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Supporting the runners along the race route
Between 2003 and today, what a long way we have come! From one single race in 2003 with 700 runners, to the event today which gathers 10 000 runners and 7 events which each have their reason for existing. If the event has gained in notoriety, its values haven’t changed: fair-play, respect for others and the majestic outdoors, conviviality... For each person who participates in the UTMB® Mont-Blanc to have an unforgettable experience, a certain number of rules of the game are to be respected along the race itinerary.
A short reminder of the rules of good manners to be applied in all the municipalities crossed by the UTMB® Mont-Blanc (but not only)! Set a good example and make the celebration even more beautiful:
• I collect my waste and use bins and selective sorting stations • I respect private properties and their surroundings • I prefer public transportation and I use official car
parking areas (wild parking is strictly forbidden in all municipalities) • In the evening and early morning, I respect the inhabitants by controlling the noise I make • At all times, I respect the instructions given by the organization and the police. Enjoy your UTMB® Mont-Blanc, everyone!
The runners, upon registering, have committed to respecting the regulations. Those accompanying them must do likewise to avoid putting them in the wrong with regard to their commitments. Reminder: running
beside a participant outside of the zones, which are labelled as such in the proximity of the refreshment posts, is strictly forbidden and exposes the runner to a penalty of between 15
and 10 minutes. Concretely this penalty engenders a regression in the ranking and for certain runners it is the risk of not being within the time limit. Be careful not to confuse the zone of accompaniment (several hundred meters before and after each refreshment post, limits of which are clearly marked) with the zone of assistance (the area of the refreshment post reserved for this use). One could state that in the accompaniment zone you may only be accompanied not assisted!
Personal assistance is tolerated only at certain
refreshment posts, in the zone specifically
reserved for this use, upon the presentation of an «Assistance» ticket (see below) and upon the agreement of the chief of post. This assistance can only be assured by one single person, without specific equipment other than one bag of a volume of 30 litres maximum. Assistance given by a team professional, or any other professional person, medical or paramedical – even if they are a parent - is strictly forbidden.
1 ticket per assistance post 1 ticket = 1 person
Be aware of the fact that some Support Areas may be outdoors. Gear up accordingly.