2024 Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Fellowship

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Pulmonary Critical Care Medicine Fellowship Program

DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE Pulmonary Critical Care Medicine Fellowship Program

Rajiv Dhand, MD, FCCP, FACP, FAARC Chairman and Professor, Department of Medicine

Tina Dudney, MD, D’ABSM, FCCP

Leadership Team

Francisco Soto, MD, MS, FCCP

Isaac Biney, MD

Fellowship Program Director

Associate Professor Chief, Division Pulmonary Critical Care Medicine Chief, Section of Pulmonary

Associate Program Director –Research

Associate Professor

Associate Program Director – Education

Clinical Assistant Professor

Sam Treat, MD

3rd year fellow

Completed residency at the University of Tennessee Graduate School of Medicine, Knoxville, TN

Chief Fellows


Raghu Tiperneni, MB,BS

2nd year fellow

Completed residency at Rutgers Health, Long Branch, NJ

Ghassan Wadi, MB,BS

2nd year fellow

Completed residency at the University of Tennessee Graduate School of Medicine, Knoxville, TN

The power of Teamwork

2023 – 2024

Academic Year


Biney IN, Ari A, Barjaktarevic IZ, Carlin B, Christiani DC, Cochran L, Drummond MB, Johnson K, Kealing D, Kuehl PJ, Li J, Mahler DA, Martinez S, Ohar J, Radonovich LJ, Sood A, Suggett J, Tal-Singer R, Tashkin D, Yates J, Cambridge L, Dailey PA, Mannino DM, Dhand R. Guidance on Mitigating the Risk of Transmitting Respiratory Infections During Nebulization by the COPD Foundation Nebulizer Consortium. Chest. 2024 Mar;165(3):653-668. doi: 10.1016/j.chest.2023.11.013. Epub 2023 Nov 15. PMID: 37977263

Biney I, Ari A, Barjaktarevic IZ, Carlin B, Christiani DC, Cochran L, Drummond MB, Johnson K, Kealing D, Kuehl PJ, Li J, Mahler DA, Martinez S, Ohar J, Radonovich L, Sood A, Suggett J, Tal-Singer R, Tashkin D, Yates J, Cambridge L, Dailey PA, Mannino DM, Dhand R. Guidance on Mitigating the Risk of Transmitting Respiratory Infections During Nebulization by the COPD Foundation Nebulizer Consortium. Chest. 2023 Nov 15. PMID 37977263

Flandes J, Martinez-Muñiz FB, Cruz-Rueda JJ, Soto FJ, Majid A, Tuta-Quintero E, Giraldo-Cadavid LF. The effect of combining different sampling tools on the performance of electromagnetic navigational bronchoscopy for the evaluation of peripheral lung lesions and factors associated with its diagnostic yield. BMC pulmonary medicine. 2023 Nov 08; 23 (1) : 432. PMID 37940942

Terry PD, Dhand R. The 2023 GOLD Report: Updated Guidelines for Inhaled Pharmacological Therapy in Patients with Stable COPD. Pulmonary therapy. 2023 Sept 01; 9 (3) : 345-357. PMID: 37470971

Cloyes RR, Josan E, Pastis N, Ma J, Palettas M, Peng J, Vasko-Wood S, Mohrman C, Ghattas C, Presley C, Revelo A, Pannu J. Reducing hospital admissions in patients with malignant pleural effusion: a quality improvement study. BMJ open quality. 2023 Sept 01; 12 (3) : 0-0. PMID: 37751941

Terry PD, Dhand R. The 2023 GOLD Report: Updated Guidelines for Inhaled Pharmacological Therapy in Patients with Stable COPD. Pulm Ther. 2023 Jul 20. doi: 10.1007/s41030-02300233-z. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37470971

Li J, Liu K, Lyu S, Jing G, Dai B, Dhand R, Lin HL, Pelosi P, Berlinski A, Rello J, Torres A, Luyt CE, Michotte JB, Lu Q, Reychler G, Vecellio L, de Andrade AD, Rouby JJ, Fink JB, Ehrmann S. Aerosol therapy in adult critically ill patients: a consensus statement regarding aerosol administration strategies during various modes of respiratory support. Ann Intensive Care. 2023 Jul 12;13(1):63. doi: 10.1186/s13613-023-01147-4. PMID: 37436585; PMCID: PMC10338422

2023 – 2024

Academic Year

Book Chapters

Dhand R, Dolovich M. Spacers and Valved Holding Chambers. In Inhaled Delivery Systems for the Treatment of Asthma and COPD. Mahler DA and Dhand R, editors, Taylor and Francis, CRC Press 2023

Terry P, Dhand R. Nebulizers. In Inhaled Delivery Systems for the Treatment of Asthma and COPD. Mahler DA and Dhand R, editors, Taylor and Francis, CRC Press 2023

Li J, Dhand R. Inhalation Therapy in the Intensive Care Unit. In Inhaled Delivery Systems for the Treatment of Asthma and COPD. Mahler DA and Dhand R, editors, Taylor and Francis, CRC Press 2023

Biney I, Soto FJ. Inhaled Therapy for Other Respiratory Diseases: Pulmonary Hypertension. In: Mahler D, Dhand R. Inhaled Delivery Systems for the Treatment of Asthma and COPD. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press; 07/01/2023: 165-175

2023 – 2024

Academic Year


Tiperneni R, Wadi G, Smith C, Hamric E, Biney I. Sarcoidosis Versus Chronic Beryllium Disease-Can They Coexist? Presented at 2024 American Thoracic Society: San Diego, CA May 17-22, 2024

Tiperneni R, Smith C, Hamric E, Tsapenko A. Known Complication with Unknown Mechanism: Dasatenib Induced Pleural Effusion. Presented at 2024 American Thoracic Society: San Diego, CA May 17-22, 2024

Wadi G, Tiperneni R, Soto F. Lymph Node Mimics During Endobronchial Ultrasound (EBUS): Pulse-Wave Doppler Saves the Day. Presented at 2024 American Thoracic Society: San Diego, CA May 17-22, 2024

Hamric E, Forsyth C, Brandel M, Bevill B. Adenocarcinoma Presenting as a Spontaneous Mediastinal Hematoma. Presented at 2024 American Thoracic Society: San Diego, CA May 17-22-2024

Treat S, Lange K, Gee K, Criswell E, Branca P. Chilled to the Bone: A Case of Refractory VF Arrest Managed with VA ECMO. Presented at 2023 Society of Critical Care Medine: Phoenix, AZ January 21-23, 2024

2023 – 2024

Academic Year


Dhand R, Treat S, Bhagat M, Fuerst N, Valdes M, Biney I, Heidel ER, Terry P, Walker T, Elder S, Ferris J, Dennis D, Faircloth B, Onar G, Cusick S. Feasibility, Safety, and Efficacy of Nebulized Long-Acting Bronchodilators vs. Nebulized Short-Acting Bronchodilators in Hospitalized Patients with Exacerbations of COPD. Presented 2023

CHEST: Honolulu, HI October 8-11, 2023

Soto FJ, Shlobin O, Levine D, Sahay S, Bhagat M, Sood N, Balasubramanian V, Farmer MJ, Bernardo R, Vintch J, Pandit L, Pettigrew S, Elwing J. Right Heart Catheterization Practice Patters in Pulmonary Hypertension Diagnosis in the United States: A Cross-Sectional Analysis. Presented at 2023 CHEST: Honolulu, HI October 8-11, 2023

Urbina E, Branca P, Bevill B, Josan E, Sharma N, Soto FJ. Concordance of StratX and SeleCT Software in the Evaluation of Fissure Integrity for Patients Considered for Bronchoscopic Lung Volume Reduction. Presented at 2023 CHEST: Honolulu, HI October 8-11, 2023

Thomas A, Assaf S, Thomas W, Assaf M, Biney I, Soto FJ. Diagnostic Performance of Endobronchial Ultrasound-Guided Transbronchial Needle Aspiration for Isolated Mediastinal and Hilar Adenopathy in Southeastern United States. Presented at 2023 CHEST: Honolulu, HI October 8-11, 2023

Street N, Loughridge J, Tosonian S, Cloyd J. In the Heat of the Moment: Haloperidol for Acute Agitation. Presented at 2023 CHEST: Honolulu, HI October 8-11, 2023

Sharma N, Smith L, Assaf A, Assaf S, Urbina E, Soto FJ. Keeping the Right Heart in Mind: Safety Profile of Right Heart Catheterization. Presented at 2023 CHEST: Honolulu, HI October 8-11, 2023

Urbina E, Bevill B, Thomas A, Green J. Acute Hypercapnic Respiratory Failure as the Initial Presentation of Anti-R1 Paraneoplastic Syndrome in a Patient with Undiagnosed Breast Cancer. Presented at 2023 CHEST: Honolulu, HI October 8-11, 2023

Thomas A, Urbina E, Branca P. Simultaneous Diagnosis of Endobronchial Melanoma and Glioblastoma: Related or Co-Incidence. Presented at 2023 CHEST: Honolulu, HI October 811, 2023

2023 – 2024

Academic Year


Tiperneni R, Mohan G, Ghose M, Chaudhry A, Silberman D, Ross D, Weiner S. The Silent Killer: Nitrogen Gas Exposure-Related Lung Injury. Presented at 2023 CHEST: Honolulu, HI October 8-11, 2023

Tosonian S, Street N, Bevill B. Don’t HESitate with Hypereosinophilia. Presented at 2023 CHEST: Honolulu, HI October 8-11, 2023

Hamric E. Street N, Smith C, Adams J, Treat S, Josan E. Epinephrine-Induced Lactic Acidosis via Beta-2 Receptor Glycogenolysis. Presented at 2023 CHEST: Honolulu, HI October 811, 2023

Dhand R. Does Pre-existing Severe Asthma Increase Risk of Morbidity and Mortality from COVID-19? Presented at ISAM Congress 2023: Saarbrücken, Germany August 26-30, 2023

Sharma N, Bevill B, Branca P, Callison C, Josan E. Retrospective Pulmonary Function Testing Screening For a Pilot Bronchoscopic Lung Volume Reduction Programon. Presented at 6th Annual Conference of American Association for Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology: Chicago, IL August 24 -26, 2023

Onar G, Terry P, Ferris J, Shali L, Worth H, Kumar G, Norwood D, Heidel E, Price C, Dhand R. Correlations Between Patient Responses to Social Determinants of Health and Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36) Physical Functioning Questionnaires. Presented at American Thoracic Society International Conference 2023: Washington, DC May 18-24, 2023

Dhand R, Swanson C, Ferris J, Elder CS, Church J, Qjang H. Profiles of Microbiomes in Multiuse Closed Suction System Catheters. Presented at American Thoracic Society Annual Conference 2023: Washington, DC May 18-24, 2023


Dr. Nishant Sharma received the Fellow of the Year Award for exceptional clinical skills and dedication to teaching as chosen by her peers and Medicine Chief Residents

Drs. Shawnt Tosonian received the Certificate of Academic Excellence for the APCCMPD highest performance In-Service Exam for Critical Care Medicine and Pulmonary Disease

Who you’ll meet on Interview Day: (next

four slides)

Tina Dudney, MD, DABSDM, FCCP

• Program Director

• Division Chief, Pulmonary Critical Care Medicine

• Undergraduate: Tennessee Technological University

• Medical School : University of Tennessee Memphis

• Residency: University of Tennessee Medical Center

• Fellowship: University of Utah School of Medicine

• Enjoys gardening, animal rescue, cooking, and swimming

Isaac Biney, MD

• Associate Program Director – Education

• Medical School: University of Ghana School of Medicine and Dentistry

• Residency: Howard University Hospital

• Fellowship: University of Tennessee Graduate School of Medicine – Knoxville

• Enjoys playing and watching tennis

Francisco Soto, MD, MS, FCCP

• Associate Program Director - Research

• Medical School: Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia

• Residency: University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL

• Fellowship: Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX

• Enjoys Latin dancing, hiking, country music, and soccer/football

Jason Green, DO

• Medical School: Edward Via Virginia College of Osteopathic Medicine, Blacksburg, VA

• Residency: East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TN

• Fellowship: East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TN

• Enjoys travelling, true crime documentaries, and TN sports

Sam Treat, MD

Chief Fellows

Raghu Tiperneni, MBBS

• Medical School: Gandhi

Medical College and Hospital, Secundarabad, India

• Residency: Rutgers Health, Long Branch, NJ

• Medical School: Universidad Americana (UAM) Facultad de Medicina , Nicaragua

• Residency: University of TN

Graduate School of Medicine, Knoxville, TN

Ghassan Wadi, MBBS

• Medical School: St. George's University School of Medicine, Grenada

• Residency: University of TN Graduate School of Medicine, Knoxville, TN



Bronchoscopy Bootcamp Didactic Conference

Post-Fellowship Placement

Class of 2024

Nishant Sharma, MBBS Academic Knoxville, TN

Elman Urbina Meneses, MD Academic Knoxville, TN

Shawnt Tosonian, MD Private Practice Fort Lauderdale, FL

Class of 2023

Nicholas Fuerst, MD Academic Greenville, SC

Milind Bhagat, MBBS Academic Minneapolis, MN

Class of 2022

Megan Doyle McClam, MD Private Practice Anderson, SC

Ralph Maroun, MD Private Practice

Class of 2021

Spencer Pugh, MD Private Practice

Knoxville, TN

Knoxville, TN

Fatima Wong, DO Interventional Cooper University Hospital Camden, NJ Pulmonology Fellowship

Class of 2020

Swati Baveja, MBBS Private Practice Victorville, CA

Isaac Biney, MBBCh Academic Knoxville, TN

Post-Fellowship Placement


Class of 2019

Bimaje Akpa, MBBS Sleep Fellowship University of Chicago Chicago, IL

Sameh Attia, MBBCh Academic Knoxville, TN

Ashish Thakkar, MD Academic Knoxville, TN

Class of 2018

Raakesh Sathya, MBBS Private Practice Los Angeles, CA

Naveed Sheikh, MBBS Private Practice Oak Ridge, TN

Class of 2017

Rishi Sehgal, MD Sleep Fellowship

Anil Singh, MBBS Private Practice

Class of 2016

Rafael Alba-Yunen, MD Private Practice

Victor Gordon, MD Private Practice

Class of 2015

Vanderbilt University Medical Center Nashville, TN

Dallas, TX

Brunswick, GA

Saginaw, MI

Farhan Khan, MBBS Critical Care Fellowship Orlando Health Orlando, FL

Dipaben Modi, MBBS Academic Houston, TX

Post-Fellowship Placement


Class of 2014

Syed Naqshbandi, MBBS Critical Care Fellowship

Montefiore Medical Center Bronx, NY

Naveed Sheikh, MBBS Private Practice Oak Ridge, TN

Kashif Aslam, MBBS Critical Care Medicine University of New Mexico Albuquerque, NM

Class of 2013

Syed Gilani, MBBS Private Practice Columbia, SC

Arseniy Tsapenko, DO, MD Sleep Fellowship Dartmouth-Hitchcock Lebanon, NH

Class of 2012

Kamran Manzoor, MBBS Critical Care Fellowship Dartmouth-Hitchcock Lebanon, NH

Muhammad Mir, MD Private Practice Crossville, TN

Class of 2011

Adeel Shibli, MD Private Practice Mesquite, TX

Amit Dhingra, MD Private Practice Peoria, AZ

Class of 2010

Paramveer Bhugra, MD Critical Care Fellowship Brown University Providence, RI

Kinnaresh Patel, MBBS Critical Care Fellowship Wake Forest School of Medicine Winston-Salem, NC

Pulmonary Critical Care Medicine Fellowship Program

• 9 fellows

• 3 per year

• All fellow training is at this facility except 6 weeks at Vanderbilt for Lung Transplant and Burn ICU

• University Pulmonary Critical Care

• 17 Pulmonary/Critical Care Physicians with varied area of focus in:

• Sleep Medicine

• Pulmonary Hypertension

• Cystic Fibrosis

• Interstitial Lung Disease

• Thoracic Oncology

• Interventional Pulmonology

• General Pulmonary Medicine

• Critical Care Medicine

• Ultrasonography


- The volume of interventional procedures and inpatient consultations performed by our group at UTMC in 2023


 1,151 Pulmonary Consultations/Admissions

 11,644 Medical ICU Admissions


 1,493 Bronchoscopies (there is close to 95% fellow participation in these procedures based on monthly rotation availability)

 518 EBUS (endobronchial ultrasound)

 244 robotic bronchoscopies

 299 Therapeutic/Interventional Bronchoscopies

 Other advanced diagnostic (EBUS & transbronchial biopsies)

 377 ROSE (rapid on-site evaluation)


 6,479 PFTs (pulmonary function tests)

 127 CPET (cardiopulmonary exercise test)


 >200 Thoracentesis

 70 Chest Tubes


 40 Right Heart Catheterizations (performed in the Cath Lab; number does not include pulmonary artery catheters placed at bedside)

 27 Vasodilator Challenge Studies


 133 Endotracheal Intubations

 222 Central Venous Lines (does not include overnight procedures)

Bedside Swan Ganz
Robotic Bronchoscopy

The University of Tennessee Medical Center

• Opened August 1956

• 710 bed acute care teaching hospital

• Region’s only Academic Medical Center

• 19 ACGME accredited specialty and subspecialty programs

• Level 1 Trauma Center

• Certified Comprehensive Stroke Center

• Aeromedical Service Base

• Magnet recognition for excellence in nursing

• Clerkships for M3 and M4 students

• Health Information Center – Preston Medical Library


• Area’s first emergency response helicopter

• Medical Simulation Center

The Facility – Heart Lung Vascular Institute

• Outpatient office

• Connected to hospital via walkway

• Fellow parking attached to HLVI

• in garage

• Shared fellow’s office with individual desks, call room adjacent to hospital

Bronchoscopy Lab

• Two dedicated rooms with EBUS and Interventional capability

• Navigational Bronchoscopy

• Radial Probe Ultrasound bronchoscopy

• OR availability with combined CT surgery/Pulmonologist cases

• Close working relationship with Thoracic Surgery

The Facility - Academics

• Health Information Center

• In hospital – access 24/7

• Patient access area separate from resident / fellow study area

• Conference rooms

• Computers

• Stacks

• Magazines

• Access to thousands of books / electronic resources through UT Memphis

The Facility - Academics

• UT Center for Advanced Medical Simulation

• 6500 Sq ft

• 1 of 68 in the world (only one in TN) to earn accreditation as Level 1

Comprehensive Accredited Education Institute from American College of Surgeons

Graduate School of Medicine – Residencies and Fellowships

• Anesthesia

 Fellowships in Pain Medicine, Perioperative Medicine and Regional Anesthesia/Acute Pain Medicine

• Family Medicine

 Fellowships in Emergency Medicine, Hospice and Palliative Medicine and Sports Medicine

• General Dentistry

 Fellowship in Dental Operating Room

• Internal Medicine

 Fellowships in Cardiovascular Diseases, Interventional Cardiology, and Pulmonary Disease/ Critical Care Medicine and Hematology /Oncology

• Transitional Year

• Neurology

• Obstetrics & Gynecology

 Fellowship in Maternal-Fetal Medicine

• Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery

 Fellowship in Oral/Head and Neck Oncologic Surgery

• Pathology

 Fellowship in Surgical Pathology

• Radiology

• Surgery

 Fellowships in Abdominal Wall Reconstruction, Advanced GI MIS/Bariatric, Surgical Critical Care and Vascular Surgery

• Urology


• 4 general seasons

• Lower cost of living than the national average

• Multiple festivals and weekly concerts

• Exciting Craft Beer Scene with Knoxville Ale Trail

• Food Truck Parks

• Small local airport with access to major airlines and cities

• Multiple farmer’s markets

• www.visitknoxville.com We’re a nature-lovingadventure-seeking-artsykinda-town

The City - Knoxville

• Est population 200,400

• Knoxville Metropolitan Statistical Area (Knox, Blount, Anderson, Loudon, and Union counties) is 796,000

• Economics

• No state income tax

• 13% below the national cost-of-living average

• Median household income $70,302

• Demographics

• Median age 33.4

• 32.2 Male / 34.8 Female

• 73.9% Caucasian, 16.11% Black, 0.15% Native American, 1. 56% Asian, 0.04% Pacific Islander, Two or more races 6.43%, other race 1.81%


Travelling to / from Knoxville

Two major interstates – I-40 and I-75 make car travel convenient McGhee Tyson Airport is easy to get in /out of with reasonable flight rates (about 15 min from hospital)

Fellowship Photos

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