1 minute read

The BMS Lab

On the second floor of the Cubicus building, the BMS-Lab is located, an open and easily accessible lab that is close to the students. The lab offers motion capture technology, a renewed virtual reality lab, areas to measure reaction times and flexible workplaces. The Brain Computer Interfacing (BCI) lab is also there and is dedicated to ‘connecting our brains with computer systems.’


Students who are working on their bachelor’s or master’s thesis can borrow equipment from the lab or use it on site. In addition, programs such as communication sciences and psychology make extensive use of the space, as well as researchers from other faculties and departments, such as the Human Media Interaction department, and that is exactly the goal.

The BMS Lab possesses mobile lab facilities in addition to its main lab facilities. At times normal lab facilities do not fit the research question or population. Participants might not be able or willing to go to a university or a researcher might want to study in a more naturalistic setting. The Experivan – the BMS Lab’s mobile lab facilities – offers a versatile platform to conduct research on the road.

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