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If performance or conduct issues continue to persist and there has been no successful resolution, consult with HR Employee Relations. We can discuss the following options
The Employee Relations Committee (ERC) and the Exempt Staff Council (ESC) consist of elected staff representatives who assist in providing information, support, and advocacy to non-exempt and exempt employees. To learn more, contact hr@uthsc.edu
Women’s Resource Group
Young Professionals Group
Fraud, Waste, and Abuse
Office of Audit and Compliance 901.448.1435
Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct
Office of Equity and Diversity 901.448.2112
Criminal Activity
UTHSC Campus Police 901.448.4444 (Emergency) 901.448.5679 (Non-Emergency)
Employee Assistance Program
University Health Services
901.448.5630 (8:00 am - 5:00 pm) 901.541.5654 (Emergency after-hours)
EMPLOYEE CODE OF CONDUCT The code provides employees with guidance on how to conduct themselves in an ethical and responsible manner. It is comprised of 15 general principles and statements. Below are key expectations and examples of prohibited conduct:
• Employees are expected to conduct themselves fairly, honestly, in good faith, and in accordance with the highest ethical and professional standards and to comply with applicable laws, regulations, contractual obligations and University policies.
• Disorderly conduct using discriminatory, abusive, or threatening language; fighting, provoking a fight, or attempting bodily harm or injury to another employee or to any other individual or threatening physical action or injury on University property or during University activities; or other conduct that threatens or endangers the health, safety, or well-being of any person. • Violation of any University policy against harassment, discrimination,
or retaliation.
Unexcused Absence. An absence without proper notification or satisfactory reason is unexcused. And absence of three consecutive days without notification or satisfactory reason is considered a voluntary termination. Repeated Tardiness. Tardiness is defined as arriving at work past the appointed starting time without supervisory approval. Other Absences. Such absences include the failure of employees to report to their work place at the beginning of the work period, leaving work before the end of the work period, and failure to inform the supervisor when leaving the work area.
• Insubordination or refusal of an employee to follow instructions or to perform designated work or to comply with directives of authorized University officials. • Failure to wear proper uniform or identification in the prescribed manner as may be required by the University. • Sleeping on the job. •
Failure or refusal to maintain or obtain required licensure/ certification/registration.
Instigating or participating in deliberate low productivity, and/or interfering with another employee’s work.
UNIVERSITY POLICIES For more information, see the following key policies at uthsc.edu/hr:
HR 0128 Human Resources Development HR 0397 Worker’s Compensation HR 0160 Termination of Employment HR 0525 Disciplinary Actions HR 0338 Family and Medical Leave HR 0580 Code of Conduct HR 0380 Sick Leave HR 0640 Grievances
Employment is hosting a weekly Engagement Series every Friday 10:00 – 10:30 am from May 15 – Aug 14 on various topics. Registration is emailed weekly but you can also review topics and previous sessions on our website:
ActiveHealth Management is our wellness vendor and is ready to help you achieve your health goals. Employees can go to go.activehealth.com/wellnesstn for more information.
Returning members, and new users who create an account, have access to a health assessment, coaching support (online personal or group coaching, or by phone), a weight management program*, biometric screenings*, as well as many other online resources. A web portal and mobile app will allow you to access online wellness resources, interact with your coach and access an incentive center*. Returning members can just log in. New members will need to create your online account to see what programs are available • Log on to myactivehealth.com/wellnesstn to get started. – IMPORTANT! Members/spouses MUST complete the
ActiveHealth health assessment to be eligible for cash incentives.
New users, go to the Create An Account link and follow the steps to register. You will need to have your 8-digit
Edison ID handy. The ID can be found on your or your spouse’s Caremark card.
You can also download the ActiveHealth app. Search for
“ActiveHealth” in your app store.
Click here for a printable 2020 Incentive Table that shows all of the ways enrolled state and higher education members and spouses can earn cash incentives and how to get started.
For more information, please contact:
t 901.448.5600 | f 901.448.5170 Once you complete ActiveHealth’s online health assessment, you and your spouse can each earn up to $250 a year by completing certain wellness activities (if eligible). Each participant will be able to earn the maximum $250 per person ($500 annual maximum per family).
BIOMETRIC SCREENINGS Quest Diagnostics is our biometric screening vendor. To set up your online account with Quest, click here. When you set up your Quest account for the first time, you will need the registration key: SOT. Then follow the instructions. Here’s how to get a screening When you log in to your Quest account, you will have the option to:
Schedule an onsite screening if one is scheduled near you or
Download the physician screening form to take to your annual physical (well visit).
You can earn the biometric screening cash incentive by completing either biometric screening option. Once you choose your screening option that is the only option you will see in your Quest account. If you change your mind, just cancel the onsite appointment or cancel the physician screening form and select the other option. The cut off deadline for the biometric screening is November 30, 2020. Your annual physical is covered by the health plan at no
If you have questions about the wellness plan, please contact Active Health at 888.741.3390.
Human Resources | 910 Madison Avenue | Suite WP012, 1st Floor cost, if you use an in-network provider.