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The Advanced Burn Life Support Provider Course is an eight-hour course for physicians, nurses, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, therapists and paramedics.
This live, hands-on course provides the how-to of emergency care of the burn patient through the first critical 24 hours.
Following a series of lectures, groups will discuss case studies. Participants will also work with a simulated burn patient to reinforce the assessment, stabilization and American Burn Association transfer criteria to a Burn Center. Testing consists of a written exam and a practical assessment. The course offers 7.0 CEUs or 7.25 CMEs.
Course fees are $150. East Texas Gulf Coast Regional Trauma Advisory Council (RAC-R) will cover the cost for its members. The member must submit the appropriate documentation prior to the course along with proof of payment. Once the member has completed the course and submitted proof of completion, the member will be reimbursed.
Email Monica Hutson at mnhernan@utmb.edu for available course dates.
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