P h o t o g r a p h s c l i c k e d i n D e c e m b e r, 2 0 1 5 .
For Papa and Mamma, W ho’ve given me more than I ever had to ask for. T hank you and I love you.
CONTENTS Barcelona
L A R A M BLA S La Rambla is a street in central Barcelona, popular with tourists and locals alike. Stretching on from Plaza de Catalunya to the docks of Port Vell, the 1.2 km long boulevard is lined with shops, restaurants and theatres. 3
TH E S TREETS Walking through the city or cycling are the best ways of exploring the city. The cities of Spain are a pedestrian’s paradise.
C A S A B AT L Lร Casa Batllรณ is a renowned Gaudi building. A remodel of a previously built house, it was redesigned in 1904 by Antoni Gaudi in his typical Art Nouveau style and is a major tourist attraction. 5
CITY RIDING H IGH ON CULT U RE Art and culture permeates to every nook and corner of the city. Here is a statue of Ramon Berenguer I, Count of Barcelona in the 11th century. Beautiful sculptures like this are a common sight in the city.
T H E S AG R A DA FA M I L I A The famous Sagrada Familia is an enormous Roman Catholic church in designed by the legendary Spanish architect Antoni Gaudà (1852–1926) which combines various architectural styles. 7
FAL L OF DARKNESS A close up of the Passion Faรงade seen on the opposite page which is a stark and grim depiction of the crucifiction. The Sagrada has 3 faรงades- the Nativity Faรงade which is beautifully ornate, the austere Passion Faรงade and the yet to be completed Glory Faรงade.
A LO N G T I M E I N T HE MA KIN G Construction of the Sagrada Familia began in 1882 and 134 years later, the large church is still under construction. Gaudi designed the church combining Gothic and Art Nouveau styles. 9
L ANGDON’S NEXT ADVENT U RE The interiors of the Sagrada are unique Gaudí designs. Taking inspiration from nature and geometry in its architecture, the tall colums look like branching tree trunks. It’s a very unique architectural style for a church, and rich in symbolism.
B A R C E LO N A CAT H E D R A L The Catedral de la Santa Cruz y Santa Eulalia, also known as Barcelona Cathedral, is a Gothic cathedral and seat of the Archbishop of Barcelona. The cathedral was constructed between the 13th to 15th centuries. 11
A M ARTYR’S S H RINE The cathedral is dedicated to Eulalia of Barcelona, co-patron saint of Barcelona, a young virgin who, according to Catholic tradition, suffered martyrdom during Roman times in the city.
A PRAYER L IGH TS TH E DARK The stained glass windows of the Barcelona cathedral.
FL A M E N C O A traditional Spanish flamenco song and dance performed by gypsies in a show on the Ramblas. Flamenco is a fiesty, spontaneous dance which runs high on emotions and energy. 14
PO RT V E L L The Barcelona docks and the Mediterranean sea by night are a stunning sight to behold.
STREE T S B Y N I GHT The people of Barcelona love to party and when the sun comes down, the air comes alive with the spirit of jubilation. As I was in the city close to Christmas, this spirit was probably soaring even higher. The city is soaked in art and culture. 16
MO N T S E R R AT Montserrat (The Serrated Mountain) is located in Catalonia, near Barcelona. The mountains are a magnificent setting for the beautiful Monastery of Montserrat. 19
THE MONASTERY OF MONTSERRAT The Monastery is surrounded by chapels and hermits’ caves and is home to Benedectine monks. The origins of the monastery date back to the 9th century AD. 20
TH E B L AC K V I RGIN A small back and gold wooden statue of the Virgin said to have been carved by St Peter in 50 AD is the sould of Montserrat and many miracles and stories are associated with it. 21
BLO O D S TAI N E D HISTOR Y In 1811 the French attacked the monastery in the War of Independance, killed the monks and destroyed the monastery. It was rebuilt and repopulated in 1844 and has been a beacon of Catlan culture. 22
CLO UD S C HA S E A FLE E IN G SUN Ibiza (Eivissa) is one of the Balaeric islands in the Mediterranean sea. Here, the sun descends behind the old town part of Ibiza.
W HEN T H E S U N GOE S D OW N ... Ibiza is famous for its rich nightlife and the electronic music that originated on the island which makes it a popular summer tourist destination. 26
TH E OL D The old city, a beautiful citadel painted pristine white, is a UNESCO world heritage sight.
T HE N E W A view of the modern Ibiza cityscape. The tiny island hosts a pulsing tourism industry.
UNWIND A father and son catch fish for dinner with the Mediterranean and the old city in the background.
M EDI TAT E - T E R RA IN - E A N Off season, Ibiza’s atmosphere miraculously transforms from hyper-party mode to a place of meditative calm and serene beauty.
PL A ZA D ’E S PAN A The Plaza de España is a plaza located in the Maria Luisa Park in Seville. The plaza was built in 1928 for the 1929 Ibero-American Exposition.
A G RAN D D I S P L AY The architect Aníbal González combined elements elements of the Renaissance Revival and Neo-Mudéjar in Art Deco styles. Today, the plaza consists of many government buildings. 34
TH E GIRAL DA The Giralda is a bell tower of the Seville Cathedral. It was originally built as a minaret during the Moorish period in the late 12th century , with a Renaissance style top subsequently added by the christians during the Reconquest.
SEVI LLE CAT HE D R A L Cathedral of Saint Mary of the See or the Seville Cathedral, is a Roman Catholic cathedral. It is the largest Gothic cathedral and the third-largest church in the world. 40
L IGH T AND S H ADOW The Seville cathedral began to be built in 1401 and was completed a century later. The cathedral is the burial site of Christopher Columbus.
SY M M E T R I CA L SPE CTACLE The ceiling of the Seville Cathedral.
REA L ALCÁZ AR OF SE V ILLE The Alcázar of Seville is a beautiful royal palace in Seville, Spain, originally developed by Moorish Muslim kings and is an outstanding example of mudéjar architecture. 43
IMM ER S I V E This photograph is clicked in the Baths of Lady MarĂa de Padilla, under the Alcazar patio.
G R A N ADA C I T YSCA PE Granada is a city in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada mountains in AndalucĂa. Steeped in culture and history, it has many important examples of medieval architecture dating to the Moorish occupation of Spain. 47
T HE A L HA M BR A The Alhambra is a spectacular embodiment of Moorish culture - part palace, part fort, part World Heritage site- the Alhambra is an architectural marvel and the most visited tourist destination in Spain. 48
TH E M O O R E ’ S LA ST SIGH The Alhambra was built by caliphs of the Nasrid dynasty in the 14th century during the waning years of the Muslim rule. Granada was the last Moorish kingdom to fall to the Christians during the Reconquest. 49
R E N A I S S A N C E R E N OVAT I O N The Palace of Charles V is a Renaissance building in the Alhambra. It was commanded by Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, in the 16th century because he wished to establish a new residence befitting an emperor. 50
S PACE, L IGH T, WATER, C RAFT The stunning architecture of the Moorish marvel called the Alhambra is characterized by an enchanting use of the above. This is one such example- the Patio de Arrayanes.
BEA UT I FU L SY M ME T R Y A shot of diverging jets over the Granada sky.
TH E G R A N ADA CIT YSCA PE A view of the Andalucian city of Granada, with the foothills of the Sierra Nevada mountains in the background.
T HE G E N E R ALI FE From the Alhambra’s northern side, a footpath leads to the Generalife - the summer country estate of the Nasrid kings.
EDEN O N E A R T H The name ‘Generalife’ means ‘the Garden of Paradise.’ The complex consists of a long pool framed by flowerbeds, fountains, colonnades and pavilions. 55
M OORIS H REL ICS The Generalife is one of the oldest surviving Moorish gardens and is thought to best preserve the architectural style of the medieval Persian gardens which orginated in Persia (Iran) in the 6th century.
ENVE LO P E D BY B E A UT Y The Generalife walkway going back to the Alhambra.
WA N D E R I N G O F F In Granada, I caught a stray Minion helium baloon staring back at me from the ceiling of an ornate church.
A LC Á Z A R O F C Ó R D O B A The Alcázar de los Reyes Cristianos, also known as the Alcázar of Córdoba, is a medieval Alcázar located in the historic centre of the city next to the Guadalquivir River. 61
A G L I M P S E I N TO T HE PA ST A glimpse at the bell tower of the Mezquita of Cรณrdoba, as seen from the court of oranges. Oranges and history- two things found in abundance in Cรณrdoba. 62
TH E M E Z Q U I TA The Mezquita is a beautiful example of the ornate , elaborate decorations of the buildings of Islamic architecture. The original mosque was built by 787 AD and has seen many additions, demolitions and renovations through history. 63
P I L L AR S AN D AR CHE S The Mezquita is a mix of many architectural styles. More than 850 columns of granite, jasper and marble support the roof, creating a dazzling visual effect. These were taken from Roman and Visigothic buildings. 64
A SPECTRUM OF CULTURES Like white light is comprised of the many vibrant colours , the Mezquita is a combination of various architectural styles over the centuries.
THE WHEELS OF TIME- BYGONE ERA It is estimated that Cรณrdoba was once the most populous city in the world and a centre of education under Islamic rule. Pictured above is Albolafia mill, one of the eleven Mills of the Guadalquivir in Cรณrdoba. 66
TH E HE A R T O F T HE CA PITA L The Puerta del Sol is the centre of the radial network of Madrid roads. It is one of the best known and busiest places in the capital city.
A L M U D E N A C AT H E D R A L The Almudena Cathedral, which was begun in 1879 and consecrated in 1993 is the seat of the Archdiocese of Madrid. It stands opposite to the Royal Palace. 70
A SUNSET HALO An arch over the entrance to the Almudena Cathedral.
PA L AC I O R E AL DE MA D R ID The grand and lavish Royal Palace of Madrid is the offical residence of the Spanish Royal Family. Pictured above is the Plaza de la Armeria, the square in front of the main entrance to the palace. 72
TH E CA P I TAL Madrid is the largest city in Spain and the third largest in the European Union. The modernisation of the highly developed city has walked hand in hand with retaining the look and feel of its rich historical heritage. 73
T HE S E AT O F P OW E R Madrid is the political and economic centre of the progressive country and possesses a rich infrastructure. Pictured above is a banner welcoming the Syrian refugees on the Madrid City Hall. 74
A V I E W O F TO L E D O The historic city of Toledo is atop a hill above the river Tagus and is the capital of the CastillaLa Mancha region.
A CITY THAT BRIDGES THE DIFFERENCES Toledo is a melting pot of Christian, Muslim and Jewish cultures and is known for its historical cooperation between the three religions.
B UI LT O N T H E AGE S The Alcรกzar of Toledo is a stone fortification located in the highest part of the hill in Toledo. Built in the 1540s by Charles V, the palace stands on the site of former Roman, Visigothic and Muslim fortresses. 79
T HE TAG U S The Tagus is the longest river in the Iberian peninsula and it flows beside Toledo. View from the Alcรกntara Bridge.
TO L E R A N C E A N D TOLE D O In the bloody history of religious conflict in the Iberian Peninsula, Toledo was a city that lived in harmonious coexistence of Jews, Christians and Muslims. Ironically, Toledo was a weapon manufacturing hub of Spain. 81
T HE S T R E E T S Toledo steel was famed for its very high quality alloy and Toledo swords were amongst the best in the world.
E L T R A N S PA R E N T E The Cathedral of Toledo is a gothic cathedral that houses this Baroque altarpiece- El Transparente- which is illuminated by a hole in the wall artpiece that allows the passage of sunlight.
K A L EI D O S C O P E OF COLOUR S The stained glass Rose Window of the Toledo Cathedral.
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