The Prospector 05 05 2020

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Artist graduates during pandemic, page 5



Theatre grad strides into the unknown, page17

Miners lose hoops leader, page 24 V O L . 10 5, N O . 25 M AY 5, 20 20



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MAY 5, 2020

Wilson to grads: Class of 2020 will endure This spring, you are among the more than 2,300 UTEP students who will join the ranks of Miner alumni. Not too long ago, when you began this journey, you made a commitment to work hard. To recognize your potential and to uncover the very best in yourselves. In normal years, our spring semester — like that of universities across the country — would end with the celebration of this milestone in your life with family and friends. Because this year is anything but normal, we will delay that celebration until the fall, when I hope to see you again. While I won’t shake your hand until the fall, I wanted to let you know now how proud we are of you. In many ways, the oddity of this semester highlights your accomplishments in ways you might not have considered. No matter how you found your path to college, the degree you earn this semester is your ticket to a dream. Each of you has reached this milestone through determination and perseverance. When there were challenges, you met them head-on. With the support of your family and the UTEP community, you did it. Despite the uncertainty that the pandemic challenge has brought, you have once again pushed through, looked forward and focused on what needed to be


done for yourself, your family and your community. Adaptability. Perseverance. Resilience. Engagement. These qualities have defined our graduates since the very first of our alumni received their degrees in 1918. Looking back through history, almost every generation has faced significant challenges either at the time of their col-

STAFF V O L . 1 0 5 , N O . 2 5 Editor in Chief: Valeria Olivares Web Editor: Marisol Chavez Layout Editor: Cynthia “Teddy” Baylon Copy Editor: Sports Editor: Michael Cuviello Entertainment Editor: Bryan Mena Photo Editor: Claudia Hernandez Multimedia Editor: Glenda Avalos Staff Reporters: Isaiah Ramirez, Jaqueline Martinez, Margie Cataldi, Paulina Spencer Photographers: Maria S. Ontiveros, Hugo Padilla Contributors: Victoria Almaguer, Anette

Baca, Anahy Diaz, Daniel A. Lopez, Alejandra Molina, Sasha Mijarez, Maria Ramos Pacheco, Exodis Ward, Sven Zackey-Kline Account Executive: Ana B. Gonzalez, Senior Designer: Cynthia “Teddy” Baylon Videographer: Alejandra Molina Advertising Coordinator: Natan Contreras Administrative Secretary: Crystal J. Brown Accounting Specialist: Isabel Castillo Assistant Director: Tracy Roy Director: Veronica Gonzalez

lege graduation or shortly after. From world wars, to civil unrest, to threats of terror — students met the challenges of their day. They adapted, persevered, and found ways to build their lives and their communities. Class of 2020, your lives and your community — our community — will endure. And we will do so, in part, because you have reached this milestone with a sense of purpose. You’ve persevered, and you’ve capitalized on the op-

portunities this university has provided to you. And no matter what challenges lie ahead — big or small — you have the skills and knowledge necessary to adapt and to keep moving forward. Congratulations and warm best wishes,

Heather Wilson UTEP President

SPEAK YOUR MIND Submit a letter to the editor! Letters will be edited for clarity and brevity. Letters over 250 words are subject to editing to fit available space. Please include full name, street address and telephone number and e-mail address, plus major, classification and/or title if applicable. Address and phone number will be used for verification only. Write to 105 E. Union,, call 747-5161or fax 747-8031. The Prospector is published by the Student Media and Publications Board, 105 Union East, 500 W. University Ave. El Paso, Texas, 79968. The Prospector appears in print once per week on Tuesdays during the fall and spring semesters. The newspaper is not printed during holidays and when classes are not in session. The Prospector does provide news online at The Prospector is provided to students through student fees. First copy is free. Any additional copies, if available, must be purchased for $1 through the Department of Student Media and Publications. The Prospector is not responsible for claims made by advertisers. Additional policy information may be obtained by calling The Prospector at 915-747-5161. Opinions expressed in The Prospector are not necessarily those of the university. This issue was not printed and is only available in this digital PDF format.

MAY 5, 2020


Esto no es el final de una era Between laughs and tears, it’s time Grecia Sánchez The Prospector Aunque esta sea mi última columna para El Prospector, esto no significa un fin. Mis vivencias personales y académicas con el Departamento de Publicaciones Estudiantiles quedan por siempre plasmadas en cada uno de mis reportajes y en los momentos auténticos, dentro y fuera de la oficina, que viví y recordaré siempre. Empecé a trabajar para el departamento en el verano de 2016, antes de comenzar mi segundo semestre de UTEP. Mi editora en jefe en ese entonces, y mentora durante mucho tiempo, era Michaela Román, quien me había encargado entrevistar a la entonces presidenta de la universidad, Diana Natalicio, en mi primera historia como contribuidora para El Prospector. La entrevista iba a tomar lugar en la casa de la presidenta, conocida como Hoover House, donde se celebraría una nueva generación de estudiantes en la Asociación Gubernamental de Estudiantes (SGA, por sus siglas en inglés).

Yo tenía muchísimos nervios durante todo el evento. Me acerqué tres veces a la Dra. Natalicio sin siquiera hablarle por pena. Me senté en una banca afuera durante mucho tiempo hasta que agarré el valor de dirigirle la palabra, tartamudear al presentarme y finalmente decirle en enunciados cortos de la entrevista. Con una sonrisa amable, Natalicio me llevó a un salón privado y dijo que procediera a preguntar sobre cualquier cosa. A medida que iba la entrevista, Natalicio me hacía sentir más cómoda, capaz, e incluso inteligente. Nos sentamos durante 15 minutos, pero la profundidad en las respuestas de Natalicio me daba para escribir mi historia completa. Horas después, crucé la frontera, escribí mi historia, y chequé errores gramaticales tres veces. Cuando al día siguiente me llamaron a la oficina para edición, rápidamente me di cuenta de que El Prospector sería el lugar perfecto para aprender de otros. Resulta que había escrito una historia con párrafos largos, oraciones incompletas, y una redacción débil para el estilo del periódico universitario. Pasé las siguientes dos horas reescribiendo mi historia con ayuda de mis edi-

see ADIOS on page 4

Alejandra Molina The Prospector If I asked myself four years ago how I would have envisioned my experience at UTEP, it wouldn’t have been anything like this. Even going to study in another country was a whole new world to me back then, and I had to get used to so many different things. At first it was a struggle, suddenly taking classes that were completely in English, adjusting to the deadlines, the way classes and assignments worked and having to speak in a language that wasn’t native. On top of that, my ADHD made it really difficult for me to concentrate in classes and read 60 pages or more per week for each class. For the first semesters, I felt like an outsider, it took me a while to make connections and friends. It all had to do with campus involvement: during the first semesters, I only went to class and back home, commuting everyday back to Juarez. But as semesters went on, I became a bit more involved in campus activities. I got

my first job on campus, later, I tried joining the UTEP Speech & Debate team for a semester and then I joined Student AdFed, a student organization for advertising majors. Which is how I found out about The Prospector. Thanks to AdFed, I found this job opportunity. I never pictured myself working at the school’s newspaper, since I was focused as a Digital Media Production major was making short films, but I decided to apply because I wanted a change of scenery. I thought I wouldn’t get the job honestly, because my major was so different from journalism or advertising, but Veronica Gonzalez, the director of student media & publications, gave me a chance. I’ve been The Prospector’s videographer since January 2019, and it has been an amazing experience, filled with challenges and more. From weekly videos to advertise the newspaper to commissioned videos, every week was a different experience. I improved my editing skills as well as my camera skills thanks to this job. Not only was I the videographer, but also had the opportunity to be a contributor during the fall 2019 semester. I ended up taking photographs of events, such as concerts and local events, while also writing about them. Never in

see IT’S TIME on page 4


MAY 5, 2020

ADIOS from page 3 tores. Así fue como se publicó mi primera historia como reportera y esto significó el comienzo de una era. Para el semestre de otoño me habían contratado y había podido formar parte del equipo que cubriría las elecciones presidenciales en 2016, donde viví por primera vez el ajetreo devastador que se vive en el periodismo político. Fue un evento donde por primera vez sentí fatiga física, y francamente, también hueva emocional. Habíamos empezado a entrevistar, twittear, fotografiar, editar videos, y demás, desde las 6 p.m. y terminamos a la 1 a.m. publicando todo el contenido editado en línea. Yo todavía necesitaba cruzar la frontera para llegar a mi casa, dormir, y llegar al día siguiente antes de las 9 a.m. que empezaba mi clase. Durante mi viaje de regreso a Ciudad Juárez, no podía dejar de

IT’S TIME from page 3 a million years would I have imagined I would be able to do that, but it was a fun and educational experience. Overall, my experience at UTEP has been an interesting one. Not everything has been easy or sunshine and rainbows, there were tough times, but either way, it was a learning experience.

pensar que todo era injusto, que no era posible lo que había ocurrido en el país, que cómo le iba a hacer si un día cerraban el puente, si un día no podría continuar con mis estudios. ¿Qué iba a hacer? ¿Por qué me tocaba vivir esto? ¿Por qué a mí? Al cruzar al lado mexicano a la 1:30 a.m., vi a un hombre recargado en una barda para disminuir la velocidad de los carros con unas flores en la mano. Era un vendedor ambulante, bastante viejo, que seguía de pie en su jornada laboral, desde quien sabe cuántas horas bajo el sol del desierto, porque aún tenía que vender ese último ramo de flores. Siempre vuelvo a llorar porque me acuerdo que mi primer pensamiento fue: ¿en serio me estoy quejando de la vida que tengo? En lugar de seguir en mi lugar de víctima, comprendí que gozaba muchos más privilegios de los que alcanzaba a ver y que esto venía con

un set de oportunidades magníficas que, de aprovecharse, podría resultar en una mejor visión de lo que acontece en el mundo. Por mí, por mi gente y por mi país. Comprendí que, desde la posición de periodista, al poder hablar con personas de todas áreas de la vida y de ambos lados de una moneda, se pueden lograr muchas más cosas de las que imaginaba. De aquí nació la motivación personal de incluir el idioma español en mis historias para El Prospector y de iniciar mi trabajo como editora de copia y después editora en jefe en Minero Magazine, la revista bilingüe del departamento. Historias como estas, hay muchas. Todas estas experiencias no habrían sido posibles sin la ayuda de la gente que conocí en Prospy y Minero. Kathy, muchas gracias por darme la bienvenida al departamento, Verónica González, gracias por ser mi mano derecha en todo momento,

Tracy Roy, gracias por ser un recurso indispensable 24/7, Isa, gracias por cuidar de nosotros. Gracias a Michaela, Amanda Gonzalez y Luis Gonzalez, Rene Delgadillo, Christian Vasquez, Andres Martinez, Javier Cortez, Adrian Broaddus, Gabby Velasquez, Vania Castillo, Claudia Hernández, Valeria Olivares, Victoria Almaguer, Glenda Avalos, Marisol Chávez, Antonio Villa-señor, Verónica Martínez, Brandy Ruiz, Salma Lozoya, Nina Titovets, Itzel Lara, y Elliott Luna. El Prospector, gracias por ser el pilar de mis aventuras periodísticas. Minero Magazine, gracias por ser mi dicha personal y mi trabajo de ensueño. Esto no es un adiós, porque lo que viví con ustedes vivirá siempre en mí. Gracias.

I had so many accomplishments. Despite my inability to concentrate in class, I was in the Liberal Arts Dean’s List every semester during these four years. I met so many amazing people that will be in my life even after I graduate. I had the opportunity to work with amazing and talented team over at The Prospector. As I’m about to graduate with all that’s going on right now in the world, the plans I had, unfortunately, are not going to be possible. I will

have to adjust, keep an open mind and hope for the best — which is how I can describe my general experience at UTEP and in life. Some words that I wish someone had told me back then is to not hesitate to ask for help if you need it, or if you feel like something is getting tough. Hold onto your friends, the people that really care about you are always going to be there no matter what. You got this; you can do it; you can write that ten-page essay for class, even if it

seems it’s difficult or boring. Take some time as well to relax, focus on your mental health, hang out with your friends, because these are four years of your life you’re never going to get to experience again. Now there’s nothing left for me to say except thank you for these years and goodbye UTEP, it’s been real.

Grecia Sánchez may be reached through her Twitter, @Grecias068.

Alejandra Molina may be reached at amolinabac@


Do not dump waste, chemicals, paint, custodial waste, and general rubbish items (tires, old car parts, shopping carts, etc.) into storm drains, channels, or ditches. No tirar basura, aparatos electrodomésticos, muebles, llantas, y chatarra a canales y acequias del sistema de drenaje pluvial.

Properly dispose of hazardous wastes, pesticides, and fertilizers. Call UTEP EH&S to schedule waste pickups.

Storm drains are easily identified with “NO DUMPING” decals at stormwater inlets.

Deseche correctamente los residuos peligrosos, pesticidas, y fertilizantes. Llama al departamento EH&S en UTEP y agenda fecha para recoger los desperdicios.

Alcantarillado de aguas pluviales es identificado con anuncios de “NO REVERTIR DESECHOS AQUI”

Keep material out of the stormwater conveyance system (curbs, gutters, sidewalks, streets, drains, culverts, and arroyos). Dispose of grass, leaves, yard waste, and construction debris properly.

Recycle oil, antifreeze, and other vehicle fluids, or dispose of them properly to prevent the pollution of stormwater, groundwater and the Rio Grande.

No tapar el flujo pluvial a canales, alcantarillas y arroyos con basura. Disponga correctamente de basura vegetal (césped, ramas, y hojas) así como basura de construcción.

Recicle aceite, anti-congelante y lubricantes o disponga propiamente de ellos para prevenir contaminación del sistema de drenaje pluvial, mantos acuíferos y el Río Bravo.

Leave natural vegetation in place where possible to prevent erosion. Si es posible, deje crecer la vegetación en forma natural para evitar la erosión.

HERTZOG BUILDING, ROOM 170 (915) 747 - 7124 • eh&

MAY 5, 2020


Graduating artist marches into an uncertain world Jaqueline Martinez The Prospector With a double major in printmaking and painting, Vicente Delgado is a UTEP Visual Arts graduating senior of the 2020 spring semester. Born and raised in El Paso, Delgado decided to pursue the arts as it became a familiar hobby growing up. Surrounded by art, the artist grew up inspired by both of his parents. From arranged bullfight-


ing poster collages to painting on empty bottles and filling them up with colored beans to create linear patterns, his parents would constantly create art from home-bound materials. Delgado was fascinated by the development of all his parents’ projects and the capability of turning basic materials into works of art. The artist’s father was also part of a baseball team and would play in different parts of Ciudad Juarez, from decent, city-built parks to the outskirts, where they would have to come in early and paint the lines. Delgado was always inspired by the environment that surrounded the baseball field and took it as an opportunity to go off and explore, discovering various items and scraps that had been dumped illegally. Inspired by the landscape, Delgado became involved in photography as he got older and began exploring the downtown area of El Paso, the neighborhoods as well as the outskirts and illegal dump sites. “These places interest me, on the magnitude of items that are thrown out, and how nature

see UNCERTAIN WORLD on page 6




MAY 5, 2020 UNCERTAIN WORLD from page 5


is slowly eating it,” Delgado said in his artist statement. As a printmaker, Delgado’s work begins with photographs of the dumpsites and, once gathered, he edits and measures the image to the size of the paper he is using and exposes the images onto a screen for serigraphy, printing done though a silkscreen process. The artist plans to attend graduate school at Colorado State University and was offered a teaching assistant position for the school’s printmaking program. The artist has kept in contact with his professors who have advised him to register and start searching for housing. Delgado already signed a one-year contract on an apartment. “I am going to continue to get myself set up at Fort Collins, Colorado, through video chat and hopefully drive down there before fall begins so I can get myself familiar with the town,” said Delgado, who worries that the school’s closure due to the pandemic will continue until 2021. “The plan so far is to continue with hope that everything will go back to normal by summer.” As the pandemic takes its toll economically on workers of different fields, including artists, who many find themselves scrambling to

find work as art galleries have been temporarily suspended. “Artists often struggle to get by in uncertain times, and the current COVID-19 crisis is no exception,” said Thalia Field, the BAI’s faculty director in News from Brown, as the Brown Arts Institute along with other national institutes have started to provide community grants to help support artists during the pandemic. “A profession in the arts has always been discouraged by others, and some people do listen and branch off to other professions and I think if they ever wonder, what if they hadn’t listened to everyone else?” said Delgado. He doesn’t feel the need to feel discouraged by his career of choice in regard to the circumstances. Under the guidance of his professors, growing up and meeting artists, teachers and curators, Delgado feels assured that the arts offer many careers and job opportunities. “I believe I am making the right choice and I’ll make sure to motivate others to avoid those who are discouraging and surround themselves with people who are making it happen,” said Delgado who hopes to continue his education and eventually become a printmaking professor and exhibitionist artist. Jaqueline Martinez may be reached at prospector@

MAY 5, 2020





MAY 5, 2020

Terry Scholar learned leadership through his high school band Maria Salette Ontiveros The Prospector The University of Texas at El Paso is welcoming nine freshman who were selected to receive the Terry Scholarship award this upcoming fall. Chosen from among thousands of applications, Bryan Arriaga, who has decided to major in computer science and minor in business, is one of the accomplished students to become one of UTEP’s Terry Scholars. According to, taking into account other scholarships that the student may receive, the foundation provides sufficient assistance to cover tuition, books, fees and reasonable living expenses on campus. From Horizon High School, with a history of playing in school band since he was in sixth grade, Arriaga became the high school’s band director at the beginning of his junior year. He was the vice-president of his senior generation, meaning he oversaw prom, senior activities, senior dues and everything related to activities seniors had, and the member of the Spanish Honor Society and National Honor Society. “Freshman, sophomore and junior year, I was just this average band student, and at my senior

year, I became the director of the band,” Arriaga said. “It was a lot of pressure, but being in band taught me you just have to do everything in your life to the best of your ability, and I think that’s something that opened the door for me to be a leader, to be a role model for other people.” Becoming the band director at his high school was a huge change for him and showed Arriaga a lot about self-evaluation and doing the right

thing not just for him, but for the rest of his team. “Being in that position is difficult, because you are always being watched, everything you do is being watched,” Arriaga said. “You are the role model to 300 students who rely on you.” This year, with Arriaga directing, Horizon High School’s band went to the state championship to San Antonio, Texas. During Arriaga’s sophomore year, the band was state champion and this year they went confidently and sure that they were going to win the state championship again, but they did not. Instead, they landed seventh place. “I felt the heartbreak of everyone in the band because we were working for months and we felt like all the effort we put in kind of went to waste, but what I told my band after was that it doesn’t matter if we got it or not,” Arriaga said. “What is important is the effort we put into it and as long you feel like you did your best, that’s all that matters. And that was a life lesson that I took, that experience taught me a lot for my life.” Arriaga will also form part of UTEP’s band program after auditioning some months ago.

In the near future, Arriaga sees himself as a businessman, creating a business that people can benefit on in their daily lives. “The reason why I mixed computer science and business is because I think that technology has an important role and is going to be on demand from now on to many years to come,” Arriaga said. “When I had my interview for the Terry, I think that it went really, well,” Arriaga said. “I’m grateful that I can call myself a Terry Scholar and a Miner.” Due to the situation with the pandemic, Arriaga feels ready to face any circumstance that might come. “All I can hope for is that everything is close to normal by August but worst-case scenario it is best to adapt to our situation to get best out of our college experience,” he said Arriaga’s message to all those students who are trying to apply to scholarships and find opportunities is to avoid excuses and take charge to secure their own future. Maria Salette Ontiveros may be reached at



Jacqueline Renteria Luis Pablo Reyes de La Riva Natalia Dueñas Mariana Briones Gutierrez Nohemi Lopez Valdez Levi Cueto






Tania P. Mariscal Quintana


Cristian Botello

Alexis Rico

Congratulations Class of 2020! Graduate College of Engineering Doctor of Philosophy Griselda Valdepenas Acosta Jason Richard Adams Christopher Michael Aguilar Nancy Aguirre Mojtaba Asadi Anjon Basak Anil Krishna Battu Pradeep Kumar Bolla Moinul Morshed Porag Chowdhury Isaac Giovanni Deaguero Alan Alberto Esparza Hernandez Aria Fathi Jesus Javier Gutierrez Gilberto Henao-Pabon Md. Amzad Hossain Johanes Sombo Makahaube Joanne Michelle Moyer Anthony Manuel Ortiz Cepeda Luis Fernando Rodriguez Sanchez Carlos Serna III Luis Horacio Solis Abbasali Taghavighalesari Rene Alberto Valenzuela Najera

Master of Engineering in Civil & Environmental Engineering Erick Alfonso Luna Nunez Rene Michael Ramirez Gustavo Rojo

Master of Science Edgar Josue Acosta Carlos Alcantara Antonio De Jesus Armendariz John Gerard Artus Arturo Avelar Cristian Ayub Angel De Jesus Barraza Jessica Bordier Leon Lucero Buendia Alfredo Bustamante Kirsten Nicole Byers Stefany Carrillo Alejandra Castellano Elias Aaron Castillo Alberto Castro Ubaldo Castro Jimenez Estephania Cazale-Maldonado Gerardo Cervantes Carlos Valentin Chavez Seungwon Chung Carol Mary Cleetus Christian Waldemar Corona-Ayala Joshua Emmanuel Dagda

Chris Minh Dao Bianca Chanel De La Cruz Julio De La Cruz Jr Imelda Denisse Diaz Srialekya Edupalli Hilda Fontes Luis Franco Annadiley Gallegos Garcia Diana Marie Gonzalez Enrique Gonzalez Mirsa Gonzalez Favela Kassie Lynn Green Jose Daniel Guillen Otto Guillermo Gust Jr Julia Fernanda Hernandez Elizabeth Herrera Ortega Aaron Michael Himan Kevin M. Honsaker Aneesa Hope Judd Soderia Elena Kakoulakis Sanju Khatri Ruth Denisse Lara Marmolejo John Raymond Lindquist III Noah Joel Lopez Luz Celeste Luna Guzman Robert Miguel Mach Eduardo Macias Zugasti Manali Arun Mahalungkar Manuel Alejandro Mar Del Hierro Fernando Martinez Roman Alejandro Martinez Oliver Martinez Garcia Elizabeth Mendia Michael Micheal Mikhael Alireza Mohsini Cynthia Morales Malvina Guadalupe Munoz Edgardo Negron Ortiz Xochitl Judith Oliveros Salazar Daniel Alfredo Pacheco Nunez Jesus Jose Padilla Mendez Chan Joun Park Lorianne Yvette Pena Gerardo Emmanuel Perez Paul Alfredo Perez Iturralde Monica Denisse Pinon Martinez Ryan Matthew Price Khandoker Abdul Rahad David Ramos Aaron Jesus Ramos Cabrera Efrain Alejandro Renteria Nohemi Rey Alexis Reyes Luis Alberto Riojas Benjamin Wayne Robertson Laura Sujey Rodriguez Jorge Rosales Stephanie Marie Sanchez Harmen Alberto Schroots Nancy Marina Silguero Elisa Carolina Sosa Salgado Itzel Adriana Torres Steven Torres

Alan A. Uribe Cesar Valenzuela Luis Eduardo Valerio Frias Ernesto Vazquez Marina Alejandra Vazquez Gabriel Vela Denis Iran Vieira Souza Bethany Rose Wilburn Matthew Gabel Wright

Master of Science in Information Technology Jorge Esteban Chavez Karla Nashaly Santiago Rodriguez

College of Liberal Arts Doctor of Philosophy Juliana De Almeida Cardoso Audrey Fay Cisneros Bryan Cruz Francisco Javier Flores Ramirez Brenda R. Gallardo Kevin Thomas Guay Erica Landrau-Cribbs Ian Anson Lee Justin Loren Magee Gene Thomas Morales Ruby Pappoe Dylan Keith Richards Ronald D. Straight Maria Guadalupe Vallejo

Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies Monica Lysette Riehl

Master of Arts in Teaching Elizabeth Michelle Levesque Dolores Herlinda McElyea Martha Montoya

Master in Public Administration Kimberly Demille Bergman-Gandara Celena Carrisosa Dennis John Collins George Elsaesser Jr Diana Ivette Hastings Ronald Eric Kinard Latoya Certice McLaughlin John J. Oconnor Heriberto Reyes Rebecca Marie Rodriguez Jeannieliza Solis William Suarez Gabriel Ryan Wright

Master of Arts Ma-Aruf Al-Hassan Javier Arturo Anzures Alma Lorenza Armendariz Galaviz Alejandra Arroyos Nathan Scott Asplund Ashley Nicole Bendtsen Joshua Grant Bernthal Brendan Bowen Andrew Tyler Bradshaw Isaac Alan Bray Stephanie Kathleen Bulloch Juan Luis Cabrera Juan Ricardo Canalda III Alan Augusto Cardenas Rebecca Carrasco Estefania Castillo Jessica Lorraine Castro Kylah Moneek Clark Daniel Wade Coffield II Malcolm Gerard Coley Richard Michael Conner Karen A. Del Rio Guzman Aaron Diediker Ryan Dilling Eric Eugene Edwards Estella Cruz Fernandez Joseph Franco Katherine Lee French Gabriela Galindez Kayla Irene Galindo Alejandro Garcia Israel Garcia Jonathan Genisio Miguel Angel Giron Megan Rhea Grant Erick Heaney Bradley Heath Adrian Hynson Rawwah Mohammed Jawbahi Joshua Lee June Rustin James Kilburg James L Mar Kirksey Nadia Boahemaa Kyeremeh Taylor Janelle Lau Jacqueline Lechuga Phillip Raymond Lemieux Jose M. Lopez-Olivera Jr. Edmundo Machado Jose Angel Magana Erica Martinez Travis David McBride Ryan Matthew Leon Metz Erika Moreno Omar Moreno Michael Robert Noggle Carmen Marie Ordaz Hannah Sheree Penklis Jonathan Alexis Picado Astrid Michelle Portillo Brandon Cole Procell Efren Joe Pulido Jr Tyler Christian Ragin

Shelby Lebron Reed Lindsay Raquel Reinpold Amanda Elizabeth Robles Citlalli Cristina Rodriguez Thomas Roldan Lamar Juan Shields Shane Michael Smith Nicholas Emanuel Sterghos Alexandra Elaine Trawick Nicholas Martin Triche Christopher Michael Van Alstyne Carlos Alberto Villa Herrera Stephen Vories Quentin Deroy Washington Derrick Wayne Webb Raymond Henry Wrensch

Master of Defense & Strategic Studies Sudan Jesus Baker Rockwell Abraham Botchway Eduardo Israel Carranza Rafael Jose Colon Hernandez Lisa Dzienkowski Hector Jesus Escobar III Michael Geho Charles Scott Gramaglia Jacob Daniel Huckleby Miguel Huerta Charles Willaim Hunt Paul Michael Jones Timothy Bernard Lawn Jose Antonio Lebron-Camacho Isaac Migli Valente Ortiz Rita Lorraine Rice Tywayne Richardson Jeffrey Lynn Rowell James Rutherford Arier Alberto Santiago Portalatin Michael Shawn Tapocik Richard Keith Thomas Carlos LaDarr Walker

Master of Fine Arts David Bobis Munoz Nicolas Daniel Cooper Marlene Liotti Claudia Milena Lopez Zuleta Erik Joseph Medina Margarita Lucia Mejia Rodriguez Nicolas Rodriguez Sanabria Samantha Shields

Master of Music Andres Anibal Acevedo Christopher Beroes-Haigis Ivana Biliskov Omar Arturo Cordova Marin Yuelu Cui Andrea Davis Flor De Liz Fierro Munoz Preston Eugene Griffith

Alberto L. Medina Rodriguez

Master of Science Cynthia Dana Alvarez Luis Alberto Mendez

College of Science Doctor of Philosophy Chenoa Dara Arico Fredrick Ayivor Claire Henry Bailey Md Al Masum Bhuiyan James David Emerson Victor Higareda Garcia Sandra Angelica Hardy Alice Elaine Hernandez Nasim Karimi Hosseini Ashley Bryan Lopez Maria Tays Mendes Uriel Ortega Rodriguez Susana Portillo Jennifer Christine Ramos-Chavez James Edward Rutkofske Reagan Scott Turley Osei Kofi Tweneboah Qian Wang

Master of Science Dristi Adhikari Alexandro Arnal Bibek Aryal Peter Kwadwo Asante Elizabeth Barrera Hanah Kaye Bayer Justin Luis Bernal Marlynn Cadena Mario Cardenas Jr Jordan Rigdon Caylor Owusu Kwabena Dankwah Chelsea Lynn George Jose Arturo Guerrero Christopher Alexis Ibarra William Kubin Irma Iveth Martinez Huerta Raymond Anan Otoo Jacoup Roiz Enrique Salcido Julie Marie Schlichte Alondra Soltero Cesar Iram Vazquez Jordan William Winfield

College of Education Doctor of Education Christian Corrales Ignacio Estorga III Edmond David Martinez Luis Jaime Mendez Jovita Simon


Marianne Arzadon Torales Susana Ana Villalobos

Doctor of Philosophy Annabell Sahr Carmen Milagros Seda

Master of Education Stacy Denise Acosta Cynthia Aguilar Vasquez Vanessa Almeida Chelsea Kay Anchieta Deyna Chantell Aragon Carola Armendariz Nancy Luna Barraza Elissa Ana Beard Julieta Beltran Karina Berthaud Beltran Cristina Marta Billek Katherine Elizabeth Boward Veronica Bustos-Parker Ana L. Carrillo Lizette Chavez Castro Beatriz M. Chate-Coulthart Melissa Lorraine Cordero Claudia Cortez Claudia Curiel Andrea De-La-Fuente Adriana Dominguez Angelina Escobar Amy Favela Maegan R. Federico Paula Ann Figueroa Sthefania Gallegos-Perez Angelica Epitacia Garcia Daniela Carrillo Gatlin Erick Javier Gonzalez Javier Hansen Adrian Edward Hernandez Deborah Ann Hernandez Tania Y. Herrera Nicole Marie Holmes Nelda Hurtado Gabriela Maria Jimenez Evangelina Johnson Albert Luis Lawrence Lauren Clarisse Licon Yvette Lindemann Cesar Daliruby Liriano Cassandra Michelle Lopez Lucia Lopez Rolando Lujan Godinez Rubi Alejandra Luna Cristhian Aaron Napoles Frank Natividad Julia Anne Nelson Vanessa Elena Olivares Diana Elizabeth Olivas Julienne H. Payan Veronica Cynthia Peregrino Shannon Nicole Pettit Maria Guadalupe Pina Steven Porras

Dora Alicia Robles Mark A. Rodriguez Alyn Saenz Erik Sanchez Camarillo Jordan E. Sonora Sandra Sotelo Laura Lorena Stubbs Loghan Melony Thomas Christian Tinoco

Master of Science Angel Manuel Almeraz Sedrick Renaul Deal Jr Jamie Enchinton Bailey Alma Rosa Holguin Denise Meneses Rogelio Montellano III George Pete Rivers Cristopher Zubia

College of Business Administration Doctor of Philosophy Michael Enoch Abrokwah Jangho Gil Tahsina Haque Simu Farid Jahantab Clifford Kyle Jones Kingshuk Saha Emmanuel Joseph Sequeira Qifeng Wu Fuzhao Zhou Yuyun Zhou

Master of Accountancy Melissa Michelle Alvarado Joselyn Contreras Jennifer Diaz De Leon Brenda Berenice Hernandez Vanessa Hernandez Diana S. Hernandez Guerrero Daniel Isaac Lopez Eric Nevarez Veronica Rebecca Nevarez Abraham Oswaldo Ortiz Villa Edgar Quiroga Ricardo Omar Reyna Castorena Anthony Shiner Nicholas Christian Valles Adrian Velasquez

Master of Business Administration Brianna Nicole Barreiro Charles Corner Serena De Santiago

Master of Public Health

Tania Yvette Gomez Sylvia M. Hernandez Mauricio Issa Emma Alejandra Jauregui Alejandro Loya Jesse Odell Moore Lourdes Aimee Morales Oscar Ivan Ortega Christina Denise Robinson Carlos Omar Salazar Jose Manuel Villanueva

Elizabeth Alvarado Navarro Crystal Costa Gilberto Perez Rosa Maria Ramirez

Master of Rehabilitation Counseling Jennifer Ann Cormican Regina Maxine Gelsomino Ana Laura Molina Karla R. Salamanca

Master of Science

Gladys Frine Tellez

Karla Savina

Master of Science

College of Health Sciences Doctor of Philosophy Ahmed Bilkhayr Shaeban Alarabi Daniel Alberto Conde Samuel Montalvo Francisco Javier Morales Acuna Fabricio Saucedo Jr Irma Yolanda Torres-Catanach

Doctor of Physical Therapy Mark Agholor Haley Jo Bruns Robert Buentello Cole Mitchell Calder Leticia Elena De Jesus Michael Brandon Durling Mayra Alejandra Flores Emilia Gallegos Nathan Lee Garrido Ashley Gomez Marlene Yvette Gomez Liliana Isabel Gonzalez Madison Green James Pierre Laclede Andres Martinez Jesus Javier Medrano Alexandria Danielle Molinar Cynthia Kristel Montenegro Arron Glenn Pierce Janette Virginia Rivera Marisol Sanchez Klarissa Lynn Sosa Marco Antonio Suriano Joshua Eric Torres Jon Michael Tye Delfina Vasquez Evelyn Villarreal Nathan Thomas Wagner

Congratulations! Good luck on your future endeavors!

Marisol Aguilar Juan Antonio Alderete IV Marcela Alejandra Aragon Isabel Angelica Cano Amelia Reyna Carrera Debbie Calderon Chavez Alexa Sharai De Alba Clarissa Katelyn Diaz Leslie Ann Dominguez Sephonnie Elliss Matthew Paul Gonzalez Rachel Ruby Gonzalez Jasmin Renee Jenkins Iliana Renee Lopez Erika Magalde Ariadne S. Marivani Zoe Farah Mark Elise Michelle Mclain Elena I. Munoz Jordan Allyssabeth Orozco Alexa R. Parilla Jallycia Rene Pearson Alondra Rodriguez Alyson Mackenzie Smith Lizette America Terrazas Heather Roxanne Vanderhoof Ailyn Paloma Zamora

Master of Social Work Elizabeth Arciva Alina Guadalupe Arredondo Rocio Barajas Jason Ray Cagann Claudia Liliana Calderon Sean Hunter Christmann Perla Esther Collins Maribel De la O Yohana Edith Duarte Eduardo Flores Jr Amelia Louise Furrow Rajesh Gill Sadie Guerrero Angela Louise Gutierrez-Macias Doris Arnette Harris

Class of 2020

Omar Hernandez Jr. Osinachi Terngu Ibilah Julia Jasso Cynthia Lilly Jimenez Genesis Marie Leabo Ana Isabel Lopez Jesny Liceth Miranda Valerie Amber Mireles Marcela Morales Salvador Moreno Jr Leslie Ivonne Ortega Dalia Paz Cynthia Peralta Isaac Joe Quintana Esmeralda Ramirez De Carrion Jessica Rodriguez Sara L. Rodriguez Diana Lizette Romero Tania Romero Gilbert Sandoval Laura Sandoval Melissa Telles Anthony R. Tellez Zanetta Jean Thomas Rosa E. Torres Ambar E. Valenzuela Monica Vasquez Gabriela Lisbeeth Vidal Guzman Sonia Villegas Ivette Zapata Alexandria M. Zuniga Carlos Edwin Zuniga

School of Nursing Doctor of Nursing Practice Monnie Esther Adereti Freddie Jawardo Caldwell Zoe Nicole Collette Amanda Charlene French Sylvia Elena Martinez Stefanie Mcfelt-Williams Brenda Sugey Nunez Jennifer Nwaogu Kathra A. Wickam Angela Michelle Wooley

Master of Science in Nursing Shannon Renee Airheart Wynisha Roshawn Alcorn Stephanie Ofelia Arenas Mustafa Azimi Monique Desiree Beltran Jennifer Lee Churchill Abbie Leigh Collins Roxann Kathleen Contreras Joshua Neal Crawford

Congratulations, and best wishes for your next adventure!

Delilah Dee Deguire-Guerra Tymara DeMoss Katelyn Mae Dunn Heather Elizabeth Duran Racheal Leah Durham Erynn Margaret Ebert Natalie Diane Ethridge Luis Eduardo Fons Ana Melissa Garcia Ashley Elise Garza Ronald Mark Gilbert Cleo Patrick Glover Kobra Gurmendi Trevor Hill Erin Leigh Holladay Monica Gabriela Iniguez Danila Jimenez Merlin Jomy Aileen Kalt Franco Megan Lee Langdon Salma D. Lerma Petra Bongsiysi Makia Nfonoyim Raymundo Maldonado Jr Edward Martinez Angela Jeanine Mathis Kayla Lynn Meyer Isckra Mireles Abraham Montez Cristina Alicia Padilla Karen Daniela Padilla Sanchez Tracy Parker Pamela Marie Patterson Christian Hector Payan Sandra Maria Perez Victoria Ramos-Avila Wendy Lynn Rindahl Edwardo Ignacio Rivas Keila Juana Rocha Maribel Rodriguez-Moreno Karen Freck Rognerud Luisa Alejandra Ruder Joel Guadalupe Saldana Jacqueline Sanchez Jill Rodriguez Shaw Chloe Rocha Silcox Joanna Yarim Silva Olga Lidia Silva Carmila Marie Steen Shannon Marie Stone Jazzmyne Taylor Joe L. Thompson Andrea Valls Luis F. Vazquez Fernando Villa Laurin Villanueva Misty Whitmire Priscilla Yanez

Pongezi Parabéns


Engineering Science/ Interdisciplinary Doctor of Philosophy Fabian Armando Alvarez Primo Swadipta Roy Eahsan Shahriary Kerri Jean Smith

Undergraduate College of Engineering Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering Aaron Aceves Abdulhadi A. Albuloushi Bader S Th A A Alotaibi Giselle Andrade Fernie Briones Angelica Maria Chavez Alexis Dominguez David C. Fernandez Elexess Rae’Chelle Fountaine Juan Galvan Rodriguez I German Antonio Garay Rodrigo Garcia Isabel Gonzalez Tom Allen Gonzalez Jazmin Itati Hernandez Roy Hernandez Ivan Holguin Mata Madelyn Theresa Krieger Mario Ernesto Lara Olivas Isabel Lopez Nestor Lopez Jr. Albert Lozano Alexis Lugo-Gutierrez Karla Janet Madriles-Ortiz Jose Antonio Marquez Daisy Martinez Ephraim Morales Alberto Ochoa Alberto Perez Jr. Jose Luis Perez Jr. Julio Cesar Ramirez Mendoza Alexi Santillan Estefania Soto Daniel Adam Tarin Joshua Josep Veliz Edgar Armando Villalobos Jacob Robert Wessel


Felicidades Félicitations Gratulacje



Accounting and Information Systems Department

Hats off and picks up to our graduates for all that you have accomplished at and contributed to UTEP. We wish you the best as you continue your journey as global citizens. - Office of International Programs and Study Abroad

Bachelor of Science in Construction Engineering and Management Marco Aurelio Aragon Jaime Eduardo Chavez Joanne Martinez Diana E. Ramirez

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering Ahmad F A A A Abdulraheem Mohammed Basim Abed Oscar Samuel Acosta Daniel Acuna Oscar Ernesto Acuna Ramon Alejandro Aleman Karla Alejandra Ayala Mendoza Mariana Briones Gutierrez Francisco Javier Candelario Burgoa Hector O. Carmona Becerra Hope Faith Lielia Cervantes Bertha J. Chavez Carlos Adolfo Cortes Pliego Levi Cueto Yamel Veronica De Leon Andres Jose Encerrado Manriquez Juan Alejandro Enriquez Alonzo Isaiah Evans Alan Fernandez Esteban Garcia Javier Gomez-Rodriguez Jesus T. Gonzalez Jose Humberto Gonzalez Fernando Ulises Gonzalez Chavez Edgar I. Guerrero Alan Ray Harrawood Diego Erick Herrera Calzada Joel S. Loera Vicente F. Lombrana Alan Andrey Lopez Miguel A. Loya Angel David Macias Soto Mark Able Mapula Jesus Marquez Katya Marquez Papadakis Eliot J. Martinez Miguel Angel Medina Aldo Munoz Melissa Perez Paola Andrea Perez Orlando Quezada Simental Amado Quinonez III Carlos Christian Ramirez Andres Miguel Rodriguez Andres Sagredo Antonio X. Salomon Cesar Yahir Sanchez Zambrano Jorge Anselmo Sias Uriel Suarez

Congratulations on graduating, Miners! We encourage you to continue mining for knowledge, think in terms of your community in your future successes, and DO NOT be afraid to RE-CREATE what the world needs. We look forward to hearing about your accomplishments!

Fernando Valdez Roman Christian Valdiviezo Issac A. Varela Charles L. Velasquez Jose M. Villarreal Taylor Morgan Wells

Bachelor of Science in Engineering Leadership Jennifer Arreola Orozco Cynthia P. Diaz de Leon Nayeli Holguin Lazcano Salvador Lara Jesus Eduardo Moran Ortiz Andres Ponce Brittany Renee Rodriguez Stephanie Anel Trevino

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Dima Emad Mahmoud Abdel Jaber Valentin Becerra Irvin Laurencio Bosquez Carlos Dante Cervantes Jr. Tomas Chagoya Michael Contreras Anthony R. Desarmier Justen Riki Donzello Hector Dozal Dozal Olivas Jorge I. Felix Jorge Alberto Garcia Daniela Garcia Hernandez Juan A. Gaucin Jesus Armando Gomez Patricia Samantha Guajardo Joseph Alvaro Gutierrez Jr. Tarek Joe Haddad Eduardo Herrera Garcia Jorge Huerta Huerta Jay John James Jr. Carlos Jimenez Reyes Eduardo Arturo Jimenez Todd Charlie G. Juarez Wan Koo Jose Antoine Leon Cordero Adrian Jacob Lopez Jose Luis Lujan Zavala Erik Scott Macik Priscilla Mendoza Cristian Alberto Molina Simental Matthew S. Montoya Andrew Raul Munoz Sergio Nogami Luis Eduardo Ochoa Gustavo Ortiz Zayra Padilla Jazmin Idhali Paz Ricardo Pineda Jesus Yael Ramos David A. Rayner Jr.

Jessica Redekop Riley Glen Renger Diego Rincon Itzel Eyenith Rivas Pena Aaron Emmanuel Rodriguez Alain Sanchez Chris W. Santos Ivan Andrew Torres Juan Manuel Trujillo Tarelo Victor Enrique Vargas Cornejo Nicholas Lewis Venecia Mark Austin Williams Alejandro Zamora

Bachelor of Science in Industrial and Systems Engineering Salem N S M Th J Alajmi Mashare M Kh R Alanzi Hatem Mubarak A Aldossary Smyer Kh M H B AlhaJr.i Carmen Noemi Almeraz Meshal N. Almutairi Abdullah Gh A Gh H Alotaibi Mohammad M. Alqahtani Mohammad Alrashidi Soud N. Alshammari Eduardo Angulo Jr. Jacqueline Arreola Noel Alahin Ayala Oscar Leonel Chairez Edgar Alberto Chong Leonardo Foligne Crespio de Pinho Damian Dario Cruz Roberto Delgado Jr. Daniel Garcia Alejandra Garcia Alvarado Ellisse Andrea Gil Soto Joshua Holguin Kevin Eduardo Jurado Cano Rocio Jazminne Lopez-Terrazas Veronica Loya Rodriguez Luis Angel Marquez-Calleros Carlos Morales Abdullah Jamaan Munaiae Paola Muro-Martinez Sofia Veronica Ortega Haro Ernesto Perales Diego Edmundo Rodriguez Luis Alberto Ruiz Ferman Ruben Solano Penuela Lilia Karina Ugarte Sanchez

Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering Jasmine Aguirre Jaziel Alfre Aguirre Naser Mohammad Alajmi Fahad H. Alazmi

Mohamed B R M M Alenezi Mohammad Alfadhli Mahana Y M S Alghurba Saif Alhajeri Basel Z M F M Alshammri Dhari Aaa Alsultan Isaac Fernando Arciniega Antonio Avila Martin Avila Jr. Ashley Barajas Oscar Luis Berjes Torres David Joseph Blea Kelly Eryn Blystone Giovanni Alejandro Calderon Luis Camacho Eric Canchola Raul Castaneda Fernie Castillo Cesar E. Chavez Jessica G. Chavez Tristen Eduardo Chavez Jeremy Ryan Cohen Alejandro Contreras Carlos Cortes Jr. Antonio Cortez Albert F. Cuvelier Brianna Caroline Dagostino Daniel Eduardo Davila Saldana Ashley Fernanda Diaz Humberto Diaz Erick Dominguez Ricardo Migue Dominguez Jr. Emmanuel Duran Cardona Arlene Marie Duron Michael C. Embry Aibhlin Alexis Esparza Ricardo A. Estrada Brayan Estivan Farfan Kevin Flores Jarred William George Juan Antonio Gonzalez Trejo Marco A. Guerrero-Nacif Michael Norberto Guillen Patrick S. Gutierrez Raquel Herrera Orvil Hinojos Paulina Ibave Naomi Nicole Ingram Edward Shinuk Kang Brandon N. Knott Laura Katherine Lee Carolina Lopez Jorge Alberto Luna Jose Alfredo Marquez-Quiroz Angel S. Martinez Leilani Anahi Martinez Jesus Manuel Melendez Paul Anthony Melendez III Benjamin A. Mendoza Rodrigo Issac Mesta

Victor Adrian Miranda Falyn Cassidy Moody David Matisse Moreno John Patrick Oaxaca Steven Ochoa Jose Arnoldo Padilla Jr. Daniel E. Pena Victor A. Pena Kenneth Miguel Pino Jorge Esding Quezada Brandon Ramirez Diego Alejandro Ramirez Jesus Eduardo Ramirez Jimenez Erick Francisco Ramos Gerardo Ramos Anthony Brandon Reyes Victor Adrian Reyes Victor Manuel Reyes Andrew Ryan Rios Cedric Rivera Alberto Alan Rodriguez Alejandro Rodriguez Arturo Rodriguez Alexyss Cassa Rojas Aldo Rubio Iram Sanchez Jr. Karen Jeanette Sida Jesus Ivan Sosa Adrian Esteban Terrazas Daniel Santiago Torres Briana Alyssa Ugarte Adan E. Valdez Ariztbe Valladolid Rogelio Valles Martinez Enrique Alejandro Vasquez Omar Vazquez Angel Vega Ricardo Vela Jr. Diego Velasco Diego Velazquez Oscar Ruben Vides Gilberto Villalobos Jr.

Bachelor of Science in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Antonio De Jesus Barron Francisco Castaneda Jr. Melanie G. Dozal-Enriquez Rhyan Andrew Dueck Christine Alyssa Haynes Nolan Troy Christopher Herbort Austin M. Hernandez Ye Jin Ji Jaehyun Kim Gu Cheol Lee Victoria Cecilia Luna Emily Rose Morales Abel Romo Jr.

Francelia Sanchez Escobar Yamile Aidee Urquidi Cerros David Emery Williamson

College of Liberal Arts Bachelor of Applied Arts and Science Cesar Del Rio

Bachelor of Arts Erick Michel Acero Olga P. Acevedo Ivonne Aguilar Luis Andre Aguilar Hoyos Esmeralda Aguilera Jacqueline Aguirre Ruben Aguirre Angel Alarcon Jr. Miguel Alcala Erick A. Aldama Olga Leticia Alva Roberto Alvarez Elyana Amparan Luis David Anchondo Luisa C. Anchondo Zury Melissa Andrade Maria Isabel Angeles Monica Aranda Zaira Lizeth Aranda Gisela Anaid Argote Arturo A. Armendariz II Sergio Alexeiev Armendariz Jacob J. Aun Glenda Elena Avalos Guzman Manuel Rene Ayala Gabriela Alejandera Azcarate Erick Michael Balandran Annette Banda Pacheco Diana Laura Barraza Kate Mayanin Barrera Tizhana M. Bell Hector Belmontes Edgar Beltran Luis Angel Beltran De Rio Trianna E. Bergstrand Elizabeth Betancourt Cristian Aleja Botello Mariana Briseno Evangeline Yvette Brown Erick A. Burgos Amanda Christine Bushaw Cristina Camacho Kevin Camarena Claudia Alejandra Camargo Jorge Camargo Salazar Monique Cano Paola Fernanda Cano-Oropeza

Mariana Raquel Cardenas Dominguez Danielle R. Carreon Francisco H. Castaneda Alexandra Elena Castanon David Michael Castillo Marissa Ann Castro Nicholas Jordon Certeza Hesus Chaparro Oramas Ismael Flavi Chavez Karen Lizbeth Chavez Melissa Chavez Erika J. Cisneros Alan Cohan Pedro Gabriel Colon Manuel Blaine Combs Jr. Luis Jesus Contreras Jr. Mayra Haide Contreras Michelle Contreras Valerie Cordero Lucia C. Coria Vanessa Corral Ruth Nedra Cossel Kira Rae Crider Paul J. Cuara Victoria Eugenia De Anda Jake Deven Stephanie Paola Diaz Matilda Lee Diebel Diana Dieguez- Enriquez Matthew John Duran Morgan Sierra Elixavide-Pitcher Briana E. Elizondo Sandra Yajaira Escobar Sharon Esparza Matthew Michael Espino Jessica Gabriela Esquivel Esteban Erik Estrada Alexsia D. Faz Mark Andrew Femat Isaac Fierro Keren Jazmin Figueroa Oscar Javier Flores Jr. Mark William Fogle Jr. Angelina Maribel Franco Michael Steven Franco Chandler Fay Franklin Ruth French Patrick John Gailey Eduardo Iseal Galvan Juana O. Galvan Kate Vianette Galvan Natalie Itzel Gamez Tracy Gamon Angelica M. Garces Esmeralda Garcia Jessica A. Garcia Jose Luis Garcia Jr. Juana Lizet Garcia Kimberly O. Garcia Luis Angel Garcia

Congratulations and good luck to all of our graduates!

- Student Media & Publications

The Graduate School Class of 2020

Melissa Ann Garcia Olivia Renee Garcia Vanessa I. Garcia Nestor Garnica Jr. Nicol Garza Alexis J. Gillette Giovanna Nahomi Girard Herrera Eliezer Alfonso Gomez Gilberto Antonio Gomez Jacob Ezekiel Gomez Leslie Ivette Gomez Selina Gonzales Jasmine Gonzalez Matthew Elias Gonzalez Yomaira Monserratt Gonzalez Perez Alexandria M. Gonzalez-Peterson Claudia Grado Baylon Ulysses Grajeda III Deney Nicole Grimes Claudia V. Guerrero Vanessa Isela Guevara Joshua Joel Gutierrez Maximiliano Gutierrez Daisy Guzman Rebecca Lauren Harding Chelsey Norine Harp Addam J. Hernandez Adriana Danyel Hernandez Isabel Hernandez Karla Paola Hernandez Paola Aleja Hernandez Yoanna Hernandez Rebecca Maynes Hibbert Danielle Christine Hinson Aubony Karina Hooper Christopher James Hoyt Dayanna Denise Huerta Tracy Aldaco Huhn Pera Sophia Hunt Diego F. Juarez Ivan Kihara Jr. Diana Marian Lares Garcia Deborah Sofia Leal Alejandro Rene Leyva Ricardo Leyva Destiny Alexis Loesch Alaric Wallace Lopez Aylyn Lopez Jeremiah Lopez Norma V. Lopez Jose Adrian Loya Rodolfo Lozano Jr. Isaac Lujan Crista Vennette Mack Patricia Laurie Mackenzie Angela Madero Nicole Ann Madrid Rebecca Maldonado Sebastian Mancera Carlos Eduar Mancilla






Department of Geological Sciences



Congratulations Class of 2020!

Daisy Pricilla Marquez Diana Marquez Leslie Martinez Mario J. Martinez Jr. Mayra Lizet Martinez Paola Martinez Sindy Martinez Annel Alejandra Mena Carlos Mendoza Hector R. Mendoza Kaelin Renee Mercado William Lee Miller Destenie Miramontes Marilyn A. Moctezuma Kimberly Molina Alejandra Molina Baca Lucia Montalvo Adrian Montenegro Daisy Montes Christopher Sean Morales Lorenzo Saul Morales Yasmin A. Morales Leila C. Moreno Gil E. Moreu Jasmine Nicole Morgan Araceli Muniz Leslie Guada Munoz Jose Ramon Murillo Naomi Marie Muro Maria Fernanda Najera Chacon Vanessa S. Nava Alexis M. Navar Natalie Nunez Maria Fernanda Nunez-Perla Kayode Omoniyi Ojo Westley J. Oleary Raymond Oliva Bernice Arlene Olivas Destiny Nadine Olivas Pablo Patricio Olivas Avery Alexandria Oliver Caroline Odessa Orozco Alejandra Ortega Donivan J. Ortega Jaziel Ortiz Sergio Ortiz Ivan Gerardo Parra Kenia L. Parra Lynna C. Pedroza Amairani Peinado Leslie Peña Rachel Pena Maria F. Peña Prieto Aaron Ivan Perez Daisy Perez Danielle Cherie Perez Diveli Y. Perez Isaiah J. Perez Jacobo Perez-De la Rosa Christopher Adam Pinones

Anahi Ponce Elizabeth Ponce Fabiola Pongratz Stephanie Marie Poore Jorge Ivan Portillo Ashley Prat Andres Prieto Carla P. Prieto Nathalie Prieto Alicia Ramirez Graciela Ramirez Paulina Ivonne Ramirez Grecia Ramos Yahaira Alejandra Ramos De’Andre Zee Reckelbus Michael John Resmondo Jr. Alyssa Amanda Reyes Benjamin A. Reyes Jose Luis Reyes Valerie A. Reyes Tanya Itzel Rios Luz D. Rivas Vivian Raquel Rivas Briana Gisselle Rivera Diana Y. Rivera Santos Joel Rivera Stephanie Michelle Rivera Troy John Rivera Julian Paul Robinson Sean Michael Robledo Ivana Itzel Robles Cecilia Janet Rodriguez Edna Bianney Rodriguez Gustavo Javier Rodriguez Isaiah Rodriguez Justin Ray Rodriguez Priscilla N. Rodriguez David Rojas Claudia Ivette Romero Flores Vianney Ronquillo Michelle R. Rosado Ryan M. Ross Marjorie R. Rouse Jennifer Marie Rubalcava David Alonso Ruiz Troy Saenz-Padilla Elizabeth Saldana Jeniffer A. Saldana-Villegas Jonathan S. Salgado Annette Darlene Sanchez Rebecca Galindo Sanchez Grecia Sanchez Blanco Idahly Sandoval Paul Anthony Cruz Sandoval Selina Marie Sandoval Aimee Adriana Santillan Rodrigo Enrique Santos Legaspi Leslie Sarinana Cole Daynae Seal Alexa Vianey Servin

The Student Engagement and Leadership Center Congratulates the Graduating Class of 2020! May you keep reaching your goals as you embark on the next journey in your life. Go Miners!

Kellyn Jessica Shute Deanna Renee Sianez Gabriela Silos Bobbie Silva Leonardo Silva Breanna Singleton Betty Smith Kaitlin Marie Smith Nia Marie Smith Carlos Samue Solano Melissa Solis Michael J. Soria Michelle Sotelo-Avila Neil Fredric Stemerman Sylvia Stevens Cayleb Bryant Stives Antonia Natasha Taylor Shaye A. Telles Valerie Nicole Tellez Daisy Ivonne Terrazas Roberto Mariano Terrazas Marc Elias Terrones Andrea Elizabeth Torres Andrew James Torres Eliot Torres Hector Baltazar Torres Jesus Alejandro Torres Lorne Orlando Torres Paulete Guadalupe Torres Jaqueline Torres Sandoval Mikayla Dejanece Tucker Josue Urrutia Carlos Andres Valadez Alberto Valdez Gabriela Jacqueline Valdez Ernesto Valenzuela Angel Jesus Valles II Diego G. Valles Issac D. Vara Angel Troy Vargas Enedina Arely Vargas Zayra V. Vasquez Armando Amed Vega Giovanni Ruben Velasquez-Pentler Kenneth Venzor Grecia Y. Villa Jorge Villa Esequiel Villarreal Jacobo Villegas Adren Darius Warling Vanessa Lauren Welch Creslan Troy Williams Cynthia Witcig Maria L. Wood Jennifer S. Young Faviola S. Zamora Clarissa Renae Zanudo Aaron Joseph Zozaya

Bachelor of Fine Arts Miguel Antonio Aguilar Alejandro Almodovar Leonel Martin Avila Mariana Baidon Carrillo Brian James Barton Andrea Betancourt Vicente Delgado Jr. Irvin Diaz Melanie Rose Elliott Lorena Fierro Olivia Isabel Fuentes Kassandra Garcia Alexa I. Guerrero Lindsay May Hearon Marissa Gabriella Nichole Herbig John David Ibarra Nichole Marie Licking Itzel Paola Martinez Romanti-Ezer Mata Christian Meraz Yazmin Norris Estefania Luciene Ortega Jaramillo Alfredo Ortega Marquez Gustavo Ramirez Constanza Beatriz Romero Jazmin Sanchez Bianca Chauntell Taylor Molly Zamora

Bachelor of Multidisciplinary Studies Isabel J. Acevedo Lilian Acosta Antonio Aguirre Carissa Araceli Alvarez Ellen Margarita Barriga Laurie Baughman Fernando Brown Raquel Brown Jacob Paul Brown-Parrish Caleb Daniel Calderon Ountae A. Campbell Ashley Rae Canfield Jasmine Wyne Carty-Velarde Jessica Chavarria Daniel Chavira Brianne Misty Cookson Luis Cordero Pastor Crespo Jr. Richard Matthew De Haro Thomas Joseph De Santos Maria Elena Delgado Elizabeth Carol Drake Phillip Allen Ellis Sandra Enriquez Maria Victoria Escamilla Alyssa Renai Estrada Cynthia Estrada

UTEP Athletics would like to congratulate our Spring 2020 graduating student-athletes! Thank you for choosing to be a Miner and best wishes in all your future endeavors.

Picks Up!

Adrian Felix Sefora L. Gaglione Iris Yvonne Gardea Benjamin Stewart Getman Ella Gonzalez Myrna R. Gonzalez Kalaii Kano Griffin II Samantha Dominique Guerra Leo Hapeman Jr. Rebecca A. Hernandez Deborah Ann Herrera Darren T. Hunt Jorge Q. Jimenez III Christian Anthony Johnson Tedric Lorenzo Johnson Kristian Brandon Jones Britany Christine Joyce Christine Rebecca Komassa Rebeca Sophia Kownacki Michael Roy Lewis Jr. Angelica Lomeli Ruperto Aaron Lujan Yvette Magallanez Miguel Angel Manriquez Jr. Almicar Marquez Veronica J. Mendoza Crystal Lynn Cloud Meyer Mara Nicole Miller-Carrejo Daniel Aaron Navarro Eloisa Padilla Courtney R. Paredes Robert Daniel Perea Daniel E. Ramirez Jorge Manuel Ramirez Chris E. Richardson Jr. Rosina Jeanette Rivas Marisol Maria Rivera Mariana Robles April F. Rodriguez Diana Rosales Melody N. Samifua Jaclyn M. Sarabia Guadalupe Silva Kylie Siqueiros Felicia Rae Smith Isaias Sosa Beth Ann Sturges Anthony Shey Tarke Heather Marie Tellez Tiano G. Tialavea Michelle Marie Trevizo Bernardo K. Velez Angela Kassandra Villasenor Matthew L. Walter Cecil Mercedes Yanez

Bachelor of Music Andrea Aguirre Nolan A. Ancil Erika Elizabeth Araujo

Selena Faith Diaz George Michael Guzman Miguel Martinez Jr. Jessica Alexia Moore Antonio Motta Elijah Isaiah Ontiveros Alejandra Ortiz Anthony Samuel Palomino Jesus Josue Perez Isaac Melch Ponce Bethany Portillo Jesus A. Portillo Jr. Christopher Terrazas

Bachelor of Science Manal Faraj Aboargob Amanda Morgan Alfsen Karen Susana Arredondo Felix Esmeralda Lizette Carrera Eternity Lynn Castaneda Mariana Cervantes Kennedy Cordero Corichi Amber N. Cortez Renato Diaz Anthony Rafael Diaz De Leon Nora Gonzalez Chelsea Lynn Joralmon Christopher Steven Marquez Samantha Martinez Gabriela Alexandra Nazario Gloria A. Ortiz Gamboa Alexandra Pineiro Josie Galaxy Ponce Erin M. Portillo Indra Sofia Quintero Jennifer Mariel Reyes Susana Ines Sanchez Yassel Sanchez Romero Andrea Gabriela Seanez Ivana Trillo Cruger Isabella Maria Vazquez Michelle Alejandra Walter Rachel Lauren Wells

College of Science Bachelor of Arts Jacqueline Amador Delaney Hattie Kuehnel

Bachelor of Science Yousef B. Abugalyon Neetu Acharya Anna S. Acosta Melissa Acosta Carrie A. Adams Kasandra D. Aguilar Gabrielle Susana Ahumada Alexa Rae Alawneh

The Division of Student Affairs congratulates each of you on your achievement. Go Miners!

Jenny Stephanie Aldape Hira F. Ali Ana P. Almaguer Joshua Alonzo Amarette R. Alvarado Yashaira Stephanie Alvarado Paulina Alejandra Ambert Jessica M. Andrade Karla Arellano Marcos Armendariz Abraham Arzola Jr. Nubia Aylin Ballesteros Humberto Barboza Jr. Miguel Barrientos Serina Allyson Batson Iliana Vianey Blancas Andre Raymundo Borrego Sabrina Alexis Briley Elida Stephanie Cabada Michelle Adriana Calleros Bryanna Alexandria Candelaria Jose L. Candelaria Rachel Candelaria Cady Leigh Carpenter Ramon Carrasco Karla Carrera Nathalia Carrillo Denisse Castaneda Rivera Bianca Castillo Jonathan Cedillo Angelica A. Chacon Stephanie Annette Chavez Shawnan Chen Carolina Elizabeth Cisneros Raul Adria Coba Elisa J. Contreras Priscilla Ilene Contreras Paola C. Correa Alfonzo Amber L. Cortez Adrian Wayne Cox Sheila Delin Cuellar Katherine Davalos Jennifer Annette Davila Irma Valeria De La Pena Melissa De Leon Nataly Marie Delgado Leslie Alejandra Diaz Aguirre Daniela Dominguez Natalia Isabel Duenas Rodriguez Blanca E. Duran Claudia Mariel Duran Adeline Nicole Duron Crysta Alisha Eby Ana E. Edwards Elena Eguiarte Selena Escobedo Rocio Estrada Sagrario Isabel Flores Ryan Anthony Floresca Isaac Noel Gandara

Congratulations to all the graduates and much success in the future. Office of the Dean of Students


Jacquelyn Garcia Jessica Garcia Marcos Adrian Garcia Raul Garcia Jr. Madison Gabrielle Gibson Priscilla Giner Megan Marie Gonzales Monica A. Gonzalez Paula Sofia Granados Viviana Guereca Daisy Guerra Andres B. Gutierrez Priscilla Gutierrez Jamie Cathleen Hamilton Sumi Han Aimee Angelica Hernandez Dominique Liann Hernandez Efrain Emilio Hernandez Evelyn Hernandez Pedro Hernandez Sabina Erika Hernandez Sahlma Gisselle Hernandez Angelica C. Hernandez Ceballo Estefania Itati Herrera Victor Alfonzo Herrera Genesis Nicol Hinojos Corey S. Howard Abril D. Huerta Maria Jose Ibarra Rivera Jacqueline Javalera Jennifer Jimenez Ana Karen Jimenez Enciso Kennedy E. King Aaron Roman Lechuga Melissa Lerma Ronaldo Lopez Nohemi Lopez Valdez Pablo J. Lucero Jr. Alexandra W. Lujan Kristofor Richard-Elton Lyddane Jennifer Macias Samantha Denise Mancha Mar Isabella Medina Stephanie Medina Vanessa Judith Meraz Klarissa Meza James Stephen Milam David Daniel Molina Ischack S E Morales Stephen Ibrahim Morales Artemio Munoz Norma Guadalupe Najera Samantha Nieto Crystal Noriega Austin Odhiambo Ondijo Erin Malenie Ornelas Jacob Oropeza Maria Alondra Orrantia Muela Daniela Ortega Danika Ortiz

Shaun Patrick Perches Isabela Danielle Perez Julian Daniel Perez Gilbert Portillo III Andre Ricardo Prieto Paloma Quezada Christian Servando Quinones Andrea Lorena Ramirez Diana Ramirez Sinai Ramos Juliana E. Ratton Carla Judith Reyes Luis Pablo Reyes De La Riva Audrey Calixta Rodriguez Kassandra Rodriguez Ricardo J. Rodriguez Sheila Montserrat Rodriguez Deborah Cleone Roen Kirstien Lynn Rosales Carolina Rubio Cristian Rueda Rogelio Ruiz-Alvarez Jr. Stephanie D. Saenz Ricardo Saenz Arana Alejandra Salazar Johana Sanchez Susana Ines Sanchez Alejandra Sanchez Espino Grace Marie Scholl Racheal G. Schrock Evelyn Shelton Carmen Mariana Sierra Robert Sierra Jr. Daniel Sigala Edmundo Antonio Silva Armida Solis Taylor Jordan Sterling Paola Alejandra Suarez Andrea Terrazas Brenda Rubi Torres Elizabeth Tremillo Ruby Trujillo Monica Valadez Christian Enrique Valencia Vanessa Valles Henk Steven van den Bogaard Rebecca Anne Vasquez Audree Nicole Veilleux Paris Madison Velasquez Alexis Lee Wilson Aline Loren Zamora Katarina Zec

College of Education Bachelor of Arts Victoria Hope Alvarez Adrian Arana-Hurtado

Congratulations Miners! UNION SERVICES

Citlali Avalos Jacqueline Ballesteros Bryn Ireland Birdwell Angela L. Camacho Raquel Iliana Cantu Sandra Veronica Carrasco Martinez Shanay Caroline Cattle-Perry Valerie Lorraine Chavez Carlos E. Chavira Jr. Adan G. Contreras Daniel Thomas Cruncleton Alexandra Cruz Amy R. Dominguez Ashley Lina Donacio Victoria A. Espinoza Yaneth Fernandez Acosta Juan Daniel Flores Robert Flores Jr. Samantha R. Foster Daniel Alejandro Garcia Erika J. Garcia Vania B. Garcia Stormie C. Gomez Alyssa Renee Gonzales Jacqueline Danielle Gonzales Josie Ann Gonzales Brandi C. Gonzalez Gabriela Gonzalez Ana M. Guillen Ashley R. Hall Paige Elaine Harm Valeria Herbert Laura Sofia Hernandez Karla Huerta Araceli Airam Jaramillo Alejandra Juarez Cindy Kolasa Crystal Lozano Amanda Diane Martinez Ismael Martinez Sean Gavin Midea Onix Abelardo Morales Irma Navarro Yvette Iliana Navarro Michelle E. Nevarez David James Nichols Valeria Ordoque Shazelly Ortiz Ruby Pasillas Jay Andrew Perez Deborah I. Raines Armando Ramirez Priscila Ramirez Samantha Arlen Ramirez Carmen Magdalena Ramos Danna Cryst Ramos Hannia Itzel Rodarte Karla Letticia Ruiz Cassandra Yvonne Ruvalcaba Issac Salomon

Deanna Nicole Sepulveda April Georgette Torres Jessica Valdez Lorenzo Vargas Monica Angelina Vargas Anais Ilen Verastegui Amanda Ann Walker Destine Lauren Wilson

Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies Michelle Alcantar Pamela Escobar Cierra Renee Fernandez Melissa Franco Edna Patricia Gonzalez Stephanie C. Hobeck Muriel Holguin Zuhey D. Mendoza Carolina Munoz Nancy Padilla Carolina Perez Janet Itzel Quiroz Carolina Rojas Sofia A. Rojas Beatriz A. Romero Alejandra Saavedra Randi Santaella Maria Isabel Saucedo Daisy Berenice Vargas Montoya Sonia L. Vazquez Dolores Zambrano

College of Business Administration Bachelor of Business Administration Esber Aboud Giselle Acosta Johana Aide Adame Michelle Krist Aguilar Darrien Aguirre Humberto Alcazar III Muaath Saud Alharbi Christian Arman Almanza Abdulrahman Faisal Alrasheed Alexandra Lenora Alvarez Diana F. Alvarez Maria D. Alvarez America Alvillar Jose Eduardo Anaya Zachary William Anderson Jorge Humberto Aranda Jr. Michael Araujo Paulina Arciniega Carlos Daniel Armendariz Rafael Armendariz Jr.

Congratulations, Graduates From the staff in the Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Richard Austin Armendariz Alfredo Arredondo Tinajero Joshua N. Aun Jose Baca Giselle Balderas Daisy A. Barraza Desteny Danielle Barraza Evelyn Barrientos Jacqueline Benavides Flavio Cesar Benitez Michael Peter Beste Juan M. Betancourt Mayra Blanco Kyle Austin Booth Karla Bosquez Lianna N. Bourdony Joshua Adam Brannon Franklin D. Brantley III Nicole Angela Bryant Arlen S. Bustamante Juan Eduardo Cabrera III Cristina Cabrera Medina Isaiah Michael Calanche Justin Ryan Calderon Estefania Campos Contreras Fernando Andre Canales Manuel David Canales Andres Antonio Cano Gustavo Adolfo Cardenas Hernandez Jr.

Kayla Nykole Carrasco Jorge Alberto Carrera Alexa Aidee Castaneda Isauro Edmundo Castaneda Gilberto Castano Jr. Bruno Castillo Karina Alejandra Castillo Christian Castro Mallory A. Cates Riley Dalto Cates Monica C. Ceniceros Vianey Chacon Armando Chaidez Jr. Melissa Chaidez Naila Chairez Laura Camila Chavez Monae Jonique Chavez Monique L. Chavez Ricardo Antonio Chavez Maria Genoveva Chavez Muela Irvin Chavira Emily Chen William Charles Chenausky II Zachary Chenoweth Alejandra Cinco Javier Aldai Cisneros Mayra M. Cobos Jason A. Colon Bethany Dominga Cooper Irvin Rafael Corona Marquez Vanessa Corral

Adrianne Alissa Cox Spencer Delnard Crew Jr. Dan Isai Cruz Munoz Beatriz Daniela Cruz-Nava Vanessa Kimberly Cuellar Una Coralic Daggett Edgar Javier De La Cruz Valeria C. De La Hoya Evelyn Judith De La Rosa Frida Alejandra De La Torre Hernandez

Kimberly De Los Santos Melissa Delgado Aguirre Anahi Diaz Ashley Diaz Briana Alejandra Diaz Leslie Alejandra Diaz Aguirre Andrew D. Dominguez Briana Marie Dominguez Cecilia T. Dominguez Jesus Saul Dominguez Miguel Angel Dominguez Patricia Dreher Reimi Edson Andrea Egure Scotty Alejandro Enriquez Reimer Raul A. Escobar III Eric Leonardo Escobosa Mendoza Jazmin Spencer Esparza Gema Paulina Esparza Jaime Francisco Javier Espino Kevin Estrada Kelsey Daphne Farrell Karen Michelle Favela Escobar Justin Robert Fawcett Miranda Reese Federico Sergio Alberto Fernandez De Lara Maria Fernanda Fierro Emilio Fierro Gonzalez Sheila G. Figueroa Mendez Hugo Alberto Flores Travis F. Fox Ailyn Fraire Mike Franco Diego Alejandro Fuentes Macias Sandra Daniela Ganem Chee Eric Rodolfo Garcia Noah C. Garcia Ruben Garcia Javier Alfonso Garcia Ramos Julia Garcia-Gonzalez Adriana Gaucin Evelyn M. Gomez Alba Maria Gomez Chavez Adrian Thomas Gonzalez Christian Anthony Gonzalez Esther Gonzalez Gustavo Gonzalez Michelle Stephanie Gonzalez Eduardo Gonzalez Sanchez Ana M. Grajeda

Class of 2020

- Department of English

David Guevara Jr. Erik D. Guevara Sofia Gutierrez Raul Gerardo Haaz Medrano Sohee Kaley Hansen Carla Hareg Alexis Hernandez Benjamin Ruben Hernandez Brianna Hernandez Cleo Hernandez Daniel Hernandez Daniella Hernandez Diana Ivette Hernandez Laura C. Hernandez Luis A. Hernandez Stephanie Hernandez Maria Isabella Herrera Valeria Guadalupe Herrera Mario Hinojos Paul James Hinojos Vivian Nicolle Hoffman Martinez Jhovani Alexis Houseman Sebastian Jimenez Juarez Kun Lee Kim Jessica Rachel Larriva Sara Lespron Yeshey Lham Hector Adrian Limas Carlos Issac Lopez Dominic Isaac Lopez Magdalena Lopez Maximiliano Lopez Michelle Lopez Paulina Lopez Aaron Michael Lozoya Ana Laura Lugo Saldivar Alessa L. Lujan Sebastian Aric Machado Estrada Victor Marcos Hyslop Tania Pamela Mariscal Quintana Diego Marquez Fabiola Marquez Fong Christian Martinez Jose Antonio Martinez Juan Salvador Martinez Erick Martinez-Maya Jessica Ariana Mathis Isabel Mayagoitia Jamie M. Mcelvany Alexus L. Medina Iliana Sarai Medina Sabrina Marie Medina Maria Paula Medina Blanco Edgar Alejandro Mejia Stephanie Mendez Talon Mason Montoya Eleazar Montoya Tostado Oscar Mora Rebecca Moreno Daniel James N. Morgan

Congratulations to our Civil Engineering and Construction Engineering & Management graduates! Class of 2020

Gabriel Alejandro Munoz Isaac Munoz Martin Eduardo Munoz Justin Lee Nabhan Patrick Karl Najera Priscilla Nana Carlos A. Navar Sandra Navarrete Meza Itzel Yadira Nevarez Alejandro Nevarez Duarte Justine Ezra Nunez Adeoluwa Temitope Okunade Gabriela A. Olivas Sergio Olivas Jr. Crystal Orozco Kevin Ortega-Jordan Priscilla Lizeth Padilla Abraham Palma Emmanuel Pedraza Samantha Victoria Pedregon Brian Lee Perches Derek Nicholas Perea Suzette Perea Marlon Ariel Picado Alejandra Plascencia Luisa Polanco Francisco A. Portillo Clark Allen Poulsen Jr. Thomas Primero John-Luke Prystayko Victoria Puebla Bryan A. Ramirez Jesus Eduardo Ramirez Jr. Marisol Ramirez Azalea Maite Ramirez Martinez Aaron Ramirez-Guzman Alejandro Ramos Francisco Antonio Ramos Victoriano Ramos Genesis Rangel April Rendon Jacqueline Ruth Renteria Tania Nohemi Renteria Jr. Edgardo Rey Daniel Eduardo Reyes Mario Alonso Reyes Mario Reyna Denise Reynosa Alexis Anahi Rico Sarah Elena Riebeling Chavez Diana Rincon David Rios Alonso Rivas Samantha Rocha Christian J. Rodriguez Hugo Alberto Rodriguez Jorge A. Rodriguez

Mario Andres Rodriguez Canales Juan Manuel Rodriguez Mota Grisel Rojas Jose L. Rojo Alan Patricio Romero Ximena Armida Romero Ricardo Rosales Luis E. Rosas Jorge Ross Melissa Paola Rubalcaba Armando Roberto Salas Arturo A. Salazar Ruben Alejandro Salazar Jr. Karina Salinas Sam Bassam Salloum Edgar Sanchez Oscar Angel Sanchez Yulissa Sanchez Paola Sanchez Esparza Jose Adrian Santacruz Natanael Santillana Genesis Saucedo Ivan Saucedo Mengyao Sherren Douglas Micheal Sigmon Jacob Dylan Clinton Smart Cheyanne Mercedes Smith Annik Sobing Leslye Judith Sosa Jose Emmanuel Soto Veronica Adriana Soto Zachary Isaac Spivey Anh T. Tang Estefania Alejandra Torres Jonathan Torres Vanessa Torres Viviana Edith Torres Brenda Liliana Tovar Felix Eduardo Alejandro Valadez Esteban R. Valencia Andres M. Valenciana Jasmin Vargas Daisy Vasquez Elizabeth Vega Wilmarie Velazquez Christian Joseph Vidales Margarita Villegas Charles Howard Walters III Scott J. Wehrfritz Shasha Wei Perry Talbott Wolfe Antonio Nahum Yanar Jr. Tshetrim Yangdan Francisco Yepo

College of Health Sciences Bachelor of Science Brianna Celeste Aguilar Sabina Kasandra Appelzoller Alejandra Armendariz Luis Alfredo Arnal Ortiz Brandon Micha Bock Jessica Virginia Bolanos Noe Borunda Andrea Fabiola Cabada Jason Calzadillas Paulina Caraveo Victoria Cardenas Jeremy Caro Melyssa Rose Caro Melissa Carranco Brandon Lee Castaneda Stephanie Castillo Vanessa Karime Castillo Ruby Castro Guillermo Cerda III Andrew Cory Cereceres Benjamin T. Cervantes Hye Sun Choi Anson Cordeiro Cristian Cortez Lauren Jade Crenshaw Liliana De Castro Alvin Delgado Irma Delgado Jacob Delgado Ortiz Valeria Duenas Miguel Angel Duran Sandy Lucero Elizalde Centeno Angelica Espino Aleli Dominique Fernandez Mayeli Ivette Fernandez Lauren Elizabeth Flores Corinthia Fraire Nayeli Itzel Franco Gabriel Fuentes Abraham Gamboa Celina Raeann Garcia Melissa Garcia Samantha Marie Garcia Willie Garcia Jr. Irving Garza Benjamin R. Gilson Manuel Gomez Amanda Nicole Gonzalez Gerardo Gonzalez Kevin Christian Guereque Mariana Guerrero Lisa Nicole Guzman Kimberly Hernandez

Diana Ivonne Hernandez Vega Diana Herrera Charles DeeDee Hesse IV Shannon C. Hillery John Cody Huguley Karla A. Irigoyen Torres Samantha K. Jones Aaron Alber Keller Amber Marie Kincaid Winny J. Koech Manuel Andres Lamasanguiano Alexandria Raquel Licon Alexandra Guadalupe Lopez Maria Clarisa Lopez Aaron Lee Lovins Markos Saul Lujan Jessica Lynn Maddox Aileen Manzano Rosanne Elena Martinez Jacob R. Mendoza David Michel Christina Isabel Mora Janet Mora Melinda N. Morales Brittany Moreno Shane W. Mota Victoria Saman Navarrete Pamela Ariadne Necoechea Jennifer Dawn Nolen Martha Elizabeth Ochoa Fatima Ornelas Brooke Lauren Ortega Jaime A. Perales Jonathan Perez Destiny Love Porras Lawrence Jamel Primus Jr. Cynthia Leticia Quezada Laila Rajabi Yadira Arias Ramirez Rocky Ramos Jozelyn A. Rascon Osvaldo Raya Jr. Angelica Raygoza Leslie Reveles Alejandro Rincon Arlene Yvette Rodriguez Robert S. Roman Genesis Romero-Hernandez Christian Arturo Ruvalcaba Bianca Sanchez Paloma Carolina Sanchez Daniella Saucedo Erich Schaefer Meagan Ann Smith Enrique Alexis Sosa Laurie Rachel Spinks Aliyah May Subia

Jessica Alexandra Tarango Christopher Torres Alondra Nohemy Trevizo Elizabeth Trujillo Sione Tupou Hector Alfon Uribarri Kaylee Michelle Vasquez Julissa Vazquez Dominic Richard Veliz Adrian Vicencio Jr. Brady Lee Viles Stephanie Villalva Saul A. Williams Margaret I. Zeller

Bachelor of Social Work Krised Yolanda Arriola Jr. Emmanuel Avila Socorro Avila Sanchez Kassandra Suhey Borrego Natalia Eileen Cardona Dayna K. Chairez Rosemarie De La Hoya Jaime Armando De La Paz Jr. Diana Michelle De La Rosa Jisselle C. Gallardo Yarenn Garcia Anna Melina Gonzalez Becky Gonzalez Joshua Green Melissa Gutierrez Jimena Jaque Maciel Roberto Martinez Jr. Rebecca Medrano Priscilla Mena Jerry Hernandez Montoya Victoria Rose Moor Carlos Alberto Morales Jr. Victoria Lee Morales Gibranna Munoz Briza Celeste Ortega Iskra Noriky Pichardo-Gonzalez Norma Alexis Porras Josephine Guadalupe Roque Marleen Roth Tiana Renee Sias Yajaira Tarango Julie Ann Tirrell Edwin Fabian Vazquez Shawn Stanley Vosburg Mitsue Yoshimoto Denise A. Zuniga

School of Nursing Bachelor of Science in Nursing Josue Acosta Annette Patricia Alba Lucia F. Aldaba Laura Erica Alvarez Yanika Anahi Anaya Ijezie Gideon Anozie Yazmin Soledad Apodaca Steven T. Applegate Andrea Aragon Mason James Arbogast Tannya Armenta Fernanda Arredondo Helena Arvilla Jay Attar Yazmin Alejandra Avalos Maria Isabel Avila Manuel Ayala Jr. Ashley Beltran Adriana Bojorquez Chanel Briceno Jessica Carreon Annabelle Felices Castillo Alexa Gissell Cervantes Marianna Chavez Brandy Nekedia Compton Victoria Josette Dejesus Abraham Diaz Matthew Allen Engle Albien Paul Badana Estavas Vanessa Beth Ficke Melissa Anne Fraher Sofia Alexandra Frias Alondra Garcia Kristian Arturo Guerra Iliana Hall Amanda Elisa Hernandez Madelynn Rae Herrera Diana A. Hipolito Stephanie Jean Howell Ana Victoria Irigoyen Manzanera Osagie Michael Izevbigie Shannon Elizabeth Jacobson Michael Juarez Yoko Nayelli Kato Junho Kim Lizette Lambert Louie Aaron Leyva Alexandra Lindquist Natassia Thierry Lozano Yasmine Lozano Daniela Lucero Lessly Lugo Jocelyne Itzel Madrid

Alejandro Magallanes Denisha Trenae Manning Victoria Michelle Marioni Rebecca Noemi Marroquin Jessica I. Marrufo Iris Crystal Martinez Lindsay Sue McMillon Aaron Michael McTague Sandy Marie Medrano Dori Leeann Merryman Anaiza Jasai Mireles Michael R. Moraza Justin Allen Morris Karla L. Najera Ashlyn Noel Lehualani Napihaa Kimberly Arely Nunez Enriquez Albert Afolabi Oyefusi Aaron Perez Karen Ruby Perez Maricela Perez Ruth Prieto Cessna Anais Ramirez Ruth Jazmin Ramirez Irmalinda Reyes Christi Dawn Ricks Jonathan Robles Bianka C. Rodriguez Ashley Marie Rojas Amanda Nicole Ruvalcaba Paloma Serna Castillon Nashara Shaquawn Sims Ricardo Alonso Soto-Trejo Christina Strasburg Aaron Omar Takahasi Louise Cristina Teixeira Pinheiro Alicia N’Kimi Thompson Belen Torres Laura Torres Infinity Carolyn Tucker Erica Sayuri Uratsu Samantha Christina Vasquez Brianna Marie Vera Erika Caroline Warren Lauren Michelle Watson Nou L. Whitehorse Selene Yu

T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F T E XA S AT E L PA S O Counseling and Psychological Services Congratulations to all graduating UTEP students for a job well done. Best of luck with your future careers. Class of 2020

Congratulations to all Computer Science majors on your graduation day and best wishes on all your future endeavors.

Computer Science Department

We hope you do well in your professional endeavors and we urge you to do good for your community! - COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION -

Congratulations, Class of 2020! from the Physics Department


MAY 5, 2020



COVID- 19 won’t stop this graduating senior Lindsay Hearon forges a path for herself in the theatre industry

Exodis Ward The Prospector Lindsay Hearon is a theatre arts major graduating this spring from the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) and she’s always had a burning passion for theatre. “Theatre is my entire life. I love working in any aspect of the industry because there is a true magic to live theatre that can’t be found anywhere else and I love sharing the magic,” Hearon said. “I have also been amazed at how we are being able to continue to share the magic even in the midst of a pandemic. Nothing can stop us from creating our art, we will always find a way.” Hearon’s passion for theatre lies in the art of set building and this flame inside of her was sparked when she was a young child. “The very first show I saw was when I was three years old. My mom took me to see ‘The Fantastic Mr. Fox’ at the local community college where my grand mommy was working in the theatre department,” she said. “The first show that I have a vivid memory of was in kindergarten; my mom took me to see a puppet show version of ‘Hansel and Gretel.’”

Growing up, Hearon spent lots of time around her grandparents’ business, Palco Specialties, a set-building company that builds sets for high schools throughout the nation. Although she’s been around theatre culture since she was a young child, it wasn’t until her high school theatre group performed “The Pirates of Penzance” which is what ultimately inspired her to start building her own sets. “I asked my granddaddy if he could help me build a giant pirate ship for the show and I’ve been building sets ever since,” Hearon said. “The first time I saw my completed boat roll across the stage, it was amazing to see something that I created up there. After that, I realized that I really love theatre as a whole.” Hearon has a keen eye for detail and finds ways to incorporate it into every show. For example, if she’s working on a show with a family, she’ll take “family pictures” of the actors or include baby photos of the actors on set. “Whenever I am designing a show, the director’s concept and vision is a huge part of my inspiration, as well as the script,” Hearon said. “My favorite part of creating a set is the first time the actors get to see it. It is amazing how much a set can do for an actor and it’s a beautiful process

to watch them explore the world you’ve given them.” Hearon’s attention to detail was recognized in 2018 when she was a national runner-up for The Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival Region 6 award for Meritorious Achievement in Properties Design. The festival celebrates the top 18,000 university theatre students from across the country. She also received the Honors Convocation award from UTEP in 2018 for her involvement in the production “Lydia” which won the Director’s Choice award, the highest recognition possible at UTEP. She also received the SPAM Award for Excellence for her properties design in Lydia. “I was extremely proud of myself, but also of our production as a whole. Theatre is a collaborative process and it takes every single person to create a beautiful successful show,” she said. Hearon intends to take her craft as far as she can. She has a job offer with the Santa Fe Opera this summer as a properties craftsman. Her goals include working for an independent theatre company to provoke change with art. She eventually would like to start her own theatre company or work as an artistic director at a regional theatre.


For Hearon, the first steps to her dreams are working in the shop, learning new skills and watching videos to further her art form. Exodis Ward may be reached at prospector@utep. edu

Birthday celebrations in the era of social distancing, El Pasoans get creative Zoom parties and virtual bar hopping now the new normal as folks remain at home Jaqueline Martinez The Prospector While party celebrations and gatherings of 10 people or more are strictly prohibited due to coronavirus restrictions, people have been determined to celebrate through creative, quirky ideas while following social distancing protocols like virtual celebrations using Zoom or Animal Crossing, drive-by celebrations and “bar hopping” at home. El Paso resident Valeria Hernandez turned 28 on April 9, and although the pandemic prohibited her from fulfilling her plan to go camping with her friends this year, Hernandez saw this as an opportunity to be creative. “My husband and I have always loved to drink at different bars on the same night, so we were thinking about a fun way to celebrate the birth-

day at home, something different,” said Hernandez, who did not let quarantine prohibit her from a good time. Hernandez and her husband decided to decorate each room of their house based on a bar they both enjoy. One of the rooms had a sushi bar, which was decorated with a hanging sign that read, “Vale’s sushi place,” where everyone in the household was able to enjoy a plate of sushi and a glass of wine. The kitchen was a cocktail bar named “Fabian’s,” where the couple drank Smirnoff and wine while jazz played in the background. The living room was decorated with Mexican fabric and decor to resemble a cantina, where they drank beer and shared a shot of tequila. Hernandez was able to bar hop at home and stay connected with her loved ones and was also able

to share a virtual toast through the video platform Zoom. Ruby Franco also celebrated her 26th birthday on April 19, at home with her family. The UTEP alumna ordered her birthday cake through delivery and allowed her friends to be a part of the celebration virtually, through Zoom. “Even though they weren’t physically here, it was still nice to see their faces,” Franco said. “I also made my favorite veggie burgers and had a second virtual birthday party through the video game, Animal Crossing.” Franco managed to make it a good birthday regardless, and her friends were able to sing happy birthday to her as she blew out the candles. “I think the greatest gift of them all is being healthy, I could not have asked for a better gift,” she added.

UTEP senior Andi Tiscareno was also able to be a part of her niece’s second birthday on April 26 through a virtual celebration on Zoom. “We sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to her and she opened her gifts which most of us had delivered to her or had shipped to her,” said Tiscareno. “Later, my parents, boyfriend and I drove by with a sign and balloons to surprise her, she was so happy she ran out to the doorstep.” People are also sharing their birthday celebrations on social media, with humorous and quirky, COVID-19 inspired décor and toilet paper and Lysol inspired cakes. Jaqueline Martinez may be reached at prospector@


UTEP’s 2020 annual juried art exhibit to take place online Jaqueline Martinez The Prospector Like everything else, the Stanlee and Gerald Rubin Center for the Visual Arts at UTEP closed its doors because of the coronavirus pandemic, but its 2020 Annual Juried Student Art Exhibition is still moving forward — except virtually and with a new set of guidelines. Each year, UTEP Department of Art undergraduate students are required to purchase an entry form where they can submit up to five works that have been completed within the previous year. This year, the visual art students won’t be charged for their entries and are required to submit their work online by May 14. The artwork will be juried from May 19-22. All winners will be announced via the Rubin Center’s Facebook page at 6 p.m. Thursday, May 28. The categories include all concentration areas taught in the department like metals, drawing, painting, ceramics, sculpture, printmaking, graphic design and photography. This year’s prizes include the Arlene Smith McKinnon Endowment Purchase Award for Overall Best of Show and the Sarah and Tom Lea Purchase Award for Best Life Drawing or Life Painting, as well as for best award in each category. The Rubin Center has provided students with a link for the entry forms and guidelines for photographing their artwork.. Some students felt discouraged since not many have access to proper photography equipment. “I think this year’s student exhibition is completely different from the rest not only because it’s online, but a lot of students don’t necessarily have the equipment to photograph their artwork at home,” said UTEP ceramics major Roxana Rodriguez. “You don’t necessarily grasp what certain pieces look like because they’ll be judging from photographs instead of being physically in front of them.” The ceramics student will be submitting four works of art including her piece, “Indispensable creator” which is a three-foot-tall clay sculpture that was part of the Metals, Sculpture and Ceramics Union gallery exhibition “Milagros.” The clay sculpture represents her own personal “milagro,” which stands for miracle in Spanish, of her hands that allow her to create art. “I struggle with Rheumatoid arthritis, which keeps me from working as it becomes painful to move and shape clay in my hands,” Rodriguez said. “The main focus of this sculpture is the hand which are the creators of my artwork, without them I would not be able to continue my work.”

Although hosting an art exhibition online is a different experience for many, some students are nonetheless glad that the exhibition is still taking place. “I am glad they were able to find an alternative solution, students in the art department have worked diligently on their works this year,” said art education student, Gabriel Reyes.

I am glad they were able to find an alternative solution, students have worked diligently on thheir works this year. - isaiah rhyanes UTEP senior

Reyes will submit five pieces that range from watercolor drawings and stop motion animation to ceramic pots. Reyes’ work addresses threats to the environment such as pollution, through whimsical figures and dark humor. Other participant students include ceramics and painting major Mathew McIntyre, who will submit four pieces under ceramics, painting and drawing. The artist was also concerned whether the artwork would still have the same impact as it would physically. “Still, I’m thrilled to have the opportunity,” he said. McIntyre’s submissions include a drawing titled “Solo Climber,” which is a collage made of paper, fabric and graphite. Jaqueline Martinez may be reached at prospector@




My advice is always the same for any and every Art graduate. Work hard and follow your passions - if you remain true to yourself, and to your art, craft and creative nature, the opportunities and achievements will make themselves available to you. Reaching your goals requires motivation and self-discipline. It sounds a little cliché, but it is the simple and plain truth. The 2020 DoART graduates are a very talented and resourceful group of distinct individuals who I believe are very well-poised to work through any of the unknown challenges of the future. Art, by its nature, is an exploration of self that is then translated into visual interpretation through the use of various media that relates the concept to the public and makes that most important of human connections. Regardless of economic or social uncertainty – now or any time, as there are always going to be challenges that arise in life – the ability of creative individuals to adapt and adjust is our signature trait. My advice to our DoART students and graduates is to trust in and use your talents and skills to work through the problems just as you did for your DoART faculty and the problems they presented to you in class. You successfully found multiple creative solutions to those problems, moving forward is no different, continue to explore and push your ideas and solutions to move yourself forward in your careers. The DoART is very proud of you and we look forward to seeing and hearing about your achievements as you excel.

-david griffin UTEP’s Department of Art Chair



MAY 5, 2020



Katarina Zec leaves behind lasting impact at UTEP Isaiah Ramirez The Prospector Leadership is not an intangible that can be developed in a short period when it comes to the sport of basketball. In Katarina Zec’s UTEP basketball career, she emerged as a leader and a player that is not only etched in the record book but the minds of Miner Nation. After her Miner career, which spanned from 2016-2020, Zec piled up 1,1128 points, 3,371 minutes played, and 136 3-point field goals made, placing her eighth, fifth and sixth-best in program history, respectively. The Belgrade, Serbia native made her way to the city of El Paso with quality international basketball experience playing with the under 20 Serbian National Team in the 2016 European Championships averaging six points and three rebounds in the event. At the conclusion of Zec’s first-year season in which she played in 25 games and averaged five points a contest former Miner head coach and 2016 Conference-USA(C-USA) Coach of the Year Keitha Adams resigned from the program. “There were some really tough challenges, I had a knee injury just games before conference play and losing Coach Adams my freshman year kind of threw me off and made me start over with Coach Baker,” Zec said. Kevin Baker was hired as the new head coach April 24, 2017, and has since accumulated the most wins by any Miner coach in the first three seasons of their tenure with 42. In Zec’s sophomore season and the first under Baker, she started all 31 games while averaging 9.2 points per contest and led the team in 3pointers made with 39. “Immediately what you learn about Kat as soon as you meet her is she is a very driven young lady and she wanted to be really good and we knew she was willing to put in the extra work to be good,” Baker said. The Miners 2018-2019 season and Zec’s junior year was derailed with injuries. Zec felt this was one of the toughest obstacles she faced in her Miner career. At one point in the season, the squad had seven active players on the roster and Zec played four games with over 40 minutes. “My junior year was my toughest season ever, mentally and physically, because not only we had to keep going through adversity but I played 40 minutes game after game and practicing and studying full time,” Zec said. Zec’s final season was her career coming fullcircle as she was relied on as a leader being one of the only two seniors on the team and a player that could be counted on not only on the court but off the court.


“I felt her career all came full-circle because she finally put everything all together from being a player to be a leader and she put it together to have a great senior year,” Baker said. The Miners surpassed the previous season’s win total by seven games and conference wins by three while earning a win in the ConferenceUSA tournament as the seventh seed. A career-high in points, rebounds, and minutes per game for Zec (12 ppg, 5 rpg, 31.8 mpg) also included an All-Conference-USA second team selection “Finally, everything paid off during my senior season and I was genuinely happy and enjoying my time with my teammates,” Zec said. “I already miss them, and I’ll be forever grateful for those moments. “Kat is probably the senior I looked up to the most because we play the same position and she’s a great leader on and off the court,” freshman guard Avery Crouse said following the Miners 80-72 win on Senior Day. The talented freshman core of Katia Gallegos, Avery Crouse and Ariona Khlopkova has a lot of Miner fans excited for the future of the program after a standout debut season with Zec as a mentor to the group. “Avery got the most out of it, especially because we have the same major and I was taking the same classes in my freshman year,” Zec said.” On the basketball court they just do what they do and I cannot tell them how to play but I can

advise them what options to look for and how to read the situation and I am happy how Katia grew in that segment.” Zec accumulated 21 double-digit scoring performances in her senior season and tied a career-high in points with a 22-point outing versus Old Dominion Feb. 8, 2020. “Her first couple of years she was good player and she did well but this last year she became our leader and the glue that held our team together,” Baker said. “That was the biggest show of growth and she made a huge impact on the team and program on her ability to lead. Due to the novel coronavirus pandemic, the C-USA tournament which was held in Frisco, Texas was canceled as the Miners were coming off a dominant 95-67 win in the quarterfinal round versus Florida Atlantic. UTEP was slated to take on Old Dominion in the next round with momentum brewing in the Miners arsenal. “I didn’t really process the situation at first.” Zec said “Moments later I cried a little. I have to admit I was reflecting on the game against Florida Atlantic and the whole season to be honest,” Zec said. “It didn’t really hit me in Dallas but once we got to El Paso and I came to realization that my career is really over that’s when I started missing it.” A three-time C-USA Commissioner’s Academic medalist and Honor Roll selection Zec will graduate with a major in biochemistry.


A talented all-around game that has evolved throughout her career may propel her to a professional career. “As of now the plan is to play professionally,” Zec said. “However, I am not sure how this situation with the coronavirus is going to unfold because there is a huge economic crisis around the world.” Zec has returned to her hometown to prepare for her future and stay ready for her next steps in her basketball career. “Currently I am in Serbia working out just staying active and preparing for whatever comes next and I will update everyone on my next destination over my social media accounts,” Zec said. “There’s absolutely no doubt that her game will translate to the professional ranks,” Baker said.”I really think her best basketball is still in front of her and she can still improve and elevate her game and she has the work ethic to do so. The UTEP basketball career of Katarina Zec will be remembered as a guideline for what it takes to succeed as a Miner on and off the court and Miner fans will remember just how much of an impact she had during her four years on the program. “Miner Nation you will forever be part of me, Thank You.” Isaiah Ramirez may be reached at Prospector@

22 SPORTS MAY 5, 2020

Isaiah Rhyanes: Fulfilled dreams of playing basketball in college Michael Cuviello The Prospector As in many young men that play sports, Isaiah Rhyanes dreamed of playing basketball at the college level. The odds of being able to play college basketball are not very good for most people, but as a bench player for a high school team, it is an even longer shot. Rhyanes was an essential backup for the Andress Eagles as a junior and a senior in High School locally in El Paso. Winning back to back district titles for the local school as well as making it to the state final four in his senior year were significant achievements in for any player. Academically, Rhyanes excelled by being a member of the National Honor Society. With his high school career over and no college offers, Rhyanes decided to attend El Paso Community College (EPCC) and pursue a degree in Culinary Arts with an eye on transferring to UTEP soon. Although he still thought of continuing his basketball career, there was no clear path to make this happen. After getting his associate’s degree from EPCC, Rhyanes was convinced to try out for the UTEP basketball team by a local business owner that knew UTEP Head Coach Tim Floyd.

During the 2017 academic year, Rhyanes transferred to UTEP, changing his degree to multidisciplinary Studies Rhyanes was able to get a tryout along with two other players in the fall of 2017. Given a chance to make the team, Rhyanes gave everything that he had trying to earn a spot on the roster. When he found out he had made the team, his excitement to being able to continue playing brought tears to his eyes. For a hometown kid to be able to play for a University with the rich basketball tradition of UTEP, it was a dream come true regardless of where it took him. “Obviously Tim Floyd had coached at great colleges and the NBA it was a great experience getting a chance to play for him,” Rhyanes said. That very same season, Floyd would resign, creating a new challenge for Rhyanes, he would again have to prove that he belonged on the team. “When Coach Terry came in, I felt like I would have to try out all over again; this would not be a walk in the park. It was very hard, “Rhyanes said. “I told myself there would be a light at the end of the tunnel.” After two seasons of being a scout player for the Miners, Rhyanes was consistently praised for his hard work but did not garner any play-

ing time. Rhyanes remained humble and did his best to help the team prepare for every game. There was a major influx of transfers when Terry came aboard, so staying on the team was going to be no easy task for his senior season. Nicknamed “Juice” for his effort in practice, Rhyanes

UTEP basketball did alot for me, took me places where I have never been.


- isaiah rhyanes UTEP senior

worked as hard as he could to contribute in some small way. Early in the season, Rhyanes got the first playing time of his career in a blowout of Eastern New Mexico University Nov. 15, 2019, in the final minute. The Don Haskins Center crowd of 4400 fans were all on their feet, cheering as Rhyanes entered the game. It was almost like the scene from the movie Rudy when he took the court. Much like the Hollywood film, Rhyanes actually got his showtime moment delivering a monstrous two-handed dunk in the games final minute. The only shot of his career would be a dunk that brought the loudest cheers of the season from the home crowd. The sheer look of joy and excitement displayed as he slammed the ball through the hoop was an iconic moment for all in observance. On senior night Rhyanes would get his first and only career start against Southern Mississippi. As the season ended, Rhyanes was named to his second C-USA All academic team for his hard work in the classroom. As a tribute to his community service, Rhyanes was also called a Spirit of Service award winner for C-USA.

see RHYANES on page 23




RHYANES from page 22 “UTEP basketball did a lot for me, took me places where I have never been,” Rhyanes said. ‘That’s the beauty of playing college basketball, once you make the team you get a chance to see things you never dreamed of seeing as you travel to new locations and meet different people. Rhyanes said the opportunity to go to Hawaii was his favorite destination and he relished the chance to see the beautiful beaches that he had only seen on television. Rhyanes is now a graduate student that is working toward his advanced degree in Leadership Studies. Choosing that discipline, Rhyanes feels it is a fascinating discipline that will help him in his future endeavors of teaching or even coaching at some point. Giving back to his community and a career in education are ambitions of Rhyanes. “I want to be a mentor, coach and teacher in the El Paso community, “Rhyanes said. “My time at UTEP has been amazing, to be able to stay in my community to play for a storied program like the Miners has been a dream come true.” Michael Cuviello may be reached at prospector@



CONGRATULATIONS, CLASS OF 2020 from The Center For Accommodations and Support Services

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24 SPORTS MAY 5, 2020

Lauren Crenshaw: UTEP loses top defender and leader

Michael Cuviello The Prospector

UTEP soccer loses defender Lauren Crenshaw to graduation, one of its best players in recent history. Crenshaw finishes her career with 16 goals, 10 assists and 42 points for the Miner program. As a four-year starter, Crenshaw was

in the opening lineup for 75 of 77 games for UTEP. Originally from Gilbert, Arizona, Crenshaw started playing soccer at the age of four, along with her older sister, who was also keen on the game. As a freshman, Crenshaw was part of the Campo Verde High School 3A state championship team in Arizona. To further refine her skills, Crenshaw attended Shattuck Saint Mary’s Preparatory School for her junior and senior high school seasons.  The school located in Faribault, Minnesota, has one of the most prestigious soccer residential programs in the nation and is the only one that combines academics with sports. Producing more Division I soccer players than PHOTO COURTESY OF UTEP any program in the


country, it can count Crenshaw as one of its many success stories. Crenshaw chose UTEP during her high school sophomore year due to the level of financial assistance that she was offered. She also admired the focus of the coach that was recruiting her. “Kevin Cross’s communication as far as playing his players and his stressing of academics were big factors in coming to UTEP,” Crenshaw said. “My parents liked that he put life outside of soccer first, not just the whole athlete part like many coaches.” “What really attracted me to El Paso is the diverse cultures and its proximity to the border,” Crenshaw said.  “I really liked what the area of El Paso had to offer.” Gaining a new coach her senior year presented new challenges to Crenshaw, who had played under Kevin Cross for most of her career. “It was very, very different having a new coach with a totally distinctive style than the previous coach,” Crenshaw said. “It gave me a challenge my senior year to deal with the adversity. Having a female coach was also incredibly unique since, at almost every level, I have had male coaches.” Crenshaw felt that new Head Coach Kathryn Balogun played more of the roster than the pre-

vious coach, which changed the dynamic of how the team played this season. For the 2019 season, Crenshaw was named second-team C-USA All conference for her efforts and finished second on the team in scoring. Three of her four seasons, Crenshaw was honored on some level of an All-Conference team and twice made honor roll. Graduating with a bachelor’s in Kinesiology, Crenshaw, has aspirations of coaching soccer, especially in the development of younger players who are still honing their skills. “Playing soccer growing up it is very costly to get proper training,” Crenshaw said. Crenshaw would like to play soccer in Europe but the COVID-19 pandemic has put that on hold. Enrolled for the fall semester in a graduate program at Arizona State, Crenshaw looks forward to when she will be able to play soccer again. “I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to play at the soccer program for UTEP,” Crenshaw said. “I feel it helped me grow on and off the field. The teachers at UTEP really worked with me as an athlete.” Michael Cuviello may be reached at prospector@





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