U. City High School 7401 Balson Ave. University City, MO 63130
Seniors’ Last Words p. 2-4
A Salute to
College Decisions p. 5
Seniors 6
Senior Artists p. 6-7
Prom p. 8-9
Spring Sports p. 10-11
3 Top Jocks p. 12-13
Meet the Staff p. 14-15
1. Michel Hodge 2. Devin Spears 3. Jenee’ Chisholm 4. Ariel Brown 5. Joshua Thames 6. Lynden Peoples 7. Seniors at “A” Lunch 8. Alex Henry
U-Times May 2012 Volume 24 Issue 5
2 2011-2012 U-Times Staff Editor in Chief Caroline Martínez Web Editor Carl Sechrist Sports Editor William Mitchell Photo Editor Julian Johnson Staff Writers/ Photographers Christopher Andry Leah Booker Lily Lewis-Stump Alice Mutrux Michael Johnson Alexander Phillips Andrew White Reneise White Adviser Mrs. Mary Williams
Philosophy The newspaper’s primary obligation is to inform its readers about events in the school and community and of the issues of national or international importance which directly or indirectly affect the school population. The newspaper, while serving as a training ground for future journalists as part of the school curriculum, recognizes all rights and responsibilities under the First Amendment. While establishing U-Times as a public forum, student editors will apply professional standards and ethics for decision making as they take on the responsibility for content and production of the newspaper. Inasmuch as the student staff encourages constructive criticism of any part of the newspaper, authority for content rests in the hands of the student members of the newspaper staff. Students will not publish material considered to be legally unprotected speech, or libel, obscenity, material disruption of the educational process, copyright infringement, or unwarranted invasion of privacy.
Contact Us We are located in Room 346 at University City High School, 7401 Balson Ave., University City, MO 63130. Our email address is marywilliams@u-city. k12.mo.us.
Policies Opinions expressed on the editorial page do not reflect the viewpoints of the school administration. All editorials (unsigned) represent a majority opinion of the Editorial Board. Signed editorials, columns, editorial cartoons, and reviews reflect the views of the author and not necessarily those of the U-Times Editorial Board. Letters should be limited to 300 words. The U-Times reserves the right to reject, edit, or shorten letters. Submit letters to Mrs. Mary Williams in Room 346, or to any U-Times staff member, or to marywilliams@ ucityschools.org.
Last Words A
Ayesha Aaten – Gandy
I’ll miss all my softball boochies. Shout out to all my real friends…..You know who you are. Especially Mani S.Beezy!!
Tyler Anderson
Closing this chapter in high school and ready for the next step in my life. I love and will miss all my friends. I wish the best of luck to the upcoming seniors.
Chantel Bethune
Rise above hate. It was fun being with U. City, but now it is time to move to a higher level in life.
Karly Beuford
Being at U. City has really been a journey. Good luck to the upcoming seniors -- it was cool while it lasted.
Ariel Brown
Success: Don’t just wish for it, work for it! Take high school seriously, and I wish you all the best! Bye, U. City!
Leah Booker
U. City has been quite a journey for me. Thank the Lord it’s over. I’m excited to finally be going into the real world all by myself. I’ve grown from a child into an adult.
that the minors might not even be able to compete with.
Armani Cross
Man! It’s been a long time coming. Well, not really, it seemed as if freshman year was yesterday. I don’t know who said “The sky is the limit,” but I’m reaching past the universe. One day, I’ll be big and successful . -Swayze
Connor Crowe
Take risks, live for today, and forget the haters!
Breonna Conner
Big dreams! Irreplaceable memories! It was fun while it lasted! #SNLI
Joshua Dallas
High school has been many things to the students of U. City .For some, it was a party, for others, it was something we had to do, but for most it was a staircase leading to the door of success ahead of us. We can make the difference, so strive for the top because the bottom is full of people who just don’t care.
Sherman Davis
Finally, the day has come and we are leaving. U. City has been a great place to be for these last years. 2012 gone! Faces up U! Love y’all!
Amani Borders
S/O to the track team. I’ve learned so much from you guys. We’re a family, through ups and downs, forever and always. I love you all! I wish that I could have this moment for life! #Team Minaj follow @marthazolanski1
Dan Egan
Success: Don’t just wish for it, work for it!
Jeremy Cain
2012, we’re outta here…see y’all in college… we did it.
Jenee Chisholm
Being at U. City has taught me that no matter what, life is going to move on with or without you. It’s your choice in how you choose to live it and who you live it with.
Demetrius Clayton
I, Demetrius Clayton, have met friends that I will keep forever. I have made decisions for my future that without U. City I wouldn’t ever been able to even think of. Also, with U. City I was able to grasp an immense amount of passions that I would have never been able to seize without U. City. With U. City, I made an astonishing transformation
So much so fast, don’t forget what’s around you and what can happen here. I’ll miss it all.
Ariel Brown
Romiyus Gause Jr
From the fakes to the gossip to the drama, U. City has taught me a lot about myself. I came in alone and I’m leaving alone. At the end of the day I am a dancer and I’m going to do what I do. You can call people your friend; it’s a lot about yourself. It’s been real U. City, but I gotta shake for the one time. Shout out to Tami, Lisa, Andrew, Kacey, Lyden, Amani, and Aysha. The Melvin Crew will always be loved. Keep on dancing and thugging. DJ Thaddy Mac 2x Out!!! Follow me on Twitter @RoRo_The_Dancer#TeamF ollowback#TeamDancer
Jarran Gibbons
I had fun with my freshman year and senior year of high school, the most important.
Zakiya Gordon
High school was a true experience for me.
U-Times May 2012
I learned a lot of lessons. All I have to say is, focus and you will succeed. High school is really not hard. It was fun while it lasted, and I love my class of 2012. We had all better make our dreams come true!
Najee Harris-Copeland
All I got is.....Good luck! Y’all need it.
Miah Hayes
Goodbye class of 2012, I’m gonna miss all y’all and I wish everybody the best.....I kind of enjoyed these last four years of high school but I’m ready for college life!
Keana Henderson
Being at U. City, I have learned a lot about myself and life. I have gained friends and have lost some, too. That’s just life! High school has revealed many things to me that I will forever appreciate. My time has come to leave the children’s play to the children and become an adult.
Michel Hodge
You only have one life to live, so make it worthwhile. Experience all you can and meet as many people possible. Don’t let life’s problems get you down, just say “So what?” and move on to your goals.
Jade Hendrix
The fact that I’m a senior still hasn’t really hit me yet, as far as knowing that I’m actually about to be completely done with high school. I think that once my diploma is handed to me, it’ll all sink in, though. All in all, I’m extremely proud of myself for getting where I am because it hasn’t been an easy journey. To the classes after 2012, I really have nothing to say but “HAHA!” I couldn’t imagine being in school for another year. Anyway, to the class of 2012, I wish everyone luck in whatever they choose to do after graduation. The countdown to real life begins now....
Chloe Hines
What you mean, “last words?” This is only the beginning. I’m out!!
Jamesha Howard
Don’t take any minute of high school for granted, because if you do great, it will all pay off and get you to places you have always dreamt of going. I will always remember the teacher who pushed me to work harder and kept me on a successful path. It’s amazing how fast these four years have come and gone. Now I’m just another step closer to fulfilling my dreams of becoming a successful doctor.
Last Words
U-Times May 2012
Calvin Jackson
Four years have already gone by, now it’s time to leave U. City. I made a lot of friends and did a lot of things. Most of all, I just kept it basic.
Raivyn Jackson
My four years at U. City have been some good times. I’ve made new friendships and my old friendships matured. I love my class of 2012, and I wish everyone the best in their futures. I’m ready to start the next part of my life.
Shayla Jackson
In high school you just have to keep it one hundred, remain yourself, love a lot (get hurt more), make good grades, don’t get pregnant, get in trouble, and at the end of it all, graduate and go to college. Everything you do in high school is a prelude for the next steps in life, so learn, grow, and have fun. Shay Mo out!
Autumn Jacobs
Make your last year legendary, leave no aspirations behind. It’s your life; you have one senior year, one time around. Live it up!
Tarique Jefferson
If you work hard, it will show, and the only person who can stop you is yourself.
Corey Johnson
Finally, after four long years of hard work, I get to outshine all my peers. Everybody said I wouldn’t make it, but look at me now. Peace and bacon grease, Mizzou here I come.
Julian Johnson
Kevin Luber
Effort is simply caring about something more than something else.
Albert Marshall
The four years I have been here, I had to learn with these students and I understand how smart they all are. I can’t wait to see the lawyers and rocket scientists we produce. I wish everyone success and wealth.
Nile McClain
Howard Larkins
Been on my grown, gonna stay on my grown. U. City will always be my home. Dub-12.
Semont Lee-Davis
To all my Golden Girls, I love y’all! Keep up the tradition going. You all are talented young ladies and men -don’t let anybody tell you otherwise. To everyone else, keep pushing yourself to do better in school.
Marquan Long
The time has come, we’re straight out of here. I love y’all 2012, and to the staff, faces up!
Closing this chapter of high school. Ready for the next level, on my way to Indiana State. # Swagg @ followinglife on twitter.
Daijha Perry
Joi Miller
Kevin Phillips
Adrian Ming
Emmanual Price
Goodbye U. City, you have been good to me. My advice to the underclassmen: Do what you have to do so you can get out on time.
My days at U. City have changed since my freshman to senior year. From black and gold to blue and gold. 2012 leaving the building. The last best class. Love your 20112012 homecoming queen Joi Miller. Take high school seriously, and I wish you all the best! Bye U. City!
I loved my three years in U. City high school, especially my football team and the rugby team. I loved scoring for the rugby team.
Addison Mischeaux
Four long years have ended. In those years I’ve realized that this is only the beginning. Endless opportunities await me. Follow me on twitter @Addy System
Andrew Moton
Tony Newman
Lewis McKinley
Chris Jones
I will miss the teachers that helped me with any work that I had. I will miss Ms. Aboussie and Ms. Keys, and Mr. Gibson as a coach.
My two years at U. City were a nice experience and I hope the rest of you enjoy your years here. To my fellow seniors, good luck in the next part of your life. Goodbye, U. City.
Lisa Parker
Cierra Mitchell
Markus Jones
Jordan Nerby
Nothing that costs counts and nothing that counts costs. Enjoy the easy stuff while you can. Stay gold.
High school has been fun. There’s no place like U. City. My four years have gone by so fast, and I have learned a lot of life lessons here. -2012 Vice President
I want to thank all who doubted, didn’t believe, and hated....three words: I MADE IT!! - Gwala
I’m going to really miss the class of 2012, but I’m excited to finally leave. Bye U. City.
It’s been fun, these last four years at U. City. Yeah, I’m totally kidding. I’ll always miss my favorite teachers and my Melvin Crew: Tami, Lisa, Romiyous, Ariel Neely. DJ Andy Mo is leaving and never coming back! Bye!
Four years at this place and now we’ve finally come to the end of the road. Seems like just yesterday I was a freshman, rockin’ Ed Hardy and jerking at all the parties at Napp’s. As we embark on our different journeys, I just hope that you miss me a little when I’m gone.
Emma Mutrux
Here’s a shout out to my best fresh Chase A, who gave me a glue stick. Don’t let the haters get you down - just do you.
Jonntel Neal
Fear nothing but failure.
Peace out U. City! It’s been real, and stay thuggin’.
Senior year was the best. I’m going to miss most of the seniors and wish many the best, but for the ones I don’t like, have a nice life!
Throughout my four years at U. City, I’ve had some good times. I’ve found myself with the help of friends and I regret nothing that I’ve done here. I wish everyone the best and hope everybody enjoys themselves. I give all the glory to God. I’ll mess with y’all later!
As I end my high school career, I’ve come to realize: my real life is about to start. As I embark on my journey to Hampton University, I will remember all of you. But at the end of the day, “Guess what.....don’t care!” Follow me @ -epictweets_ _#winning
Juanita Robinson
My four-year experience has been amazing. Homecomings, field trips, practices, tests, and now it’s all over. Mostly I’ve made some good friends, past and present .U. City has helped me define who I am that made me start preparing for my wonderful class of 2012, Luv yall! Finish strong Class of 2013, now It’s all about you.S/O to BFF4L Tionne aka Tee-Tionne!
Ashley Sanders
Kacey Mullen
The last four years have been heaven and hell, and I’m happy I’m finally leaving and starting my life! I love everybody!
Abby Shea
Don’t focus on the destination; life is all about the journey.
Shavonne Simmens
When one door closes, another opens.
Tiyheerah Simmons
Even though I hated waking up to come to school in the morning, each day I was here I enjoyed myself and learned something new. I’m going to miss all of the staff members that helped me and all my peers. I love all y’all! Faces up! Follow me @Tiyso_Fetch on twitter.com
4 Kenneth Tannan
It’s been nice! Happy it’s over! Next chapter!
Amber Taylor
I came with friends and left with none. Shout out to all the seniors who are trying to make it and did make it. You all are still my homies, real or fake. - Ambreezy
Joshua Thomas
It may look as the teachers don’t like you, but they are tough on you because they actually care. My life at U. City has helped me matriculate to who I am today. My days here were the best days because of who I affiliate with. But college is going to be way better.
Tionne Thomas
Tami Tillman
I met people here who I grew to love, and they changed my life. No matter how cool we are now, I loved you one day, and I’ll always remember the lessons through these people. So, to those remaining, I say keep it cute, or put that mess on mute. Now, follow me, so I know it’s real @---- fancyGUURL.
Raheem Tolbert
Underclassmen….you’re next. Be ready.
Dream big. Make it happen.
Prince Walker
Well, it has come down to my last year of high school. I have enjoyed the four years of the ups and downs of U. City. If I had a chance to go back, I wouldn’t change anything, because everything has made me what I am today. I can say the best class is 2012! Shout out to my BFFL-Juanita, Tiara, Leah, Shanel, and I can’t forget about my dance team, the Lionettes. I love you guys.
Aviontay Thompson
These four years were the longest. To the underclassmen, all I can say is, keep your head up! S/O 2012
Christina Thompson
As a freshman, I wanted to be a senior. Now I’m a senior and I miss my freshman years. U. City has given me countless memories and amazing experiences, and just like that, a legend is made! Peace, love and elbow grease U. City! Meechie!
Lisa Thompson
I made it, class of 2012. Follow me @lisabisaa. Goodbye U. City, it’s been fun these last four years. I’ve been here and I’m going to miss you guys -- staff and students -- keep ya head up. I’m out deuces.
Julesa Webb
Looking back on the days when I was something else makes me smile, because the mistakes I made freshman and sophomore year made me the person I am now. So leaving this school is easy, but what I have learned is always going to be here. I’m going to miss my teachers and classmates, but it’s time to go now. So have fun, U. City, and let yourself shine in every way.
Ashley Webster BYE!
Valeria Toles
Got to be the best at what you do, whatever it is, good or bad.
I will miss the school as I grow older, but my experience here was fun, being able to interact with my friends and my teachers. I’m glad to graduate this year and I’m proud of our class for finishing all four years. I wish you all the best. Keep in touch.
U-Times May 2012
Mario Wallace
I did it! Always know that no one can stop you from doing you.
Choncere Watson
Julesa Webb
Looking back on the days when I was something else, it makes me smile because the mistakes I made freshman and sophomore year made me the person I am now. So leaving this school is easy, but what I have learned is always going to be here. I’m going to miss my teachers and classmates, but it’s time to go now so have fun U. City and let yourself shine in every way.
Ashley White
You better rock your senior year like it ain’t nothing. Forget the drama and have some real fun next year.
Diarra Williams
Although it may seem bittersweet now... I’m out! And I’m looking forward to bigger and better things. I’m happy to have the best class to graduate, class of 2012! We have proven to be the liveliest, closest, and most memorable class U. City has ever had. I will miss my basketball teammates, and I wish them luck in their upcoming season. Go Najh, Sammiyah, and Ashley! Get us that district title that has been so hard to get to. And to all: Growth cannot be determined by age, but through experience. So make the most of this experience because it truly does mold who you will become when you leave.
DeAndre Williams
I’m going to miss U. City, but my journey to success starts now. For all my homeboys, I’m going to see y’all at the top.
Raven Williams
Finish strong your senior year. Leave with no regrets.
Devante Washington
All I have to say is, 2012! “CHUNK”
Maurice Jordan Washingston
Always strive to be the best, and good things will always come your way.
LaTora Young
I will miss school. I will always miss everyone and some teachers. I grew up with everyone and now it’s done, we made it. High school was one of the best
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U-Times May 2012
COLLEGE PLANS Final Decisions
Ayesha Aaten-Gandy – Newman University Tyler Anderson – Illinois Art Institute of Chicago Chantel Bethune – University of Missouri - Kansas City Karly Beuford – Missouri State University Leah Booker – Langston University Amani Borders – University of Missouri - Kansas City Ariel Brown – Tennessee State University Jeremy Cain – Iowa Central Demetrius Clayton – Marine Corps Myra Coleman – Meramec Community College Breonna Conner – Illinois State University Armani Cross – University of Missouri Connor Crowe – Loyola University, New Orleans Joshua Dallas – Northwest Missouri State University Samantha Davis – Jackson State University Sherman Davis – Iowa Central Dan Egan – Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Romiyus Gause Jr. – The American Academy of Dramatic Arts Jarran Gibbons – Ranken University Zakiya Gordon – Southern Illinois University Carbondale Tyler Harvey – University of Arkansas - Pine Bluff Miah Hayes – University of Missouri Jade Hendrix – Dillard University Chloe Hines – Iowa Wesleyan College Michel Hodge – Stephens College Meagh Hopes – Webster University Jamesha Howard – University of Missouri - Kansas City Calvin Jackson – University of Arkansas - Pine Bluff Raivyn Jackson – Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Shayla Jackson – Loyola University - New Orleans Autumn Jacobs – Spelman College Corey Johnson – University of Missouri Markus Jones – Milliken University McKinley Lewis – University of Arkansas - Pine Bluff
Marquan Long – University of Missouri Kevin Luber – University of Missouri Albert Marshall – Lawrence University Caroline Martinez – Bowdoin College Nile McClain – Southeast Missouri State University Joi Miller – University of Missouri - St. Louis Adrian Ming – Lindenwood Belleville, Illinois Addison Mischeaux – Missouri State University Kacey Mullen – Robert Morris University, Chicago Emma Mutrux – Antioch College Jonntel Neal – University of Central Missouri Tony Newman – Indiana State University Jordan Nerby – Milwaukee Area Tech College Lisa Parker – University of Central Missouri Brooklyn Payne – Missouri State University Daijhe Perry – University of Missouri Kevin Phillips – East Tennessee State University Juanita Robinson – Alabama A&M University Asheley Sanders – Cottey College Shavonne Simmons – Alabama A&M University Josh Thomas – Harris-Stowe State University Aviontay Thompson – Arkansas State University Christien Thompson – University of Arkansas, Pine Bluff Raheem Tolbert – University of Missouri Prince Walker – University of Central Missouri Mario Wallace – College of DuPage DeVante Washington – College of DuPage Maurice Jordan Washington III – University of Dayton, Ohio Choncere Watson --- Missouri Western State University Julesa Webb --- Meramec College Ashley White --- University of Central Missouri DeAndre Williams --- Valley City State University, North Dakota Raven Williams --- Jackson State University Kinjii Wiley --- Harris-Stowe University LaTora Young --- Forest Park Community College
Senior Artists
U-Times May 2012
Albert Marshall Marshall enjoys both playing and listening to music and he loves to share his love for music with his friends. He has played saxophone and bass in the school jazz band since freshman year. “My years here at U. City have been great and being part of the jazz band has given me some of my best experiences.”
Sam Katz
Katz started in jazz band when he was a freshmen and his brother was a senior. “After freshmen year, I took over the combo from him,” said Katz. “Our band and combo have always won awards at festivals. But the biggest reward comes from the music itself. Our school has a few really good musicians and when we get together to play, even if it’s just in jazz band, the experience is always reward-
Taquoara Hardieway Hardieway’s dance passion began when she entered U. City as a freshman. “I have grown as not just a dancer, but as a perfomer,” said Hardieway. “Dance has always been my outlet and something I am very passionate about. I won the Dance STL Career Award and plan to be a dance major in college and one day own my own dance company.”
Kacey Mullen
Semont Lee-Davis
“I have been taking dance class since I was a little kid, but honestly I was not good at all,” said Mullen, president of Kinesis. “Once I began taking classes at U. City, I began to get better. Mrs. Morgan always takes time to go over a dance routine with me and is always available to answer any question. That is why I love dance, because it’s not all about the show, it’s about growth as a dancer and striving to be better at what you do”.
Now captain of the dance team, Lee-Davis began her dance career at an early age. “Dancing has helped me release stress and anger,” said LeeDavis. “I have improved on my technique a lot since I started dance here at U. City. I improved so much I’m able to dance in pointe shoes now, which is a goal I have been trying to make since I was seven.”
U-Times May 2012
Senior Artists
Christina Thompson
Not all art is visual—some of it is meant for your ears. Thompson is known all around school for her unique voice, out-of-the-box personality, and confidence. “I’m not sure what I want to pursue in the future because my talents consist of such a wide spectrum, but whatever I chose to do I will be very successful at it.”
Lisa Parker Lisa Parker is all about 21st century art. “It’s 2012 and technology is taking over day by day,” said Parker. “Luckily, I’ve finally found my niche in the art world. Drawing and painting is cool, but studying graphic arts has opened my eyes to a whole new art form. It’s what I want to do for the rest of my life.”
Tionne Thomas
“Art has impacted my life a lot, my favorite memory’s of high school is bringing my creativity to life in art class,” said Thomas. “Ms. Claunch has shown me the true meaning of art and being an artist. I would have never taken art seriously if I had not taken Ms. Claunch’s class.”
Armani Cross
Cross has been musically inclined since she was a little kid. “I taught myself how to play piano and guitar,” said Cross. “Being part of the music industry is something that I want to do. I cannot see myself not being part of music; whether I’m teaching it or performing, I just need it to be in my life.”
Chloe Hines “Coming into high school as a freshman, I had minimal knowledge about art. Studio art and ceramics helped me discover an exciting and creative way to express myself. I love the idea of being able to finally take the crazy and imaginative designs and characters in my head, and bring to life through my art work.” Although Hines does not plan to continue a career in art, it will always be one of her favorite pastimes.
Seniors Kacey Mullen and DeAndre Williams . “The train on my dress was really long and I was worried about people stepping on it,” said Mullen. People were extra cautious not to damage Mullen’s dress and fortunately nobody stepped on it on prom night.
Senior Aviontay Thompson and his date lived it up in a limo..
Prom princess Andreielle Hawkins and prom prince Mike Sarber after they were named. “I kind of knew I was going to win because my name was the only name on the ballot,” said Hawkins. “It put the icing on the cake when they called my name. It was official--I won!”
Junior Mia Bowens and senior Terrian Collins. “I had a lot of fun and I was surprised that it turned out good because of the unexpected storm, said Bowens. “I thought we were going to die, I thought it was doom’s day.”
Junior AunYiea Watson, and seniors Ben Aronberg, TaQuoara Hardieway and Dontel Pattman enjoy the dance floor. This was Watson’s first prom and a lot happened even before she arrived. Watson had to get her nails, hair, and eyebrows done and was scared because she got hit by hail. “It [prom] was more of a party than a formal thing,” said Watson.
Seniors Nate King and Nile McClain at their dinner table.
Prom queen Valeria Toles and prom king Lynden Peoples. “I just ran because it was senior year and I wanted a new experience,” said Peoples. “I wasn’t expecting to win so I was caught off guard and really surprised.”
Dancing Senior Darlet Horton and junior Melshad Broom. Horton was dissapointed by the main course offred at prom, but was very glad when dessert came and she got to try the cheesecake. “I liked the desserts. It was the best part,” said Horton.
Junior Monet Grant and senior Joshua Thames arrived to prom in a limousine. “The most I remember about prom was just the feeling of the whole event and knowing it’s going to be the last,” said Thames.
with the
Stars This year’s prom was a very different experience for many students. Around 6 p.m., when students usually go to Forest Park to take pictures, there were high winds, hail, and a lot of rain. Some students like seniors Emma Mutrux and Abby Shea had to change their plans due to the tornado warning. Instead of going to Forest Park, they took pictures at a friend’s house. Others like senior Stephen McIntosh were warned by their worried parents and asked to stay home until the storm calmed down. There were many windshields broken the day of the storm but that did not keep seniors like McIntosh from having a great time at prom.
Junior Charese Jeffries and her date who she’s been going out with for more than two years, Elijah. Jeffries is looking forward to her senior prom and said she made many memories dancing with her best friends.
Spring Sports
U-Times May 2012
The track team has had a successful season this year, setting several school records. Precious Foster and Jordan Jennings set school freshman records in the 100 meter, 200 meter, and high jump. Seniors Kayla Heidelberg and Amani Borders ran area leading times in the 100 and 300 meter hurdle, and senior Emmanuel Price earned an area leading performance in the long jump, triple jump, and 300 meter hurdle.
GOLF The Lions golf team began with great promise and high expectations this year with five veterans returning to the team, according to Coach Byrne. Several players started off the season solidly, but lost momentum as their scores fluctuated over the course of the season. The team experienced a serious loss when junior Jordan Kennedy separated her shoulder and was forced to drop out during the second half of the season. Although there were ups and downs throughout the season, the team looks forward to improving their scores next year.
VOLLEYBALL The boys’ volleyball team has had a lot of success this year, much of it due to the returning players. “If we wouldn’t have had as many veterans, we probably would not have had as much success,” said assistant coach and history teacher Ellie Aboussie. Two successful players on the team were Jarran Gibbons with the most assists and Avion Ashford with the most kills.
WATER POLO The 2012 water polo team didn’t win any games, but according to Coach Thomas, they were one of the hardest working teams he has ever coached. “I have had many teams that were much more skilled than this year’s team,” said Thomas. “But I have never had a team that played as hard. Every game, no matter the score, they never stopped trying, and played to the final buzzer.” This year, team veteran Dan Egan is one of the area’s top 50 scorers and will be playing in the Senior All-Star Game on May 16.
U-Times May 2012
Spring Sports
SOCCER The girls’ soccer team has improved in many aspects this year. Not only has the scoring gone up 23 percent, but many of the players have contributed significantly to the team. Junior Merinda Morley (shown) has an outstanding 141 saves this season, leading the conference. Forward Dominique Patrick, senior, is tied for 13th in conference with four goals. The team also had the privilege of having a junior varsity for the second year in a row.
BASEBALL The U. City Baseball team has been fighting for respect by blowing out Jennings, Riverview Gardens and Normandy with a scores of 11-0, 15-5 and 21-2. “As the season dwindles down to the last games of the season the team continues to play hard with a lot of support by the community,” said junior Brendon Baldwin.
RUGBY TENNIS The boys’ tennis team has had a solid season this year with the overall number of matches won improved compared to last year. Senior Alec Kaczkowski was undefeated with the exception of one match against Rockwood Summit. He placed second in his conference. Shown: Conner Crowe.
“Rugby season is going better than last year, and we have the potential to do phenomenal,” said senior Demetrious Clayton. “We are going to state and we are currently second in our district, first being SLUH.” According to stltoday. com the U. City Rugby Club has three of the top 20 scoring leaders, and the top two average scoring leaders.” “To put it simply we’re cold,” said senior Sherman Davis “We started of the season with a bang and we’re going to put the moves on them in state, shake and bake time.” The team finished the season sixth in state.
Top Jocks
U-Times May 2012
2012 stand-out
Tony Newman
Kylann Clayborn
Nelson Atkins
Tarique Jefferson
Sport: Football. Accomplishments: Full ride to Indian State University, and played in varsity since freshman year. Signing College: Indiana State University. Future Plans: Newman plans to graduate from college with a MBA in Bussiness and play in the NFL. Quote: “It all begins now. Do not let up, keep pushing to be at the top.” --Coach Reed
Sport: Football. Accomplishments: Starting linebacker his first year and lead conference in tackles with 144 tackles. Signing College: Lindenwood University. Future Plans Clayborn plans to play football for Lindenwood. Quote: “It’s not the work you put in around everyone else. It’s the work you put in by yourself, everything they don’t see.”
Sport: Track. Accomplishments: State champion and two district champion. Signing College: University of Missouri-Kansas City Future Plans: Atkins plans to become a lawyer and run in the 2016 Olympics. Quote: “Always have three H’s in your life: be Humble, Hungry and have Heart.”
Sport: Wrestling. Accomplishments: Two time state qualifier and second all suburban all conferences. Signing College: Bellville Lindenwood, Oklahoma Beacon. Future Plans: Jefferson plans to get a degree in physical therapy and wrestle and play football in college. Quote: “The only person who can stop you is you.”
U-Times May 2012
Top Jocks
senior athletes
Travon Williams
Emmanuel Price
Kevin Phillips
Kayla Heidelberg
Sport: Basketball. Accomplishments: First team all conference for three years, conference player of the year 2010-2011, All Metro 2010-2011 and 2011-2012, first district tilte since 1986, and Fox Tournament champion 2012. Signing College: Undecided. Future Plans: Williams plans to play basketball, graduate college and hopefully play in the NBA. If not he plans to pursue a career in law, business, drafting or engineering. Quote: “To be the best you have to train like the best.”
Sport: Track. Accomplishments: Four time U. City Invitational champion and team state champion. Signing College: Hampton University Future Plans: Price plans to get ready for tryouts with the USA junior world team in June. He also plans to major in business and enter a 5 year MBA program Hampton offers. Quote: “It’s now or never and I choose now.”
Sport: Baseball. Accomplishments: Suburban south player of 2011, all metro player of 2011. Signing College: East Tennessee State. Future Plans: Phillips plans to attend East Tennessee State, get a degree in marketing and one day play in the MLB.
Sport: Track. Accomplishments: Made varsity freshman year, currently holds freshman 100 meter dash record, third in state 4x200, qualified for state in the 4x100 and 4x200, third in the 100 meter hurdles, participated in the 2011 junior Olympics. Signing College: University of Missouri-Kansas City Future Plans: Heidelberg plans to finish her senior year with many more accomplishments and get her hurdles time down to the 14’s. Quote: “Practice makes permanent.” ---Stan Burris
Meet the Staff
U-Times May 2012
Newspaper was a great experience for me this year! I joined the staff when second semester began, not knowing what to expect. It was so much fun and I have definitely improved my writing. The staff was great and I’m so excited to write for the paper again next year!
I’m a junior and I’m the sports editor of the newspaper. These last two years have been very beneficial. My writing in class has improved so significantly. My style of writing is becoming more unique. Though I do need to work on my grammar it has been a great process getting to where I’m at.
Starting in second semester, my time in newspaper has been brief and not all that it could be. I didn’t spend nearly as much effort on it as I should have; I only wrote a few stories and did a paltry bit of editing. Therefore, I’ll be returning in my sophomore year to give it my all and make the 2012-2013 issues of the U-Times the best they can be.
Being in newspaper for the past three years has been great. It has given me a lot of knowledge that I can take with me onto the workforce. I will greatly miss being part of the newspaper and will miss UCHS as I go on to do great things.
This is my first year in newspaper and I learned a lot of skills on how to get quotes and write a good story. To be a newspaper writer you need to know how to write well, and I feel that I’ve learned that from Ms. Williams. I recommend this class to anybody who loves to write and take pictures
Verum eum aut fugiam reptate moluptaque volora cust explit ab int que nonecearchil iuriatur, nobis nimiliatem arum harum, utem is et porum ulparis quo exeribus commos ad et doluptas
U-Times May 2012
Meet the Staff
This was my first year on the newspaper and I was the editor-in-chief; it was crazy! Being in the newspaper was much harder work than I thought it’d be, but I would do it all over again. Before being part of the newspaper I thought of myself as someone who just wrote poetry and the occasional story and now I see myself as a more rounded writer and even a designer and photgrapher.
This is my first year in newspaper and I enjoyed it. Joining newspaper as a sophomore has given me the chance to express my creative side in my writing. I love everybody on staff this year I have learned greatly from them. I hope that I will have just as much fun on the newspaper staff for the rest of my high school career.
Verum eum aut fugiam reptate moluptaque volora cust explit ab int que nonecearchil iuriatur, nobis nimiliatem arum harum, utem is et porum ulparis quo exeribus commos ad et doluptas
I started working on the newspaper staff in the second semester of sophomore year after learning that I wouldn’t be able to take Personal Finance. I am glad I decided to join the paper, as it has helped to improve my writing abilities, as well as my people skills. Towards the end of the year, I was asked to take over as the newspaper’s web editor and quickly agreed. I have spent the school year keeping the website, utimesonline.com, up to date and better than ever. At the journalism conference at Webster University, the website even won an “outstanding” award for design and content. Now that I have a good grasp of how to edit and arrange stories on the webpage, I hope to make utimesonline.com even better next year.
This was my third year on the U-Times and I have enjoyed every one. Carolyn is a wonderful editor and a pleasure to work with this year. Writing my editorials always challenges my thinking and I am happy if I made a few of your neurons more excited. I plan on one more year of being a part of this endeavor if Mrs. Williams can take it. Best of luck to the graduating seniors! I’ll miss you guys.
This semester, I wrote stories and worked on the layout of the newspaper. Although it was stressful at times, newspaper was one of my favorite classes and I’m looking forward to returning next year and further expanding my knowledge of journalism. I would recommend this class to anyone who would like to improve their writing and snooping skills!