1 minute read
From the Chancellor
Research and scientific discovery are critical to helping the University of Tennessee Health Science Center fulfill our mission to improve the health of the citizens of Tennessee and beyond.
Our students and postdoctoral scholars in the College of Graduate Health Sciences will carry this investigative mission into the future, making the lives and health of future generations of Tennesseans better. We are so proud of the work they do on our campus and the exciting and rewarding futures they will have when they graduate.
Dean Thomason and his team are working diligently to make sure they are equipped for their future careers. We are thrilled to see alumni from the College of Graduate Health Sciences share in this effort by offering insights from the roads they have traveled beyond academia. Connecting graduates with their futures is imperative for higher education today, and it is one the College of Graduate Health Sciences embraces.
In my time at UTHSC, I have been so impressed by our alumni, who are always ready to give of their time, talent, and funds to support those who come behind them. That speaks volumes for the education they received at UTHSC and the regard to which they hold their alma mater. It also speaks to their dedication to a brighter tomorrow instilled in them during their time at UTHSC.
As chancellor of the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, I want to thank you for all you do for your university and for the wider world. Science is a key to a better tomorrow for us all. We are grateful for the part you play in ensuring that our students and trainees are ready to face the future.
Peter Buckley, MD Chancellor The University of Tennessee Heath Science Center