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New Initiatives
The UTHSC Department of Surgery has established a Committee for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in its ongoing effort to develop and maintain a culture that is equitable and inclusive of its faculty, residents and students.
The committee has developed a broad goal to establish best practices on diversity and inclusion and to examine our department and shed light on issues that negatively affect those groups that are under-represented in medicine.
The committee is facilitated by Carissa WebsterLake, MD, assistant professor of Surgery, Division of Vascular Surgery, and includes a diverse group of individuals selected from among surgical faculty and residents. The members are Drs Alexander Feliz, Denis Foretia, Ying Weatherall, Isaac Howley, Alex Mathew, Nosratollah Nezakatgoo, Martin Fleming, and Ankush Gosain. Dr. Clarisse Muenyi will serve as the resident representative on the committee.
Other interested faculty, residents and students may contact any member of the committee for more information.

Scott Strome, MD, Robert Kaplan Executive Dean and Vice Chancellor of Clinical Affairs, has appointed David Shibata, MD, Scheinberg Endowed Chair in Surgery, professor and chair, Department of Surgery, to the position of Executive Director and Chief Medical Officer of the UTHSC Cancer Program. The UTHSC Cancer Program is comprised of a comprehensive multidisciplinary group of clinicians including those in medical oncology, radiation oncology and surgical oncology who provide cancer care across multiple hospital systems in the region. The program also includes a robust research program that includes clinical trials and investigative efforts in basic, translational, population and clinical sciences.
Leah Hendrick, MD
General Surgery Category ASCL1: An Epigenetically-Regulated Candidate Tumor Suppressor in HPV-Associated Malignancies
Jacqueline Stuber, MD
Tumor Histology and Nonsurgical Treatment may Contribute to Racial, Ethnic, and Economic Disparities in Pediatric Primary Pulmonary Cancers First Place
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