35 minute read
Sumida K, Han Z, Chiu CY, Mims TS, Bajwa A, Demmer RT, Datta S, Kovesdy CP, Pierre JF. Circulating Microbiota in Cardiometabolic Disease. Front Cell Infect Microbiol. May 2022.
Pabla N, Bajwa A. Role of Mitochondrial Therapy for Ischemic-Reperfusion Injury and Acute Kidney Injury. Nephron. 2022.
Bajawa, A. The next big wave in Therapeutics: Mitochondrial Medicine. Invited speaker. Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine.
Dogan M, Naik S, Watkins, C, Bajwa A, Mas V, Eason J, Kuscu C, Kuscu C. Inhibition of ITG85 Protects Hepatocytes from Ischemia Reperfusion Injury. Am J Transplant. 2022.
Naik S, Dogan M, Watkins C, Bajwa A, Eymard C, Eason J, Kuscu C, Kuscu C. Characterization of Hepatocytes During Cold Static Preservation at Single Cell Resolution. Am J Transplant. 2022.
Lewit, RA, Phillips A, Knaus M, Bright, M, Mansfield S, Camp L, Craner, D, Harmon K, Hayes K, Holden K, Kelly E, St. John B, Paton E, Gosain A. Preliminary results of initiation of an enhanced recovery after surgery protocol for children undergoing colorectal surgery: A single-center’s experience. Society of Asian Academic Surgeons Annual Meeting, 2022. [Oral Presentation].
Labuz DF, Cunningham A, Tobias J, Dixon A, Dewey E, Marenco CW, Escobar MA, Hazeltine MD, Cleary MA, Kotagal M, Falcone RA, Fallon SC, Naik-Mathuria B, MacArthur T, Klinkner DB, Shah A, Chernoguz A, Orioles A, Zagel A, Gosain A, Knaus M, Hamilton NA, Jafri NA. Impact of institutional prophylaxis guidelines on rates of pediatric venous thromboembolism following trauma-a multicenter study from the PTS research committee. Pediatric Trauma Society Annual Meeting, 2022. [Oral Presentation].
Eubanks T. Chest Wall Deformities. Speakers Bureau Webinar, June 2022.
Eubanks T. BCVI in Children. TNCOT Trauma Update, August 2022.
Yao. J, Asahngwa C, Maina RM, Gobina R, Foretia DA. Availability and Use of Essential Opioid Analgesics in Low-and Middle-Income Countries: A Scoping Review.
Maina RM, Kypa J, Muenyi C, Asahngwa C, Foretia DA. A Scoping Review on Management and Outcomes of Chemotherapy-Associated Pneumoperitoneum in Cancer Patients.
Young EN, Jasmin HM, Asahngwa C, Maina RM, Foretia DA. Presentation and Management of Gallbladder Agenesis – A Systematic Review of 190 Published Cases.
Wyckoff K, Frietas JP, Kibu OD, Ngo VN, Ngwa W, Gobina RM, Foretia DA. Healthcare Worker Attitudes and Perceptions Towards Gender-based and Intimate Partner Violence: A Scoping Review.
Asahngwa C, Kibu OD, Ngo VN, Ngwa W, Gobina RM, Nkwi P, Foretia DA. Discharged Patients Held in Hospital Detention for Failure to Pay Bills: Patient Experiences in Cameroon and Implications for Effective Financing of Surgical Care in Lowand Middle-Income Countries.
Helmick RA, Eymard CM, Vanetta JM, Eason JD. A Prospective Randomized Trial of Extended-Release Tacrolimus vs Immediate Release Tacrolimus after Liver Transplantation with Anti-Thymocyte Induction in a Steroid Free Protocol. ATC Boston. June 2022.
Jancelewicz T. Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia and the NoNo Trial, Pediatric Grand Rounds, Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital, UTHSC, June 2022.
Kothadia JP, Patel V, Heda R, Angel WA, Vanar V, Maliakkal BJ, Verma R. Budd-Chiari Syndrome as an Initial Presentation of Non-Promyelocytic Acute Myelogenous Leukemia. Gastroenterology Research. June 2022.
Kothadia JP, Cheng TM, Redfield J, Snell PD, Faust TW, Nair SP. Accuracy of Non-Invasive Test of Liver Fibrosis in Detecting Significant Fibrosis in Liver Transplant Recipients. AASLD Annual Scientific Meeting 2022.
Kothadia JP, Cheng TM, Redfield J, Snell PD, Faust TW, Nair SP. Diagnostic Accuracy of FibroScan Controlled.
Kothadia JP, French J, Richa J, Faust TW, Nair SP. An Uncommon Cause of obstructive Jaundice: Icteric Type hepatoma. ACG Annual Scientific Meeting 2022.
Niedzialkowska E, Liu L, Kuscu C, Mayo Z, Minor W, Strahl BD, Adi M, Stukenberg PT. Tip60 acetylation of histone H3k4 temporally controls chromosome passenger complex localization. Mol Biol Cell. August 2022.
Ozturk H, Cingoz H, Tufan T, Yang J, Adair SJ, Tummala KS, Kuscu C, Kinali M, Comertpay G, Nagdas S, Goudreau BJ, Luleyap HU, Bingul Y, Ware TB, Hwang WL, Hsu KL, Kashatus DF, Ting DT, Chandel NS, Bardesy N, Bauer TW, Adli M. ISL2 is a putative tumor suppressor whose epigenetic silencing reprograms the metabolism of pancreatic cancer. Dev Cell. June 2022.
Mitchell EL. Tricks and Pearls in the Management of Vascular Trauma. Grand Rounds Loyola University Health System. Chicago. June 2022.
Mitchell EL. Anti-Harassment and Bystander Communication Training. 2022 Vascular Annual Meeting. Boston, MA. June 2022.
Mitchell EL. Acute Ischemia secondary to Iliac Artery injury after ECMO in the Pediatric Patient. Vascular Techniques & Technology Thinktank (VASTT). Saratoga Springs, NY. August 2022.
Mitchell EL. Ruptured Mycotic Aneurysm after Covid Treatment. Vascular Techniques & Technology Thinktank (VASTT). Saratoga Springs, NY. August 4-6, 2022.
Mitchell EL. Exposures of Blood Vessels. Seventh Annual UCLA/SVS Symposium. A Comprehensive Review and Update of What’s New in Vascular and Endovascular Surgery. Los Angeles, CA. September 25, 2022.
Mitchell EL. Addressing Gender Bias in Vascular Surgery. Medstar Baltimore Surgical Grand Rounds. Remote via Zoom. September 23rd, 2022.
Mitchell EL. Clinical Perspective: Engineered Cardiovascular tissues and devices Today and Moving Forward. 18th International Society for Applied Cardiovascular Biology Biennial Meeting. Memphis, TN. September 29, 2022.
Mitchell EL. The Contemporary Management of Vascular Trauma. Grand Rounds Louisiana State University, Department of Surgery Grand Rounds. New Orleans, LA. Remote via Zoom. October, 20th, 2022.
Mitchell EL. Disclosure without Fear of Reprisal. Systems for Reporting Session. American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress 2022. San Diego, CA. October 17, 2022.
Mitchell EL. Health Equity 2022 Town Hall: Implicit Bias.American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress 2022. San Diego, CA. October 18, 2022.
Mitchcell EL. Vascular Trauma Management. Grand Rounds San Raffaele University School of Medicine Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy. Remote via Zoom. September 27th, 2022.
Mitchell EL. How I Do It: Exposure of the Distal Internal carotid Artery. Saint Louis University. Practical Anatomy & Surgical Education Fellows Course. November 4th, 2022
Mitchell EL. How I Do It: Exposure of the Splenic Artery. Saint Louis University. Practical Anatomy & Surgical Education Fellows Course. November 5th, 2022.
Mitchell EL. Timing is Everything: Revascularization for Concomitant Long Bone Fracture and Major Arterial Injury. Veith Symposium, NYC, New York. November 18th, 2022.
Fleming AM, Murphy AJ, Interiano RB, Loh A, McCarville ME, Abramson Z, Mansfield SA, Abdelhafeez HJ., Davidoff AM, Gosain A, Gartrell JA, Furman WL, Langham MR. Aggressive Pursuit of No Evidence of Disease Status in Hepatoblastoma Improves Survival. American Academy of Pediatrics, Section on Surgery Annual Meeting, 2022. [Oral Presentation].
Vanatta JM, Helmick RA, Eymard C, Nezakatgoo N, Horton P, Kothadia JP, Nair SP, Eason JD. Everolimus IN Liver Transplant for Diffuse, Unresectable Neuroendocrine Tumor. ATC Boston and ASTS Miami Beach. June-August 2022.
Vanatta JM, Helmick RA, Eymard C, Nezakatgoo N, Horton P, Kothadia JP, Nair SP, Eason JD. Liver Transplantation in Jehovah’s Witness Patients. ASTS Miami Beach 2022.
Bowers, AF, Maina RM, Muenyi C, Zalamea N, Foretia DA. Establishing an Academic Global Surgery Program: Our Institution’s Experience.
Muenyi C, Bowers A, Aregbe KA, Smith J, Maina RM, Zalamea N, Foretia DA. Medical Students Perceptions of Global Surgery and Global Health – Our Institution’s Experience.
Kibu, OD, Asahngwa C, Ngwa W, Nkengafac N, Ngo VN, Muenyi CS, Sinsai R, Zalamea N, Asanga FL, Mokake D, Gobina RM, Foretia DA. Barriers and Motivations for Health Insurance Subscription Among Health Care Users in Cameroon.
Ogana OO, Rader, CA, Muenyi CS, Zalamea N, Foretia DA. Assessment of Gender and Ethic Representation Among Keynote and Invited Speakers at Majora Surgical Conferences in the United States.
Optimal time to thoracoscopy for trauma patients with retained hemothorax. Zambetti BR, Lewis RH Jr, Chintalapani SR, Desai N, Valaulikar GS, Magnotti LJ. Surgery. 2022 Oct;172(4):1265-1269. doi: 10.1016/j.surg.2022.06.018. Epub 2022 Jul 20. PMID: 35868904.
The role of obesity and bariatric surgery-induced weight loss in breast cancer. Bohm MS, Sipe LM, Pye ME, Davis MJ, Pierre JF, Makowski L. Cancer Metastasis Rev. 2022 Jul 23. doi: 10.1007/s10555022-10050-6. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35870055.
Current state of the definition and terminology related to weight recurrence after metabolic surgery: review by the POWER Task Force of the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery. Majid SF, Davis MJ, Ajmal S, Podkameni D, Jain-Spangler K, Guerron AD, King N, Voellinger DC, Northup CJ, Kennedy C, Archer SB. Surg Obes Relat Dis. 2022 Jul;18(7):957-963. doi: 10.1016/j.soard.2022.04.012. Epub 2022 Apr 29. PMID: 35680532.
Response to immune checkpoint blockade improved in pre-clinical model of breast cancer after bariatric surgery. Sipe LM, Chaib M, Korba EB, Jo H, Lovely MC, Counts BR, Tanveer U, Holt JR, Clements JC, John NA, Daria D, Marion TN, Bohm MS, Sekhri R, Pingili AK, Teng B, Carson JA, Hayes DN, Davis MJ, Cook KL, Pierre JF, Makowski L. Elife. 2022 Jul 1;11:e79143. doi: 10.7554/ eLife.79143. PMID: 35775614; PMCID: PMC9342954.
Gallbladder volvulus with gangrenous cholecystitis - A case report. Muenyi CS, Zalamea NN, Dhindsa P, Miller MP, Foretia DA. Int J Surg Case Rep. 2022 Jul 30;97:107468. doi: 10.1016/j. ijscr.2022.107468. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35917606.
Wide Variability in Catecholamine Levels From Adrenal Venous Sampling in Primary Aldosteronism. DeLozier OM, Dream S, Findling JW, Rilling W, Kidambi S, Magill SB, Evans DB, Wang TS. J Surg Res. 2022 Sep;277:1-6. doi: 10.1016/j.jss.2022.03.016. Epub 2022 Apr 19. PMID: 35453052.
Retrograde intussusception of jejunojejunostomy after Roux-En-Y gastric bypass leading to small bowel obstruction - Case report of a rare and serious complication. Doño A, Freitas JP, Muenyi CS, Zalamea NN, Foretia DA. Int J Surg Case Rep. 2022 Sep;98:107563. doi: 10.1016/j. ijscr.2022.107563. Epub 2022 Aug 27. PMID: 36044809.
Alectinib-associated pneumoperitoneum in stage IV nonsmall cell lung cancer - A case report. Maina RM, Rader CA, Muenyi CS, Battini R, Zalamea NN, Foretia DA. Ann Med Surg (Lond). 2022 Sep 9;82:104601. doi: 10.1016/j.amsu.2022.104601. eCollection 2022 Oct. PMID: 36268341.
Beware of the shrunken gallbladder - Case report of intraoperatively diagnosed gallbladder agenesis. Anderson K, Roland AL, Miller MP, Foretia DA. Int J Surg Case Rep. 2022 Sep;98:107588. doi: 10.1016/j. ijscr.2022.107588. Epub 2022 Aug 31.PMID: 36058154.
To decolonize global surgery and global health we must be radically intentional. Foretia DA. Am J Surg. 2022 Oct 14:S0002-9610(22)006456. doi: 10.1016/j.amjsurg.2022.10.015. Online ahead of print. PMID: 36302698.
Early and long-term results of ventricular septal defect repair in children with severe pulmonary hypertension and elevated pulmonary vascular resistance by the double or traditional patch technique. Golovenko O, Lazorhyshynets V, Prokopovych L, Truba Y, DiSessa T, Novick W Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2022 Jul 11;62(2):ezac347. doi: 10.1093/ejcts/ ezac347. PMID: 35766804.
Hybrid strategy in neonates with ductal-dependent systemic circulation and multiple risk factors. Ceneri NM, Desai MH, Tongut A, Ozturk M, Ramakrishnan K, Staffa SJ, Zurakowski D, Donofrio MT, Downing T, d’Udekem Y, Jonas RA, Yerebakan C; Children’s National Hospital Hybrid Working Group.J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2022 Nov;164(5):1291-1303.e6. doi: 10.1016/j. jtcvs.2021.11.103. Epub 2022 Mar 16. PMID: 35577592.
Periocardiophrenic Release to Prevent Conduit Compression After Neonatal Truncus Arteriosus Repair. Desai MH, Tongut A, Ramakrishnan K, Yerebakan C, Sinha P, Jonas R, Peer SM. Ann Thorac Surg. 2022 Jun;113(6):e477-e479. doi: 10.1016/j. athoracsur.2021.09.044. Epub 2021 Oct 26. PMID: 34715084.
A comparison of autologous pericardium with Dacron™ for closure of ventricular septal defect in infants. Desai MH, Hachana S, Bukhari SM, Stough A, Zurakowski D, Jonas RA, Ramakrishnan K. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2022 Sep 2;62(4):ezac022. doi: 10.1093/ejcts/ezac022. PMID: 35104877.
Sildenafil’s Early, Late Impact on Ventricular Septal Repair: Older Children Using the Double Patch. Novick WM, Golovenko OS, Lazorhyshynets VV, Dedovich VV, DiSessa TG. Ann Thorac Surg. 2022 Sep;114(3):818-825. doi: 10.1016/j. athoracsur.2021.06.018. Epub 2021 Jul 3. PMID: 34228973.
Lack of Workplace Support for Obstetric Health Concerns is Associated with Major Pregnancy Complications: A National Study of US Female Surgeons. Rangel EL, Castillo-
Angeles M, Hu YY, Gosain A, Easter SR, Cooper Z, Atkinson RB, Kim E. Ann Surg. 2022 Jun 27. doi: 10.1097/ SLA.0000000000005550. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35758469.
Postpartum Depression in Surgeons and Workplace Support for Obstetric and Neonatal Complication: Results of a National Study of US Surgeons. CastilloAngeles M, Atkinson RB, Easter SR, Gosain A, Hu YY, Cooper Z, Kim ES, Fromson JA, Rangel EL. J Am Coll Surg. 2022 Jun 1;234(6):1051-1061. doi: 10.1097/ XCS.0000000000000173. Epub 2022 Apr 8. PMID: 35703796.
Association of Economic Recession and Social Distancing With Pediatric Non- accidental Trauma During COVID-19. Lewit RA, Kotagal M, Duron VP, Falcone RA, Fortenberry LC, Greene HM, Leonard JC, Makoroff K, Midura D, Moody S, Ramaiah V, Gosain A, Slidell MB. J Surg Res. 2022 Aug;276:110-119. doi: 10.1016/j.jss.2022.02.038. Epub 2022 Feb 24. PMID: 35339779; PMCID: PMC8866081.
Pregnancy During Surgical Training: Are Residency Programs Truly Supporting Their Trainees? CastilloAngeles M, Atkinson RB, Easter SR, Gosain A, Hu YY, Cooper Z, Kim ES, Rangel EL. J Surg Educ. 2022 Jul 14:S1931-7204(22)00156-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jsurg.2022.06.011. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35842402.
Histologic type predicts disparate outcomes in pediatric hepatocellular neoplasms: A Pediatric Surgical Oncology Research Collaborative study. Short SS, Kastenberg ZJ, Wei G, Bondoc A, Dasgupta R, Tiao GM, Watters E, Heaton TE, Lotakis D, La Quaglia MP, Murphy AJ, Davidoff AM, Mansfield SA, Langham MR, Lautz TB, Superina RA, Ott KC, Malek MM, Morgan KM, Kim ES, Zamora A, Lascano D, Roach J, Murphy JT, Rothstein DH, Vasudevan SA, Whitlock R, Lal DR, Hallis B, Bütter A, Baertschiger RM, Lapidus-Krol E, Putra J, Tracy ER, Aldrink JH, Apfeld J, Le HD, Park KY, Rich BS, Glick RD, Fialkowski EA, Utria AF, Meyers RL, Riehle KJ. Cancer. 2022 Jul 15;128(14):2786-2795. doi: 10.1002/ cncr.34256. Epub 2022 May 13. PMID: 35561331.
A CT scan-based formula for predicting central venous catheter length in pediatric patients. Ross AB, GomezQuevedo O, Sutthatarn P, Lu Z, Wang X, Prajapati H, Talbot LJ, Davidoff AM, Murphy AJ, Abdelhafeez AH. Pediatrics Surg Int. 2022 Jul 18. doi: 10.1007/ s00383-022-05165-4. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35849175.
Can Computed Tomography Scans Reliably Distinguish Pleuropulmonary Blastoma From Congenital Lung Malformations? Murphy AJ. JAMA Netw Open. 2022 Jun 1;5(6):e2219826. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.19826. PMID: 35771580.
Incidence and management of pleural effusions in patients with Wilms tumor: A Pediatric Surgical Oncology Research Collaborative study. Al-Hadidi A, Rinehardt HN, Sutthatarn P, Talbot LJ, Murphy AJ, Whitlock R, Condon S, Naik-Mathuria B, Utria AF, Rothstein DH, Chen SY, Wong-Michalak S, Kim ES, Short SS, Meyers RL, Kastenberg ZJ, Johnston ME 2nd, Zens T, Dasgupta R, Malek MM, Calabro K, Piché N, Callas H, Lautz TB, McKay K, Lovvorn HN 3rd, Commander SJ, Tracy ET, Lund SB, Polites SF, Davidson J, Dhooma J, Seemann NM, Marquart JP, Gainer H, Lal DR, Rich BS, Glick RD, Maloney L, Radu S, Fialkowski EA, Kwok PE, Romao RLP, Rubalcava N, Ehrlich PF, Newman E, Diehl T, Le HD, Polcz V, Petroze RT, Stanek J, Aldrink JH. Int J Cancer. 2022 Jun 24. doi: 10.1002/ ijc.34188. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35748343.
Fluorescence- guided lymph node sampling is feasible during up-front or delayed nephrectomy for Wilms tumor. Abdelhafeez AH, Davidoff AM, Murphy AJ, Arul GS, Pachl MJ. J Pediatr Surg. 2022 Jun 10:S0022-3468(22)00389-X. doi: 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2022.06.002. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35794043. Invited Commentary on Vasudevan, et al: Outcomes of children with well differentiated fetal hepatoblastoma treated with surgery only: Report from Children’s Oncology Group Trial, AHEP0731. Murphy AJ. J Pediatr Surg. 2022 Jun 17:S0022-3468(22)00391-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2022.06.003. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35840358.
Advocating for the surgical needs of children with cancer. Davidoff AM. J Pediatr Surg. 2022 Jun;57(6):959-966. doi: 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2022.01.050. Epub 2022 Feb 23. PMID: 35331552.
Reply to: Letter to the Editor: Reflection on “Impact of Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy on Image-Defined Risk Factors in High-Risk Neuroblastoma”. Mansfield SA, Davidoff AM. Ann Surg Oncol. 2022 Jul 16. doi: 10.1245/s10434022-12103-0. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35842537.
Why do subcutaneous ports get stuck? A case-control study. Crook JL, Lu Z, Wang X, Henderson N, Proctor KE, Maller VG, Prajapati HJ, Gold RE, Abdelhafeez AH, Talbot LJ, Pui CH, Davidoff AM, Hoffman JM, Murphy AJ. J Pediatr Surg. 2022 Sep;57(9):229-233. doi: 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2021.08.003. Epub 2021 Aug 8. PMID: 34456040.
Germline Mutations in CIDEB and Protection against Liver Disease. Verweij N, Haas ME, Nielsen JB, Sosina OA, Kim M, Akbari P, De T, Hindy G, Bovijn J, Persaud T, Miloscio L, Germino M, Panagis L, Watanabe K, Mbatchou J, Jones M, LeBlanc M, Balasubramanian S, Lammert C, Enhörning S, Melander O, Carey DJ, Still CD, Mirshahi T, Rader DJ, Parasoglou P, Walls JR, Overton JD, Reid JG, Economides A, Cantor MN, Zambrowicz B, Murphy AJ, Abecasis GR, Ferreira MAR, Smagris E, Gusarova V, Sleeman M, Yancopoulos GD, Marchini J, Kang HM, Karalis K, Shuldiner AR, Della Gatta G, Locke AE, Baras A, Lotta LA. N Engl J Med. 2022 Jul 28;387(4):332-344. doi: 10.1056/ NEJMoa2117872. PMID: 35939579.
Targeting KDM4 for treating PAX3-FOXO1-driven alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma. Singh S, Abu-
Zaid A, Jin H, Fang J, Wu Q, Wang T, Feng H, Quarni W, Shao Y, Maxham L, Abdolvahabi A, Yun MK, Vaithiyalingam S, Tan H, Bowling J, Honnell V, Young B, Guo Y, Bajpai R, Pruett-Miller SM, Grosveld GC, Hatley M, Xu B, Fan Y, Wu G, Chen EY, Chen T, Lewis PW, Rankovic Z, Li Y, Murphy AJ, Easton J, Peng J, Chen X, Wang R, White SW, Davidoff AM, Yang J. Sci Transl Med. 2022 Jul 13;14(653):eabq2096. doi: 10.1126/scitranslmed.abq2096. Epub 2022 Jul 13.PMID: 35857643.
Indocyanine green-guided nephronsparing surgery for pediatric renal tumors. Abdelhafeez AH, Murphy AJ, Brennan R, Santiago TC, Lu Z, Krasin MJ, Bissler JJ, Gleason JM, Davidoff AM.J Pediatr Surg. 2022 Sep;57(9):174-178. doi: 10.1016/j. jpedsurg.2021.08.006. Epub 2021 Aug 23.PMID: 34518021 Review.
Complications associated with totally implantable access ports in children less than 1 year of age. Ross AB, Rouanet E, Murphy AJ, Weldon CB, Weil BR. J Pediatr Surg. 2022 Oct;57(10):463-468. doi: 10.1016/j. jpedsurg.2021.12.004. Epub 2021 Dec 10. PMID: 34991865.
Implications of Tumor Characteristics and Treatment Modality on Local Recurrence and Functional Outcomes in Children With Chest Wall Sarcoma: A Pediatric Surgical Oncology Research Collaborative Study. Harris CJ, Helenowski I, Murphy AJ, Mansfield SA, LaQuaglia MP, Heaton TE, Cavalli M, Murphy JT, Newman EA, Overmen RE, Kartal TT, CookeBarber J, Donaher A, Malek MM, Kalsi R, Kim ES, Zobel MJ, Goodhue CJ, Naik-Mathuria BJ, Jefferson IN, Roach JP, Mata C, Piché N, Joharifard S, Sultan S, Short SS, Meyers RL, Bleicher J, Le HD, Janek K, Bütter A, Davidson J, Aldrink JH, Richards HW, Tracy ET, Commander SJ, Fialkowski EA, Troutt M, Dasgupta R, Lautz TB. Ann Surg. 2022 Dec 1;276(6):e969-e975. doi: 10.1097/SLA.0000000000004579. Epub 2020 Nov 4.PMID: 33156070. Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor: A multi-institutional study from the Pediatric Surgical Oncology Research Collaborative. Rich BS, Fishbein J, Lautz T, Rubalcava NS, Kartal T, Newman E, Wok PE, Romao RLP, Whitlock R, Naik-Mathuria B, Polites SF, Løfberg K, Lascano D, Kim E, Davidson J, Bütter A, Kastenberg ZJ, Short SS, Meyers RL, Mastropolo R, Malek MM, Weller J, Irfan A, Rhee DS, Utria AF, Rothstein DH, Riehle K, Commander SJ, Tracy E, Becktell K, Hallis B, Lal D, Li O, Dal-Soglio DB, Piché N, Quevedo OG, Murphy AJ, Davidoff AM, Barber JC, Watters E, Dasgupta R, Glick RD. Int J Cancer. 2022 Oct 1;151(7):1059-1067. doi: 10.1002/ijc.34132. Epub 2022 Jun 15. PMID: 35604778.
The pathophysiology of bilateral and multifocal Wilms tumors: What we can learn from the study of predisposition syndromes. Welter N, Brzezinski J, Treece A, Chintagumpala M, Young MD, Perotti D, Kieran K, Jongmans MCJ, Murphy AJ. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2022 Sep 12:e29984. doi: 10.1002/ pbc.29984. Online ahead of print. PMID: 36094328 Review.
Incidence and management of pleural effusions in patients with Wilms tumor: A Pediatric Surgical Oncology Research Collaborative study. Al-Hadidi A, Rinehardt HN, Sutthatarn P, Talbot LJ, Murphy AJ, Whitlock R, Condon S, Naik-Mathuria B, Utria AF, Rothstein DH, Chen SY, Wong-Michalak S, Kim ES, Short SS, Meyers RL, Kastenberg ZJ, Johnston ME 2nd, Zens T, Dasgupta R, Malek MM, Calabro K, Piché N, Callas H, Lautz TB, McKay K, Lovvorn HN 3rd, Commander SJ, Tracy ET, Lund SB, Polites SF, Davidson J, Dhooma J, Seemann NM, Marquart JP, Gainer H, Lal DR, Rich BS, Glick RD, Maloney L, Radu S, Fialkowski EA, Kwok PE, Romao RLP, Rubalcava N, Ehrlich PF, Newman E, Diehl T, Le HD, Polcz V, Petroze RT, Stanek J, Aldrink JH. Int J Cancer. 2022 Nov 15;151(10):1696-1702. doi: 10.1002/ijc.34188. Epub 2022 Jul 14. PMID: 35748343.
A single-cell map of dynamic chromatin landscapes of immune cells in renal cell carcinoma. Kourtis N, Wang Q, Wang B, Oswald E, Adler C, Cherravuru S, Malahias E, Zhang L, Golubov J, Wei Q, Lemus S, Ni M, Ding Y, Wei Y, Atwal GS, Thurston G, Macdonald LE, Murphy AJ, Dhanik A, Sleeman MA, Tykodi SS, Skokos D.Nat Cancer. 2022 Jul;3(7):885-898. doi: 10.1038/s43018022-00391-0. Epub 2022 Jun 6. PMID: 35668194 Free PMC article.
Management of intravascular thrombus in cases of bilateral Wilms tumor or horseshoe kidney. Sutthatarn P, Gomez Quevedo O, Gleason J, Davidoff AM, Murphy AJ. J Pediatr Surg. 2022 Sep;57(9):166-173. doi: 10.1016/j. jpedsurg.2021.07.025. Epub 2021 Aug 5. PMID: 34452755.
Clinical Assessment of Late Health Outcomes in Survivors of Wilms Tumor. Foster KL, Salehabadi SM, Green DM, Xing M, Ness KK, Krull KR, Brinkman TM, Ehrhardt MJ, Chemaitilly W, Dixon SB, Bhakta N, Brennan RC, Krasin MJ, Davidoff AM, Robison LL, Hudson MM, Mulrooney DA. Pediatrics. 2022 Nov 1;150(5):e2022056918. doi: 10.1542/ peds.2022-056918. PMID: 36300342.
Ultrasound is safe and highly specific for confirmation of proper gastrostomy tube replacement in pediatric patients. Frank C, Williams RF, Boulden T, Kink R, Paton EA. J Pediatr Surg. 2022 Oct;57(10):390-395. doi: 10.1016/j. jpedsurg.2022.01.024. Epub 2022 Jan 31. PMID: 35216797.
Examining the incidence of acute stress in pediatric trauma patients. Schauss E, Hawes K, Roberts S, Clayton JM, Li C, Littlejohn A, Bartelli D, Williams R; BRAIN Center at the University of Memphis. Trauma Surg Acute Care Open. 2022 Aug 17;7(1):e000946. doi: 10.1136/tsaco-2022-000946. eCollection 2022. PMID: 36072965.
Outcomes of children with welldifferentiated fetal hepatoblastoma treated with surgery only: Report from Children’s Oncology Group Trial, AHEP0731. Vasudevan SA, Meyers RL, Finegold MJ, López-Terrada D, Ranganathan S, Dunn SP, Langham MR, McGahren ED, Tiao GM, Weldon
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Inclusion and representation in the pediatric surgery workforce: Strategies to mitigate bias in the fellowship application process. Berman L, Renaud E, Pace D, Downard CD, Nwomeh BC, Huang EY, Weatherall YZ, Gadepalli SK, Mollen KP, Mak GZ, Newman E; APSTPD DEI Committee. J Pediatr Surg. 2022 Nov;57(11):592-597. doi: 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2021.12.023. Epub 2022 Jan 8. PMID: 35065807 Review.
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Management of pediatric appendicitis during the COVID-19 pandemic: A nationwide multicenter cohort study. Hegde B, Garcia E, Hu A, Raval M, Takirambudde S, Wakeman D, Lewit R, Gosain A, Parrado RH, Cina RA, Stephenson K, Dassinger MS 3rd, Zhang D, Mustafa MM, Koo D, Lipskar AM, Scheidler K, Van Arendonk KJ, Berg P, Gonzalez R, Scheese D, Haynes J, Mina A, Zamora IJ, Lopez ME, Mehl SC, Gilliam E, Lofberg K, Spencer B, Kulaylat AN, Gulack BC, Johnson M, Laskovy M, Brahmamdam P, Shimomura A, Blanch T, Tsao K, Slater BJ. J Pediatr Surg. 2022 Aug 13:S0022-3468(22)00512-7. doi: 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2022.08.005. Online ahead of print. PMID: 36075771.
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Presurgery Adhesion Molecules and Angiogenesis Biomarkers Are Differently Associated with Outcomes in Colon and Rectal Cancer: Results from the ColoCare Study. Ose J, Gigic B, Hardikar S, Lin T, Himbert C, Warby CA, Peoples AR, Lindley CL, Boehm J, Schrotz-King P, Figueiredo JC, Toriola AT, Siegel EM, Li CI, Ulrich A, Schneider M, Shibata D, Ulrich CM. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2022 Aug 2;31(8):1650-1660. doi: 10.1158/1055-9965.EPI-22-0092. PMID: 35667092.
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Factors associated with changes in exercise behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic. Himbert C, Hathaway CA, Daniels B, Salas K, Ashworth A, Gigic B, Lin T, Viskochil R, Kirchhoff AC, Grossman D, Ose J, Tward J, Scaife C, Figueiredo JC, Toriola AT, Beck A, Shibata D, Gonzalez BD, Matsen C, Christenson C, Ma DS, Colman H, Hunt JP, Jones KB, Lee CJ, Larson M, Onega T, Akerley WL, Li CI, Schneider M, Penedo FJ, Siegel EM, Tworoger SS, Ulrich CM, Peoples AR. Cancer Causes Control. 2022 Jul;33(7):939950. doi: 10.1007/s10552-02201580-z. Epub 2022 May 12. PMID: 35554777; PMCID: PMC9096745.
Impact of adjuvant therapies following surgery for anal melanoma. Wong DL, Glazer ES, Tsao M, Deneve JL, Fleming MD, Shibata D. Am J Surg. 2022 Jun;223(6):1132-1143. doi: 10.1016/j. amjsurg.2021.10.041. Epub 2021 Nov 11. PMID: 34801225.
Expanded evidence that the 31-gene expression profile test provides clinical utility for melanoma management in a multicenter study. Dillon LD, McPhee M, Davidson RS, Quick AP, Martin B, Covington KR, Zolochevska O, Cook RW, Vetto JT, Jarell AD, Fleming MD. Curr Med Res Opin. 2022 Aug;38(8):1267-1274. doi: 10.1080/03007995.2022.2033560. Epub 2022 Feb 15. PMID: 35081854.
Tumor Location in the Pancreatic Tail Is Associated with Decreased Likelihood of Receiving Chemotherapy for Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma. Drake JA, Fleming AM, Behrman SW, Glazer ES, Deneve JL, Yakoub D, Tsao MW, Dickson PV. J Gastrointest Surg. 2022 Jun 29. doi: 10.1007/s11605022-05381-2. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35768717.2021 Nov 12. PMID: 34780940.
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Outcomes with adjuvant anti-PD-1 therapy in patients with sentinel lymph node-positive melanoma without completion lymph node dissection. Eroglu Z, Broman KK, Thompson JF, Nijhuis A, Hieken TJ, Kottschade L, Farma JM, Hotz M, Deneve J, Fleming M, Bartlett EK, Sharma A, Dossett L, Hughes T, Gyorki DE, Downs J, Karakousis G, Song Y, Lee A, Berman RS, van Akkooi A, Stahlie E, Han D, Vetto J, Beasley G, Farrow NE, Hui JYC, Moncrieff M, Nobes J, Baecher K, Perez M, Lowe M, Ollila DW, Collichio FA, Bagge RO, Mattsson J, Kroon HM, Chai H, Teras J, Sun J, Carr MJ, Tandon A, Babacan NA, Kim Y, Naqvi M, Zager J, Khushalani NI. J Immunother Cancer. 2022 Aug;10(8):e004417. doi: 10.1136/ jitc-2021-004417. PMID: 36002183.
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Tumor Location in the Pancreatic Tail Is Associated with Decreased Likelihood of Receiving Chemotherapy for Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma. Drake JA, Fleming AM, Behrman SW, Glazer ES, Deneve JL, Yakoub D, Tsao MW, Dickson PV. J Gastrointest Surg. 2022 Oct;26(10):2136-2147. doi: 10.1007/ s11605-022-05381-2. Epub 2022 Jun 29. PMID: 35768717.
ASO Author Reflections: Nodal Disease Burden in Patients with Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor. Fleming AM, Stiles ZE, Deneve JL. Ann Surg Oncol. 2022 Dec;29(13):8649-8650. doi: 10.1245/ s10434-022-12591-0. Epub 2022 Oct 2. PMID: 36183019.
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Impact of Social Determinants of Health on Outcomes Following Resection for Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Moten AS, Dickson PV, Deneve JL, Shibata D, Stanfill AG, Glazer ES. Ann Surg Oncol. 2022 Nov 1. doi: 10.1245/s10434-02212735-2. Online ahead of print. PMID: 36319871.
Rectal Cancer, Version 2.2022, NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology. Benson AB, Venook AP, Al-Hawary MM, Azad N, Chen YJ, Ciombor KK, Cohen S, Cooper HS, Deming D, Garrido-Laguna I, Grem JL, Gunn A, Hecht JR, Hoffe S, Hubbard J, Hunt S, Jeck W, Johung KL, Kirilcuk N, Krishnamurthi S, Maratt JK, Messersmith WA, Meyerhardt J, Miller ED, Mulcahy MF, Nurkin S, Overman MJ, Parikh A, Patel H, Pedersen K, Saltz L, Schneider C, Shibata D, Skibber JM, Sofocleous CT, Stotsky-Himelfarb E, Tavakkoli A, Willett CG, Gregory K, Gurski L. J Natl Compr Canc Netw. 2022 Oct;20(10):1139-1167. doi: 10.6004/ jnccn.2022.0051. PMID: 36240850.
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on rural and urban cancer patients’ experiences, health behaviors, and perceptions. Peoples AR, Oswald LB, Ose J, Daniels B, Himbert C, Hathaway CA, Gigic B, Kirchhoff AC, Lin T, Grossman D, Tward J, Varghese TK Jr, Figueiredo JC, Toriola AT, Beck A, Scaife C, Shibata D, LaStayo P, Gonzalez B, Salas K, Ashworth A,
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Factors associated with changes in exercise behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic. Himbert C, Hathaway CA, Daniels B, Salas K, Ashworth A, Gigic B, Lin T, Viskochil R, Kirchhoff AC, Grossman D, Ose J, Tward J, Scaife C, Figueiredo JC, Toriola AT, Beck A, Shibata D, Gonzalez BD, Matsen C, Christenson C, Ma DS, Colman H, Hunt JP, Jones KB, Lee CJ, Larson M, Onega T, Akerley WL, Li CI, Schneider M, Penedo FJ, Siegel EM, Tworoger SS, Ulrich CM, Peoples AR. Cancer Causes Control. 2022 Jul;33(7):939950. doi: 10.1007/s10552-02201580-z. Epub 2022 May 12. PMID: 35554777.
The Association of Race With Adequate Lymph Node Evaluation for Gastric Cancer. Tsao MW, Kahl MS, Deneve JL, Yakoub D, Glazer ES, Shibata D, Jain R, Clark I, Dickson PV. Am Surg. 2022 Sep;88(9):2280-2288. doi: 10.1177/00031348221101601. Epub 2022 May 15. PMID: 35570820.
Differences in the gut microbiome by physical activity and BMI among colorectal cancer patients. Himbert C, Stephens WZ, Gigic B, Hardikar S, Holowatyj AN, Lin T, Ose J, Swanson E, Ashworth A, Warby CA, Peoples AR, Nix D, Jedrzkiewicz J, Bronner M, Pickron B, Scaife C, Cohan JN, Schrotz-King P, Habermann N, Boehm J, Hullar M, Figueiredo JC, Toriola AT, Siegel EM, Li CI, Ulrich AB, Shibata D, Boucher K, Huang LC, Schneider M, Round JL, Ulrich CM. Am J Cancer Res. 2022 Oct 15;12(10):4789-4801. eCollection 2022. PMID: 36381318. Presurgery Adhesion Molecules and Angiogenesis Biomarkers Are Differently Associated with Outcomes in Colon and Rectal Cancer: Results from the ColoCare Study. Ose J, Gigic B, Hardikar S, Lin T, Himbert C, Warby CA, Peoples AR, Lindley CL, Boehm J, Schrotz-King P, Figueiredo JC, Toriola AT, Siegel EM, Li CI, Ulrich A, Schneider M, Shibata D, Ulrich CM. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2022 Aug 2;31(8):1650-1660. doi: 10.1158/10559965.EPI-22-0092. PMID: 35667092.
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Developing and leading a sustainable organization for early career acute care surgeons: Lessons from the inaugural American Association for the Surgery of Trauma Associate Member Council. Dumas RP, Bankhead BK, Coleman JR, Dhillon NK, Meizoso JP, Bessoff K, Butler WJ, Strickland M, Dultz LA, Davis K, Bulger EM, Reilly PM, Croce MA, Spain DA, Livingston DH, Brasel KJ, Coimbra R, Knowlton LM.J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2022 Oct 1;93(4):e143-e146. doi: 10.1097/ TA.0000000000003734. Epub 2022 Jul 1. PMID: 35777976.
Expert Consensus on the Conceptual Alignment of ACGME Competencies with Patient Outcomes After Common Vascular Surgical Procedures. Smith BK, Hamstra SJ, Yamazaki K, Tekian A, Brooke BS, Holmboe E, Mitchell EL, Park YS J Vasc Surg. 2022 Jul 4:S0741-5214(22)01820-1. doi: 10.1016/j. jvs.2022.06.091. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35798280.
Predicting Performance at Graduation From Early ACGME Milestone Ratings: Longitudinal Learning Analytics in Professionalism and Communication in Vascular Surgery. Smith BK, Yamazaki K, Luman A, Tekian A, Holmboe E, Mitchell EL, Park YS, Hamstra SJ. J Surg Educ. 2022 Sep 28:S19317204(22)00234-3. doi: 10.1016/j. jsurg.2022.09.002. Online ahead of print. PMID: 36182635.
Ankush Gosain, MD, PHD, FACS, FAAP and Jeremiah Deneve, DO, FACS have announced their departure from the UTHSC Department of Surgery. Gosain will serve as the new Division Chief of Pediatric Surgery at the Children’s Hospital ColoradoAnschutz Medical Campus in Aurora, CO. Deneve has accepted a position in the Division of Surgical Oncology at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, NC. Although both will be missed by the Department of Surgery, we wish them the best of luck in their new positions. Their contributions were formally recognized at the Department of Surgery holiday reception.

Dr. David Shibata presented Dr. Ankush Gosain with an award for his years of service to the UTHSC Department of Surgery during the department’s holiday reception in December.