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INTRODUCTION Message from the Chancellor
Strategic planning can be a daunting task. Typically, the process is time consuming and the resultant document can be long, sometimes difficult to understand, and often replete with issues that are not easily actionable. Moreover, it is hard to strike the right balance between being inspirational and being pragmatic, and a plan that is tilted in either direction can be too lofty or operational. Please bear these considerations in mind as you read through this thoughtful and dynamic planning document and decide for yourself as to whether we got it right here – I enthusiastically believe that we did! Accordingly, we are most grateful to the steering committee, ably led by Dr. Cindy Russell, and the many colleagues among our students, staff, faculty, and community members who generously gave their time and thoughts.
Collectively, we defined our new vision, incorporated the BE ONE UT values – while also adding further context for the health sciences – and through a meticulous process, we have arrived at a plan that is both inspirational and pragmatic. Foundational activities are intermingled with stretch goals and novel approaches. The plan is both realistic and progressive. It will guide us, and get us, to where we need to go over the next five years. Finally, it is often said that how you go about doing a task is as important as the task itself. In this regard, I am very proud of our colleagues and friends who diligently ensured that this strategic planning process was broad and inclusive, reflective of our many constituents and communities across the great State of Tennessee. Not only will this process stand us in good stead as we implement this plan, we have also built new institutional capacity and competencies that will enable future planning – and that is priceless!

With great admiration and gratitude to our many participants,

Peter Buckley, MD Chancellor