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Bhalla, A. 31st Annual Conference of The Indian Society of Organ Transplantation (ISOT) - Transplantation from Donors with Hepatitis C Infection Bhalla, A. Indian Society of Nephrology Conference (ISNCON 2021) - Immune Complex Cresecentic Glomerulonephritis Bhalla, A. ASN Kidney Week 2021 - 2,8-dihydroxyadenine Crystalline Nephropathy in Transplanted Kidney Castillo-Angeles, M., Kim, E.S., Easter, S.R., Gosain, A., Hu, Y.Y., Cooper, Z., Rangel, E. The Impact of Pregnancy Complications On Wellness And Career Satisfaction: Results Of A National Survey Of Us Surgeons. American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress, 2021. [Oral Presentation] Castillo-Angeles, M., Atkinson, R.B., Easter, S.R., Gosain, A., Hu, Y.Y., Cooper, Z., Kim, E.S., Rangel, E. Lack of Workplace Support for Obstetric Complications is Associated with Greater Postpartum Depression Among Female Surgeons. New England Surgical Society, 2021. [Oral Presentation] Eubanks, J. Abstract presented at Pediatric Trauma Society- Outcomes And Treatment Of Blunt Cerebrovascular Injury In Children: A Prospective Observational Study Eubanks, J. Presentation at AAST Pediatric Trauma Session- BCVI in pediatric trauma; Memphis, Denver, Utah, or McGovern Eubanks, J. Presentation at the 80th Annual Meeting of AAST and Clinical Congress- Managing High-Velocity Firearm Injuries in Pediatric Patients Eubanks, J. National Invited Speaker- TCAA Webinar- Managing High-Velocity Firearm Injuries in Pediatric Patients Eymard, C., Naik, S., Eason, J., “Steroid-Free Living Donor Liver Transplantation Using Rabbit Antithymocyte Globulin Induction Reduces Incidence of Acute Cellular Rejection.” International Living Donor Liver Transplant Congress, Brussels, Belgium, October 15-16, 2021 Feliz, A. Lecture: Program Co-Director, Moderator, Panelist. American Pediatric Surgery Association. Feliz, A. Surgical Critical Care Committee APSAsode. Sharpening your critical care skills: Ventilation Strategies and Pulmonary Hypertension Management. Anticoagulation in ECMO debate. August 4, 2021 Feliz, A. Pediatric Surgery Transition to Fellowship, Hosted by McGill University and UCSD Divisions of Pediatric Surgery. Neonatal Transition and Pulmonary Hypertension. August 6, 2021 Glazer, E. Immune-modulating tumor microenvironment in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Halsted Society Meeting, September 2021. Gosain, A. “Hirschsprung Disease: Addressing Morbidity & Mortality through Translational Science.” Visiting Professor in Pediatric Surgery, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, August 2021. Gosain, A. “Harnessing Social Media.” Panelist, Faculty, Society of Asian Academic Surgeons, Annual Meeting, September 2021. Gosain, A. “Addressing Racial Disparities by Research Design.” Lessons Learned from Asian Academic Surgeons, Advances in Surgery, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Series, September 2021. Gosain, A. “Hirschsprung Disease: Addressing Morbidity & Mortality through Translational Science.” Invited Speaker, 95th Annual Halsted Society Meeting, Washington, DC, September 2021 Gosain, A. “Managing Time and Expectations.” Speaker, Faculty, Association for Academic Surgery, Fundamentals of Surgical Research Course, October 2021. Gosain, A. “Research 101: How to Ask and Answer a Question Worth Asking?” Invited Speaker, Pediatrics Fellowship Research Week, Children’s Foundation Research Institute, Memphis, TN, November 2021. Gosain, A. “Beginning Your Research.” Panelist, Pediatrics Fellowship Research Week, Children’s Foundation Research Institute, Memphis, TN, November 2021 Gosain, A. “Research 101: How to Deliver an Effective Research Presentation.” Pediatric Fellows Curriculum, Children’s Foundation Research Institute, Memphis, TN, November 2021. Jancelewicz, T. Extracorporeal Life Support (ECLS) and the Management of Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH). Le Bonheur ECMO Course for Providers, August 2021. Kuscu, C. Targeting Transplant Challenges with Omics Tools, UTHSC Center for Cancer Research, November 30th, 2021 Lewit, R., Bright, M., Mansfield, S., Camp, L., Craner, D., Harmon, K., Hayes, K., Holden, K., Kelley, E., St. John, B., Paton, E., Gosain, A. Perception versus Practices Prior to Initiating Enhanced Recovery After Surgery in Pediatric Colorectal Patients. American College of Surgeons, Quality and Safety Conference, 2021. [Poster Presentation]
Lewit, R., Bright, M., Mansfield, S., Camp, L., Craner, D., Harmon, K., Hayes, K., Holden, K., Kelley, E., St. John, B., Paton, E., Gosain, A. Perception versus Practices Prior to Initiating Enhanced Recovery After Surgery in Pediatric Colorectal Patients. Society of Asian Academic Surgeons, 2021. [Oral Presentation] Naik-Mathuria, B., Russell, R., Falcone, R., Campbell, B., St Peter, S., Slater, B., Kreykes, N., Jafri, M., Escobar, T., Beaudin, M., Ehrlich, P., Hamner, C., Notrica, D., Renaud, E., Teich, S., Rouse, T., Thakar, R., Engbrecht, B., Gaines, B., Thangarajah, H., Gosain, A., Tsao, K., Russell, K., Gourlay, D. Early Evaluation of the PTS Clinical Pathway for Non-operative Management of High-grade Pancreatic Trauma in Children. Pediatric Trauma Society Annual Meeting, 2021. [Oral Presentation] Pryor, H.I. “Pediatric endovascular hemorrhage control: An idea whose time has come.” Pryor HI 2nd. American Association for the Surgery of Trauma – Needle Tip. https://www.aast.org/news-letter-detail/needle-tip-pediatric-endovascularhemorrhage-contr August 3rd, 2021 Pryor, H.I. “Surgical Critical Care Committee Panel - Sharpening your Critical Care Skills: Updates in Ventilator Strategies, Pulmonary Hypertension, and ECMO Management.” 52nd Annual Meeting, American Pediatric Surgery Association. Virtual Format August 4th, 2021. Smith, J.L., Lee, J.Y., Nolan, L.S., Huang, E., Bidani, S., Hofmeister, N.H., Gong, Q., Kuruvilla, K.P., Gosain, A., Good, M. Characterizing the Intestinal Inflammatory Response in Hirschsprung - Associated Enterocolitis. Midwest Society for Pediatric Research, Annual Meeting 2021. [Poster Presentation] Williams, R.F. Advocacy: Disparities Due to SDOH; Gun Violence Education and Advocacy, APSAsode, June 2021, Virtual Williams, R.F. A Pandemic within a Pandemic, TNACS Annual Meeting, Memphis, TN, August 2021 Williams, R.F. Pediatric Zebras: Blunt Cerebrovascular Injuries, TQIP Annual Conference, Virtual, November 2021 Williams, R.F. Mitigating Human Failures: TQIP Mortality Project, TQIP Annual Conference, Virtual, November 2021
Above: Dr. Evan Glazer presenting at the Halsted Society Meeting, in Washington D.C. in September 2021. Photo: Ankush Gosain, MD. Above: Dr. Ankush Gosain, Dr. David Shibata, and Dr. Thomas Ng thank Visiting Professor Dr. Taryne A. Imai after her grand rounds presentation on using robotic technology in treatment of lung cancer patients. Photo: Ankush Gosain, MD Right: Visiting Professor Dr. Barish Edil, and Dr. David Shibata after Dr. Edil’s lecture, “Minimally Invasive Approaches to Pancreatic Cancer.”