Minjarez , G eo rge 152, 185 Mobl y, Caro l 152, 227 Mitchell, Paul 129, 228 Moeck, H oward 163, 284 Moor, D aisy 152 Moore, Carl 236 Moore, J ane 129, 194 Mo ore, Janet 163, 197 Moore, Jim 273 Moore, Russell 203 Moore, Theresa 164 Moreno, Thelma 129, 224 Moreno, Velma 130, 224 Morgan, Eileen 191 , 229 Morris, David 199 Morris, J ames 164 Morris, Nicky 86, l 'i2 Morris, Tim 207 Mort"n, Ashton 130 Morton, Mike 199 Moser, Lucinda 197 Moyers, Clarenee 199 Mueller, William 130, 207 Munz, Victor 152 Muro, Ruben 130 Murphy, Lila 142 Murrell , Jeannie 152, 2'i6 Muzzy, William 130 Myres, D on 20 3
N N ail , Maribet 256 Navar, Ana Marie 1'>0 N avar, Ralph 130, 221 Navarro, Eldemira 64 , 17 1 Navarro, Robert 286 Nassirzadek, Mosaffar 164 Neale, Ruhy 130 Necing, J ames 130 Neel, Pau l 16-1, 20 I Nelson, J effrey I 30, 226 Nelson , J ne 164 Nelson, JuJy 142 Nelson, Ronald 199 Nelson, Stanley 164 Newto n, Al an 16-1, 205 Nibling, George 228 Nickle, Bruce 20 I, Niehaus Robert 284 N iemeier, Bill 203
Niland , Tom 152, 205 Nolan, Pam 174, 19'> Nootbaar, J ane I 5'i Noriega, Rose Marie 178 Norris, Jane I 5 'i Nunn, Bill 247 Nystrom , Nardos 227
0 Oakes, Bi 11 199 Oaxaca, Arturo 164 Oaxaca , Virginia, 13 1, 178 O'l:lrient, l:leverly 253 O 'Connor, Kay 142, 194, 224 O'Dell, Bobby 273 Odom. Ponce 256 O'Kelley, Dorothy 130, 171 , 219, 224 Olfers, Barbara 197 Omo, George 234 Onick, Jim my 164, 20 1 Ontiveros, Jose 13 1, 60, 170, 218, 2 19, 235 o·Rou rke, J ohn 152 O'Rourke, Pat 152 , 2 1 I Ortega, Ca rl os 142 Ortiz, Abel 273 Ortiz, Carmen I 64 O'Shields. Jim 164 0th, Kathryn 142, 228, 256 Overstreet, Charlene 2 56 Overton , Charles 23 1 Owen, Dale 142, 231 Owens, Belinda 256 Owen, Ella 14 2, 179 Owens, Dara 152, 183 Owen, Kenneth 201
p Pagan, Ratae l 235 Palm , J ohn 16'1 Palmore, J udi 164 Parrish, Buddy 205 Park, June 176 Park, Karen 1M Park, Roger 187, 210 Park, Terry 143, 201 Parker, David 228 Parkin , Cu rt is 143, 173 , 203, 295 Pasc hi ch, Lawrence 143 Paski, James 152 Pascarelli, Robert 220 Pasrnalli , Tony 164 Paul Don 221 Paul , Penny 197 Pauling, J ames 164 Paulk, Rona ld 187, 207 Payne, Janet i9, Paynter, Pau l 231 Pederson, Trav is 207 Pedregon, Hector 14 3 Pelletier, Caro l 223 Pena Amparo 155 Pena , Leticia 143. 179 'l>ena Rafael 131 Pena, Roy 1~ 2 Penaska , Penny 247 Perez , Anthony 143, 237, 293 Perez, Carlos 164 Perez, Enrique 180 Perez. Marie 164 Perez, Ernest 187, 2 1O Perkins, Lona 143 Peticolas, Bob 164 Peticolas, Davis 199 Peticolas, Edward 205 Peticolas, J ames 199 Petterson, Karen 164 Petzold, Rosemary 143, 193 Pfeifer, Bonnie 131 Phillips, Jim 203 Phillips, J ohn 152, 210 Phillips, Walter 207 Pierce, J ackie 193, 256 Pierce, Sharon 73, 164, 193 Pierson , Gene 131, 207, 234 Pike, Macey 223 Pina, Martha 235 Piwnell, Pennye 197 Plowman, Leroy 294 Poe, George 152, 201 Porras, Adrian 164 Porter, Kay 26, 60, 131, 171, 186 Porter, Preston 24 7 Posey, Clyde 143, 236 Potter, Lonn 143 Powell, Billie 165 Prado, Ed 143 Prati, John 203 Pravinchandra, Doshi 143 Price, Lewis 152 Proo, Celia 131
Psaki, James 201 Purvin, Ronnie 165, 191
Q Quinone, Antonio 131
R Radcl iffe Carolyn 235 Ramirez, Bea 247 Ramirez, Irm a 152 Ramirez, Juan 221 Ramos, Agustin 226 Ramos, Ruben 143, 170, 172, 294, 295 Raper, Ruth 153 Rathke, Marvin 207 Raxhke, Marvin 131 Ray, Jerry 269 Rayner, Charles 143, 208, 293 Reaves, Toni 256 Reebie, Skip 23 7 Reed, Jane 152 Reeder, Joyce 143, 194 Reese, Sheryl 165 Reeves, Jean 224 Reimer D unna 193 Renteria, Luis 183 Reschenthaler, Pat 179 Rettig, Henry 132, 242 Rettinger, Jud y 153, 176, 239 Reyes, Norma 153, 188, 227 Reynolds, Linda 165, 194 Rhoads, Tom 165 Rice, W anda 247 Rich, Ellen 61 Richardson, Nolan 268 Richardson, Tom 143, 205 Rickards, Reta 144, 177 Rico, Cecilia 131, 224 Rico, Celso 273 Rico, Emilia 132, 224 Ridley, Barbara 197 Rinehart, Ronald 153, 208 Rincon, Patsy 153, 230 Rios, Robert 57, 61, 68, 132, 172, 201, 220 Rippe, Z elda 193, 256 Ritchig, Steve 201 Rizzo, Nick 165, 203 Robbins, Katie 223 Roberts, Don 132, 187, 201 Roberts, Rebeca 144, 193, 257 Robertson, Helens 132 Robinson, Bill 144, 199 Rocha, Sal 27 3 Rodehaver, San 199 Rodehave r, Sam 15 3 Rodehaver, Sam 199 Rodgers, Jan 94, 96, 153, 165, 174, 193 Roe, Brad ley 231, 295 Roen, David 203 Rogers, Diane 165, 185, 193 Rogers, Judy 193 Rogers, Winfrey 83, 153, 174, 194 Rogowski, Pete 207 Roisman, Charlotte 15 3 Roland, Barbara 153, 194 Roper, Jud y Ann l 32, 179, 185 Rosado, Joel 287 Rosen, Bruce 68, 132, 172, 209, 229, 287, 294 Rosen, Eugene 144, 209, 229 Rosenthal , Diane, 13 2, 63, 170, 171, 189 Roth, Justin 173, 180, 187, 209, 229 Routh Wayne 199 Rowe, Leland 203 Rubio, Mara 144 Rude, Fay 144, 185 Rudisi ll, John 165, 205 Ruebush, Ernestine 95, 132, 193, 231 Ruiz, Evelyn 165 Rumsey, Larry 165, 265 Russell , John 144 Ryan, Michael 132, 240
s Saab, Gloria 132, 185, 224 Sage, Lee l 6 5 Salazar, Mary 133, 224 Saluatti, Fred 68 Sandell, Lawrence 144, 207 Sanders, Bluford 153, 205, 211 Sanders, Nelson 165 Sandovil, Charles 199
Sandoval, Rosalie 179 Santiesteban, Monica 153, 256 Santoscoy, Alice 133 Santoscoy, Charles 133, 180 Sarbaugh, Julie 227 Sartin, Gerald 165, 284 Satterfield, Royetta 165 Saylar, Judy 165 Scardino, Robert 165, 205 Schafly, J acqolen l 33. l 78. 18 3. 218 Scheffler, J oyce 144, 248 Schoen , Deanna 165 Schuessler, Bob 165, 23 7 Schuhmann, J oy 133 Schultz, Dale 221 Schultz, Judy 195 Scott, D orothy 153, 176, 177, 245 Scroggins, Ronald 153, 205 Scott, Louann 165, 248 Scuddy, Kerney 153 Segall, J oleen 133 Segall , Peggy 133, 224 Segalman, Bob 229 Seitsinger, Ralph 165, 228 Severns, James 69, 133 Seuier, G eorge 166 Seward, Chuck 284 Shanblum, Frances, 57, 59, 88, 133, 170, 17 1. 186, 189, 219,229.2 38 Shapiro, Louvenia 166, 188 Sharp, Hugh 231 Sharp, M ichael 144, 208 Sharpley, Marjori e 15'\ Shaver, Caro lyn 144, 176, 189, 257 Shelan, Ronnie 166 Shelensky, Ronnie 274 Sherwin, Ann 191, 153, 229 Shook, Charlie 166, 237 Shultz, Judy 153 ,175 Skipworth, David 199 Sikes, Ellen 72, 175, 176, 197 Simmions, J immy 166, 20 1 Simpson, Farley 227 Simpson, Johnnie 166 Simpson, Larry 166 Sims, Bill 199 Sinclair, Peggy 133, 193, 224 Siple, Albert 133 Slaughter, Sandra 195 Stiles, Jackie 166 Slimenda, Jim 153 Skorka, Gladys, 134, 180, 191 Smith, Elizabeth 144, 224 Smith, Gordon 185, 205 Sm ith, Herbert 166 Smith, Irma 166 Smith, J ames 27 4 Smith, J ean 153 Sm ith, J oe 166, 203, 237 Smith, Justi n, 274 Smith, K. C. 235 Smith, Randy 144 Smoot, Chriss 166, 20 5 Snodgrass, Sandy 76, 77, 154 Soldan, Kathleen 166 Solis, Enrique 226 Spanagel, J ohn 199 Sparks, Kathy 78, 79, 95, 193 Spence r, Stephen 166 Spi tal nick, Malcom 166, 180 Spite, Fred 166, 180 Springer, Andy 144, 265 Spri nger, Roy l 34 Stah l, Judson 199 Starichos, Phyllis 154, 176 Stanley, Mary Jane 14, 97, 134, 197 Starkey, Sharon 197 Starr, V irginia 166, 246
Steele, Tita, 166, 194 Steen, Stanley 166, 199 Stelly, Alva 166 Stephens, James 188 Stephens, Jerry 167 Stephenson, John 205 Stevens, Charles 20 1 Stevenson, Robert 134 Stewart, D avid, 134, 188 Stitt, ,Nancy 154 Stokes, Barbara 223, 235 Stone, Wilbur 207, 234, 134 Strain, Lee 144, 185, 193 Street, Sharon 87, 197, 283 Strong, Mayda Ne! , 247, 154 Stewart, David 208 Strickland , Carlene 134 Strickland, Pamela 167 Strauss, Barry 205 Strauss, G ary 167 Stromberg, Angel 7-4, 75 Stroud, J ohn 207 Stubbs, Johnny 237 Subach, David 199 Sullivan, Nancy 154, 194 Summers, Melinda 193
Turner, Dan 265 Tymniak, Walter 224
Taboada, Carmen 144 , 178 Taboada, Robert 145, 201 Ta.Ibot, Carleton 145, 201 Tamburo, Marie 167, 178, 256 Tappan, Sh aro n I 97, 256 Taylor, Barbara 227 Taylor, Gord on 134, 269 Taylor, Jack 154, 199 Taylor, Jerry 145, 185, 265 Taylor, Lame 207 Taylor, Linda 193 Taylor, William 145 Teegarden,John 227, 274 Teegarden, Ted 274 Thies, Bob 203, 295 Thomas, Alan 167 Thomas, Betty Jane, 193 Tho mas, John 167, 205 Thomas, Roy 199 Thompson, Mary Ann 154, 186, 193, 218 Thompson, Patrick 199 Thompson, Susan 154 Thornton, David 199 'villev. Bobby 178 Tillman, Kay 73, 154, 175, 197 Tinnin, Fred 134 Tomkins, D ouglas 134, 184, 201, 220, 294 Toone, Pat 256 Torbit, Sue 227 Tovar, Esther 154 Towns, Tooley 167, 180 Trammell, Herbert 284 Thrash, Bill 227 Tredennich, Steve 203 Trollinger, John 201 Trappe, Allan 229 True, Myra 224 Truett, Glenda 224 Trujillo, Rebecca 224 Tubb; Dana 223, 253 Tupper, Charlie, 154, 205
Wagner Denise 197 227 Wakee~ Yvonne 135, 179
American Furniture Company 305 American Printing Company 307 Automatic Verrding Company 308 Bennett's Glass Company 304 Bookstore, TWC 301 Border Machinery Company 314 Buckner Transfer and Storage · 309 Carter's Flower Shops 307 Charcoaler 305 Dickshire Coors 302 Echlin-Irvin-Crowell 309 Elite Cleaners 302 El Paso Electric Company 305 El Paso Federal Savings and Loan 313 El Paso Laundry and Cleaners 309 El Paso National Bank 304
El Paso Natural Gas Company 298 El Paso N atuniJ Gas Products Company 303 El Paso Sporting Goods Company 308 Feders Jewelers 304 First State Hank 308 Foxes Gard 'n Party Shop 306 Guaoantee Shoes 298 Gunning Casteel 305 Hanley Paints 304 H oldsworth Jewelers 301 Humble Oil and Refining Company 306 Kahn's Bakery 314 Kemp Ford 305 Kress, S. H . and Company 30 1 KTSM Rad io 301
Urias, Jimmy 167 Utley, Ronald 134, 207 Utley, Sandra 135 , 224 Ulin, Linda 191, 257 Upshaw Chri sty 193, 256
V Valazquez, Martha 226 Valdes, Guill erma 235, 236 Valdez, Martha 135, 17,8 Valenzuela, Carlos, 167, 220 Valeqzuela, H enberto 154 Var4 'Brunt, Sandra 154, 223,
253, 256
Van Horn, Sara 247 Van Pelt, Don 135, 205 Vannerson, Helen 167 Varela, Louis 69, 135 V an Si ckle, Willi am 135 Varela, Louis 286, 287, 294 Vargas, Aida 230 Vaughn, Danny 268 Vega, Bonnie 167 Velasquez, D olores 145 Velerde, Oscar 230 Veloz, Nicol'1S 210 Venegas, Hector 222 Villal obos, Grace 135 Vincent, Jack 207 Vinikoff, Itta 191 Vogel, Bill 275 Volmer, Frankie 257
Walker, Dale 69, 241 Walker, Frank 203 Walker, Paula 167 Walker, Rachel 257 Walls, Harold 167 Walters, Janet 195 Walters, Joyce 195 Ward, Art 230 Ward, Jerry 199 Ward, Roy 145, 199 Ward, Sandi 83, 197 Warren, Charles 154, 199, 265 W aters, Ann 257 \'\/au ls, Sharo n I 7Y Waxman, Neil 209, 229 Watt, Sandra 257 Weaver, Tom 237 Webb, Maurice 205 Webb, Mike 145 , 205 Weber, Leroy 208 Wegstein, Stella 135, 224 Wehmeyer, Ann 145, 176, 186, 189, 197, 205, 21 4 Wells, Bob 199 W ells, James 69, 135, 173, 180, 181, 187, 203, 220 Wendom, W ayne 167 Wey, Norton 228 White, Howard 167, 284 White, Jim 228 White, Wanda 136, 224 Whitley, Nancy 154, 257 Whitley, W endel 207 Whitson, Charles 275 Wh itti er, J ohn 226 Whitworth, Bob 201 Wieland, Mike 199 Wiggington, Virginia 193 Wiggs, Toni 167, 197 Wilbur, LeRoy 154 Wildman, Yola 136 Wilkinson, Dorcas 224 Will iams, Chance 145, 29 3 Williams, Del 69, 265, 275 Williams, Gene 265 Williams, Gerald, 199
Witliams, 0 . C. 136, 201 Will iams, Salli e 167 Williams, Sandm, 167 Williamson, Gerald 167, 265 Wilson, Larry 227 Wingo, Vim 154, 199 Winkley, Norma 167 Winn, Jerri 257 Winthrow, Susan 154 Wipf, Catherine, 136, 197 Wipf, Sheila 145, 197 Witholder, Mary Jane 136, 193, 224 Wi throw, Susie 197 Witt, James 135 , 210 Wolter, Judy 82, 145 , 186, 197 W om ack , Ch arl es 173, 203 , 231 286, 29 5 Womack, David 154, 187, 20 3, 231 , 295 Womack , Sally 197 Woods, Margie 154, 175, 188 Woolsey , Stanley 136 Worthen, Margaret 193, 248 Worthington, William 167 Wright, Drusilla 136, 197 Wright, Peggy 167, 194, 246, 266
Yapor, J oAnn 167, 179 Yapor, Magdeline 14 5, 179, 183 Yates, Charles 199 Yates, Mary Jane 155, 197, 237 Yerby, Janet 57, 63, 136, 171, 235, 236 Young, Alleane 145, 197 Young, Jake 136, 205, 265, 286, 294 Young, Jean 235 Young, John 14, 136, 260 Young, Mary Louise 179 Young, William 136 York, Richard 15 5 Yslas, Irma 13 5 Yturralde, Stella 15 5, 175, 176 Yundt, Gregg 155
Advertising Index Leavell, C. H. and Company 306 McKee Pharmacy 304 McKee R. E. 302 Moon Garden Restaurant 309 Moore, Bus Servi ce 309 Morgan, J. E. and Sons 301 Jlforton·s Potato Chips 312 Mutual Federal Savings and Loan 310 N o rthate Center 299 Oasis Restaurants 310 Pancake Cottage 312 Photographic Associates 305 Ponsford Brothers 307 Popular Dry Good s Company 306 Ramsey Steel 303 Reynolds El ect,i c Company 303
Rodehave r-Mill er Fun eral
Hom e 3U
Rudo !ph Chevrolet 304 Saunders and McAfee 310 Sears 307 Seven-Up 303 Sout hw estern Portland Cement Company 307 Standard Oi I Company of Texas 298 Texas State Optical 298 V on Zell 's Studio 300 Ward, Ray and Son 315 Wh ite H ouse Department Store 308 \Vhitmore's T ra vel Service 310 Zales J eweler's 302 Zork H ardware Company 30 1
Faculty Index
Alexand er, Harold 104 Barnes, Thomas 112 Bell, Pamela 115 Bentz, Ralph 112 Berkman, Anton 101 Bevans, Ca leb 11 3 Bond, Gene 113, 294 Bosworth, Lanis 114 Boyers, William 113, 202, 295 Braddy, Haldeen 108 Brand, Michael 105 Brewer, Fred 113 Briggs, Ralph 102 Buckner, Florence 105 Burgett, William 112 Buswell , Marlene 115 Buys, Josep h l 13 Carnova le, August 102, 244 Cavalieri, James 115 Cervenka, Clarence 107 Chavez, Abraham 102 Chi sm , Tom l 14, 227 Chrapl iwy, Peter 103 Coleman, Ralph 107 Collins, Ben 109, 259 Collins, Claudia 115 Coog ler, Elien 102 Coltharp, Robert 107, 231 Cox, Robert 11 3 Craigo, Kathleen 109 Crawford, C. C. 114 Crouch, Kathy 115 Crowson, Mary Rita 115 Day, James 106 Decker, Floyd 107 Denny, J ohn 110 Douglas. Luri,r\e I 08
Ducoff. Walter 107 Dulaney, Shery ll 115 D_uke, Eleanor 103 Jo ,d_bo, 0 . E. 102 Elliott , Jan, s 115 Farguear,,fl ?yd 106 Fi sher, W tll, am 106 Foster, Alonzo 106, 219 Freel and , D onald 105 Fuller, Wayne 110 George, Kenneth 109, 259 Gerald , Rex II O Gerecki , H arry 115 Gl adman , Charles 11 2 Glard on, Lynette 109 Goodman , Paul 11 0 H addox , John 114 H all , Elea no r 108 H ampton, H enry 103 1-Iarl and , Frank I l 1, 247 H a rris, Theodore 110 H a rri son, W iltz I 02 Hartri ck, W ade 105 H askins, Pon 267 Heins, Everett 105 H end erson, Lozier 106 H erber, Berna.cd. 105 H icks, Virgil 111, 248 Hoffman, Roberta 108 Hovel, John 110 Tones, Marcie 11 5 Jones, Steele 111 Juarez, Zelma 115 Kelsey, Clyde 114 Kn app, Edwin 11 2 Kruschw itz, Orville 112 I.each, J oseph 108
Leech, Milton 111, 247 Lagerman , Roberta 110 Loper, Mona 109 Lowenstei n, Ralph 229 Lynn, Betty J 15 McCarty, George L4, 101 McMahan, Oscar 11 2 Martin, Sara 111 M assey, Robert 102 Meadows, J ack 106 Meason, John 104 Miculka, Vl adik 112 Miculfee, f.' 111 Middagh , J ohn 11 l 239 Miledi , Nacim 104 ' Mill er, Ri cha rd 104 Miter, B. H . 103 Miter, Frank 112 M oore, Ross 109, 271 Nelson, Ll oyd l04 N eprud , Leif 112 Nichols, Clyde 107 O 'Brien, Maureen 104 O'Malley, Catheri ne 106 Past, Raymo nd 108 Patterson. Bul ah 11 2 Phillips, 0 . A. 259 Pitts, J ane 11 5 Plumbley, William 109 Powe ll , Pauline 115 Pryor, Ralph 112 Quinn, H owa.rd 104 Quinn, Macy 110 Ray, J oseph (Dr.) 110 Rennick, Patrici'a 114 Res ley, Louise 4, 5, 101 Reynolds, Bertha 106, 236
Rintelen , J oseph 107 Rozencl al, D avid 107 Rutt, 1:dgar 11 3 Sawyer, William 113 Schumaker, Robert 112 Seils, Leroy 109 Sharp, J oh n 11 3 Shioji , Frank 104 Shores, Melvin 110 Sma.11, Ray 101 Smith, Grace 108 Sonn ichsen , Charl es 101 Spiese, Ri chard 1O?. Strain, William 104 Strate, N ancy 115 Strick land , Rex 110 Swidelsky, J ohn 113 1'appan, Robert 11 O Thayer, Lynn 102 Thomas, Eugene 101 Thormodsgaard , Engebert 102 Timmo ns. Wi lbert 110 Torok, Mildred 115 Tu cker, J am es 111 , 247 Tulley, Eleanor 103 V owell , Emi ly 104, 188 V owell , J ack 110 Wadd ell , Marie 108 Walker, Jimmy 109, 259 W a lker, Robe rta 108 W ebb, William 11 3 Whitacre, John 107, 115 Whitwo rth, R. 114 W illi ams, J ohn 103 Wi se, Vera 102 Young, Phillip 107, 295