2010-2011 Annual Report

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University of Toronto Psychiatry Annual Report 2010-2011

Published by the Department of Psychiatry 250 College Street, 8th Floor Toronto, ON M5T 1R8 Editor: Suzanna Chang Phone: 416-979-4275 E-mail: suzanna.chang@utoronto.ca http://www.utpsychiatry.ca/ Design: Sheila Dalton http://sheiladalton.com/

table of contents

The Chair’s Report


Vice-Chair & Education Reports report of the Vice-chair, research Report of the Vice-chair, Education Undergraduate Medical Education Postgraduate Medical Education Fellowship Program Continuing mental health education Report of the Vice-chair, clinical

8 8 13 15 18 25 28 33

Programs & Divisions Addiction psychiatry program Culture, community, and health studies program division of child and adolescent psychiatry division of Geriatric psychiatry Global Mental Health Affairs lAW AND mENTAL heALTH Mood And Anxiety Disorders Program neuroscience program Psychiatry, health, and Disease program psychotherapy program Research, innovation, and scholarship in education (RISE ) Program Schizophrenia program Women’s Mental health Program


Fully affiliated sites Baycrest The Centre for Addiction and Mehtal Health (CAMH) The hospital for Sick Children Mount Sinai Hospital St. Michael’s Hospital University health network (UHN) sunnybrook health sciences centre women’s college hospital


37 39 43 47 52 54 58 60 64 68 72 76 80 82 84 88 92 96 100 103 105

Community Affiliated Sites The George HulL Centre for children and families hincks-Dellcrest Centre north york general hospital St. joseph’s health centre Surrey PLace Centre


Faculty Listing




Publications Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles Book Chapters Book Chapters Books Books


Awards and Honours Administration


109 110 112 113 116

196 238 238 242 242 250

The Chair’s Report


Faculty listing OVERVIEW

practice. Mary Jane Esplen was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award by the Canadian Association During the 2010-11 academic year, the Department of Psychiatry was successful in carrying out its mission of Psychosocial Oncology for her exceptional and enduring career contributions to Psychosocial Oncolowithin the Faculty of Medicine. The report that folgy. Brian Hodges received the Association of Faculties lows demonstrates the breadth and depth of activities of Medicine of Canada President’s Award for exemof the department in the areas of education, training, plary national leadership in academic medicine. Brian research and patient care. Details of the activities of each department, program and division are outlined in was selected for his work as a world renowned scholar and educator. Abel Ickowicz was elected President the body of this report. of the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent I will emphasize the outstanding achievements of Psychiatry. Susan Lieff was awarded the President’s a number of individuals and groups and report on Teaching Award, recognizing sustained excellence in progress in several key areas. As this report marks teaching, research on teaching, and the integration of the beginning of my first term as Chair, I would like teaching and research. to acknowledge the very substantial support provided She is now designated by members of the Departmental Executive Commit- This past academic year as a member of the the department attracted tee and the Senior Advisory Committee and by the Teaching Academy over $74 million in total administrative staff of the department. for a five-year peresearch funding, the majority of which is peer riod. Jodi Lofchy EVENTS reviewed. This represents received the 2011 The department sponsored a number of events a 15% increase from last Aikins Award in the this year. The Chair’s Welcoming and Holiday Reyear. Course/Program Deceptions, held in September and December respecvelopment category for tively, were well attended and enjoyable. The 36th her longstanding passion and dedication to the underHarvey Stancer Research Day on June 16, 2011, was graduate education program in psychiatry. Jeff Meyer extremely successful with over 50 oral presentations, and 51 poster presentations. I was honored to give this was awarded the 2011 A.E. Bennett Research Award by the Society of Biological Psychiatry. Bruce Pollock year’s Keynote Address, and pleased to share the proreceived the 2011 American College of Psychiatrists’ gramme with some of the best and brightest research Geriatric Psychiatry Research Award. Rachel Tyndale minds in the department. Dr. Jeff Daskalakis and the was awarded the Heinz Lehmann Research Award for administrative staff did an excellent job in organizing outstanding contributions to neuropsychopharmacolResearch Day. The Annual Dinner was also superb, and an enjoyable time was had by all. Special thanks to ogy. Lastly, Aristotle Voineskos (who has amassed an Diane Granato, Kathy Ostaff, Brenda Cerilli, and Julia impressive number of local, national and international awards, too extensive to list here) received the Young Bella for organizing the dinner. Investigator Awards from the ACNP, International Congress of Schizophrenia Research and the World Awards & Honors Congress of Psychiatric Genetics. A number of faculty members received prestigious awards this year. Howard Barbaree was honoured with Promotions the Criminal Justice Section’s Career Contribution Academic promotion is one of the most important Award by the Canadian Psychological Association signs of the vitality of a clinical department. This year for his outstanding contributions in sexual offender risk assessment, treatment and theory, in research and we had a record number of promotions at both the senior and junior levels. Promoted to Full Professor

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


Faculty listing were: Susan Abbey; Susan Lieff; Fang Liu; Jeff Meyer; Neil Rector; Scott Reeves; Sean Rourke; and Paul Sandor. Promoted to Associate Professor were: Bruce Ballon; Alice Charach; Amy Cheung; Sophie Grigoriadis; Daniel Mueller; Marta Novak; Laura Simich and John Strauss. In addition, we have put forward 16 nominees for promotion to Assistant Professor and are awaiting final approval by the Dean. I would like to take this time to thank the members of the Departmental Promotions Committee for taking on this important task.


This year there have been a number of important appointments among our faculty members. Paula Ravitz was appointed as the Morgan Firestone Chair in Psychotherapy, Cindy-Lee Denis was selected as the Shirley Brown Chair in Women’s Mental Health, Art Petronas was appointed as the Tapscott Chair in Schizophrenia, Valerie Taylor has come to us from McMaster University to take on the position of Psychiatrist-in-Chief at Women’s College Hospital, Ian Dawe has taken on the Physician-in-Chief position at Ontario Shores, Vicky Stergiopoulos is the Psychiatrist-in-Chief-elect of St. Michael’s Hospital, Greg Lodenquai was appointed Psychiatrist-in-Chief at the George Hull Centre, Raed Hawa is the new Undergraduate Education Coordinator for the Department of Psychiatry, Arun Ravindran has taken on the position of Director of Global Health in the department, Jeff Daskalakis will be taking over the position of Director of the Clinician Scientist Program from Allan Kaplan as Allan has been selected as the new Director of the Institute of Medical Science at the University of Toronto.

Our Faculty

Jodi Lofchy is finishing off two very successful fiveyear terms as our Undergraduate Education Coordinator; Brian Hodges has left his position as the Program Head for RISE to take on the role of Vice President, Education, at the University Health Network, after more than a dozen years of service as our Child Psychiatry Program Head, Joe Beitchman will be stepping down from this post at the end of the month; Brenda Toner has been the Women’s Mental Health Program Head for a similar term and will also be leaving this post on June 30th; as just mentioned, Ian Dawe has taken on a new leadership role at Ontario Shores and will be leaving his position as our General Psychiatry Program Head at the end of June.

Education Training Programs

Our contributions to education in the Faculty of Medicine have been outstanding. In the undergraduate area, our department has been a local, national and international leader in the use of standardized patients and OSCE examinations. We continue to be the largest provider of continuing medical education in the Faculty of Medicine and have led a significant shift away from single event CME to courses and programs and innovative techniques. Our Fellowship Program continues to attract trainees both internationally and within Canada. We now have approximately 70 fellows enrolled and substantial numbers have completed graduate degree training. I would like to congratulate our Education Directors, Raed Hawa, Ari Zaretsky, Sagar Parikh and Brenda Toner and our Vice-Chair, Education, Susan Lieff, for their dedication, enthusiasm and effectiveness.


This past academic year the department attracted over Our department has continued to grow and now $74 million ( Table 2) in total research funding, the houses 785 faculty members, one of the largest depart- majority of which is peer reviewed. This represents a ments of psychiatry in the world. 15 % increase from last year. Our faculty continued to be active in publications, with over 700 peer-reviewed Five of our very valued senior colleagues will be step- journal articles, 83 book chapters and 15 books ping down from important positions of responsibility. produced. For a full report of our research activities, 6

Faculty listing please read the report of the Vice-Chair, Research The Clinician Scientist Training Program launched in 2003, and is now under the leadership of Dr. Jeff Daskalakis. This year the program had 25 participants.

International Initiatives

The Toronto Addis Ababa Psychiatry Project (TAAPP) has continues to be very successful. When the program began there were seven psychiatrists in Ethiopia - currently there are 39 with four new psychiatric units now established in centres outside of Addis Ababa itself. As a result of the success of this program, a partnership has developed between the University of Addis Ababa and the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Toronto which now involves 14 other departments. Clare Pain has been the champion of this initiative with support from Brian Hodges and a very active steering committee. We also have sought to emphasize education scholarship and educational leadership. The newly-established Global Mental Health Affairs (GMHA) program, led by Arun Ravindran, has already contributed much to the department and the international community. The program aims are to build mental health research, academic training and treatment expertise around the world. It strives to increase public awareness of mental health issues, and influence governmental policy and support for mental health resources, at a global level. Dr. Ravindran has been successful in garnering donations for developing countries, securing observerships and arranging fellowships for international trainees, and establishing various capacity building initiatives in Asia, the Middle East and Africa.

Upon reading the reports of our academic, research, and clinical leaders, I have never been more proud to be a part of this department, and more humbled that I’ve been selected to lead it.

to be a part of this department, and more humbled that I have been asked to lead it. We are at the cusp of dramatic change in our understanding of mental illnesses and the treatments we can offer our patients. The rate at which public interest is growing about mental health is truly unprecedented. This department is poised to contribute to the field in the same way that the discovery of stem-cells and insulin contributed to their respective areas of medicine. I urge you all to continue to strive for excellence and to redefine what is possible. Following years of exceptional leadership by Dr. Don Wasylenki, my hope is that we all remain “excellent citizens of the University,” our communities, and the world. L. Trevor Young Chair, Department of Psychiatry

I would like to finish my report by thanking each and every member of this department. Taking on the leadership of this department has been tremendously challenging, but mostly, it has been immensely rewarding. Upon reading the reports of our academic, research, and clinical leaders, I have never been more proud

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


report of the Vice-chair, research Within the Faculty of Medicine, the Department of Psychiatry has a very strong track record of high quality research.


Vice-Chair Reports Overview

The Department of Psychiatry at the University of Toronto is one of the largest in the world and has over 700 active faculty members, 30% of whom are engaged in full time academic activities. Faculty members who are engaged in research are situated in one of the 17 affiliated teaching hospitals/ institutions in the Department. Each faculty member has an academic home in one of the Department’s 8 new academic divisions, each of which overseas the research activities of its faculty. Within the Faculty of Medicine, the Department of Psychiatry has a very strong track record of high quality research. Over the past several years, Psychiatry has been in the top three Departments in the Faculty of Medicine in terms of funding for research. Currently, there are 22 Endowed Chairs and Professorships in the Department. Over 80 members of the Department hold appointments at the Institute of Medical Science in the School Graduate Studies, allowing these faculty to supervise graduate students. In terms of publications, according to the 2009 Thomson ISI rankings, the Department of Psychiatry was ranked first in all of Canada in terms of both publications and citations, 3rd in publications and 4th in citations for all public US and Canadian University Departments of Psychiatry, and 6th in terms of publications and 8th in terms of citations for all Departments of Psychiatry, private and public, in North America.

Research Executive Committee

The Vice Chair of Research chairs a Research Executive Committee with representatives from all of the Departmental Programs as well as PRAT and the Postgraduate Office. The current members of the Committee are shown in the table below:



Dr. Jeff Daskalakis

Research Day

Dr. Tony George


Dr. William Gnam

Health Systems

Dr. Allan Kaplan, Chair

Vice Chair Research

Dr. James Kennedy


Dr. Paul Kurdyak


Dr. Paula Ravitz


Dr. Brian Hodges


Dr. David Mamo


Dr. Joanna Mansfield

Resident Rep.

Dr. Robert Maunder

Psych. Health Disease

Dr. Samuel Noh

Culture Com. Health

Dr. Gary Remington


Dr. Russell Schachar


Dr. Zindel Segal

Mood & Anxiety

Dr. Alexander Simpson

Law& Mental Health

Dr. Brenda Toner

Women’s Mental Health

Dr. Trevor Young

Chair, Department

Dr. Marika Younker

Resident Rep.

Dr. Ari Zaretsky

Postgraduate Education

The terms of reference for this Committee and for the Vice Chair are to: Oversee all aspects of research activities in the Department, including the dissemination of funding opportunities, research awards, and the planning of Research Day. Oversee the functioning of the Clinician Scientist Program and the Resident Research Electives Program Organize Departmental faculty development activities in research, specifically the annual Harvey Stancer Research Day Liaise with the Vice Dean, Research in the Faculty of Medicine Passionately advocate for psychiatric research in the Department, in the Faculty, and to the public Review promotions material for Promotions Committee

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


Vice-Chair Reports Table 2: Sources of Funding Received Sources of Funding
















United States




International (non US)












Fellowship/Personal Award








n/a $54,360,006

Vice-Chair Reports

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


Vice-Chair Reports Table 5: Harvey Stancer Research Day Awards, 2011 Award Winner The Heather Munroe-Blum Award for Best Presentation / Paper by a Graduate Student

Rachel Rabin

Best Overall Poster Presentation

Brittany Matthews

Best Presentation / Paper by Dr. Stephanie Ameis & Dr. a Fellow George Foussias Best Presentation / Paper by Dr. Mark Fadel a Resident Dr. Peter Prendergast - Ontario Shores Prize in Quality Improvement

Drs. Patrick Lo, Albert Allen, and Adam Toews

The John M. Cleghorn Newly Dr. Daniel Mueller Established Researcher Prize (Best Presentation / Paper by a New Investigator)

Research Funding

Research funding for the 2010-2011 academic year continued the recent trend of annual growth as measure by both peer and non peer reviewed funding. This past academic year the department attracted over $74 million ( Table 2) in total research funding, the majority of which is peer reviewed. This represents a 15 % increase from last year. $ 45 million represents PI funding ( Table 3) .and Figures 1-3 show the funding by funding source, hospital and program .


In the academic year 2009-2010 members of the Department published over 700 peer reviewed journal articles, 83 book chapters and 15 books. (See “Publications” at the end of the Annual Report).


Clinician Scientist Stream/Program

The Clinician Scientist Stream/Program (CSS/CSP) continues to thrive. In the 2010-2011 academic year there were 26 trainees registered in the CSS/CSP. A complete list of 2009-2010 CSS/CSP residents is shown in Table 4 . The CSS/CSP monthly seminar has continued throughout the academic year.

36th Annual Harvey Stancer Research Day

The Office of the Vice Chair, Research, is responsible for organizing and coordinating the annual departmental Research Day, under the capable leadership of Dr Jeff Daskalakis. This year’s Plenary Address was given by Dr Trevor Young , Chair and Professor, Department of Psychiatry and who spoke about “When the Patient is the Healthcare System, What is a Researcher to Do? “ The winners of the Research Day Awards are listed in Table 5 and they should all be congratulated for their achievements. Allan S. Kaplan MD FRCP(C) Vice Chair, Research

Report of the Vice-chair, Education Through our education training programs, the Department strives to produce the best Psychiatrists of tomorrow, and insodoing, to provide better patient care


Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


Vice-Chair Reports Overview

The past academic year has been characterized by excellent work in all education portfolios in the Department of Psychiatry.

Research Day, an annual reception and a number of awards and bursaries available for outstanding fellows.

Other initiatives

The Education Council of the Department of Psychiatry comprises all of the above named Directors and Training Programs The Undergraduate Program continues to thrive under the Vice-Chair of Education. Together this group plans the major educational directions for the Department. the leadership of Dr. Jodi Lofchy. The overhaul of the Clerkship Program has been very successful, with cur- In the past academic year the Education Council has taken on a strategic role addressing “big picture” issues riculum becoming standardized across training sites. and challenges and has focused on piloting new ideas. The revitalized clerkship offers the opportunity to One main highlight includes the formation of a steeremploy the most highly rated teachers from each site ing committee to organize and plan for an inaugural and provide a solid base for undergraduate education in community settings. Other highlights this year were Faculty Development Day for the Department to take place in February of 2012. the fact that over 100 electives were taken from students across Canada and internationally in the DepartIn the Spring of 2011, the Department of Psychiatry, ment of Psychiatry. The Psychiatry Institute, which is University of Toronto became the only university to a key component to recruitment to our post-graduate receive accreditation from the Royal College of Physprogram, hosted 25 students from across Canada, and icians and Surgeons of Canada for all three psychiatry received overwhelmingly positive feedback from the subspecialty programs: Child and Adolescent Psychparticipants. iatry, Geriatric Psychiatry and Forensic Psychiatry. It is only through the exemplary efforts and planning of the The Postgraduate Program continued to organize program directors and their committees that this acworkshops, retreats and other development activities, creditation was achieved. Congratulations to Drs. John working to address the key issues highlighted in the 2007 accreditation visit of the Royal College of Physi- Langley (child), Rob Madan (geriatric) and Lisa Ramshaw (forensic) and their teams for their leadership in cians and Surgeons of Canada. Under the leadership psychiatric education in Canada. of Dr. Zaretsky significant effort has been invested in standardizing curriculum, further developing in-training The academic partner of the educational administrative evaluation forms and ensuring that the completion rate structure is the RISE program (Research, Innovation, of supervisor evaluation and feedback continues to rise. Scholarship in Education) which continues to conI am very pleased to note that Dr. Zaretksy successfully tribute to the quality and best practices of education completed his 5-year leadership review on April 21st, across the Department. During this year, RISE saw the 2011. departure of its Program Head, Dr. Brian Hodges. Dr. The Continuing Education Program is extraordinarily successful and among the largest in the Faculty of Medicine. Under the leadership of Dr. Sagar Parikh, this program offers a wealth of both short-term and long-term continuing education courses and has been recognized with a number of awards. Dr. Brenda Toner continues to grow and strengthen the Fellowship Program of the Department which now is also one of the largest in Faculty of Medicine. Under Dr. Toner’s leadership the Fellowship Program has many more centralized activities than before including Fellows’


Susan Lieff has assumed the leadership role of this program as acting-Head until a new leader for the program is found. Susan J. Lieff MD MEd MMan FRCPC Professor and Vice-Chair, Education

Undergraduate Medical Education Undergraduate Education in the Department of Psychiatry has a strong presence in the Faculty of Medicine.


Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


education reports Introduction

bined with the Pathobiology of Disease course to create a new course called “Mechanisms, Manifestations and Management of Disease.” The psychiatry sections remain unchanged, but continual reviews of psychiatric content aim to minimize redundancy and ensure students are meeting their learning needs.

Undergraduate Education in the Department of Psychiatry has a strong presence in the Faculty of Medicine training in both pre-clerkship and clerkship with educators in our department contributing over 8000 hours of teaching per year at the Undergraduate level. Under the leadership of Dr. Jodi Lofchy, the Undergraduate Education Committee directs the implementation of Psychiatry course elements to medi- Brain and Behaviour Dr. Albert Wong continues as the Brain and Behaviour cal student education. Psychiatry Coordinator for this year. The psychiatry component of Brain and Behaviour is one of the highAdministration est rated parts of the course. Dr. Wong looks forward In preparation for expansion to the MAM campus, to continuing to strengthen the psychiatry component we welcomed Dr. Sashi Senthelal of Trillium Health of the course, and creating a more innovative and Centre to the UG Committee. interactive experience for our students.. Dr. Mark Fefergrad stepped down from his role as UG Sunnybrook site coordinator early in the academic year, and Dr. Greg Chandler was welcomed into the role. Dr. Fefergrad also withdrew from his work with the Extra Work Committee to focus on his new commitments in Postgraduate Education as the year drew to a close, and Dr. Vincent Woo has stepped in for the upcoming 2012-12 academic year.


New Curriculum Structure Launched

The 2010-11 academic year saw the new implementation of Central Clerkship’s revamped curriculum structuree, which focusses on providing a more integrative and collaborative framework in regards to undergraduate medical education. Psychiatry was paired in one half of the curriculum structure with Paediatrics, Family and Obstetrics/Gynecology, each PRECLERKSHIP cycle of which was completed with a centralized The Art & Science of Clinical Medicine II “integrated” OSCE, administered centrally and which As in previous years, the successful ASCM II profeatured clinical evaluations of cases which combined gramme, co-ordinated by Dr Adrian Grek, has relied on the expertise and enthusiasm of over 20 members of features of multiple specialties to give students a more our faculty, each willing to contribute four half days to well-rounded and unified conceptualization of their the important task of introducing medical students to medical training. Clerkship also launched an electronic the challenges and rewards of the psychiatric interview. tracking system, “T-Res”, to replace the old ED2 logging system to centralize tracking of minimum clinical Under direct observation of a faculty member and encounters in clerkship rotations. a small group of fellow-students, students interview volunteer patients, and then discuss and write up their Internally, the Psychiatry Evaluations SubCommittee findings. The emphasis of the course is on eliciting a introduced “modified” OSCE stations to each exam, history and describing the mental state examination. based on the Post-graduate PDM-style of clinical station, where the clerks were encouraged to interact Foundations of Medical Practice with their examiner while working through a clinical The Foundations of Medical Practice has been comsituation.


education reports UTM Planning

The Office continued to liaise with the Faculty of Medicine at the UTM campus, helping to outline space requirements and required academic resources to Credit Valley Hospital and Trillium Health Centre. The upcoming academic year will include small two rotations at each site to prepare them for a full complement of clerks starting in the 2012-13 academic year.

involved and reviews approaches to teaching medical students in assorted training settings. Raed Hawa Director, Undergraduate Medical Education Department of Psychiatry University of Toronto


The office of Electives in the Department of Psychiatry had another active year. Over one hundred electives were completed in the department by local, national, and international students. Visiting students accounted for more than half of all electives in the department. As Electives Coordinator, Dr. Jon Novick is actively involved with the Recruitment Committee and has facilitated a greater connection between the Electives office and the annual Psychiatry Institute. A further feature to central Clerkship’s curriculum integration was the implementation of the “Transition to Residency” period and the conversion of traditional “electives” to three “selective” matches for fourth-year students. The aim of these selectives is to expose clerks to opportunities that provide that continue the theme of desegregated, cohesive learning experiences that optimally span two clinical departments. Recruitment

The Recruitment Committee celebrates another successful year with the hosting various activities such as Psychiatry Interest Group nights, Medical Student Dinners, and Resident Interview days and pub nights.


Teaching to Teach [T2T]

Two mandatory half day sessions have been provided annually to the junior and senior resident groups on Teaching to Teach, organized by Drs. Waddell, Dang and Lofchy. This program introduces the resident body to the Undergraduate medical education program, outlines opportunities to become formally Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


Postgraduate Medical Education Within the Faculty of Medicine, the Department of Psychiatry has a very strong track record of high quality research.


education reports Postgraduate Medical Education

During 2010-2011 academic year, the Psychiatry Residency Program Committee continued to be active in effectively managing the largest psychiatry residency training program in North America.

Maggi and Dr. Nadiya Sunderji have now assumed the role of Co-Chairs for the Site Feedback Subcommittee and Dr. Shari Kirsh stepped down after 3 years of effectively leading this important Subcommittee.

The Safety Subcommittee, under the able leadership of Evidence of the residency program’s strength and vital- Drs Heather Flett and Dr. Lesley Wiesenfeld were exity was the resident nomination of the program for the tremely active in reviewing all training sites. Membership on the Safety Subcommittee has been enhanced. 2011 PAIRO Program Excellence Award for a third year in a row and being one of the few psychiatry pro- Dr. Flett has been very active and responsive to resident grams in Canada to fill all 30 Canadian Medical Gradu- needs at CAMH, a site where there has been markedly ate and International Medical Graduate positions in the increased patient volumes over the past year. A pilot program whereby staff psychiatrists stay in the CAMH first iteration of the 2011 CaRMS match. Emergency Department from 5pm until 9pm in order to supervise residents has been very well-received. Subcommittee Activities 2010-2011 The PRPC has continued to function effectively through the strong efforts of its subcommittees and the Resident Evaluation, Supervisor Evaluation, Resident Selection and Safety Subcommittees were all extremely busy over the past academic year. The Resident Evaluation Subcommittee chaired by Dr. Lesley Wiesenfeld has continued to focus on proactively addressing and remediating resident difficulties and this subcommittee has continued to develop sophistication and expertise in the area of remediation. Remediation and support for residents in academic difficulty was the topic of the annual Postgraduate Retreat and Dr. Helen Batty provided the plenary address entitled The Resident in Difficulty.

The Supervisor Evaluation Subcommittee chaired by Dr. Gail Robinson was also been very proactive in effectively addressing supervisor difficulties and lines of communication with the Site Feedback Subcommittee have been enhanced. The Site Feedback Subcommittee chaired by Dr. Shari Kirsh continued to comprehensively review each training site twice a year. Postgraduate Site Coordinators have continued to be very responsive to issues raised by residents and overall resident satisfaction based on rotation effectiveness scores and teaching effectiveness scores from POWER, as well as bi-annual PRAT surveys, has remained high. Dr. Julie

The Resident Selection Subcommittee co-Chaired by Dr. Lesley Wiesenfeld and Dr. Susan Abbey had another extremely successful CaRMS Match and continued to innovate and revise the selection process in order to effectively market the University of Toronto program. In a year where the total number of applicants to psychiatry was reduced all across Canada and there were unmatched positions in some of the larger residency programs, all 27 Canadian Medical Graduate positions and all 3 IMG positions were completely filled in the first iteration of CaRMS with very highly ranked candidates. Trainees selected were distributed from across Canada and the world. Over the past year, Dr. Sanjeev Sockalingam, Director of IMG Training continued to provide an orientation workshop and mentor IMG residents. Under his effective leadership and in collaboration with a number of IMG residents in the program, a special orientation manual was developed specifically to meet the unique needs of IMG residents in psychiatry. The IMG orientation manual has received wide acclaim and is now being disseminated to all Canadian psychiatry residency programs by the Canadian Psychiatric Association. Dr. Sockalingam has also overseen the development of a pilot longitudinal rotation for PGY-1s and PGY-2s at

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


education reports UHN, providing PGY-1s with enhanced opportunity for mentoring and PGY-2s with longitudinal half-day clinics for their psychotherapy patients and their patients with severe and persistent mental illness. PRAT has also expanded opportunities for junior residents to be mentored by more senior residents. Transition to practice talks for residents have been organized and these have been very well attended.

Changes in Faculty Involved in Residency Education

Chronic Care core rotation opportunities were expanded to include 3 months of Mood Disorders as well as 3 months of Forensic Psychiatry or 3 months of Developmental Disabilities. Dr. George together with Dr. Stewart have organized formal Addiction Psychiatry assessment clinics and supervision during the 6 month Chronic Care rotation. Under the able Psychotherapy Program leadership of both Dr. Ravitz and Dr. Fefergrad, ITER completion rates for psychotherapy rotations has improved and a new Senior Psychotherapy Seminar was developed and will be offered to all PGY-5 residents in the 2012-2013 academic year.

Dr. Julie Maggi returned from maternity leave and reassumed the Postgraduate Coordinator role for SMH. Dr. Nadiya Sunderji and Dr. Adriana Carvalhal currentDr. Jonathan Hunter developed a special online rely share the Site Coordinator responsibility for WCH. source for all staff psychiatrists to utilize while on-call. During Dr. Laura Gage’s maternity leave, Dr. Zohar Weisman assumed the interim role of Postgraduate Site 2010-2011 Special Residency Teaching/ Coordinator for Ontario Shores.

New Developments in Residency Education

Over the past year there have been a number of important new developments within the residency program. After advocacy from COPE, the PGY-4/5 summative STACER Examination was modified by the Royal College Specialty Committee for Psychiatry to function more like a annual Departmental Oral Examination for senior residents. Senior residents are still expected to pass two separate examinations but do not have a maximum of six attempts in order to be successful. These recent modifications have made the STACER less artificially stressful for senior residents but the rigour of the assessment at the University of Toronto has not changed. Dr. Tugg and Dr. Sunderji have been very active in developing the Shared Care Curriculum. Shared Care was offered to all PGY-4 residents during the 6-month consultation-liaison rotation. A new Shared Care ITER was also developed and will be piloted in the 20112012 academic year.


Education Awards

• Dr. Daniel Gorman won the Robin Hunter Teaching Award. • Ms. Nancy Gribben from Sunnybrook won the Marie Mara Advocacy Award. • Drs. Lindsay Paton-Gay, Lori Wasserman and Juveria Zaheer won the award for Best Grand Rounds in Cultural and Social Psychiatry. • Dr. Stephanie Ameis won the Robin Hunter Travel Award. • Drs. Albert Allen, Patrick Lo and Adam Towes won the Department of Psychiatry Peter Pendergast Award for Best Resident QI Project. • Dr. Wayne Baici won the Department of Psychiatry Award for Best Resident Teacher in Undergraduate Education. • Dr. Sanjeev Sockalingam won the Association for Academic Psychiatry Junior Faculty Award and Dr. Priya Raju won the Association for Academic Psychiatry Fellowship Award. • Dr. Mark Sinyor won the 2011 Association of Chairs of Psychiatry of Canada Award for Excellence in Research.

2010-2011 Resident Awards

education reports List of PGY-1 to PGY-5 Residents



Grujich, Nick

2011 PAIRO Resident Teaching Award







2010-11 Mary Seeman Award for Achievement in the Area of Psychiatry and Humanities

Al Fakeh

Sulhi Ali












































Ho, Angela

Iaboni, Andrea

Krishnadev, Upasana

Division of Geriatric Psychiatry Resident Award 2011 Wightman Berris Resident Teaching Award Paul E. Garfinkel Caversham Booksellers Prize for Excellence in Resident Leadership, University of Toronto, Department of Psychiatry

Lamba, Wiplove

Lin, Judy

Juan C. Negrete Award for Outstanding Resident in Addiction Psychiatry Â




Paul E. Garfinkel Caversham Booksellers Prize for Excellence in Resident Leadership, University of Toronto, Department of Psychiatry





Laura Renee








Mount Sinai Hospital Senior Resident Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching








Elena (Irina)



Jonathan (Darcy)











St. Jacques






Varicheva Haggith

Yevgeniya (Gina)


















Jake M


Sutandar, Kalam 2010-11 Psychotherapy Prize

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


education reports Last













Mary Ellen (Ellen)


De Oliveira




Meri Kinneret



















































Kar Ming


Laidlaw (nee Ford)










Sarah Mishelle


















Rachel Berman



































































































Petal Shaheba





















Waleed Ahmad





















education reports Last





































Ahmed Nabeel









Diana Felicia



Jennifer Eve









Caroline Lindsay









Marissa Mei Ling




















St. Angelo
















Cara Lianne









Leanne Allison













































Nemer F.H.



Abdulla S.S.





Brown (Polson)







Monica Arrina























Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


education reports List of Clinician Scientist Stream and Program Residents Program














































Ahmed Nabeel























Younker Gerretsen Lamba Mansfield Zaheer Sheehan

Marika Philip Wiplove R. Joanna Juveria Kathleen

3 4 4 5 4 1



















The residency program would like to thank the entire PRAT executive for all of their tireless and collaborative work over the past academic year. The residency program especially appreciates the outstanding leadership demonstrated by the 2010-2011 PRAT co-Presidents Dr. Judy Lin and Dr. Upasana Krishnadev.

Ari Zaretsky, MD, FRCPC Director, Postgraduate Medical Education

Fellowship Program

The fellowship program boasts more than 60 trainees each year, and strong international representation.


Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


education reports overview The Fellowship Program provides an opportunity for advanced academic training in specific clinical and/or research areas in Psychiatry. Fellowships are usually undertaken for two years, although a small number of candidates choose a one-year Fellowship. The Fellowship Program receives applicants from within the Department as well as nationally and internationally. There is a standard application process and each Fellow works with a primary supervisor in a specific Program within the Department. Each Fellow must submit an annual report on their scholarly activities and an award is offered each year based on this report. The Fellowship Director reports directly to the Vice-Chair, Education and sits on the Education Council. The Fellowship Executive consists of representation from hospital sites as well as representation from Programs, Fellows and Psychiatry Residents.

Events and Achievements

Awards Available to Fellows and Supervisors

This was a very busy year for organizing competitions and offering awards and developing new awards. Fellows had the opportunity to nominate supervisors for the “Paul E. Garfinkel Award for Best Fellowship Supervisor” online, producing several nominations this year. This year’s winner was Dr. Gary Remington. We continued to offer “Best Accomplishment by a Fellow Award.” This award is based on the best submission of an annual report from a Fellow in the Program. This year the award went to Dr. Alexandra Soliman. We were pleased to offer several travel awards this year to Fellows who were presenting their research at scientific meetings.


The Fellowship Program hosted a Fellows’ reception on October 6th 2010. This reception provided the


opportunity for Fellows from all of the diverse hospital sites to meet one another. In addition, Fellows had the opportunity to meet and exchange ideas about the Program with the Director, Executive Fellowship Committee and Faculty and Trainees. During this year, we are planning events based on feedback from Fellows as well as events that seemed to receive positive feedback in past years. Fellows who serve on the Executive have taken a lead in organizing further events for Fellows. The Fellowship program hosted a very successful and well-attended academic day on April 28th 2011. This event gave Fellows the opportunity to present their scholarly work to other fellows, supervisors and the fellowship executive. The event also provided a forum for academic and social exchange among Fellows.

Works in Progress

The Fellowship Program continued to emphasize the importance of consistent effective evaluation and report procedures throughout this academic year. This initiative will continue to expand within the new academic year. The Director of the Fellowship Program is now a member of the Faculty of Medicine PGME Fellowship Educational Advisory Committee, which continues to provide standard guidelines for Fellowships across the Departments in the Faculty of Medicine. A new in-training evaluation form for Psychiatry Fellows was implemented for the 2010-11 academic year and is used for online evaluations of clinical fellows.


Please refer to tables below for a listing of Fellows by Program or Division. There were 61 registered fellows this academic year.

education reports Name




Abi-Jaoude, Elia


Maciel, Marcia

Child Psychiatry

Abualross, Hani

Child Psychiatry

Mazi, Baraa

Women’s Mental Health

Al Lohidan, Fahad Hamad

Addiction Psychiatry

McAuley, Tara

Child Psychiatry

McGuire, Wendy

Al Yousif, Mohammed

Mood & Anxiety Disorders

Medical Education Program (RISE Fellowship)

Aldaoud, Abdullah

Mood & Anxiety Disorders

Miqdad, Bohra

Psychiatry, Health & Disease

Alghamdi, Samirah

Child Psychiatry

Murney, Maureen

Alhadi, Ahmad Nayef


Al-Mejali, Zahra

Child Psychiatry

Culture, Community & Health Studies Women’s Mental Health

Alhenaki, Sulieman

Consultation Liaison

Nakajima, Shinichiro

Alsuwaidan, Mohammad

Mood & Anxiety Disorders

Geriatric Psychiatry & Schizophrenia

Alwahibi, Abdulrhman

Geriatric Psychiatry

Paradiso, Monica


Ameis, Stephanie

Child Psychiatry/ Neuroscience

Riopel, Marie Eve

Child Psychiatry

Rocha De Jesus, Danilo

Addiction Psychiatry

Blumberger, Daniel

Geriatric Psychiatry

Samokhvalov, Andriy

Addiction Psychiatry

Boquiren, Virginia

Psychiatry, Health & Disease

Seller, Cathlene


Boroujerdi, Mehrnaz


Shahid, Azmeh

Psychiatry, Health & Disease

Cassin, Stephanie

Mood & Anxiety Disorders

Soliman, Alexandra

Mood & Anxiety Disorders

Ellis, Janet

Psychiatry, Health & Disease

Solty, Heidi

Psychiatry, Health & Disease

Etches, Selene Mya

Child Psychiatry

Srirangson, Apisamai

Health Systems

Faria Gonçalves de Oliveira, Vanessa


Suzuki, Takefumi

Geriatric Psychiatry

Thirlwell, Celeste

Women’s Mental Health

Foussias, George


Tseng, Michael


Freeman, Emily

Psychiatry, Health & Disease

Uemura, Takuji


Garofeanu, Camelia

Mood & Anxiety Disorders / Psychotherapy

Van Zyl, Louis

Psychiatry, Health & Disease

Voineskos, Aristotle

Geriatric Psychiatry

Hahn, Margaret


Wass, Caroline


Henderson, Julie

Addiction Psychiatry

Wei, Ker-Chiah

Health Systems

Jain, Sanjive

Psychiatry, Health & Disease

Weinroth, Ian


Kadmon, Gili

General Psychiatry & Psychiatry, Health & Disease

Wing, Victoria

Addiction Psychiatry

Zai, Clement


Kaduri, Pamela Allen

Addiction Psychiatry

Kaki, Fatima

Addiction Psychiatry

Kelkile, Teshome

Geriatric Psychiatry

Kelly, Allison

Psychiatry, Health & Disease

Le Strat, Yann

Addiction Psychiatry

Lev-Ran, Shauli

Addiction Psychiatry

Liljedahl (Hyman), Sophie


Lim, Choon Guan

Child Psychiatry

Brenda B.Toner, PhD Director, Fellowship Program

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


Continuing mental health education Within the Faculty of Medicine, the Department of Psychiatry has a very strong track record of high quality research.


education reports overview Psychiatry’s Continuing Mental Health Education (CMHE) goals are consistent with University of Toronto CEPD goals, involving advocacy of best practices in education; promotion of scholarship and research; expansion of the scope of CMHE; and support for faculty development in CE. The CMHE committee therefore acts as a mentoring group, fostering the development of its members who in turn spearhead multiple activities across our vast department. As it has for most of the past decade, the Department of Psychiatry is the largest provider of accredited CE programs in the faculty of Medicine, as well as the largest academic provider of accredited CE programs in psychiatry world-wide. While 53 Department of Psychiatry programs (listed in the appendix) are shown as accredited through the University of Toronto in the table, there are numerous additional accredited events such as Grand Rounds. The major 53 programs span the range of formats, including 14 large conferences aimed predominantly at a wide audience, 22 longitudinal courses designed to develop skills in participants from the local area, 14 intensive, 2-3 day training institutes designed to impart very specific skills, usually in psychotherapy, and 3 retreats. A fuller description of these programs, with course brochures, is available on the CMHE website: http://www.utpsychiatyr.ca/Education/ ContinuingEducation/default.asp In the area of research and scholarship, several individuals hold grants as principal investigator in the area of Knowledge Translation (KT), spanning both provincial and federal granting agencies including CIHR. Additionally, departmental members have made numerous conference presentations and published articles on CE research projects and on scholarship in education. Dr. Jennifer Jones was

awarded the Dave Davis CEPD Research award from the Faculty of Medicine, for Maximizing your Patient Education Skills (MPES): a multi-site evaluation of an innovative patient education skills training course for oncology health care professionals, which was also published in the journal Patient Education and Counselling. Development of tools in Mood disorders, in Mental health issues for Women, and in Adolescent Mental health are significant foci. Key national guidelines in Depression and in Bipolar Disorder are co-authored by multiple department members, who are then also involved in dissemination activities of these guidelines. The Ivan Silver Award is the premiere recognition in the Department of Psychiatry for scholarship in Continuing Education, based on innovation in design, educational formats, excellence in teaching delivery, and measurement of outcome. This year, six events were nominated that included programs in negotiating difficult patient interactions for community-based practitioners, handling on-call responsibilities for faculty members, one on HIV and Mental Health for community workers, a mental health program that provides U of Toronto faculty to help manage mental health problems in Nepal, a research-training program in health services research, and a distance education program for rural physicians. The latter program, CE To Go: Capacity Building Through Distance Education and Rural Underserviced Communities was the winner. This distance education program was co-sponsored by the AFP Innovation Fund and the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-term Care and in collaboration with the Psychiatry Outreach Program from the University of Toronto. A major attempt to expand the reach of our programs has been through the expansion of web-based programs; development of distance education for rural practitioners, and new certificate programs.Further development of faculty was fostered through the CMHE Annual Retreat, which featured university KT experts Dr. Simon Kitto and Dr. Eman Leung

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


education reports explaining how KT linked to patient safety, QI, and similar initiatives. The workshop then took participants through several examples of practical KT initiatives. The CMHE committee also provides modest support for research projects and for members to attend conferences connected to scholarship in CE. Sagar V. Parikh, M.D., FRCPC Director of CMHE

APPENDIX: 2010-2011 CME Event List Date


Sponsoring Institution

July 1, 2010 - June 30, 2011

Training Enhancement in Applied Cessation Counselling and Health (TEACH) Certificate

Centre for Addiction and Mental Health

July 08, 2010 - July 10, 2010

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Summer Institute

Centre for Addiction and Mental Health

July 19, 2010 - July 23, 2010

A Problem Based Introduction to Mental Health Services Research

University of Toronto

August 27, 2010 - August 27, 2011 Sleep Medicine Fellowship Rounds


September 08, 2010 - June 30, 2012 IASP Training Program in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy


September 15, 2010 - September 15, Perinatal Addictions and Mental Health 2010 Faculty Development Day

University of Toronto

September 19, 2010 - April 14, 2011 Fundamentals of Psychoanalytic Perspectives


September 25, 2010 - June 30, 2011 Ontario Community Workshops for Improved Opioid Use


October 01, 2010 - October 01, 2010 Women’s Mental Health Conference

Centre for Addiction and Mental Health

October 02, 2010 - November 28, 2010

Mindfulness-Based Group Practice

Mount Sinai Hospital

October 04, 2010 - April 26, 2011

Interactions between Psychiatric Medications and Substances of Abuse


October 16, 2010 - October 16, 2010 Adult Sleep Disorders 2010: The Influence of Medical Disorders on Sleep

University Health Network

October 18, 2010 - February 7, 2011 TEACH Core Course: A Comprehensive Course on Smoking Cessation: Essential Skills and Strategies

Centre for Addiction and Mental Health

October 21, 2010 – February 11, 2011

Centre for Addiction and Mental Health


Helping Pregnant Women Quit Smoking: A Woman-Centred Approach

education reports Date


Sponsoring Institution

October 21, 2010 – May 20, 2011

Integrated Chronic Disease Prevention: Addressing the Risks (Anglophone & Francophone)

Centre for Addiction and Mental Health

October 23, 2010 – December 11, 2010

Psychodynamic Theories: Themes, People and Applications

Mount Sinai Hospital

October 29, 2010 – October 29, 2010

10th Annual Baycrest KLARU Conference - Clinical Aspects of Frontal Lobe Dysfunction


November 05, 2010 – November 05, 2010

Faculty On-Call Update Day

University Health Network

November 06, 2010 - June 30, 2011 Opioid Dependence Treatment - Advanced Centre for Addiction and Mental Issues in ODT Health November 11, 2010 - June 30, 2011 Motivational Interviewing for Primary Care Centre for Addiction and Mental Health November 18, 2010 - November 19th, 2010

Reflecting, Revising, Responding: EDAC 2010 Bi-Annual Conference

University of Toronto / UHN

November 19, 2010 – November 19, 2010

Therapeutic Writing

Mount Sinai Hospital

November 20, 2010 – November 20, 2010

A Day in Applied Psychoanalysis: Sadomasochism, Child Development, and Education


November 24, 2010 – November 25, 2010

Dialectical Behaviour Therapy - The Basics

Multi-Faith Centre, University of Toronto

November 26, 2010 – November 26, 2010

Schizophrenia Update 2010

University of Toronto

December 01, 2010 – December 01, 2010

Brain Sciences Day

University of Toronto

December 02, 2010 – December 02, 2010

Psychotherapy Supervisors’ Retreat

University of Toronto

December 06, 2010 – June 30, 2011 Opioid Dependence Treatment Core Course

Centre for Addiction and Mental Health

January 12, 2011 – March 09, 2011

Part C - Dialectical Behaviour Therapy: Problem Based Learning

Centre for Addiction and Mental Health

January 17, 2011 – October 21, 2011

Knowledge Translation Professional Certificate

SickKids, The Learning Institute

January 29, 2011 – January 29, 2011 Safer Prescribing, Dispensing and Administering of Opioids for Patients Suffering from Non-malignant Chronic Pain

Centre for Addiction and Mental Health

February 07, 2011 – May 20, 2011

Integrated Chronic Disease Prevention: Addressing the Risks (Anglophone & Francophone)

Centre for Addiction and Mental Health

February 10, 2011 – February 11, 2011

The Frame of Simulation: Briefing, Debriefing and Facilitation

University of Toronto

March 03, 2011 – March 04, 2011

The Essentials of Simulation: An Introduction - the breadth and depth of simulation use for Healthcare

University of Toronto

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


education reports Date


Sponsoring Institution

March 11, 2011 – May 31, 2011

Dialectical Behaviour Therapy - Supervised Applications - Part D

Centre for Addiction and Mental Health

March 12, 2011 – March 12, 2011

Toronto Psychopharmacology Update 2011

University of Toronto / UHN

March 16, 2011 – March 16, 2011

Cultural Psychiatry Day

University of Toronto / UHN

March 25, 2011 – June 18, 2011

MSPI Interpersonal Psychotherapy Workshop

Mount Sinai Hospital

March 27, 2011 – March 29, 2011

Baycrest Research Conference - Neurosci- Baycrest ence of Emotion and Emotion-Related Disorders

March 31, 2011 – April 01, 2011

Simulation Centre Wizardry: From soup to nuts of running a simulation centre

University of Toronto

April 07, 2011 – April 07, 2011

Child Psychiatry Day - The Autism Spectrum: Myths and Evidence

The Hospital for Sick Children

April 08, 2011 – April 09, 2011

CANMAT-ISAD: Mood Disorders: Neurosci- CANMAT & The International Society ence to Treatment for Affective Disorders & University Health Network

April 29, 2011 – April 29, 2011

CANCELLED- Building Trust: Improving Hospital Based Mental Health

May 07, 2011 – May 07, 2011

Creating Space for Arts and Humanities in Mount Sinai Hospital the Education of Health Professionals

May 13, 2011 – June 16, 2011

Clinical Essentials of Trauma Treatment

Mount Sinai Hospital

May 19, 2011 – May 20, 2011

Tobacco Interventions for Patients with Mental Health and/or Addictive Disorder

Centre for Addiction and Mental Health

May 27, 2011 – May 27, 2011

Diversity and Equity Conference

University of Toronto

June 02, 2011 – June 02, 2011

Succeeding at “Difficult” Clinician-Patient Interaction:Tips for Clinicians

University Health Network

June 03, 2011 – June 03, 2011

Division of Child Psychiatry Faculty ReUniversity of Toronto treat: Designing & Implementing the Child & Adolescent Subspecialty Residency Program

June 16, 2011 – June 16, 2011

Harvey Stancer Research Day

University of Toronto

June 24, 2011 – June 25, 2011

Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy for Physicians: Increasing Personal

University Health Network

June 20, 2011 – May 20, 2011

Mindfulness Core Concepts

University Health Network

June 30, 2011 – June 30, 2011

Continuing Mental Health Education Com- University of Toronto mittee (CMHE) - KT-Making it Happen


Report of the Vice-chair, clinical Focus on the dissemination of best practices for inpatient care, improving discharge planning, and, fostering a spirit of stronger collaboration.


Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


Vice-Chair Reports overview

With Dr. Trevor Young assuming the Chair of the University of Toronto, Department of Psychiatry, Dr. Molyn Leszcz was appointed to the newly established position of Vice Chair of Clinical Programs in September, 2010. A central component of the responsibilities of the Vice Chair of Clinical Programs is to foster alignment of the resources and programs, integration where appropriate and possible and to foster communication between the clinical programmatic areas of the University of Toronto, Department of Psychiatry.

Each Division will be expected to be provide leadership in the area of education at all levels including undergraduate, postgraduate, fellowship and continuing education; in research; creative professional activity and public policy where appropriate; and, in the provision of exemplary clinical care. Each Division will seek to establish an endowed Chair(s). Each Division is expected to serve and function as the academic home for its members and provide opportunities for collaboration and professional development amongst the Division members.

Existing programs will shift from designations as Division and Program Restructuring programs to areas of academic focus within the new In the current academic year activities have focused on divisional structure. a review and realignment of the existing division and program structure of the University Department. It A Council of Divisions will also be established, was at the recommendation of the external reviewers bringing together all of the division leads and directors of the University Department at the conclusion of Dr. to foster collaboration, communication, integration Don Wasylenki’s Chairmanship, that the Department and planning. The Divisional structure will also align examine its current structure of 14 Programs and with the strategic plans of the respective hospitals that Divisions with a view to realignment that would focus serve as the base for the Divisions and the Division resources and promote academic scholarship, building Leadership to leverage the combined university upon the significant successes of the Department and and hospital resources to support the academic its prior Division and Program structure. The Vice development of the Divisions. Each Division will be Chair of Clinical Programs undertook this process by led by the current academic lead or a joint leadership conducting a review of Division and Program reports model will be established to facilitate integration and and a series of meetings with the current program collaboration. and division heads. A report was presented to the The Eight Divisions Are: Senior Advisory Committee which accepted the recommendations that realignment occur based upon 1. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry the following principles. 2. Forensic Psychiatry The division restructuring would expand on current strengths and facilitate growth in new areas of scholarship within the new strategic plan of the University Department, as well as support the sub-specialization training programs in Forensic Psychiatry; Child and Adolescent Psychiatry; and, Geriatric Psychiatry.


3. Geriatric Psychiatry 4. Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry 5. Adult Psychiatry and Health Systems – integrating the former Division of General Psychiatry and the Program in Health Systems 6. The Psychotherapies, Humanities and Education Scholarship Division – combining the programs in

Vice-Chair Reports Psychotherapy, the newly established Health, Arts and Humanities Program and the Research and Innovation and Scholarship in Education Program 7. Equity, Gender and Population Program – bringing together the pre-existing programs in Culture, Community and Health Studies, Women’s Mental Health and our international outreach in the Toronto Addis Ababa Program 8. Brain and Therapeutics – bringing together the pre-existing programs in Addictions, Mood and Anxiety, Neuroscience and Schizophrenia. Program searches for vacant leadership positions will occur shortly and we expect that the divisional structure will be fully in place by the middle of the 2011-12 academic year.

The Mental Health and Addictions Emergency Department Alliance

One of the central integrative clinical programs in the University Department is the Mental Health and Addictions Emergency Department Alliance. This alliance brings together seven hospital partners including; The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health; Mount Sinai Hospital; St. Michael’s Hospital; St. Joseph’s Hospital; UHN; Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre; and Toronto East General Hospital. The Alliance was established to improve the quality of care and the efficiency with which care is provided to patients accessing emergency services in our respective hospitals, recognizing the value in collaboration and more efficient utilization of resources. The Alliance is governed by a steering committee that consists of representatives of each of the hospitals and is cochaired by Peter Voore representing the hospitals; Molyn Leszcz representing the University; and Jan Lackstrom as the administrative lead. The 2010-11 year marked some important transitions in the Alliance.

We were very pleased to recruit, and bring back, a new Administrative Director for the Emergency Alliance with the hiring of Adair Roberts, who brings an enormous knowledge of mental health and addictions within the larger system of care to this important portfolio. Adair Roberts also served as the Alliance’s inaugural Administrative Director. Ian Dawe, who had been the Medical Director of the Emergency Alliance since its inception, stepped down to take the position of Psychiatrist-in-Chief at Ontario Shores in May, 2011. The ED Alliance is very grateful to Ian for his leadership. We are also very pleased that Don Wasylenki, after a search process, was appointed as the Medical Director of the Emergency Alliance. The Mental Health and Addictions Emergency Alliance has been recognized for its innovation in clinical care and improving the flow of patients through Emergency Rooms and into inpatient and alternative forms of care. The Alliance was one of the programs invited to present in November at the Ministry of Health and Long-term Care/ OMA Innovation conference highlighting successful innovations emerging from funding through the AFP Innovation Funding Program. The Alliance also held its first summit, bringing together clinicians, front line care providers and administrators to evaluate our progress to date and set our future course. The summit was an outstanding success and underscored people’s commitment to the success of this venture. What emerged clearly was the need to continue to harness the full effectiveness of existing innovations such as the daily bed call and the transfer of patients between hospitals; tracking of patient transfers; reducing wait times in the ED; the use of the common assessment form; and, the compilation of reliable data capturing the levels of activity across the hospitals and identifying the populations of patients seeking care. There is also a great interest in expanding the Alliance to move

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


Vice-Chair Reports beyond emergency care alone to provide better integration with inpatient and ultimately ambulatory and community resources. Regular meetings have begun to occur between the Inpatient Directors focused on the dissemination of best practices for inpatient care; improving discharge planning; and, fostering a spirit of stronger collaboration. The Alliance was also awarded a grant from the Toronto Central LHIN (TCLHIN) to focus more specifically on frequent users of the Emergency Room. We have used this funding to develop a Frequent Users Working Group bringing together hospital and community partners across the TCLHIN; learning from existing innovative programs that engage patients effectively and address core psychosocial needs in the area of mental health and addictions care, while taking a systems-wide view of the provision of care to this patient population. Similar advances have occurred in regard to the ED assessment of seniors presenting with mental health and addictions concerns through innovative training and education of front line providers. Supported initially through the TCLHIN as well, this model of training has drawn great national interest and recognition. The opportunity to secure funding for this kind of program of evaluation and intervention could only emerge in the context of the capacity of the Alliance to work together and capture data effectively to impact change at the systems level to improve the quality of care of our individual patients.

Molyn Leszcz, MD. FRCPC Professor of Psychiatry Vice-Chair, Clinical


It was at the recommendation of the external reviewers of the University Department at the conclusion of Dr. Don Wasylenki’s Chairmanship, that the Department examine its current structure of 14 Programs and Divisions with a view to realignment that would focus resources and promote academic scholarship, building upon the significant successes of the Department and its prior Division and Program structure.

Addiction psychiatry program Addiction Program faculty offer training to practitioners across the province of Ontario, across Canada and internationally.


The overall mission of the Addiction Psychiatry Program is to provide leadership in research, clinical care and education in addictions and concurrent disorders within the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Toronto. Our strategic goals are: 1) to establish and maintain exemplary clinical services for individuals with drug, alcohol and behavioural addictions; 2) to provide high-quality interprofessional education and training at the medical undergraduate, postgraduate, and continuing education levels; and; 3) to stimulate and foster clinical and translational research in addictive disorders within the Department of Psychiatry and with our academic and community partners.

Program Description

The Addiction Psychiatry Program is primarily based at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), with nineteen faculty having primary appointments at that site. Seven other faculty have primary appointments at St. Michael’s Hospital, University Health Network, Mount Sinai Hospital, Humber River Hospital, and North York General Hospital. Dr. Tony George, the Chair in Addiction Psychiatry, is Program Head. Addiction Psychiatry education and training is coordinated by Dr. Pamela Stewart at CAMH. Dr. Peter Selby is Clinical Director of the Addictions Program at CAMH.

Events and Achievements

Dr. Peter Selby received the President’s Service Award from Addictions Ontario. Dr. Bernard LeFoll was appointed as Associate Member in the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ACNP). Dr. Tony George was appointed as Deputy Editor of the ACNP’s journal, Neuropsychopharmacology, and published an invited chapter on Nicotine and Tobacco

in Cecil Textbook of Medicine, 24th edition in June, 2011. The highly successful CAMH Addictions Program Research and Clinical Day will take place again in December, 2011.

Postgraduate Education

Under the direction of Dr. Stewart, the training experiences in addictions for all residents continued to improve and have been consolidated at White Squirrel Way Building at the Queen Street Site of CAMH. Given the requirements of the Royal College to conduct addiction training during the Chronic Care Rotation in the PG-4 year, program faculty initiated an advanced curriculum in Addiction Psychiatry to meet the needs of senior residents, which began in the 2011-12 academic year under the direction of Dr. George. In addition, PG-1 Residents continue to receive a 1-month Introductory rotation in Addiction Psychiatry.

Continuing Education

Addiction Program faculty offer training to practitioners across the province of Ontario, across Canada and internationally. One example is the Ontario-wide “Training Enhancement in Applied Cessation and Health” (TEACH) tobacco training program led by Dr. Peter Selby. Lectures and symposia led by Addiction Psychiatry program faculty were presented at the Annual Meetings of several professional organizations, such as the Canadian Psychiatric Association (CPA), the American Psychiatric Association (APA), the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (SRNT which as held in Toronto in February, 2011), the College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD), the American Society for Addiction Medicine (ASAM) and the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ACNP). Addiction Psychiatry faculty gave nearly

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


programs and divisions 65 invited lectures collectively in the past year, at local, received a pilot grant from the Ontario Lung Association to study the potential of the anti-adrenergic agent national and international forums. prazosin as a smoking cessation pharmacotherapy.

Research Activities

Clinical and translational research is conducted by several of our faculty both within the Department of Psychiatry, and in affiliated departments such as Family Medicine, Public Health, Psychology, the Institute of Medical Sciences and Pharmacology. Program Faculty published over 60 peer-reviewed publications in the past year in general and subspecialty journals such as The Archives of General Psychiatry, the American Journal on the Addictions, Addiction, The American Journal of Public Health, Addictive Behaviors, Biological Psychiatry, Drug and Alcohol Dependence, Neuropsychopharmacology, Pediatrics, and Schizophrenia Research.

Finally, two new junior faculty researchers were recruited to the Program. Dr. Christian Hendershot, Ph.D. was recruited in an Independent Clinical Scientist in the CAMH Addictions Program from the University of New Mexico to continue his research on the genetics of addictive disorders. Dr. Andriyi Samokhvalov, M.D., Ph.D. finished his fellowship in the Social Epidemiology Research Division and was recruited as an Assistant Professor in the Department, and Clinician-Scientist in the CAMH Addictions Program, with a focus on the evaluation and treatment of alcohol, stimulant and opioid dependence.

There were several new and continuation grants in the program, totaling in excess of $3.0 Million dollars in direct costs. Notably, Dr. Bernard LeFoll received a CIHR Catalyst Grant and a NIDA R21 Grant to conduct a preliminary evaluation of the potential of Sativex for the treatment of cannabis dependence. Dr. Peter Selby continued his highly successful provincewide TEACH tobacco training initiative, as well as the innovative Smoking Treatment for Ontario Patients (STOP) study which has recruited more than 60,000 smokers across Ontario. Drs. Rachel Tyndale, Tony George and Peter Selby continued their NIH/ NIDA-funded Cooperative Study “Pharmacogenetics of Nicotine Addiction Treatment (PNAT)� which is the first prospective pharmacogenetics trial in the addictions field, examining the role of a geneticallyinformed biomarker (the nicotine metabolic ratio) in the prediction of treatment response for two approved tobacco pharmacotherapies, nicotine patch and varenciline.

Tony P. George, M.D., FRCPC Chair in Addiction Psychiatry Head, Addiction Psychiatry Program

Dr. Tony George received a CIHR operating grant to study the effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on tobacco craving and cognition in schizophrenia. Finally, Dr. Christian Hendershot


Culture, community, and health studies program It’s mission is to provide academic leadership in the area of cultural and community mental health.

Program Description

Under the leadership of Professor Kussin, UHN Toronto Western Hospital (TWH) has been running The mission of the Culture, Community and Health the Community Mental Health Program (CMHP). Studies (CCHS) Program is to provide academic Language-specific programs are available to specifically leadership in the area of cultural and community serve Chinese-, Korean-, Portuguese-, and Spanishmental health. The goals of the program are to speaking populations. In partnership with the Hong integrate social diversity and cultural processes into Fook Mental Health Association, the Asian Initiative the clinical practice and training of mental health in Mental Health (AIM), Directed by Dr. Fung care providers and policy makers; to establish an exemplary program of cultural and community mental provides culturally-appropriate services to Vietnamese and Cambodian Canadians. At Mount Sinai Hospital, health research aiming at the exploration of ways Drs. Andermann and Lo offer cultural consultation culture and community contexts affect the mental services and direct care to clients of diverse cultural health and course of patient care; and to provide an and ethnic heritage. Drs. Law and Andermann direct interdisciplinary postgraduate education program of the MSH ACT team, serving patients from Asian cultural and community psychiatry. communities. The CCHS Program operates through its Steering Committee that consists of department faculties, residents, and site representatives, including the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), University Health Network (UHN), Mount Sinai Hospital (MSH), St. Michael’s Hospital (SMH), Sunnybrook Hospital, Sick Children Hospital (SCH), Women’s College Health Sciences Centre, and other hospitals and community-based facilities. CAMH has been the Program’s hub, providing administrative resources for the program’s development and conducting most of the active research. The Social Equity and Health Research (SEHR) of CAMH consisted of medical and non-medical faculty members who contribute to the CCHS PGY core lectures and seminars and lead research programs of CCHS. Drs. McKenzie and Noh direct the Social Aetiology of Mental Illness (SAMI), a post-graduate and postdoctoral program focusing on the social and cultural determinants of mental illness and addiction.

Driven by the inspiration of Dr. Wasylenki, the previous Department Chair, and the enthusiastic support of Dr. Ari Zaretsky, Director of the PostGraduate Programs, an annual award program, Donald Wasylenki Award for Best Sociocultural Psychiatry Grand Rounds, was launched in 2009 to promote resident interest in cultural psychiatry.

Core Lectures on Cultural Psychiatry and Cultural Competence

The CCHS Program offered core curriculum lectures to residents at the PGY-1 and PGY-2 levels. The CCHS Program also contributes to the undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate curricula offered by the Department of Psychiatry, the Institute of Medical Sciences (IMS), and other University departments including anthropology, nursing, psychology, public health, sociology and social work. The CCHS Program offers resident and medical student training, as well as training in various research

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


Programs and Divisions methodologies for graduate students and post-doctoral fellows through thesis supervision and opportunities for involvement in CCHS research projects.

Cultural Psychiatry Day

The CCHS Program runs an annual Cultural Psychiatry Day. In the past two years, we organized multisite interactive videoconferences for Cultural Psychiatry. McGill University and the University of British Columbia participated in the conference on March 16, 2011. The theme of the 2011 University of Toronto Cultural Psychiatry Day Conference was Spirituality and Religion in Culturally Competent Psychiatric Practice. Keynote speakers were Kanae Kinoshita, Spiritual Care Professional at Toronto General Hospital, University Health Network; Dr. Myrna Lashley, Professor of Psychology, McGill University and Research Associate of Lady Davis Institute; Dr. Andrea Grabovac, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, University of British Columbia. Dr. Dennis Kussin of University of Toronto, Dr. Jaswant Guzder from McGill University, and Dr. Sharon Smith of the University of British Columbia served as discussants. In addition to the three university departments, two significant important institutions provided sponsorships: Multicultural Mental Health Resource Centre Project of the Mental Health Commission of Canada and the Transcultural Section of the Canadian Psychiatric Association. Drs. Fung, Lo, and Andermann assumed the primary duties for the organization of the conference.


For many years, research in the CCHS Program has concentrated on the epidemiology of immigrant mental health, including the psychosocial adjustment of immigrant children. Ongoing research include the long-term mental health impact of exposure to traumatic stress for Aboriginal youth and racial


minority adolescents; multicultural meanings of social support among immigrants and refugees; settlement issues and social determinants of health among immigrants and refugees; identity, diversity, mental health and well-being within marginalized populations; sociocultural meanings of war trauma; race and health; and the health and development of immigrant and refugee children. Ongoing research project topics by core faculty include longitudinal investigations of psychiatric disorders in children and youth of racial and ethnic minorities, including Aboriginals; refugee resiliency; mental health practices in the settlement sector; multilevel challenges to immigrant well-being and social integration; culture, ethnicity, and psychotherapy; pathways to mental health care; racialism and mental health; stigma of mental illness and addiction; and teaching cultural psychiatry and curriculum development. “Issues and Options for Improving Mental Health of Immigrant, Refugee, Ethno-Cultural and Racialised Groups” is the first national data analysis, literature review, and policy recommendations aimed at developing equitable services for marginalized groups. In partnership with Across Boundaries, Dr. McKenzie and Dr. Simich developed “Community Partnerships for Youth Health,” a new program that will enable schools and community organizations to improve their ability to help youth from marginalized populations. The CCHS faculty continued to be highly successful in receiving grants from the major granting agencies, including the Canadian Institute for Health Research (CIHR). In fact, as reported in the Department Executive Research Committee Annual Report, CCHS was one of the largest grant receiving programs of the Department of Psychiatry, accounting for 9.2% of the total grant amount reported by all programs of the Department. Examples of the representative research projects and training programs that were either initiated or continued during the past year include:

programs and divisions • Pathways to first episode care for psychosis in three ethnic groups in Ontario • Culture and expression of depressive symptoms • A community-based HIV/AIDS intervention mobilizing champion community advocates • A community-based intervention of HIV/AIDS prevention in an immigrant community • Occupational stress and health of immigrant micro-business owners • Development of E-Learning modules for continuing education on refugee mental health care use

Research Fellowship

Social Aetiology of Mental Illness (SAMI) is a post-doctoral research training program in social determinants of mental health, which is based on a CIHR strategic research training grant awarded to Dr. McKenzie and Dr. Noh, the principal investigators of the grant.

Through the integration of clinical care and research, the Neuropsychiatry program provides highly specialized services in the assessment and treatment of children and adolescents with ADHD, Tourett’s Disorder, and other neuropsychiatric conditions affecting behaviour, language, and learning.

Among the first cohort (2010-2011) of SAMI fellows, three are currently appointed as professors at major universities, two continue their research at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health with Dr. McKenzie and Dr. Noh, and one has returned to clinical practice. One psychiatry resident (PGY1) participated in the 10week program of didactic teaching of research design and operation.

Sam Noh, PhD Head, Culture, Community and Health Studies Program

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report



Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


division of child and adolescent psychiatry It’s mission is to promote optimal mental health in children (aged birth to 18 yrs.) and their families and to contribute to the achievement of healthy communities


Our Divisional goals emphasize exemplary training, research, scholarship, and the discovery and dissemination of new knowledge in the context of compassionate care, scientific rigor and evidence based treatment. The Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry is comprised of ten sites: the Child, Youth and Family Program (CYFP) at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health; the Department of Psychiatry at the Hospital for Sick Children (HSC); the Youth Psychiatry Program at Sunnybrook; the community based programs at Hincks-Dellcrest, Youthdale, George Hull, and the Child Psychiatry Program at North York General Hospital, Humber River Regional Hospital, St. Joe’s Hospital. St. Michael’s Hospital and Toronto East General offer Selective Placements for residents in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.. HSC and CYFP constitute the hub at which the majority of Divisional Research occurs, but teaching is spread throughout the Division. There has been considerable growth in the programs and services at CYFP and HSC. CYFP offers services to families and children from the preschool years to the early 20’s, HSC from infancy to the 18th birthday. The range of clinical services includes specialized areas as well as more general clinical areas of concern. The clinical services provide the node around which training and research is organized. While there is some overlap in the services provided at CYFP and HSC, there are unique and distinct areas of specialization between these two key sites. Programs and services at HSC as distinct from CYFP include:

Eating Disorders, Neuropsychiatry (ADHD); Anxiety Disorders and OCD; Infant Psychiatry; CYFP as distinct from HSC, Youth Addictions and Concurrent Disorders; Mood disorders, Young Offender Assessments; Gender Identity Disorders, Early Onset Psychoses; Substance Abuse Prevention for African Canadian and Caribbean Youth (SAPACCY). HSC has a psychiatric emergency service, an inpatient unit and a consultation liaison service to medical and surgical services. CYFP provides outreach to community agencies and offers a program for the treatment of children with disruptive behaviour disorders, a well established fire-setting prevention program and a general consultation clinic. Community based Mental Health Centres at the Hincks-Dellcrest, Youthdale, and George Hull provide experience and training that complements the hospital based experience at HSC and CAMH. For instance, Hincks-Dellcrest provides community based prevention programs to infants, and preschoolers and their families at two high density development areas in Toronto. Likewise, George Hull offers collaborative mental health partnerships with community groups, focused on early intervention and prevention programs with children 0-6 years of age. Faculty have established strong working relationships and collaborations with other departments within their host institution as well as University-based programs in neuroscience, pediatrics, psychology, and education and others. This rich mixture of faculty and trainees from diverse disciplines broadens the perspective, widens our training horizon and is reflected in our research and scholarship.

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


programs and divisions Postgraduate Education

The Division has had another excellent year providing high quality training in child psychiatry for career track child psychiatry residents and for general psychiatry residents completing their core child psychiatry requirements. Eight sites provide core and career track child training. Toronto East General Hospital, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, and St. Michael’s Hospital offer child senior selectives only. This year the Division was asked to provide core child psychiatry training for 39 PGY-3 residents. As the psychiatry residency program continues to expand, we have been asked to provide core training for more residents. In order to address the increasing numbers we have added Humber River Regional Hospital for core and career rotations. Toronto East General Hospital provides a senior selective rotation.

psychotherapy seminars. The evaluations are uniformly excellent. The Advanced Child Psychopharmacology Course continues to receive strong evaluations. One of the course directors, Dr. Daniel Gorman, is presenting a symposium with international faculty at this year’s joint CACAP/AACAP conference, “International Perspectives on Resident Training in Child Psychopharmacology.”

The divisional chief resident, Dr. Heather Derry, and her career child resident colleagues developed an excellent seminar series for senior child residents. The postgraduate education committee is thankful This rich mixture of for Dr. Derry’s hard faculty and trainees work and leadership. from diverse disciplines Dr. Chris Willer broadens the perspective, was the recipient widens our training of the Community This year six residents completed their required horizon and is reflected Consultation Paper career training in child psychiatry. The career child in our research and Award. Dr. Nagi psychiatry training program is the largest child scholarship. Ghabbour was the psychiatry program in Canada and one of the largest in recipient of the Paul North America. We continue to stress the importance Steinhauer Award for excellence in postgraduate of a balanced clinical experience for all core child psychiatry residents with children and youth of all ages education in the Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. and with a variety of diagnoses. Goals and objectives for the core child rotation are reviewed by all residents and supervisors and the core child rotation-specific ITER is used for evaluation. All residents use a clinical Dr. John Langley, the postgraduate education training log to monitor their clinical experience throughout the director, is a member of the Royal College Specialty rotation. The log is reviewed with their supervisors on Committee for the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Subspecialty. The Division of Child and Adolescent a regular basis. Psychiatry will submit an application in October 2011 All core and career track seminars occur on Thursdays to become an accredited training site. The Division at the Hospital for Sick Children. The core seminars will accept the first cohort of subspecialty residents are well attended and the faculty contribution is highly in July 2012. Finally, we are most grateful for the rated by residents. There are 11 general topic seminars ongoing support and expertise of the Division of and 10-11 psychotherapy seminars. The psychotherapy Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Residency Program seminars cover development and psychotherapy, CBT, Committee and the Subspecialty Curriculum family therapy, and psychodynamic psychotherapy. Subcommittee. Dr. Priya Watson, the psychotherapy director, has conducted a review of the evaluations of the


programs and divisions Undergraduate Education

and neuro-imaging studies to the most applied, e.g., clinical trials and health services research. Faculty Undergraduate education in Child Psychiatry is collaborate widely within their own institutions taught at six sites: The Hospital for Sick Children, (particularly at HSC and CAMH), within the Sunnybrook and Women’s College Health Sciences Centre, The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health Division, nationally and internationally as can be seen from authorship of journal articles published (Child Youth and Family Program), Hincks Dellcrest Centre, The George Hull Centre and Youthdale. Each by the faculty and by the co-investigators on grants held by faculty. At CAMH, a major focus of research teaching site has an undergraduate representative that efforts are directed toward youth with concurrent participates in a bimonthly administrative meeting disorders supported by CIHR funding. In addition, chaired by, Dr. Susan Dundas, the Director of Health Canada is supporting a National initiative to Undergraduate Education, of the Division of Child enhance service provider CD capacity, increase early Psychiatry. intervention opportunities, and improve pathways to treatment for youth and their families. All University of Toronto year 3 clinical clerks participate in a Child and Adolescent Psychiatry course which is embedded in their 3 year adult psychiatry The total value of the grants that are currently active clerkship. A Centralized curriculum is taught across in the Division has grown from $24,000,000 in 2009 all six teaching sites. Approximately 36 clerks are to over $34,000,000 in 2010 from Provincial, National taught during each of six clerkship rotations per year, and International agencies. In this academic year with the largest number allotted to HSC and CAMH. alone, these grants will bring $9,300,000 for research compared with $4,800,000 in the previous year. The Division of Child Psychiatry Undergraduate program has spent the 2010-2011 year integrating and supporting the new curriculum and teaching seminars. There have been very positive reviews and the committee has begun to work with the central undergrad committee on developing protocols to review teaching for all undergraduate teachers. After 10 years of excellent leadership of our Undergraduate Training program, Dr. Dundas will be stepping down as of June 30, 2011. She will continue as the site coordinator at Hincks Dellcrest Centre.


There has been outstanding growth in research and fellowship activities within the Division. Faculty of the Division are actively involved in a wide range of research activities from the most basic, e.g., genetic

Fellowship Program

Our Division hosts one of the largest fellowship programs in child and adolescent psychiatry in North America. In 2010, there were 6 Fellows spread among the various sites in the Division. Fellows have diverse educational backgrounds including psychology, psychiatry, nursing, and basic sciences. The program showed a steady increase in the number of international fellows and fellows from other Canadian universities. Over the last year, Fellows presented at various prestigious meetings and achieved several honours. Recent graduates of our Fellowship Programme have gone on to establish careers at York, Ryerson and McMaster Universities.

Continuing Medical Education

The CME program in the Division of Child Psychiatry provides accredited CME events of high

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


programs and divisions effectiveness and innovations. Educational events in the 2010-2011 academic year included the 21st Annual Child Psychiatry Day. The theme of Child Psychiatry Day was, “Autism Spectrum Disorders: Myths and Evidence”, was an outstanding event that drew a capacity crowd and outstanding evaluations. Given the impending subspecialty status of Child Psychiatry and the anticipated enrollment of resident trainees in this subspecialty, the Faculty Retreat in June 2011 focused on “Designing and Implementing the Child and Adolescent Subspecialty Residency Training Program”. Guest faculty, Susan Glover Takahashi, PhD and Karen Leslie, MD assisted in this task. After 10 years of outstanding leadership of our CME program, Dr. Tatyana Barankin has stepped down to pursue other interests. We were fortunate that Dr. Tony Pignatiello graciously agreed to organize Child Psychiatry Day, and John Langley assumed the responsibility for our Faculty Retreat.


Lecturer: Parul Agarwal, Seena Grewal, Maged Kodsi, Gabby Ledger, Debbie Leung, Lara Propst, Rajeevan Rasasingham, Pillai Riddell, Azmeh Shahid


Assistant Professor: Miriam Byrne, Susan MacKenzie, Irfan Mian, Leigh Solomon Associate Professor: Bruce Ballon, Alice Charach, Amy Cheung, John Strauss. Full Professor: Paul Sandor Joseph Beitchman, MD, FRCPC Head, Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry


There has been outstanding growth in research and fellowship activities within the Division. Faculty of the Division are actively involved in a wide range of research activities from the most basic, e.g., genetic and neuroimaging studies to the most applied

division of Geriatric psychiatry It’s mission is to promote optimal mental health in children (aged birth to 18 yrs.) and their families and to contribute to the achievement of healthy communities


The Division of Geriatric Psychiatry strives for excellence in research into mental disorders in late-life and the education of health care practitioners who treat elderly patients. As service providers to a growing and relatively under-serviced patient population, we also act as advocates for these individuals in the area of health policy.


Bruce G. Pollock is Professor and Head of the Division. There are six primary sites: Baycrest (acting Head, Robert Madan), the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH; Head, Benoit Mulsant), Mount Sinai Hospital (Head, Joel Sadavoy), Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre (Head, Nathan Herrmann), the University Health Network (UHN; Head, Alastair Flint) and St. Michael’s Hospital (Head, Corrine Fischer).


The Division sites provide the full spectrum of clinical services for the management of elderly patients with psychiatric illness. These include inpatient units, outpatient services, day hospital, community psychogeriatric services providing domiciliary visits, and consultation liaison services to both acute-care and long-term facilities. Corinne Fischer is chair of the clinical co-ordination committee, which seeks to better integrate levels of care according to areas of specialization within the Division


Formal educational activities are provided at the un-

dergraduate, postgraduate, fellowship, and continuing education levels. The undergraduate education coordinator is Vincent Woo. Division members are active in all aspects of the undergraduate curriculum, which includes the pre-clerkship, clerkship, and psychogeriatric electives. The postgraduate education coordinator is Robert Madan. The Division trains every single resident in the program in geriatric psychiatry, as mandated by the Royal College requirements. The Division also trains residents interested in career paths in geriatric psychiatry. Alastair Flint is fellowship coordinator. The Division offers institutionally funded fellowships at Baycrest, CAMH, Sunnybrook and UHN. The Continuing Education Committee is chaired by Zahinoor Ismail. The Division endeavours to organize continuing education activities for primary care physicians, allied health professions as well as geriatric psychiatry subspecialists.


Opportunities for clinical and translational research in geriatric psychiatry are considerable and there are particular divisional strengths in functional neuroimaging (PET & fMRI), pharmacometrics, pharmacogenetics and clinical trials methodology. A new brain stimulation laboratory was funded by the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) and Ministry for Research and Innovation (MRI), to study neuroplasticity in young and older patients with severe mental illness. Tarek Rajji serves as Research Coordinator for the Division. Graduate advisors within the Division are available to those enrolled in the Clinician Scientist Program.

Public Policy

Division members have leadership roles in national (Canadian Academy of Geriatric Psychiatry (CAGP), Canadian Coalition for Seniors Mental Health) and

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


programs and divisions international organizations (American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry (AAGP), International College of Geriatric Neuropsychopharmacology, International Psychogeriatric Association (IPA)). Division members were also active participants in developing health policy as consultants to governmental agencies such as the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care and the U.S. Food & Drug Administration.

PROGRAM DEVELOPMENTS 2010/2011 Organization

The Division continued to expand and consolidate its academic activities this year. This year new faculty included Daniel Blumberger, Aristotle Voineskos and Robyn Waxman. Vincent Woo was promoted to Assistant Professor, Susan Lieff was promoted to the rank of Professor and Nathan Herrmann received the 2010 Canadian Academy of Geriatric Psychiatry (CAGP) Award for Outstanding contributions in Geriatric Psychiatry. Quarterly meetings were held this year in conjunction with city-wide Grand Rounds at Mount Sinai Hospital, CAMH, St. Michael’s Hospital and Sunnybrook Hospital.


Members of the Division of Geriatric Psychiatry continue to be involved in several initiatives in the Toronto Central LHIN (TC-LHIN). Carole Cohen along with the crisis teams in the TC-LHIN developed a centralized access line (the Seniors Crisis Access Line (SCAL)) for seniors with mental health and addictions problems. This project has been piloted and is now functioning in the LHIN. Additional work is underway to explore the potential merger of SCAL with other “access hubs” serving seniors and to improve access to senior specific short-term crisis case management teams. Carole Cohen continues to chair two working groups—1) psychogeriatric outreach teams providing consultation to Long term Care (LTC) Homes in the Toronto area and 2) psychogeriatric outreach teams providing assessment and treatment to community residing patients. These quarterly meet-


ings allow teams to better co-ordinate care, share best practices, provide consultation as needed to the LHIN and link psychogeriatric services with other service providers such as the CCAC, supportive housing and community support agencies that serve these patients. The Centralized Access to Specialty geriatric mental health Services (CASS), developed with input from Joel Sadavoy, has continued to receive support from the TC-LHIN. The CASS office is located and managed at the Reitman Centre for Alzheimers Support and Training at Mount Sinai Hospital and is coordinated by Angelina Yau and Mary Chiu. Now in its third year of operation, the CASS The Division sites provide office has become the full spectrum of a first stop for LTC clinical services for homes and other comthe management of elderly patients with munity based referrers psychiatric illness. These in need of finding include inpatient units, specialized geriatric outpatient services, day mental health care for hospital, community seniors. Leaders from psychogeriatric services three institutions with providing domiciliary specialized beds, TRI visits, and consultation (now UHN) CAMH liaison services to both and Baycrest, have acute-care and long-term worked out the basic facilities. principles for a centralized intake that has lead to improved triage and flow of patients. This year, CASS has begun to develop a closer working relationship with CCAC and other stakeholders key to managing ALC patients. The goal is to enhance system responsiveness to a small but important number of geriatric patients in ALC beds because of difficult to manage behavioural problems. The Emergency department geriatric mental health project (EDGMH), also developed with the input of Joel Sadavoy and originally supported by the TC-LHIN, was successfully implemented in all the

programs and divisions ED’ s of the TC-LHIN general hospitals. The project provides core education to all front line personnel using e-learning methods. The program also includes new processes for inter-staff communication and new protocols for data management and transmission. The documented positive outcomes in EDs using the program to date have lead to interest from other hospitals in Ontario and beyond. Most recently the education and process change components of the EDGMH project have been adopted and fully implemented by Scarborough General hospital. The TC-LHIN has initiated two new projects for system change that have strong input from Division members:

wick, the project coordinator. The project has been created to support family caregivers dealing with complex high risk problems of seniors at home. The central element of this program is to identify a core problem of a caregiver and provide each of them with specific financial or other resources to solve that problem. Thirty Senior Enhanced Care Coordinators (SECs) of the CCAC will be assigned this task for 150 families. The Reitman Centre for Alzheimer’s Support and Training has partnered with this initiative to provide specialized training in problem identification and management of care givers using adapted problem solving tools originally developed for family caregivers (The Reitman CARERS Program).

1) The Integrated Client Care Project (ICCP) to provide coordinated primary, supportive and specialty care to carefully defined high risk seniors in 4 quadrants of Toronto. Carole Cohen is currently representing the psychogeriatric sector on the implementation committee of this project. The pilot phase has been initiated under the leadership of the CCAC and Jodeme Goldhar, the project coordinator. Thirty high risk seniors in each quadrant (120 in all) have been identified and assigned to a skilled case coordinator. Management will be coordinated through all phases of care including comprehensive home based care, use of specialties as needed, emergency department and in hospital care. A key element of the project will be the direct focus of coordinators on family caregivers. The coordinators will receive specialized training in helping caregivers deal with the complex psychological factors that increase caregiver burden. The Reitman Centre for Alzheimers Support and Training has contracted with ICCP to provide 18 hours of intensive training of coordinators using an adapted form of the Reitman method for therapeutic support of family caregivers (The Reitman CARERS Program).


2) The Caregiver Framework Demonstration Project, under the leadership of Fancoise Hebert, the Alzheimer’s Society of Toronto, and Natalie War-

Division members are active in all aspects of the undergraduate curriculum. In Postgraduate education, the Division trained residents in mandatory training positions, career-path residents, and fellows. For each 6-month block, there was a monthly centralized seminar series led by various faculty members in the Division. Robert Madan and Sid Feldman continue work on a new undergraduate medical education curriculum for Geriatrics with funding from the AFP Innovation Fund. Robert Madan and Joel Sadavoy are completing work on the Geriatrics sub-specialty at the University and Royal College levels. Andrea Iaboni received the Division’s Resident Award in Geriatric Psychiatry as well as the Canadian Academy of Geriatric Psychiatry Fellowship Award.


Substantial progress continues to be made in many areas of research with another considerable increase in external funding to Division investigators. The thematic highlights of the ongoing projects include: cognitive impairment in late life bipolar disorder, depression, and schizophrenia; depression and coronary artery disease, genetic and therapeutic studies in traumatic brain damage; neuroreceptor imaging of dopamine, serotonin and muscarinic receptors in a

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


programs and divisions variety of late-life conditions and amyloid deposition in Alzheimer’s disease and frontotemporal dementia; pharmacotherapy of dementia and related psychiatric symptoms; and neuroplasticity studies across the lifespan using brain stimulation techniques. This past year young investigators in the Division had great success. Daniel Blumberger, Peter Giacobbe, Tarek Rajji, Aristotle Voineskos received 2011 NARSAD Young Investigator awards. Aristotle Voineskos was also honoured with the CIHR Institute of Aging Age+ award and the Institute of Medical Science (IMS) Siminovitch-Salter award. Bruce Pollock was presented with the 2011 American College of Psychiatrists Geriatric Psychiatry Research Award at their annual meeting and David Conn was the Co-recipient of the 2010 Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Betty Havens award for Knowledge Translation in Aging along with Ken LeClair from Queen’s University and the Canadian Coalition for Seniors’ Mental Health (CCSMH). The annual scientific meeting of the CAGP was held in Toronto in September 2010. The Division was well-represented at this meeting: Mark Rapoport co-chaired the 2010 scientific committee of which Zahinoor Ismail and Benoit Mulsant were also members; Nathan Herrman and Robert Madan presented plenary session and many Division members led various workshops.

Bruce Pollock, MD, FRCPC Head, Division of Geriatric Psychiatry


This year, new faculty included Daniel Blumberger, Aristotle Voineskos and Robyn Waxman. Vincent Woo was promoted to Assistant Professor, Susan Lieff was promoted to the rank of Professor and Nathan Herrmann received the 2010 Canadian Academy of Geriatric Psychiatry (CAGP) Award for Outstanding contributions in Geriatric Psychiatry.

Global Mental Health Affairs Ullo dolori autestis asimus, arcit lit eumqui dolorit ectemo bero cus et vellibus eumquatur? Ducipsandam id enda ium si num volum ant, as re, saectemqui volo dolorestibus acitis nonsequ idist, si doloruptam, qui ommoluptur, ut endigen imagnim enditat erferoribus earumquo qui


The Global Mental Health Affairs (GMHA) section of the Department of Psychiatry was established in the fall of 2010, with Dr. Arun Ravindran being appointed its first Director on November 1, 2010. This report therefore covers the 8-month academic period from November 2010 to June 2011.


In 2010-2011, several activities were initiated in line with GMHA’s stated goals. Groundwork

A survey of global health involvement by UTPsychiatry faculty had a high response rate and indicated that The Global Mental Health Affairs (GMHA) section is there is a strong interest and desire for global health the global health arm of the Department of Psychiatry, involvement in the department. About 49% of reUniversity of Toronto (UTPsychiatry), and is an active spondents had engaged in such activities over the past partner in the University of Toronto’s global health 3 years, providing a tremendous resource for expertise strategy initiatives. Its primary role is to collaborate for future GMHA initiatives. As a next step, a datawith international academic centres, non-governmen- base is being designed for ongoing tracking of faculty tal organizations and other international agencies to expertise, resources and productivity in the area of build mental health research, academic training and global mental health. treatment expertise around the world. It strives to increase public awareness of mental health issues, and A GMHA website has been set up under the UTPsyinfluence governmental policy and support for mental chiatry umbrella. While content is still being develhealth resources, at a global level. GMHA draws on oped, the aim is for the website to provide information the rich expertise and interests of Departmental mem- on the GMHA and its activities, stimulate a global bers in such collaborations and also works actively to health outlook, link faculty to potential partners/coldevelop a culture of enthusiasm for global health work laborators in other countries, and act as the network among trainees and young faculty in the Department. hub for new and continued global health activities It works closely with the Office of International Health among faculty and students. (OIH) at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), as well as with international health groups In this first year, GMHA consulted and received within both UTPsychiatry and the University of Tosupport and advice from a number of UTPsychiatry ronto, including the Toronto Addis Ababa Psychiatry faculty with a strong interest in global mental health, Project (TAAPP). including Profs. Noh, McKenzie, Pain, Rehn, Rush and Hodges. A formal GMHA advisory group, The mission of GMHA is as follows: involving several of these members, will be convened 1) To promote collaborative mental health training and soon. research between the UT Psychiatry and international centres of learning and treatment; and Training program development 2) To build sustainable capacity for mental health care, A comprehensive research training program is being training and research in developing world regions. developed for implementation in partner countries 52

programs and divisions where research expertise in mental health is limited. The program will include modules on research design, strategies and approaches, research ethics, and data collection and analysis, among others. It is anticipated that the program will be delivered partly through direct faculty lectures and partly through tele-education.

collaborative research endeavour between KSU and CAMH on the genetics of autism. GMHA has also served in an advisory capacity to Kuwait University in such areas as faculty assessment.

Latin America and the Caribbean: Capacity building initiatives GMHA and OIH jointly sponsored a meeting between Memoranda of understanding have been established the UTPsychiatry, and academic centres from Latin with several international academic centres to provide America and the Caribbean, to explore the possibilclinical and research capacity building. These include: ity of collaborations in the area of mental health and addictions training and research. Work continues on Asia: these and other similar initiatives. A clinician-scientist collaborative training program has been established between the Universities of Colombo Observerships and Kelaniya (Sri Lanka), and UTPsychiatry. The The long established physician observership program initial training program will be held in Winter 2012 at CAMH, jointly hosted by GMHA and OIH, saw in Sri Lanka and academic content is currently being 15 international visitors in 2010-2011, including from prepared. As well, GMHA and OIH are currently the United States, the Middle East, Asia and South jointly hosting a post-doctoral fellow from Sri Lanka, America. Dr. Usha Perera, whose work focuses on global health. A clinician-scientist collaborative training program has also been established between Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia and UTPsychiatry. It is envisaged that the initial training program will be held in Winter 2012. In addition, a Malaysian psychiatrist will begin a 1-year post-doctoral fellowship at CAMH in August 2012. GMHA also participated in an external review of the Malaysian national psychiatry resident clinical training program. Other training is currently being planned for South Asian regions in the area of forensic psychiatry. Middle East: Previous on-site collaborations with King Saud University in Saudi Arabia have encompassed training in cognitive-behaviour therapy (CBT) for depressive and anxiety disorders, and repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) techniques. Discussions are underway to provide on-site training in addictions treatment and prevention. GMHA also helped to establish a

Funding applications

Applications were submitted to several national and international funding agencies, including the Government of Canada (for the Grand Challenges Canada competition) and non-governmental organizations. Several other funding applications are either underway or being planned, including to the Canadian International Development Agency and the National Institutes of Health.

Arun V. Ravindran MBBS, MSc, PhD, FRCPC, FRCPsych Director, Global Mental Health Affairs

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


lAW AND mENTAL heALTH Academically oriented forensic clinicians across these 3 clinical programs collaborate both clinically and for training and research.


including the change in the hospital’s name. The hospital completed an Affiliation Agreement with The Mission of the program is: to maintain and the University of Toronto, establishing itself as an expand the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Academic Health Sciences Centre and a fully fledged Toronto as an international leader in research on the teaching hospital. In addition, Waypoint Centre causes and prevention of violence and crime among established a new Research and Academics Division, the mentally ill by conducting and encouraging appointing Dr. Howard Barbaree, former Head of research and scholarship through local, national and the university’s Law and Mental Health Program, international collaborations; to model exemplary, as its Vice President (Interim). This new division accessible, and comprehensive care to mentally incorporates the Research Department known disordered offenders in Ontario; to train students throughout the world for its outstanding forensic in Psychiatry and other mental health disciplines mental health research. Finally, everyone at Waypoint at all stages of career development, including: Centre for Mental Health Care were very pleased this undergraduate, graduate, fellowship and continuing education; to promote comprehensive and coordinated year to welcome Dr. Trevor Young as a new member of their Board of Directors. mental health care for mentally disordered offenders Law and Mental Health Faculty at Waypoint have in Ontario; and to promote public safety through made significant advances in research this past year. best-practice assessment and treatment of mentally disordered offenders in Ontario. Faculty in the program conduct: (1) Forensic assessments for the courts, the Ontario Review Board, The Law and Mental Health Program has clinical partnerships with three clinical providers, the Law and the National Parole Board, and other jurisdictional authorities. Assessments may include: fitness to Mental Health Program at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), with the Mental Health stand trial, criminal responsibility, assessments related to Dangerous Offender applications, and Centre Penetanguishene [with maximum secure risk for violent and sexual recidivism. (2) Treatment forensic mental health services] and Ontario Shores [with medium and minimum secure forensic services]. of forensic patients in both in-patient and outpatient settings. Treatments may include drug Services at CAMH include a number of specialty therapies, cognitive-behavioural treatment with a outpatient clinics (e.g., the Sex Behaviours Clinic focus on relapse prevention, social skills training, and the Kurt Freund Laboratory) and a full range of and psycho-social rehabilitation. (3) Community court, inpatient and outpatient services for Mentally Disordered Offenders. Academically oriented forensic reintegration, including case management coordinated with continuing mental health care. We conduct clinicians across these 3 clinical programs collaborate assessments of forensic inpatients for their suitability both clinically and for training and research. for community release and to provide information Major reform occurred at the Law and Mental Health essential to release planning. (4) Assessment and treatment of prison inmates with serious mental illness Faculty at Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care in some local jails. (5) Consultation and liaison with (formerly Mental Health Centre Penetanguishene), 54

programs and divisions other programs and clinical settings addressing forensic in the assessment of Psychopathy provided by Prof mental health issues. Stephen Hart of Simon Fraser University for physicians and psychologists. This contributed greatly to a shared EVENTS AND ACHIEVEMENTS approach to the issues of assessment of risk, and clarity of the current controversies in the area. Clinical Services In line with the rising demand for forensic services LAMH is also a substantial participant in CAMH’s across the province, the CAMH clinical service has APA/CPA Psychology Internship Program and been under considerable pressure of high demand, practicum program. The CAMH Internship Program but has support from the Ministry of Health and is the largest such site in Canada, and as one of the Long Term care to expand aspects of provision of forensic services. New beds are also under discussion. few specialty training programs available in this field attracting international interest. Psychology trainees Establishing alternate care pathways both prior to in the previous classes have obtained University-based and after forensic inpatient care is very important to and hospital-based expand the appropriateness and timeliness of care. positions, including We continue to develop plans for services to inmates In line with the rising several were with mental illness at the new 1600 person prison at demand for forensic subsequently hired by Mimico, due to open in 2013. services across the directly CAMH. province, the CAMH clinical service has been Waypoint is at a point of major development. To In the sexual behaviors complement the new academic emphasis at Waypoint, under considerable pressure of high demand, area, Dr. James Cantor the hospital is engaged in a $471 million dollar but has support from the provides lectures redevelopment project to replace Oak Ridge, the Ministry of Health and and specialized aging Provincial Forensic Hospital, with a new Long Term care to expand training at multiple forensic facility. The LAMH program has undertaken aspects of provision of levels, including two significant initiatives this past year. With the forensic services. to the general provincial Forensic Directors Group, we are involved public, masters’ with developing a set of evidence based practices for level practicum students, doctoral-level Interns, forensic clinical care, including the integration of and professionals both locally and internationally. recovery principles into practice. In 2010/2011, Dr. Cantor’s has provided fullday continuing education workshops to forensic Education The Law and Mental Health Program has been active professionals for the Oregon Association for the in the education of medical students and physicians in Treatment of Sexual Abusers and the Washington 2010-11. Three physicians, Drs Pearce, Chatterjee and State Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers. Ramshaw gained promotion to Assistant Professor. We Dr. Cantor is also scheduled to provide workshop training at the San Diego International Conference have had a growing number of residents and students spending time with us, and considerable interest in the on Child and Family Maltreatment. Other trainings have included lectures on jurisprudence to the CAMH area of forensic mental health. Residents led by Dr. APA/CPA Accredited Internship Program and lectures Treena Wilkie have engaged in quality development both on child sexual abuse and on rape, in forensic projects presented at the Resident Research day and courses sponsored by the LAMHP of CAMH. Dr. published in the Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. Cantor has trained and supervised four doctoral-level clinical psychology Interns in 2010/2011 and four In January 2011, CAMH hosted a two day training

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


programs and divisions masters-level practicum student in neuropsychology. The major developmental task has been preparing for the subspecialty program in forensic psychiatry training program under the Royal College of Psychiatrists of Canada. A subspecialty training committee has been established chaired by Dr. Lisa Ramshaw as Director of the program. Planning is well advanced, with support from the U of T, to submit our application for accreditation of the program for commencement in July 2012. With two PGY 5 residents of great potential, we are excited about establishing this program as a centre of high quality forensic psychiatry training with great candidates who will contribute greatly to the field.


A key move in 2011 has been the establishment of research days, co-convened by the University of Toronto, CAMH and Waypoint. We had the first in March 2011, with words of greeting by Prof Young and the key note address delivered by Prof Chris Webster, Professor Emeritus at U of T. It was attended by over 70 people and included presentations from staff at CAMH and Waypoint. A second day is planned for late in 2011. Dr. Nathan Kolla returned from his fellowship in New York and he continues his work as a CIHR clinical scientist scholar. In 2010/2011, Associate Professor James Cantor’s research program on the role of the brain in pedophilia and sexual offending continues to be of interest to the scientific community. He has provided reviews of his team’s findings as invited keynote lectures to the Summer Conference on Research in Forensic Psychiatry in Regensberg, Germany and to the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers in Toronto. Other invited lectures include those given to the International Behavioral Development Symposium in Lethbridge and symposia for the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers, the International Academy of Sex Research, and the annual meeting of


the Society for Sex Therapy and Research. As part of his contributions of his field, Dr. Cantor also serves as the Editor-in-Chief of Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment. Dr. Cantor’s work is funded by two research grants, one from the Canadian Institutes for Health Research ($1,071,920) and one from the University of Toronto ($10,000). Notable research at Waypoint includes important progress on the Ontario Domestic Assault Risk Assessment (ODARA). This instrument has been used internationally to assess the risk of repeated domestic assault since its launch by the Research Department at Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care in 2004. Under the leadership of Dr. Zoe Hilton, ODARA training has moved into the electronic world thanks to a Safer and Vital Communities Grant from the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services. Developed in collaboration with the Ontario Provincial Police, the ODARA is a validated tool for identifying and communicating the risk of re-assault. Now available in an e-learning program, “ODARA 101” will allow police, child protection workers, notfor-profit women’s agencies, forensic hospital staff and other front-line workers to learn to use it any day of the year and at any time that fits their schedule. At CAMH key projects are established looking at pathways into forensic care, measures of dynamic risk in forensic patients, risk assessment techniques, brain imaging and psychopathy and consideration of factors that may be able to explain the continuing rise in forensic patient numbers in the province. A twice weekly research meeting has been established to encourage the development of research projects and support academically interested forensic staff in developing and contributing to research projects. Alexander I F Simpson MBChB, BMedSCi, FRANZCP. Head, Law and Mental Health Program

Mood And Anxiety Disorders Program The strong international standing of the program is reflected in the increasing number of international fellows and observers that apply to the program each year.


The training of residents, graduate students and postgraduate fellows has also continued, with several Providing academic leadership in research, clinical MAP staff playing key roles in undergraduate and therapeutics and education, the Mood and Anxiety post-graduate education. Junior faculty activities have Disorders Program faculty continue to be productive included Dr. Ulrik Kirk completing a Postdoctoral at the three centres of excellence: The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), the University training and Dr. Lance Hawley joining MAP. Staff psychiatrists joinin MAP this year include; Drs. Health Network (UHN), and Sunnybrook Health Nadia Aleem, Neely Bakshi, and Angelica Staniloiu. Sciences Centre and work collaboratively with other Dr. Ana Andreazza joined as an independent teaching hospitals of the University of Toronto and community centres. The Program Head is Dr. Zindel scientist. Psychiatry Fellows included Dr. Camelia Garofeanu, Riyadh Bindaham, Abdullah Aldaoud Segal, the Cameron Wilson Chair in Depression Studies and Dr. Robert Levitan serves as the Deputy and Mohammad Alyousif. Dr Jeffrey Meyer was the first psychiatrist to receive the Royal College Award Head. in Medicine for his research on the neurochemistry of mood disorder and also received the A.E. Bennett CAMH At CAMH, the Mood and Anxiety Disorders Program Research Award from the Society for Biological Psychiatry. Drs. Kaminsky and Blumberger received (MAP) has achieved important reductions in barriers to care, such as reduced wait times for consultation and NARSAD Young Investigator Awards for their innovative genetics and neuroscience research in mood provision of medication treatment within 1 week or 2 months for group cognitive therapy. The Alternate disorders. Inpatient Milieu Unit continues treating patients at UHN capacity with over 260 over the past year. MAP is At University Health Network, the Centre for also focusing on community outreach by working to establish an ethnocultural service to facilitate access to Integrative Mood Research (CIMR) provides a common platform for educational and research mental health services for underserviced populations, activities within the medically ill and across primary such as immigrants and diverse ethnic communities. Mood and Anxiety Disorder populations. The MAP’s involvement in international health initiatives Centre welcomed Dr. Smit Sinha and Dr. Jonathan has also continued. As a follow up to a $2 million Downar to the program. Dr. Sinha will expand the mental health capacity building project in Sri Lanka, focus on psychobiological mechanisms of anxiety and which was funded by the Canadian International Development Agency, MAP staff continue to develop anxiety disorders, while Dr. Downar will develop the neuroimaging component of the Centre, working other projects in this world region, in collaboration closely with Dr. Karen Davis and other members of with local healthcare partners and agencies. The the Toronto Western Research Institute. strong international standing of the program is Within the medical illness and mood disorders group, reflected in the increasing number of international Dr. Marta Novak and Dr. Jennifer Braverman have fellows and observers that apply to the program continued to build clinical and research activities each year – in 2010-2011, MAP had 9 such trainees. 58

programs and divisions in psycho-nephrology. They have a particular focus on depression in home dialysis patients and their caregivers. Dr. Madeline Li has established a strong research program on depression and cancer patients, making significant advances in screening and assessment tools as well as her ongoing work on cytokine biomarkers. At Toronto Western Hospital, Dr. Roger McIntyre has continued to focus on the interface between metabolics and mood disorders, including pro-inflammatory, cytokines and neurocognition.. Dr. Sophie Grigoriadis has developed a new decision tool to assist clinicians in choosing psycho-pharmacology for pregnant and post-partum depressed women. Dr. Sagar Parikh continues to conduct trials of integrated medication and psychotherapy for mood disorders. The Neurostimulation Collaborative Research Program with extensive links to neurosurgery and neuroscience has expanded with recent publications on the long term outcome of patients who receive DBS for treatment resistant depression and new studies of DBS and obsessive-compulsive disorder and randomized controlled trials for TRD are under way. The CIMR is also expanding to develop a mindfulness-based stress reduction program across the three UHN hospitals. The International Society for Affective Disorders held its Regional meeting in Toronto on April 8-9 2011, chaired by Dr. Sidney Kennedy and featured presentations from an international roster of speakers, including keynote addresses by a number of MAP faculty. Drs. Giacobbe was awarded a NARDAD Young Investigator Award.

sunnybrook health sciences centre

The Mood and Anxiety Disorders Program at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre has continued to strengthen and grow in the 2010-2011 Academic Year. From a clinical perspective, the Adult Mood Disorders Clinic (Drs. Chandler, Schaffer, Levitt) and OCD Clinic (Dr. Richter) continue to thrive, providing primarily consultative care to patients throughout southern Ontario. The Youth Bipolar Disorder Clinic has now been firmly established under the leadership

of Dr. Ben Goldstein and this program is quickly becoming a provincial resource in this important area. Treatment of adolescents with mood and anxiety disorders remains a key focus within the department. Within the hospital structure, the Mood & Anxiety Disorders Program remains a major pillar of the Brain Sciences Program at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. From an academic perspective, recruitment over the past several years (Drs. Chandler, Goldstein, Richter, and Rector) has resulted in expansion of teaching and research achievements. There are a growing number of research projects funded by local, provincial, national, and international agencies. Examples include a focus of research on adolescent depression (Dr. Cheung, CIHR funded research and Ontario Ministry of Health Career Award), adolescent bipolar disorder (Drs. Kreindler and Goldstein), psychological treatments for youth (Dr. Adler-Nevo), CBT for social anxiety disorder (Drs. Cassin, Rector), genetics of OCD (Dr. Richter), novel treatments for depression (Dr. Levitt), population health and clinical trials in mood disorders (Dr. Schaffer), and a longitudinal adult mood registry (Dr. Chandler), among others. The faculty continues to also be highly rates for supervision of undergraduate trainees, graduate students, psychiatry residents, and postdoc fellows. This past year Dr. Amy Cheung was promoted to Associate Professor and Dr. Neil Rector was promoted to Full Professor. Dr. Rector was also awarded the National Alliance on Mental Illness’s Scholarship and Research Award and Dr. Gili Adler Nevo won the Toronto East General Hospital New Researcher Award By all measures, 2010-2011 has been a very productive period for the Mood Anxiety Disorders Program and we intend to maintain this focus in the coming year. Zindel Segal Ph.D., C.Psych. Cameron Wilson Chair in Depression Studies Head, Mood and Anxiety Disorders Program

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


neuroscience program The Department of Psychiatry has a very strong breadth as well as depth across contemporary neuroscience research.


Dr. John Vincent’s research partnership with Sick Kids Hospital received wide spread attention in the The Neuroscience Program within the Department mainstream media last September. The study provides of Psychiatry at the University of Toronto seeks further clues as to why Autism Spectrum Disorder to define the mechanisms in the brain that are (ASD) affects four times more males than females. Dr. involved in psychiatric disorders. The methodologies Vincent appeared on Canada AM last year to discuss employed in this effort include studies of human behaviour, addictions, pharmacology, animal models, the importance of this finding. An international study combined Dr. Vincent’s gene mapping of a family with molecular and cellular approaches, electrophysiology, Joubert syndrome, with the use of a protein network molecular genetics, epigenetics, and neuroanatomy. map established by researchers at Genentech Inc, The Department of Psychiatry has a very strong Stanford University and the University of California breadth as well as depth across contemporary at San Francisco. Together this approach identified neuroscience research. There is a strong emphasis on translating research findings into clinical applications. two genes associated with group of disorders called Neuroscience Program members also play a key role in ciliopathies. education of the next generation of psychiatry residents and the allied mental health professions through The team of the Krembil Family Epigenetics coursework, special lectures, and supervision of Laboratory at CAMH performed a detailed epigenetic graduate students and post doctoral trainees. Program analysis of a gene called HCG9 in over 1400 DNA members are primarily located at CAMH. Other samples from various tissues of bipolar disease members are located at Humber Valley Regional patients and controls. This is the largest and most Hospital, University Health Network, The Hospital comprehensive epigenetic analysis of a single gene in for Sick Children, Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, psychiatric research. For the first time in psychiatric University of Toronto: Department of Pharmacology, epigenetics, Dr. Petronis’ team demonstrated Centre for Biological Timing & Cognition and experimental evidence that the detected epigenetic University of Toronto Scarborough. Overall we differences in the analyzed gene could be causally represent a broad range of training and expertise from related to the origin of bipolar disorder. molecular to clinical neuroscience. Dr. Fang Liu developed a protein peptide that may be a novel type of highly targeted treatment for Neuroscientists continue to work on several projects depression with a low side-effect profile. The study that will benefit people suffering with mental illnesses. published in the December 2010 Nature Medicine Discoveries were made in many areas including autism, found that coupling between two dopamine receptors depression, smoking, schizophrenia, epigenetics and was significantly elevated in the brains of people who pharmacogenetics. had been diagnosed with major depression.


Dr. Rachel Tyndale and her team in the


programs and divisions Pharmacogenetics lab published several groundbreaking papers including one which simultaneously evaluated the impact of nicotine and nitrosamine pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics on smoking and also on lung cancer (Wassenaar, JNCI 2011). Her group also demonstrated the superiority of extended nicotine patch therapy in genetically slow but not normal metabolizers (CPT Lerman 2011). Dr. Tyndale also published the first two of a series of papers culminating from her collaboration with Dr. WC Chen on smoking and health consequences in Southern China. Dr. Franco Vaccarino and Dr. Susan Rotzinger were part of the organizing team for the Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments (CANMAT)/ International Society for Affective Disorders (ISAD): Neuroscience to Treatment Conference held in Toronto. At this conference, Dr. Vaccarino gave a presentation “The Ying and Yang of Stress Effects on Brain Reward Systems.” Dr. Rotzinger was Chair of Symposium Two: Atypicals in Mood Disorders. Dr. Vaccarino also gave the keynote address “Drugs and the brain: focus on substance use disorders” at the Addiction Services Association of Newfoundland in St. John’s in May 2011.

Dr. Rachel Tyndale and her team in the Pharmacogenetics lab published several groundbreaking papers including one which simultaneously evaluated the impact of nicotine and nitrosamine pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics on smoking and also on lung cancer

The Neurogenetics Lab at CAMH has made significant inroads into the understanding of the pharmacogenetics of antipsychiatric-induced weight gain, as well as the genetics of placebo response in antidepressant therapy. In the former, the melanocortin-4 receptor gene was implicated based on its hypothalamic expression and interaction with leptin (Chowdhury et al, 2011). For placebo response, genes in the serotonin system were found to help predict those patients who had a stronger placebo response (Tiwari et al, 2011). Dr. Robin Green and her Cognition team at the

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


programs and divisions Toronto Rehab have been working to prevent brain injury and to improve recovery for people living with brain injury. She is a member of the Canadian Institute for Health Research’s (CIHR) Biological and Aspects of Aging (BCA) Peer Review Committee. At the Toronto Rehab Annual Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Conference she gave a presentation entitled “Mild Brain Injury on Trial in Which the Audience is the Jury.” Dr. Green was invited to give a presentation at the Canada Research Chairs: Thinking Ahead for a Strong Future conference series. The title of her presentation was “Will we ever understand the human brain?”

CAMH Research Imaging Centre

The PET Centre at CAMH was renamed Research Imaging Centre because of the addition of a new MRI suite as well as a second radiochemistry lab and cyclotron, which increases the capacity to do neuroimaging research. The new MRI arrived on site in May this year. This is the only MRI in Canada that is dedicated to research in addictions and mental health. Construction continued at CAMH to accommodate new equipment and space requirements with funds received in 2009 from the Canadian Foundation for Innovation’s Research Hospital Fund grant and the NeuroIMAGENE grant.


The University of Toronto Neuroscience Program (UTNP) Advisory Committee led by Dr. Michael Fehlings discussed the possibility of offering a specific graduate degree in Neuroscience at the University of Toronto. Faculty and students were consulted via


a survey to obtain broad community feedback on this possibility. The response was overwhelmingly in favour of having a degree at the MSc and PhD level. Further discussions will be held in the coming months.


Dr. Fang Liu was promoted to Full Professor this year. Earlier this year seven junior scientists at CAMH were awarded Young Investigator Awards from the National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression. Drs. Houle, Kennedy and Petronis are supervisors of three of the seven award recipients. Seven awards for one institution was the best performance worldwide. For example, the Institute of Psychiatry in London UK received three awards, and no hospital in the Harvard University system obtained more than four. Thus CAMH can claim very high status for recognition of its strong cadre of bright and creative young investigators. Overall the Department of Psychiatry Neuroscience Research Program is strong and diverse with a steady increase in productivity in terms of grants and publications. James L. Kennedy MD FRCPC Head, Neuroscience Program


Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


Psychiatry, health, and Disease program All programmatic sites continue to be academically productive and innovative.


• Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry: Jon Hunter MD, Ellen Margolese MD The Psychiatry, Health and Disease (PH&D) Program • Psychosocial Oncology: Jon Hunter, MD focuses on the relationship amongst psychological, • Gastrointestinal Disease: Ellen Margolese MD, biological, and social factors in the expression of Robert Maunder, MD symptoms in medical/surgical illness. This program’s • HIV Psychiatry: Peter DeRoche MD mandate is to train undergraduate and postgraduate students in the psychiatric care of patients with medi- • Palliative Care Psychiatry: Bill Mah MD • Pain: Peter Moran MD cal, psychosomatic and medically unexplained condi• Diabetes and Obesity: Barry Simon MD tions, to develop and promote research, to establish and communicate standards of care and to provide and • Perinatal Psychiatry: Ariel Dalfen MD support continuing education in the interface between St. Michael’s Hospital psychiatry and physical health. • Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry: Shree Bhalerao, MD, Kien Dang, MD The program draws the attention of physicians and • HIV Psychiatry: Mark Halman, MD, Julie Maggi, members of the community to the often undetected MD and untreated psychiatric morbidity and psychosocial • Neuropsychology: Sean Rourke, PhD distress in medical populations, and enhances the services and treatment available for such problems. The • Programs • Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre PH&D program is based at several general hospitals, one paediatric, and one rehabilitation hospital. Psychi- • Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry: Robert Jaunkalns, MD atric consultation-liaison clinical and teaching services, • Neuropsychiatry: Anthony Feinstein, MD and specialized clinical and research programs are distributed across these sites as follows, with leadership as noted: The University Health Network • Consultation-Liaison (CL) Psychiatry & Transplantation: Susan Abbey MD, Raed Hawa, MD • Eating Disorders: Blake Woodside, MD and Marion Olmsted, PhD • Neuropsychiatry and Sleep Disorders: Colin Shapiro, MD • Behavioural Cardiology: Robert Nolan, PhD • Psychosocial Oncology & Palliative Care: Gary Rodin, MD Mount Sinai Hospital 64

Women’s College Hospital • Medical Psychiatry: Adriana Carvalhal, MD The Hospital for Sick Children • Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry: Claire De Souza MD • Eating Disorders: Leora Pinhas, MD The Toronto Rehabilitation Institute • Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry: Dr. Abe Snaiderman

programs and divisions PROGRAM DEVELOPMENTS

All programmatic sites continue to be academically productive and innovative. Claire DeSouza took over direction of the CL program at the Hospital for Sick Children in October 2010, and is chairing a National Steering Committee for Pediatric CL Psychiatry. In addition to multiple publications and presentations she is also a member of the Pediatric Oncology Group of Ontario Education Task Force and Secretary/Treasurer for the Medical Staff Association executive at HSC. North York General Hospital has appointed Alan Fung to direct psychiatric and psychosocial research in their Multidisciplinary Huntington’s Disease Clinic. Dr. Fung also participates in the NYGH Department of Clinical Genetics and has been approved as an Investigator of the Huntington Study Group, which is the leading international consortium dedicated to clinical research of Huntington disease. He is also the Principal Investigator of the University of Toronto site in the NIH-funded 2CARE study - the world’s largest therapeutic clinical trial to date in HD.

conducting DSM-V Field Trials in Routine Clinical Practice for the APA. Marta Novak played a central role in deepening the Program’s international presence by chairing the organization of the European Association for Consultation Liaison Psychiatry and Psychosomatics annual conference in Budapest, in which numerous U of T faculty participated. In addition, she continued her academic productivity in psychonephrology with 6 published articles. Blake Woodside extended the academic reach of the eating disorders program at UHN by publishing 8 articles, and presenting at 10 conferences. The program was enriched by the recruitment of numerous new staff including Kalam Sutandar, Brian Kirsh and Jennifer Braverman at UHN, and Adriana Carvalhal at Women’s College Hospital. Kim Miller and Bill Mah were promoted to Assistant Professor. Although postgraduate medical education has always been a priority of the PH&D Program, with the appointment of Raed Hawa as the Director of Undergraduate Medical Education there will be a further impetus to develop medical student’s awareness of core CL issues such as delirium and adaptation to illness. Current undergraduate efforts include a medical school elective in HIV psychiatry that gives students experience across multiple teaching sites, including SMH ambulatory psychiatry and HIV medicine clinic consultation, MSH and WCH HIV psychiatry, and Casey House. Other notable educational efforts include master’s thesis supervision in the IMS by Drs. Maunder and Woodside.

Drs Rodin and Hales at PMH were awarded a $770,000.00 CIHR operating grant for a randomized controlled trial of a novel psychotherapy (Managing Cancer and Living Meaningfully) for oncology patients. Also at PMH, Lori Bernstein acquired 2 new grants focusing on oncology survivorship issues, and Andrew Matthew is also deeply involved in addressing the needs of survivors of prostate cancer, via a comprehensive program that includes psychosocial rehabilita- PH&D staff were also successful in acquiring distinction. The Program had a strong showing with respect tion of sexual function and an exercise program. to awards, with Shree Bhalerao receiving a SMH department of psychiatry award for undergraduate Bob Maunder was appointed a full member of the teaching and nominations for the Abe Miller and Ivan Institute of Medical Science, and placed on the Silver Awards. Mark Halman, Raed Hawa and Nadiya Editorial Board of General Hospital Psychiatry while participating in 6 peer reviewed research projects, and Sunderji were nominated for the Robin Hunter Postgraduate Teaching Award. Mark Halman was also publishing 6 articles .Also at MSH, Peter Moran is nominated for the Ivan Silver Award, and was given 3

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


programs and divisions awards at the SMH physician achievement in education day. Sherese Ali was nominated for the Henry B. Durost Award for Excellence in Creative Professional Activity, which was awarded to Sonu Gaind. Sherry Grace received the American Psychological Association Junior Award for Outstanding Contributions to Health Psychology, and Kien Dang won the 2010 AAP Junior Faculty Award, while Dr Diana Blank received The Fred Lowy Award. Overall, programmatic members continue to be productive in research, educational and creative professional activities. Future programmatic directions will include continued exploration of novel educational strategies for issues such as shared care, and a CL fellowship, as well as research integrated across multiple sites and areas of patient focus.

Jon Hunter , MD, FRCPC Head, Psychiatry, Health and Disease Program


Although postgraduate medical education has always been a priority of the PH&D Program, with the appointment of Raed Hawa as the Director of Undergraduate Medical Education there will be a further impetus to develop medical student’s awareness of core CL issues such as delirium and adaptation to illness.


psychotherapy program The Psychotherapy Program carries educational responsibility for the training of residents in the psychotherapies, as mandated by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.


as Head of Health Arts and Humanities. Psychotherapy faculty are distributed among the university affiliThe Psychotherapy Program’s mandate is to provide ated teaching hospitals. The Psychotherapy Modality academic leadership and scholarship in the psychotherapies. This includes the provision of education and Subcommittee Heads include: training; exemplary clinical service in the application Modality Head of the psychotherapies to individuals suffering from a Long-term Dynamic Psycho- Dr. Rex Kay broad range of emotional and mental disorders; and, therapy research to enhance applicability, knowledge translaDr. Christine Dunbar Brief Dynamic Psychotion, efficiency and effectiveness of the psychotheratherapy pies. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

Dr. Mark Fefergrad

Family/Couple Therapy Dr. Leo Chagoya An overarching principle that guides the PsychotheraInterpersonal Therapy Dr. Paula Ravitz; py Program is that the psychotherapies are an integral Child and Adolescent PsyDr. Priya Watson part of comprehensive and integrated psychiatric care chotherapy and a central part of the bio-psycho-social model of Integrative Therapy Drs. Daniel Greben and treatment. Health Arts and Humanities established Lesley Wiesenfeld within the Psychotherapy Program promotes a broadGroup Therapy Dr. Molyn Leszcz ening of clinicians’ cultural experience drawing on Dialectical Behaviour Dr. Shelley McMain and literature, philosophy, ethics, history, film, visual arts, Therapy Dr. Carmen Wiebe music, and theology while linking affective and cognitive approaches to health providers’ care-giving with the deepening of discourse around health, illness and The Site Psychotherapy Coordinators include: policy.


Hospital Site

Faculty Member

The Psychotherapy Program Committee is the administrative body of the program and consists of the Psychotherapy Modality Subcommittee Heads; the Psychotherapy Site Coordinators, who coordinate psychotherapy activities at the respective post-graduate teaching sites; resident representatives and, subspecialty and interest group representation.

Baycrest Centre

Dr. Rob Madan

Centre for Addiction and Mental Health

Dr. Jan Malat

George Hull

Dr. Greg Lodenquai

Hincks-Dellcrest Centre

Dr. Diane Philipp

Hospital For Sick Children

Dr. Nicola Keyhan

Mount Sinai Hospital

Dr. Paula Ravitz

North York General

Dr. Robert Stein

Dr. Paula Ravitz is the Program Head and was appointed as the Morgan Firestone Psychotherapy Chair. The Associate Head of the Psychotherapy Program is Dr. Mark Fefergrad. Dr. Allan Peterkin was appointed

Ontario Shores

Dr. Laura Gage

St. Joseph’s Health Centre

Dr. Nagi Ghabbour

St. Michael’s Hospital

Dr. Harold Spivak


programs and divisions Hospital Site

Faculty Member

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre

Dr. Susan Hershkop

The University Health Network

Dr. Adrienne Tan

Toronto East General Hospital

Dr. Sabeena Chopra

Women’s College Hospital

Dr. Abby Herschler


Dr. Paul Sandor

The remaining committee membership includes Dr. Allen Peterkin, Narrative and Healthcare Humanities; Dr. Ron Ruskin, Psychiatry and Humanities; Dr. Sian Rawkins, Cognitive Behaviour Analysis System Psychotherapy; and Drs. Lori Wasserman and Steven Selchen, PRAT representatives. Health Arts and Humanities (http://www.health-humanities.com/) is administered by an interdisciplinary advisory board consisting of: Dr. Alan Bewell, Professor and Chair of English; Dr. Gail Donner RN, PhD, Professor and Dean Emeritus, Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing; Dr. Robert Gibbs, Director of the Jackman Humanities Institute and Professor of Philosophy; Dr. Charlie Keil, Director of the Cinema Studies Institute at the University of Toronto and Associate Professor of History; Dr. Ross Upshur, Canada Research Chair in Primary Care Research and Professor of Family and Community Medicine; and Drs. Trevor Young, Professor and Chair of Psychiatry, along with Molyn Leszcz, Paula Ravitz and Ron Ruskin; and Marci Rose OT,, Administrative Director for Psychiatry at Mt. Sinai Hospital.


The Psychotherapy Program carries educational responsibility for the training of residents in the psychotherapies, as mandated by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, and for this purpose has developed an extensive syllabus and training implementation protocol. Leaning objectives are achieved over the four years of resident training and are intended to ensure residents receive appropri-

ate training in the utilization of evidence supported contemporary psychotherapeutic approaches within psychiatry. Educational foci also reflect initiatives at the undergraduate and fellowship levels. Continuing education and continuing professional development activities reflect a major commitment on the part of the Psychotherapy Program and are offered in a range of accredited formats including courses, workshops, certificate programs and conferences. The Psychotherapy Supervisors Retreat is an annual educational event that provides continuing education for Program faculty who supervise residents. This year’s topic was “Innovating and Advancing Psychotherapy Training,” and focused on curriculum renewal of advanced post-graduate training with presentations by Drs. Shelley McMain, Katharina Manassis and Allan Peterkin. Additional faculty development is offered through the CBT Supervisors Group (Dr. Mark Fefergrad), the Junior Psychotherapy Supervisors Seminar (Dr. Sian Rawkins), with education scholarship supported by a data base of peer-reviewed literature on psychotherapy supervision (Dr. Paula Ravitz). Within Health Arts and Humanities, curriculum has been created for all levels from undergraduate medicine, post-graduate psychiatry to continuing education and faculty development. The Psychotherapy Program is committed to addressing important issues that relate to applicability and accountability of the psychotherapies in order to ensure both appropriate access to and effective delivery of a breadth of psychotherapies in the community, with inclusion in consensus treatment guidelines where indicated. This encompasses a commitment to train psychiatrists to be expert practitioners of evidence supported treatments, providing direct service, as well as effective consultation, supervision and collaboration with inter professional mental health professionals in the provision of indirect service. In addition to residency training, public education is an allied, important component of this.

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report



Dr. Molyn Leszcz was appointed as the Vice Chair of Clinical Affairs for the University of Toronto, Department of Psychiatry. Dr. Allan Peterkin was appointed Associate Editor of Medical Humanities, published by the British Medical Journal. Health Arts and Humanities hosted an international conference “Creating Space for Arts and Humanities in the Education of Health Professionals” at Mount Sinai Hospital, chaired by Dr. Peterkin at Mount Sinai on May 7th, 2011. Dissemination of evidence supported psychotherapies remains a priority. In addition to a growing number of accredited CE courses offered through CAMH, the Mt. Sinai Psychotherapy Institute, University Health Network and the Child Division, educational outreach and knowledge translation initiatives were conducted with group psychotherapy teaching in China (Dr. Molyn Leszcz); an adaptation of IPT for Ethiopia developed by Drs. Paula Ravitz, Clare Pain, and Dawit Wondimagegn from Addis Ababa University; and in northern Ontario underserviced community mental health clinics. Distance education courses were held in seven northern Ontario Canadian Mental Health Association branches, with materials created by faculty Wayne Skinner, Dr. Mark Fefergrad and Dr. Ari Zaretsky. Senior residents who pursued senior psychotherapy selectives included Drs. Kalam Sutander, Justin Weissglas, Steven Selchen and Lakha Singh. The successful blending of psychotherapy foci with addictions; psychosomatics; mood; outreach psychiatry; trauma; shared care; health arts humanities; and, women’s mental health has continued. Residents also pursued psychotherapy electives focused within the areas of CBT; IPT; DBT; CBASP; group psychotherapy; psychological trauma; and the humanities. Several resident wellness and development initiatives have been newly added including longitudinal group psychotherapy, and facilitated psychotherapy access for


residents. In addition, this year’s academic days included: The XXVII Psychotherapy Day, featuring Dr. Paul Wachtel, who gave a presentation on “Integrating Depth and Context: The Integrative Relational Model;” Couple/Family Therapy Day, (organized by Dr. Leo Chagoya), focused on theories relating to new forms of brief family therapy; Group Day, (organized by Dr. Molyn Leszcz), which provided residents with the opportunity to learn about group dynamics, cohesion, group leadership and group therapy principles, by being themselves in an experiential group of several hours duration whose purpose was educational; Interpersonal Therapy Day (organized by Dr. Paula Ravitz) which focused on foundations of IPT An overarching principle and relationally based that guides the theories including Psychotherapy Program is attachment; and The that the psychotherapies are an integral part of Day in Applied Psycomprehensive and choanalysis with Jack integrated psychiatric care and Kelly Novick. and a central part of the bio-psycho-social model of treatment.

Three awards are given out each year by the Psychotherapy Program. The Psychotherapy Prize is awarded for the best clinical case report by a resident doing a Psychotherapy Senior Selective – this year’s recipient was Dr. Kalam Sutandar. The Psychotherapy Program Award for Excellence in the Teaching and Supervision of Psychotherapy was awarded to Dr. David Robertson [nominations included Dr. Pam Stewart and Dr. Nadiya Sunderji], and the Psychotherapy Award for Academic Excellence was awarded to Dr. Rex Kay.


Psychotherapy faculty members have collaborated on and led numerous research endeavors, presenting and publishing their work nationally and internationally. This body of work encompasses differing psychotherapeutic treatment modalities for differing patient populations across the lifespan. Externally funded

programs and divisions research and areas of scholarly focus include: emotional sequelae after critical incidents; measurement of adult attachment; mindfulness based psychological interventions; telephone-based interpersonal psychotherapy for post-partum depression; post-graduate psychotherapy supervision; and knowledge translation of evidencesupported psychotherapeutic approaches for front-line mental health staff in underserviced settings. Dr. Jared Peck completed his training at the Beck Institute for Cognitive Therapy and Research and is now a Diplomate of the Academy of Cognitive Therapy. Dr. Clare Pain with colleagues Ruth Lanius and Eric Vermetten published “The Impact of Early Life Trauma on Health and Disease: The Hidden Epidemic” (Cambridge University Press) and Dr. Allan Peterkin, with Nick Burns published “The Bearded Gentleman” (Arsenal Pulp Press). Dr. Sian Rawkins earned her Masters in Education at OISE.

The Psychotherapy Program carries educational responsibility for the training of residents in the psychotherapies, as mandated by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, and for this purpose has developed an extensive syllabus and training implementation protocol.

Drs. Ruskin, Peterkin, Kay and Crawford continue to coordinate Ars Medica, a literary journal with an integrative focus on medicine, the arts and humanities. Dr. Clare Pain continues to co-lead the expansion of the Toronto-Addis Ababa-Psychiatry Program and Academic Collaboration.


Drs. Sian Rawkins and Jon Novick have been promoted to Assistant Professor. Paula Ravitz, M.D., FRCPC Head, Psychotherapy Program

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


Research, innovation, and scholarship in education (RISE ) Program The Research Innovation and Scholarship in Education (RISE) Program is the academic home for scholars and researchers in education in the Department of Psychiatry.


at the University Health Network, RISE provides a home for a number of faculty conducting education The Research, Innovation and Scholarship in Education (RISE) Program is the academic home for scholars research and is a location for RISE fellows and elective students. The Wilson Centre collaborates with and researchers in education in the Department of the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education and Psychiatry. the Institute for Medical Sciences to provide graduate training for those in the research stream. The Wilson Program Organization: Since its founding in 2003 Dr. Brian Hodges has been Centre is home to RISE members Brian Hodges, the Program Head of RISE. In June 2011 Dr. Hodges Mathieu Albert and Scott Reeves. stepped down as Program Head and leadership was The second centre of excellence for RISE is the Centre assumed by Dr. Susan Lieff who had for several years for Faculty Development at St. Michael’s Hospital. held the position of Associate Program Head. Dr. Here the focus is on pedagogical skills, leadership and Hodges is the Vice President Education at the Unifaculty development with a focus on education scholarversity Health Network in October 2010. Dr. Lieff ship. Located at this site are Susan Lieff and Ivan Silver. is also the Director of Academic leadership and the Education Scholars Program at the Centre for Faculty The Centre for Faculty Development is the home of Development and the Vice Chair of Education for the the Education Scholars Program which is a 2-year intensive program which welcomes faculty members Department of Psychiatry. from various disciplines and faculties and grew out of an initiative in the Department of Psychiatry. Other Following a strategic planning process held in the summer of 2011 the Department will be re-organizing primary faculty members include, Dr. Bruce Ballon, its structure. The RISE Program will be part of a new the Director of Education at the Network of Exceldivision called “Psychotherapy, Education and Scholar- lence in Simulation for Clinical Teaching and Learnship”. RISE will continue to be the academic home for ing (recently renamed in 2011 to as SIMone). education scholars and researchers in the department but have greater integration in its location in this new division. RISE has 6 full-time faculty members with primary appointments and 15 faculty members with secondary appointments. The program supported in the last academic year Wendy McGuire, who finished her second year of the RISE Fellowship Program and completed her doctoral program. The Program also supports several residents and part-time fellows undertaking electives. RISE has two centre of excellence. In collaboration with the Wilson Centre for Research in Education 72

RISE Programs

RISE is home to two major departmental programs: the Toronto Addis Ababa Psychiatry Program (TAAPP) and the Social Science and Medicine Allied in Research and Teaching (SMART) Program. The TAAPP Program Headed by Dr. Clare Pain, continues to have remarkable growth. This program was established in 2003 as a collaborative effort to build capacity in Ethiopia through the development of a Residency Program in Psychiatry. Co-coordinated by TAAPP members Drs. Atalay

programs and divisions Alem and Mesfin Araya, the TAAPP Program has helped build capacity in a number of ways. Since the establishment of the program, nearly 50 residents have graduated from the University of Addis Ababa greatly increasing the number of psychiatrists in the country. As well the TAAPP Program, through the Wilson Centre for Research in Education and the Whitby Mental Health Centre has hosted a series of visiting scholars and professors. Last year Dr. Teshome Shibre, Chair of the Department of Psychiatry at Addis Ababa University. Dr. Shibre spent one year visiting Toronto focusing on advanced clinical work, education and program development. The TAAPP Program has been an inspiration for the development of a larger city-wide program called “the Toronto Addis Ababa Academic Collaboration” (TAAAC) which now involves more than 14 departments throughout the departments and hospitals throughout the University of Toronto Academic Health Sciences Network. The Social Science and Medicine Allied in Research and Teaching (SMART) Program began in 2006 as the Social Science arm of the Department of Psychiatry Pedagogical Partner Program (PPP). Like the PPP it was intended as a faculty development program that would encourage collaboration and an integrated approach to teaching and research between clinicians and scientists. The SMART Program has evolved extensively over the years holding a number of academic events and programs. In July 2011 the SMART Program organized a workshop focusing on a problem-based introduction to mental health services research. This innovative 5-day mental health services research workshop used multiple teaching modalities to help clinicians and researchers gain experience with the concepts necessary to develop a mental health services research project. There were 8 participants including clinical psychologists, psychiatry residents, advanced

practice nurses, community mental health outreach workers and program area managers and administrative directors from across Ontario including Northern Ontario. The Program was highly rated by participants who recommended continuing to expand the project and to offer it to more groups in acute care community and mental health settings.

Research, Scholarship and Innovation

RISE researchers continue to be very productive in terms of grant capture, publication and presentation at scientific conferences and a number of these individuals have been recognized for specific outstanding work. Dr. Mathieu Albert and his colleagues Following a strategic planning process held Suzanne LaBerge and in the summer of 2011 Brian Hodges won the the Department will 2011 Best Paper Award be re-organizing its from the section on structure. The RISE Science, Knowledge Program will be part of and Technology of a new division called the American So“Psychotherapy, Education ciologic Association. and Scholarship”. Dr. Albert was also RISE will continue to awarded a new grant be the academic home from the Social Scifor education scholars ence and Humanities and researchers in the Research Council department but have examining knowledge greater integration in production of social its location in this new science and humanities division. scholars working in faculties of medicine. Dr. Kien Dang was awarded the Association for Academic Psychiatry Junior Faculty Award. Dr. Ivan Silver co-chaired the 1st International Conference on Faculty Development in the Health Professions in Toronto on May 2011. Dr. Silver was also appointed the first Vice President Education at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. Dr. Sanjeev Sockalingham won a Wightman-Berris Academy Postgraduate Teaching Excellence Award and obtained new funding from the Education Development Fund for his research

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


programs and divisions on International Medical Graduates in Canada. Dr. Jodi Lofchy received the 2011 W.T. Aikins Award for Course/Program Development and Dr. Melanie Carr received the Rotman Excellence in Teaching Award for her work in the MBA Program. Dr. Jennifer Jones received the Dave Davis CEPD Research Award from the Faculty of Medicine and the National Cancer Institute Patient Education Award of Excellence. Dr. Scott Reeves won the John Gilbert Interprofessional Education Mentorship Award from the National Health Sciences Student Association. Dr. Susan Lieff won the Educator Award from the Association for Academic Psychiatry as well as the very prestigious University of Toronto President’s Teaching Award. Dr. Ari Zaretsky won the 2010 Award for Excellence in Education from the Association of Chairs of Psychiatry of Canada (ACPC). Brian Hodges was awarded the Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada President’s Award for Exemplary National Leadership in Academic Medicine.

Brian Hodges, MD, FRCPC Head, RISE Program


In July 2011 the SMART Program organized a workshop focusing on a problem-based introduction to mental health services research. This innovative 5-day mental health services research workshop used multiple teaching modalities to help clinicians and researchers gain experience with the concepts necessary to develop a mental health services research project.

Schizophrenia program “The Schizophrenia Program has a strong tradition in bench-to-bedside research and the integration of clinical, teaching, and research activities.”


The Schizophrenia Program has a strong tradition in bench-to-bedside research and the integration of clinical, teaching, and research activities. There are two funded post-doctoral fellowships offered, the Bebensee Fellowship and the Cleghorn Fellowship, in order to facilitate research training in schizophrenia.

Services address all stages of the illness. For example, the First Episode Psychosis Program provides comprehensive care to young people when they initially become ill. Community-based services linked to these programs include HIP (Home Intervention for Psychosis) and LEARN (Learning Employment Advocacy Recreation Network).


Dr. A. Bassett holds the Canada Research Chair in Schizophrenia Genetics, while Dr. R. Ganguli holds the Canada Research Chair in Chronic Disease Management.


The program is committed to increasing our understanding of schizophrenia, while providing optimal treatment in an environment that inextricably links excellence in research and clinical care.

Economic restraints challenge health care but at the same time encourage the use of existing resources in creative ways that will ultimately translate to enhanced care. This is clearly evident in our largest setting (CAMH) under the leadership of Dr. George and April Collins, the Program’s Administrative Director, Clinical programs, based at the Queen Street site, offer where various areas of clinical and research expertise are being integrated within a model encouraging more intensive support to patients who have been seriously disabled by their illness. Care is also provided through seamless access to resources that focus on communitybased care. Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) teams based at other University of Toronto affiliated hospitals The recently introduced Partial Hospitalization including St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto Western Program exemplifies efforts to better transition Hospital and Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. inpatient and community treatment, and building upon this approach are a number of specialty referral PROGRAM ORGANIZATION Dr. Remington is appointed head of the Schizophrenia services to optimize outcome through diverse pathways. These include medication assessment, Program at the university level. The hub for the management of side effects including metabolic Schizophrenia Program is CAMH, home to the and weight, neuropsychology/functional recovery, Tapscott Chair in Schizophrenia Studies (Dr. ethnocultural factors, addictions, primary care, and A. Petronis) and Clinical Director for CAMH’s pharmacogenetics. Greater communication between Schizophrenia Program as well as Chair in Addiction specialty areas, as well as research and clinical care, Psychiatry at the University of Toronto (Dr. T. represents an overriding theme in the program’s George). Two additional Research Chairs devoted evolution. to the study of schizophrenia are based at CAMH.


Our faculty members are involved in a broad range of research, including early intervention, psychopharmacology, neuroimaging, genetics,

programs and divisions neurophysiology, health and nutrition, psychosocial interventions and more recently, addictions and transcultural psychiatry. Through these different lines of investigation, we have academic ties that extend across Canada and throughout the world.

SUMMARY OF 2010-2011 Our work in neuroimaging continues along several lines. Drs. A. Graff and R. Mizrahi are each involved in ongoing PET studies representing exiting opportunities to tease apart the pharmacological underpinnings of schizophrenia. Lines of investigation include the isolation of specific receptors e.g. D3 (Graff ), the relationship between stress, dopamine release and psychosis (Mizrahi). Dr. Menon is using fMRI in combination with pharmacological probes to examine the neural correlates of various symptoms characterizing schizophrenia, while Dr. A. Voineskos recently completed his PhD through the Clinician Scientist program and is employing magnetic resonance diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) in efforts to better delineate white matter fibre tracts in vivo. Another junior faculty member, Dr. Michele Korostil, is also completing her PhD which focuses on the use of functional MRI to examine neural systems underlying practice-related learning effects in persons with schizophrenia. Dr. J. Daskalakis, with an expertise in repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS), continues to examine its utility both as a treatment tool and a unique strategy for examining the underlying pathophysiology of schizophrenia (e.g. GABA), as well as other disorders. The program maintains a strong foothold in genetics through Drs. A. Bassett, J. Kennedy, A. Wong, D. Mueller, and V. De Luca. The strategies are diverse, ranging from the examination of schizophrenia candidate genes in Canadian families (Bassett) to the identification of genetic markers related to treatment response and side effects (Kennedy, Mueller, De Luca)

to how epigenetic mechanisms lead to developmental changes in animal models of psychosis (Petronis, Wong). The newer antipsychotics have increased awareness in our field regarding the importance of physical wellbeing in schizophrenia, and a number of our faculty are involved in this line of research. As well as the geneticists, Dr. M. Hahn, a junior faculty member currently completing her PhD, has a particular interest in examining the mechanisms underlying metabolic disturbances associated with these drugs. Drs. T. Cohn and R. Ganguli are, in turn, are examining clinical strategies that may be used to prevent and treat weight gain and metabolic disturbances, with their increased morbidity/mortality risk. Dr. G. Remington’s work includes both animal and clinical studies examining side effects such as tardive dyskinesia and glucose dysregulation. Dr. Foussias, a senior research fellow who recently completed his residency training here at the University of Toronto, is presently carrying out his PhD through the Clinician Scientist program. His work is focused on negative symptoms in schizophrenia, and he is drawing upon unique strategies (e.g. virtual environment) as a means of addressing these with a more ecologically valid model. Dr. O. Agid’s research involves the systematic collection of clinical data in the context of treatment algorithms and has important implications in shedding light on decision-making regarding both choice of antipsychotic and dose. Dr. K. McKenzie brings a focus on the science of improving mental health services, including social determinants of health and redesigning mental health services for visible minority groups. He also holds CIHR funding for a training program that represents an important step in meeting our needs in this regard. Dr. S. Kidd’s interests in serious mental illness and recovery translate to a research focus examining

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


programs and divisions mechanisms of resilience among marginalized persons and the effectiveness of psychiatric rehabilitation interventions. Dr. T. George’s expertise provides us critical clinical and research expertise in the field of addictions. It is well known that a large number of individuals with schizophrenia smoke and/or use other substances and Dr. George’s work addresses not only treatment strategies, but efforts examining underlying pathopyhsiologic links. The success of these individuals is reflected in their external funding, which includes awards from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), Canadian Tobacco Control Research Initiative (CTCRI)/CIHR, Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI), Canadian Diabetes Association (CDA), National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression (NARSAD), National Institute of Health (NIH), Ontario Mental Health Foundation (OMHF), and Schizophrenia Society of Ontario (SSO). It is also reflected in the number of Fellows/Graduate Students they supervise, in addition to over 120 peer-reviewed publications and reviews during 2010-11. Gary Remington, MD, PhD, FRCPC Head, Schizophrenia Program


The recently introduced Partial Hospitalization Program exemplifies efforts to better transition inpatient and community treatment, and building upon this approach are a number of specialty referral services to optimize outcome through diverse pathways.


Women’s Mental health Program


The Women’s Mental Health Program is dedicated to advancing the understanding, prevention and treatment of women’s mental health problems through an integration of clinical, educational, research and advocacy activities. The overall goal of the Program is to develop mental health care that is more responsive to the needs of women. Its primary mandate is to focus on social, psychological and biological factors that will further our understanding of the origin, expression, prevention, and clinical treatment of mental health issues in women’s lives.

The University Health Network continues to focus on clinical, research, and educational activities directed at a variety of women’s health and mental health issues. At the Hospital for Sick Children, we are working in partnership with the Division of Child Psychiatry in the area of eating disorders. The Maternal and Infant Mental Health Program at Mount Sinai Hospital has staff with academic appointments within the Women’s Mental Health Program.

Research is being formally integrated into many of our clinical services throughout the Program. In particular, Five main areas of research/teaching/clinical/advocacy research efforts are directed at testing the efficacy of activities in the Program include: Violence in the lives treatments that we are offering women who are presenting with a variety of problems, including irritable of Women; Feminist Principles in the Understandbowel syndrome, depression, anxiety, breast and colon ing and Treatment of Women; Psychosocial Issues in cancer, history of sexual, physical and emotional Medical Disorders; Reproductive Health; and Diversity Issues. The ‘Centre of Excellence’ is located at the abuse, eating disorders, life stressors and vocational and Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. In addition employment issues. to the Centre of Excellence, the Women’s Mental Health Program has several initiatives located at the HIGHLIGHTS OF EVENTS AND ACHIEVEother teaching hospitals affiliated with the University MENTS IN 2010-2011 of Toronto. Over the past year, faculty and students have published widely in refereed journals, and have given numerous There is a broad range of services offered in the Program. These include an inpatient unit specifically for presentations including many invited and keynote women located at the Centre for Addiction and Mental addresses internationally. Faculty have been very Health. A Trauma Therapy Program, a Reproductive successful in obtaining external peer reviewed grants from provincial, national and international sources. Life Stages Program, and a Mental Health and Medicine Program are located at the New Women’s College Publications, presentations and grants have included a variety of important areas within women’s mental Hospital. Activities within the Social Equity and Health Research Program at CAMH are increasingly health. linked with Women’s Mental Health and Addiction Programs within the Clinical Division of CAMH and The Program is active in professional training, media the Culture Community and Health Program in the presentations and public forums with a view of Department of Psychiatry at University of Toronto. 80

programs and divisions influencing the provision of care to women locally and internationally. In particular, the Program has been active in teaching and training at undergraduate, graduate, post-graduate and fellowship levels in Psychiatry as well as other University Departments. Communication and networking among staff and students is enhanced through a variety of educational events including seminars, conferences, workshops and an Annual Women’s Mental Health Research Day. I want to thank and congratulate everyone who has contributed to the continuing development and success of the Women’s Mental Health Program and I look forward to celebrating the accomplishments in Women’s Mental Health with you in the coming years. Brenda Toner, PhD Head,Women’s Mental Health Program

The Program is active in professional training, media presentations and public forums with a view of influencing the provision of care to women locally and internationally. In particular, the Program has been active in teaching and training at undergraduate, graduate, postgraduate and fellowship levels in Psychiatry as well as other University Departments.

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


Baycrest We are fortunate that Mental Health remains one of Baycrest’s strategic priorities.


The Mission of the Department of Psychiatry is “to enrich the quality of life of the elderly and their families through the provision of exemplary multi-disciplinary mental health care, education and research”. The strategic goals are:


1. to provide high quality effective clinical care to our patients;

The search for a new Psychiatrist-in-Chief at Baycrest is in progress. Dr. Rob Madan continues as the Interim Psychiatrist-in-Chief and is the Interim Executive Medical Director for the Central for Mental Health. Dr. Susan Lieff was appointed Vice Chair of Education for the Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto.

2. to strengthen and promote opportunities for research activities;


3. to strengthen and promote opportunities for creative professional activities and leadership; 4. to provide excellent education in the realm of care for the elderly; 5. to strengthen and build the Department of Psychiatry within Baycrest and the community.


Dr. Linda Mah has continued to study older subjects with depression and/or Mild Cognitive Impairment, who are medication free, utilizing the fMRI scanner at Baycrest. Dr. Khatri and J. Murchison OT have started a research study exploring Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction for Older Adults. Dr. Khatri has also launched a study regarding the efficacy of CBT for depression and anxiety in older adults.

Dr. Paul Verhoeff continues his work on beta amyloid PET imaging in Alzheimer’s disease. His studies focus Baycrest has created several academic Centres for on mild Alzheimer’s disease and Mild Cognitive Innovation in Aging. One of these Centres is the Centre for Mental Health & Aging which incorporates Impairment. Dr. David Conn continues to Chair the all Psychiatry services within a newly aligned program National Seniors Mental Health Guidelines Project for the Canadian Coalition for Seniors’ Mental Health. structure. We are fortunate that Mental Health remains one of Baycrest’s strategic priorities. Baycrest is The Project has been funded by the Population Health Fund (Public Health Agency of Canada). involved with CIRO (centralized intake and referral) for specialized geriatric mental health beds and is partnering with Mt. Sinai, CAMH, TRI, and CCAC. Seven pilot studies of the implementation of the Guidelines were completed with one of these studies being carried out at Baycrest. The latter study AWARDS/ACCOMPLISHMENTS also received funding from Healthforce Ontario. Dr. Susan Lieff and Dr. David Conn were both A second phase of this study was funded by an promoted to Full Professor. Dr. Lieff received the AFP Innovation Fund grant. Dr. Rob Madan and Educator award, Association for Academic Psychiatry colleagues completed their study of the status of direct and the University of Toronto’s President’s Teaching observation in postgraduate medical education in the Award. 82

fully affiliated sites Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto. This study has been supported by the Education and Development Fund at the University of Toronto as well as the Academic Development Fund in the Department of Psychiatry at Baycrest. Drs. Conn and Madan completed their program evaluation study of the Baycrest Telepsychiatry Program supported by the AFP Innovation Fund. Drs. Madan and Ken Schwartz received the AFP Innovation Fund to create a manual regarding the running of a geriatric psychiatric day hospital. Dr. Madan has received AFP Innovation funding for a project to renew the geriatric training in the undergraduate medical curriculum for the University of Toronto.


Dr. Rob Madan continues as Director of Postgraduate Education for the Division of Geriatric Psychiatry, University of Toronto, and is also Director of Postgraduate Education in our Department. He chairs the Baycrest Medical Education Committee. Dr. Madan has also been appointed as the Program Director for the Geriatric Psychiatry Subspecialty Program and has successfully created a Residency program Committee and submitted the application to the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada for the October 2011 deadline.

Health remains one of Baycrest’s strategic priorities. Baycrest is involved with CIRO (centralized intake and referral) for specialized geriatric mental health beds and is partnering with Mt. Sinai, CAMH, TRI, and CCAC.

departmental Grand rounds. We continue to train psychiatry residents for both mandatory and career path training. We continue to provide education for undergraduate medical, social work, nursing, and occupational therapy students and psychology interns. Family practice residents and geriatric medicine residents also receive training in the Department. Members of the Baycrest staff continue to contribute to a variety of Continuing Education activities including regular teaching via telehealth to Northern Ontario.

Robert Madan, MD, FRCPC Interim Psychiatrist-in-Chief and Executive Medical Dr. Conn continues as the Vice-President of Education Director at Baycrest and has launched the Centre for Education Centre for Mental Health, Baycrest and Knowledge Exchange and hosted the Education Celebration to celebrate the opening of the centre. Dr. Susan Lieff continues to direct the Education Scholars Program in the Faculty of Medicine. She is also the Director of Academic Leadership Development at the Centre for Faculty Development. Dr. Matt Robillard coordinates undergraduate education. Dr. Cindy Grief is coordinating our

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


The Centre for Addiction and Mehtal Health (CAMH) CAMH had another outstanding year, continuing to deliver a large amount of clinical care, while achieving a balanced budget, and meeting other targets in the areas of research, education, and commitments to its provincial role.

OVERALL CLINICAL SERVICES CAMH continues to work on building an integrated system of services and supports for people with addiction and mental disorders. CAMH served more than 25,000 unique clients, accounting for 5,600 visits to the emergency department, almost 4,000 inpatient admissions, and 500,000 outpatient visits. With more than 300 physicians on staff, a highly committed staff of more than 2,800, and over 1,000 volunteers, CAMH continues to meet its targeted decrease in length of stay for both acute and longer stay admissions.

Also, CAMH discoveries yielded nine patents for epigenetics, pharmacogenetics, and new antipsychotic compounds.


CAMH continued to participate in a full range of educational activities involving more than 60 psychiatry residents, 20 family practice residents, 100 undergraduate medical students, and 500 nursing, pharmacy, psychology, social work, occupational therapy, addiction therapy, dietitian, and other students. CAMH also remained active in professional development courses involving health professionals throughout Ontario. A new position of Vice-President, Education was created RESEARCH and Dr. Ivan Silver is to start in this new position in By the end of June 2011, development of major the Fall 2011. The recipients of the CAMH Excelresearch infrastructures at CAMH’s College St. site lence in Medical Education Awards were: Dr.Stephen neared completion with the installation of a new 3T Sokolov (Best CAMH Staff Supervisor/Teacherin MRI suite, a second cyclotron, a new radiochemistry Postgraduate Educaton) and Dr. Colin MacPherson laboratory that will increase the capacity for PET brain (Best CAMH Staff Teacher in Undergraduate Educaresearch. This infrastructure was supported by grants tion). In addition, Drs. Vincent Woo, Dr. Gary Remfrom the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI), ington, and Dr. Ari Zaretsky won departmental and the CAMH Foundation, and the Ontario’s Ministry national teaching awards. of Research and Innovation. In addition, a number of major discoveries were published during the past year CLINICAL PROGRAMS including a study in Archives of General Psychiatry Addictions Program reporting on the identification of a gene variant, that Clinical Director: Dr. Peter Selby; Administrative predicts risk of Alzheimer’s disease using imagingDirector: Chris Bartha, MSW, RSW genetics strategies and a paper in Nature Medicine reporting on the discovery of a peptide that exerts The program has increased its research team with antidepressant effects, and provides a new target for the recruitment of Christian Hendershot, PhD, and depression treatment. Laurie Zawertailo, PhD, as independent scientists. CAMH was selected as one of seven sites (and the only Dr. Le Foll has been funded by NIDA to study novel site outside the U.S.) for clinical trials to test proposed treatments for marijuana dependenc; Dr. Daniela Lobo diagnostic criteria for the 5th edition of the Diagnostic has continued her research in the genetics of problem gambling; and Dr. Selby has an implementation study and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). with 100 Family Health Teams (FHTs). Physicians 84

Fully affiliated sites from Canada, Egypt, Israel, and Saudi Arabia completed their fellowships in Addictions. The program continued to serve patients with a variety of addictive disorders including facilitating treatment entry from CAMH Emergency Department for patients with concurrent disorders. Trainings both internally and internationally in motivational interviewing and tobacco addiction treatment continue to be areas of growth as has provincial training in the treatment of opioid dependence. Child, Youth and Family Program (CYFP) Clinical Director: Dr. Joseph Beitchman; Administrative Director: Chris Bartha, MSW, RSW Preparations are progressing well for the youth addictions/concurrent disorders program’s 12 bed inpatient unit and accompanying day hospital scheduled to open in the summer of 2012. Dr. Susan MacKenzie joined the youth addictions/concurrent disorders service and the program continued to implement its CIHR-funded Emerging Team research project aimed at enhancing understanding of, and capacity to address, youth concurrent disorders. With funding from Health Canada’s Drug Treatment Funding Program, Gloria Chaim and Joanna Henderson, have been working with 10 communities to implement a common screening tool across multiple youth serving agencies to extend understanding of the needs of youth and their diverse pathways to care; supported by a Career Development Award, Brendan Andrade continued his innovative treatment research for children with disruptive behaviour disorders; the program continued its studies of genetic factors in early onset mood disorders and childhood onset aggression; finally, the Family Health Team Collaborative Care project expanded to include the Mt. Sinai Academic Family Practice Unit and participants from Unison Health.

Dual Diagnosis Program Clinical Director: Susan Morris, MSW; Senior Re-

sponsible Physician: Dr. Shi-Kai Liu; Administrative Director: Neill Carson, MA, MSW. Building upon its commitment to interprofessional education and care, the program now provide a student experience to 7 professional groups, including behaviour therapy and child and youth worker. The program has focused on clinical research, examining the profiles of individuals in need of its services and developing approaches to evaluate treatment and support provided to clients and caregivers: 10 papers have now been published or are in press in peer reviewed journals. Dr. Lunsky has just completed a multisite CIHR funded study examining crises experienced by adults with developmental disabilities and their use of emergency departments. Dr. Lunsky’s appointment at ICES has resulted in two publications documenting high rates of emergency department use and high rates of diabetes in the Ontario population of adults with developmental disabilities. These results are informing the program’s approach to care. Finally, the program recruited a second physician scientist: Dr. Pushpal Desarkar will move from the UK and join CAMH in the Fall 2011.

Centralized Assessment, Triage and Support (CATS) Program Clinical Director: Dr. Peter Voore; Administrative Director: Linda Mohri, MSW, RSW The program saw a significant increase in Emergency Department visits, inpatient admissions, and ambulatory assessments as it expanded its role in improving patient access to Mental Health and Addiction Services within CAMH and the community. The program also began planning for a significant expansion and renovation of the CAMH Emergency Department. Research activities were expanded through links to ICES and the CAMH Social and Epidemiologic Research program. Dr. Kurdyak has initiated an utcome study of patients after an Emergency Department visit, inpatient Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


Fully affiliated sites admission, or outpatient consultation. The Program continues its work with the TC-LHIN Mental Health and Addictions Emergency Department Alliance to improve emergency patient care and access to emergency services throughout the LHIN.

the forensic mental health area: new program staff and new models of care have been developed to cope with the rising demand and complexity of care the program provided. The number of patients waiting for services and the time they wait both decreased. Drs Padraig Darby and Lisa Ramshaw were appointed as Geriatric Mental Health Program Deputy Clinical Directors. Dr Ramshaw’s responsibil(GMHP) ity will focus on education and the development of Clinical Director: Dr. Benoit Mulsant; Administrative subspecialty training in forensic psychiatry. Research Director: Gaby Golea, RN, MN productivity is rising with the Sexual Behaviors Clinic The program continued to provide clinical services to and three externally funded research projects in the a large number of inpatients, outpatients, and longarea of violence and mental disorder. A Research Day term care residents with mood disorders, schizophrewas held in March wit the University of Toronto and nia, dementia, or substance misuse. At the end of the Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care. The first of academic year, Drs. Zahinoor Ismail and David Mamo CAMH’s new catalytic conversations held in May in stepped down from their clinical responsibilities. Drs. partnership with Osgood Law School. It was entitled Amer Burhan, Suvendrini Lena, and Simon Davies ‘Someone’s son, Someone’s daughter’ and focused on were recruited to assume these roles. the criminalization of people with mental illness. Three junior faculty members affiliated with the program received prestigious NARSAD young investigator awards: Drs. Daniel Blumberger (“A prospective study of cortical inhibition in treatment-resistant late-life depression”), Tarek Rajji (“Enhancing working memory in patients with schizophrenia through paired associative stimulation of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex”), and Aristotle Voineskos (“An rTMS treatment trial of working memory deficits in schizophrenia and genetic prediction of response”). Enrolment in four major projects funded by CIHR and the US NIH met their enrolment targets while the number of peer-reviewed scientific publications by program members continued to grow.

Mood and Anxiety Disorders Program (MAP) Clinical Director: Dr. Arun Ravindran; Administrative Director: Neill Carson, MA, MSW

The program continued to focus on improving access to care. At the annual conference of the Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research, Dr. Ari Zaretsky and Laura Loli-Dano presented data showing marked reductions in the wait times for outpatient services. The Outreach Service began conducting workshops in the community and making connections with community groups and agencies to facilitate access for under-serviced groups, e.g., ethnic minorities, new immigrants. The contract between Law and Mental Health Program the Workplace, Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) of (LAMHP) Ontario and the Work, Stress and Health Program of Clinical Director: Dr. Sandy Simpson; Administrative CAMH was successfully renewed. Director: Jim McNamee, MSW Dr. Jeff Meyer was promoted to the rank of Full ProThe program was subject to a due diligence review fessor; Dr. Allan Kaplan was appointed to the position in relation to its core funding and the Ministry of Chief of Clinical Research at CAMH and Direcacknowledged for the need to invest significantly in tor of the University Institute for Medical Sciences;


Fully affiliated sites and Dr. Arun Ravindran was appointed Director of Global Mental Health Affairs for the Department. Dr. Trevor Young and his collaborator Dr. Ana Andreazza joined the program as research scientists. Dr. Hagen Rampes also joined the program to develop specialty bipolar services. Finally, the program provided a total of 8 clinical fellowships and clinical observerships for national and international trainees.

Schizophrenia Program Clinical Director: Dr. Tony George; Administrative Director: April Collins, MSW The program continued to transform its care approach towards a recovery model, including a greater emphasis on social determinants of health, community treatment and outreach, and alternatives to hospitalization such as partial hospital and high support housing. It implemented nearly 40 high support housing beds in the GTA linked to its clinical services, and started a partial hospital program at the Queen Street Site, expected to be fully operational by the Fall of 2011. The program also continued to develop interprofessional practice to support the recovery model of care. It also continued to be an important site for training psychiatry residents doing their chronic care rotation and for other students in medicine, nursing, social work, and other allied mental health professionals. The program has 21 clinician scientists including 18 MD and 3 PhD scientists, 10 post-doctoral fellows, and 8 graduate students. These investigators published nearly 125 peer-reviewed articles in 2010-11, and held grant funding from agencies such as CIHR, NIDA, OMHF, Schizophrenia Society of Ontario, NARSAD, and pharmaceutical contracts, in excess of $3.0 million. Notably, the program received 4 of the 8 new CIHR grants awarded to CAMH in the Spring 2011 national competition.

With more than 300 physicians on staff, a highly committed staff of more than 2,800, and over 1,000 volunteers, CAMH continues to meet its targeted decrease in length of stay for both acute and longer stay admissions. Director: Linda Mohri, MSW, RSW Under its new leadership, the program refocused its work with women who experience mental health and addictions issues in the context of a trauma history. With an increased emphasis on Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) skills and other groups, the inpatient unit was able to serve more women and to decrease its length of stay. The program is now planning to increase the scope of its outpatient treatment program to further increase access. The program also collaborates with, and co-leads the new Women’s Mental Health and Addictions Network aiming at creating treatment pathways for women across various programs. Benoit Mulsant, MD, FRCPC Physician-in-Chief CAMH

Women’s Mental Health Program Clinical Director: Dr. Peter Voore; Administrative

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


The hospital for Sick Children The Department of Psychiatry at The Hospital for Sick Children is dedicated to clinical innovation, advancement and dissemination of knowledge pertaining to mental disorders in children and adolescents, through the provision of ethical, evidence-based clinical care, teaching, and research.


transplant, Obesity, Chronic Pain, HIV, Trauma, Orthopedics, Genetics and Metabolics, and Neurology. The department is recognized internationally for Collaborative care is emphasized including education outstanding academic work in a number of areas. Clinical services are delivered through ambulatory, day and support of the medical/surgical teams. hospital, inpatient programs, and consultation to medi- The Crisis and Psychosis Program provides care in cal and surgical units. On a yearly basis, approximately the Hospital’s Emergency Department, and through 11,000 ambulatory visits and 100 inpatient admissions its Urgent Care Clinic, Inpatient, and Day Hospital services. The Inpatient and Day Hospital components are provided focus on assessment and stabilization of children and youth affected by early-onset psychosis/bipolar disorCLINICAL PROGRAMS SickKids-Psychiatry offers high clinical specialization, der episode and/or higher suicidal risk. focused research on the most common mental health The Eating Disorder Program is a collaborative conditions resulting in severe impairment, an aggresprogram with the Department of Pediatrics. This is a sive program to increase system capacity through the multifaceted program which includes clinical inpatient, provision of tele-mental health services to remote outpatient, day treatment, consultative, research, areas, as well as a concentrated effort in knowledge exchange with primary care practitioners. The clinical educational, and community network components. programs include Anxiety Disorders, ConsultationInfant Psychiatry provides consultations, assessments Liaison/Medical Psychiatry, Crisis and Psychosis, Eating Disorders, Infant Psychiatry, Neuropsychiatry, and short-term treatments for infants and toddlers with a major focus on concurrent serious medical illnesses, and Tele-link Mental Health. child protection and family courts involvement, and The Anxiety Disorders team has played a major role in teen mothers; ongoing professional and public education is provided through the Infant Mental Health the development and evaluation of Cognitive BehavPromotion program a coalition of community agenioural Therapy (CBT) interventions for children and cies. youth with anxiety disorders. Through an externally funded initiative, community practitioners are now being trained in these established CBT techniques. Scientists on this team are playing a leading role in an international effort to identify genetic risk factors for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. The Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry program comprises an interdisciplinary team which provides outpatient and in-patient care to children and adolescents with complex co-morbid medical and psychiatric conditions. Major foci of this program are consultations to Haematology-Oncology, Rheumatology, Multi-organ 88

Through the integration of clinical care and research, the Neuropsychiatry program provides highly specialized services in the assessment and treatment of children and adolescents with ADHD, Tourette’s Disorder, and other neuropsychiatric conditions affecting behaviour, language, and learning. Scientists on this team have made important contributions in the areas of diagnosis, diagnostic imaging and molecular genetics of ADHD, as well as long term outcomes of patients affected by this condition.

Fully Affiliated Sites The Tele-link Mental Health program provides bilingual consultations and education to children, youth, families, and their clinicians in rural, remote, and aboriginal communities across Ontario. Special protocols allow for consultations to acute mental health inpatient beds to hospitals in Northern Ontario, arson prevention and treatment, and support for children and youth of parents in the armed forces. A pilot project with community health centers in Nunavut has been launched.


Research into the causes of and treatments for children’s mental illness is a clear commitment of SickKids Psychiatry, a major contributor to the academic enterprise in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Toronto. There are active programs in the genetics of mental illness with a particular focus on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). Researchers in this area play a major role in local, national and international collaborative efforts to elucidate the genetics of these conditions.

Child psychiatry, like other aspects of medicine, is influenced in its theory and practice by the social, fiscal and political environment in which we operate. Consequently, the Department is actively involved in the public policy debate through evaluation of the care that Ontarians receive in the general community.

Cognitive neurosciences at SickKids is another highly developed research field in which cognitive psychology, genomics and neuroimaging interact to discover the neural basis for normal and abnormal cognitive development. This new knowledge is being integrated into diagnostic, therapeutic and etiologic research. Evaluation of the efficacy of existing treatments for common child psychiatric conditions and the development of novel interventions are important foci of the academic program. Child psychiatry, like other aspects of medicine, is influenced in its theory and practice by the social, fiscal and political environment in which we operate. Consequently, the Department is actively involved in the public policy debate through evaluation of the care that Ontarians receive in the general community. This research sheds light on the important role of timely

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


Fully affiliated sites after care in maintaining patients in the community following hospitalization and on the importance of systematic evaluation and data gathering at the numerous points of entry into the mental health care system that are available in the community. In the past five years, SickKids Psychiatry faculty produced 278 peer reviewed publications and 51 books/ book chapters. During this five-year period, research awards received through peer-reviewed competitions totaled $46,226,351.80.


SickKids Psychiatry is involved in teaching at the undergraduate, graduate, postgraduate, and post-doctoral levels in Psychiatry and Psychology as well as residents in Paediatrics. Seminars and clinical teaching endeavors are highly rated by medical students, residents and observers in training. At the undergraduate level, faculty lead didactic group seminars on child and adolescent Anxiety Disorders, Neurobehavioral Disorders, and Eating Disorders in the University of Toronto’s medical school clerkship curriculum and is actively engaged in the clinical teaching of third year clerks as they move through their Psychiatry rotation blocks. There are 24 clinical sessions offered on a yearly basis in which 6-8 students are in attendance per session. In addition, opportunities for elective medical students from across Canada and internationally are offered. This past academic year 20 students elected to participate in our program, rating the experience very highly. SickKids Psychiatry is also very active in teaching at the Postgraduate level. Core psychiatry residents (completing their 6 month mandatory rotation in child and adolescent psychiatry) as well as the career residents (residents planning to develop a career in child psychiatry) rotate through our department. Members from our department are also actively involved in the teaching of core and career didactic seminars. Our psychopharmacology course developed for residents is a unique course in the University of Toronto educa-


tional system; the model for this course was presented at a national meeting and has elicited interest both nationally and internationally. SickKids Psychiatry is an important site for advance clinical and research training within the Department of Psychiatry. Graduates in Psychiatry or Psychology participate in a period of several additional years of rigorous training under the direct supervision of members of our Department. These trainees, who are active in neuroimaging, genetics, developmental psychopathology and treatment outcome research, represent the future leaders in academic child psychiatry in Canada. Abel Ickowicz, MD, FRCPC Psychiatrist-in-Chief The Hospital for Sick Children


Mount Sinai Hospital The Mount Sinai Hospital (MSH) Department of Psychiatry is the University Department of Psychiatry Centre for Excellence in the Psychotherapies under the leadership of Paula Ravitz and an integral element of the programs in General Psychiatry, Womens’ Mental Health and Psychogeriatrics.


The Mount Sinai Hospital (MSH) Department of Psychiatry is the University Department of Psychiatry Centre for Excellence in the Psychotherapies under the leadership of Paula Ravitz and an integral element of the programs in General Psychiatry, Womens’ Mental Health and Psychogeriatrics. The leadership of the university program in Psychiatry, Health and Disease under Jon Hunter and the newly created Health Arts and Humanities Program lead by Allan Peterkin is also based at MSH. The department has grown to 29 full-time psychiatrists; 18 part-time psychiatrists; and an outstanding complement of allied mental health professionals including nursing, social work, and occupational therapy, along with 18 mental health clinicians working in community programs. There is a strong commitment to interprofessional practice and the provision of patient and family centered care. Molyn Leszcz is the Psychiatrist-in-Chief and Lesley Wiesenfeld is the Deputy Psychiatrist-in-Chief. Marci Rose is the Administrative Director of the Department.


The department is composed of a number of integrated clinical and research programs. The General Psychiatry Program includes a range of services covering inpatient; day treatment; ambulatory; community, along with shared care and collaborative mental health services. The Inpatient Unit is a 15-bed unit and the ambulatory department sees 800 new psychiatry consultations, 220 crisis cases and 35,000 ambulatory visits annually. Emergency services are provided in conjunction with CAMH in a joint emergency program. We are part as well of the growing Mental Health and Addictions Emergency Alliance, integrating resources


with 6 partner hospitals. The Psychotherapy Program has broad involvement in practice, teaching and research in the contemporary psychotherapies. The Health Arts and Humanities Program is an interdisciplinary program with broad university wide collaboration addressing the reciprocal impact of the humanities and patient care. In collaboration with community partners such as Hong Fook Mental Health Association, Yee Hong Centre for Geriatric Care, and Vasantham, the department’s ACT Team and Wellness Program have developed comprehensive community-based culturally and language specific mental health programming addressing the needs of the seriously and persistently mentally ill; forensic patients; and the elderly. Under the leadership of Joel Sadavoy, The Sam and Judy Pencer Chair in Applied General psychiatry, the community mental health programs continue to expand. Joel Sadavoy also leads the Geriatric Psychiatry Program active in geriatric consultation within the hospital along with ambulatory care. The Geriatric Program has used the generous support of the Reitman Family to establish the Cyril & Dorothy, Joel & Jill Reitman Centre for Alzheimer’s Support and Training. Partnering with support from the TCLHIN; the MOHLTC and the Federal Human Resources and Skill Development Canada, the Reitman Centre provides intensive training and support in the management of patients with dementia to both family and professional caregivers. Lesley Wiesenfeld leads a comprehensive psychogeriatric collaboration program with geriatric medicine in the hospital, a key hospital wide program priority Psychiatry Health and Disease is a large program focused broadly on coping and adaptation to serious medical illness collaborating with key hospital clinical programmatic areas and HIV psychiatry. This pro-

fully affiliated sites gram receives over 800 patient consultation requests and the Reproductive Mental Health Program provides ambulatory consultation to 700 referrals annually and has expanded its reach into the care of women along the reproductive life span. Active research collaboration is underway in each of these areas. The educational activities of the Department of Psychiatry cover the breadth of undergraduate, postgraduate, fellowship and continuing professional and community educational events including the highly successful Mount Sinai Psychotherapy Institute. We train 16 PGY 2-5 and 6 PGY 1 residents annually. Residents can train in General Psychiatry; Psychogeriatrics; Psychiatry Health and Disease; Women’s Mental Health and in senior selectives emphasizing the psychotherapies, at times blended with General Psychiatry or with Psychiatry, Health and Disease. We provide training to medical students through year I and year II of the Art and Science of Clinical Medicine, Determinants of Community Health, Foundation of Medical Practice, and the elective Therapeutic Communication course. We train 36 clinical clerks each year along with a large number of elective students from the University of Toronto and across Canada.


The department has grown to 29 full-time psychiatrists; 18 part-time psychiatrists; and an outstanding complement of allied mental health professionals including nursing, social work, and occupational therapy, along with 18 mental health clinicians working in community programs. There is a strong commitment to interprofessional practice and the provision of patient and family centered care.

Molyn Leszcz completed a 5 year term as Chief and was reappointed for a second 5 year team after a favorable external review. He also has been appointed as Vice Chair of Clinical Programs for the University Department. As part of the preparation for the external review, the MSH Department held a planning retreat, creating a redefined Clinical-Academic Alliance to guide the department’ s clinical and academic mission for the next 5 years, expanding our reach within the hospital, the university and our communities as we improve value and quality of patient care. Lesley Wiesenfeld was appointed Deputy Psychiatrist- in- Chief recognizing her leadership within the hospital; educationally within the University and her expertise in health care management. Lesley succeeds Jon Hunter who was outstanding in his role and will now focus on leadership of the University Program in

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


Fully affiliated sites Psychiatry, Health and Disease. Under the leadership of Sian Rawkins, Head of the Ambulatory Program we have expanded our assessment and treatment capacity through the recruitment of Jared Peck along with allied health professionals emphasizing focal biopsychosocial treatments, medication management and the brief psychotherapies. Jared completed training at the Beck Institute for Cognitive Therapy and has become a Diplomate of the Academy of Cognitive Therapy. Steven Selchen has been recruited to the Ambulatory Program expanding capacity in mindfulness based interventions as he completes a Masters in Mindfulness Based Interventions at Oxford University. Under the leadership of Edred Flak, we have improved integration of inpatient services and transitional and day hospital care. Allison Crawford has returned after a leave to lead the transitional program. The unit has been able to increase admissions by 20% this year through a commitment to ongoing quality improvement in care including a strong investment in Patient and Family Centered Care complementing its commitment to interprofessional care. Donna Romano PhD, has assumed leadership for the development of interprofessional programs at MSH. The inpatient program was awarded the University of Toronto Centre for Interprofessional Collaboration Award. Recent provincial wide patient survey data demonstrates high and rising levels of satisfaction with our inpatient care. Edred Flak coordinates a monthly conference addressing clinical challenges across the department. The Cyril & Dorothy, Joel & Jill Reitman Family Centre for Alzheimer’s Family Support and Training Centre has expanded its clinical and educational programs. Collaborations with CCAC, the Behavioral Support Network and the Alzheimer’s Society have expanded along with intensive training workshops across Canada in culturally competent seniors Mental Health Care. The Reitman group also was awarded AFP Innovation Funding to develop a Mandarin


language manual for caregiver training. Clare Pain continues her leadership of the Toronto Addis Ababa Psychiatry Program (TAAPP) and has assumed leadership of a broad allied health training interest group linking University of Toronto Faculty with Ethiopia – the Toronto Addis Ababa Academic Collaboration (TAAAC). This expanded program is currently addressing essential issues around its governance as it prepares for expansion. Our ACT team’s cultural competent model of care has been used to train a number of Japanese colleagues and Wendy Chow has published and presented this model internationally through the year. The Community Mental Health Program launched its recently published manual on Culturally Competent Law and Mental Health Care with an outstanding conference. In partnership with Hong Fook and others we also organized a conference on Diversity and Equity in Mental Health and Addiction entitled “Fortifying Communities, Families and Individuals”. After a search process, Paula Ravitz was appointed as the Head of the Psychotherapy Program for the University and the Morgan Firestone Chair in Psychotherapy. Mark Fefergard has assumed responsibilities as the Associate Head of the Program .The Mount Sinai Psychotherapy Institute (MSPI) also under the direction of Paula Ravitz has expanded its innovative training programs with Institutes on Psychotherapy Effectiveness, IPT, Trauma, MBSR and Narrative Therapy. The MSPI utilizes a format of didactic teaching, live simulations with standardized patients and web-based continuing case discussion.The Health, Arts and Humanities Program has had an excellent start in its first full year with innovative programs fostering reflective capacity in psychiatry residents and university wide interdisciplinary integration, linked to both patient and health care worker wellbeing. Partnerships with Massey College, the Jackman Institute and the AGO

Fully affiliated sites are all underway. This group also organized the Annual Day in Applied Psychoanalysis featuring Jack and Kerry Novick. This group also organized a national Academic Conference addressing the integration of the humanities into health care education and training, entitled “Creating Space for Arts and Humanities in the Education of Health Professionals. Allan Peterkin received funding through the Education Development Fund to develop an empirical approach to evaluate medical student narratives. Allan was also appointed Associate Editor of Medical Humanities published by the BMJ.

project. Bruce Ballon was promoted to Associate Professor for excellence in Creative Professional Activity and Educational Scholarship. Wendy Chow, Bill Mah and Sian Rawkins were promoted to Assistant Professor in recognition of their important contributions to Community Mental Health; the integration of psychiatry with palliative care; and excellence in educational scholarship and teaching respectively.

Department faculty were active presenters in academic meetings over the last year, including a number of keyThe Reproductive Mental Health group under the note lectures and visiting professorships internationally. leadership of Ariel Dalfen has expanded its activiMembers of the department had their work published ties with active interprofessional collaboration and in a broad range of journals and the department has community and public education. We have recruited also been very active in the area of the scholarship Sharon Szmuilowicz to this program after her comple- of discovery as noted elsewhere. A number of MSH tion of a Public Psychiatry Fellowship at Columbia. faculty had their books highlighted at the Department of Psychiatry’s Book Launch including a just published Sharon and her colleagues were awarded an AFP textbook, The Impact of Early Life Trauma on Health Innovation Grant to develop community based repro- and Disease edited by Clare Pain and colleagues. ductive mental health collaborations. A range of new group interventions are now being provided to address This past year was a remarkable year with regard postpartum depression; psychosocial impact of high to prominent hospital, university and international risk pregnancies and late loss in pregnancy. Claudio awards received by MSH faculty and programs noted Soares, Professor of Psychiatry at McMaster University elsewhere in this report. These awards include awards has joined the department as Associate Scientific Staff for contributions to geriatric psychiatry; international to develop research into the integrative treatment of mental health, educational scholarship and teaching, as depression in premenopausal women in conjunction well as interprofessional education and collaboration. with the Mature Women’s Program in the Hospital. Molyn Leszcz, MD, FRCPC The Psychiatry, Health and Disease program has Psychiatrist-in-Chief expanded its clinical care and research collaborations Mount Sinai Hospital with ongoing CIHR funded projects evaluating the psychosocial effects of an ICU admission and the relational factors associated with clinical outcomes in CHF. Stacey Hart, Associate Professor of Psychology at Ryerson University and Associate Scientific Staff at MSH continues to develop our research collaboration in the area of cancer genetics and IBD. The HIV program expanded its community engagement activities building upon the PHA Access OHTN funded

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


St. Michael’s Hospital The goals of the St. Michael’s Mental Health Service are to provide a range of high quality, integrated mental health programs and to contribute to the academic mission of the Department of Psychiatry.


out by the Community Mental Health Service. Total contacts for 2010/11 continued at levels consistent the The goals of the St. Michael’s Mental Health Service are to provide a range of high quality, integrated mental last few years of service. There is a strong emphasis on developing shared care models with family physicians. health programs and to contribute to the academic mission of the Department of Psychiatry. The program The Service consists of several components: the WREP program; an assertive community treatment model is urban community psychiatry. The Mental team (CONTACT); the Community Connections Health Service is an integral part of the Inner City Health Program at St. Michael’s and clinician scientists Program; the Collaborative Assessment, Consultation participate actively in the Centre for Research in Inner and Treatment Program; the Transition to Ambulatory Care Program; the STEPS For Youth Program; and City Health. Increasingly, the Mental Health Service an outreach program which provides services onsite at also has developed international outreach activities. community agencies, hostels and shelters throughout Toronto. Organization The Psychiatric Emergency Service provides crisis management and psychiatric assessment and treatment. It consists of psychiatric assessment, triage and brief treatment; an interdisciplinary Crisis Service; a threebed Crisis Stabilization Unit and a Mobile Crisis Intervention Team. It is a highly rated departmental training site. Roughly 3% of emergency patients are assessed by the Psychiatric Emergency Service and roughly 28% of patients seen by the Service are admitted to hospital.

The 33 bed Inpatient Service continues to be efficient and effective. This service deals with individuals with complex care needs. More patients with psychotic disorders are admitted and discharged than at any other inpatient unit in Toronto. There were roughly 550 discharges this year and average length of stay was 21 days. The Inpatient Service emphasizes general psychiatry and also provides expertise in addiction psychiatry, HIV-related disorders and severe and persistent mental illness. Four beds are available for clients of the assertive community treatment team.

CONTACT is an assertive community treatment team. It was the first team established in a general hospital psychiatric unit in Canada. Substance abuse, homelessness and physical illnesses often compound issues related to severe and persistent mental illness in CONTACT service clients. CONTACT has provided leadership as the assertive community treatment model has developed across Canada by hosting numerous visitors seeking to learn how to implement the CONTACT approach. In addition, staff of CONTACT has participated in several initiatives with regard to assertive community treatment in Ontario. The Medical Psychiatry Consultation Service provides mental health services throughout the medical and surgical programs at St. Michael’s. Areas of particular focus include neuro-trauma and cardiac care. An advanced nurse practitioner enhances the functioning of this service. A distinct HIV Psychiatry Program has been developed, as has a Geriatric Psychiatry Program.

The Mental Health Service trains students in all professional disciplines. The majority of psychiatric residency training is in general psychiatry. Training A considerable volume of work continues to be carried in community psychiatry is well developed. Residents 96

Fully affiliated sites participate in structured psychotherapy supervision involving individual, marital and group modalities. Training also is provided in consultation liaison; geriatric psychiatry and chronic care and career rotations are available in a number of areas. The service also trains undergraduate medical students as part of the Fitzgerald Academy. Scholarly activities are concentrated in a number of areas. Paul Links holds the Arthur Sommer Rotenberg Chair in Suicide Studies. He has built a strong academic unit and has recruited several fellows. The unit includes a research associate and a research consultant. Sean Rourke, Mark Halman and Julie Maggi direct research in HIV psychiatry and neuropsychology. Areas of interest include mood and cognitive disorders, treatment adherence and rehabilitation and international capacity building. Sean’s neurobehavioural research unit focuses on the interface between brain and behavior in several key areas. As well, Sean directs an extensive array of research activities in his role as executive and scientific director of the Ontario HIV Treatment Network. In addition, several evaluative intervention studies are underway as are a number of studies addressing the health, mental health and addiction treatment needs of individuals who are homeless led by Vicky Stergiopoulos.

CONTACT is an assertive community treatment team. It was the first team established in a general hospital psychiatric unit in Canada. Substance abuse, homelessness and physical illnesses often compound issues related to severe and persistent mental illness in CONTACT service clients.

Significant Developments

In December 2010, Dr. D. Wasylenki completed his term as Psychiatrist-in-Chief. I served as Acting Psychiatrist-in-Chief from January to June 2011. In my acting role, I would like to highlight some of the significant developments over the last 12 months during this time of transition. The list is not meant to be exhaustive but will report on some ongoing and new developments in the Mental Health Service. The evolution of our outstanding Psychiatric Emergency Service (PES) continues. A full proposal for expansion Crisis Stabilization Unit in the

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


Fully affiliated sites Emergency Department has been developed, discussed with senior management at St. Michael’s and submitted to the Toronto Central LHIN. Also over the past five years staff of the PES has taken key leadership positions in the University of Toronto’s General Psychiatry Division and the Mental Health and Addiction Emergency Department Alliance. Ian Dawe, Medical Director of the PES and also the first Medical Director of the ED Alliance, has left St. Michael’s Hospital to become the Physician-in-Chief at Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences (Ontario Shores). We wish Ian well in this new important role. The Inpatient Service continues to work on several important initiatives over the last year. These include a Medication Reconciliation Project, the implementation of a new restraint and falls policy, the introduction of a detailed assessment and reporting system (OMHRS-RAI), the ongoing implementation of a computerized practitioner order entry system and the acquisition of a personal alarm system for our high acuity areas. As noted, the Community Mental Health Service (CMHS) provides an array of direct and indirect services, largely in the community. Recently discussions have been held with two community-based housing projects with regard to partnership agreements with the Mental Health Service. LOFT Community Housing has proposed the development of a crisis residence in partnership with the Mental Health Service and a YWCA partnership will involve mental health service medical and case management program development support for 100 units of housing for women with mental health problems. The Medical Psychiatry Service, including a geriatric psychiatry component, has evolved as an excellent service delivery and educational program. The HIV Psychiatry Service provides clinical consultation and psychiatric management for HIV positive patients in ambulatory, inpatient and community-based settings. This year Dr. Mark Halman, Medical Director HIV


Psychiatry, was awarded the MEDICAL STAFF SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY EDUCATION AWARD from the Inner City Health Program because of his leadership in HIV Psychiatry education. With regard to education, the service provides education for undergraduate and postgraduate medical trainees and students from various mental health disciplines as well as programs of continuing education. In the area of education one of the most remarkable features of the St. Michael’s Mental Health Service has been the strong commitment to education and scholarship among nursing and health disciplines personnel. Initiatives include nursing excellence grant support, a nursing fellowship program and the hosting of annual conferences for the RNAO Mental Health Nursing Interest Group. Finally this year the Mental Health Service Education Award winners were as follows: • Excellence in Continuing Medical Education – Mark Halman • Excellence in Undergraduate Education – Shree Bhalerao • Excellence in Postgraduate Education – Mark Halman With regard to research, in keeping with its academic mandate in the Department of Psychiatry and with the strategic plan at St. Michael’s, the Mental Health Service has been engaged in a variety of research endeavors for the past year with a continued focus suicide studies, neruopsychology HIV/AIDS-related disorders and mental health services research. Let me express my thanks to all the staff of the Mental Health Service and to express that it has been an honour to be Acting Psychiatrist-in-Chief at St. Michael’s for the past 6 months. Paul S. Links, MD, FRCPC Acting Psychiatrist-in-Chief St. Michael’s Hospital


Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


University health network (UHN) This healthcare network is comprised of Toronto General Hospital, Tonto Western Hospital and Prince Margaret Hospital.

CLINICAL AND TEACHING UNITS The Department of Psychiatry at UHN delivers clinical and academic services at Toronto General Hospital (TGH), Toronto Western Hospital (TWH) and Princess Margaret Hospital (PMH). In July 2011, Toronto Rehab Institute (TR) officially became the fourth major partner within UHN. There are three Divisions in Psychiatry – Neurosciences and Psychiatry; Community and Special Programs in Mental Health and Addictions and Medical Psychiatry and Psychosocial Oncology. Neurosciences and Psychiatry

This Division incorporates Neuropsychiatry, Mood Disorders and Geriatric Psychiatry. The unifying themes are Cognition, Mood, and Performance, recognising the fact that these three dimensions are affected across a broad range of neurological and neuropsychiatric disorders. The Division is closely allied with the UHN Krembil Neurosciences Program at TWH with foci in Movement Disorders, Epilepsy, Stroke, Neurodegenerative Disorders, Neuroimaging, and Neurostimulation. The Mood Disorders Psychopharmacology Unit and Geriatric Psychiatry provide clinical care, research and education in mood disorders across the adult life span, with a focus on psychopharmacology. In addition to electroconvulsive therapy and DBS, neurostimulation initiatives have expanded to include guided rTMS. The UHN MRI Guided rTMS Clinic opened in 2011 and has funding to evaluate rTMS in postnatal depression and other depressed groups. The team has developed initiatives in deep brain stimulation (DBS) for treatment-resistant depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder in collaboration with Neurosurgery. 100

Geriatric Psychiatry also provides clinical care and education in the area of cognitive disorders. The Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) Clinic, which to date has focused on outpatient consultation and management, is expanding its focus to ABI rehabilitation through linkage with the ABI program at TR. The Sleep and Alertness Clinic provides training in sleep medicine and has collaborative links with the Departments of Anaesthesia and Ophthalmology. The Tourette’s Clinic is a joint initiative between TWH and Youthdale, with strong academic and service commitments. Community and Special Programs in Mental Health and Addictions

A wide range of community partnerships, outpatient clinics, emergency and inpatient services affiliated with the General Psychiatry Program are located at TGH and TWH. These include addiction services and primary care settings such as the Toronto Urban Health Alliance, which provides educational opportunities to experience the shared care model. Additional outreach services to Addictions, Asian Initiatives in Mental Health and the Mood Disorders Association of Ontario were established in 2011. The Asian Initiatives in Mental Health, Community Mental Health, Portuguese Mental Health, Psychiatric Emergency Service Unit and Urgent Care Clinics provide teaching and clinical services in General Psychiatry at TWH and are closely linked to the inpatient and acute care units at TGH. Inpatient psychiatric care is provided at TGH. The Inpatient Unit provides individualized care to patients with acute psychiatric illness as well as specialized treatment programs for Geriatric Psychiatry and Eating Disorders. The unit is a rich educational environment

fully affiliated sites and provides training for more than 100 health professional students each academic year. The Women’s Mental Health Clinic at TGH offers assessment and treatment focusing on mood disorders in relation to reproductive life cycle and support for women who have experienced sexual assault, stalking and domestic violence, while the Program for Eating Disorders at TGH offers a spectrum of services through the National Eating Disorder Information Centre, Outpatient and Day Hospital units as well as intensive inpatient care and case management through Med ACT. Medical Psychiatry and Psychosocial Oncology

UHN has continued to advance the psychiatric care of individuals with medical and surgical illnesses. In addition to busy general consultation-liaison services at Toronto Western and Toronto General Hospitals, there are specific linkages with a number of medical/ surgical units. Individual psychiatrists continue to extend clinical, teaching and research collaborations in Nephrology (Dr. Marta Novak); Hepatology (Dr. Sanjeev Sockalingam); Pulmonary Hypertension (Dr. Adrienne Tan); Cardiovascular Surgery (Dr. Rima Styra) and Multi-Organ Transplant (Drs. Susan Abbey and Esther Elliott) at TGH while at TWH, the Medical Psychiatry team (Drs. Raed Hawa, Matheus Zurowski, Sherese Ali and Diana Blank) continues to provide similar opportunities for teaching and research, particularly in patients with neurological disorders, arthritis and general medical disorders. The Psychosocial Clinic in Bariatric Surgery (Dr. Sanjeev Sockalingam and Dr. Raed Hawa), provides pre surgical assessment and follow up care for candidates for bariatric surgery.

A new brief psychotherapeutic intervention developed at POPC for patients with advanced cancer called Managing Cancer and Living Meaningfully (CALM) has received international interest from psychosocial oncology clinicians based in the United States and Germany who visited PMH in 2010 to train in this new modality.

Psychosocial Oncology and Palliative Care (POPC) at Princess Margaret Hospital continues to expand its Distress Assessment and Response Tool (DART) throughout outpatient oncology clinics. This tool is

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


Fully affiliated sites used to screen for distress and raise awareness of and attention to psychosocial care for cancer patients. The Kensington Hospice, operated jointly by Kensington Health Centre and PMH Psychosocial Oncology and Palliative Care, opened its doors in July 2011 and is now a site for clinical care, research and educational opportunities. A new brief psychotherapeutic intervention developed at POPC for patients with advanced cancer called Managing Cancer and Living Meaningfully (CALM) has received international interest from psychosocial oncology clinicians based in the United States and Germany who visited PMH in 2010 to train in this new modality. The CALM developers received Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) funding and have begun a randomized controlled trial of this novel intervention. As part of the UHN/PMH-Kuwait Cancer Control Centre (KCCC) Cancer Care Partnership, members of the POPC team have visited Kuwait and are providing consultation regarding development of psychosocial oncology and palliative care at the KCCC.

EVENTS AND ACHIEVEMENTS: Drs. Susan Abbey and Paul Sandor were promoted to Full Professors and Drs. Sophie Grigoriadis and Marta Novak were promoted to Associate Professors. Dr. Lori Benstein received the Psychosocial Oncology and Palliative Care and Cancer Survivorship Program Travel Award. Dr. Diana Blank received the Fred Lowy Award for the greatest contribution to Psychosomatic medicine by a fellow or a resident. Mary Jane Esplen received the Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology Life Time Achievement Award. Dr. Anna Skorzewska became a senior fellow at Massey College and completed a documentary film funded by the Innovative AFP Fund - ”Out of the Shadows” and will be screened shortly. Several faculty members received prestigious research awards: Dr. Sophie Grigoriadis was awarded the R.O. Jones Award for top Three Canadian Psychiatric Association


Annual Conference papers (second place) in September 2010. Dr. Andrea Iaboni won the Canadian Academy of Geriatric Psychiatry Research Award for 2010-2011. Dr. Jennifer Jones received the Dave Davis (CEPD) Research Award, the National Cancer Institute Patient Education Network (CPEN) Award of Excellence in Patient Education and the Ivan Silver Award in Continuing Mental Health Education. Dr. Camilla Zimmerman received the William E. Rawls Prize for excellence in cancer research from National Council of the Canadian Cancer Society. Educators and Teachers at UHN also continued to receive national and international recognition: Dr. Raed Hawa received the APA Nancy Roeske Award for excellence in medical student education and was appointed Director of Undergraduate Education for the Department. Dr. Jodi Lofchy received the University of Toronto W.T. Atkins Award for excellence in undergraduate teaching in April 2011. Dr. Gail Robinson was visiting professor in Australia and Uruguay and has been elected to the Board for the Group for Advancement of Psychiatry. Dr. Gary Rodin was awarded the Psychotherapy Award for Academic Excellence. Dr. Dori Seccareccia received the Palliative Medicine Residency Program Teaching Award. Dr. Sanjeev Sockalingam was a recipient of the Wightman-Berris Academy Postgraduate Teaching Excellence Award and the Association for Academic Psychiatry Junior Faculty Development Award. Dr. Andrea Waddell obtained her Master’s of Education from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education. Sidney Kennedy, MD, FRCPC Psychiatrist-in-Chief University Health Network

sunnybrook health sciences centre “We have developed an active Shared Care service to the Family Practice. “


Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre Department of Psychiatry has three Divisions:Youth, General and Geriatrics. The Department has a 35 bed inpatient unit with a 5 bed Psychiatric ICU. The Youth Division has a Day Treatment program and an active Outpatient program. The General Program includes the Mood and Anxiety Disorders Program, the Neuropsychiatry Program, an ACT team, a Crisis team in the ER and also provides Consultation/Liaison services to the inpatient services in the hospital. We have developed an active Shared Care service to the Family Practice. The Geriatric Program has a 4 bed inpatient service, a community outreach program, a consultation/ liaison program and an active outpatient program. The Department currently has 36 Psychiatrists, and two Research Scientists.

expertise in mood disorders, neuropsychiatry, and dementia. In 2010-2011 5 new Psychiatrists joined the Division. Experiences in the Mood and Anxiety disorders Clinic, and CBT Assessment Clinic are essential elements of the PGY-2 year. This past year saw the first core Chronic care resident rotation in the Assertive Community Treatment team. The General Division also provides training in Emergency Psychiatry, for PGY-1s, Family Practice residents, and Clinical Clerks. There are opportunities of working with a full Crisis Team, a Crisis Follow-up Clinic, as well as a Mobile Crisis Team. The General Division welcomed two new staff this year. Dr. Justin Weissglas joined in the summer of 2011 with focus on inpatient psychiatry and psychotherapy. Dr. Nick Grujich joined in the summer, and mainly focusing on mood disorders and CBT as well as emergency psychiatry.


Mood and Anxiety

Youth Division

The youth division sees youth ages 14 – 19 with complex mood disorders and anxiety disorders. This year we have continued to develop the Youth Bipolar Centre under the leadership of Ben Goldstein. Dr Amy Cheung has achieved international recognition for her work in health services utilization and epidemiology in adolescent mood disorders and suicide studies. Dr AdlerNevo has developed a youth anxiety clinic with links to Toronto East General. Dr David Kreindler continues collaborations and expansion of our mood telemetry research stream. General Division

The General Division at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre continues to grow and pursue interdisciplinary

The Mood and Anxiety Disorders Program at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre has continued to strengthen and grow in the 2010-11 Academic Year. From a clinical perspective, the Adult Mood Disorders Clinic (Drs. Chandler, Schaffer, and Levitt) and OCD Clinic (Drs. Richter) continue to provide consultative care to patients throughout southern Ontario. The Youth Mood Disorders Program has emerged as a thriving clinical and academic program (Drs. Goldstein, Cheung, Adler-Nevo, Kreindler), and treatment of adolescents with mood and anxiety disorders remains a key focus within the department. This past year we created a Women’s Mood and Anxiety group, with a focus on peri-partum mental health issues. Dr. Sophie Grigoriadis is the head of this new program and Dr. Joanna Mansfield joins her to create an outstanding clinical and academic

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Fully Affiliated Sites team. Within the hospital structure, the Mood & Anxiety Disorders Program remains one of the 3 major pillars of the Brain Sciences Program. There are a growing number of research projects funded by local, provincial, national, and international agencies. The faculty continues to also be highly rated for supervision of undergraduate trainees, graduate students, psychiatry residents, and post-doc fellows. Neuropsychiatry

Over the past year, Neuropsychiatry research has focused on brain imaging in patients with multiple sclerosis, with a focus on cognitive and mood correlates. Dr. Omar Ghaffar completed his PhD and has joined the group part-time. In addition to research, the Neuropsychiatry Program continues to run the Traumatic Brain Injury Clinic, under the leadership of Dr McCullagh on the Sunnybrook campus together with outpatient clinics devoted to an eclectic array of Neuropsychiatric disorders.

There are a growing number of research projects funded by local, provincial, national, and international agencies. The faculty continues to also be highly rated for supervision of undergraduate trainees, graduate students, psychiatry residents, and post-doc fellows.

Geriatric Division Neuropsychopharmacology

The Neuropsychopharmacology research group, under the direction of Drs. Krista Lanctôt and Nathan Herrmann, continues its work in the management of neuropsychiatric symptoms by determining the underlying neurobiology of neuropsychiatric symptoms; examining predictors of treatment response; and using novel pharmacological agents. Grants from the National Institutes for Health, Heart and Stroke Foundation, Alzheimer’s Society of Canada, Ontario Mental Health Foundation and Physicians’ Services Incorporated Foundation support this work. The emphasis on education continues with Post doctoral fellows, PhD candidates and Masters students from several disciplines. In addition the program runs a highly-rated psychopharmacology crash course for residents. In the past 6 months the program has received 3 peer-reviewed national grants.


The Division of Geriatric Psychiatry has had a busy productive year. Research has focused on pharmacoepidemiology, clinical neuropharmacology (in the areas of dementia, stroke, coronary artery disease, and traumatic brain injury), medico-legal issues, and driving in dementia. Members of the Division were actively involved in creative professional activities and service delivery design/administration at the hospital, University, and Provincial level, with Dr Cohen taking a particularly active role in assisting the LHIN with issues of Mental Health service delivery in the community. Anthony Levitt, MD, FRCPC Psychiatrist-in-Chief Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre

women’s college hospital Over the course of the 2011-2012 academic year the WMHP looks forward to hosting more than a dozen residents across programs for core and selective rotations.


by the Schizophrenia Society of Ontario. Research continues to grow and 6 different research projects Women’s College Hospital (WCH) Department are ongoing in this program and 8 grants from this of Psychiatry has three strategic programs: The discipline have been submitted. Dr. Erin Carter, a Reproductive Life Stages (RLS) program which deals with mental health issues in females across the life span, new graduate from McMaster University, has joined the RLs team, bringing the number of full time with an expertise in psychiatric aspects of pregnancy psychiatrists in the program up to 6. and the postpartum, infertility, menstrual-related conditions and menopause; Trauma Therapy (TT) program, focusing on the adult psychiatric sequellae of early life exposure to trauma; and Mental Health in Medicine (MHM) program, which addresses psychiatric sequellae of chronic medical and surgical conditions. In addition there is a general psychiatry program that deals with patients presenting with mood disorders, anxiety and psychosis. The department has experienced a number of staffing changes in the past year. Dr. Anthony Levitt has stepped down as Psychiatrist-in-chief and Dr. Valerie Taylor started in the role on May 1, 2011. The Shirley Brown Research Chair was also filled by Dr. CindyLee Denis. Recruitment to the program is ongoing and there are now 14 full time psychiatrists on staff, the highest capacity the program has had. Further growth will occur in parallel to the strategic vision of the hospital.

EVENTS AND ACHIEVEMENTS Reproductive Life Stages Program

The research program in RLS has continued to thrive. The research team published 10 papers and several are under review or submitted for publication consideration. Dr. Vigod, whom received her master’s earlier this year, continues to hold an OMHF salary support award and received 1 of only 2 grants given

The medical staff complements a strong allied health staff, and two new groups should be noted. Therapists Lindsay Witton MSW and Dr Wendy Carter have commenced a group for single mothers related to feedback collected from our patients while the motherbaby group for mothers with depression, anxiety and often abuse/neglect is finishing the second of three research groups (PI Dr Diane de Camps Meschinostudy ‘Mentally ill Mothers and their Babies’). It focuses on both parenting and managing mental illness as a parent. In terms of knowledge translation, Drs Vigod, Grigoriadis and Meschino participated in a provincial meeting called by Echo to determine next steps for enhancing care for postpartum depression in the province. A report has been prepared that recommends building on a framework and pathways to care from Dr Meschino’s previous Steering committee plan. Dr. Vigod has also spoken nationally about innovations in woman’s mental health research and Dr. Taylor will be speaking to the provincial government on behalf of the Ontario Provincial Council for Woman. The program has also successfully launched the “Mothers Matters” on line education and support group in partnership with Shoppers Drugmart. RLS also hosted a sold out and highly rated professional education day on Perinatal Addictions and Mental Illness and were solicited to host members

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fully affiliated sites from Hotel Dieu in Kingston to assist them with strategic planning for a perinatal mental health programme they have just begun. Trauma Therapy Program

A number of initiatives are currently underway in the program, including the Trauma and the Body Group (PI Classen) and a Web-based support group for women with gynecologic cancer and who are sexually distressed (PI: Classen). The program also developed a web-based support group for Type 2 diabetes patients and successfully ran the first web-based group. Classen co-facilitated with a nurse from Women’s Health in Women’s Hands. Dr. Classen, a faculty member in the TTP program, has developed a web-based support group for women with Type 2 diabetes and is working with other WCH physicians, Drs. Julie Maggi and Nancy McCallum, to develop a web-based support group for HIV-positive women. The keynote address at the Trauma-Informed Care annual retreat sponsored by the Hamilton Addiction & Mental Health Collaborative was delivered by Dr Classen and she was an invited panelist for a keynote panel on intergenerational repetition of abuse and the role of dissociation at the 14th International Conference on Violence, Abuse and Trauma in San Diego. Dr. Classen and Anne Fourt were invited speakers for the Ontario Hospital Association’s conference on interprofessional care. The team continues to help build the Women’s Mental Health Program’s annual research day by actively participating in the planning committee and overseeing the online registration. The 2010 Women’s Mental Health Research Conference again broke its previous record with an attendance of approximately 300 with attendees from across Canada. Mental Health in Medicine

The Mental Health in Medicine/General Psychiatry program has had a very successful year. Both arms of


Our Shared Care relationship with the Taddle Creek Family Practice Program, coordinated by Dr. Nadiya Sunderji, continues to be rated highly by residents. Dr Nadiya Sunderji continues as their consultant and we have been fortunate to welcome a string of talented residents to provide service and obtain an invaluable training experience at the interface of women’s mental health and cultural psychiatry.

Fully affiliated sites our program, Mental Health in Medicine and General Psychiatry are focused primarily on collaborative or shared care relationships with specialty, primary and community, coordinated by care partners. Our Shared Care relationship with the Taddle Creek Family Practice Program, coordinated by Dr. Nadiya Sunderji, continues to be rated highly by residents. Dr Nadiya Sunderji continues as their consultant and we have been fortunate to welcome a string of talented residents to provide service and obtain an invaluable training experience at the interface of women’s mental health and cultural psychiatry.

The program continues to host several research projects including a novel web-based support group for women with gynecological cancers (Dr Catherine Classen) and a study examining community support services for women living with HIV (Dr Julie Maggi). Building on its significant presence in the diabetes community, Mental Health in Medicine has been awarded two separate awards from the Public Health Agency of Canada to develop psychotherapeutically-informed diabetes education groups for women with type 2 diabetes and depression or anxiety (Co-principal Investigator Dr. Classen).

We have expanded our MHM program to become part of the unique Centre for Ambulatory Care and Education Complex Care Clinic. Under the new clinic, a patient with heart failure, depression, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and diabetes, for example, who is seeing a cardiologist, psychiatrist, endocrinologist and respirologist could have her care managed at the clinic. We are excited to be able to offer this integrated care approach to both patients and learners. Dr. Joanna Barlas, a fellowship trained geriatric psychiatrist has also joined the general Psychiatry team and offers expertise in this area to WCH patients.


Mental Health in Medicine has built a new relationship with Oncology, particularly with the aftercare program in Breast cancer. A new hire, Dr. Andreia Scalco, who has a fellowship in C/L and previous experience in psycho oncology is leading this endeavor. Dr. Adriana Carvalhal is working as part of a team at both WCH and the community to develop an HIV in Women program. Dr. Carvahal has received 2 CIHR grants in the last year to support her work in this population. We have are now fully engaged in training core residents, both in General Psychiatry (in partnership with Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre) and at the PGY1 level in CL psychiatry (in partnership with Toronto Rehabilitation Institute). We continue to host senior residents in both CL and Shared Care.

The WMHP continues to be a popular program for residents interested in learning about women’s mental health. During the 2010-2011 academic year the WMHP had several senior residents doing electives in reproductive mental health, trauma therapy and relational psychotherapy, and collaborative care including with Women’s Health and Women’s Hands, a community health centre. In addition to offering many electives and senior selectives the WMHP at WCH is a core site for general psychiatry (PGY-2), consultation-liaison psychiatry (PGY-1 and -4), and collaborative care (PGY-4 and -5) training. Over the course of the 2011-2012 academic year the WMHP looks forward to hosting more than a dozen residents across programs for core and selective rotations. The WMHP continues to expand its senior selective offerings, including in cross-cultural psychiatry, child psychiatry and parenting, and collaborative care with our community partners

Valerie H.Taylor MD, PhD, FRCPC Psychiatrist-in-Chief Women’s College Hospital

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Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


The George HulL Centre for children and families The Centre is an accredited children’s mental health centre serving children and youth, from birth to age 18, and their families.


The George Hull Centre integrates a range of child psychiatry teaching to undergraduate and graduate medical students and psychiatry residents with a wide experience of treatment modalities, such as individual, family and group, as well as systemic collaborative mental health partnerships with the community.

a program evaluation. Data collection took place between September 1, 2009 and August 30. A total of 40 families were referred to STI services during the evaluation period. GHC successfully accredited by Children’s Mental Health Ontario in January 2011. GHC received funding from the provincial Ministry of Children & Youth Services for six new clinical social work positions.

The services range from early intervention and prevention through to outpatient work with schoolaged children to treatment for adolescents with COMINGS AND GOINgS complex mental health needs who are admitted to • Dr. Greg Lodenquai appointed Clinical Director the School Program, Boys House, Libby’s Place and on January 1, 2011 Substance Abuse Program. The Centre expresses a strong commitment to multi-disciplinary development • Departure of Ruth Stirtzinger, Psychiatrist in through attending and presenting at provincial, Chief, on March 31, 2011 national, and international conferences and ongoing • Dr. Greg Lodenquai appointed Psychiatrist in student and staff interdisciplinary seminar learning Chief, on April 1, 2011 in addition to his role as experiences. Clinical Director The development of high quality, universal, targeted • Leticia Gracia, M.S.W., R.S.W. appointed Manager and clinical programs for primary, secondary and of the Community Clinic tertiary intervention coupled with the work of the • Reem Abdul Qadir M.S.W., R.S.W. is heading Department of Research characterize the Centre. up the family therapy training seminar and supervision for psychiatry residents



This program utilizes an innovative, collaborative family therapy Model providing timely and early intervention for clients, eduction of wait times and promotion of therapeutic collaboration and learning with the Center’s multidisciplinary team. In September 2010, the George Hull Centre received a grant from the Provincial Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth Mental Health at CHEO to conduct

• Dr Taylor Armstrong is heading up the Multidisiplinary seminar (not sure of the exact title) for MSW interns and psychiatry residents • Dr. Chetana Kulkarni appointed as Staff Psychiatrist (October 3, 2011) • Departure of Dr. Lisa Sheinin, Staff Psychiatrist, October 24, 2011 Gregory Lodenquai, MD, FRCPC Psychiatrist-in-Chief Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


hincks-Dellcrest Centre The Hincks-Dellcrest Centre is a community-based multi-disciplinary children’s mental health treatment, research, and teaching centre. Its mission is to be a leader in the provision of mental health care for children by combining prevention, treatment, research and education.


The Hincks-Dellcrest Centre helps more than 8,000 children and families each year, and is funded by the Ministry of Children and Youth, the United Way, businesses, and individuals. A comprehensive range of services is offered at various locations in Toronto and a residential component is located near Collingwood, Ont. Inter-professional education is offered at undergraduate, postgraduate, and advanced (Fellowship) levels to students in psychiatry, psychology, social work, nursing, child/youth work, expressive arts and other allied health disciplines.


A strategic planning process culminated in the selection of 5 objectives: 1. Develop and incorporate cutting-edge approaches into models of care provision. 2. Focus in areas where we are or can be leaders. 3. Develop a strong financial platform. 4. Build an organization that attracts and retains exceptional people. 5. Partner with other providers to build system capacity. An example of this process is “Stella’s Place,” a collaborative project with Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, in which a new treatment centre for Transitional Aged Youth with complex psychiatric needs is being developed in order to bridge the child and adult psychiatry, public and private, and hospital-community-academic sectors.


Undergraduate and postgraduate curricula were revised to meet and exceed criteria for the new Royal College Sub-Specialty of Child Psychiatry. Drs. F. Farnia, G. Lodenquai, and T. Zarb all obtained academic appointments in the Dep’t., and Dr. D. Philipp was promoted to Assistant Professor.


Dr. Fataneh Farnia, previously a Research Fellow at Hincks-Dellcrest Centre and the Department of Psychiatry has taken a position at this centre as Research and Evaluation Associate Director of the Handle with Care in at Risk Communities Project. She also was recently appointed as Assistant Professor with the Department of Psychiatry. As well as her appointment to the Department of Psychiatry, Dr. Cohen also has an adjunct appointment to the graduate faculty of OISE/UT, Department of Human Development and Applied Psychology, and to the Department of Psychology of York University.


Dr. Nancy Cohen, with Bonnie Pape and Dr. Fataneh Farnia, were recently successful in receiving a $2.4 million grant from the Public Health Agency of Canada to implement and test a mental health promotion training program for parents and caregivers of young children called Handle with Care. Based out of the Hincks-Dellcrest Centre, the project will involve 400 participants in 16 communities across Canada in Prince Edward Island, Ontario, Manitoba and the Yukon. The original Handle with Care training program designed for early childhood educators continues to be evaluated with a grant from the ALVA Foundation and

community affiliated sites the Hincks-Dellcrest Raise-a-Smile Fund. She and her collaborators Drs. Fataneh Farnia, Nancie Im-Bolter and Marshall Korenblum continue to analyze data from a CIHR and CHEO funded study on higher order language in adolescents presenting for psychiatric service. Dr. Cohen is also involved in the piloting of an international study of the infant-parent program Learning Through Play with Alfredo Tinajero of the Hincks-Dellcrest Centre and Dr. Nusrat Husain. Dr. Marshall Korenblum, MD., F.R.C.P.(C) Psychiatrist-in-Chief

“Stella’s Place” is a collaborative project with Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, in which a new treatment centre for Transitional Aged Youth with complex psychiatric needs is being developed in order to bridge the child and adult psychiatry, public and private, and hospital-communityacademic sectors.

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


north york general hospital


North York General Hospital is a community teaching hospital partially affiliated with the University of Toronto. One of Canada’s most sought after training sites for family medicine resident for over 40 years; it also provides rotations for residents in psychiatry, emergency medicine, paediatrics, surgery, radiology, obstetrics and gynaecology. Newly renovated resident lounge, on call rooms, academic centre, weekly grand rounds, library services in the University of Toronto network, and subway access have benefited trainees. Caring for children, adolescents, adults and seniors the department is recognized for offering a wide range of mental health services. The multidisciplinary team includes nurses, social workers, psychologists, occupational and recreation therapists, nutritionists, administrative professionals and psychiatrists.

2010/2011. The inpatient unit’s focus on acute stabilization, crisis management and short-term treatment through individual, family and group modalities. Each unit works according to an interdisciplinary team approach, with links to aftercare. With 46 beds; 6 child/ adolescent beds, 30 adult beds, 10 geriatric beds, and a 6 bed Psychiatric Intensive Care area. The Adult Day Hospital Partial Hospitalization Program serves individuals experiencing acute emotional distress who have enough support to continue living at home, with the focus being on reintegrating into the community in collaboration with partnered community agencies. The Child and Adolescent Mental Health Team provide care to all ages of children through family therapy, individual counselling, group therapy and psychiatric/psychological assessments with Ontario’s second busiest obstetrics centre and a paediatrics program. The hospital serves children from infancy onwards including a six bed Schedule 1 inpatient service, day hospital, multidisciplinary outpatient child and adolescent mental health clinic, and consultation service to inpatient paediatrics, NICU, and adolescent eating disorder program.

The program includes; emergency services, inpatient, partial hospitalization, psychosomatic consultation liaison general hospital service, subspecialty psychooncology service, ambulatory care and outreach, ACTT (Assertive Community Treatment Team), adult and adolescent eating disorders outpatient and day programs, addictions outpatient, day hospital, transitional age youth and concurrent disorders, mental Geriatric Psychiatry includes a 10 bed inpatient unit, health and justice treatment and support program, intensive case management program, housing support inpatient consultation service, outpatient clinics, intensive case management, CBT and MBSR groups. memory clinic, community outreach, and nursing home initiative. A multidisciplinary team and highly Adult outpatient program includes the full breadth of collaborative relationship and partnership with conditions for assessment and care, often as people’s Geriatric Medicine provides care to patients. first contact with mental health. Strong linkages exist with community partners, and the over 400 hospital affiliated family physicians, and shared collaborative Thomas Ungar, MD, FRCPC mental health program and FHT. The Mental Health Psychiatrist-in-Chief Program provided over 67,000 outpatient visits in


St. joseph’s health centre St. Joseph’s Health Centre (Toronto) is a community teaching hospital with the vision of being “Canada’s Best Community Teaching Hospital.”


provide community based case management, recovery support, shared care and crisis intervention.

St. Joseph’s Health Centre (Toronto) is a community teaching hospital with the vision of being “Canada’s ORGANIZATION Best Community Teaching Hospital.” The St. The department is composed of 3 key components: Joseph’s Health Centre Department of Psychiatry is a comprehensive program providing services spanning the Emergency mental health and addiction services; Psychiatry Inpatient and Residential Withdrawal life cycle. Management services; and Ambulatory services. The SJHC emergency department is one of the busiest in Dr. Ty Turner served as Psychiatrist-in-Chief from Canada and as such the volume of patients presenting 1998-2009 and under his leadership the department with psychiatric and addiction emergencies is one of enjoyed tremendous growth to include a Shared Care program, Assertive Community Treatment Team, Child the highest in Canada. The latter volumes influence patient flow throughout the continuum of mental and Adolescent program, Emergency Psychiatry Crisis teams for adults, adolescents and children. In addition, health and addiction services and as such providers Dr. Turner fostered the development of a commitment develop a wealth of experience in working with an extensive range of mental health and addiction to post-graduate education with the formalization of disorders. General Psychiatry rotations for Psychiatry residents and Family and Community Medicine residents, as well The Emergency Psychiatry Team (EPT) is an interas core and senior rotations in Child Psychiatry. professional team including both adult and child crisis workers that service the emergency room 24 Following the successful completion of Dr. Turner’s hours/day. SJHC is an active part of the Emergency tenure, Dr. Jose Silveira was recruited from the University Health Network to assume the roles of both Department Mental Health Alliance. The department has a 35 adult inpatient unit including a 6 bed Psychiatrist-in-Chief and Medical Director of Mental psychiatric intensive care unit; a 6 bed adult short stay Health and Addiction Programs in October 2009. unit with an average 3 day LOS; a 6 bed Child and The grouping of the Department of Psychiatry with Adolescent inpatient unit and an adult day hospital. Addictions Services under a single medical director Ambulatory services include a comprehensive shared ensures integration of mental health and addictions services and facilitates capacity in managing concurrent care program, urgent care, a recovery support program, a community case management program, a disorders across the life cycle. concurrent disorder program, and a geriatric psychiatry The department has grown to 15 full-time psychiatrists program. The geriatric psychiatry program provides consultation-liaison services to the entire hospital as and 3 part-time psychiatrists and is currently looking well as 3 long-term care facilities in the community. to hire an additional 3 psychiatrists. Finally, the development of inter-professional care is a cornerstone We also have a general consultation-liaison service for the entire hospital. of the department. Highly skilled providers work collaboratively internally and with the community to Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


community affiliated sites Addiction services span both the departments of Family Medicine and Psychiatry but are integrated with multiple programs throughout the hospital. Addiction services include emergency addiction crisis workers, addiction medicine consultation-liaison service, addiction medicine physicians and an extensive harm reduction program. In addition, SJHC is the only hospital in Ontario with a residential withdrawal management service on its campus. Community input is formally organized through a perpetual Mental Health and Addictions Population Panel that is co-chaired by a person with lived experience and community organization representative. Representation on the population panel is provided by an extensive array of community agencies and persons with lived experience.

Developments and Achievements

The commitment to post-graduate education continues to grow. Formal university appointments were granted to 6 additional staff including Drs.Velu Siva, David Gotlib, Andrew Gotowiec, Mark Filipczuk, Ginny Duff, and Richard Stall. Post-graduate education continues to include adult general psychiatry rotations and both junior and senior Child and Adolescent psychiatry rotations. In addition, the department is currently developing additional post-graduate training opportunities in both collaborative care and health systems. Hospital accreditors publically praised the unique information technology system integrating EPT with the hospital and its contribution to improving patient flow. The latter system is an ‘electronic white board’ and was designed and developed in-house by the Dr. David Gotlib. In addition, Dr. Gotlib successfully submitted a manuscript to the journal, Psychiatric Services, entitled, “A Low-cost Intranet-based System for Sharing Patient Information Across Departments”. The manuscript was co-authored with the patient care manager in charge of the EPT – Ms. Shirley Pullan.


The department has articulated a new strategic plan of creating an integrated network with community mental health and primary care services within its geographical area. The goal is to serve its population using an organized “web” that clearly fosters the sharing of patients’ care along the entire continuum of community and hospital based care, including primary care.

community affiliated sites The department has articulated a new strategic plan of creating an integrated network with community mental health and primary care services within its geographical area. The goal is to serve its population using an organized “web” that clearly fosters the sharing of patients’ care along the entire continuum of community and hospital based care, including primary care. Toward this end, formal partnerships have been developed with an extensive array of both primary care and community mental health agencies. We have developed collaborative care programs with LAMP Community Health Centre (CHC), Stonegate CHC, Four Villages CHC – Bloor Site and Four Villages CHC – Dundas Site. In partnership with the Centre for Addictions and Mental Health and with the support of new funding from the Toronto Central LHIN, psychiatrists now provide direct consultations with both patients and staff on-site at the CHC offices. In addition, the department of psychiatry facilitated an agreement between CAMH and SJHC to provide CAMH patients with organized access to Internal Medicine consultations at SJHC in order to support CAMH in their management of the their patients’ medical needs.

connecting with a group of frequent users of SJHC Emergency Department and were able to collect and analyze a large amount of data on this frequent user group. The resultant findings were extremely useful and contributed to expand funding for a larger project being conducted through the ED Alliance to study frequent users across multiple hospital emergency departments in the TCLHIN. Dr. Kelly Driver has developed and implemented a strategy to standardize Suicide Risk Assessment across all services and staff in the department of psychiatry. Dr. Rosemary Meier has retired as our full-time geriatric psychiatrist and we want to thank her for her years of service and leadership. Jose Silveira, MD, FRCPC Psychiatrist-in-Chief Medical Director Mental Health and Addiction Programs St. Joseph’s Health Centre

In respect to community mental health organizations, SJHC Department of Psychiatry has developed new partnerships with FAME, COPA, CRCT, RECONNECT and PARC. These partnerships are just the beginning of what is planned to be one of the most extensively organized mental health and addictions “web” of any community in the world. The goal is to ensure that where ever a patient lands, the service or provider is a part of the web, and every provider has immediate and easy access to every other part of the web to ensure continuity of care for the patient. A mental health emergency department frequent users project was funded by the TCLHIN. Abe Margel, Shirley Pullan and David Gotlib developed a successful mechanism of identifying, reviewing and ultimately

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


Surrey PLace Centre Surrey Place Centre (SPC) is a community affiliated teaching site within the University of Toronto.


and follow-up of children with ASD. It includes lead autism specialists (often developmental paediatricians), Surrey Place Centre (SPC) is a community affiliated medical subspecialists (GI, Sleep, Metabolics, Genetics, teaching site within the University of Toronto. As Neurology, Psychiatry etc), and other clinicians (Psyan interdisciplinary community based agency, SPC chology, Behaviour Therapy (BT), Speech Language delivers a broad range of specialized clinical services and programs to enhance the health and well being of Pathology [SLP], Occupational Therapy [OT]), and people of all ages living with intellectual (developmen- family advisors, who meet and discuss strategies for the improvement of various aspects of care. The ATN Total) disabilities (ID) with and without Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) in keeping with the standards of ronto site is also involved in many subcommittees and in the development of clinical pathways for questions Accreditation Canada. such as when should metabolic and genetic testing be considered in children with ASD, and algorithms to PROGRAMS AND SERVICES manage common medical issues such as insomnia and Surrey Place Centre offers assessment, diagnostic and constipation. treatment interdisciplinary services through a variety of developmental and autism programs for persons Through collaboration within the ATN, Surrey Place with developmental (intellectual) disabilities, their Centre is currently involved in 4 research projects families and caregivers living in the Toronto area as well as extensive education and consultation services to funded by the American Health Resources Service Administration (HRSA) for the Autism Intervention community agencies (www.surreyplace.on.ca ). Research Network for Physical Disorders. Other specialized services at SPC include the AugThe Centre also provides specialized clinical and mentative Communications and Writing Aids Program mental health consultation to adults in remote north(ACWA) a interdisciplinary clinic designed to promote ern Ontario communities via video conferencing and clients communication, a Fragile X clinic that provides is the co-lead in the Tri-Region Alliance (Central assessment and treatment for patients of all ages with Ontario Network of Specialized Care), one of four Fragile X syndrome and two interdisciplinary Fetal provincial Networks of Specialized Care (www. Alcohol Syndrome Disorder (FASD) clinics, one for community-networks.ca), serving adults with dual children and one for adults. diagnosis and challenging (distressed) behaviours. Surrey Place Centre is the research and clinical hub for the Autism Treatment Network – ATN Toronto site (SPC lead Dr Alvin Loh, developmental pediatrician – http://www.autismspeaks.org/science/resourcesprograms/autism-treatment-network ). The ATN consists of 17 sites in North America, 2 of which are in Canada, that follow a clinical protocol for assessment



We continue to provide core training in intellectual disabilities to medical clerks, residents and fellows in psychiatry, developmental paediatrics and family medicine and other health trainees. The medical subspecialties represented at SPC working within multidisciplinary teams, permit a broad range of specialist

Community affiliated sites clinical exposure for such trainees. Short and long term electives and selectives were offered throughout the year by SPC faculty. End of year evaluations by the developmental pediatric fellows of the new longitudinal experience at SPC focusing on children and youth presenting with mental health, emotional and behavioural concerns, were very positive; this experience will continue into its second year building on feedback received. A new service for children with complex behavioural and medical presentations was piloted (Behavioural Medical Assessment of Complex Kids and their Environment – BMAKE). This service offers home and school based assessments and interventions to children up to 18 yrs presenting with complex challenging (distressed) behaviours by a team that includes specialist medical (developmental pediatrics and psychiatry), Behaviour, SLP and OT expertise.

Through collaboration within the ATN, Surrey Place Centre is currently involved in 4 research projects funded by the American Health Resources Service Administration (HRSA) for the Autism Intervention Research Network for Physical Disorders.

Together with the Dual Diagnosis Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (DD CAMH) faculty, core curriculum teaching in ID psychiatry is available for psychiatry residents during their first, second and third residency years. In the first year the focus is on ID in the Emergency Room; in the second there is muti disciplinary clinical teaching at SPC supported by general seminars on ID and ASD; in the third year the focus is on children with ID, and understanding the complex aetiologies of psychotic-type presentations in children and adults with ID, with and without ASD. This year we were delighted to welcome Dr Stephanie Amis, Clinical Research Fellow to this teaching. The Day in Developmental Disabilities for third year medical clerks continues to focus on health vulnerabilities, services, communication, attitudes, and other issues pertinent to optimal health care for this population. An interdisciplinary teaching team of SPC staff, together with self advocates (persons with ID) and their families participate in the teaching. Through these partnerships trainees learn about life span approaches as well as the vital importance of continuity and integration of care for this client group.

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


Community affiliated sites Two medical students who spent electives with us were successful in their applications to join the University of Toronto, Psychiatry Residency Program. We were also delighted to provide an elective experience to a third year nursing student from the UK, as well as host visiting psychiatrists from Singapore setting up a new dual diagnosis service in their country. Psychological therapies are increasingly being recognized as successful intervention for people with ID with emotional problems or presenting with distressed (challenging) behaviours; our psychiatry team is training with colleagues in the UK in some of these therapies: Intensive Interaction (e.g., http://www. phoebecaldwell.co.uk ); Books beyond Words http:// www.rcpsych.ac.uk/publications/booksbeyondwords/ aboutbbw.aspx ) and EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing), a recommended therapy for trauma also effective with people with ID many of whom have suffered trauma. In the fourth year of the 5-Year Developmental Disabilities Primary Health Care Initiative (DDPCI) Plan (spear headed by Dr William Sullivan Family Medicine specialist and supported by the Ontario Ministry of Community and Social Services, Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, and Surrey Place Centre), some significant milestones were attained: The Canadian Consensus Guidelines were updated and published (http://www.surreyplace.on.ca/Clinical-Programs/ Medical-Services/Pages/PrimaryCare.aspx ). Tools to implement these Guidelines were published and distributed to family physicians across Canada and Family Medicine residents in Ontario and made available online. Advances were made in continuing education by launching the first module on ID in the Foundation for Medical Practice Education’s PBSGL program for family physicians and Family Medicine residents, and by establishing a series of rounds in the Clinical Support Network. The DDPCI sought successfully to have the ID Special Interest Group recognized as a program within the College


of Family Physicians of Canada, and the primary care of people with ID as an objective of the Canadian medical curriculum. This initiative focuses both on the physical and mental health of people with ID and the milestones attained so far can be anticipated to have a long-term positive impact on building capacity of physicians to provide primary physical and mental health care to adults with ID. Elspeth Bradley, MB BS, PhD, FRCPC, FRCPsych Psychiatrist-in-Chief Surrey Place Centre

faculty listing Name



Abadi, Babak

CAMH - Russell Street Site


Abbey, Susan

UHN - Toronto General Hospital

Associate Professor

Abraham, Gebrehiwot

CAMH - Queen Street Site

Assistant Professor

Abramowitz, Carolyn

CAMH - Queen Street Site


Abrams, Karen

UHN - Toronto General Hospital

Assistant Professor

Addae, Gina

Private Practice


Addington, Jean

CAMH - College Street Site

Full Professor

Adlaf, Edward

CAMH - Russell Street Site

Associate Professor

Adler Nevo, Gili

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre

Assistant Professor

Agid, Ofer

CAMH - College Street Site

Assistant Professor

Akman, Donna

CAMH - College Street Site

Assistant Professor

Albert, Mathieu

UHN - Toronto General Hospital

Associate Professor

Aleem, Nadia

CAMH - College Street Site


Alem, Atalay

Amanuel Hospital


Ali, Faizal

CAMH - Queen Street Site

Assistant Professor

Ali, Sherese

UHN - Toronto Western Hospital

Assistant Professor

Allain, Suzanne

Lakehead Psychiatric Hospital

Assistant Professor

Almagor, Doron

Private Practice


Andermann, Lisa

Mount Sinai Hospital

Assistant Professor

Anderson, Nicole

Baycrest Centre

Associate Professor

Andrade, Brendan

CAMH - College Street Site

Assistant Professor

Andrew, Melissa

Queen’s University

Assistant Professor

Antony, Martin

Ryerson University

Full Professor

Araki, Keyghobad

CAMH - Queen Street Site


Araya, Wolde

St. Paul’s Hospital, Addis Ababa University


Armstrong, Harvey

Private Practice

Associate Professor

Arnold, Paul

Hospital For Sick Children

Assistant Professor

Atkinson, Leslie

Ryerson University

Associate Professor

Awad, A.

Humber River Regional Hospital - Keele St. Site

Professor Emeritus

Bacchiochi, Jason

CAMH - Spadina Avenue Site

Assistant Professor

Bagby, R.

CAMH - College Street Site

Full Professor

Baker, Brian

UHN - Toronto Western Hospital

Associate Professor

Balaban, Kayli

Mount Sinai Hospital


Balchand, Kamlesh

CAMH - Queen Street Site


Balderson, Ken

St. Michael’s Hospital

Assistant Professor

Ballon, Bruce

Mount Sinai Hospital

Assistant Professor

Baluyut, Crystal

CAMH - College Street Site


Barakat, Sammy

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre

Assistant Professor

Barankin, Tatyana

CAMH - College Street Site

Associate Professor

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


faculty listing Name



Barbaree, Howard

Mental Health Centre Penetanguishene

Full Professor

Barbera, Joseph

Youthdale Child & Adolescent Sleep Centre


Barr, Cathy

UHN - Toronto Western Hospital

Full Professor

Barrenechea, Ana

Private Practice

Assistant Professor

Bart, Catherine

Workplace Safety & Insurance Board


Bartha, Christina

CAMH - Russell Street Site


Barwick, Carmelina

Private Practice

Assistant Professor

Barwick, Melanie

Hospital For Sick Children

Associate Professor

Bassarath, Lindley

CAMH - College Street Site

Assistant Professor

Bassett, Anne

CAMH - Russell Street Site

Full Professor

Beiser, Morton

Ryerson University

Full Professor

Beitchman, Joseph

CAMH - College Street Site

Full Professor

Benazon, Nili

CAMH - College Street Site

Assistant Professor

Bender, Ashley

CAMH - College Street Site

Assistant Professor

Benoit, Diane

Hospital For Sick Children

Full Professor

Berber, Mark

Markham Stouffville Hospital


Berg, Joseph

Surrey Place Centre

Professor Emeritus

Bergmans, Yvonne

St. Michael’s Hospital


Bernstein, Lori

UHN - Princess Margaret Hospital

Assistant Professor

Berntson, Andrea

St. Michael’s Hospital


Bettridge, Shannon

CAMH - Queen Street Site


Bhalerao, Shree

St. Michael’s Hospital

Associate Professor

Bhide, Devayanee

CAMH - College Street Site


Binney, John

Private Practice

Assistant Professor

Blackburn, Janice

Bersenas Jacobsen Chouest Thomson Blackburn LLP


Blackman, Adam

Private Practice

Assistant Professor

Blanchard, Ray

CAMH - College Street Site

Full Professor

Bloom, Hy

Private Practice

Assistant Professor

Bluestein, Marilyn

University Health Service


Boachie, Ahmed

Hospital For Sick Children

Assistant Professor

Bodnar, Ana

Private Practice


Boileau, Isabelle

CAMH - College Street Site

Assistant Professor

Book, Howard

Private Practice

Associate Professor

Boulos, Carolyn

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre

Assistant Professor

Bourdeau, Danielle

CAMH - College Street Site

Assistant Professor

Boydell, Katherine

Hospital For Sick Children

Associate Professor

Bradbury, Cheryl

Toronto Rehab - Lyndhurst Centre

Assistant Professor

Bradley, Elspeth

Surrey Place Centre

Associate Professor

Brandes, Jack

Private Practice

Assistant Professor


faculty listing Name



Brandys, Clare

Private Practice

Assistant Professor

Brar, Simuran

UHN - Toronto Western Hospital

Assistant Professor

Brook, Shelley

St. Michael’s Hospital

Assistant Professor

Brownlie, Elizabeth

CAMH - College Street Site

Assistant Professor

Bruno, Deanna

Women’s College Hospital


Bruun-Meyer, Sturla

CAMH - College Street Site

Assistant Professor

Bryden, Pier

Hospital For Sick Children

Assistant Professor

Buckingham, Robert

UHN - Toronto General Hospital

Associate Professor

Buckley, Leslie

UHN - Toronto Western Hospital

Assistant Professor

Burgoyne, Robert

UHN - Toronto General Hospital


Burhan, Amer


Assistant Professor

Burnham, W.

Department of Pharmacology

Full Professor

Busto, Usoa

CAMH - Russell Street Site

Associate Professor

Butany, Vidya

CAMH - Queen Street Site

Assistant Professor

Butterill, Dale

Dale Butterill Health Care Consulting


Byers, Jean

Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences

Assistant Professor

Byrne, Miriam

CAMH - College Street Site

Assistant Professor

Cairney, John

CAMH - Russell Street Site

Associate Professor

Cantor, James

CAMH - College Street Site

Associate Professor

Cardish, Robert

CAMH - Russell Street Site

Assistant Professor

Carlier, Michelle

FACT Peel Clinic


Carlisle, Corine


Assistant Professor

Carr, Melanie

Private Practice

Assistant Professor

Carter, Jacqueline

UHN - Toronto General Hospital

Associate Professor

Cashman, Frank

St. Michael’s Hospital

Assistant Professor

Casola, Paul

Private Practice


Caspary, Arthur

Hincks-Dellcrest Centre


Cassidy, Keri-Leigh

CAMH - College Street Site


Cassin, Stephanie

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre


Castel, Saulo

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre

Assistant Professor

Cavanagh, Patricia


Assistant Professor

Chad, Lawrence

Toronto East General Hospital


Chagoya, Charlotte

Mount Sinai Hospital


Chagoya, Leopoldo

Mount Sinai Hospital

Associate Professor

Chaim, Gloria

CAMH - College Street Site

Assistant Professor

Chamberlain, Clive

CAMH - Queen Street Site

Associate Professor

Chandler, Gregory

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre


Charach, Alice

Hospital For Sick Children

Associate Professor

Charach, Ron

Private Practice


Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


faculty listing Name



Chatterjee, Sumeeta

CAMH - Queen Street Site


Cheung, Amy

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre

Assistant Professor

Chisvin, Martin

Toronto East General Hospital


Chopra, Kevin

CAMH - College Street Site


Chopra, Sabeena

Toronto East General Hospital


Chow, Eva

CAMH - Russell Street Site

Associate Professor

Chow, Tiffany

Baycrest Centre

Assistant Professor

Chow, Wendy

Mount Sinai Hospital


Christensen, Bruce

St. Joseph’s Healthcare

Associate Professor

Clark, Carrie

CAMH - Queen Street Site

Assistant Professor

Classen, Catherine

Women’s College Hospital

Associate Professor

Clinton, Jean

Offord Centre for Child Studies


Cochrane-Brink, Katherine

Youthdale Treatment Centre


Cohen, Carole

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre

Full Professor

Cohen, Nancy

Hincks-Dellcrest Centre

Full Professor

Cohn, Tony

CAMH - Queen Street Site

Assistant Professor

Colleton, Michael

CAMH - Queen Street Site


Collins, Evan

Hassle Free Clinic

Assistant Professor

Collins, Peter

CAMH - Queen Street Site

Associate Professor

Colton, Patricia

UHN - Toronto General Hospital

Assistant Professor

Conn, David

Baycrest Centre

Full Professor

Cooke, Robert

CAMH - College Street Site

Associate Professor

Coolbear, Jennifer

Hospital For Sick Children

Assistant Professor

Cooper, James

UHN - Toronto Western Hospital

Assistant Professor

Corcoran, Kathleen

CAMH - College Street Site

Assistant Professor

Costigan, Shannon

CAMH - Queen Street Site


Cote, Isabelle

Private Practice


Courbasson, Christine

CAMH - Russell Street Site

Assistant Professor

Court, John


Assistant Professor

Craigen, Gerard

Private Practice


Crawford, Allison

Mount Sinai Hospital

Assistant Professor

Crawford, Barbara

Northeast Mental Health Centre


Crocker, Thomas

St. Michael’s Hospital


Crosbie, Jennifer

Hospital For Sick Children

Assistant Professor

Cunning, Sandra

Kinark Child and Family Services


Cunningham, Alastair

UHN - Princess Margaret Hospital

Full Professor

Czukar, Gail

CAMH - Queen Street Site


D’Agostino, Norma

UHN - Princess Margaret Hospital


Dalfen, Ariel

Mount Sinai Hospital



faculty listing Name



Dang, Kien

St. Michael’s Hospital


Darani, Shaheen

CAMH - Queen Street Site


Darby, Padraig

CAMH - Queen Street Site

Assistant Professor

Daskalakis, Zafiris

CAMH - College Street Site

Associate Professor

Davis, Caroline

York University

Associate Professor

Dawe, Ian

Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences

Associate Professor

Day, Rod

Women’s College Hospital


De Freitas, Karen

Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences


De Luca, Vincenzo

CAMH - College Street Site

Assistant Professor

De Roche, Peter

Mount Sinai Hospital

Assistant Professor

De Souza, Claire

Hospital For Sick Children

Assistant Professor

De Souza, Minella

UHN - Toronto Western Hospital


Denisoff, Eilenna

CAMH - Spadina Avenue Site

Assistant Professor

Dennis, Cindy-Lee

Women’s College Research Institute; Faculty of Nursing

Associate Professor

Desai, Devanshu

St. Joseph’s Health Centre


Deutsch, James

Hospital For Sick Children

Assistant Professor

Devins, Gerald

UHN - Toronto General Hospital

Full Professor

Dewa, Carolyn

CAMH - Russell Street Site

Full Professor

Diaz, Pablo

CAMH - Queen Street Site

Assistant Professor

Dickey, Robert

CAMH - College Street Site

Assistant Professor

DiGiacomo, Dan

CAMH - Queen Street Site


Dionne, Marie

North York General Hospital - Branson Division


Dixon, David

Private Practice

Assistant Professor

Doan, Richard

CAMH - College Street Site

Assistant Professor

Doidge, Norman

Private Practice

Assistant Professor

Dorenbaum, David

Private Practice

Assistant Professor

Dorian, Barbara

CAMH - College Street Site

Assistant Professor

Driver, Kelly

St. Joseph’s Health Centre


Dubo, Elyse

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre

Assistant Professor

Dubord, Greg

Toronto Center for Cognitive Therapy


Duchen, Suzanne

Private Practice


Dudek, Malgorzata

Humber River Regional Hospital


Dunbar, Christine

Private Practice

Assistant Professor

Dundas, Susan

Hincks-Dellcrest Centre


Dunlap, Hester

CAMH - Spadina Avenue Site

Assistant Professor

Durbin, Janet

CAMH - Russell Street Site

Assistant Professor

Eayrs, Gertrude

CAMH - Queen Street Site


Edelstein, Kim

UHN - Princess Margaret Hospital

Assistant Professor

Edye, Frances

Psychiatric Outreach Program


Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


faculty listing Name



Eisen, Joel

Private Practice

Assistant Professor

Elliott, M.

UHN - Toronto General Hospital


Elliott, Mary

UHN - Princess Margaret Hospital

Assistant Professor

Emmott, Shelagh

CAMH - Spadina Avenue Site

Assistant Professor

Ennis, Jon

UHN - Toronto General Hospital

Assistant Professor

Epstein, Irvin


Assistant Professor

Epstein, Trina

UHN - Toronto Western Hospital


Erlich, Murray

Private Practice


Eryavec, Goran

North York General Hospital - General Division

Assistant Professor

Esplen, Mary

UHN - Toronto General Hospital

Full Professor

Evans, Kenneth

Ontario Cancer Biomarker Network


Everett, Barbara

Private Practice

Assistant Professor

Farcnik, Karl

UHN - Toronto Western Hospital

Assistant Professor

Farewell, John

Private Practice


Farvolden, Peter

CBT Associates of Toronto

Assistant Professor

Feder, Victor

North York General Hospital - General Division

Assistant Professor

Fefergrad, Mark

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre


Feinstein, Anthony

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre

Full Professor

Fenta, Haile

The Ontario HIV Treatment Network


Ferguson, Bruce

Hospital For Sick Children

Full Professor

Ferguson, Ian

Providence Healthcare


Fischer, Corinne

St. Michael’s Hospital

Assistant Professor

Fischler, Ilan

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre


Fish, Arthur

Private Practice

Assistant Professor

Fishell, Alicja

Women’s College Hospital


Fitzpatrick-Hanly, Margaret

Toronto Institute of Psychoanalysis


Flak, Edred

Mount Sinai Hospital

Associate Professor

Fleming, Jan

CAMH - College Street Site

Associate Professor

Fleming, Russell,

Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care


Fletcher, Paul

CAMH - College Street Site

Full Professor

Flett, Heather

CAMH - College Street Site


Flint, Alastair

UHN - Toronto General Hospital

Full Professor

Fong, Harvey

CAMH - Queen Street Site


Fornazzari, Luis

St. Michael’s Hospital

Assistant Professor

Fornazzari, Ximena

Private Practice

Assistant Professor

Franche, Renee-Louise

Occupational Health & Safety Agency for Healthcare in BC

Assistant Professor

Frantseva, Marina

CAMH - Queen Street Site

Assistant Professor

Frayn, Douglas

Private Practice retired

Associate Professor

Freire, Marlinda

Private Practice

Assistant Professor


faculty listing Name



Fung, Kenneth

UHN - Toronto Western Hospital

Assistant Professor

Furukawa, Yoshiaki

CAMH - College Street Site

Associate Professor

Futerman, David

CAMH - College Street Site


Gage (McCabe), Laura

Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences

Assistant Professor

Gagliese, Lucia

UHN - Toronto General Hospital

Assistant Professor

Gaind, Karandeep

UHN - Princess Margaret Hospital

Assistant Professor

Gallop, Ruth

Faculty of Nursing

Professor Emeritus

Gangbar, Randy

Private Practice

Assistant Professor

Ganguli, Rohan

CAMH - Queen Street Site

Full Professor

Garfinkel, Paul

CAMH - College St

Full Professor

Geagea, Justin

CAMH - Queen Street Site


Geist, Rose

Hospital For Sick Children

Associate Professor

Gelber, Stephen

North York General Hospital - Branson Division


Gemar, Michael

CAMH - College Street Site


George, Tony

CAMH - College Street Site

Full Professor

Gerber, Lionel

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre

Assistant Professor

Ghabbour, Nagi

St. Joseph’s Health Centre


Giacobbe, Peter

UHN - Toronto General Hospital


Gilbert, Barry

CAMH - College Street Site

Assistant Professor

Gill, Jasbir

CAMH - Queen Street Site


Gillies, Laurie

Private Practice

Assistant Professor

Ginovart, Nathalie

CAMH - College Street Site

Assistant Professor

Ginsberg, Leonard

CAMH - Queen Street Site

Assistant Professor

Glancy, Graham

Private Practice

Assistant Professor

Gnam, William

CAMH - Spadina Avenue Site

Assistant Professor

Goering, Paula

CAMH - Russell Street Site

Full Professor

Gofine, Timothy

Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences

Assistant Professor

Goldbloom, David

CAMH - College Street Site

Full Professor

Goldhamer, Paul

Private Practice

Assistant Professor

Goldstein, Benjamin

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre

Assistant Professor

Goldstein, Mara

St. Michael’s Hospital

Assistant Professor

Golombek, Harvey

Hospital For Sick Children

Full Professor

Golts, Marianna

CAMH - College Street Site


Gorman, Daniel

Hospital For Sick Children

Assistant Professor

Gorman, Howard

Private Practice


Gourlay, Douglas

CAMH - Russell Street Site


Grace, Sherry

UHN - Toronto General Hospital

Assistant Professor

Grady, Cheryl

Baycrest Centre

Full Professor

Graff-Guerrero, Ariel

CAMH - College Street Site

Assistant Professor

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


faculty listing Name



Greben, Daniel

CAMH - College Street Site

Assistant Professor

Green, Robin

Toronto Rehabilitation Institute

Associate Professor

Grek, Adrian

Mount Sinai Hospital

Associate Professor

Grief, Cindy

Baycrest Centre


Grigoriadis, Sophie

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre

Associate Professor

Guimond, Marie-Claude

North York General Hospital - General Division


Guimond, Tim

CAMH - Russell Street Site


Gupta, Malati

CAMH - Queen Street Site


Gupta, Mona

Women’s College Hospital


Hackett, Andrew

Northeast Mental Health Centre

Associate Professor

Haggarty, John

St. Joseph’s Health Centre (THUNDER BAY)

Assistant Professor

Hales, Sarah

UHN - Princess Margaret Hospital


Halman, Mark

St. Michael’s Hospital

Associate Professor

Halpern, Janice

Private Practice

Assistant Professor

Hamidi, Jinous

CAMH - Queen Street Site


Hamilton, Hayley

CAMH - Spadina Avenue Site

Assistant Professor

Hanson, Mark

Hospital For Sick Children

Assistant Professor

Harris, Grant

Mental Health Centre Penetanguishene

Associate Professor

Harrison, Ken

CAMH - Queen Street Site


Haskell, Lori

Private Practice

Assistant Professor

Hastings, Tom

Halton Healthcare Services Corp


Hawa, Raed

UHN - Toronto Western Hospital

Associate Professor

Henderson, D.

Private Practice

Associate Professor

Henderson, Joanna

CAMH - College Street Site

Assistant Professor

Herrmann, Nathan

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre

Full Professor

Hershkop, Susan

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre


Hershler, Abby

Women’s College Hospital


Higgins, Darren

Mount Sinai Hospital


Hildebrand, Anne

Private Practice

Assistant Professor

Hilton, Zoe

Mental Health Centre Penetanguishene

Assistant Professor

Hlousek, Daniela

Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences


Hodges, Brian

UHN - Toronto General Hospital

Full Professor

Hoffman, Brian

North York General Hospital - Branson Division

Associate Professor

Homatidis, Soula

York Catholic District School Board

Assistant Professor

Hood, Eric

Private Practice

Assistant Professor

Horodezky, L.

Mount Sinai Hospital

Assistant Professor

Hou, Feng

Private Practice

Assistant Professor

Houle, Sylvain

CAMH - College Street Site

Associate Professor

Greaves, Lorraine


faculty listing Name



Hucker, Stephen

Private Practice

Full Professor

Hunter, Jonathan

Mount Sinai Hospital

Associate Professor

Husted, Janice

University of Waterloo


Hutchinson, Lois

St. Joseph’s Care Group

Assistant Professor

Ickowicz, Abel

Hospital For Sick Children

Associate Professor

Iosif, Alina

CAMH - Queen Street Site


Irvine, Marilyn

UHN - Toronto General Hospital

Associate Professor

Ismail, Zahinoor

CAMH - Queen Street Site

Assistant Professor

Israel, Aliza

Women’s College Hospital


Izenberg, Samuel

Private Practice

Assistant Professor

Jacobson, Nora

CAMH - Russell Street Site

Associate Professor

Jain, Umesh

CAMH - College Street Site

Associate Professor

Jamal, Laila

Toronto East General Hospital


Jasper, Karin

Hospital For Sick Children

Assistant Professor

Jaunkalns, Robert

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre

Assistant Professor

Jeavons, Michael

Private Practice


Jeeva, Imraan

CAMH - College Street Site


Jeffries, Joel

CAMH - College Street Site

Associate Professor

Johnston, Anita

Private Practice


Johnston, Paul

Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre


Johnston, William

Private Practice


Jones, Brian

Mental Health Centre Penetanguishene

Assistant Professor

Jones, Jennifer

UHN - Toronto General Hospital

Assistant Professor

Joseph, Llewellyn

Southlake Regional Health Centre

Associate Professor

Kamkar Parsi, Katayoun

Centre for Addiction and Mental Health


Kaplan, Allan

CAMH - College Street Site

Full Professor

Kaplansky-Gold, Cathy

University Health Service


Kapur, Shitij

King’s College, University of London

Full Professor

Kaspar, Violet

CAMH - College Street Site

Assistant Professor

Katz, Mark

Southlake Regional Health Centre

Assistant Professor

Katzman, Martin

START Clinic

Assistant Professor

Kay, Rex

Mount Sinai Hospital

Assistant Professor

Keefe, Peter

Mount Sinai Hospital

Assistant Professor

Keleher, Gary

Sault Area Hospitals


Kemenoff, Sylvia

Youthdale Treatment Centres


Kennedy, James

CAMH - College Street Site

Full Professor

Kennedy, Sidney

UHN - Toronto General Hospital

Full Professor

Keren, Ron

Toronto Rehabilitation Institute

Assistant Professor

Kerr, Ann

Private Practice

Assistant Professor

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


faculty listing Name



Keyhan, Nicola

Hospital For Sick Children

Assistant Professor

Khanlou, Nazilla

York University

Associate Professor

Khorasani, Kasra

St. Michael’s Hospital


Kidd, Sean

CAMH - College Street Site

Assistant Professor

Kim, Donna

CAMH - Queen Street Site


Kindler, Alan

Private Practice

Assistant Professor

King, Eric

Pine River Institute


Kiraly, Leslie

East Toronto Health Centre


Kirsh, Bonnie

Dept. of Occupational Science & Occupational Therapy

Assistant Professor

Kirsh, Shari

Women’s College Hospital

Assistant Professor

Kish, Stephen

CAMH - College Street Site

Full Professor

Kiss, Ivan

Lakeridge Health Network - Oshawa

Assistant Professor

Klassen, Philip

CAMH - College Street Site

Assistant Professor

Kleinman, Irwin

Private Practice

Assistant Professor

Kljenak, Diana

UHN - Toronto Western Hospital

Assistant Professor

Klukach, John

Central Link


Kohl, Jack

Private Practice


Korczak, Daphne

Hospital For Sick Children

Assistant Professor

Korenblum, Marshall

Hincks-Dellcrest Centre

Associate Professor

Korostil, Michele

CAMH - Queen Street Site


Kovacs, Adrienne

UHN - Toronto General Hospital

Assistant Professor

Kral, Michael

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Assistant Professor

Kreindler, David

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre

Assistant Professor

Krisman, Avery

Private Practice


Kroft, Frederick

Private Practice


Kuch, Helga

Private Practice

Assistant Professor

Kulesha, Denis

UHN - Toronto Western Hospital

Assistant Professor

Kurdyak, Paul

CAMH - College Street Site

Assistant Professor

Kussin, Dennis

UHN - Toronto Western Hospital

Associate Professor

La Croix, Eileen

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre


Lackstrom, Jan

UHN - Toronto Western Hospital

Assistant Professor

Lambe, Evelyn

Department of Physiology

Assistant Professor

Lancee, William

Mount Sinai Hospital

Associate Professor

Lanctot, Krista

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre

Full Professor

Langevin, Ronald

Private Practice

Associate Professor

Langley, John

St. Michael’s Hospital

Assistant Professor

Laposa, Judith

CAMH - College Street Site

Assistant Professor

Law, Samuel

St. Michael’s Hospital

Assistant Professor

Le Foll, Bernard

CAMH - Russell Street Site

Associate Professor


faculty listing Name



Le, Dzung

CAMH - Russell Street Site

Assistant Professor

Lee, Victoria

Toronto East General Hospital


Lefebvre, Arlette

Hospital For Sick Children

Associate Professor

Lefebvre, Lisa

CAMH - Russell Street Site


Leibow, Deborah

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre


Leith, Mark

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre


Lemmens, Trudo

Faculty of Law

Assistant Professor

Lester, Michael

CAMH - Russell Street Site

Assistant Professor

Leszcz, Molyn

Mount Sinai Hospital

Full Professor

Leung, Debbie

Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Services


Leung, Henry

Sault Area Hospitals

Assistant Professor

Levene, Judith

Private Practice


Levine, Deborah

University Health Service


Levinson, Andrea

CAMH - College Street Site

Assistant Professor

Levitan, Robert

CAMH - College Street Site

Full Professor

Levitsky, Neil

North York General Hospital


Levitt, Anthony

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre

Full Professor

Levy, Matthew

St. Michael’s Hospital


Lewis, Ralph

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre

Assistant Professor

Li, Madeline

UHN - Princess Margaret Hospital

Assistant Professor

Li, Peter

CAMH - College Street Site

Associate Professor

Lieff, Susan

Baycrest Centre

Associate Professor

Likwornik, Victor

Psychiatrist-in-Chief, Counselling and Psychological Services at UofT

Assistant Professor

Lin, Elizabeth

CAMH - College Street Site

Assistant Professor

Links, Paul

St. Michael’s Hospital

Full Professor

Liu, Fang

CAMH - College Street Site

Associate Professor

Liu, Shi-Kai

CAMH - Queen Street Site

Associate Professor

Llewellyn-Thomas, Hilary

Dartmouth Medical School

Full Professor

Lo, Christopher

UHN - Toronto General Hospital

Assistant Professor

Lo, Hung-Tat

Private Practice

Assistant Professor

Lobo, Daniela

CAMH - Russell Street Site

Assistant Professor

Lofchy, Jodi

UHN - Toronto Western Hospital

Associate Professor

Lojkasek, Miroslav

Hincks-Dellcrest Centre


Lorberg, Gunter

Central North Correctional Centre


Lunsky, Yona


Associate Professor

Lustig, Andrew

CAMH - College Street Site


MacFarlane, Dianne

CAMH - Russell Street Site

Assistant Professor

Macfarlane, James

The Toronto Sleep Institute

Assistant Professor

MacKay, Sherri

CAMH - College Street Site

Assistant Professor

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


faculty listing Name



MacLachlan, Donna

Youthdale Treatment Centre


MacPhee, David

Sault Area Hospitals


MacPherson, Colin

CAMH - College Street Site


MacQueen, Glenda

University of Calgary

Associate Professor

Madan, Robert

Baycrest Centre

Assistant Professor

Maerov, Phillip

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre


Magder, David

CAMH - College Street Site

Assistant Professor

Maggi, Julie

St. Michael’s Hospital

Assistant Professor

Mah, Bill

Mount Sinai Hospital


Mah, Linda

Baycrest Centre

Assistant Professor

Maharaj, Sherry

UHN - Toronto General Hospital


Malat, Jan

CAMH - Queen Street Site

Assistant Professor

Mamelak, Mortimer

Baycrest Centre

Associate Professor

Mamo, David


Associate Professor

Manassis, Katharina

Hospital For Sick Children

Full Professor

Mandelman, Krystyna

Private Practice

Assistant Professor

Margittai, Katalin

Private Practice

Assistant Professor

Margolese, Ellen

Mount Sinai Hospital


Margulies, Alfred

Private Practice

Assistant Professor

Marks, Saul

North York General Hospital - General Division


Martin, Barry

CAMH - College Street Site

Associate Professor

Martin, Karen

CAMH - Queen Street Site


Mason, Robin

Assistant Professor

Masson, Jacqueline

Private Practice


Maunder, Robert

Mount Sinai Hospital

Associate Professor

Mayberg, Helen

Emory University School of Medicine

Full Professor

McBride (Cristi), Carolina

CAMH - College Street Site

Assistant Professor

McCallum, Nancy

Women’s College Hospital


McCay, Elizabeth

Ryerson University

Assistant Professor

McCullagh, Scott

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre

Assistant Professor

McCurley, Robert


Assistant Professor

McDonald, Angus

CAMH - Queen Street Site

Assistant Professor

McDonough, Hanna

CAMH - College Street Site


McFarlane, Traci

UHN - Toronto General Hospital

Assistant Professor

McIntosh, Christopher

CAMH - College Street Site


McIntyre, Roger

UHN - Toronto Western Hospital

Associate Professor

McKenzie, Kwame

CAMH - Spadina Avenue Site

Full Professor

McKercher, Grant

Northeast Mental Health Centre


McLean, Linda

UHN - Princess Margaret Hospital

Assistant Professor


faculty listing Name



McMain, Shelley

CAMH - Russell Street Site

Assistant Professor

McMaster, Jeff

CAMH - Queen Street Site


McNeely, Heather

St. Joseph’s Healthcare

Assistant Professor

McPherson, Alexandra

CAMH - College Street Site


Meen, Richard

Kinark Child and Family Services

Assistant Professor

Meier, Helen

St. Joseph’s Health Centre

Assistant Professor

Melnyk, Tatiana

UHN - Princess Margaret Hospital


Mendlowitz, Sandra

Hospital For Sick Children

Assistant Professor

Menon, Mahesh

CAMH - College Street Site

Assistant Professor

Menzies, Peter


Assistant Professor

Meschino, Diane

Women’s College Hospital

Assistant Professor

Meyer, Jeffrey

CAMH - College Street Site

Associate Professor

Mian, Irfan

CAMH - College Street Site

Assistant Professor

Miller, Kimberley

UHN - Princess Margaret Hospital


Minden, Deborah

Hospital For Sick Children

Assistant Professor

Minsky, Samuel

University Health Service


Mishna, Faye

Factor-Inewentash Faculty of Social Work

Full Professor

Mizrahi, Romina

CAMH - College Street Site

Assistant Professor

Moldofsky, Harvey

Sleep Disorders Clinic of the Centre for Sleep & Chronobiology

Professor Emeritus

Molleken, Lynda

Mt. Pleasant Therapy Centre


Moller, Henry

UHN - Toronto Western Hospital

Assistant Professor

Monga, Suneeta

Hospital For Sick Children

Assistant Professor

Moran, Peter

Mount Sinai Hospital

Assistant Professor

Morris, Susan

CAMH - Queen Street Site


Moss, Jay

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre

Assistant Professor

Mueller, Daniel

CAMH - College Street Site

Assistant Professor

Muglia, Pierandrea

CAMH - College Street Site

Assistant Professor

Mulsant, Benoit

CAMH - Queen Street Site

Full Professor

Mundo, Emanuela

University of Rome - Sapienza

Assistant Professor

Muntaner, Carles

University of Toronto

Full Professor

Murphy, Leo

St. Michael’s Hospital

Assistant Professor

Myran, David

Baycrest Centre

Assistant Professor

Nacson, Deborah

North York General Hospital - Branson Division


Nandlal, Joan

John Howard Society of Waterloo Wellington

Assistant Professor

Naranjo, Claudio

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre

Full Professor

Nathanson, Jay

UHN - Toronto Western Hospital

Assistant Professor

Nobrega, Jose

CAMH - College Street Site

Full Professor

Noh, Samuel

CAMH - Spadina Avenue Site

Full Professor

Nolan, Robert

UHN - Toronto General Hospital

Assistant Professor

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


faculty listing Name



Novak, Marta

UHN - Toronto General Hospital

Assistant Professor

Novick, Jon

St. Michael’s Hospital


Offman, Hilary

Private Practice


Oguntoyinbo, Funmi

Private Practice


O’Halpin, Helen

Hincks-Dellcrest Centre


Okyere, Ebenezer

Toronto East General Hospital


Olive, Christopher

Private Practice


Olmsted, Marion

UHN - Toronto General Hospital

Full Professor

Owens, Mary

Hospital For Sick Children


Ozersky, Sam

UHN - Toronto General Hospital


Packer, Samuel

Humber River Regional Hospital

Associate Professor

Pain, Clare

Mount Sinai Hospital

Associate Professor

Pallandi, Derek

CAMH - Queen Street Site


Palucka, Anna

CAMH - Queen Street Site


Papatheodorou, George

CAMH - College Street Site

Assistant Professor

Parikh, Sagar

UHN - Toronto Western Hospital

Full Professor

Pasricha, Suvercha

CAMH - College Street Site


Paterson, Andrew

Hospital For Sick Children

Associate Professor

Pearce, Mark

CAMH - Queen Street Site

Assistant Professor

Pearce, Michelle

UHN - Toronto Western Hospital

Assistant Professor

Peck, Jared

Mount Sinai Hospital


Peltz, Louis

Hospital For Sick Children

Assistant Professor

Penney, Stephanie

CAMH - Queen Street Site

Assistant Professor

Peterkin, Allan

Mount Sinai Hospital

Associate Professor

Peters, Lynne

Women’s College Hospital


Petersen, Maxine

CAMH - College Street Site


Petronis, Arturas

CAMH - College Street Site

Full Professor

Philipp, Diane

Hincks-Dellcrest Centre

Assisstant Professor

Pignatiello, Antonio

Hospital For Sick Children

Assistant Professor

Pinhas, Leora

Hospital For Sick Children

Assistant Professor

Polivy, Janet

Department of Psychology, UTM

Associate Professor

Pollock, Bruce

CAMH - Russell Street Site

Full Professor

Pollock, Nathan

Private Practice

Assistant Professor

Portigal, Terryl

George Hull Centre


Posel, Clifford

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre

Assistant Professor

Prendergast, Peter

CAMH - College Street Site

Associate Professor

Propst, Lara

North York General Hospital - Branson Division


Quastel, Adam

St. Michael’s Hospital

Assistant Professor

Paus, Tomas


faculty listing Name



Quesnel, Susan

CAMH - Russell Street Site


Rahi, Kahn

Private Practice


Rajji, Tarek

CAMH - Queen Street Site

Assistant Professor

Rakoff, Vivian

CAMH - College Street Site

Professor Emeritus

Ralph, Martin

Department of Psychology

Full Professor

Ramsay, Douglas

Private Practice


Ramshaw, Lisa

CAMH - Queen Street Site


Rapoport, Mark

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre

Associate Professor

Raskin, Joel

Eli Lilly Canada

Adjunct Staff

Ravindran, Arun

CAMH - College Street Site

Full Professor

Ravindran, Lakshmi

CAMH - College Street Site

Assistant Professor

Ravitz, Paula

Mount Sinai Hospital

Associate Professor

Rawkins, Sian

Mount Sinai Hospital


Read, Nancy

St. Michael’s Hospital


Rector, Neil

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre

Full Professor

Reeves, Scott

UHN - Toronto General Hospital

Associate Professor

Regehr, Glenn

UHN - Toronto General Hospital

Associate Professor

Rehm, Jurgen

CAMH - Russell Street Site

Associate Professor

Reichman, William

Baycrest Centre

Full Professor

Reichmann, Jaak

Private Practice


Reid, Sandra

University of the West Indies


Reiter, Sharon

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre

Assistant Professor

Remington, Gary

CAMH - College Street Site

Full Professor

Reznek, Lawrie

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre

Associate Professor

Rhodes, Anne

St. Michael’s Hospital

Associate Professor

Rice, Marnie

Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care

Full Professor

Richter, Peggy

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre

Associate Professor

Ridgely, Elizabeth

George Hull Centre


Ritvo, Paul

University of Toronto

Assistant Professor

Roberge, Johanne

Hospital For Sick Children

Assistant Professor

Robertson, David

St. Michael’s Hospital

Assistant Professor

Robillard, Matthew

Baycrest Centre

Assistant Professor

Robinson, Gail

UHN - Toronto General Hospital

Full Professor

Rockman, Patricia

UHN - Toronto Western Hospital

Assistant Professor

Rodin, Gary

UHN - Princess Margaret Hospital

Full Professor

Roher, Luna

Private Practice


Rolin-Gilman, Cheryl

CAMH - College Street Site


Romach, Myroslava

Private Practice

Associate Professor

Rootenberg, Jonathan

CAMH - College Street Site


Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


faculty listing Name



Rosenbluth, Allan

Toronto East General Hospital


Rosenbluth, Michael

Toronto East General Hospital

Assistant Professor

Ross, Lori

CAMH - Spadina Avenue Site

Associate Professor

Rotzinger, Susan

UHN - Toronto General Hospital

Assistant Professor

Rourke, Sean

St. Michael’s Hospital

Associate Professor

Rumm, Ellen

CAMH - College Street Site


Rummens, Joanna

The Hospital for Sick Children

Assistant Professor

Rush, Brian

CAMH - Russell Street Site

Full Professor

Ruskin, Ronald

Mount Sinai Hospital

Assistant Professor

Sadavoy, Joel

Mount Sinai Hospital

Full Professor

Sagman, Doron

Toronto East General Hospital


Sakinofsky, Isaac

CAMH - College Street Site

Professor Emeritus

Saltzman-Benaiah, Jennifer

UHN - Toronto Western Hospital

Assistant Professor

Salvendy, John

Private Practice

Full Professor

Samokhvalov, Andriy

CAMH - Russell Street Site

Assistant Professor

Sandor, Paul

UHN - Toronto Western Hospital


Sapag Muñoz de la Peña, Jaime

CAMH - Russell Street Site


Camilo JS Satyanarayana, Satyendra

Assistant Professor

Scalco, Monica

Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences

Assistant Professor

Scapillato, Donna

Hospital For Sick Children

Assistant Professor

Schabas, Patti-Anne

CAMH - College Street Site


Schachar, Russell

Hospital For Sick Children

Full Professor

Schachter, Debbie

CAMH - College Street Site

Assistant Professor

Schaffer, Ayal

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre

Associate Professor

Scharf, Nathan

Youthdale Treatment Centre


Schmidt, Nancy

Private Practice


Schneider, Richard

Ontario Court of Justice

Assistant Professor

Schofield, Sally

North York General Hospital - General Division


Schuller, Deborah

Private Practice

Assistant Professor

Schwartz, Ken

Baycrest Centre

Assistant Professor

Seeman, Mary

University of Toronto

Professor Emerita

Seeman, Philip

Pharmacology & Psychiatry Depts., University of Toronto


Segal, Zindel

CAMH - College Street Site

Full Professor

Selby, Peter

CAMH - Russell Street Site

Associate Professor

Seli-Uzelac, Antonia

Halton Healthcare Services - Dorval Site


Serin, Ralph

Frontenac Institution

Assistant Professor

Seto, Michael

Royal Ottawa Health Care Group

Associate Professor

Seyone, Chanth

UHN - Toronto Western Hospital

Assistant Professor


faculty listing Name



Shammi, Chekkera

CAMH - College Street Site

Assistant Professor

Shapiro, Colin

UHN - Toronto Western Hospital

Full Professor

Shapiro, Sergey

Private Practice


Shapiro, Solomon

CAMH - College Street Site

Assistant Professor

Shaw, Brian

Private Practice

Full Professor

Sheinin, Lisa

George Hull Centre


Shen, Jianhua

UHN - Toronto Western Hospital

Assistant Professor

Shera, Wesley

Faculty of Social Work

Full Professor

Shin, Karen

St. Michael’s Hospital


Shoichet, Roy

Private Practice

Assistant Professor

Shomair, Garry

Private Practice


Shorter, Edward

History of Medicine

Full Professor

Showraki, Mostafa

Private Practice


Shuchman, Miriam

Women’s College Hospital

Associate Professor

Shugar, Gerald

CAMH - College Street Site

Associate Professor

Shulman, Kenneth

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre

Full Professor

Shulman, Richard

Trillium Health Centre, West Toronto Site

Assistant Professor

Silberfeld, Michel

Private Practice

Assistant Professor

Silveira, Jose

St. Joseph’s Health Centre

Assistant Professor

Silver, Ivan

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre

Full Professor

Silverstein, Paul

CAMH - College Street Site


Simich, Laura

CAMH - Spadina Avenue Site

Assistant Professor

Simon, Barry

Private Practice

Assistant Professor

Simpson, Alexander

CAMH - Queen Street Site

Associate Professor

Sinha, Smit

UHN - Toronto General Hospital

Assistant Professor

Siu, Maurice

CAMH - Queen Street Site


Skilling, Tracey

CAMH - College Street Site

Assistant Professor

Skinner, Wayne

CAMH - Russell Street Site

Assistant Professor

Skorzewska, Anna

UHN - Toronto General Hospital

Assistant Professor

Sloan, Eileen

Mount Sinai Hospital

Assistant Professor

Sloane, John

Private Practice

Assistant Professor

Sloman, Leon

CAMH - College Street Site

Associate Professor

Slonim, Rodney

Mount Sinai Hospital

Assistant Professor

Small, Fern

Private Practice


Smith, Gwenn

CAMH - College Street Site

Full Professor

Snaiderman, Abraham

Toronto Rehabilitation Institute


Snelgrove, W.

Private Practice


Sockalingam, Sanjeev

UHN - Toronto General Hospital

Assistant Professor

Sokolov, Stephen

CAMH - College Street Site

Assistant Professor

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


faculty listing Name



Solomon, Leigh

North York General Hospital - General Division

Assistant Professor

Soni, Jorge

CAMH - College Street Site

Assistant Professor

Spivak, Harold

St. Michael’s Hospital

Assistant Professor

Spring, Paul

Hincks-Dellcrest Centre

Assistant Professor

Sproule, Beth

CAMH - Russell Street Site

Assistant Professor

Srinivasan, Janaki

Private Practice


Staab, Randy

Credit Valley Hospital


Staniloiu, Angelica

CAMH - College Street Site


Stefaniu, Rodica

CAMH - College Street Site


Stein, Bernard

North York General Hospital - General Division

Associate Professor

Stein, Debra

Hincks-Dellcrest Centre


Steinberg, Rosalie

Mount Sinai Hospital


Steiner, Meir

St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton

Full Professor

Steingart, Allan

Private Practice

Assistant Professor

Stejar, Dana

CAMH - College Street Site


Stephens, Robyn

Private Practice

Assistant Professor

Stergiopoulos, Vicky

St. Michael’s Hospital

Assistant Professor

Stewart, Donna

UHN - Toronto General Hospital

University Professor

Stewart, Pamela

CAMH - Russell Street Site

Assistant Professor

Stirtzinger, Ruth

George Hull Centre

Assistant Professor

Stokl, Stephen

Southlake Regional Health Centre


Strassnig, Martin

CAMH - Queen Street Site

Assistant Professor

Strauss, John

CAMH - College Street Site

Assistant Professor

Streiner, David

CAMH - Russell Street Site

Full Professor

Strike, Carol

Dalla Lana School of Public Health

Assistant Professor

Stuckless, Noreen

CAMH - Spadina Avenue Site

Assistant Professor

Styra, Rima

UHN - Toronto General Hospital

Associate Professor

Styrsky, Eva

Humber River Regional Hospital

Assistant Professor

Sunderji, Nadiya

Women’s College Hospital


Sutton, Peter

Private Practice

Assistant Professor

Svihra, Martin

UHN - Toronto Western Hospital


Swayze, Ian

CAMH - Queen Street Site


Sy, William

Private Practice


Szmuilowicz, Sharon

Mount Sinai Hospital


Taerk, Gary

UHN - Toronto General Hospital

Assistant Professor

Tait, Glendon

Dalhousie University

Assistant Professor

Tallerico, Teresa

Department of Psychiatry

Assistant Professor

Tam, Christopher

Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences


Tan, Adrienne

UHN - Toronto General Hospital



faculty listing Name



Tang, Taryn

CAMH - Spadina Avenue Site

Assistant Professor

Tannock, Rosemary

Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the UofT

Full Professor

Tarnopolsky, Alex

Mount Sinai Hospital

Full Professor

Taylor, Graeme

Mount Sinai Hospital

Full Professor

Tennen, Gayla

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre


Teplitsky, Mark

Private Practice


Teshima, John

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre

Assistant Professor

Tolomiczenko, George

University of Southern California

Assistant Professor

Toneatto, Anthony

University of Toronto

Associate Professor

Toner, Brenda

CAMH - Spadina Avenue Site

Full Professor

Tong, Junchao

CAMH - College Street Site

Assistant Professor

Trainor, John

CAMH - Queen Street Site

Assistant Professor

Trepanier, Lisa

Lakeridge Health Network - Oshawa

Assistant Professor

Trottier, Kathryn

UHN - Toronto General Hospital


Tugg, Lorne

St. Michael’s Hospital

Assistant Professor

Turner, Tyrone

St. Joseph’s Health Centre


Tuters, Kaspars

Private Practice

Assistant Professor

Tyndale, Rachel

Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology

Full Professor

Ulic, Christian

Mount Sinai Hospital


Ungar, Thomas

North York General Hospital - General Division

Associate Professor

Urowitz, Sara

Assistant Professor

Vaccarino, Franco

University of Toronto Scarborough

Full Professor

Vachon, Mary

Private Practice

Full Professor

Vallabhaneni, Madhusudana

Mount Sinai Hospital


Vallance, Denise

North York General Hospital - Branson Division


Van Reekum, Robert

Private Practice

Assistant Professor

Vasdev, Neil

CAMH - College Street Site

Associate Professor

Verhoeff, Nicolaas

Baycrest Centre

Associate Professor

Vidal, Carolina

Private Practice


Vigod, Simone

Women’s College Hospital

Assistant Professor

Vincent, John

CAMH - College Street Site

Associate Professor

Voineskos, George

CAMH - College Street Site

Professor Emeritus

Voon, Valerie

UHN - Toronto Western Hospital


Voore, Peter

CAMH - College Street Site

Associate Professor

Waddell, Andrea

UHN - Toronto General Hospital


Waese, Adam

Canadian Mental Health Association


Waisman, Zohar

North York General Hospital - General Division

Assistant Professor

Walsh, Mary

CAMH - Queen Street Site


Voineskos, Aristotle

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


faculty listing Name



Wang, Jun-Feng

CAMH - College Street Site

Assistant Professor

Warme, Gordon

CAMH - College Street Site

Associate Professor

Warner, Jessica

CAMH - Russell Street Site

Assistant Professor

Warsh, Jerry

CAMH - College Street Site

Full Professor

Wasylenki, Donald

St. Michael’s Hospital

Full Professor

Watson, Priya

CAMH - College Street Site


Weir, Heather

Private Practice


Wekerle, Christine

McMaster University

Associate Professor

Wesson, Virginia

Mount Sinai Hospital

Assistant Professor

Westlind, Paul

Mount Sinai Hospital

Assistant Professor

Westreich, Neal

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre

Assistant Professor

Whitney, Diane

CAMH - College Street Site

Assistant Professor

Wiebe, Carmen

CAMH - Russell Street Site

Assistant Professor

Wieman, Cornelia

Public Health Sciences

Assistant Professor

Wiener, John

Private Practice


Wiesenfeld, Lesley

Mount Sinai Hospital

Assistant Professor

Wilansky-Traynor, Pamela

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre


Wilkie, Treena

CAMH - Queen Street Site


Wilson, Alan

CAMH - College Street Site

Full Professor

Winocur, Gordon

Baycrest Centre

Full Professor

Wisniewska, Anna

Lakehead Psychiatric Hospital


Wittenberg, Jean-Victor

Hospital For Sick Children

Associate Professor

Wolfe, David

CAMH Centre for Prevention Science

Full Professor

Wong, Albert

CAMH - College Street Site

Associate Professor

Wong, Franklin

North York Seniors Health Centre


Wong, Jiahui

UHN - Toronto General Hospital

Assistant Professor

Woo, Vincent

CAMH - Queen Street Site

Assistant Professor

Woodside, Blake

UHN - Toronto General Hospital

Full Professor

Woodside, Scott

CAMH - College Street Site


Yeung, Danny

Private Practice


Young, Beverly

Mount Sinai Hospital


Young, Donald

Private Practice

Assistant Professor

Young, Trevor

CAMH - College Street Site

Full Professor

Yuen, Sandra

UofT Counselling and Psychological Services


Zahlan, Usama

Lake of the Woods District Hospital


Zahn, Catherine


Full Professor

Zare-Parsi, Mojgan

North York General Hospital - General Division


Zaretsky, Ari

CAMH - College Street Site

Associate Professor

Zemans, Marcia

CAMH - College Street Site



faculty listing Name



Zener, Shery

Baycrest Centre


Zielinsky, Ariel

Private Practice


Zikman, Sharon

Counselling and Psychological Services


Zimmerman, Camilla

UHN - Princess Margaret Hospital

Assistant Professor

Zipursky, Robert

St. Joseph’s Healthcare

Full Professor

Zucker, Kenneth

CAMH - College Street Site

Full Professor

Zurowski, Mateusz

UHN - Toronto Western Hospital

Assistant Professor

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


Funding PI


Adler Nevo G

Grant Title


2010-11 Amount

Start Date

End Date

OB-CBT: A modification of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Peer Victimized Youth



09/01/2010 09/01/2011

Alibhai S

Brandwein J, Buckstein R, Gupta V, Li M, Minden M, Tomlinson G

A comprehensive study of quality of life and fatigue in AML



04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Ameis S

Arnold PD, Dockstader C, Mabbott D, Schachar RJ, Mendlowitz S, Widjaja E

The White Matter Integrity and Neural Activation within Frontal-Striatal Circuitry in Childhood OCD

Hospital for Sick Children


01/01/2011 31/12/2011

Anderson Binns M, DawND son D, Damianakis T, Kroger E, Wagner L

Baycrest Research About Volunteering among Older adults (BRAVO)



07/01/2010 30/06/2011

Andrade B

Effectiveness and Moderators of Outcome of Group Treatment for At-Risk Children aged 6 - 12 with Disruptive Behaviour

Canadian Child Health Clinician Scientist Program


07/01/2010 30/06/2011

Andrade B

Effectiveness and Predic- OMHF tors of Outcome of ClinicBased Cognitive-Behavioural Group Treatment for At-Risk Children aged 9 – 12 with Aggressive and Disruptive Behaviour


07/01/2010 30/06/2011

Andrade B

Social cognitive predictors of outcome of group treatment for children aged 9-12 with disruptive behaviour

Canadian Child Health Clinician Scientist Program


07/01/2010 31/03/2011

Arnold PD

Crosbie J, Pater- Genome-wide associason AJ, Schachar tion study of childhood RJ obsessive-compulsive traits in a general population sample



04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Arnold PD

Hanna GL, Kennedy JL, Rosenberg DR



06/01/2010 31/05/2011


Brain Chemistry and Genetics of Pediatric OCD

Funding PI


Grant Title

Asbridge M

Rehm J

Atkinson L

Fleming A, Kennedy J, Meaney M, Lydon J, Moss E, Soares C, Steiner M, Wazana A


2010-11 Amount

Start Date

End Date

Cannabis and traffic colCIHR lisions: A case crossover study of patients presenting to tertiary care centres in Toronto and Halifax


07/01/2010 07/01/2011

Determinants of individual CIHR differences in maternal care


03/01/2011 29/02/2012

Bagby R

Gambling involvement, personality and psychopathology



09/01/2010 31/03/2011

Bagby R

The cognitive mediational model of cognitive behavioural therapy for major depressive disorder # Fellowship-Lena Quilty



04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Barr CL

Ickowicz A, Malone M

Investigation of Genetic Factors in Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder



07/01/2010 30/06/2011

Barr CL

Lovett M, Kerr E

Genetics of Reading Disabilities



10/01/2010 30/06/2011

Barr CL

Misener VL

Differential Gene Expression as a Contributor to Genetic Risk for Psychiatric Disorders: Creation of a RNA and DNA Resource from Brain Tissue

Hospital for Sick Children


07/01/2010 30/06/2011

Barr CL

Souza B, Bremner R

Altered Gene Transcription Hospital for of KIAA0319 as a Risk for Sick Children Dyslexia


01/01/2011 30/06/2011

Barwick MA

Bennett K, Ferguson B, Cunningham C, Schachter H

Knowledge Translation in mental health & addiction



04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Barwick MA

Schachter H, Bennett K, Ferguson HB, Tannock R, Cunningham CE, Martinussen RL, Fergusson D, Buchanan D, Chaban P

CIHR Emerging Team in Knowledge Translation for Child and Youth Mental Health



04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


Funding PI


Grant Title

Barwick MA

Ferguson B

Bassett AS


2010-11 Amount

Start Date

A Contract Between MCYS Other and CAFAS™ in Ontario to Implement the Child and Adolescent Functional Assessment Scale


04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Chow EWC, Husted J

Copy number variation and expression in schizophrenia



10/01/2010 30/09/2011

Bassett AS

Chow EWC, Husted J

Schizophrenia as a genomic disorder



10/01/2009 30/09/2014

Bassett AS

Chow EWC, Husted J

Testing association to schizophrenia candidate genes in Canadian families



04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Bassett AS

Chow EWC, Hus- Determining genomic sub- CIHR types of tetralogy of Fallot ted J, Oechslin E, Kovacs A, Silversides C


04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Bassett AS

Esplen MJ, Joshi Evaluating Genetic CounV selling for Schizophrenia


09/01/2010 31/08/2011


End Date

Bassett AS

Facilitating the transition from child to adult services

Dempster Foun- $3,333.00 dation

12/01/2010 31/03/2011

Bassett AS

Canada Research Chair in Schizophrenia Genetics and Genomic Disorders



10/01/2009 30/09/2010

Beitchman JH

Children’s agression Foundation multi-disciplinary program Fund (CAMP)


04/01/2010 31/12/2010

Beitchman JH

Collaborative care with primary care


04/01/2010 31/03/2011


04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Beitchman JH


AFP Innovation Fund

Adlaf E, AtkinThe ottawa language study CIHR son L, Brownlie and pathways to adultE, Cairney J, Es- hood: A 25 year follow-up cobar M, Jenkins J, Johnson C

Funding PI


Grant Title

Beitchman JH

McCay E, Chaim G, Cheung A, Goldstein A, Henderson J, McMain S, Rush B, Wolfe D, Skilling T, Boak A, Mann R, Cunning S, Brownlie E, Ballon B, Fjeld J, Atkinson L

Beitchman JH


2010-11 Amount

Start Date

CIHR Emerging Team in CIHR Innovations in Child and Youth Concurrent Disorders - Mitigating risk and creating effective treatments: Improving services to children and youth with co-morbidities through discovery, collaboration, innovation, and integration


04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Brownlie EB

Emerging Adult Transitions: Developmental Trajectories, Diversity and Healthy Outcomes


14/12/2010 24/04/2011

Beitchman JH

Schachter D, Mian I, Quesnel S, Strauss J, Ballon B

OMHF Collaborative Care with Primary Care Providers: Focus on Youth with Psychiatric and Concurrent Disorders: Focus on Youth with Psychiatric and Concurrent Disorders: Extending our Reach to Mt.Sinai Academic Family Health Team


07/01/2010 30/06/2011

Beitchman JH

Kennedy JK

Genetic Factors in Childhood Aggression

Howitt/Dunbar Foundation c/o CAMH Foundation


07/01/2010 30/06/2011

Bennett K

Manassis K

Mental Health of Canadian Children and Youth



07/01/2010 07/01/2011

Bennett SL

Baetz K, Baenziger J, Bickel D, Black SE, Couture JF, Fai S, Figeys D, Fraser P, Lanct么t KL, Messier C, Park D, Schlossmacher M, Slack R, Tandon A, Woulfe J, Yao Z

Neurodegenerative lipidomics: A targeted systems biology approach to integrative research training



04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Berman H

Mason R, Ross LE

Embodied Trauma: The Influence of Past Trauma on Women During the transition to Motherhood



10/01/2010 30/09/2011


End Date

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


Funding PI


Grant Title

Bernstein Tannock IF, Xu W Role of inflammaLJ tory markers in predicting disease recurrence and cognitive performance in women with locally advanced breast cancer


2010-11 Amount

Canadian Breast $113,340.00 Cancer Foundation

Start Date

End Date

07/01/2010 30/06/2011

Black SE

Caldwell CB, Gao F, Herrmann N, Kiss AJ, Lanctôt KL, Lobaugh NJ, Masellis M, McIlroy WE, Rogaeva E, Stefanovic B, Stuss DT, Swartz R

CIHR In vivo brain mapping in the dementias: a longitudinal brain-behaviour study with a focus on interactions of Alzheimer’s and cerebrovascular disease


07/01/2010 30/06/2011

Black SE

Grady CL, Schwindt G, Stefanovic B

Towards functional imaging biomarkers of Alzheimer’s Disease



07/02/2010 07/01/2011

Blumberger D

Daskalakis ZJ, Mulsant BH



04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Investigating the role of Other the D3 dopamine receptor in dyskinesias: positron emission tomography studies with [11C](+) PHNO.


15/07/2010 15/07/2011

Investigating The D3 CIHR dopamine receptor and its relevance to treatmentinduced complications in Parkinson disease: Positron Emission Tomography studies with the


02/01/2010 02/01/2013

Investigating the role of the D3 dopamine receptor in and its relevance to treatment-induced complications in Parkinson disease


02/01/2010 02/01/2011

Boileau I

Boileau I

Boileau I


Guttman M, Houle S, Strafella A


Funding PI


Grant Title


2010-11 Amount

Start Date

End Date

Boileau I

Imaging Parkinson’s Parkinson Socidisease with a dopamine ety Canada D3 receptor preferring agonist: Positron emission tomography (PET) radiotracer studies with [C11] PHNO comparison with [C11] raclopride


04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Boileau I

NARSAD Investigating cortical DA in heavy-smokers with and without schizophrenia: A PET study with [11C] FLB 457


04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Boileau I

Sensitization to dopamine OMHF replacement therapy: PET/ [11C](+)-PHNO investigation of D3 dopamine receptors in impulse control disorders in Parkinson’s disease


04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Boydell KM

Boydell KM, Cole A, Dhayanandhan B, Gladstone B, Stasiulis E, Volpe T

Communicating Knowledge Differently through Artistic Expression: The Early Psychosis Mural Project



04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Boydell KM

Cole A, Gladstone BM, Stasiuli, E, Tilleczek K, and Volpe T

Exploring the Arts as Knowledge Translation in Qualitative Research with Young People: The Early Psychosis Mural Project



04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Boydell KM

LaFreniere D, Belliveau G, Cox S

Ethical Challenges in Arts- CIHR based Health Research


09/01/2010 31/08/2011

Boydell KM

Stasiulis E, Greenberg M, Spiegler B, Greenberg C, Pole J, Edelstein K, Guger S, Dyce B

Understanding Transition to Meaningful Activity for Survivors of Childhood Brain Tumors


09/01/2010 31/12/2011

Brown S

Skilling TA

Female pathways to delin- Other quency and implications for risk assessment


04/01/2010 31/03/2011


Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


Funding PI


Grant Title

Bruce B

Snowdon A, Barwick M, Warda L, Pitroski C, Cunningham C, Bussiere G

Burchell AN

Allen V, Bayoumi A, Gardner S, Kaul R, Kennedy JL, McGee F, Millson M, Remis R, Rourke SB

Busto U

Zawertailo L, Investigating comorLeyton M, Leri F bid substance use and psychiatric disorders: An integrated approach


2010-11 Amount

Start Date

End Date

Childhood Vehicle Safety - Other Booster Seat Interventions


04/01/2010 30/04/2011

Epidemiology of sexuallytransmitted co-infections among HIV-infected persons in care in Ontario



04/01/2011 30/06/2011



01/01/2010 30/12/2011

Cafazzo J Ritvo P, Daskalakis ZJ, Bahari A

Medical Body Area Network (MBAN) Platform for Ambulatory Monitoring (AM)



04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Cairney J

Schaffer A, Streiner D, Vigod S, Wade T, Kurdyak P

Prevalence and Correlates of Unmet Need and Access to Care for Mental Health Problems: Linking population-based data to administrative records



08/01/2010 31/07/2011

Cairney J

Wells SG, Graham K, Kates N, Rehm J, Chaition M, Kennedy J, Lobo D, Menzies P, Tyndale R, Verjee Z

Ontario communities project: Using a mobile research laboratory to improve understanding, treatment and prevention of addiction and mental illness co-morbidities at the individual and community level.



10/01/2009 30/09/2014

Cairney J

Kurdyak P, Wade T

Unmet need in mental health care: exploring social determinants using intersectionality



07/01/2010 30/06/2011

Cantor JM

Barbaree HE, Blanchard R, Dickey R, Girard TA, Klassen PE, Mikulis DJ

Neuroanatomic Features Specific to Pedophilia



04/01/2010 31/03/2011


Funding PI


Grant Title


Carlisle CE

Bethell J, Rhodes AE

RBC Seed Fund for Mental Health Research

RBC Seed Fund $24,225.00 for Mental Health Research, September 2010 Department of Psychiatry Endowment Fund, SickKids

25/10/2010 31/12/2011

Carter JC

Olmsted MP, Woodside DB, Crosby R

A Longitudinal Study of Relapse and Recovery in Anorexia Nervosa



07/01/2010 30/06/2011

Cassin S

Rector N

Risk Factors for the Maintenance of Social Anxiety



07/01/2010 23/06/2011

Castel S

Cheung A, Cho S, Dyett S, Goldstein B, Lanctot K, Moss J, Schaffer A

Implementing Treatment Monitoring Guidelines for Atypical Antipsychotics and Mood Stabilizers



10/01/2010 10/01/2011

Chaim G

Buhler D, Steep, B,Smythe, C

Strengthening Families Health Canada for Parents and Youth 12 -16: A Community initiative to adapt an Evidencebased Model for Implementation with Families of At-risk Youth (SF)


04/01/2011 31/03/2011

Chaim G

Henderson, J, Guenther, S, Lebert, C

Youth and adult concurrent disorder screening in primary care.


04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Chan RK

Hachinski VC, Mayer C, Majumdar SR, McAlister FA, Donner A, Feagan BG, Wong CJ, Harnadek M, Nolan RP

Promoting Adherence to CIHR Regimen of Risk Factor Modification by Trained Non-Medical Personnel Evaluated Against Regular Practice Study (PARTNERS)


09/01/2009 08/01/2010

Charl Els

Selby P

Increasing Albertans’ Access to Medical Care for Tobacco Addition: Developing and Implementing a Shared Care, Model to integrate Evidence-Based Treatment into Primary Care Physicians’ Daily Practice


12/01/2010 31/03/2011



2010-11 Amount

Start Date

End Date

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


Funding PI


Grant Title


2010-11 Amount

Start Date

Chen R

Daskalakis ZJ, Wong AH, Kennedy JL

Mechanisms of cortical inhibition, facilitation and plasticity in humans



07/01/2010 30/06/2011

Cheung A Levitt A, Dewa C, Improving quality of care et al for youth with depression in primary care



07/01/2009 07/01/2010

Chiu W

Smith J, Wiljer D, Grady I, Dowsett I, Dunlop B, Cockburn M, Urowitz S, Zimmer H

Building Recipes and Understanding Nutrition for Cancer-survivor Health (BRUNCH)



09/01/2010 31/03/2011

Chopra KK

Gnam W, Ravindran A, Levitan RD, Levinson A, Abraham, G

Alternative Milieu for the Management of Severe Mood Disorders: A Randomized Controlled Trial



04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Chow TW

Rockwood K

When Dementia Is in the House

Canadian Dementia Knowledge Transfer Network


14/03/2011 09/12/2011

Chow TW

Verhoeff NPG, Freedman M, Pollock BG, Wilson AA, Houle S

Extension of Lundbeck Other Investigator-Initiated Trial, Open-Label Pilot Study of the Effects of Acute Memantine Administration on FDG-PET in Frontotemporal Dementia


07/01/2010 21/03/2011

Cohen NJ Pape B, Farnia F

Handle with Care in SoOther cially Disadvantaged Communities: Child Care and Families Together Promoting the Mental Health of Young Children


04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Cohen NJ Tinajero A

Learning Through Play



04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Cohn T

Electronic metabolic monitoring for patients treated on antipsychotic medication: A multi-site knowledge translation and diabetes prevention project

AFP Foundation $50,102.00

04/01/2010 31/03/2011


End Date

Funding PI


Grant Title

Colella T

Francis J, Brooks D, Grace SL, Alter DA, Bayley M, Suskin N, Prior P, Unsworth K, Oh P, Marzolini S, Abramson B, Price J


2010-11 Amount

Start Date

End Date

Initiating a current state / Other knowledge review on cardiac and stroke rehabilitation for women


12/01/2010 12/01/2011

Colton PA Rodin G, Daneman D, Olmsted M, Rydall A

Eating disturbances, depression and medical complications in girls and women with type 1 diabetes: 8 and 10 year follow-up



04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Colton PA

New Investigator Award in Clinical Research



07/01/2009 30/06/2010

Corkum P Andreou P, Barwick M, Chambers C, Godbout R, Gruber R, Hall W, McGrath P, Ravitz P, Rusak B, Stremler R, Wade T, Weiss S, Wililams M

Better Nights Better Days: CIHR Improving Psychosocial Health Outcomes in Children with Behavioral Insomnia


06/01/2010 30/06/2012

Cornish K Tannock R

Inattentive Behaviors and Other Cognition as Predictors of Later Academic Outcomes


04/01/2010 31/03/2011


06/01/2010 31/03/2011

Coyte PC

Andrews G, Health Care, Technology Baecker RM, and Place: A Strategic Bayoumi A, Training Initiative Boydell K, Cameron J, Carter M, Clifford T, Colantonio A, Culyer AJ, Dunn J, Fernie G, Gignac M, Hoch J, Holmes D, Jadad A, Krahn M, Laporte A, Levin L, Maki B, Mihailidis A, Miller F, Mykhalovskiy E, O’Brien-Pallas L, Ro


Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


Funding PI


Crocker AG


2010-11 Amount

Start Date

Nicholls TL, The National Trajectory Seto MC, C么t茅 G, Project Part I: A study of Latimer E individuals declared not criminally responsible on account of mental disorder in Canada

Mental Health Commission of Canada


04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Crooks CV

Wolfe DA

The Fourth R: Promoting youth well-being through healthy relationships

Health Canada


04/01/2011 30/03/2012

Culotti JG

Cordes SP, Kennedy JL, Roder JC, Wong AHC, Zhen M

Neurodevelopmental genetics of human psychiatric disorders



05/01/2010 30/04/2011


04/01/2010 31/03/2011


04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Cunningham J Cusimano MD

Grant Title

Ultra-brief intervention for NIH-NIAAA problem drinkers Ackery A, Ashbridge M, Bhalerao S, Clarke D, Colantonio A, Comper P, Cukier W, Cullen J, Delay D, Donnelly P, Graham S, Harris J, Hoch J, Hoshizaki T, Hutchinson M, Hwang S, Kontos P, Mann R, Morton T, Rinner C, Roy E, Schweizer T, Shlonsky A, Snider C, T

Traumatic Brain Injury and Violence: Reducing the risks, improving the outcomes


End Date

Daskalakis ZJ

Six Different Studies: Foundation Purpose is to understand Grant the brain mechanisms involved in OCD and other severe psychiatric disorders


04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Daskalakis ZJ

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) to Evaluate the Role of Clozapine Potentiation of GABA in the Treatment of Schizophrenia.


07/01/2010 31/03/2011



Funding PI


Grant Title


2010-11 Amount

Start Date

Daskalakis ZJ

Kennedy JL, Wong AH, Liu F, Snead CO

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation to Evaluate the Role of Clozapine Potentiation of GABA in the Treatment of Schizophrenia



04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Investigating the Neurobiology and Novel Treatments for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

CAMH Grant Family Foundation


04/01/2010 31/03/2011

A prospective multicenter double blind randomized controlled trial to explore the tolerability, safety and efficay of the H-coil deep transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS in subjects with major depressive disorder (MDD)

Brainsway Ltd.


04/01/2010 31/03/2011


07/01/2010 30/06/2011

De Souza Williams NI, Ol- Increased caloric intake to Other MJ msted MP, Jamal reverse energy deficiency S, Hawker G in exercising women with menstrual disturbances: Impact on bone, and menstrual cyclicity.


07/01/2009 30/06/2011

Dennis CL

Fung KP, Gagnon AJ, Grigoriadis S, Noh S, Stewart DE

New mothers in a country: CIHR Understanding postpartum depression among recent immigrant and Canadian-born Chinese women


07/01/2010 30/06/2011

Dennis CL

Hodnett ED, Ravitz P, Grigoriadis S, Ross LE, Zupancic J

An RCT to evaluate the CIHR effectiveness of telephone-based interpersonal psychotherapy for the treatment of postpartum depression


01/10/2010 31/03/2011

Devins G

Lipton J, MessDo coping styles and the CIHR ner HA, Xenocos- social climate of the treattas A ment setting influence self-concept and subjective well-being after bone marrow transplantation?


04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Daskalakis ZJ

Daskalakis ZJ

Kaplan AS

De Luca V

Methylation analysis of NARSAD 5HT and NE genes: Analysis in Suicidal Behaviour

End Date

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


Funding PI


Dewa CS

Grant Title


Developing Effective Inter- CIHR ventions for Mental Illness and Mental Health in the Working Population

2010-11 Amount

Start Date

End Date


31/03/2010 28/02/2011

Dimitropoulos G

Young K, HoffEqualitative study of the man L, Woodside experience of children B, Pinhas L of parents with eating disorders



01/01/2011 31/12/2011

Downar JD

Giacobbe P, Meschino D, Grigoriadis S, Vigod S, Mikulis D, Silveira J, Robinson G

Investigating repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) as a novel, non-pharmacological treatment for postpartum depression



15/05/2011 30/06/2011

Downar JD

Flint AJ

An open-label pilot study of neuronavigated repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation of the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex in the treatment of major depressive disorder



12/01/2010 12/01/2011

Dunn J

Hwang S, Janus M, Matheson F, Moineddin R, Muntaner C, O’Campo P

Effects of social housing on adult and child mental health: a prospective study in the GTA west



03/01/2010 28/02/2011

Development of summary benchmarks for elderly persons with mental illness

Canadian Academy for Geriatric Psychiatry/ Mental Health Commission


04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Durbin J

Durbin J

Barnsley J, Lin E, Berta W, George L, Jaakkimainen L, McMurray J

Planning Grant - Informational Continuity between Primary Health Care and Mental Health Care



09/06/2010 30/09/2011

Durbin J

Barnsley J, Lin E, Berta W, George L, Jaakkimainen L, McMurray J

Seed Grant - Identifying Performance Indicators for Informational Continuity between Primary Health Care and Mental Health Care

CIHR Meetings, Planning and Dissemination Grant


06/07/2010 30/03/2011

Durbin J

Barnsley J, Lin E Information flow between primary care physicians and mental health specialists



01/10/2011 30/03/2011


Funding PI


Grant Title

Durbin J

Finlayson B

Durbin J

2010-11 Amount

Start Date

Mental Health and Justice Toronto Central Housing Coordinated AcLHIN cess Evaluation Project


15/11/2010 30/04/2011

Lin E, Dewa C

Literature review of coordinated access to mental health care and focused scan of Ontario initiatives



01/10/2011 30/03/2011

Elbe S

Andrade B

Sustaining the Evaluation of the effectiveness of the Coping Power Program implemented within the CONNECT Program

Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth Mental Health


10/01/2010 30/09/2011

Feinstein A

OConnor P, Levine B

The development of a Other computerized battery of cognitive tests for use in multiple sclerosis patients


07/01/2011 30/06/2012

The psychological health in Mexican journalists covering the drug wars



07/01/2010 30/06/2011

Feinstein A


End Date

FentaWube H

Noh S, Adam An HIV/ADIS Intervention B, Adrien A, in Ethiopian Immigrant Husbands W, Communities Rourke S, Rueda S, Strike C



09/01/2009 31/08/2010

Fergus K

Gardner S, McLeod D, Stephen J, Esplen MJ, Warner E

A multisite randomized controlled trial of couplelinks.ca: the first online intervention for young women with breast cancer and their male partners.



10/01/2010 30/09/2011

Ferrence RG

Gotay CC, Plotnikoff RC, Raine K, Riley BL, Le Foll B, et al

CIHR Training Grant in Population Intervention for Chronic Disease Prevention: A Pan-Canadian Program



04/01/2011 04/01/2012

Fischer B Rehm J

Non-Medical Use of PreCIHR scription Opioid Anagesics in Canada: Epidemiology, Consequences, and Interventions


09/01/2009 09/01/2014

Fletcher PJ

Adolescence impulsivity and drugs of abuse



07/01/2010 30/06/2011

Fletcher PJ

Serotonin and reward-related behaviours: opposing roles of 5-HT2A and 5-HT2C receptors



07/01/2010 30/06/2011

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


Funding PI


Grant Title


2010-11 Amount

Start Date

End Date

Foussias G

Remington G

Investigations of the Phenomenology and Neurobiology of the Negative Symptoms of Schizophrenia



07/01/2010 31/03/2011

Ganguli R

Chronic disease menagament in serious mental illness



02/01/2010 31/01/2011

Ganguli R

Metabolic antecedents of early insulin resistance in schizophrenia



04/01/2010 31/12/2010

George TP

LeFoll B

Development of the Biobehavioural Addictions and Concurrent Disorders Research Laboratory (BACDRL) at CAMH (Canada Foundation for Innovation)



06/01/2010 31/05/2011

George TP

Wing V

Effects of Varenicline on Cognitive Function in Cigarette Smokers with Schizophrenia



04/01/2010 31/03/2011

George TP

Selby P, Tyndale RF

Pharmacogenetics of Nic- NIH otine Addiction Treatment (PNAT) - Subcontract from U of Pennsylvania (U01DA-020830)


09/01/2010 31/05/2011

Early Detection of AnEli Lilly tidepressant Efficacy Using Attentional Imaging Technology


07/01/2010 30/06/2011


07/01/2010 30/06/2011

Giacobbe Eizenman M, P Grupp L

Giacobbe Swinson R, Ken- A Pilot Study to Examine Other P nedy SH, Lozano the Use of Deep Brain AM Stimulation (DBS) in the Inferior Thalamic Peduncle (ITP) for the Management of Symptoms in Patients with Chronic and Severe Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder


Funding PI


Grant Title


2010-11 Amount

Start Date

End Date

Glazier RH

Barnsely J, Guttmann A, Hogg WE, Jaakkimainen RL, Manuel DG, Rhodes AE, Schull M, Steele LS, Stewart MA, Stukel T, Thind A, Tu K, Upshur RE, Zwarenstein MF

Examining the impact of primary care reform in Ontario on access to and quality of care



07/01/2010 30/06/2011

Goldstein Levitt A, Cheung B A, Schaffer A

Metabolic monitoring of adolescents with Bipolar Disorder



07/01/2010 30/06/2011


07/01/2010 07/01/2013

Grace SL

Melvin K, Arthur An RCT of women’s adHeart & Stroke H, Pilote L, Bris- herence to women-only, ter S, Stewart DE home-based and traditional cardiac rehabilitation

Grace SL

Stewart DE

Cardiovascular secondary prevention for vulnerable populations: an interdisciplinary approach to improving access to services and outcomes



04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Grace SL

Suskin N, Arthur HM, Prior, P, Reid, R, Stewart, DE

Comparing paper versus electronic transmission of cardiac rehabilitation summaries to primary care physicians: A multisite multi-method study of information flow and content



05/01/2010 30/04/2011

FMRI studies of age related differences in brain networks and brain variability



03/01/2010 31/03/2011



09/01/2009 08/01/2014


04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Grady CL

Grant D

Abbey S, Clarke H, Holtzman S, Katz J, Levy G

A2ALL Consortium - University of Toronto

Green REA

Christensen B, Bayley M, Hebert D, Inness E, Mikulis D

Cognitive and Motor CIHR recovery following TBI: Investigations of novel mechanisms and outcome predictors - Phase 2

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


Funding PI


Grant Title


2010-11 Amount

Start Date

Green REA

Sawka C, Lalonde B, Jadad A, Wiljer D, Urowitz S, O’Grady L, Friedman A, Jones J, Leonard K

Engaging Survivors to Improve Patient Experiences throughout the Cancer Journey



10/01/2010 31/12/2010

Green REA

Bayley M, Fernie G, Hebert D, Monette G, Richards C, Wodchis W

Quality of life, cognitive Other and economic impact of intensification of inpatient neurorehabilitation for TBI


15/01/2011 30/06/2011

Grigoriadis S

Ross L, Cheung A, Mousmanis P, Steiner M, Koren G, Dennis CL

Use of antidepressant OMHF medication during pregnancy and lactation: Development of an evidencebased decision tool.


07/01/2010 30/06/2011

Grigoriadis S

Kennedy SH

Clinical guidelines for the treatment of Major Depressive Disoder in perimenopausal and menopausal women

CR Younger Foundation


03/01/2011 30/06/2011

Grigoriadis S

Kennedy SH

The effect of the menstru- CR Younger al cycle on the symptoms Foundation of depression and antidepressant blood levels.


07/01/2010 28/02/2011

New Investigator Award in the Area of Women’s Health Research in Partnership with Ontario Women’s Health Council


07/01/2010 30/06/2011

Grigoriadis S



End Date

Funding PI


Grimshaw J

Straus S, Haynes Knowledge Translation R, Legare F, Canada: A National ReO’Connor A, search Network Sales A, Laupacis A, Lavis J, Godin G, Majumdar S, Johnson D, Brehaut J, Little J, Stacey D, Stiell I, Taljaard M, Tinmouth A, Tugwell P, Vaillancourt C, Wells P, Moher D, Bhattacharyya O, Zwarenstein M, Reeves S


Gupta M

Classen C, Firsten T, Lipscombe L, Donovan N, Harris-Taylor C, Jobanputra L, Price J, Rolfe D

A Diabetes Education Group Intervention for Women Living with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Symptoms of Depression or Anxiety – Phase 2



06/01/2010 31/03/2011

Guttmann A

Bromnell M, Cohen E, Hanvey L, Booth M, Manion I, Moore C, Reisman J, Barwick M

The Medical Home of Children and Youth in Canada



10/01/2010 31/10/2010

Hales S

Lo C, Rodin G

Managing Cancer and Living Meaningfully: A Pilot Study of a Psychological Intervention for Patients with Advanced Cancer



02/01/2010 01/01/2011

Hamani C

Fletcher PJ, Nobrega JN

Antidepressant effects of deep brain stimulation and the serotonergic system



09/01/2010 30/06/2011

Hamani C

Juckel G, Pascau Describing pathophysiJ, Weiner I, Win- ology to promote focal ter C therapy in treatment of schizophrenia - an animal experimental study



02/01/2011 31/03/2011



04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Hamani C

Grant Title

Deep brain stimulation in an animal model of depression


2010-11 Amount

Start Date

End Date

07/01/2010 30/06/2011

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


Funding PI


Grant Title

Harkness K

Bagby RM, Ravindran AV, Strauss J, Kennedy J, Young T, Robb J

Harvey P

2010-11 Amount

Start Date

The role of childhood ad- CIHR versity and genetic polymorphism in the serotonin and brain-derived neurotrophic factor systems in the sensitization to stress in first-onset major depression.


01/01/2011 12/01/2011

McIntyre RS

Treating Cognitive DysOther function in Clinically Stable Bipolar Adults with Quetiapine XR.


10/01/2010 30/09/2011

Heinmaa M

Pinhas L, Katzman DK, Boachie A, Jasper K, Henderson K, Buccholz A, Spettigue W, Norris M, Barrowman N, Lafrance A

A Centralized Clinical Outcome Measurement of Eating Disorders in Youth Across Ontario: A MultiSite Partnership Pilot Study

Hospital for Sick Children


01/01/2010 31/12/2012

Henderson J

Chaim G, Guenther S, Rush B, Beitchman J

Drug Treatment Funding Program (DTFP), Enhancing youth-focused, evidence-informed treatment practices through crosssectoral collaboration

Health Canada


07/01/2010 30/06/2011

Herrmann N

Lanctôt KL

An open label study of the Other safety and tolerability of ST101 in subjects with Alzheimer’s disease


01/07/2010 31/12/2010

Hodges BD

LeBlanc V, Moulton CA, Herold J

Future of Medical Education in Canada Part 2, PGME Environment Scan


07/01/2010 05/01/2011



Health Canada

End Date

Funding PI


Grant Title


2010-11 Amount

Start Date

End Date

Hogg R

Aykroyd G, Bayoumi A, Gough K, Klein M, Machouf N, Rourke SB, Tsoukas C, Smieja M, Rachlis A, Cairney J, Millson P, Calzavara L, Salit I, Raboud J, Walmsley, Loutfy M, Read S, Wobeser W, Cooper C, Kilby D, Balfour L

CIHR team in HIV Treatment Outcomes: the Canadian Observational Cohort (CANOC) Collaboration



07/01/2010 30/06/2011

Holtzman Barata P, S O’Connor B, Stewart DE

Understanding and measuring the construct of irritability in men and women



03/01/2010 31/03/2011

Houle S

Evaluation of twi new intracellular imaging agents for oncology studies with PET



04/01/2010 31/12/2010

Houle S

New radioactive probes to image the living human brain

Ministry of Research and Innovation


04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Houle S

Cyclotron Project

CAMH Foundation match CFI (not peer reviewed)


04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Howell D

Bezjak A, Devins G, Gagliese L, Leighl N, Rodin G, Zimmerman C

Influence of Beliefs about Symptoms on Symptom Intensity, Distress and Patient’s Participation in Self-Management Behaviours in Lung Cancer



04/01/2010 30/03/2011

Howell D

Jones JM, Bottorff J, Elser C, Krzyzanowska C, Fleshner N, McGowan P

Integration of a Disease Self-Management Approach in the Cancer System to Optimize Health and Living with Cancer: A Road Map for Implementation



06/01/2010 06/01/2011

Chemotherapy and mindfulness relaxation, a randomized trial.



29/04/2011 06/01/2012

Hunter JJ Cohen L

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


Funding PI


Grant Title

Hunter JJ Mehta S, Rose L, Maunder R, Fergusson N, Ethier C, Steinberg M, Burry L

Iaboni A

Flint AJ, Lam R, Banez C

The effect of depression on improvement in fear of falling and gait in a falls prevention program


2010-11 Amount

Start Date

End Date

SLEAP-Sleep, Cognition and Psychology (SLEAP-SCP): Psychological, cognitive, and sleep morbidity following the use of a sedation protocol vs. a sedation protocol and daily sedative interruption in critically ill, mechanically ventilated adults.






12/01/2010 30/11/2011

Im-Bolter Cohen NJ N

The Relationship Between Other Language and Literacy Examining Models of Development


04/01/2010 30/03/2011

IsaacMann S

Selby P

Exploring how First Nations traditional use of tobacco can be utilized as a strategy in prevention and intervention for tobacco misuse amongst First Nations youth



01/01/2010 28/02/2011

Ismail Z

Mamo D, Mulsant BH

Predicting Length of Stay



04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Jacobs L

Selby PL

Helping First Nations Health Canada Work Towards Smoke-Free Communities: Developing Relevant Cessation Practice Guidelines, Training and Community of Practice for First Nations Youth Community Leaders and Service Providers


09/01/2010 31/08/2011


Funding PI


Grant Title

Jeffs L

Hayes C, Smith O, Bell C, Mamdani M, Reeves S

Jones JM

2010-11 Amount

Start Date

Development and EvaluHealth Force ation of An Inter-profesOntario sional Competency-Based Patient Safety Educational Strategy in an Acute Care Teaching Hospital.


07/01/2010 06/01/2011

Buchman S, Catton P, Earle C, Ferguson S, Gagliardi A, Gospodarowicz M, Howell D, Jusko-Friedman A, Fitzgerald B, Harrison M, Jadad A, Sharpe M, Urowitz S, Warde P, Wiljer D

Transition to Survivorship: Translating knowledge into action for testicular and endometrial cancer populations


15/10/2010 14/10/2011

Jones JM

Catton P, Fleshner N, Howell D, Le L, McCready D, Olsen K

CIHR The prevalence and correlates of cancer-related fatigue in colorectal, breast and prostate cancer survivors.


02/01/2010 02/01/2011

Kaplan AS

Kennedy J

Genetic determinants of low body weight in anorexia nervosa

AFP Foundation $52,514.00

04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Kaplan AS

Yilmaz Z

Genetic determinants of low body weight in anorexia nervosa



01/01/2011 31/03/2011

Kaplan AS

Attia F, Marcus M, Guardia A

Olanzapine Versus Placebo in Outpatients with Anorexia Nervosa



07/01/2010 30/06/2011

Kaplan AS

Collier DG, Bulik A Genome Wide AssoCM, Genetic ciation Study of Anorexia Consortium for Nervosa Anorexia Nervosa



08/01/2010 31/07/2011

Kelly A

Carter JC, Olmsted MP

A Pilot Study of Compassionate Mind Training for Binge Eating Disorder (BED)



02/01/2011 08/01/2011

The interaction of fetal development and genotype in determining neurocognitive development

CIHR-subgrant with Douglas Hospital Research Centre


04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Kennedy JL



End Date

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


Funding PI


Grant Title


2010-11 Amount

Start Date

The role of childhood adversity and genetic polymorphisms in the serotonin and brain-derived neurotrophic factor systems in the sensitization to stress in first-onset major depression

CIHR (subgrant with Kingston Queen’s University)


04/01/2010 31/03/2011

CIHR The interaction of fetal development and genotype in determining neurocognitive development


04/07/2011 31/03/2012

Kennedy JL

2/2A genome-wide association study to detect genetic variation for schizophrenia

NIH (sub grant with University of North Carolina)


06/01/2010 31/03/2011

Kennedy JL

GABA system genes and suicidal behaviour in mood disorders # PostDoc-Clement Zai

Eli Lilly


01/01/2011 31/03/2011

Kennedy JL

GABA system genes and suicidal behaviour in psychiatric disorders # PostDoc-Clement Zai



15/02/2011 31/03/2011

Kennedy JL

Kennedy JL

Meaney M, Seguin J, Atkinson L, Wazana A

End Date

Kennedy SH

Giacobbe P, Styra R

A pilot placebo controlled, Other double-blind, randomized parallel group study to evaluate the efficacy of treatment with CLR3001 in depression.


03/01/2010 28/02/2011

Kennedy SH

Lozano AM, Giacobbe P, Styra R

Subcallosal cingulate gy- Other rus deep brain stimulation for treatment-resistant depression: a double-blind sham controlled trial


06/01/2010 31/05/2011

Khenti A

Vidal C, McKenzie K

Culturally adapted CBT for Spanish, Francophone and Anglophone Caribbeans - grant extension


07/01/2010 07/01/2011



Funding PI


Grant Title


2010-11 Amount

Start Date

Khenti A

Ravindran A, Dondertman B, Trainor J, Collins-Williams C, Ernest DK, Kobus-Matthews M, Hasan M, Diaz P, Henderson J, Mohamoud S, Sapag J

Mental health & addiction capacity building program for community health centres in Ontario



04/01/2010 03/01/2011

Kidd SA

McKenzie K

Addressing mental health disparities among marginalized groups: Learning from the most exceptional innovators in our community



03/01/2010 30/04/2011

Kim A

Noh S

Development of migration strategies and prospects for social integration: Understanding contemporary transnationalism among South Korean families



05/01/2010 30/04/2011

Kish S

Guttman M, PET Imaging Study of Hanson G, Houle Brain Vmats In Human S, Kennedy J, Methamphetamine Users Lerch J, SaintCyr J, Meyer JH, Warsh J, Wilkens D, Wilson AA



07/10/2010 07/10/2014

Klassen A

Barr R, Boydell KM, D’Agostino N,Ditmer E, Greenberg M, Nathan P

Exploring the Barriers to Successful Transition to Adult Care among Childhood Cancer Survivors



12/01/2010 12/01/2011

Kolla N

Meyer JH

An Investigation of Other Prefrontal Monoamine Oxidase-A Density in Individuals with Major Depressive episode and Comorbid Borderline Personality Disorder


06/01/2010 06/01/2011

Koszycki D

Kennedy JL, Children at Risk for Panic Bradwejn J, Fla- Disorder ment M, Gow R, Merali Z, Schneider B, Taljaard M


04/01/2010 31/03/2011


End Date

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


Funding PI


Kovacs AH

Grant Title


2010-11 Amount

Start Date

End Date

An examination of interests and preferences for psychological treatment in adults with congenital heart disease: a qualitative approach



09/01/2010 31/08/2011

Kovacs AH

Burchill L, Harrison J, Oechslin E, Silversides C, Cullen-Dean G

The development and evaluation of an internet site to enhance the transfer and transition from pediatric to adult cardiology care

Hospital for Sick Children


06/01/2010 30/05/2011

Kovacs AH

Silversides C, Oechslin E, Granton J

A Prospective observation study of the impact of first-line bosentan treatment on the quality of life of adults with pulmonary arterial hypertension secondary to congenital heart disease

Actelion Pharmaceuticals Canada


01/01/2010 31/12/2010

Kral MJ

Allen J, Wexler L, Ulturgasheva O, Hopper K

Negotiating Pathways to Adulthood: Social Change in Indigenous Culture in Five Circumpolar Communities



08/01/2010 31/08/2011

Kral MJ

Negotiating Pathways to Adulthood: Social Change and Idigenous Culture in Five Circumpolar Communities



05/03/2010 31/05/2011

Kramer D Barwick M, Bullock H

Knowledge Translation Community of Practice Linkage and Exchange



04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Kreindler D

Lumsden CJ, Levitt A, Woolridge N

Calling for Care: Cell Phones for Mood Telemetry in Adolescent Mood Disorders



07/01/2010 28/11/2010

Kristensen H

Manassis K

Anxiety Disorders in Other Children Aged 7-12 Years: Association with Neurodevelopmental Delays/Disorders and Temperament/ Personality


11/01/2010 31/10/2011

Funding PI


Grant Title


2010-11 Amount

Start Date

Kuper A

Albert M, Hodges B

The origins and development of medical education research: A sociohistorical study



11/01/2010 11/01/2011

Lam RW

Levitt A, Enns Light and Ion Treatment M, Morehouse R, to Enhance+ Medication Cheung A, et al Effects in Depression



02/01/2010 02/01/2011

Lam RW

Parikh SV, Kennedy SH

A randomized controlled Lundbeck trial of escitalopram and telephone-based cognitive behavioral therapy in working people with major depressive disorder


07/01/2010 30/06/2011

Lanctôt KL

Herrmann N, Black SE, Gladstone D, Snaiderman A, Gao F, Aviv R, Albert PR

The role of cytokine serotonin interactions in post stroke depression and cognitive symptoms

Heart & Stroke


07/01/2010 30/06/2011

Lanctôt KL

Herrmann N, Oh PI, Ma D, Kiss A

CAROTID: CAD Randomized Omega-3 Trial In Depression



04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Lanctôt KL

Black SE, Herrmann N, Williams E, Liu BA

A pilot randomized controlled trial of cholinesterase inhibitor discontinuation in a long-term care facility



01/01/2010 31/12/2010

Lanctôt KL

Mintzer JE, Rosenberg PB, Sherer RW, Herrmann N, Black SE

ADMET: Apathy in Alzheimer’s disease methylphenidate trial



07/01/2010 30/06/2011


02/01/2011 31/01/2012

Langley J McCay E, Romano D, Archie S, Cheng C, Conrad G, Manchanda R, Menezes N, Roy P, Tibbo P, Beanlands H, Dewa C, Rose D, Santa Mina E, Schwind J, Zipursky R, Aiello A, Rehder M, Gehr, M, Robinson K, Jeffs L, Norman R

Sustaining Recovery: Sup- CIHR porting the Transition from Specialized Services to Primary Care for At-Risk Youth Who Have Experienced a First Episode of Psychosis

End Date

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


Funding PI


Grant Title


2010-11 Amount

Start Date

Laposa JM

Ravindran A, Rector NA

Vulnerability and resilience to posttraumatic intrusions



04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Law S

Andermann L

Efficacy of Family Psycho- UofT Deans education in Chinese with Grant Severe and Persistent Mental Illness


07/01/2010 30/06/2011


Stress-Induced Relapse to NIH-NIAAA Alcohol in a Rat Model


04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Le Foll B

Role of ethanolamines in nicotine seeking

Heart & Stroke


07/01/2010 30/06/2011

Le Foll B

A multisite pilot study to disseminate and evaluate pharmacotherapy for alcohol dependence in convicted drinking drivers

AFP Foundation $52,515.00

04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Le Foll B

OPGRC Evaluating the Effects of Insular Cortex Inactivation in Preclinical Models of Gambling


02/01/2011 31/01/2012

Le Foll B

Implementing a laboratory Other to develop new medications for drug dependence


04/01/2010 31/03/2011


30/03/2010 31/03/2011


09/01/2010 09/01/2011


10/01/2010 10/01/2011

Le Foll B

Boileau I, Winstaley C

Evaluating the effects of highly selective dopamine D3 ligands in preclinical models of gambling


Le Foll B

Zawertailo L, Selby P

Investigating the Effects Other of Varenicline on D2/3 Receptor Binding in Brain of Tobacco-Smokers: A PET/ [11C](+)PHNO Study

Le Foll B

Selby P, Ernest D Psychopharmacology of Addictions for Primary Care Physicians and Practitioners


End Date

Le Foll B

Smoking in NARSAD Schizophrenia:Targeting Insula to Reduce Smoking in Schizophrenia


10/01/2010 10/01/2011

Le Foll B

A C11 PHNO PET study GRAND 2009 in smokers to measure the dopamine


04/01/2010 12/01/2010


Funding PI

Grant Title


2010-11 Amount

Start Date

Le Foll B

Does the insula control smoking-induced dopamine release? A TMS[11C]-PHNO study in humans

GRAND 2010


20/10/2010 31/03/2011

Le Foll B

Insual inactivation: A novel therapeutic strategy for tobacco smoking



04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Le Foll B

FAAH Inhibitors to Block Relapse to Nicotine Seeking



01/04/2010 01/04/2011

Does the insula control smoking-induced dopamine release? A TMS/ [11C]PHNO Study



12/01/2010 30/11/2011


30/06/2010 30/06/2011

Le Foll B


Selby P, Zawertailo L, Zangen A, Wilson A, Strafella A, Brody A, Boileau I, Daskalaskis J, Busto U

Le Foll B

An Integrated Approach Other to Develop New Treatment for Tobacco Dependence

Lerman C Baldwin D , Ben- Pharmacogenetics of owitz N, Bergen Nicotine Addiction A, Cinciripini P, Conti D, George T, Henry, Tyndale R


End Date

08/01/2010 30/06/2011

Levine B

Alain C, Black SE, Feinstein A, Graham S, Gryfe P, McIntosh AR, OConnor P, Stuss DT, Turner G, Ween J

Diffuse brain damage CIHR effects on distributed systems: multimodal brain imaging and rehabilitation


07/01/2011 30/06/2014

Levinson A

Daskalakis ZJ, Ravindrun A, Kennedy JL, Blumberger D, Giacobbe P

Cortical Inhibition in the Pathophysiology and Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder



04/01/2011 31/03/2012

Levitan RD

Meaney M, Davis C, Dube L, Gruber R, Hamilton J, Kennedy JL, Matthews S, Soares C, Steiner M

An Early Developmental Model of Overeating, Obesity and Executive Dysfunction



09/01/2010 31/08/2011

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


Funding PI


Grant Title

2010-11 Amount

Start Date

Levitan RD

Meaney M, Kennedy JL, Davis C, Soares C Steiner M, Matthews S, Loucks E

A Longitudinal Study of CIHR Food Reward and Obesity in Young Children: The Role of Gene-Environment Interaction


04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Levitt A

Rector NA, Rich- Treatment guidelines for ter MA, Schafco-occurring depression fer A and anxiety disorders



04/01/2010 04/01/2011

Lewis M

Manassis K

The Electrophysiology of Threat Perception in Anxious Children in Relation to

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada


07/01/2010 30/06/2011

Li M

Rodin G

Distress Assessment and Response Tool (DART)



07/01/2010 31/12/2011

Links PS

Liu P, Law S, Gender role conflict in Shera W, Tsang A Chinese and ChineseCanadian women with suicide ideation and behaviour



07/01/2010 30/06/2011

Links PS

Bender A, Farvolden P, Gnam W, Lanius R, O’Grady J, Strike C, Taback N, Bergmans Y, Murphy K

Prevention and Treatment of Acute Psychological Truma: A Case Studey in Public Transport



07/01/2010 30/06/2011

Liu F


Therapeutics targeting receptor-receptor interactions for Addiction



04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Liu F

Uncoupling the D1-D2 receptor: in search for the novel therapeutic target for antipsychotics

Ministry of Research and Innovation (ERA)


04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Liu F

Characterization of protein OMHF peptide(s) with potential dophamine D1 agonism and D2 antagonism effect in animal model of schizophrenia # PostDoc-Sheng Chen


04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Indicators of Primary Care CIHR Provided to Persons With Developmental Disabilities in Ontario


04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Lunsky Y


Lin E, Isaacs, Balogh, Ouellette-Kuntz


End Date

Funding PI


Grant Title

Lunsky Y

Weiss J, Bradley E, Palucka AM, Flora D

Understanding pathways CIHR to emergency healthcare for adolescents and adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Lunsky Y

Multidimensional assessment of providers and systems


2010-11 Amount

Start Date

End Date


04/01/2010 31/03/2011

MCSS (subgrant $39,637.00 with Queen’s University)

10/01/2010 31/03/2011

Lunsky Y

Palucka AM, Weiss J, Tasse

Other Eligibility determination tools for application entity intake process


28/02/2011 22/04/2011

Lunsky Y

Hebblewaithe C, Morris S, Carson N, Sullivan B, Bradley E, Froese L, Bricker S

Dual Diagnosis Toolkit Navigating treatment and services for primary care providers



04/01/2010 31/03/2011

MacKay SA

TAPP-C: An evidencebased approach to addressing juvenile firesetting in Ontario



04/01/2010 31/03/2011

MacKay SA

Understanding and adOther dressing juvenile firesetting: Tools and techniques


04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Treating youth firesetting: Randomized controlled trial of The Arson Prevention Program for Children (TAPP-C)



04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Measuring and reducing firesetting risk in children and youth

City of Toronto Fire Services


04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Centre for Research Development in Gender, Mental Health and Violence Across the Lifespan



09/01/2009 30/09/2013

Mah L

Neural substrates of emotional processing in mild cognitive impairment and late-life depression

Scottish Rite Charitable Foundation


01/07/2010 30/06/2011

Mah L

Rotman/KLARU International Scientific Conference on Emotion



27/03/2011 27/04/2011

MacKay SA

Ruttle E

MacKay SA MacMillan HI

Stewart DE, Coben J, Herrman HE, Wathen CN

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


Funding PI


Grant Title


2010-11 Amount

Start Date

Maki BE

Flint AJ

CIHR Team for the Development, Testing and Knowledge Translation of Innovative Approaches to Optimize Gait and Balance of Older Adults



10/01/2010 30/09/2011

Mamo DC Graff-Guerrero A, Mulsant BH, Pollock BG

The Minimal Effective Dose of Antipsychotic Medication in Older Patients with Schizophrenia: A PET Study



07/01/2010 30/06/2011

Mamo DC Mulsant BH, Rajji TK

Enhancing Psychosocial Function of Patients with Late-Life Schizophrenia: Implementation and Testing of Cognitive Behavioral Social Skills Training



04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Mamo DC Pollock BG

Optimal Dosing of Antipsychotic Drugs in Late Life



24/03/2010 31/01/2011

Mamo DC Mulsant BH, Rajji T

Cognitive Behavioral Social Skills Training



04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Manassis K

Mood Assessment via Animated Characters: Accessing the Emotional World of

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)


07/01/2010 30/06/2011

School Bases Mental Health and Addication Consortium



04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Mansfield Cheung A, J Kennedy SH, Grigoriadis S, Tomlinson G

Serum estradiol and health related quality of life in healthy postmenopausal women participating in a breast cancer prevention study: A crosssectional study



07/01/2010 31/12/2010

Man-Son- Marshall S, NaHing M glie G, Cranney M, Rapoport M, Molnar F, Gelinas I, Mazer B, Finestone H

CIHR Team in Driving in Older Persons (CANDRIVE) II Team Grant: Common cohort project


Manion I

Maunder R


Rummens JA

Angus J, Cho C, The impact of close Heart & Stroke Newton G, Nolan personal relationships and RP social support on heart failure

End Date

08/01/2010 31/07/2011


30/07/2010 30/06/2011

Funding PI


Grant Title


2010-11 Amount

Start Date

McCallum N

Maggi J, Classen C, Loutfy M, Margolese S

Development and Piloting of an On Line Support Group for Women with HIV



04/01/2010 31/03/2011

McCay E

Beanlands H, Cooper L, Hughes J, Hwang S, Karabanow J, Langley J, MacLaurin B, McMain S, Quesnel S, Sidani S, Worthington, C

Enhancement of Transitional Housing Programmes for Street-involved Youth through the Application of Dialectical



04/01/2010 31/03/2011

McGrath P

Stevens B, Johnson C, Finley A, Baeyer CV, Grunau R, Chambers C, Oberlander T, Breau L, Beggs S, Pillai Riddell R, Taddio A, Carnevale F, Mogil J, Collet JP, Warnock F, Goldman R, Scott S, Dick B

Pain in Child Health 2Strategic Training Initiative in Health Research Program (STIHR)



04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Intranasal Insulin and Ma- NARSAD jor Depressive Disorder


01/01/2010 30/12/2011

A Randomized, DoubleNARSAD blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial Evaluating the Effects of Intranasal Insulin of Cognitive Function in Euthymic Individuals with Major Depressive Disorder.


07/01/2010 30/06/2011

A Multicentre, DoubleOther Blind, Randomised, Parallel Group, Escitalopram Controlled Phase III-B Study of the Efficacy and Safety of Quetiapine Fumarate Extended Release (Seroquel XRTM) as Monotherapy in the Treatment of Adult Patients with Agitated MDD.


09/01/2010 31/08/2011

McIntyre RS McIntyre RS

McIntyre RS

Kennedy SH, Lewis G, MacQueen G, McKinnon M, Konarski J

End Date

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


Funding PI


Grant Title


2010-11 Amount

Start Date

End Date

McIntyre RS

A Randomized, 6-week, Double-Blind, PlaceboControlled, Flexible-Dose, Parallel-Group Study of Lurasidone Adjunctive to Lithium or Divalproex for the Treatment of Bipolar I Depression.



12/01/2010 30/11/2011

McIntyre RS

ADHD Prevalence in Mood Other Disorders


08/01/2010 31/01/2011

Mcintyre RS

Evaluating the Prevalance of Metabolic Abnormalities Associated with Stimulant Therapy in Individuals with Bipolar Disorder



06/01/2010 31/05/2011

McKenna Skipworth BG JJ, Tapsell R, Cavney J, Simpson AIF, Madell D

A model of care for prison mental health services

Health Research Council of New Zealand


08/01/2010 30/06/2011

McKenzie K

Institutional and structur- Other al discrimination literature review


12/04/2010 31/03/2011

McKenzie K

Youth navigators’ mental health training



09/04/2010 31/03/2011

McKenzie K

Exploration of structural discrimination in Canada

Public Health Agency of Canada


31/12/2010 31/03/2011

McKenzie K

Archie S, Noh S, Lurie S, Tuck A, Williams C, Kidd S, Simich L, Hamilton H, Tang T

A comparative study of CIHR pathways to first episode care for psychosis in three ethnic groups in Ontario


10/01/2010 07/01/2011

McKenzie K

Kaplan AS, Noh S, Toner B, Barwick M, Pollock B, George T, Hodges B, Ross L

Social Aetiology of Mental Illness: Training Grant



04/01/2010 31/03/2011

McKenzie K

Kidd S

Bringing a recovery focus to schizophrenia services through client narratives.



07/01/2010 07/01/2011


Funding PI


McKenzie K

McLean LM

Jones JM, Esplen MJ, Zimmermann C, Rodin GM

McMain S

Guimond T, Streiner D

2010-11 Amount

Start Date

Kirmayer L, Lurie Pathways to equity in CIHR S, Noh S, Rehm mental health promoJ, Simpson AIF tion and mental illness prevention for immigrant, refugee, ethnocultural and racialised populations in Canada


12/01/2010 31/03/2011

A Randomized Controlled Study of a Couples’ Intervention for those Where One is Facing Advanced Cancer



05/01/2010 30/04/2011

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Dialectical Behaviour Therapy Skills Training for Suicidality in Borderline Personality Disorder



04/01/2010 30/03/2011

Research Investment Funds

CAMH Foundation


07/01/2010 31/03/2011

McMain S

Grant Title


End Date

Meadows G

Judd P, Martin P, Effectiveness of MindSegal Z, Piterfulness-Based Cognitive man L Therapy within strategies for preventing depressive relapse for people at very high risk



12/01/2010 30/11/2011

Mehta S

Hunter JJ, Rose L, Maunder R, Fergusson N, Ethier C, Steinberg M, Burry L

Psychological morbidity associated with two sedation strategies in the critically ill



03/01/2010 28/02/2011

Menon M

The neural correlates of delusions of reference: an fMRI study



05/07/2010 05/01/2011

Meschino Israel A, PhilD lip D, Vigod SN, Levitt AJ

Mentally Ill Mothers and their Children



03/01/2010 28/02/2011

Meyer JH Houle S, Soares Claudio D, Steiner M, Stewart D, Wilson AA

Neurochemical Aspects of Depression in Women: Monoamine Oxidase A During Perimenopause



06/06/2010 06/06/2011

Meyer JH Houle S, Wilson AA, George T, Selby P

Cigarette Smoking and Prefrontal Monoamine Oxidase A (MAO-A) Binding in Health and Depression



07/01/2010 07/01/2011

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


Funding PI

Grant Title


2010-11 Amount

Start Date

Meyer JH

Major depression and stress-induced MAO-A binding in the prefrontal cortex # PostDoc-Alexandra Soliman



04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Meyer JH

SK Life Science $285,200.00 A phase 1, open label, non-randomized, multipledose study to investigate serotonin and dopamine transporter occupancy with different doses of SKL 10406 in healthy male and female volunteers

09/01/2010 31/03/2011

Meyer JH Houle S, Wilson A

Serotonin and Dopamine Transporter Occupancy in Healthy Male and Female



07/01/2010 07/01/2012

Meyer JH Houle S, Wilson AA

Placebo Controlled Study to Evaluate the Safety, Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics of BMS82036



07/01/2010 07/01/2011

Meyer JH Wilson A, Houle S

Developing Serotonin Transporter Occupancy Measures for Smaller Regions of Interest: An [11C] DASB Positron Emission Tomography Study



09/01/2010 09/01/2011

Meyer JH

Canada Research Chair in Neurochemistry of Major Depression



15/08/2010 15/08/2011

Meyer JH Matthews B

Monoamine Oxidase A, OMHF Beta-carbolines and Mood During Early Alcohol Withdrawal: A New Strategy for Preventing Alcohol Relapse


05/01/2010 05/01/2011

Mitchell I Paes B, Lanctôt KL

Canadian Registry of Synagis (CARESS)


09/01/2010 09/01/2011



University of Calgary through Abbott Laboratories, Limited for “Canadian Registry of Synagis (CARESS)”

End Date

Funding PI


Grant Title


2010-11 Amount

Start Date

End Date


09/01/2010 31/08/2011

Mizrahi R

Cross-Sensitization OMHF between Cannabis and Stress in Subjects at clinical high risk for psychosis

Mizrahi R

Mapping neuro-inflamation In Alzheimer’s disease with [18F]-FEPPA - A new ligand for the peripheral benzodiazepine receptor (PBR)

Scottish Rite Charitable Foundation of Canada


04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Mizrahi R

ASCP Annual Workshop on Clinical Trials in Psychopharmacology, travel award



04/04/2011 04/07/2011

Mizrahi R

Stress-induced Dopamine Release in Subjects at Clinical High Risk for Psychosis



01/07/2010 01/07/2011

Mizrahi R

OMHF Cross sensitization between cannabis and stress in subjects at clinical high risk for psychosis


04/01/2010 31/03/2011

CIHR Behavioural and Functional Neuroimaging Studies of Recent and Remote Spatial Memory in Humans


07/01/2010 30/06/2011

Mueller DJ

Genetics of antipsychotic-induced metabolic syndrome


07/01/2010 31/03/2011

Mueller DJ

Lipogenesis gene variants NARSAD in antipsychotic-induced weight gain in independent samples from the US and Germany


04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Mueller DJ

Molecular genetic hypothesis for predicting dose of medication, response and side effects in psychiatry



04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Longitudinal Study of Cognition in Older Adults with Bipolar Disorder



07/01/2010 30/06/2011


07/01/2010 30/06/2011

Moscovitch M

Mulsant BH

Mulsant BH

Grady CL, Rosenbaum S, Winocur G

Blumberger D, Menon M, Pollock BG, Rajji T, Ravindran A


Acute Pharmacotherapy of NIH Late-Life Mania

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


Funding PI


Grant Title


2010-11 Amount

Start Date

End Date

Mulsant BH

Complex Trials for Severe Geriatric Mood Disorders



07/01/2010 30/06/2011

Mulsant BH

3/3-Incomplete Response in Late-Life Depression: Getting to Remission



04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Mulsant BH

Giacobbe P, Ken- Sustaining Remission of nedy JL, Pollock Psychotic Depression BG, Lewis GF, Xu W



07/01/2010 30/06/2011

Mulsant BH

Kennedy J, Pollock BG

Incomplete Response in Late-Life Depression: Getting to Remission



07/01/2010 30/06/2011

Mulsant BH

Pollock BG, Lyketsos CG

Citalopram Treatment for Agitation in Alzheimer Dementia



07/01/2010 30/06/2011

Analysis of the Chilean Survey Salud y Trabajo



04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Effect of anticholinergic drugs and white matter hyperintensities on balance and gait



15/03/2010 28/02/2011

Niccols A Dobbins M, Sword W, Henderson J, Smith P, Thabane L, Dewit D, Lipman E, Milligan K, Jack S, Schmidt L, Dooley M

Optimizing the health of women with substance use issues and their children



04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Nobrega JN

Dopamine D3 receptors, hyperdopaminergia, and behavioural sensitization



04/01/2010 30/03/2011

Muntaner C Nebes R

Pollock BG

Nobrega JN

Kapur S, Fletcher PJ, RomprĂŠ PP

Behavioral Stabilizers - Understanding the concept, its underlying mechanism and potential applications



04/01/2010 30/03/2011

Nobrega JN

Hamani C

Antidepressant effects of deep brain stimulation in animal models: symptom specificity and mechanisms of action



04/01/2010 30/03/2011


Funding PI


Grant Title


2010-11 Amount

Start Date

End Date

Noh S

Resilience, acculturation and integration of adult migrants: Understanding cultural strengths of recent refugees



04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Novak M

A longtitudinal study of quality of life and depression in patients with chronic kidney disease through transition to dialysis



07/01/2010 07/01/2011


McKenzie K, George T, Hwang, Stergiopolous V

At Home Project: Mental Health Commission of Canada Homelessness project Toronto site



07/01/2010 07/01/2011

Ovens H

Maunder R, Borgundvaag B, Hunter J

The effectiveness of individualized interprofessional care plans for heavy emergency department users

Academic health sciences centres AFP Innovation Fund


03/01/2011 30/06/2011

OxmanMartinez J

Moreau J, Rummens JA, Nunez L, Icasa G, and Caneles T

Other The Migratory Factor, Its Impact on Immigrant Children and Youth Wellbeing: Multifaceted Views of a Kaleidoscope


05/01/2010 30/03/2011

PascualLeone A

Giacobbe P, Chen R, Fernandez H, Wu A, Bystritsky A

Magnetic Stimulation for the Treatment of Depressive Symptoms in Parkinson’s Disease (MASTER PD): A 4-Center, ShamControlled, Parallel Group Trial



27/08/2010 30/06/2011

Pedersen D

Lopez V, Sharma B, Piazza M, Chamindra Weerackody LP, Kirmayter LJ, Rousseau C, Young A, Guzder J, Stewart DE

Political violence, natuCIDA ral disasters and mental health outcomes: Developing innovative health policies and interventions


07/01/2010 31/01/2011

Rehabilitating youth: The impact of matching courtordered treatment services according to youths’ individual risk, need, and responsivity factors.


04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Peterson- Skilling TA Badali M


Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


Funding PI


Grant Title


2010-11 Amount

Start Date

End Date

Petronis A

Epigenomic Studies of Twins Discordant for Crohn’s Disease



04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Petronis A

Epigenomics of Schizophrenia Research



10/01/2010 30/09/2011

Petronis A

Palmert M

DNA Methylome Study in Type 1 Diabetes


Petronis A

Schumacher A, Wang S, Ravindran A, Boutros P, Mak D

DNA methylome analysis in bipolar disorder



06/01/2010 31/05/2011

Petronis A

Epigenetics of Major Depressive Disorder # Studentship-Gabriel Oh



04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Petronis A

Epigenomic studies of twins discordant for Crohn’s disease # Studentship-Carolyn Ptak



04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Petronis A

Epigenomics of schizophrenia



04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Pillai Stevens B, CoRiddell R hen L, Flora D

The Development of Behavioural Pain Responses in Infancy: Exploring the Influence of Maternal Soothing Behaviour



09/01/2010 31/08/2011

Pillai Riddell R

Suffer the Little Children: Understanding the Development of Infant Pain Reactivity and the Impact of Parental Management

Ontario Ministry $30,000.00 of Research and Innovation

04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Pimlott N Cohen C, Persaud M, Drummond N, Dalziel W, Silvius J, Hollingworth G

The Role of Family Physicians in the Provision of Dementia Care: Expectations of Patients, Family Caregivers, Medical Specialists, and Family Physicians Themselves



09/01/2010 31/08/2011

Pinhas L

Risperidone in Adolescents with Anorexia Nervosa



07/01/2010 30/06/2011


Woodside DB

09/01/2010 31/08/2011

Funding PI


Grant Title


2010-11 Amount

Start Date

Pollock BG

Greben, George, Quilty, Remington, Bagby M, McKenzie K, Voore P

Improving diagnosis of schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, personality disorders, and attenuated psychotic symptoms disorder – Integration of categorical and dimensional approaches



07/01/2010 30/06/2011

Pollock BG

Houle S, Kennedy J

Transforming lives: neuroIMAGENE, the convergence of genetics and brain imaging in mental health and addictions



16/06/2010 31/05/2011

Pollock BG

Mulsant B, Meyer JH, George T, Rehm J, Remington G, Houle S, Kennedy J

Canadian Foundation for Innovation Research Hospital Fund Project


Pollock BG

APA-DSMS Field Trial (CAMH Foundation portion)

CAMH Foundation


11/01/2010 31/03/2011

Pollock BG

Acute pharmacotheraphy of late-life mania



08/01/2010 31/03/2011

Pollock BG

Bagby RM, McK- Diagnostic and Statistical American Psyenzie K, Voore P Manual of Mental Disorchiatric Assoders, fifth edition (DSM5) ciation Field Study for Academic and Large Clinical Centres in adult populations


07/01/2010 30/09/2011

Pollock BG

Mulsant BG, Ismail Z, Lyketsos CG

Pringsheim T

Carroll A, Doja A, Diagnosis and Treatment CIHR Gorman D, Lus- of Tourette Syndrome: An combe S, McKin- Evidence Based Guideline lay D, Sandor P, Steeves T


25/01/2011 24/07/2012

Rajah MN

Grady CL, Pruessner J


07/01/2010 30/06/2011

Citalopram treatment for agitation in alzheimer dementia

Dissociating regional changes in prefrontal cortex structure and function that impact memory performance during normal aging

04/01/2010 31/03/2011



End Date

09/01/2010 31/08/2011

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


Funding PI


Grant Title


Rajji TK

Daskalakis JZ, Mulsant BH

Cognitive Enhancement in Patients with Schizophrenia Across the Lifespan: a Brain Stimulation Project

Canada Founda- $16,000.00 tion for Innovation-Leaders Opportunity Fund Ontario Research Fund for Small Infrastructure Funds

10/01/2010 30/09/2011

Enhancing Working Memory in Patients with Schizophrenia through Paired



09/01/2010 31/08/2011

Dementia and Driving in Ontario

Alzheimer’s Society of Canada and Transport Canada


11/02/2010 31/10/2011



01/01/2011 08/01/2011

Rajji TK

2010-11 Amount

Start Date

End Date

Rapoport MJ

Molnar F, TangWai D, Pimlott N, Frank C

Ravindran A

Harkness K, Bag- First-episode major deby M, Graham S, pression and treatment Ravindran L with escitalopram: An fMRI study

Ravitz P

Cooke R, Mitchell S, Rogers A, Teshima J

CE to Go: Capacity Build- Ontario Ministry $31,000.00 ing in Underserviced Com- of Health and munities Through Knowl- Long-term Care edge Dissemination

05/01/2010 30/06/2011

Ravitz P

Cooke R, Swenson R, Reeves S

CE to Go: Capacity Build- Other ing through Continuing Education in Underserviced Communities


02/01/2010 30/01/2011

Ravitz P

Maunder R, Rawkins S, Fefergrad M, Lancee W, Leszcz M

Enhancing Supervision of Psychotherapy



07/06/2010 30/06/2011

Razack S

McGuire M, Steinert Y, Hodges BD

Understanding competing Other discourses and creating dialogues about equity, excellence and diversity in a medical school admissions process in a diverse urban setting


07/01/2010 30/04/2012

Rehm J

Mental Health Commission of Canada Collaboration Agreement

Mental Health Commission of Canada


14/01/2011 31/03/2011

Rehm J

CAMH (SER) Research Unit Grant from MOHLTC

Ministry of Health and Long Term Care


04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Funding PI

Grant Title


2010-11 Amount

Start Date

Rehm J

OTRU SER Operating Grant



04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Rehm J

Alcohol and drug attributable burden of disease and injury in the US

NIH-NIAAA (Greenfield Berkley)


04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Predicting and Understanding Patterns of Service Utilization in Children’s Mental Health Agencies



04/01/2010 31/03/2012

Remington G

The Direct Effects of Other Antipsychotics on Glucose Dysregulation


07/01/2010 30/06/2011

Remington G

Atypical antipsychotics and glucose dysregulation


04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Reid G


Barwick M, Evans B, Leschied A, Neufeld R, Stewart SL, St Pierre J, Tobon J, Vingilis E, Zaric G

Cdn Diabetes Assoc

End Date

Remington G

Foussias G

Evaluation of Motivational Other Deficits in Schizophrenia in a Virtual Environment: Development of an Ecologically Valid Assessment Tool


12/01/2010 30/06/2011

Remington G

Agid O, Foussias G, Hahn M

A Phase 2 open label, dose titration study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of NBI-98854 for the treatment of tardive dyskinesia in subjects with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder



01/03/2011 06/08/2011

Reynolds CF

Mulsant BH

Advanced Center for Services and Intervention Research


Rhodes AE

Bethell J, Boyle M, Goodman D, Tonmyr L, Wekerle C

Access to Care for Suicidal Boys and Girls


Richter MA

Kennedy JL, Daskalakis D, Arnold P, Rector A, Ravindran A, Summerfeldt L

Obsessive Compulsive Dis- OMHF order (OCD): An innovative genetic study utilizing intermediate phenotypes and pharmacogenetics

07/01/2010 30/06/2011


03/01/2010 31/03/2011


04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


Funding PI


Grant Title


2010-11 Amount

Start Date

Richter MA

Kennedy JL, Levitt A, Daskalakis JZ, Arnold PD, Mueller D, Rector NA, Ravindran A

Predicting Medication Response in ObsessiveCompulsive Disorder



10/01/2010 31/10/2011

Rochon E Black SE, Freed- The Language Impairment CIHR in PPA: A Longitudinal man M, Chow TW, Tang-Wai DF Neuropsychological and Imaging Study


07/01/2010 30/06/2011

Rochon E Grady CL, Leonard C

The effect of intensity on a treatment for naming deficits in aphasia and associated neural underpinnings

Heart & Stroke


07/01/2010 30/06/2011

Rodin G

Hales S, Donner A, Esplen MJ, Gagliese L, Kurdyak P, Li M, Lo C, Moore M, Nissim R, Rydall A, Zimmerman C

Managing Cancer and Living Meaningfully: An RCT of an Individual Psychotherapy for the Treatment of Depression in Patients with Metastatic Cancer.



10/01/2010 30/09/2011

Rodin G

Minden M, Brandwein J, Schimmer A, Gagliese L, Jones J, Zimmerman C

A prospective study of psychosocial distress and palliative care in patients with hematologic malignancies



09/01/2010 09/01/2011

Ross H

McKeever P, Shildrick M, Poole J, Abbey S

Identity, Embodiment and Transplanted Hearts: A Phenomenologically Informed Exploration



03/01/2010 03/01/2011

Ross LE

Bauer G, Gillis L

Risk and resilience among CIHR Bisexual People in Ontario: A Community-Based Study of Bisexual Mental Health


07/01/2010 07/01/2013

Ross LE

Daley A, Gillis L, Steele LS

Examining pathways to effective depression treatment for sexual and gender minority women in Ontario



06/01/2010 06/01/2012

Implications of HIV status for mental health service access among gay, bisexual and transmen in Ontario



06/01/2010 31/03/2011

Ross LE


End Date

Funding PI


Ross LE

Chambers J, Sav- Access to primary care age B, Kasperski for people with serious J, Vigod S mental health and/or substance use issues: A qualitative study

Ross LE

Grant Title


2010-11 Amount

Start Date

End Date



10/01/2010 10/01/2013

Social exclusion and post- Lesbian Health partum depression among Fund lesbian/bisexual mothers: A feasibility study


04/01/2010 30/11/2010

Rourke SB

Adam B, Bacon J, Bayoumi A, Edmiston L, Gahagan J, Hogg R, Johnson A, Jolly R, Kirkland S, Klein N, McGee F, Mykhalovskiy E, Mugford G, Nixon S, Orsini M, Otis J, Ristock J

Centre of REACH (Research Evidence into Action for Community Health)



07/01/2010 30/06/2011

Rourke SB

Adam B, Bacon J, Cairney J, Jose MG, Li A, Lucier L, Rueda S, Husbands W, Millson M, Mittman N, O’Brien K, Rachlis A, Solomon P, Travers R, Wilson M

Employment and health outcomes in HIV/AIDS: A prospective mixed methods cohort study



07/01/2010 01/01/2011

Rourke SB

Adam B, Gahagan J, Hogg R, Jolly R, Kirkland S, Mykhalovskiy E, Orsini M, Patton C, Worthington C

Universities Without Walls CIHR - CIHR Strategic Training Grant in HIV/AIDS Health Research


07/01/2010 30/06/2011

Rourke SB

Adam BD, Chambers LA, Willison DJ, Worthington CA

Facilitators and barriers to CIHR engagement in HIV health research: Key communities affected by HIV


04/01/2010 30/06/2011

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


Funding PI


Grant Title


2010-11 Amount

Start Date

Rourke SB

Arbess G, McGee Positive Aging: Evidence F, Brennan D, informing the intersection Betancourt G, of HIV, aging and health Chambers L, Hart T, Karapita S, Kennedy R, Kirkland S, Rosenes R, Rueda S, Sok P, Wilson M

Rourke SB

Byers S, Dunn JR, Hwang S, Koornstra J, Monette LE, Narciso L, Sobota M, McGee F, Bowlby A, Bacon J, Tucker R, Greene S

Positive Spaces, Healthy Places - Phase IV: Monitoring and Evaluation of a Supportive Housing Intervention

Rourke SB

Kennedy R, Swan D, EvinJones J, Jose M, Monteith K, Klein M, Anema A, Fielden S, Miewald C, Weiser SD, Tucker R, Hogg R

End Date



07/01/2010 30/06/2011



07/01/2010 03/01/2011

Impact of food security on CIHR health outcomes in people living with HIV/AIDS across Canada


07/01/2010 30/06/2011

Rousseau Cleveland J, CrĂŠ- Detention of vulnerable C peau F, Nakache adult asylum seekers: D, Andermann L impact on mental and psychosocial status



04/01/2010 30/04/2013

Rousseau Rummens JA, The Migratory Status of C Caulford P, Ford- the Child and Limited AcJone E, Glass K, cess to Health Care hamilton H, Hanley J, McNeill T, Measham T, Mongomery C, Munoz M, nadue L, Ouimet M, Ruiz-Casares M, Simich L, Vanthyune K, Wazana A, Zelkowitz P



06/08/2010 30/06/2011


Funding PI


Grant Title


2010-11 Amount

Start Date

Rummens JA

Anisef P, Shields J

A Renewed Research Agenda on Migration, Diversity and Civic Participation: Prioritization - Synthesis - Transfer - Impact



04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Rush B

At Home/Chez Soi Research Consultation

Mental Health Commission of Canada


04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Rush B

Health Canada Development of needsbased planning models for subsrance use services and supports in Canada


04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Rush B

Generating and disseminating best practices in mental health and addiction


04/01/2010 30/11/2010

Rush B

Harm Reduction report for Public Health the Minister of Health Agency of Canada


20/05/2010 30/07/2010

Rush B

Interim evaluation of CCSA’s promoting evidence based system development project


04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Rush B

Impact of major depresOMHF sion on compliance with cervical and breast cancer # PostDoc-Simone Vigod


07/01/2010 31/03/2011

Rush B

CCHSP - Knowledge Broker

Hospital for Sick Children


16/07/2010 31/03/2011



End Date

Sandor P

Barr C

A Genetic Linkage Study of GTS



07/01/2010 31/08/2011

Sarang A

McKenzie K, Simich L, Kerr M, Edwards G, Patychuk D, Shakarya Y

Equipping Canadians for mental health throughout life, priority youth



07/01/2010 07/01/2011



04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Schachar Crosbie J, Arnold Exploring copy number CIHR RJ P, Scherer S, variation in Attention DefiMarshall C cit Hyperactivity Disorder


04/01/2010 31/03/2013

Schachar Crosbie J, Arnold Exploring the Genetic RJ P Architecture of ADHD Phenotypes and Endophenotypes in a General Population Sample

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


Funding PI


Grant Title


2010-11 Amount

Start Date

End Date

Schaffer A

Goldstein B, Chandler G, Levitt A

Prospective Metabolic Monitoring of Youth and Adults with Bipolar Disorder



10/04/2010 10/08/2011

Schaffer A

Kreindler D, Levitt A

Enhanced Identification of Very Early Response to Quetiapine Augmentation in the Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder



07/01/2010 28/02/2011

Scharf J

Barr CL, Cox N, Freimer N, Heutink P, Mathews C, McMahon W, Oostra B, Pauls D

Whole Exome and Target- NIH ed Sequencing in Tourette Syndrome Multiplex Families.


01/01/2011 30/06/2011

Scherer S Anagnostou E, Arnold PD, Bassett A, Brudno M, Holden J, Paterson AD, Roberts W, Schachar RJ, Szatmari P, Vincent J, Weksberg R

Autism Spectrum and Associated Neurodevelopmental Disorders: Genomes to Outcomes


Scott S

Kovacs-Burn K, Klassen T, Hartling L, Dryden D, Thompson D, Jones C, Newton A, Hofmeyer A, Ball G, GrimmerSomers K, Kumar S, May E, Barr H, Suter E, Reeves S

A systematic review of knowledge translation strategies used in the allied health professions.



07/01/2010 06/01/2011

Segal Z

Dimidjian, Sona, Beck, Arne

Increasing access to depressive relapse prophylaxis with web based MBCT



05/01/2011 30/04/2012

Seitz D

Rapoport M, Wilson K, Herrmann N, LeClair K, Conn D

Interventions for neuropsychiatric symptoms of dementia in long-term care: a systematic review



07/01/2010 30/06/2011

Selby PL

Aboriginal Smoking Cessation

Health Canada


04/01/2010 30/06/2011

Selby PL


Health Canada


04/01/2010 31/03/2011


04/01/2011 31/03/2011

Funding PI


Grant Title


2010-11 Amount

Start Date

End Date

Selby PL

Fundamentals of Tobacco Interventions Trainers’ Toolkit and STOP on the Road Workshop Adapted for on Reserve First Nations Communities



10/01/2010 31/03/2011

Selby PL

The Smoking Treatment for Ontario Patients (STOP) Study



04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Selby PL


ECHO: Improving Women’s Health


31/12/2010 31/03/2011

Selby PL

QUIT 360

Ministry of Health Promotion and Sport


10/01/2010 31/03/2011

Selby PL

Training Enhancement in Applied Cessation Counselling and Health (TEACH) Project

Ministry of Health Promotion

04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Shah R

Links PS

Prevention and Treatment of Acute Psychological Trauma: A Case Study in Public Transport



07/01/2010 30/06/2011

Shetty M

Classen C, Gupta Trauma Informed Crisis M Intervention” A treatment manual for Clinicians



04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Shorter E

Regulatory Policy and the CIHR Availability of Psychopharmacologic Agents


04/01/2011 31/03/2013

Shorter E

Who Will Regulate the Regulators? The Food and Drug Administration as a Wild Card in Drug Development



31/03/2010 31/03/2011

Shorter E

Big Footprint: The Story of Other Medicine in Toronto


06/01/2010 31/05/2011

Altering our reactions to disruptive behaviours by changing the culture of hospital towards relationship centered care


04/01/2010 04/01/2011

Shuchman M

Branigan, M


Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


Funding PI


Grant Title

Silver I

Gagliardi A, Straus S, Brouwers M, Victor J, Hoch J, Grunfeld E, Radhakrishnan A, Kennedy E, Urbach D, Finelli A, Campbell C, Marlow B

Silver I

2010-11 Amount

Start Date

Facilitating physician self CIHR assessment: Experimental, economic and qualitative evaluation of instructional tools versus peer mentorship


30/06/2010 07/01/2011

Sargeant J, Allen M, Borduas F, Grimshaw J, Lockyer J, Legare F, Sketris I, Straus S, Hill T, Luconi F, Stenerson H

Moving research forward: a collaboration of national CME/CPD and KT researchers



30/06/2010 07/01/2011

Simich L

Pickren W, Beiser M

Resilience, Acculturation and Integration of Adult Migrants: Understanding Cultural Strengths of Recent Refugees



02/10/2010 31/03/2011

Sinopoli V

Arnold PD

A Genetic Study in ChilHospital for dren Associating ObsesSick Children sive-compulsive Traits with Serotonin Transporter Variants


01/01/2011 31/12/2011

Sloan E

Driver H, Maxwell C, Brian C, Finan E

The impact of maternal obstructive sleep apnea on fetal well being and development and on neonatal health.



06/01/2011 06/01/2012

Soliman A

Meyer JH

Major Depression and Stress-induced MAO-A Binding in the Prefrontal Cortex



03/01/2010 03/01/2011

Sproule BA

Brands B

Pathways to Prescription Opioid Addiction

Health Canada


04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Sproule BA

Brands B, Rehm J, Adlaf E

Monitoring Prescription Health Canada Drug Abuse Through Community Pharmacies


04/01/2010 31/03/2011



End Date

Funding PI


Grant Title


St GeorgeHyslop P

Barr CL, Siminovitch K, Rogaeva E, Robertson J, Schmitt-Ulms G, Schlichter L, Fraser P, Mount H, Hazratti L, Bussey T, Saksida L, Vendruscolo M, Lomas D, Toth G, Favrin G, Dobson C, Crowt

Application of Genomics, Systems Biology, Chemistry and Physics to Neurodegenerative Disease.


Stead J

Wohl M, Matheson K, Anisman H, Ravindran A

Genetic analysis of the endophenotypes of impulsivity and reward dependence in pathological gambling



06/01/2011 05/01/2012

Stergiopoulos V

Dunn J, Bayoumi A, Hwang S, O’Campo P, Murphy K, George T, McKenzie K

Research Demonstration Project in Mental Health and Homelessness, Toronto Site



07/01/2009 30/06/2010

Stergiopoulos V

Coordinated Access to Healthcare for the Homeless Project



07/01/2010 30/06/2011

Stergiopoulos V

Ministry of Health and Long-term Care Career Scientist Award



07/01/2010 30/06/2011

Psychosocial/PsychoeduOther cational Intervention for People with Suicide Attempts: A Pilot RCT of Effectiveness and Individual Response


06/01/2011 31/12/2012

BDNF Promoter Methylation and Suicidal Behaviour in Bipolar Disorder



07/01/2010 30/06/2011

Towards clinical fMRI: CIHR Characterizing a rapid, multi-task fMRI battery as a function of age


07/01/2010 30/06/2011

Stevenson C

Bergmans Y and Links PS

Strauss J

Strother S

Grady CL, Graham S, Ween J

2010-11 Amount

Start Date

End Date

07/01/2010 30/06/2011

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


Funding PI


Grant Title


2010-11 Amount

Start Date

Sun Y

Daskalakis ZJ

Inhibition of Frontal Gamma Oscillations as a Neurophysiologic Endophenotype of Schizophrenia



09/01/2010 01/01/2011

Taddio A

Chambers C, Shah V, Ipp M, Pillai Riddell R

Help Eliminate Pain In Kids Team – Conquering Childhood Immunization Pain



09/01/2010 31/08/2011

Tannenbaum C

Mulsant BH, Belleville S

Querying Cognition and CIHR Pharmacologic Treatment of Urinary Incontinence in the Elderly


07/01/2010 30/06/2011

Tannock R

Chaban P, Jain U, Martinussen R

Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (competitive government contract)



12/01/2010 12/01/2011

Tannock R

Public Policy Cluster Chair in Special Education and Adaptive Technology



03/01/2010 28/02/2011

Tannock R

Inattentive Behaviors and Hospital for Cognition as Predictors of Sick Children Later Academic Outcomes


04/01/2009 03/01/2012

HARMONY STUDY (Hypertension Analysis of stress Reduction using Mindfulness meditatiON & Yoga)

Heart & Stroke


01/01/2010 01/01/2011

Toner B

Care for postpartum depression - Moving toward standards for ON

Improving $26,477.00 Women’s Health in Ontario (ECHO)

01/12/2011 31/03/2011

Trainor J

SEDI Grant

Social and Enterprise Development Innovations (SEDI)


02/01/2011 31/03/2011



09/01/2010 31/08/2011

Tobe S

Trainor J


Abbey S, Abramson B, Baker B, Irvine J, Kiss A, Myers M

Nailer W, Dewa C Workforce Advisory Com, Krupa T, Kirsh mittee and The Aspiring B Workforce: Sustainable Income and Employment

End Date

Funding PI


Trainor J

Grant Title


2010-11 Amount

Start Date

Best practices in developing culturally competent supportive housing models: A knowledge translation and capacity building project

CAMH Foundation


12/01/2010 31/03/2011



04/01/2010 31/03/2011


11/01/2010 31/10/2011

Trainor J

Armstong A

Rotman School of Management and Centre for Addiction and Mental Health Social Venture Development for Social Enterprises for People with Mental Health and Addiction Issues

Tu K

Butt D, Jaakkimainen L, Jette N, Guttman M, Herrmann N, O’connor P, Ivers N, Tierney M, Lam R

Other Validation of administrative algorithms to determine population prevalence and incidence of Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy and Parkinson’s disease




Tyndale R

txtGrantAgency- intCurrentName YearAmount


End Date


Reduced CYP2B6 metab- NIH olism influences smoking initiation and treatment response: Investigations in a rat model.


08/01/2010 31/03/2011

Development of a Case Based Clinical Online Environment for Interprofessional Education in Emergency and Critical Care Services

Health Force Ontario


07/01/2010 06/01/2011



04/01/2010 31/03/2011



01/01/2011 31/12/2011

van Soeren M

MacMillan K, Walsh M, Reeves S, Cop S, VanDeVelde S, McKenna E

Vigod SN

Grigoriadis S, Women’s decisions about Dennis CL, Stew- antidepressant use in art D pregnancy

Vigod SN

Research Training Fellowship

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


Funding PI


Grant Title


2010-11 Amount

Start Date

End Date

Vincent J

Identification of Loci and Genes for Autosomal Recessive Mental Retardation and Autism in Consanguineous Pakistani Families



04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Vincent J

Kennedy JL, De Novel Strategies for Gene Luca V, Strauss J Discovery in Bipolar Disorder



04/01/2010 31/03/2011


04/01/2010 31/03/2011


04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Vincent J

Mapping disease genes fo OMHF bipolar affective disorder in multiplex consanguineous families from Iran and Pakistan

Vincent J

Comparative functional studies of the two MeCP2 isoforms, MeCP2e1 and MeCP2e2

Vincent J

Identification of autism NARSAD candidate gens on the X-chromosome from copy number variants identified by 500K SNP analysis


04/01/2010 31/08/2010

Vincent J

Molecular genetics studies of Rett Syndrome

Personal donation


04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Voineskos AN

Oligodendrocytes, and White Matter in Schizophrenia: Biomarker Identification Using Gene Variation, Expression, and Diffusion Tensor Imaging



07/01/2010 31/03/2011

Voineskos Kennedy JL AN

Oligodendrocyte Genes, White Matter Disconnectivity, and Cognition in Schizophrenia: An Imaging-Genetics Study



04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Voore P

The mental health and addictions emergency department alliance

AFP Foundation $52,514.00

04/01/2010 31/03/2011

BDNF/TRPC Signal Transduction in Bipolar Disorder and Mood Stabilizer Action


04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Warsh J


Li P, Tseng M, Witterick I

International Rett Syndrome Foundation


Funding PI


Grant Title


2010-11 Amount

Start Date

End Date

Warsh J

Pathophysiological role of chronic oxidative stress and cation permeable TRPM2 and TRPC3 channels in bipolar disorder



04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Warsh J

BDNF-TRPC3 coupled signal transduction in the pathophisiology of bipolar disorder and mood stabilizer # PostDoc-Michael Tseng



04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Wells SG

Kennedy JL

Co-morbidity of brain CIHR disorders and other health problems-full application


10/01/2009 30/09/2010

Wennberg R

Cassidy JD, Davis K, Soklaridis S, Green REA, Hazrati L, Feinstein A, Keightley M

Post-concussion syndrome Physicians’ in professional athletes: A Services Incormultidisciplinary study porated (PSI) Foundation


01/01/2011 31/12/2011

Wildes J

Marcus M, Kaplan A

Mood and Anxiety Subtypes in Anorexia Nervosa



07/01/2010 30/06/2011

Wilson AA

Addington J, Houle S, Mizrahi R, Rusjan P

Stress-induced Dopamine Release in Subjects at Clinical High Risk for Psychosis



04/01/2010 04/01/2011

Wolfe DA

Canadian Prevention Science Cluster for Children and Youth



04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Wong AHC

Disc1 Gene-Environment NARSAD interactions in schizophrenia and depression


10/01/2010 30/11/2011

Wong AHC

Investigation Of MechaCIHR nisms By Which DISC1 Affects Neuronal Function In Schizophrenia


04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Woodside Pinhas L, DB Katzman D, Lackstrom J , Dimitropoulos G, Boachie A

Family therapy in Adolescent Anorexia Nervosa


07/01/2010 30/06/2011


Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


Funding PI


Grant Title


2010-11 Amount

Start Date

Yan Y

Le Foll B, Roder J

Role of disrupted-inschizophrenia 1 (DISC1) gene in nicotine dependence: an integrated approach # PostDoc-Yijin Yan



04/01/2010 31/03/2011

Yatham LN

Beaulieu S, Bond DJ, Cervantes P, McIntyre RS, Milev RV, Parikh SV, Ravindran A, Schaffer A, Sharma V, Wong HH, Young LT

Mood stabilizer plus antidepressant versus mood stabilizer plus placebo in the maintenance treatment of bipolar disorder



09/01/2009 31/08/2010

Yatham LN

Young LT, Bond D, Andreazza A

Brain Imaging Studies of Oxidative Stress Cascade in Bipolar Disorder



07/01/2010 30/06/2011

Zack MH

Kennedy JL, Lobo DSS

CIHR Comparative effects of a D2 and mixed D1-D2 dopamine antagonist on gambling and amphetamine reinforcement in pathological gamblers and healthy


10/01/2010 30/09/2011

Zack MH

Boileau I, Lobo D

A positron emission tomography (PET) study of brain dopamine function in pathological gamblers



25/03/2010 25/03/2011

Zawertailo L

LeFoll B, Selby P Smoking cessation in a residential treatment program: A randomized trial



08/01/2010 31/10/2011

Zawertailo L

Selby P, Kennedy Common genetic determi- Other JL, Lobo DS nants of smoking behaviour, tobacco dependence and cancer risk: A population-based analysis


31/01/2010 31/12/2011


04/01/2009 31/03/2011

Zimmermann C


Early palliative care intervention for patients with metastatic cancer: A cluster randomized trial


End Date

Funding PI


Grant Title


2010-11 Amount

Start Date

Zimmermann C

Rodin G, Krzyzanowska M, Leighl N, Mittmann N, Hales S, Lo C, Rydall A, Donner A

Randomized trial of an early palliative care team intervention for patients with metastatic cancer: Effects on aggressiveness of care, quality of death, and caregiver bereavement.



10/01/2010 30/09/2011

Dystonia Coalition Career Development Award



05/01/2010 30/04/2011

Zurowski M

End Date

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report



Addington J, Epstein I, Liu L, French P, Boydell K M, Zipursky R, (2011). A Randomized Controlled Trial of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Individuals at Clinical High Risk of Psychosis. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 125(1), 54-61. Adler Nevo G, (2011). Prolonged Exposure, Time Limited Dynamic Psychotherapy and the Dodo. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 50(5), 519-520. Adler Nevo G, Manassis K, (2011). An Adaptation of Prolonged Exposure Therapy for Pediatric Single Incident Trauma: A Case Series. Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolscent Psychiatry, 20(2), 128-133. Adler Nevo G, Manassis K, (2010). Beyond Depression. Archives of General Psychiatry, electronic letters, Dec 2010.

Professions, 31(1), 15-20. Akbar N, Honarmand K, Kou N, Levine B, Rector N, Feinstein A, (2010). Validity of an Inernet version of the Mulitiple Sclerosis Neuropsychological Questionnaire. Multiple Sclerosis, 16(12), 1500-1506. Akbar N, Lobaugh NJ, OConnor P, Moradzadeh L, Scott CJM, Feinstein A, (2010). Diffusion tensor imaging abnormalities in cognitively impaired MS patients. Canadian journal of Neurological Sciences, 37(5), 608-614. Alain C, Shen D, He Y, Grady C, (2010). Dissociable Memory- and Response-Related Activity in Parietal Cortex during Auditory Spatial Working Memory. Frontiers in Psychology: Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience, 1(0). Albert M, Reeves, Scott, (2010). Setting some new standards in medical education research. Medical Education, 44(7), 638-639.

Afshin-Pour B, Soltanian-Zadeh H, Hossein-Zadeh G, Grady CL, (2011). Mutual Information Based Metric for Evaluation of fMRI Data Processing Approaches. Human Alem A, Pain C, Araya M, Hodges BD, (2010). Cocreating a psychiatric resident program with Ethiopians, Brain Mapping, 32(5), 699-715. for Ethiopians, in Ethiopia: the Toronto Addis Ababa Agid O, Foussias G, Remington G, (2010). Long-acting Psychiatry Project. Academic Psychiatry, 34(6), 424-432. injectable antipsychotics in the treatment of schizophrenia: their role in relapse prevention. Exp Opin Pharmaco- Althoff KN, Brooks JT, Hogg RS, Bosch RJ, Gange SJ, Klein MB, Horberg MA, Saag MS, Kitahata MM, ther, 11(14), 2301-2317. Justice AC, Gebo KA, Eron JJ, Rourke SB, Gill MJ, et Agid O, Foussias G, Singh S, Remington G, (2010). al, (2010). Late Presentation for HIV Care in the United Where to position clozapine: re-examining the evidence. States and Canada. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 50(11), Can J Psychiatry, 55(10), 677-684. 1512-1520. Ahmad F, Skinner H, Levinson W, Stewart DE, (2010). Perspectives of family physicians on computer-assisted health risk assessments. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 12(2), 12-13.

Andermann L, De Souza C, Lofchy J, (2010). The Psychiatry Institute for Medical Students: More than a Decade of Success. Academic Psychiatry, 34(2), 150-153.

Ahmed AT, Blair TR, McIntyre RS, (2011). Surgical treatment of morbid obesity among patients with bipolar disorder: a research agenda. Advances in Therapy, 28(5), 389-400.

Andreazza AC, Shao L, Wang JF, Young LT, (2010). Mitochondrial complex I activity and oxidative damage to mitochondrial proteins in the prefrontal cortex of patients with bipolar disorder. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 67(4), 360-368.

Aiello A, Khayeri M, Raja S, Peladeau N, Romano D, Leszcz M, Maunder RG, Rose M, Adam MA, Pain C, Moore A, Savage D, Schulman B, (2011). Reslience training for hospital workers in anticipation of an influenza pandemic. Journal of Continuing Education in the health

Andrews SC, Hoy KE, Enticott PG, Herring SE, Daskalakis ZJ, Fitzgerald PB, (2011). Improving Working Memory: The Effect of Cognitive Activity and Anodal Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on the Left Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex. Brain Stimul., 4(2), 84-89.


publications Anney R, Paterson AD, Pericak-Vance MA, Schellenberg GD, Scherer SW, Sutcliffe JS, Szatmari P, Vicente AM, Vieland VJ, Wijsman EM, Devlin B, Ennis S, Hallmayer J et al, (2010). A genome-wide scan for common alleles affecting risk for autism. Human Molecular Genetics, 19(0), 0-0. Areemit RS, Katzman DK, Pinhas L, Kaufman ME, (2010). The experience of siblings of adolescents with eating disorders. Journal of Adolescent Health, 46(6), 569576. Arnold PD, Hanna GL, Rosenberg DR, (2010). Imaging the amygdala: Changing the face of gene discovery in child psychiatry. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 49(1), 7-10. Atkins JH, Rubenstein SL, Sota TL, Rueda S, Fenta H, Rourke SB, (2010). Elucidating the impact of social support on cognitive symptom burden in HIV/AIDS. AIDS Care, 22(7), 793-802.

system simulation game. Addiction Research and Theory, 14(6), 603-617. Banerjee AT, Grace SL, Thomas S, Faulkner G, (2010). Cultural factors facilitating cardiac rehabilitation participation among Canadian South Asians: A qualitative study. Heart & Lung: The Journal of Acute and Critical Care, 39(6), 494-503. Barata P, Stewart DE, (2010). Searching for housing as a battered woman: Does discrimination affect reported availability of a rental unit. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 34(0), 43-55. Barbara A, Chaim G, (2004). Asking about sexual orientation during assessment for drug and alcohol concerns: A pilot study. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 4(4), 89-109.

Barwick M, Kimber M, Fearing G, (2011). Shifting Sands: A Case Study of Process Change in Scaling Up for Evidence-Based Practice. International Journal of Attia E, Kaplan AS, Walsh BT, Gershkovich M, Yilmaz Knowledge, Culture and Change Management, 10(8), 97-114. Z, Musante D, Wang Y, (2011). Olanzepine vs. placebo Bassett AS, (2011). Parental origin, DNA structure and for outpatients with anorexia nervosa. Psychological the schizophrenia spectrum. American Journal of Psychiatry, Medicine, 22, 1-6. 168(4), 350-353. Aupperle, Ravindran L, Tankersley D, Flagan T, Stein NR, Simmons AN, Stein MB, Paulus MP, (2011). Prega- Bassett AS, Costain G, Fung WLA, Russell KJ, Pierce L, Kapadia R, Carter RF, Chow EWC, Forsythe PJ, blin influences insula and amygdala activation during (2010). Clinically detectable copy number variations in a anticipation of emotional images. Neuropsychopharmacolcatchment population of schizophrenia. Journal of Psychiogy, 36(7), 1466-1477. atric Research, 44(15), 1005-1009. Azar R, Paquette D, Stewart DE, (2010). Prenatal Bassett AS, Scherer SW, Brzustowicz LM, (2010). Copy tobacco exposure and cortisol levels in infants of teen number variations in schizophrenia: Critical review and mothers. Journal of Perinatal Medicine, 38(0), 689-692. new perspectives on concepts of genetics and disease. Bailey CD, De Biasi M, Fletcher PJ, Lambe EK, (2010). American Journal of Psychiatry, 167(8), 899-914. The nicotinic acetylcholine receptor alpha5 subunit plays Bedard C, Zhang HL, Zucker KJ, (2010). Gender idena key role in attention circuitry and accuracy. J Neurosci tity and sexual orientation in people with developmental 30: 9241-9252, 30(27), 241-252. disabilities. Sexuality and Disability, 28(3), 165-175. Baker L, Egan-Lee E, Leslie K, Silver I, Reeves S, Beiser M, Hamilton HA, Rummens JA, Oxman-Mar(2010). Exploring an IPE faculty development program using the 3-P model. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 24(5), tinez J, Ogilvie L, Armstrong R, Humphrey C, (2010). Predictors of emotional problems and physical aggression 597-600. among Hong Kong Chinese, Mainland Chinese and Ballon B, Chaim G, (2006). HELP!!! The health care Filipino immigrant children in Canada. Social Psychiatry

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


publications and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 45(0), 1011-1021.

lar Psychiatry, 16(6), 620-625.

Beresnevaite M, Benetis R, Taylor GJ, Jureniene K, Kinduris S, Barauskiene V, (2010). Depression predicts perioperative outcomes following coronary artery bypass graft surgery. Scandinavian Cardiovascular Journal, 44(0), 289-294.

Billingsley G, Bin J, Fieggen KJ, Duncan JL, Gerth C, Ogata K, Wodak SS, Traboulsi EI, Fishman GA, Paterson A, Chitayat D, Knueppel T, Millán JM, Mitchell GA, Deveault C, Heon E, (2010). Mutations in Chaperonin-like BBS Genes are a Major Contributor to Disease Development in a Multiethnic Bardet-Biedl Syndrome Patient Population. Journal of Medical Genetics, 47(0), 453-463.

Bergen SE, Balhara YP, Christoforou A, Cole J, Degenhardt F, Dempster E, Fatjó-Vilas M, Khedr Y, Lopez LM, Lysenko L, McGrath LM, Mühleisen TW, S Neves F, Nymberg C, Ozomaro U, Verweij KJ, Voineskos AN, Zai CC, O’shea A, Delisi LE, (2011). Summaries from the XVIII of the World Congress of Psychiatric Genetics, Athens, Greece, October 3-7, 2010. Psychiatr Genet, 21(3), 136-172. Berk M, Conus P, Kapczinski F, Andreazza AC, Yücel M, Wood SJ, Pantelis C, Malhi GS, Dodd S, Bechdolf A, Amminger GP, Hickie IB, McGorry PD, (2010). From neuroprogression to neuroprotection: implications for clinical care. Med J Aust., 193(4), s36-s40.

Blackman A, McGregor C, Dales, R, Driver S, Dumov I, Fleming J, Fraser K, George C, Khullar A, Mink J, Moffat M, Sullivan G, Fleetham J, Ayas N, Bradley D, Fitzpatrick M, Kimoff J, Morrison D, Ryan F, Skomro R, Series F, Tsai W, (2010). Canadian Sleep Society/ Canadian Thoracic Society position paper on the use of portable monitoring for the diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea/hypopnea in adults. Canadian Respiratory Journal, 17(5), 229-232.

Böger CA, Paterson AD on behalf of DCCTEDIC, Wichmann HE, Wareham NJ, Loos RJ, Rotter JI, Berk M, Kapczinski F, Andreazza AC, Dean OM, Gior- Pramstaller PP, Cupples LA, Beckmann JS, Yang Q, lando F, Maes M, Yücel M, Gama CS, Dodd S, Dean Heid IM, Rettig R, Dreisbach AW, Bochud M, Fox B, Magalhães PV, Amminger P, McGorry P, Malhi GS, CS, Kao WH et al, (2011). CUBN is a gene locus for (2011). Pathways underlying neuroprogression in bipolar Albuminuria. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, disorder: focus on inflammation, oxidative stress and 22(0), 555-570. neurotrophic factors. Neurosci Biobehav, 35(3), 804-817. Boydell KM, (2011). Making sense of collective events Bernstein LJ, (2009). Commentary on Cognitive : the co-creation of a research-based dance. Qualitative function in postmenopausal women receiving adjuvant Sozialforchung/Forum : Qualitative Social Research, 12(1). letrozole or tamoxifen in the Breast International Group (BIG) 1-98 trial (KE Ribi abstract). Innovations in Breast Boydell KM, (2011). Using performative art to comCancer Care, 7(0), 7-7. municate research: Dancing experiences of psychosis. Canadian Theatre Review, 146(0), 12-17. Bethell J, Rhodes AE, Bondy SJ, Lou W, Guttmann A, (2010). Repeat self-harm: An application of hurdle Bradbury CL, Cassin SE, Rector NA, (2011). Obsessive models. British Journal of Psychiatry, 196(3), 243-244. beliefs and cognitive flexibility in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Psychiatry Research, 0(187), 160-165. Bewell-Weiss CV, Carter, JC, (2010). Predictors of excessive exercise in anorexia nervosa. Comprehensive Bradley E, Ames C, Bolton P, (2011). Psychiatric Psychiatry, 51(6), 566-571. conditions and behavioural problems in adolescents with intellectual disabilities: correlates with autism. Canadian Bigos KL, Bies RR, Pollock BG, Lowy JJ, Zhang F, Journal of Psychiatry, 56(2), 102-109. Weinberger DR, (2011). Genetic variation in CYP3A43 explains racial difference in olanzapine clearance. Molecu- Bradley E, Cheetham T, (2010). The use of psycho-


publications tropic medication for the management of problem behaviours in adults with intellectual disabilities living in Canada. Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities, 4(3), 12-26.

Brual J, Gravely Witte S, Suskin N, Stewart DE, MacPherson A, Grace SL, (2010). Drive time to cardiac rehabilitation: at what point does it affect utilization. International Journal of Health Geographics, 0(4), 9-27.

Bradley LA, Bennett R, Russell IJ, Wohlreich MM, Wang F, D’Souza DN, Moldofsky H, (2010). Effect of duloxetine in patients with fibromyalgia: tiredness subgroups. Arthritis Research & Therapy, 12(4), 141-149.

Bryson J, Coe G, Swami N, Murphy-Kane P, Seccareccia D, Le L, Rodin G, Zimmermann C, (2010). Administrative outcomes five years after opening an acute palliative care unit at a comprehensive cancer center. Journal of Palliative Medicine, 13(5), 559-565.

Bravender T, Bryant-Waugh R, Herzog D, Katzman D, Kriepe RD, Lask B, Le Grange D, Lock J, Loeb KL, Marcus MD, Madden S, Nicholls D, O’Toole J, Pinhas L, Rome E, Sokol-Burger M, Wallin U, Zucker N Workgroup for Classification of Eating Disorders in Children and Adoles, (2010). Classification of eating disturbance in children and adolescents: proposed changes for the DSM-V. European Eating Disorders Review, 18(2), 79-89.

Burckell L, McMain, S, (2010). Contrasting Two Clients in Dialectical Behaviour Therapy: Potential Factors Associated with Different Alliance Trajectories and Outcomes: Pragmatic Case Studies in Psychotherapy. Psychotherapy Bulletin, 7(0), 246-267.

Burton CL, Nobrega, JN and Fletcher, PJ, (2010). Adolescent methylphenidate self-administration produces sensitization to the locomotor stimulating and neuronal Bravo G, Dubois M, Cohen C, Wildeman S, Graham J, activating effects of amphetamine in adulthood. PsychoPainter K, Bellemare S, (2011). Are Canadians Providing pharmacology, 208(3), 455-468. Advance Directives About Health Care and Research Busto A, Souza RP, Lobo DS, Shaikh SA, Zawertailo Participation in the Event of Decisional Incapacity. LA, Busto UE, Kennedy JL, (2010). Cocaine and Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 56(4), 209-218. amphetamine regulated transcript (CART) gene in the Bravo G, Dubois M, Wildeman S, Graham JE, Cohen comorbidity of schizophrenia with alcohol use disorders CA, Painter K, Bellemare S, (2010). Research with and nicotine dependence. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Decisionally Incapacitated Older Adults: Practices of Psychiatry., 34(6), 834-836. Canadian Research Ethics Boards. IRB: Ethics & Human Caine V, Boydell K M, (2010). Composing Lives: Research, 32(6), 1-8. Listening and responding to marginalized youth. EducaBrennan DJ, Ross LE, Dobinson C, Veldhuizen S, tion Canada, 50(5), 42-45. Steele LS, (2010). Men’s sexual orientation and health in Cameron JL, Cheung AM, Streiner DL, Coyte PC, Canada. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 101(3), 255Stewart DE, (2011). Stroke survivor depressive symptoms 258. are associated with family caregiver depression during Brook S, Robertson D, Makuwaza T, Hodges BD, the first 2 years post-stroke. Stroke, 42(0), 302-306. (2010). Canadian residents teaching and learning psychiatry in Ethiopia: a grounded theory analysis focusing Campbell C, Silver I, Sherbino J, Ten Cate O, Holmon their experiences. Academic Psychiatry, 34(6), 433-437. boe E, (2010). Competency-based continuing professional development. Medical Teacher, 32(8), 657-662. Brown J, Rounthwaite J, Barwick M, (2010). ImpleCandido E, Kurdyak P, Alter DA, (2010). Item nonrementing Evidence-Based Practices: A Transformational Organizational Change. International Journal of Knowledge, sponse to psychosocial questionnaires was associated with higher mortality after acute myocardial infarction. Journal Culture and Change Management, 10(7), 33-54. of Clinical Epidemiology, 64(0), 213-222.

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


publications Cappell J, Herrmann N, Cornish SA, Lanctôt KL, (2010). The pharmacoeconomics of cognitive enhancers in moderate to severe Alzheimer’s disease. CNS Drugs, 24(11), 909-927. Cardy JE, Tannock R, Johnson AM, Johnson CJ, (2010). The contribution of processing impairments to SLI: Insights from attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. J Commun Disord, 43(2), 77-91.

relates of Methylphenidate (Ritalin) Use in Canadian Children: a cross-sectional study. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 51(1), 17-26. Charach A, Chen S, Hogg-Johnson S, Schachar RJ, (2008). Improving Psychostimulant Adherence in Children with ADHD. Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics, 8(10), 1563-1571. Charach A, Chen S, Hogg-Johnson S, Schachar RJ, (2009). Using the Conners’ Teacher Rating ScaleRevised in School Children Referred for Assessment. Psychiatry/La Revue candienne de psychiatrie, 54(4), 232-241.

Caretti V, Porcelli P, Solano L, Schimmenti A, Bagby RM, Taylor GJ, (2011). Reliability and validity of the Toronto Structutred Interview for Alexithymia in a mixed clinical and nonclinical sample from Italy. PsychiaCharach A, Figueroa M, Chen S, Ickowicz A, Schachar try Research, 187(3), 432-436. R, (2006). Stimulant Treatment over Five Years: Effects Carter JC, Bewell-Weis CV, (2011). Non-fat-phobic on Growth. Journal of the American Academy of Child and anorexia nervosa: Clinical characteristics and response to Adolescent Psychiatry, 45(4), 415-421. inpatient treatment. International Journal of Eating DisorCharach A, Gajaria A, Skyba A, Chen S, (2008). Docuders, 44(3), 220-224. menting Adherence to Psychostimulants in Children Carter W, Grigoriadis S, Ravitz P, Ross LE, (2010). with ADHD. Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child and Conjoint IPT for postpartum depression: Literature Adolescent Psychiatry, 16(3), 131-136. review and overview of a treatment manual. Am J Charach A, Lin E, To T, (2010). Evaluating The Psychother, 64(4), 373-392. Hyperactivity/Inattention Sub-Scale Of The National Carter W, Grigoriadis S, Ross LE, (2010). Relationship Longitudinal Survey Of Children And Youth (NLSCY). distress and depression in postpartum women: Literature Health Reports, 21(21), 1-8. review and introduction of a Conjoint Interpersonal Charach A, Skyba A, Cook L, Antle BJ, (2006). Using Psychotherapy Intervention. Archives of Women’s Mental Stimulant Medication for Children with ADHD: What Health, 13(3), 279-284. Do Parents Say? A Brief Report. Journal of the Canadian Castel S, Patyk I, Allen A, (2010). Severe psychotic Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 15(2), 72-83. symptoms related to interaction of aripiprazole and clozapine. Case report. International Journal of Neuropsycho- Charach A, Volpe T, Gearing R, Boydell K, (2008). A Theoretical Approach to Medication Adherence for pharmacology, 1306(89), 04-014. Children and Youth with Psychiatric Disorders. Harvard Chakraborty A, McKenzie K, Hajat S, Stansfeld S, Review of Psychiatry, 16(2), 126-135. (2010). Racism, mental illness and social support in the Charach A, Yeung E, Climans T, Lillie E, (2011). UK. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 45(12), Childhood Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and 1115-1124. Future Substance Use Disorders: Comparative MetaCharach A, (2008). Theoretical Models of Health Beanalyses. Journal of American Academy of Child Adolescent havior: Understanding Treatment Adherence in Children Psychiatry, 50(1), 9-21. with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Psychiatric Charbonneau M, Moss P, Abbey S, Baici W, Dabby L, Times, 25(11), 48-51. Gautum M, Tranulis C, (2010). The psychiatrist’s role in Charach A, Cao H, Schachar R, To T, (2006). Coraddressing stigma and discrimination. Canadian Journal of


publications Psychiatry, 55(11), 1-2.

agranulocytosis. Curr Psychiatry Rep, 13(2), 156-165.

Cheng C, Dewa CS, Goering P, (2011). The Matryoshka Project: Lessons learned about Early Intervention in Psychosis Program Development. Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 5(1), 64-69.

Chu JA, Dell PF, Van der Hart O, Carde単a E, Barach PM, Somer E, Loewenstein RJ, Brand B, Golston JC, Courtois CA, Bowman ES, Classen C, Dorahy M, Sar V, Gelinas DJ, Fine CG, Paulsen S, Kluft RP, Dalenberg CJ, Jacobson-Levy M, Nijenhuis ERS, Boon S, Chefetz RA, Middleton W, Ross CA, Howell E, Goodwin G, Coons PM, Frankel AS, Steele K, Gold SN, Gast U, Young LM, Twombly J, (2011). Guidelines for treating dissociative identity disorder in adults, 3rd revision. Journal of Trauma & Dissociation, 12(0), 115-187.

Cheung A, Mayes T, Levitt A, Schaffer A, Michalak E, Kiss A, Elmslie G, (2010). Anxiety as a Predictor of Treatment Outcome in Children and Adolescents with Depression. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology, 20(3), 211-216.

Chevrier A, Schachar, RJ, (2010). Error detection in the Clarke DE, Ko JY, Kuhl EA, van Reekum R, Salvador stop signal task. Neuroimage, 1(53), 664-673. R, Marin RS, (2011). Are the available apathy measures reliable and valid? A review of the psychometric eviChik HM, Calamari JE, Rector NA, Woodward JL, dence. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 70(x), 73-97. (2010). What do low-beliefs obsessive-compulsive disorder subgroups believe? An Evaluation of Metacogni- Classen C, Palesh OG, Cavanaugh CE, Koopman C, tion and Not Just Right Experiences. Journal of Anxiety Kaupp JW, Kraemer HC, Aggarwal R, Spiegel D, (2011). Disorders, 0(24), 837-846. Group therapy for survivors of childhood sexual abuse: A Chivers M, Pittini R, Grigoriadis S, Villegas L, Ross L, randomized controlled trial. Psychological Trauma: Theory, (2010). The relationship between sexual functioning and Research, Practice & Policy, 3(1), 84-93. depressive symptomatology in postpartum women: A pilot study. J Sex Med, 8(3), 792-799.

Cohen NJ, Farnia F, (2011). Social-emotional adjustment and attachment in children adopted from China: Processes and predictors of change. International Journal of Behavioural Development, 35(1), 67-77.

Chow EWC, Ho A, Wei C, Voormolen EHJ, Crawley A, Bassett AS, (2011). Association of schizophrenia in 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome and gray matter volumetric Cohen-Woods S, Craig I, Gaysina D, Gray J, Gudeficits in the superior temporal gyrus. American Journal of nasinghe C, Craddock N, Elkin A, Jones L, Kennedy Psychiatry, 168(5), 522-529. J, King N, Korszun A, Knight J, Owen M, Parikh S, Chow T, Graff-Guerrero A, NPG Verhoeff, MA Binns, Strauss J, Sterne A, Tozzi F, Perry J, Muglia P, Vincent DF Tang-Wai, M Freedman, M Masellis, SE Black, AA J, McGuffin P, Farmer A, (2010). The bipolar association case control study (BACCS) and meta-analysis: No Wilson, S Houle, BG Pollock, (2011). An Open-Label association with the 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate Study of the Short-Term Effects of Memantine on FDG-PET in Frontotemporal Dementia. Neuropsychiatric reductase gene and bipolar disorder. Am J Med Genet B (Neuropsychiatric Genetics), 153B(7), 1298-1304. Diseases and Treatment, 0(0), 0-0. Chow W, Law S, Andermann L, Yang J, Leszcz MC, Wong J, Sadavoy J, (2010). Multi-Family Psycho-education Group for Assertive Community Treatment Clients and Families of Culturally Diverse Background: A Pilot Study. Community Mental Health Journal, 46(4), 364-371.

Constantino MJ, Schwaiger EM, Smith JZ, DeGeorge J, McBride C, Ravitz P, Zuroff DC, (2010). Patient Interpersonal Impacts and the Early Therapeutic Alliance in Interpersonal Therapy. Psychotherapy Theory, Research, Practice, Training, 47(3), 418-424.

Chowdhury NI, Remington G, Kennedy JL, (2011). Genetics of antipsychotic-induced side effects and

Corkum P, McGonnell M, Schachar R, (2010). Factors affecting academic achievement in children with ADHD.

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


publications Journal of Applied Research on Learning, 3(9). Costain G, Ho A, Crawley AP, Mikulis DJ, Brzustowicz LM, Chow EWC, Bassett AS, (2010). Reduced gray matter in the anterior cingulate gyrus in familial schizophrenia: A preliminary report. Schizophrenia Research, 122(1), 81-84. Costain G, Silversides C, Marshall CR, Shago M, Costain N, Bassett AS, (2011). 13q13.1-q13.2 deletion in tetralogy of Fallot: Clinical report and a literature review. International Journal of Cardiology, 146(2), 134-139.

equal protection and equivalent access to mental health services across Canada?. Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health, 29(2), 47-54. Crooks CV, Scott K, Ellis WE, Wolfe DA, (2011). Impact of a universal school-based violence prevention program on violent delinquency: Distinctive benefits for youth with maltreatment histories. Child Abuse & Neglect, 35(6), 393-400.

Culo S, Mulsant BH, Rosen J, Mazumdar S, Blakesley RE, Houck PR, Pollock, BG, (2010). Treating neuropsychiatric symptoms in dementia with Lewy bodies: A Costello MJ, Sproule BA, Victor JC, Leatherdale ST, randomized controlled-trial. Alzheimer Disease & AssociZawertailo L, Selby P, (2011). Effectiveness of pharmacist ated Disorders, 24(4), 360-364. counseling combined with nicotine replacement therapy: A pragmatic randomized trial with 6,987 smokers. Cancer Cunningham J, Selby P, (2010). Future Intentions Causes and Control, 22(0), 167-180. Regarding Quitting and Reducing Cigarette Use in a Representative Sample of Canadian Daily Smokers: Court JPM, (2011). Introducing Darwinism to Toronto’s Implications for Public Health Initiatives. Int. J. Environ. Post-1887 Reconstituted Medical School. Canadian Res. Public Health, 7(7), 2896-2902. Bulletin of Medical History, 28(1), 191-212. Czira ME, Lindner AV, Szeifert L, Molnar MZ, Fornadi Crane J, Fagerness J, Osiecki L, Gunnell B, Stewart SE, K, Kelemen A, Laszlo G, Mucsi I, Keszei AP, Kennedy Pauls DL, Scharf JM Tourette Syndrome International SH, Novak M, (2011). Association between the MalnuConsortium for Genetics TSAICG, (2011). Family-based trition-Inflammation Score and depressive symptoms in genetic association study of DLGAP3 in Tourette Synkidney transplanted patients. General Hospital Psychiatry, drome. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet., 156(1), 33(2), 157-165. 108-114. Dang K, Waddell AE, Lofchy J, (2010). Teaching to Crawford A, (2010). If ‘the body keeps the score’: Map- Teach in Toronto. Academic Psychiatry, 34(4), 277-281. ping the dissociated body in trauma theory and intervention. University of Toronto Quarterly Press, 79(2), 702-719. Dart RC, Green JL, Kuffner EK, Heard K, Sproule B, Brands B, (2010). The effects of paracetamol (acetaminoCrawford A, Benoit D, (2009). Disorganizing caregiver phen) on hepatic tests in patients who chronically abuse representations of their unborn child: Associations with alcohol - a randomized study. Aliment Pharmacol Ther, caregiver unresolved attachment, infant disorganized 32(3), 478-486. attachment, and disrupted caregiver-infant interactions. Infant Mental Health Journal, 30(2), 124-144. Davis C, (2010). “”Emotions and Eating Behaviour: Implications for the Current Obesity Epidemic”. The Croakin PE, Levinson AJ, Daskalakis ZJ, (2011). University of Toronto Quarterly, 79(2), 783-799. Evidence for GABAergic Inhibitory Deficits in Major Depressive Disorder. Neurosci Biobehav Rev, 35(3), 818De Almeida EA, Di Mascio P, Harumi T, Spence DW, 825. Moscovitch A, Hardeland R, Cardinali DP, Brown GM, Pandi-Perumal SR, (2011). Measurement of melatonin in Crocker AG, Nicholls TL, Côté G, Latimer E, Seto body fluids: Standards, protocols and procedures. Childs MC, (2010). Individuals found Not Criminally Respon- Nervous System, 27(6), 879-891. sible on account of Mental Disorder: Are we providing


publications De Jesus DR, Gil A, Barbosa L, Lobato MI , Magalhães PVS, Favalli GPS, Marcolin MA, Daskalakis ZJ, Belmonte-de-Abreu PS, (2011). A pilot double-blind sham-controlled trial of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation for patients with refractory schizophrenia. Psychiatry Research, 188(2), 203-207.

Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 2(1), 37-46.

De Luca V, Souza RP, Zai CC, Panariello F, Javaid N, Strauss J, Kennedy JL, Tallerico T, Wong AH, (2011). Parent of origin effect and differential allelic expression of BDNF Val66Met in suicidal behaviour. World J Biol Psychiatry., 12(1), 42-47.

Diaz-Granados N, McDermott S, wang F, PosadaVilla J, Saavedra J, Rondon M, DesMeules M, Dorado L, Torres Y, Stewart DE, (2011). Monitoring gender equity in mental health in a low, middle, and high income country in the Americas. Psychiatric Services, 62(5), 516524.

Diaconescu A, Menon M, Jensen J, Kapur S, McIntosh AR, (2010). Dopamine-induced changes in neural network patterns supporting aversive conditioning. Brain Research, 1313(0), 143-161.

De Souza C, Stirtzinger R, (2000). School Based InterDick BD, Pillai Riddell R, (2010). Cognitive and school ventions for Children with Antisocial Behaviour. Youth Update: A publication of the Institute for the study of Antisocial functioning in children and adolescents with chronic pain: A critical review. Journal of Pain Research and Manbehaviour in Youth, 18(2), 4-5. agement, 15(4), 238-244. Dellava JE, Thornton LM, Hamer RM, Strober, M, Plotnicov K, Klump KL, Brandt H, Crawford S, Fichter Dockstader C, Cheyne D, Tannock R, (2010). Cortical MM, Halmi KA, Jones I, Johnson C, Kaplan AS, LaVia dynamics of selective attention to somatosensory events. NeuroImage, 49(2), 1777-1785. M, Mitchell J, Rotondo A, Treasure J, Woodside DB, Berrettini WH, Kaye WH, Bulik CM, (2010). ChildDosReis S, Barksdale, C, Sherman, A, Maloney, K, hood anxiety associated with low BMI in women with Charach, A, (2010). Stigmatizing Experiences of Parents Anorexia Nervosa. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 48(1), of Children Who are Newly Diagnosed with ADHD. 60-67. Psychiatric Services, 61(8), 811-816. Derman Y, Arenovich T, Strauss J, (2010). Speech recognition software and electronic psychiatric progress notes: physicians’ ratings and preferences. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 10(0), 44-44. Dewa CS, Chau N, Dermer SW, (2010). Examining the Comparative Incidence and Costs of Physical and Mental Health Related Disabilities in an Employed Population. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 52(7), 758-762. Dewa CS, Jacobson N, Durbin J, Lin E, Zipursky RB, Goering P, (2010). Examining the Effects of Enhanced Funding for Specialized Community Mental Health Programs on Continuity of Care. Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health, 29(5), 23-40. Dewa CS, Thompson AH, Jacobs P, (2011). Relationships Between Job Stress and Worker Perceived Responsibilities and Job Characteristics. International Journal of

Dowlati Y, Herrmann N, Oh P, Lui H, Sham L, Reim EK, Lanctôt KL, (2010). A meta-analysis of cytokines in major depression. Biological Psychiatry, 67(5), 446-457. Dowlati Y, Herrmann N, Swardfager W, Thomson S, Oh P, Van Uum S, Koren G, Lanctôt KL, (2010). Relationship between hair cortisol concentrations and depressive symptoms in patients with coronary artery disease. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 6(0), 393-400. Dubiela FP, Oliveira, MGM, Moreira, KD, Nobrega, JN, Tufik, S and Hipólide, DC, (2010). Inverse benzodiazepine agonist beta-CCM does not reverse learning deficit induced by sleep deprivation. Neuroscience Letters, 469(1), 169-173. Durbin J, Lin E, Zaslavska N, (2010). Police-citizen encounters that involve mental health concerns: Results of an Ontario police services survey. Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health, 29(5), 53-71.

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


publications Eke AW, Hilton NZ, Harris GT, Rice ME, Houghton RE, (2011). Intimate partner homicide: Risk assessment and prospects for prediction. Journal of Family Violence, 26(0), 211-216. Eke AW, Hilton NZ, Meloy JR, Mohandie, K, Williams J, (2011). Predictors of recidivism by stalkers: A nine-year follow-up of police contacts. Behavioral Sciences and the Law, 29(0), 271-283.

and adjunctive therapy in the maintenance treatment of bipolar I disorder. Expert Opin Pharmacother, 11(10), 1727-1740. Farb N, Anderson, A, Mayberg, H, (2010). Mindfulness training alters neural response to sad mood provocation in a mixed clinical sample. Emotion, 10(4), 25-33.

Farzan F, Barr MS, Levinson AJ, Wong W, Chen R, Fitzgerald PB, Daskalakis ZJ, (2010). Evidence for Elbert A, Lovett MW, Cate-Carter T, Pitch A, Kerr Gamma Inhibition Deficits in the Dorsolateral Prefrontal EN, Barr CL, (2011). Genetic variation in the KIAA0319 Cortex of Patients with Schizophrenia. Brain, 133(5), 5’ region as a possible contributor to dyslexia. Behav 1505-1514. Genet., 41(1), 77-89. Farzan F, Barr MS, Levinson AJ, Wong W, Chen R, Emaily H, Silver I, Shiva S, Gargani A, Maleki-Dizaji Fitzgerald PB, Daskalakis ZJ, (2010). Reliability of Long N, Al-Maniri A, Wahlstrom R, (2010). Can rational pre- Interval Cortical Inhibition in Healthy Human Subjects: scribing be improved by an outcome-based educational A TMS-EEG Study. Journal of Neurophysiology, 104(3), approach? A randomized trial completed in Iran. Journal 1339-1346. of Continuing Education in the Health Professions, 30(1), Fehringer G, Ozcelik H, Knight JA, Paterson AD, Dite 11-18. GS, Giles GG, Southey MC, Andrulis IL, Hopper JL, Epstein T, Saltzman-Benaiah J, (2010). Parenting Boyd NF, (2010). Family-based association study of IGF1 Children with Disruptive Behaviours: Evaluation of a microsatellites and height, weight, and body mass index. Collaborative Problem Solving Pilot Program. Journal of Journal of Human Genetics, 55(0), 255-258. Clinical Psychology Practice, 1(1), 27-40. Feinstein A, (2010). A dangerous world: Psychological Escober C, Jacobs P, Dewa CS, (2010). Revenue of wellbeing in conflict zones: Assessing the psychological Nonprofit Mental Health and Addictions Organizations effects of conflict. Juornal of International Peace Operations, in Canada. Psychiatric Services, 61(10), 1032-1034. 5(1), 29-30. Esposito-Smythers C, Esposito-Smythers C, Goldstein T, Birmaher B, Goldstein B, Hunt J, Ryan N, Axelson D, Strober M, Gill MK, Hanley A, Keller M, (2010). Clinical and psychosocial correlates of non-suicidal self-injury within a sample of children and adolescents with bipolar disorder. Journal of Affective Disorders, 125(1), 89-97.

Feinstein A, OConnor P, Akbar N, Moradzadeh L, Scott CJM, Lobaugh NJ, (2010). Diffuson tensor imaging abnormalities in depressed multiple sclerosis patients. Multiple Sclerosis, 16(1), 189-198.

Feng Y, Gastonguay MR, Pollock BG, Frank E, Kepple GH, Bies RR, (2011). Performance of the Cpred/Cobs concentration ratios as a metric reflecting adherence to Evans C, Brinded P, Simpson A I F, Frampton C, antidepressant drug therapy. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Mulder R T., (2010). Validation of Brief Screening Tools Treatment, 7(1), 117-125. for Mental Disorders among New Zealand Prisoners. Feng Y, Kapornai K, Kiss E, Tamás Z, Mayer L, Baji Psychiatric Services, 61(0), 923-928. I, Daróczi G, Benák I, Kothencné VO, Dombovári E, Fagiolini A, Fagiolini A, Casamassima F, MostacKaczvinszk E, Besnyö M, Gádoros J, Székely J, Kovacs ciuolo W, Forgione R, Goracci A, Goldstein BI, (2010). M, Vetró A, Kennedy JL, Barr CL, (2010). Association of Risperidone long-acting injection as monotherapy the GABRD Gene and Childhood-Onset Mood Disor-


publications ders. Genes Brain Behav, 9(6), 668-672.

18(0), 404-412.

Fenta H, Hyman I, Rourke SB, Noh S, (2010). Somatic symptoms in a community sample of Ethiopian immigrants in Toronto, Canada. Journal of Culture and Mental Health, 3(1), 1-15.

Forget B, Pushparaj A, Le Foll B, (2010). Granular insular cortex inactivation as a novel therapeutic strategy for nicotine addiction. Biological Psychiatry, 68(3), 265-271.

Fischer C, Jiang D, Schweizer T, (2010). Determining the Impact of Medical Co-morbidity on Subjective and Objective Cognitive Performance in an Inner City Memory Clinic: A Retrospective Chart. BMC Geriatrics, 10(1), 89-94. Fischer CE, Cohen C, Stephens A, Ross S, Hoch JS, Cooper JP, Golea G, Wasylenki D, (2011). Determining the Impact of Establishing a Psychogeriatric Outreach Team Network in Long-Term Care. Psychiatric Services, 62(3), 299-302. Fitzgerald PB, Daskalakis, ZJ, (2011). A Review of the Effects of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in the Treatment of Depression. Expert Review of Medical Devices, 8(1), 85-95. Fitzgerald PB, Hoy K, Gunewardene R, Slack C, Ibrahim S, Bailey M, Daskalakis ZJ, (2010). A Randomized Trial of Unilateral and Bilateral Prefrontal Cortex Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Treatment Resistant Major Depression. Psychological Medicine, 7(0), 1-10.

Forget B, Wertheim C, Mascia P, Pushparaj A, Goldberg SR, Le Foll B, (2010). Noradrenergic alpha1 receptors as a novel target for the treatment of nicotine addiction. Neuropsychopharmacology, 35(8), 1751-1760. Frank J, Snell L, Ten Cate O, Holmboe E, Carraccio C, Swing S, Harris P, Glasgow N, Campbell C, Dath D, Harden R, Lobst W, Long D, Mungroo R, Richardson D, Sherbino J, Silver I, Taber S, Talbot M, Harris K, (2010). Competency-based medical education: Theory to practice. Medical Teacher, 32(8), 638-645. Frey BN, Hall G, Attard S, Yucel K, Skelin I, Steiner M, Soares CN, (2010). Shift in the brain network of emotional regulation in midlife women: is the menopausal transition the turning point?. Menopause, 17(0), 840-845. Fung KP, Dennis CL, (2010). Postpartum depression among immigrant women. Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 23(4), 342-348. Fung WLA, McEvilly R, Fung J, Chow EWC, Bassett AS, (2010). Elevated prevalence of generalized anxiety disorder in adults with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome. American Journal of Psychiatry, 167(8), 998-998.

Fitzgerald PB, Hoy KE, Maller JJ, Herring S, Segrave R, McQueen S, Peachey A, Hollander Y, Anderson JF, Daskalakis ZJ, (2011). Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for depression following Traumatic Brain Injury: A case Ganguli R, Strassnig M, (2011). Prevention of metabolic syndrome in serious mental illness. Psychiatric Clinics study. J ECT, 27(1), 38-40. of North America, 34(1), 109-125. Fletcher PJ, Sinyard J, Higgins GA, (2010). Genetic and pharmacological evidence that 5-HT2C receptor activa- Garrett DD, Kovacevic N, McIntosh AR, Grady CL, tion, but not inhibition, affects motivation to feed under (2011). The importance of being variable. Journal of Neuroscience, 31(12). a progressive ratio schedule of reinforcement. Pharmacol Biochem Behav, 97(1), 170-178. Gawryluk JW, Wang JF, Andreazza AC, Shao L, Young Flint AJ, Peasley-Miklus C, Papademetriou E, Meyers BS, Mulsant BH, Rothschild AJ, Whyte EM, for the STOP-PD Study Group, (2010). Effect of age on the frequency of anxiety disorders in major depression with psychotic features. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry,

LT, (2011). Decreased levels of glutathione, the major brain antioxidant, in post-mortem prefrontal cortex from patients with psychiatric disorders. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol., 14(1), 123-130. Gaysina D, Cohen-Woods S, Chow PC, Martucci L,

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


publications Schosser A, Ball HA, Tozzi F, Perry J, Muglia M, Kennedy JL, King N, Vincent JB, Parikh SV, Strauss J, Craig IW, McGuffin P, Farmer A, (2010). Association analysis of DAOA and DAO in bipolar disorder: results from two independent case-control studies. Bipolar Disorders, 12(5), 579-581.

tion in older adults. Bipolar Disorders, 12(8), 851-858.

Gearing RE, Charach A, (2009). Medication Adherence for Children and Adolescents with First-Episode Psychosis following Hospitalization. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 18(10), 587-595.

Gold A, Herrmann N, Lanctôt KL, (2011). Lithium and its neuroprotective and neurotrophic effects: potential treatment for post-stroke sequelae. Current Drug Target, 12(2), 243-255.

George L, Kidd SA, Wong M, Harvey R, Browne G, (2010). ACT fidelity in Ontario: Measuring adherence to the model. Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health, 29(5), 87-96.

Gold AB, Herrmann N, Swardfager WL, Black SE, Aviv RI, Tennen G, Kiss A and Lanctôt KL, (2011). The relationship between IDO activity and post-stroke cognitive impairment. Journal of Neuroinflammation, 8(17), 0-0.

Gerretsen P, Graff A, Menon M, Pollock BG, Kapur S, Vasdev N, Houle S, Mamo D, (2010). Is the desire for social relationships mediated by the serotonergic system in the prefrontal cortex?. Social Neuroscience, 5(4), 375383.

Goldbloom D, (2010). Form the age of enlightenment to the age of effectiveness: clinical trials in psychiatry. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 55(3), 117-118.

Ghaffar O, Feinstein A, (2010). APOE epsilon4 and cognitive dysfunction in multiple sclerosis: a review. Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 22(2), 155-165.

Goldbloom D, (2010). The Mental Health Commission of Canada is three years old. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 42(3), 101-104.

Ghaffar O, Ries M, Pennel N, OConnor P, Feinstein A, (2010). APOE epsilon and the cognitive genetics of multiple sclerosis. Neurology, 74(20), 1611-1618.

Gill R, Stewart DE, (2011). Relevance of gender-sensitive policies and general health indicators to compare the status of South Asian women’s health. Women’s Health Issues, 21(0), 12-18.

Goldbloom D, (2010). Shock Doc. Synergy, 15(1), 1-4.

Goldbloom D, (2010). Unacceptable status quo in access to mental health care. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 182(1), 112-112.

Goodman I, Peterson-Badali M, Henderson J, (2011). Giacobbe P, Lipsman N, Hamani C, Lozano AM, Understanding motivation for substance use treatment: Kennedy SH, (2010). Subgenual Cingulate Gyrus Deep The role of social pressure during the transition to adultBrain Stimulation: Current Status and Future Directions. hood. Addictive Behaviors, 36(6), 660-668. Annals of Psychiatry, 40(10), 485-491. Gorman DA, Thompson N, Plessen KJ, Robertson Gigante AD, Young LT, Yatham LN, Andreazza AC, MM, Leckman JF, Peterson BS, (2010). Psychosocial Nery FG, Grinberg LT, Heinsen H, Lafer B, (2010). outcome and psychiatric comorbidity in older adolescents Morphometric post-mortem studies in bipolar disorder: with Tourette syndrome: controlled study. The British possible association with oxidative stress and apoptosis. Journal of Psychiatry, 197(1), 36-44. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol., 23, 1-15. Grace SL, Arthur HM, Chan S, Cyr C, Dafoe W, MarGildengers AG, Mulsant BH, Al Jurdi RK, Beyer JL, tin J, Oh P, Suskin N, Chessex C, (2011). Systematizing Greenberg RL, Gyulai L, Moberg PJ, Sajatovic M, Ten Inpatient Referral to Cardiac Rehabilitation 2010: Have T, Young RC, (2010). The relationship of bipolar Canadian Association of Cardiac Rehabilitation and disorder lifetime duration and vascular burden to cogni- Canadian Cardiovascular Society Joint Position Paper.


publications Canadian Journal of Cardiology, 27(2), 192-199.

Anxiety, Stress & Coping, 25(0), 1-13.

Grace SL, Racco C, Chessex C, Rivera T, Oh P, (2010). Grewal K, Leung YW, Safai S, Stewart DE, Anand S, Program adherence and preferences for alternative Gupta M, Parsons C, Grace SL, (2010). Access to cardiac models of care. Maturitas, 67(3), 23-208. rehabilitation among South-Asian patients by referral method. Rehabilitation Nursing, 35(3), 106-112. Grace SL, Russell K, Reid R, Oh P, Anand S, Rush J, Williamson K, Gupta M, Alter DA, Stewart DE, (2011). Grewal K, Stewart DE, Abbey S, Leung YW, Irvine J, Effect of cardiac rehabilitation referral strategies on Grace SL, (2010). Timing of depressive symptom onset utilization rates: A prospective, controlled study. Archives and in-hospital complications among acute coronary of Internal Medicine, 171(3), 235-241. syndrome inpatients. Psychosomatics, 51(4), 233-238. Grady CL, Protzner AB, Kovacevic N, Strother SC, Afshin-Pour B, Wojtowicz MA, Anderson JAE, Churchill N, McIntosh AR, (2010). Age-Related differences in the default mode and task positive networks across multiple cognitive domains. Cerebral Cortex, 20(6), 1432-1447. Gravely-Witte S, Jurgens C, Tamim H Grace SL, (2010). Length of delay in seeking medical care in patients with heart failure symptoms and the role of symptom-related factors: A narrative review. European Journal of Heart Failure, 12(10), 1122-1129. Green REA, Turner G, Evans J, (2010). Growing evidence for the influence of meditation on brain and behaviour. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation - Research Digest, 20(2), 306-311. Green REA, Turner G, Koshimori Y, (2010). Positive Neuroimaging correlated with behavioural impairments in acute and chronic mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI): Support for a physiogenic explanation. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation - Research Digest, 20(3), 471-478. Greene S, Tucker R, Rourke SB, Monette L, Koornstra J, Sobota M, Byers S, Hwang S, Dunn J, Guenter D, Ahluwalia A, Watson J, (2010). “Under my umbrella�: The Housing Experiences of HIV Positive Parents who Live with and Care for Their Children in Ontario. Archives of Women and Mental Health, 13(3), 223-232. Grewal K, Gravely-Witte S, Stewart DE, Grace SL, (2011). A simultaneous test of the relationship between identified psychosocial risk factors and self-reported recurrent events in coronary artery disease patients.

Grewal K, Stewart DE, Grace SL, (2010). Differences in social support and illness perceptions among South Asian and Caucasian patients with coronary artery disease. Heart and Lung, 39(3), 180-187. Griffiths M, Kidd SA, Pike S, Chan J, (2010). The Tobacco Addiction Recovery Programme (TARP): Initial Outcome Findings. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 24(4), 239-246. Grigg O, Grady CL, (2010). Task-related effects on the temporal and spatial dynamics of resting-state functional connectivity in the default network. PLoS One, 5(10). Grigg O, Grady CL, (2010). The default network and processing of self-relevant information: Converging evidence from task-related modulations and functional connectivity. Neuropsychologia, 48(13). Grigoriadis S, Barrett J, Pittini R, Herer E, Zaltz A, Bazinet RP, Bradley L, Kennedy SH, Steiner M, Levitt A, (2010). Omega-3 supplements in pregnancy: are we too late to identify the possible benefits?. J Obstet Gynaecol Can, 32(3), 209-216. Grigoriadis S, Bouffard BA, Kennedy SH, Bagby M, Joffe R, (2010). A comparison of desipramine response in younger and older women. J Clin Psychopharmacol, 30(1), 80-82. Grigoriadis S, Robinson GE, Fung K, Ross LE, Chee C, Dennis C-L, Romans S, (2009). Traditional postpartum practices and rituals: Clinical Implications. The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 54(12), 834-840. Grimbos T, Dawood K, Burris R, Zucker KJ, Puts

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


publications DA, (2010). Sexual orientation and the second to fourth finger length ratio: A meta-analysis in men and women. Behavioral Neuroscience, 124(2), 278-287.

Hamani C, Nobrega JN, (2010). Deep brain stimulation in clinical trials and animal models of depression. European Journal of Neuroscience, 32(7), 1109-1117.

Grupp SG, Greenberg ML, Ray JG, Busto U, Lanctôt KL, Nulman I, Koren G, (2010). Pediatric cancer rates after universal folic acid flour fortification in Ontario. Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 51(1), 60-62.

Hamilton HA, (2010). Adolescent independence across immigrant generations: Age and ethnic variations. Sociological Focus, 43(3), 240-258.

Guruge S, Khanlou N, Gastaldo D, (2010). Intimate partner violence in the migration process: Intersections of gender, race, and class. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 66(1), 103-113. Haas SM, Waschbusch DA, Pelham Jr E, King S, Andrade BF, Carrey NJ, (2011). Treatment response in CP/ ADHD children with callous/unemotional traits. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 39(4), 541-552.

Hardeland R, Cardinali DP, Srinivasan V, Spence DW, Brown GM, Pandi-Perumal SR, (2011). Melatonin--a pleiotropic, orchestrating regulator molecule. Progress in Neurobiology, 93(3), 350-384. Harris GT, Hilton NZ, Rice, ME, (2011). Explaining the frequency of intimate partner violence by male perpetrators: Do attitude, relationship, and neighborhood variables add to antisociality?. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 38(0), 309-331.

Hahn MK, Remington G, Bois D, Cohn T, (2010). Topiramate augmentation in clozapine-treated patients with schizophrenia: clinical and metabolic effects. JClin Psychopharmacol, 30(6), 706-710.

Harris GT, Rice ME, Quinsey VL, (2010). Allegiance or fidelity? A clarifying reply. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 17(0), 82-89.

Hamani C, Diwan M, Macedo CE, Brandão ML, Shumake J, Gonzalez-Lima F, Raymond R, Lozano AM, Fletcher PJ, Nobrega JN, (2010). Antidepressant-like effects of medial prefrontal cortex deep brain stimulation in rats. Biological Psychiatry, 67(2), 117-124.

Hensch T, Himmerich H, Hegerl U, McIntyre RS, (2010). Stimulants in bipolar disorder: beyond common beliefs. CNS Spectrums, 15(7), 469-470.

Henderson J, MacKay S, (2009). Retail availability of Hales S, Zimmermann C, Rodin G, (2010). The quality fire-starting materials and their misuse by children and of dying and death: A systematic review of measures. adolescents. Fire Safety Journal, 44(0), 131-134. Palliative Medicine, 24(2), 127-144. Henderson J, MacKay S, Peterson-Badali M, (2010). Halpern J, Maunder RG, Schwartz B, Gurevich M, Interdisciplinary knowledge translation: Lessons learned (2011). Identifying risk of emotional sequelae after criti- from a mental health - fire service collaboration. Americal incidents. Emergency Medicine Journal, 28(11), 51-56. can Journal of Community Psychology, 46(3), 277-288.

Hamani C, Diwan, M, Isabella, S, Lozano, AM and Nobrega, JN, (2010). Effects of different stimulation parameters on the antidepressant-like response of medial prefrontal cortex deep brain stimulation in rats. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 44(11), 683-687.

Hensel JM, Bender A, Bacchiochi J, Pelletier M, Dewa CS, (2010). A Descriptive Study of a Specialized Worker’s Psychological Trauma Program. Occupational Medicine, 60(8), 654-657. Herrman H, Stewart DE, Diaz-Granados N, Berger EL, Jackson B, Yuen T, (2011). What is Resilience?. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 5(56), 258-265.

Hamani C, Lozano A, Nobrega JN, (2010). Deep Brain Stimulation in clinical practice and animal models. Clini- Herrmann N, Black SE, Li A, Lanctôt KL, (2011). Discontinuing cholinesterase inhibitors: results of a survey of cal Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 88(4), 559-562. Canadian dementia experts. International Psychogeriatrics,


publications 23(4), 539-545.

Teacher, 33(5), 354-363.

Herrmann N, Cappell J, Eryavec G, Lanctôt KL, (2011). Changes in nursing burden following memantine for agitation and aggression in long term care residents with moderate to severe Alzheimer’s disease. CNS Drugs, 25(5), 425-433.

Holtzman S, Abbey SE, Stewart DE, Ros HJ, (2010). Pain after heart transplantation: Prevalence and implications for quality of life. Psychosomatics, 51(3), 230-236.

Herrmann N, Lanctôt KL, (2011). Long-term use of cholinesterase inhibitors: till death do us part?. Neurodegenerative Disease Management, 1(1), 7-9. Herrmann N, Li A, Lanctôt KL, (2011). Memantine in dementia: a review of the current evidence. Expert Opinion in Pharmacotherapy, 12(5), 787-800. Herrmann N, Tam DK, Balshaw R, Sambrook R, Lesnikova N, Lanctôt KL and the COSID Investigators, (2010). The relationship between disease severity and cost of caring for patients with Alzheimer’s disease in Canada. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 55(12), 768-775. Hilton NZ, Harris GT, Popham S, Lang C, (2010). Risk assessment among incarcerated domestic offenders across follow-up times and case criteria. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 37(0), 815-832. Hodges B, Albert M, Arweiler D, Akseer S, Bandiera G, Byrne N, Charlin B, Karazivan P, Kuper A, Maniate J, Millette B, Noyeau E, Parker S, Reeves S, (2011). The Future of Medical Education: A Canadian Environmental Scan. Medical Education, 45(1), 95-106. Hodges BD, (2010). A tea-steeping or i-doc model for medical education?. Academic Medicine, 85(1), 34-44. Hodges BD, Albert M, Arweiler D, Akseer S, Bandiera G, Byrne N, Charlin B, Karazivan P, Kuper A, Maniate J, Millette B, Noyeau E, Parker S, Reeves S, (2011). The Future of Medical Education: A Canadian Environmental Scan. Medical Education, 45(1), 95-106. Hodges BD, Ginsburg S, Creuss R, Creuss S, Delport R, Hafferty F, Ho M, Holmboe E, Holtman M, Ohbu S, Rees C, Stern D, Ten Cate O, Tsugawa Y, van Mook W, Wass V, Wilkinson T, Wade W, (2011). Assessment for professionalism: Consensus statement and recommendations from the Ottawa 2010 Conference. Medical

Honarmand K, Akbar N, Kou N, Feinstein A, (2011). Predicting employment status in multiple sclerosis: the utility of the MS Functional Composite. Journal of Neurology, 258(2), 244-249. Hong JS, Espelage DL, Kral MJ, (2011). Understanding suicide among sexual minority youth in America: An ecological systems analysis. Journal of Adolescence, 30(1), 1-10. Hoppenbrouwers SS, Farzan F, Barr MS, Voineskos AN, Schutter DJLG, Fitzgerald PB and Daskalakis ZJ, (2011). Personality goes a long a way: an interhemispheric connectivity study. Front. Psychiatry, 1(0), 1-6. Horton RE, Din L, Pillai Riddell R, Stevens B, Greenberg S, (2010). Maternal relationship style pediatric health care utilization and infant health. Pediatrics & Child Health, 15(7), 432-436. Horton RE, Pillai Riddell R, (2010). Mothers’ Facial Expressions of Pain and Fear and Infants’ Pain Response During Immunization. Infant Mental Health Journal, 31(4), 397-411. Houlden DA, Taylor AB, Feinstein A, Midha R, Bethune AJ, Stewart CP, Schwartz ML, (2010). Early somatosensory evoked potential grades in comatose traumatic brain injury patients predict cognitive and functional outcome. Critical Care Medicine, 38(1), 167-174. Hoy KE, Enticott PG, Daskalakis ZJ, Fitzgerald PB, (2010). Can a behavioural intervention enhance the effect of rTMS on mood?. Brain Stimulation, 3(4), 200-206. Husted J, Ahmed R, Chow EWC, Brzustowicz LM, Bassett AS, (2010). Childhood trauma and genetic factors in familial schizophrenia associated with the NOS1AP gene. Schizophrenia Research, 121(1), 187-192. Husted J, Greenwood C, Bassett AS, (2010). Letter to the Editor: Familial aggregation of clinical and neu-

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


publications rocognitive features in sibling pairs with and without schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 116(2), 289-290.

sensitive approach to psychiatric diagnosis. Archives of Women’s Mental Health, 13(0), 17-19.

Hwang R, Souza RP, Tiwari AK, Zai CC, Müller DJ, Potkin SG, Lieberman JA, Meltze HY, Kennedy JL, (2011). Gene-gene interaction analyses between NMDA receptor subunit and dopamine receptor gene variants and clozapine response. Pharmacogenomics, 12(2), 277-291.

Jokel R, Rochon E, Anderson ND, (2010). Errorless learning of computer-generated words in a patient with semantic dementia. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 21(1), 16-41.

Jacobson AM, Paterson AD, Ryan CM, Cleary PA, Waberski BH, Weinger K, Musen G, Dahms W, Bayless M, Silvers N, Harth J Boright AP, The DCCTEDIC Research Group, (2010). The Associations of apolipoprotein E and Angiotensin-converting enzyme Polymorphisms and Cognitive Function in Type 1 Diabetes based on an 18 Year Follow-up of the DCCT Cohort. Diabetic Medicine, 27(0), 15-22. Jean L, Simard M, Wiederkehr S, Bergeron M-E, Turgeon Y, Hudon C, Tremblay I, van Reekum RJean L, (2010). Efficacy of a Cognitive Training Program for Mild Cognitive Impairment: Results of A RandomizedControlled Study. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 20(x), 377-405. Jerrell JM, McIntyre RS, (2010). Metabolic, digestive, and reproductive adverse events associated with antimanic treatment in children and adolescents: a retrospective cohort study. Primary Care Companion to the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 12(4). Jerrell JM, McIntyre RS, Tripathi A, (2010). A cohort study of the prevalence and impact of comorbid medical conditions in pediatric bipolar disorder. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 71(11), 1518-1525. Jerrell JM, McIntyre RS, Tripathi A, (2010). Incidence and costs of cardiometabolic conditions in patients with schizophrenia treated with antipsychotic medications. Clinical Schizophrenia & Related Psychoses, 4(3), 161-168. Jerrell JM, Tripathi A, McIntyre RS, (2011). Prevalence and Treatment of Depression in Children and Adolescents with Sickle Cell Disease. Primary Care Companion for CNS Disorders, 13(0).

Jonassaint C, Szatkiewicz JP, Bulik CM, Thornton LM, Bloss C, Berrettini WH, Kaye WH, Bergen AW, Magistretti P, Woodside DB et al, (2011). Absence of association between specific common variants of the obesity-related FTO gene and psychological and behavioral eating disorder phenotypes. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet, 156(4), 454-461. Jones HE, Kaltenbach K, Heil SH, Stine SM, Coyle MG, Arria AM, O’Grady KE, Selby P, Martin PR, Fischer G, (2010). Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome following methadone or buprenorphine exposure. New England Journal of Medicine, 0(363), 2320-2331. Jones JM, (2010). Predictors of distress in women completing adjuvant treatment for early breast cancer. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 28(3), 269-290. Jones JM, Cheng T, Jackman M, Rodin G, Walton T,Catton P, (2010). Self-efficacy, perceived preparedness and psychological distress in women completing primary treatment for breast cancer. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 28(3), 269-290. Jones JM, Cohen R, Zimmermann C, Rodin G, (2010). Quality of life and symptom burden in patients admitted to an acute palliative care unit. Journal of Palliative Care, 26(2), 94-102. Kahn LS, McIntyre RS, Rafalson L, Berdine DE, Fox CH, (2011). Fasting Blood Glucose and Depressive Mood among Patients with Mental Illness in a Medicaid Managed Care Program. Depression Research and Treatment, 2011(0), 1-4.

Kanbur N, Pinhas L, Lorenzo A, Farhat W, Licht C, Katzman DK, (2011). Nocturnal enuresis in adolescents with anorexia nervosa: Prevalence, potential causes, and Johnson J, Stewart DE, (2010). DSM-V toward a gender pathophysiology. International Journal of Eating Disorders,


publications 44(4), 349-355. Karabanow J, Hughes J, Kidd S, (2010). Travailler pour survivre: exploration du travail des jeunes de la rue. Crimonologie, 43(1), 7-29.

quency and correlates of gambling problems in depressed and bipolar outpatients. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 55(9), 167-174. Kessas M, Kessas, M, Creed, M and Nobrega, JN, (2010). An examination of synaptic proteins following chronic haloperidol in a rat model of tardive dyskinesia. Psychology & Neuroscience, 3(0), 229-237.

Karabanow J, Hughes J, Ticknor J, Kidd S, Patterson D, (2010). The Economics of being young and poor: How homeless youth survive in neo-liberal times. Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 37(4), 39-63. Ketter T, Agid O, Kapur S, Loebel A, Siu C, (2010). Rapid Antipsychotic Response with Ziprasidone Predicts Keightley ML, Chiew K, Anderson JAE, Grady CL, Subsequent Acute Manic/Mixed Episode Remission. J (2011). Neural correlates of recognition memory for Psychiatric Res, 2010(44), 8-14. emotional faces and scenes. Social, Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 6(0), 24-37. Khan L, Wong R, Li M, Zimmermann C, Lo C, Gagliese L, Rodin G, (2010). Maintaining the Will to Kennedy SH, (2010). Flibanserin: initial evidence of Live of Patients With Advanced Cancer. Journal of Cancer, efficacy on sexual dysfunction, in patients with major 16(5), 524-531. depressive disorder. The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 7(10). Khan SN, Grace SL, Oh P, Anand S, Stewart DE, Wu Kennedy SH, Dugré H, Defoy I, (2011). A multicenter, G, Gupta M, (2010). A comparison of physical activity double-blind, placebo-controlled study of sildenafil environments between south Asians and white Caucacitrate in Canadian men with erectile dysfunction and sians with coronary heart disease. Ethnicity & Disease, untreated symptoms of depression, in the absence of 20(4), 390-395. major depressive disorder. International Clinical Psychopharmacology, 26(3), 151-158. Khanlou N, (2010). Participatory health research editorial. Nursing Inquiry, 17(4), 281-281. Kennedy SH, Giacobbe P, Rizvi SJ, Placenza FM, Nishikawa Y, Mayberg HS, Lozano AM, (2011). Deep Kidd S, George L, O’Connell M, Sylvestre J, Kirkbrain stimulation for treatment-resistant depression: patrick H, Browne G, Thabane L, (2010). Fidelity and follow-up after 3 to 6 years. The American Journal of recovery in Assertive Community Treatment. Community Psychiatry, 168(5), 502-510. Mental Health Journal, 46(4), 342-350. Kennedy SH, Rizvi SJ, Fulton K, Ellis J, Quilty LC, Ravindran L, (2010). The sex effects scale: pilot validatin in a healthy population. Psychopharmacology Bulletin, 43(3), 15-25. Kennedy SH, Welsh BR, Fulton K, Soczynska JK, McIntyre RS, O’Donovan C, Milev R, le Melledo JM, Bisserbe JC, Zimmerman M, Martin N, (2010). Frequency and correlates of gambling problems in outpatients with major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder. CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics, 55(9), 568-576.

Kidd S, George, L, O’Connell, M, Sylvestre, J, Kirkpatrick, H, Browne, G, Odueyungbo, Davidson,L, (2011). Recovery-Oriented Service Provision and Clinical Outcomes in Assertive Community Treatment. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 34(3), 194-201. Kidd S, Kirkpatrick, H, George,L, (2011). Getting to know Mark, a homeless. Addiction Research and Theory, 19(2), 102-111.

Kidd S, Veltman, A, Gately, C, Chan, J, Cohen, J, (2011). Lesbian, gay, and transgender persons with severe Kennedy SH, Welsh BR, Fulton K, Soczynska JK, mental illness: Negotiating wellness in the context of McIntyre RS, O’Donovan C, Milev R, le Mellodo J-M, multiple sources of stigma. American Journal of Psychiatric Bisserbe J-C, Zimmerman M, Martin N, (2010). FreRehabilitation, 14(1), 13-39.

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


publications King KE, Ross LE, Bruno TL, Erickson PG, (2009). Identity work among street involved young mothers. Journal of Youth Studies, 12(2), 139-149. Kirk U, Downar J, Montague PR, (2011). Interoception drives increased rational decision-making in meditators playing the ultimatum game. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 18(5), 49-49. Kish SJ, Lerch J, Furukawa Y, Tong J, McCluskey T, Wilkins D, Houle S, Meyer J, Mundo E, Wilson AA, Rusjan P, Saint-Cyr J, Guttman M, Collins DL, Shapiro C, Warsh JJ, Boileau I, (2010). Decreased Cerebral Cortical but not Striatal Serotonin Transporter Binding in Human MDMA (Ecstasy) Users: A PET/[11C]DASB and Structural Brain Imaging Study Brain. Brain, 133(6), 1779-1797. Kitto S, Sargeant J, Reeves S, Silver I, (2011). Towards a sociology of knowledge translation: The importance of being disinterested in knowledge translation. Advances in Health Sciences Education - published online, 0(0), 0-0. Kiviniemi AM, Tiinanen S, Hautala AJ, Seppänen T, Norton KN, Frances MF, Nolan RP, Huikuri HV, Tulppo MP, Shoemaker JK, (2010). Low-frequency oscillations in R-R interval and blood pressure across the continuum of cardiovascular risk. Autonomic Neuroscience: Basic and Clinical, 158(1-2), 92-99. Kocovski N, MacKenzie MB, Rector NA, (2011). Rumination and distraction periods immediately following a speech task: Effect on post-event processing in social anxiety. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, 0(40), 45-56. Kovacs AH, Verstappen A, (1011). The whole adult congenital heart disease patient. Progress in Cardiovascular Disease, 53(4), 247-253. Kovacs AZ, Molnar MZ, Szeifert L, Ambrus C, Molnar-Varga M, Szentkiralyi A, Mucsi I, Novak M, (2011). Sleep disorders, depressive symptoms and health-related quality of life--a cross-sectional comparison between kidney transplant recipients and waitlisted patients on maintenance dialysis. Nephrology, Dialysis, Transplantation, 26(3), 1058-1065.

Kovesdy CP, Czira ME, Rudas A, Ujszaszi A, Rosivall L, Novak M, Kalantar-Zadeh K, Molnar MZ, Mucsi I, (2010). Body mass index, waist circumference and mortality in kidney transplant recipients. American Journal of Transplantation, 10(12), 2644-2651. Kozloff N, Cheung AH, Schaffer A, Cairney J, Dewa CS, Veldhuizen S, Kurdyak P, Levitt, AJ, (2010). Bipolar Disorder Among Adolescents and Young Adults: Results from an Epidemiological Sample. Journal of Affective Disorders, 125(4), 350-354. Kral MJ, Idlout L, Minore B, Dyck R, Kirmayer LJ, (2011). Culture and community psychology: Toward a renewed and reimagined vision. American Journal of Community Psychology, 47(1-2), 46-57. Krpan KM, Stuss DT, Anderson ND, (2011). Planful versus avoidant coping: Behaviour of individuals with moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury during a psychosocial stress test. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 17(2), 248-255. Kucyi A, Alsuwaidan MT, Liauw SS, McIntyre RS, (2010). Aerobic physical exercise as a possible treatment for neurocognitive dysfunction in bipolar disorder. Postgraduate Medicine, 122(6), 107-116. Kuper A, Albert M, Hodges BD, (2010). The Origins of the Field of Medical Education Research. Academic Medicine, 85(8), 1347-1353. Kuper A, Martimianakis M, McNaughton N, Albert M, Hodges BD, (2010). Asking new questions: A reflection on AMEE 2009. Medical Teacher, 32(1), 1-2. Kupferschmidt DA, Funk D, Erb S, LĂŞ AD, (2010). Age-related effects of acute nicotine on behavioural and neuronal measures of anxiety. Behavioral Brain Resaerch, 213(2), 288-292. Kupferschmidt DA, Lovejoy DA, Rotzinger S, Erb S, (2011). Teneurin C-terminal associated peptide-1 blocks the effects of corticotropin-releasing factor on reinstatement of cocaine seeking and on cocaine-induced behavioural sensitization. Br J Pharmacol, 162(3), 574-583. Kurdyak PA, Chong A, Gnam WH, Goering P, Alter


publications DA, (2010). Depression and self-reported functional status: impact on mortality following acute myocardial infarction. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 17(0), 444-451.

A, Barr, C, Ickowicz, A, (2008). Predictive validity of DSM-IV and ICD-10 criteria for ADHD and hyperkinetic disorder. J Child Psychol Psychiatry, 49(1), 70-78.

Lambek R, Tannock R, Dalsgaard S, Trillingsgaard A, Damm D, Thomsen PM, (2010). Validating Neuropsychological Subtypes of ADHD. How do children with and without executive function deficit differ?. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 51(8), 895-904.

Lenze EJ, Goate AM, Nowotny P, Dixon D, Shi P, Bies RR, Lotrich FK, Rollman BL, Shear K, Thompson PA, Andreescu C, Pollock BG, (2010). Relation of serotonin transporter genetic variation to efficacy of escitalopram for generalized anxiety disorder in older adults. Journal of Clinical Pschopharmacology, 30(6), 672-677.

Lee Z, Penney SR, Odgers CL, Moretti MM, (2010). Kushnir V, Menon M, Balducci XL, Selby P, Busto U, Challenges in the assessment of aggression in high-risk Zawertailo L, (2010). Enhanced smoking cue salience youth: Testing the fit of the Form-Function Aggression associated with depression severity in nicotine-dependent Measure. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, individuals: a preliminary fMRI study. International 9(3), 259-270. Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 7(7), 1-12. LeMelledo JM, Perez-Parada J, Morrow J, Bellavance Lachenmeier DW, Samokhvalov AV, Leitz J, Schoeberl F, Lara N, Farideh J, Granger R, Tait G, McManus K, Kuballa T, Linskiy IV, Minko OI, Rehm J, (2010). K, (2011). Pentagastrin-induced hemoconcentration The composition of unrecorded alcohol from eastern in healthy volunteers and patients with panic disorder: Ukraine: Is there a toxicological concern beyond ethanol effect of pretreatment with ethinyl estradiol. Journal of alone?. Food and chemical toxicology, 48(10), 2842-2847. Psychopharmacology, 25(1), 71-77.

Lanctôt KL, Rapoport MJ, Chan F, Rajaram RD, Strauss J, Sicard T, McCullagh S, Feinstein A, Kiss A, Kennedy J, Bassett AS, Herrmann N, (2010). Genetic predictors of response to treatment with citalopram in depression secondary to traumatic brain injury. Brain Injury, 24(7), 959-969. Laposa JM, Cassin SE, Rector NA, (2010). Interpretation of positive social events in social phobia: An examination of cognitive correlates and diagnostic distinction. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 0(24), 203-210. Laposa, JM, Rector, NA, (2011). A prospective examination of predictors of post-event processing following videotaped exposures in group cognitive behavioural therapy for individuals with social phobia. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 25(4), 568-573. Lê AD, Lo S, Harding S, Juzytsch W Marinelli P and Funk D, (2010). Coadministration of intravenous nicotine and oral alcohol in rats. Psychophramacology, 208(3), 475-486. Lee SI, Schachar RJ, Chen, SX, Ornstein, TJ, Charach

Leung B, Adair C, McKenzie K, Lurie S, (2010). Advancing KT for diverse populations and mental health. Bridging the Gap: KT casebook, 1(1), 74-78. Leung D, Esplen MJ, (2010). Alleviating the Existential Distress of Cancer Patients: Can Relational Ethics Guide Clinicians?. European Journal of Cancer Care, 19(1), 30-38. Leung YW, Brual J, Macpherson A, Grace SL, (2010). Geographic issues in cardiac rehabilitation utilization: A narrative review. Health & Place, 16(6), 1196-1205. Leung YW, Gravely-Witte S, MacPherson A, Irvine J, Stewart DE, Grace SL, (2010). Post-traumatic growth among cardiac patients: Degree comparison with other chronic illness samples and correlates. Journal of Health Psychology, 15(7), 1049-1063. Leung YW, Grewal K, Gravely-Witte S, Suskin N, Stewart DE, Grace SL, (2011). Quality of life following participation in cardiac rehabilitation programs of longer or shorter than 6 months: Does duration matter?. Population Health Management –Epub.

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


publications Levinson AJ, Fitzgerald PB, Favalli G, Blumberger D, Daigle M, Daskalakis ZJ, (2010). Evidence of Cortical Inhibitory Deficits in Major Depressive Disorder. Biological Psychiatry, 67(5), 458-464.

Links K A, Merims D, Binns MA, Freedman M, Chow TW, (2010). Prevalence of primitive reflexes and parkinsonian signs in dementia. Canadian Journal of Neurological Science, 37(5), 601-607.

Levitan RD, Kaplan AS, Davis C, Lam RW, Kennedy JL, (2010). A season-of-birth/DRD4 interaction predicts maximal body mass index in women with bulimia nervosa. Neuropsychopharmacology, 35(8), 1729-1733.

Lipina TV, Niwa M, Jaaro-Peled H, Fletcher PJ, Seeman P, Sawa A, Roder JC, (2010). Enhanced dopamine function in DISC1-L100P mutant mice: implications for schizophrenia. Genes Brain Behav 9:777-789. Genes, Brain and Behavior, 9(7), 777-789.

Lev-Ran S, Le Strat Y, Le Foll B, (2011). Impact of hypertension and body mass index on quality of life in schizophrenia. American Journal of Psychiatry, 168(5), 552-553. Li S, Armstrong S, Chaim G, Kelly C, Shenfeld J, (2007). Group and Individual Couple Treatment for Substance Abuse Clients: A Pilot Study. American Journal of Family Therapy, 35(3), 221-233. Li SX, Liu LJ, Jiang WG, Sun LL, Zhou SJ, Le Foll B, Zhang XY, Kosten TR, Lu L, (2010). Circadian alteration in neurobiology during protracted opiate withdrawal in rats. Journal of Neurochemistry, 115(2), 353-362. Liauw SS, McIntyre RS, (2010). Atypical antipsychotic tolerability and switching strategies in bipolar disorder. Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy, 11(17), 2827-2837. Lieff S, Albert M, (2010). The Mindsets of Medical Education Leaders: How Do They Conceive of Their Work?. Academic Medicine, 85(1), 57-62. Lin E, Durbin J, Goldbloom D, (2010). On quantifying quality. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 55(5), 537-538.

Lipsman N, McIntyre RS, Giacobbe P, Torres C, Kennedy SH, Lozano AM, (2010). Neurosurgical treatment of bipolar depression: defining treatment resistance and identifying surgical targets. Bipolar Disorders, 12(7), 691-701. Lipszyc J, Schachar R, (2010). Inhibitory control and psychopathology: a meta-analysis of studies using the stop signal task. J Int Neuropsychol Soc, 16(6), 1064-1076. Liptzin B, Peisah C, Shulman K, Finkel S, (2010). For the International Psychogeriatric Association Task Force on Testamentary Capacity and Undue influence. Testamentary capacity and delirium. International Psychogeriatrics, 22(6), 950-956. Liu JZ, Tozzi F, Waterworth DM, Pillai SG, Muglia P, Middleton L, Berrettini W, Knouf CW, Yuan X, Weber G, Volenweider P, Preisig M, Warham NJ, Zhao JH, Loos RJ, Baroso I, Khaw KT, Grundy S, Barter P, Mahley R, Kesanimi A, McPherson R, Vincent JB, Strauss J et al, (2010). Meta-analysis and imputation refines the association of 15q25 with smoking quantity. Nat Genet, 42(5), 436-440.

Lindner A, Novak M, Molnár MZ, (2011). Restless legs Liu M, Shi S, Senthilnathan S, Yu J, Wu E, Bergmann syndrome: the most prevalent “”unknown”” disorder. C, Zerres K, Bogdanova N, Coto E, Deltas C, Pierides Orvosi Hetilap, 152(7), 259-266. A, Demetriou K, Devuyst O, Gitomer B, Laakso M, Lindström S, Vachon CM, Li J, Varghese J, Thompson Lumiaho A, Lamnisou K, Magistroni R, Parfrey P, D, Warren R, Brown J, Leyland J, Audley T, Wareham Breuning M, Peters DJM, Torra R, Winearls C, TorN, Loos RJF, Paterson AD, Rommens J, Waggott D, res V, Harris, (2010). Genetic Variation of DKK3 may Martin LJ, Scott CG, Pankratz VS, Hankinson SE, modify Renal Disease Severity in ADPKD. Journal of the Hazra A, Hunter DJ, Hopper JL, Southey MC, Chanock American Society of Nephrology, 21(0), 1510-1520. SJ, et al, (2011). Common variants in ZNF365 are associated with both mammographic density and breast cancer Liu M, Wang L, Shi Z, Zhang Z, Zhang K, Shen J, (2011). Mental health problems among children one-year risk. Nature Genetics, 43(0), 185-187.


publications after Sichuan earthquake in China. PloS ONE, 6(2), 1-6. Lo C, Burman D, Swami N, Gagliese L, Rodin G, Zimmermann C, (2011). Validation of the QUAL-E for assessing quality of life in patients with advanced cancer. European Journal of Cancer, 47(4), 554-560. Lo C, Helwig CC, Chen SX, Ohashi MM, Cheng CM, (2011). The psychology of strengths and weaknesses: assessing self-enhancing and self-critical tendencies in Eastern and Western cultures. Self and Identity, 10(2), 203-212. Lo C, Lin J, Gagliese L, Zimmermann C, Mikulincer M, Rodin G, (2010). Age and depression in patients with metastatic cancer: The protective effects of attachment security and spiritual well-being. Ageing and Society, 3(0), 325-336.

R, (2011). Smoking Low-cost Cigarettes: Disparities Evident. Canadian Journal Public Health, 102(1), 73-74. Lotrich FE, Ferrell RE, Rabinovitz M, Pollock BG, (2010). Labile anger during interferon-alpha treatment is associated with a polymorphism in tumor necrosis factor-alpha. Clinical Neuropharmacology, 33(4), 191-197. Luk G, Anderson JAE, Craik FIM, Grady CL, Bialystok E, (2010). Distinct neural correlates for two types of inhibition in bilinguals: Response inhibition versus interference suppression. Brain and Cognition, 74(3), 347357. Lunsky Y, Balogh R, (2010). Dual diagnosis: A national study of psychiatric hospitalizations patterns of persons with developmental disability. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 55(11), 721-728.

Lo C, Zimmermann C, Rydall A, Walsh A, Jones JM, Moore M, Sheppard F, Gagliese L, Rodin GM, (2010). A longitudinal study of depressive symptoms in patients with metastatic gastrointestinal and lung cancer. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 28(18), 84-89.

Lunsky Y, Gracey C, Durbin J, Bradley E, Koegl C, (2011). A comparison of outpatients with intellectual disability receiving specialized and general services in Ontario’s psychiatric hospitals. Journal of Intellectual and Disability Research, 55(2), 242-247.

Lo C, Zimmermann C, Rydall A, Walsh A, Moore M, Shepherd F, Gagliese L, Rodin G, (2010). The prediction and longitudinal course of depression in patients with metastatic cancer. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 28(0), 084-089.

Lunsky Y, Gracey C, Koegl C, Bradley E, Durbin J, Raina P, (2011). The clinical profile and service needs of psychiatric inpatients with intellectual disabilities and forensic involvement. Psychology, Crime & Law, 17(1), 9-23.

Lobo DS, Souza RP, Tong RP, Casey DM, Hodgins DC, Smith GJ, Williams RJ, Schopflocher DP, Wood RT, el-Guebaly N, Kennedy JL, (2010). Association of functional variants in the dopamine D2-like receptors with risk for gambling behaviour in healthy Caucasian subjects. Biol Psychol., 85(1), 33-37.

Lunsky Y, Gracey, C, Koegl, C, Bradley, E, Durbin, J and Raina, P, (2010). The clinical profile and service needs of psychiatric inpatients with intellectual disabilities and forensic involvement, Psychology. Psychology, Crime and Law, 0(0), 1-15.

Lokuge S, Frey BN, Foster JA, Soares, CN, Steiner M, (2010). The rapid effects of estrogen: a mini review. Behavioural Pharmacology, 21(0), 465-472. Lord C, Hall G, Soares CN, Steiner M, (2011). Physiological stress response in postpartum women with obsessive-compulsive disorder: a pilot study. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 36(0), 133-138. Lori Diemert, Cohen J, Bondy S, Callaghan R,Schwartz

Lunsky Y, Lin E, Balogh R, Klein-Geltink J, Bennie J, Wilton AS, Kurdyak P, (2011). Are adults with developmental disabilities more likely to visit EDs?. American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 29(0), 463-465. Lunsky Y, White SE, Palucka AM, Weiss J, Bockus S, Gofine T, (2010). Clinical outcomes of a specialized inpatient unit for adults with mild to severe intellectual disability and mental illness. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 54(1), 60-69.

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


publications Lykins AD, Cantor JM, Kuban ME, Blak T, Dickey R, Klassen PE, Blanchard R, (2010). Sexual arousal to female children in gynephilic men. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, 22(0), 279-289. Lykins AD, Cantor JM, Kuban ME, Blak T, Dickey R, Klassen PE, Blanchard R, (2010). The relation between peak response magnitudes and agreement in diagnoses obtained from two different phallometric tests for pedophilia. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, 22(0), 42-57. Ma C, Bandukwala S, Burman D, Bryson J, Seccareccia D, Banerjee S, Myers J, Rodin G, Dudgeon D, Zimmermann C, (2010). Interconversion of three measures of performance status: An empirical analysis. European Journal of Cancer, 46(0), 175-183. MacDonald N, Hucker SJ, Hébert PC, (2010). The crime of mental illness. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 182(13), 1399-1399. MacKay S, Paglia-Boak A, Henderson J, Marton P, Adlaf E, (2009). Epidemiology of firesetting in adolescents: Mental health and substance use correlates. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 50(0), 1282-1290. MacMillan HL, Jamieson E, Walsh CA, Boyle M, Crawford A, MacMillan A, (2010). The Health of Canada’s Aboriginal Children: results from the First Nations and Inuit Regional Health Survey. International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 69(2), 157-167. Madigan S, Benoit D, (2011). Exploration of the links between fathers’ unresolved states of mind, atypical paternal behaviors, and disorganized infant-father attachment relationships?. Infant Mental Health Journal, 32(3), 286-304. Madigan S, Benoit D, (2011). Stability of atypical caregiver behaviors over six years and associations with disorganized attachment. Attachment & Human Development, 13(3), 237-252.

Journal of Cancer Survivorship, 5(1), 18-26. Mah K, Bezjak A, Loblaw DA, Gotowiec A, Devins GM, (2011). Measurement invariance of the Illness Intrusiveness Rating Scale’s three-factor structure in men and women with cancer. Rehabilitation Psychology, 56(1), 58-66. Mah L, Conn D, (2010). Use of the D2/D3 Receptor agonist pramipexole in treatment of rapid-cycling bipolar disorder in an elderly patient. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 18(3), 276-276. Mah L, Pollock BG, (2010). Emotional processing deficits in late-life depression. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 18(7), 652-656. Mah L, Zarate Jr CA, Nugent AC, Singh J, Manji H, Drevets WC, (2011). Neural Mechanisms of Antidepressant Efficacy of the Dopamine Receptor Agonist Pramipexole in Treatment of Bipolar Depression. The International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 14(4), 545-551. Maheu C, Vodermaier A, Rothenmund H, Gallinger S, Ardiles P, Semotiuk K, Holter S, Thayalan S, Esplen MJ, (2010). Pancreatic Cancer Risk Counseling and Screening: Impact on Perceived Risk and Psychological Functioning. Familial Cancer, 9(4), 617-624. Mak-Fan KM, Thompson WF, Green REA, (2011). Visual search for schematic emotional faces risks perceptual confound. Cognition & Emotion, 25(4), 573-584. Maller JJ, Reglade-Meslin C, Chan P, Daskalakis ZJ, Thomson RH, Anstey KJ, Budge M, Sachdev P, Fitzgerald PB, (2011). Hippocampal sulcal cavities: Prevalence, risk factors and relationship to memory impairment. Brain Research Reviews, 12(1368), 222-230. Manassis, K, Russell K, Newton AS, (2010). Cochrane Library and the treatment of childhood and adolescent anxiety disorders. Evidence Based Child Health, 5(2), 241-254.

Mah K, Bezjak A, Loblaw DA, Gotowiec A, Devins GM, (2011). Do ongoing lifestyle disruptions differ across Manchia M, Zai CC, Squassina A, Vincent JB, De Luca V, Kennedy JL, (2010). Mixture regression analysis on cancer types after the conclusion of cancer treatment. age at onset in bipolar disorder patients: investigation of


publications the role of serotonergic genes. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol, 20(9), 663-670. Mann RE, Astridge A, Stoduto G, Smart RG, Goldbloom DS, Vingilis ER, Wickens CM, (2010). Psychological distress and collision involvement among adult drivers. Stress and Health, 26(1), 127-134. Mansfield JK, Kennedy SH, (2010). Current use of venlafaxine not associated with excess risk of sudden cardiac death or near death compared with fluoxetine, citalopram or dosulepin. Evidence-Based Mental Health, 13(3), 89-89. Marinelli PW, Funk D, Juzytsch W, LĂŞ AD, (2010). Opioid receptors in the basolateral amygdala but not dorsal hippocampus mediate context-induced alcohol seeking. Behavioral Brain Research, 211(1), 58-63. Mascia P, Pistis M, Justinova Z, Panlilio LV, Luchicchi A, Lecca S, Scherma M, Fratta W, Fadda P, Barnes C, Redhi GH, Yasar S, Le Foll B, Tanda G, Piomelli D, Goldberg SR, (2011). Blockade of nicotine reward and reinstatement by activation of alpha-type peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors. Biological Psychiatry, 69(7), 633-641. Maunder RG, Hunter JJ, Lancee WJ, (2011). The impact of attachment insecurity and sleep disturbance on symptoms and sick days in hospital-based health-care workers. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 70(1), 11-17. Maunder RG, Lancee WJ, Mae R, Vincent L, Peladeau N, Beduz MA, Hunter JJ, Leszcz M, (2010). Computerassisted resilience training to prepare healthcare workers for pandemic influenza: A randomized trial of the optimal dose of training. BMC Health Services Research, 10(72), 1-10.

healthcare workers and its relationship to adult life events, distress and impairment. Child Abuse & Neglect, 34(2), 114-123. Maxwell M, Thornton LM, Root TL, Pinheiro AP, Strober M, Brandt H, Crawford S, Crow S, Fichter MM, Halmi KA, Johnson C, Kaplan AS, Keel P, Klump KL, LaVia M, Mitchell JE, Plotnicov K, Rotondo A, Woodside DB, Berrettini WH, Kaye WH, Bulik CM, (2010). Life beyond the eating disorder: education, relationships, reproduction. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 44(3), 225-232. McBride CM, Zuroff DC, Ravitz P, Koestner R, Moskowitz DS, Quilty L, Bagby M, (2010). Autonomous and Controlled Motivation and Interpersonal Therapy for Depression:. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 49(0), 529-545. McCay E, (2011). Experience of Emotional Stress and Resilience in Street-Involved Youth: The Need for Early Mental Health Intervention. Healthcare Quarterly Special Issue on Child and Youth Mental Health in the Community, 14(2), 65-71. McCay E, Langley J, Beanlands H, Cooper L, Mudachi N, Harris A, Blidner R, Bach K, Dart C, Miner S, (2010). Recognizing the Need for a Multi-determined Approach To Meet the Mental Health Needs of Streetinvolved Youth. The Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, Special Issue – Determinants of Mental Health, 42(3), 30-49. McCay E, Langley J, Beanlands H, et al, (2010). Mental Health Challenges and Strengths of Street-involved Youth: The Need for a Multi-determined Approach. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 42(3), 30-49.

McCormick PN, Kapur S, Graff-Guerrero A, Raymond R, Nobrega JN and Wilson AA, (2010). The Maunder RG, Nolan RP, Hunter JJ, Steinhart AH, antipsychotics olanzapine, risperidone, clozapine and Greenberg GR, (2011). Relationship between social sup- haloperidol are D2-selective ex vivo but not in vitro. port and autonomic function during a stress protocol in Neuropsychopharmacology, 35(8), 1826-1835. ulcerative colitis patients in remission. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, ePub( June), 1-6. McIntosh AR, Kovacevic N, Lippe S, Garrett D, Grady CL, Jirsa V, (2010). The development of a noisy brain. Maunder RG, Peladeau N, Savage D, Lancee WJ, Archives of Italian Biology, 148(0), 323-337. (2010). The prevalence of childhood adveristy among

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


publications McIntyre RS, Cragin L, Sorensen S, Naci H, Baker T, Roussy JP, (2010). Comparison of the metabolic and economic consequences of long-term treatment of schizophrenia using ziprasidone, olanzapine, quetiapine and risperidone in Canada: a cost-effectiveness analysis. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 16(4), 744-755. McIntyre RS, Danilewitz M, Liauw SS, Kemp DE, Nguyen HT, Kahn LS, Kucyi A, Soczynska JK, Woldeyohannes HO, Lachowski A, Kim B, Nathanson J, Alsuwaidan M, Taylor VH, (2010). Bipolar disorder and metabolic syndrome: an international perspective. Journal of Affective Disorders, 126(3), 366-387. McIntyre RS, Kennedy SH, Soczynska JK, Nguyen HTT, Bilkey T, Woldeyohannes H, Nathanson J, Joshi S, Cheng JSH, Benson K, Muzina DJ, (2010). Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in adults with bipolar disorder or major depressive disorder: Results from the international mood disorders collaborative project. Primary Care Companion to the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 12(3). McIntyre RS, Park KY, Law CW, Sultan F, Adams A, Lourenco MT, Lo AK, Soczynska JK, Woldeyohannes HO, Alsuwaidan M, Yoon J, Kennedy SH, (2010). The association between conventional antidepressants and the metabolic syndrome: a review of the evidence and clinical implications. CNS Drugs, 24(9), 741-753. McIntyre RS, Woldeyohannes HO, Soczynska JK, Miranda A, Lachowski A, Liauw SS, Grossman T, Lourenco MT, Kim B, Alsuwaidan MT, Kennedy SH, (2010). The rate of metabolic syndrome in euthymic Canadian individuals with bipolar I/II disorder. Advances in Therapy, 27(11), 828-836. McIntyre RS, Yoon J, Jerrell JM, Liauw SS, (2011). Aripiprazole for the maintenance treatment of bipolar I disorder: A review. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 7(0), 319-323.

McKay K, Ross LE, Goldberg AE, (2010). Adaptation to parenthood during the post-adoption period: A review of the literature. Adoption Quarterly, 13(2), 125-144. McKay K, Ross, LE, (2010). Current practices and barriers in the provision of post-placement support: A pilot study from Toronto, Ontario, Canada. British Journal of Social Work, 41(4), 57-73. McKenzie K, (2010). Building consensus for moving forward. Psychol Med. 2010 40 735-736, 40(1), 735-736. McMain S, (2010). Reply to letter regarding “”Dialectical Behaviour Therapy versus General Psychiatric Management””. American Journal of Psychiatry, 4(167), 475-476. McMain S, Pos A, Iwakabe S, (2010). Facilitating Emotion Regulation: General Principles for Psychotherapy. Psychotherapy Bulletin, 3(45), 16-21. Meyer JH, Bagby RM, Wilson AA, Miler L, Clark M, Rusjan P, Sacher J, Houle S, Soliman A, (2011). Relationship of monoamine oxidase A binding to adaptive and maladaptive personality traits. Psychol Med., 41(5), 1051-1060. Meyer-Bahlburg HFL, Dolezal C, Johnson LL, Kessler SJ, Schober JM, Zucker KJ, (2010). Development and validation of the Pregnancy and Infant Orientation Questionnaire. Journal of Sex Research, 47(6), 598-610. Mian I, Gearing R, De Souza C, Solomon L, (2007). Corticosteroid-Related Psychiatric Complications In the Treatment of Hodgkin’s Lymphoma in an Adolescent. Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 16(1), 27-29. Mileva-Seitz V, Kennedy J, Atkinson L, Steiner M, Levitan R, Matthews SG, Meaney MJ, Sokolowski MB, Fleming AS, (2011). Serotonin transporter allelic variation in mothers predicts maternal sensitivity, behaviour, and attitudes toward 6-month-old infants. Genes, Brain, and Behavior, 10(0), 325-333.

McKay K, Ross LE, (2010). The transition to adoptive parenthood: A pilot study of adoptive parents in Ontario, Milligan K, Niccols A, Sword W, Thabane L, Henderson J, Smith A, Liu J, (2010). Maternal substance use and Canada. Children and Youth Services Review, 32(0), 604integrated treatment programs for women with substance 610. use issues and their children: A meta-analysis. Substance


publications Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 5(0), 21-26. Mironova P, Rhodes AE, Bethell J, Tonmyr L, Boyle MH, Wekerle C, Goodman D, Leslie B, Manion I, (2011). Childhood physical abuse and suicide-related behaviour: A systematic review. Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies, 6(1), 1-7. Moffatt FW, Hodnett E, Esplen MJ, Watt-Watson J, (2010). Effects of guided imagery on blood pressure in pregnant women with hypertension: a pilot randomized controlled trial. Birth, 37(4), 296-306. Mokros A, Osterheider M, Hucker SJ, Nitscke J, (2011). Psychopathy and sexual sadism. Law & Human Behavior, 35(3), 188-199.

recipients. American Journal of Kidney Diseases, 56(1), 102-111. Moreno-De-Luca D, SGENE Consortium, Mulle JG, Simons Simplex Collection Genetics Consortium, Kaminsky EB, Sanders SJ GeneSTAR, Myers SM, Adam MP, Pakula AT, Eisenhauer NJ, Uhas K, Weik L, Guy L, Care ME, Morel CF, Boni C, Salbert BA, Chandrareddy A, etc, (2010). Deletion 17q12 is a recurrent copy number variant that confers high risk for autism and schizophrenia. American Journal of Human Genetics, 87(5), 618-630. Morrongiello B, Cusimano M, Barton B, Orr E, Chipman M, Tyberg J, Kulkarni A, Khanlou N, Masi R, Bekele T, (2010). Development of the BACKIE Questionnaire: A measure of children’s behaviors, attitudes, cognitions, knowledge, and injury experiences. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 42(1), 75-83.

Moldofsky H, (2010). Rheumatic Manifestations of Sleep Disorders. Current Opinion in Rheumatology. Current Opinion in Rheumatology. 22;1:59-63, 2010., 22(1), Moss TG, Weinberger AH, Vessicchio JC, Mancuso 59-63. V, Cushing SJ, Pett M, Kitchen K, Selby P, George TP, (2010). A tobacco reconceptualization in psychiatry: Moldofsky H, Inhaber NH, Guinta DR, Alvareztoward the development of tobacco-free psychiatric Horine SB, (2010). The Effects of Sodium Oxybate on Sleep Physiology and Sleep/Wake-Related Symptoms in facilities. American Journal on Addictions, 19(4), 293-311. Patients with Fibromyalgia Syndrome: A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study. J Rheumatol, 37(10), 2156-2166. Moldofsky H, Patcai J, (2011). Chronic Widespread Musculoskeletal Pain, Fatigue, Depression and Disordered Sleep in Chronic Post-SARS Syndrome; a casecontrolled study. BMC Neurology, 11(37), 1-7. Molnar MZ, Czira ME, Rudas A, Ujszaszi A, Haromszeki B, Kosa JP, Lakatos P, Beko G, Sarvary E, Varga M, Fornadi K, Novak M, Rosivall L, Kiss I, Remport A, Goldsmith DJ, Kovesdy CP, Mucsi I, (2011). Association between the malnutrition-inflammation score and posttransplant anaemia. Nephrology, Dialysis, Transplantation, 26(6), 2000-2006. Molnar MZ, Keszei A, Czira ME, Rudas A, Ujszaszi A, Haromszeki B, Kosa JP, Lakatos P, Sarvary E, Beko G, Fornadi K, Kiss I, Remport A, Novak M, KalantarZadeh K, Kovesdy CP, Mucsi I, (2010). Evaluation of the malnutrition-inflammation score in kidney transplant

Mukundan A, Faulkner G, Cohn T, Remington G, (2010). Antipsychotic switching for people with schizophrenia who have neuroleptic-induced weight or metabolic problems. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 8(12), 1-151. Mulé NJ, Ross LE, Deeprose B, Jackson B, Daley A, Travers A, Moore D, (2009). Promoting LGBT health and wellbeing through inclusive policy development. International Journal for Equity in Health, 8(18). Müller DJ, Chiesa A, Mandelli L, De Luca V, De Ronchi D, Jain U, Serretti A, Kennedy JL, (2010). Correlation of a set of gene variants, life events and personality features on adult ADHD severity. J Psychiatr Res, 44(9), 598-604. Müller DJ, Zai CC, Shinkai T, Strauss J, Kennedy JL, (2011). Association between the DAOA/G72 gene and bipolar disorder and meta-analyses in bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Bipolar Disord., 13(2), 198-207. Mulsant B, Culo S, Rosen J, Mazumdar S, Blakesley-

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


publications Ball RE, Houck PR, Pollock BG, (2010). Treating neuropsychiatric symptoms in dementia with Lewy bodies: a randomized controlled-trial. Alzheimer Disease & Associated Disorders, 24(4), 360-364. Mulsant B, Rajji TK, Uchida H, Ismail Z, Ng W, Mamo DC, Remington G, Pollock BG, (2010). Clozapine and global cognition in schizophrenia. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 30(4), 431-436. Munshi A, Hodges BD, (2010). A survey on war andn mental health: Experiences and Attitudes of Psychiatry Residents. Academic Psychiatry, 34(3), 208-210. Murthy NV, Selvaraj S, Cowen PJ, Bhagwagar Z, Riedel WJ, Peers P, Kennedy JL, Sahakian BJ, Laruelle MA, Rabiner EA, Grasby PM, (2010). Serotonin transporter polymorphisms (SLC6A4 insertion/deletion and rs25531) do not affect the availability of 5-HTT to [11C] DASB binding in the living human brain. Neuroimage, 52(1), 50-54. Nandlal J, Palarchio NI, Dewa CS, (2010). Continuity of Care in Early Intervention Programs and Court Support Programs: Giving Voice to Service Recipients and their Families. Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health, 29(5), 41-51.

son, J, Milligan, K, (2010). A national survey of services for women with substance use issues and their children in Canada in 2007: Challenges for knowledge translation and exchange. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 8(2), 310-319. Niccols A, Milligan K, Sword W, Thabane L, Henderson J, Smith A, Liu J, Jack S, (2010). Maternal mental health and integrated programs for mothers with substance abuse issues. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 24(3), 466-474. Nicholas DB, Boydell K M, Lach L, King G, Scott M, Sawatsky B, Reisman J, Schippel E, Young NL, (2010). Contrasting Internet and Traditional Focus Groups: Outcomes and participant experiences among children with spina bifida, cerebral palsy and systic fibrosis. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 9(1), 105-121. Nigg JT, Tannock R, Rhode LA, (2010). What is to be the fate of ADHD Subtypes? An Introduction to the Special Section on Research on the ADHD Subtypes and Implications for the DSM-V. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 0(0), 723-725.

Nisenbaum R, Links PS, Eynan R, Heisel M, (2010). Variability and Predictors of Negative Mood Intensity Natesan S, Reckless GE, Barlow KBL, Nobrega JN and in Patients With Borderline Personality Disorder and Kapur S, (2010). Partial agonists in schizophrenia – why Recurrent Suicidal Behavior: Multilevel Analyses Apsome work and others don’t: lessons for future drug plied to Experience Sampling Methodology. Journal of development. International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacol- Abnormal Psychology, 119(2), 433-439. ogy, 0(0), 1-14. Nissim R, D, Cribbie R, Zimmermann C, Gagliese L, Nebes RD, Pollock BG, Halligan EM, Houck P, Saxton Rodin G, (2010). Factor structure of the Beck HopelessJA, (2011). Cognitive slowing associated with elevated ness Scale in individuals with advanced cancer. Psychoserum anticholinergic activity in older individuals is Oncology, 3(0), 255-263. decreased by caffeine use. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 19(2), 169-175. Nolan RP, Floras JS, Harvey PJ, Kamath MV, Picton PE, Chessex C, Hiscock N, Powell J, Catt M, Hendrickx Newton A, Hamm MP, Bethell J, Rhodes AE, Bryan H, Talbot D, Chen MH, (2010). Behavioral neurocardiac CJ, Ali S, Logue E, (2010). Pediatric Suicide-Related training in hypertension: a randomized controlled trial. Presentations: A Systematic Review of Mental Health Hypertension, 55(4), 1033-1039. Care in the Emergency Department. Annals of Emergency Medicine, 56(6), 649-659. Nolan RP, Upshur REG, Lynn H, Crichton T, Rukholm E, Stewart DE, Alter DA, Chessex C, Harvey PJ, Niccols A, Dobbins, M, Sword, W, Smith, A, Hender- Grace SL, Picard L, Michel I, Angus J, Corace K, Barry-


publications Bianchi SM, Chen MH, (2011). Therapeutic benefit of preventive telehealth counseling in the Community Outreach Heart Health and Risk Reduction Trial. American Journal of Cardiology, 107(5), 690-696. Noor A, Whibley A, Marshall CR, Gianakopoulos PJ, (2010). Disruption at the PTCHD1 Locus on Xp22.11 in Autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disability. Sci Transl Med, 2(49), 0-0. Novak G, LeBlanc M, Zai C, Shaikh S, Renou J, DeLuca V, Bulgin N, Kennedy JL, Le Foll B, (2010). Association of polymorphisms in the BDNF, DRD1 and DRD3 genes with tobacco smoking in schizophrenia. Annals of Human Genetics, 74(4), 291-298. Novak G, Seeman P, Le Foll B, (2010). Exposure to nicotine produces an increase in dopamine D2(High) receptors: a possible mechanism for dopamine hypersensitivity. The International Journal of Neuroscience, 120(11), 691-697.

L, Endicott J, Epperson CN, Eriksson E, Freeman E, Halbreich U, Ismail KMK, Panay N, Pearlstein T, Rapkin A, Reid R, Schmidt P, Steiner M, Studd J, Yonkers K, (2011). Towards a consensus on diagnostic criteria, measurement and trial design of the premenstrual disorders: the ISPMD Montreal consensus. Archives of Women’s Mental Health, 14(0), 13-21. O’Grady L, Jadad A, Bender J, Wiljer D, Urowitz S, (2010). Promoting and participating in online health forums: A guide to facilitation and evaluation for health professionals. Journal of Communication in Healthcare. Journal of Communication in Healthcare, 3(3), 246-257. Ong L, Kovacs A, Irvine MJ, Nolan RP, (2010). Parental overprotection and heart-focused anxiety in adults with congenital heart disease. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, epub(Sept), 1-8. Ornstein TJ, Arnold PD, Manassis K, Mendlowitz S, Schachar RJ, (2010). Neuropsychological performance in childhood OCD: A preliminary study. Depression and Anxiety, 27(4), 372-380.

Novak G, Zai CC, Mirkhani M, Shaikh S, Vincent JB, Meltzer H, Lieberman JA, Strauss J, Lévesque D, Kennedy JL, Le Foll B, (2010). Replicated association of the NR4A3 gene with smoking behaviour in schizophrenia and in bipolar disorder. Genes, Brain and Behavior, 12(1), 42-47.

Owen-Anderson AFH, Bradley SJ, Zucker KJ, (2010). Expressed emotion in mothers of boys with gender identity disorder. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 36(4), 327-345.

Novak G, Zai CC, Mirkhani M, Shaikh S, Vincent JB, Meltzer H, Lieberman JA, Strauss J, Lévesque D, Kennedy JL, Le Foll B, (2010). Replicated association of the NR4A3 gene with smoking behaviour in schizophrenia and in bipolar disorder. Genes Brain Behav., 9(8), 910-917.

Paes B, Mitchell I, Banerji A, Lanctôt KL, Langley J, (2011). A decade of Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) epidemiology and prophylaxis: Translating evidence into everyday clinical practice. Canadian Pediatric Journal, 18(2), 10-19.

Novak M, Molnar MZ, Szeifert L, Kovacs AZ, Vamos EP, Zoller R, Keszei A, Mucsi I, (2010). Depressive symptoms and mortality in patients after kidney transplantation: a prospective prevalent cohort study. Psychosomatic Medicine, 72(6), 527-534.

Pagnamenta AT, Khan H, Walker S, Gerrelli D, Wing K, Bonaglia MC, Giorda R, Berney T, Mani E, Molteni M, Pinto D, Le Couteur A, Hallmayer J, Sutcliffe JS, Szatmari P, Paterson AD, Scherer SW, Vieland VJ, Monaco AP, (2010). Rare familial 16q21 microdeletions under a linkage peak implicate cadherin 8 (CDH8) in susceptibility to autism and learning disability. Journal of Medical Genetics, 48(0), 48-54.

O’Brien AJ, McKenna BG, Thom K, Diesfeld K and Simpson AIF, (2011). Use of Tasers on people with mental illness. A New Zealand database study. International Journal of Psychiatry and Law, 34(1), 39-43. O’Brien PMS, Bäckström T, Brown C, Dennerstein

Pandi-Perumal SR, Spence DW, Verster JC, Srinivasan V, Brown GM, Cardinali DP, Hardeland R, (2011). Pharmacotherapy of Insomnia with Ramelteon: Safety,

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


publications Efficacy and Clinical Applications. Journal of Central Nervous System Disease., 3(0), 51-65.

Perreault ML, Hasbi A, Alijaniaram M, Fan T, Varghese G, Fletcher PJ, Seeman P, O’Dowd BF, George SR, (2010). The dopamine D1-D2 receptor heteromer Parker S, Shaver J, Hodges BD, (2010). Intersections of localizes in dynorphin/enkephalin neurons: increased creativity in the evaluation of the Wilson Centre Fellow- high affinity state following amphetamine and in schizoship Program. Medical Education, 44(1), 1095-1104. phrenia. J Biol Chem, 285(0), 0-0.

Paterson AD, Rommens JM, Bharaj B, Blavignac J, Wong I, Diamandis M, Waye JS, Rivard GE, Hayward CPM, (2010). Persons with Quebec platelet disorder have a tandem duplication of PLAU, the urokinase plasminogen activator gene. Blood, 115(0), 1264-1266.

Petersen HV, Domanska K, Bendahl PO, Wong J, Carlsson C, Bernstein I, Esplen MJ, Nilbert M, (2011). Validation of a Self-concept scale for Lynch Syndrome in different Nationalities. J Genetic Counselling, 20(3), 308-313.

Paterson AD, Waggott D, Boright AP, Hosseini SM, Shen E, Sylvestre MP, Wong I, Bharaj B, Cleary PA, Lachin JM, MAGIC, Below JE, Nicolae D, Cox NJ, Canty AJ, Sun L, Bull SB, The Diabetes Control and Complications Trial, Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Com, (2010). A genome-wide association study identifies a novel major locus for glycemic control in type 1 diabetes, as measured by both A1C and glucose. Diabetes, 58(0), 539-549.

Petronis A, (2010). Epigenetics as a unifying principle in the aetiology of complex traits and diseases. Nature, 465(7299), 721-727.

Pattullo V, Alkazaz N, Sockalingam S, Heathcote J, (2011). Poor Perception of Body Weight Category amongst the Overweight and Obese with Chronic Hepatitis C: A Target for Intervention?. Journal of Obesity, 2011(0), 1-8.

Pignatiello A, Boydell K, Teshima J, Volpe T, Braunberger PG, Minden D, (2011). Transforming child and youth mental health care via innovative technological solutions. Healthcare Quarterly, 14(2), 92-102. Pignatiello A, Teshima J, Boydell KM, Minden D, Volpe T, Braunberger P, (2011). Child and Youth Telepsychiatry in Rural and Remote Primary Care. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 20(1), 13-28.

Pinheiro AP, Raney TJ, Thornton L, Fichter M, Berrettini W, Goldman D, Halmi K, Kaplan AS, Strober Pei L, Li S, Wang M, Diwan M, Fletcher PJ, Nobreg M, Treasure J, Woodside B, Walter HK, Bulik C, (2010). JN, Liu F, (2010). Uncoupling dopamine D1-D2 receptor Sexual Functioning in Women With Eating Disorders. complex exerts antidepressant-like effects. Nature MediInter J Eat Disorders, 43(2), 123-129. cine, 16(12), 1393-1395. Pinheiro AP, Thornton LM, Bulik CM, Sullivan PF, Peirson L, Boydell KM, Ferguson HB, Ferris L, (2011). Root TL, Bloss C, Berrettini W, Magistretti P, Brandt, An Ecological Process Model of Systems Change. Ameri- H, Crawford S, Crow S, Fichter MM, Goldman D, can Journal of Community Psychology, 47(3), 307-321. Halmi KA, Johnson C, Kaplan AS, Keel P, Klump KL, La Via M, Mitchell J, Strober M, Rotondo A, Treasure J, Penney SR, Lee Z, Moretti MM, (2010). Gender Woodside DB, (2010). Association study of 182 candidate differences in risk factors for violence: An examination genes in anorexia nervosa. AM J Med Gent B: Neuropsyof the predictive validity of the Structured Assessment chiatric Genetics, 153(5), 1070-1080. of Violence Risk in Youth. Aggressive Behavior, 36(6), 390-404. Pinto D, Paterson AD, Pericak-Vance MA, Schellenberg GD, Szatmari P, Vicente AM, Vieland VJ, Wijsman Penney SR, Moretti MM, (2010). The roles of affect EM, Scherer SW, Sutcliffe JS, Betancur C et al, (2010). dysregulation and deficient affect in youth violence. Functional impact of global rare copy number variation Criminal Justice and Behavior, 37(6), 709-731. in autism spectrum disorders. Nature, 466(0), 368-372.


publications Piran S, Bassett AS, Grewal J, Swaby JA, Oeschlin E, Redington A, Liu PP, Silversides CK, (2011). Patterns of cardiac and extra-cardiac anomalies in adults with tetralogy of Fallot. American Heart Journal, 161(1), 131-137.

Montaner JSG, Hogg RS, et al, (2010). Regional differences in rates of HIV-1 viral load monitoring in Canada: Insights and implications for antiretroviral care in high income countries. BMC Infectious Diseases, 10(40), 1-9.

Poole J, Shildrick M, De Luca E, Abbey SE, Mauthner O, McKeever P, Ross H, (2011). The obligation to say ‘thank you’: heart transplant recipients’ experience of writing to the donor family. American Journal of Transplantation, 11(3), 619-622.

Rahman P, Roslin NM, Pellett FJ, Lemire M, Greenwood CMT, Beyene J, Pope A, Peddle L, Paterson AD, Uddin M, Gladman DG, (2011). High resolution mapping in the major histocompatibility complex region identifies multiple independent novel loci for psoriatic arthritis. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 70(0), 690-694.

Popovich C, Dockstader C, Cheyne D, Tannock R, (2010). Sex differences in sensorimotor mu rhythms during selective attentional processing. Neuropsychologia, 48(14), 102-110. Pottier P, Hardouin JB, Planchon B, Pistorious MA, Connault JC, Clairand R, Sebille V, Barrier JH, Hodges BD, (2010). Exploring how students think: a new method combining thinking aloud and concept mapping. Medical Education, 44(9), 926-935. Prichard A, Palucka A, Reid M, Lunsky Y, (2010). Review of admission of individuals with autismspectrum disorders to a specialized dual diagnosis program. Journal on Developmental Disabilities, 16(1), 77-84. Ptak C, Petronis A, (2010). Epigenetic approaches to psychiatric disorders. Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, 12(1), 25-35. Pugliese M, Cohen NJ, Farnia F, Lojkasek M, (2010). The emerging attachment relationship between adopted Chinese infants and their mothers. Children and Youth Services Review, 32(0), 1719-1728. Quilty LC, Godfrey KM, Kennedy SH, Bagby RM, (2010). Harm avoidance as a mediator of treatment response to antidepressant treatment of patients with major depression. Psychoterapy and Psychosomatics, 79(2), 116-122.

Raina P, Lunsky Y, (2010). A comparison study of adults with intellectual disability and psychiatric disorder with and without forensic involvement. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 31(1), 218-223. Rajji TK, Uchida H, Ismail Z, Ng W, Mamo DC, Remington G, Pollock BG, Mulsant BH, (2010). Clozapine and global cognition in schizophrenia. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 30(4), 431-436. Ramirez J, Gibson E, Quddus A, Lobaugh NJ, Feinstein A, Levine B, Scott CJ, Levy-Cooperman N, Gao FQ, Black SE, (2011). Lesion Explorer: a comprehensive segmentation and parcellation package to obtain regional volumetrics for subcortical hyperintensities and intracranial tissue. Neuroimage, 54(2), 963-973. Rapoport MJ, Lanctôt KL, Streiner DL, Bédard M, Vingilis E, Murray B, Schaffer A, Shulman KI, Herrmann N, (2009). Benzodiazepine use and driving: A meta-analysis. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 70(5), 663-673. Rapoport MJ, Mitchell RA, McCullagh S, Herrmann N, Chan F, Kiss A, Feinstein A, Lanctôt KL, (2010). A randomized controlled trial of antidepressant continuation for major depression following traumatic brain injury. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 71(9), 1125-1130.

Ravindran AV, al Subaie A, Abraham G, (2010). QueRabin RA, Zakzanis KK, GeorgeTP, (2011). The effects tiapine: Novel uses in the treatment of mood and anxiety of cannabis use on neurocognition in schizophrenia: A disorders. Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs, 19(10), meta-analysis. Schizophrenia Research, 128(1-3), 111-116. 1187-1204. Raboud JM, Bayoumni AM, Klein MB, Cooper C, Loufty MR, Su D, Machouf N, Rourke SB, Walmsley S, Rachlis Am Harrigan PR, Smiega M, Tsoukas C,

Ravindran LN, Stein MB, (2010). The pharmacologic treatment of anxiety disorders: a review of progress.

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


publications Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 71(7), 839-854. Ravitz P, Maunder RG, Hunter JJ, Sthankiya B Lancee WJ, (2010). Adult attachment measures - A 25 year review. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 69(4), 419-432.

A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled evaluation of the efficacy and safety of donepezil combined with antidepressant pharmacotherapy. Archives of General Psychiatry, 68(1), 51-60.

Reynolds F CF III, Dew MA, Martire LM, Miller MD, Cyranowski JM, Lenze E, Whyte EM, Mulsant BH, Pollock BG, Karp JF, Gildengers A, Szanto K, Dombrovski AY, Andreescu C, Butters MA, Morse JQ, Rector NA, Cassin SE, (2010). Clinical expertise in Houck PR, Bensasi S, Mazumdar S, Stack JA, Frank E, cognitive behavioural therapy: Definition and pathways to acquisition. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, 0(40), (2010). Treating depression to remission in older adults: a controlled evaluation of combined escitalopram with 153-161. interpersonal psychotherapy versus escitalopram with Rehm J, Baliunas D, Borges GLG, Graham K, Irving depression care management. International Journal of H, Parry CD, Patra J, Poznyak V, Roerecke M, Room Geriatric Psychiatry, 25(11), 1134-1141. R, Taylor B, Samokhvalov AV, Popova S, (2010). The Reynolds III CF, Butters MA, Lopez O, Pollock BG, relation between different dimensions of alcohol consumption and burden of disease – an overview. Addiction, Dew MA, Mulsant BH, Lenze E, Holm M, Rogers J, Mazumdar S, Houck PR, Begley A, Anderson S, Karp 105(5), 817-843. JF, Miller MD, Whyte EM, Stack J, Gildengers A, Reichman TW, Fox A, Adcock L, Wright L, Abbey Szanto K, Bensasi S, Kaufer DI, DeKosky ST, (2011). SE, Levy G, Grant DR, (2010). Anonymous living liver Maintenance treatment of depression in old age: a donation: donor profiles and outcomes. American Journal randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled evaluof Transplantation, 10(9), 2099-2104. ation of the efficacy and safety of donepezil combined with antidepressant pharmacotherapy. Archives of General Remington G, (2010). Antipsychotic dosing: still a Psychiatry, 68(1), 51-60. work in progress. Am J Psychiatry, 167(6), 623-625. Rhodes AE, (2011). Sex differences in childhood sexual Remington G, Agid O, Foussias G, (2011). Schizophre- abuse and suicide-related behaviours. Suicide and Lifenia as a disorder of too little dopamine: implications for Threatening Behavior, 41(6), 1-20. symptoms and treatment. Expert Rev Neurother, 11(4), 589-607. Rice ME, Harris GT, (2011). Is androgen deprivation therapy effective in the treatment of sex offenders?. Remington G, Foussias G, Agid O, (2010). Progress in Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 17(0), 315-332. Defining Optimal Treatment Outcome in Schizophrenia. CNS Drugs, 24(1), 9-20. Riechelmann R, Burman D, Rodin G, Tannock I, Zimmermann C, (2010). Phase II trial of mirtazapine for Remington G, Kapur S, (2010). Antipsychotic dosing: cancer-related cachexia and anorexia. American Journal of how much but also how often?. Schizophr Bull, 36(5), Hospital and Palliative Medicine, 27(0), 106-110. 200-203. Rizvi S, Ravindran LN, Kennedy SH, Giacobbe P, Reynolds CF III, Butters MA, Lopez O, Pollock BG, Eisfeld B, Mancini D, McIntyre RS, (2010). The relaDew MA, Mulsant BH, Lenze EJ, Holm M, Rogers tionship between testosterone and sexual function in JC, Mazumdar S, Houck PR, Begley A, Anderson S, depressed and healthy men. Journal of sexual medicine, 7(2), Karp JF, Miller MD, Whyte EM, Stack J, Gildengers A, 816-825. Szanto K, Bensasi S, Kaufer DI, Kamboh I, DeKosky ST, (2011). Maintenance treatment of depression in old age: Rizvi SJ, Yeung NW, Kennedy SH, (2011). Instruments Rector N, Cassin S, (2010). Reassurance seeking in anxiety. Advances in Cogntive Therapy, 11(0), 4-11.


publications to measure sexual dysfunction in community and psychi- for glaucoma and uveitis. Journal of Pineal Research, 49(1), atric populations. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 70(1), 1-13. 99-109. Ross H, Abbey S, De Luca E, Mauthner O, McKeever Rochon E, Leonard C, Burianova H, Laird L, Soros P, Shildrick M, Poole J, (2010). What they say versus P, Graham S, Grady CL, (2010). Neural changes after what we see: ‘hidden’ distress and impaired quality of life phonological treatment for anomia: an fMRI study. Brain in heart transplant recipients. Journal of Heart and Lung and Language, 114(3), 164-179. Transplantation, 29(19), 1142-1149. Roest AM, Thombs BD, Grace SL, Stewart DE, Abbey SE, de Jonge P, (2010). Somatic/affective symptoms, but not cognitive/affective symptoms of depression after acute coronary syndrome are associated with 12-month all-cause mortality. Journal of Affective Disorders - Epub.

Ross LE, Dennis CL, (2009). The prevalence of postpartum depression among women with substance use, an abuse history or chronic illness: A systematic review. Journal of Women’s Health, 18(4), 475-486. Ross LE, Dobinson C, Eady A, (2010). Perceived determinants of mental health for bisexual people: A qualitative examination. American Journal of Public Health, 100(3), 496-502.

Rogers M, Hwang Heungsun H, Toplak M, Weiss M, Tannock R, (2011). Working Memory and Academic Achievement in Adolescents Referred for Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Child NeuropsyRoss LE, Epstein R, Anderson S, Eady A, (2009). chol, 3(0), 1-15. Policy, practice and personal narratives: Experiences Romano D, McCay E, Goering P, Zipursky R, Boydell of LGBTQ people with adoption in Ontario, Canada. K, (2010). Reshaping an enduring sense of self: The Adoption Quarterly, 12(3), 272-293. process of recovery from a first episode of schizophrenia. Ross LE, McQueen K, Vigod S, Dennis CL, (2011). Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 4(3), 243-250. Risk for postpartum depression associated with assisted Root C, MacKay S, Henderson J, Del Bove G, Warling reproductive technologies and multiple births: a systemD, (2008). The link between maltreatment and juvenile atic review. Human Reproduction Update, 17(1), 96-106. firesetting: Correlates and underlying mechanisms. Child Ross LE, Villegas L, Dennis CL, Bourgeault IV, CairAbuse and Neglect, 32(0), 161-176. ney J, Grigoriadis S, Steele L, Yudin MH, (2011). Rural Root TL, Pinheiro AP, Thornton L, Strober M, residence and risk for perinatal depression: A Canadian Fernandez-Aranda F, Brandt H, Crawford S, Fichter pilot study. Archives of Women’s Mental Health, 14(3), MM, Halmi KA, Johnson C, Kaplan AS, Klump KL, 175-185. La Via M, Mitchell J, Woodside DB, Rotondo A, BerRoss LE, Epstein R, Goldfinger C, Yager C, (2009). rettini WH, Kaye WH, Bulik CM, (2010). Substance use disorders in women with anorexia nervosa. Behaviour Policy and Practice regarding lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transsexual and Two-Spirit adoption in Research and Therapy, 43(1), 14-21. Ontario. Canadian Public Policy, 35(4), 451-467. Rosen A, Goldbloom D, McGeorge P, (2010). Mental Health Commissions – making the critical difference to Rothenburg LS, Herrmann N, Swardfager WL, Black SE, Tennen G, Gladstone DJ, Ween J, Snaiderman A, the development and reform of mental health services. Lanctôt KL, (2010). The relationship between inflamCurrent Opinion in Psychiatry, 23(3), 593-603. matory markers and post-stroke cognitive impairment. Rosenstein RE, Pandi-Perumal SR, Srinivasan V, Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology, 23(3), 199-205. Spence DW, Brown GM, Cardinali DP, (2010). Melatonin as a therapeutic tool in ophthalmology: implications Rotondi AJ, Anderson CM, Haas GL, Back SM, Spring M B, Ganguli R, Newhill C, Rosenstock J, (2010).

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


publications Web-based psychoeducational intervention for persons with schizophrenia and their supporters: one-year outcomes. Psychiatric Services, 61(11), 1099-1105. Rubenstein O, Tannock R, (2010). Mathematics anxiety in children with developmental dyscalculia. Behav Brain Funct, 15(0), 6-46. Rush B, Sapag J, Chaim G, Quinteros C, (2011). Client characteristics within the Chilean National Youth Addiction Treatment Demonstration System. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 40(2), 175-182. Ruskin R, (2011). Sexual Voundary Violations. Can. J/ of Psychoanalysis, 19(1), 87-106. Sable C, Foster E, Uzark K, Bjornsen K, Canobbio MM, Connolly HM, Graham TP, Gurvitz MZ, Kovacs A, Meadows AK, Reid GJ, Reiss JG, Rosenbaum KN, Sagerman PJ, Saidi A, Shah S, Tong E, Williams RG, (2011). Best practices in managing transition to adulthood for adolescents with congenital heart disease: the transition process and medical and psychosocial issues: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association. Circulation, 123(13), 1454-1485.

cardiovascular prevention and rehabilitation, 17(6), 706-712. Samokhvalov AV, Irving HM, Rehm J, (2010). Alcohol consumption as a risk factor for pneumonia: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Epidemiology and Infection, 138(12), 1789-1795. Samokhvalov AV, Popova S, Room R, Ramonas M, Rehm J, (2010). Disability associated with alcohol abuse and dependence. ACER, 34(11), 1-8. Sander SE, Nobrega JN, Raymond R, Richter A, (2010). Autoradiographic and pharmacological studies on the role of dopamine D3 receptors in genetically dystonic (dtsz) hamsters. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 2010, 96(2), 136-140. Sapag JC, Poblete FC, Eicher C, Aracena M, Caneo C, Vera G, Martínez M, Hoyos R, Villarroel L, Bradford E, (2010). Smoking in Urban Neighborhoods: Exploring Social Capital as a protective factor in Santiago, Chile. Nicotine Tob Res, 12(9), 927-936.

Sawka AM, Strauss S, Brierley JD, Tsang RW, Rotstein L, Rodin G, Gafni A, Ezzat S, Thabane L, Thorpe K, Goldstein DP, (2010). Decision aid on radioactive iodine Sacher J, Wilson AA, Houle S, Rusjan P, Hassan S, treatment for early stage papillary thyroid cancer - a Bloomfield PM, Stewart DE, Meyer JH, (2010). Elevated randomized controlled trial. Trials, 11(81), 1-6. brain Monoamine Oxidase: A Binding in the early postpartum period. Archives General Psychiatry, 67(5), 468-474. Schachar R, Chen S, Crosbie J, Goos L, Ickowicz, A, Charach A, (2007). Comparison of the Predictive Sala R, Sala R, Axelson DA, Castro-Fornieles J, Gold- Validity of Hyperkinetic Disorder and Attention Deficit stein TR, Ha W, Liao F, Gill MK, Iyengar S, Strober Hyperactivity Disorder. Journal of the Canadian Academy of MA, Goldstein BI, Yen S, Hower H, Hunt J, Ryan ND, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 16(2), 90-100. Dickstein D, Keller MB, Birmaher B, (2010). Comorbid Schachar RJ, Forget-Dubois N, Dionne G, Boivin M, anxiety in children and adolescents with bipolar spectrum disorders: prevalence and clinical correlates. Journal Robaey P, (2011). Heritability of response inhibition in children. J Int Neuropsychol Soc, 17(2), 238-247. of Clinical Psychiatry, 71(10), 1344-1350. Samokhvalov AV, Irving H, Mohapatra S, Rehm J, (2010). Alcohol consumption, unprovoked seizures and epilepsy: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Epilepsia, 51(7), 1177-1184. Samokhvalov AV, Irving HM, Rehm J, (2010). Alcohol consumption as a risk factor for atrial fibrillation: a systematic review and meta-analysis. European journal of


Schachter DC, Kleinman I, (2010). Informed Consent and Disclosure of Information for Stimulant Medication: An exploratory study of teenagers, parents and physicians preferences for information disclosure. Journal of Ethics in Mental Health, 5(1), 1-6. Schachter DC, Tharmalingam Sn, Kleinman I, (2011). Informed Consent and Stimulant Medication: Adolescents’ and Parents’ Ability to Understand Information

publications about Benefits and Risks of Stimulant Medication for the Treatment of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology, 21(2), 139-148. Schaffer A, Cairney J, Veldhuizen S, Kurdyak P, Cheung A, Levitt A, (2010). A Population-Based Comparison of Bipolar Disorder and Major Depressive Disorder. Journal of Affective Disorders, 125(0), 103-110.

ford S, Fichter MM, Halmi KA, Jacoby GE, Johnson CL, Jones I, Kaplan AS, Mitchell JE, Nutzinger DO, Strober M, Treasure J, Woodside DB, Kaye WH, Joiner TE, (2010). Refining behavioral dysregulation in borderline personality using a sample of women with anorexia nervosa. Personality Disorders: Theory, Treatment and Research, 1(4), 250-257.

Selby EA, Smith AR, Bulik CM, Olmsted MP, Thornton L, McFarlane TL, Berrettini WH, Brandt Sears SF, Hazelton AG, StAmant J, Matchett M, Kovacs HA, Crawford S, Fichter MM, Halmi KA, Jacoby GE, A, Vazquez LD, Fairbrother D, Redfearn S, Hanisch D, Johnson CL, Jones I, Kaplan AS, Mitchell JE, Nutzinger Dubin A, Cannon BC, Fishbach P, Kanter R, Bryant DO, Strober M, Treasure J, Woodside DB, Kaye WH, RM, (1011). Quality of life in pediatric patients with Joiner TE, (2010). Habitual starvation and provocative implantable cardioverter defibrillators. American Journal of behaviors: two potential routes to extreme suicidal Cardiology, 107(7), 1023-1027. behavior in anorexia nervosa. Behaviour Research and Seeman MV, (2010). Breaking Bad News: Schizophre- Therapy, 48(7), 634-645. nia. Journal of Psychiatric Practice, 16(4), 269-276. Selby P, Arbour-Nicitopoulos KP, Faulkner GE, Cohn Seeman MV, (2010). Parenting Issues in Mothers with Schizophrenia. Current Women’s Health Reviews, 6(1), 51-57.

TA, (2011). Smoking Cessation in Women with Severe Mental Illness: Acceptability of Exercise as an Adjunct Treatment. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 25(1), 43-52.

Seeman MV, (2011). Preventing breast cancer in schizo- Selby P, Costello MJ, Sproule B, Victor JC, Leatherdale S, Zawertailo L, (2010). Effectiveness of pharmacist phrenia. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 123(2), 107-117. counseling combined with nicotine replacement therapy: Seeman MV, (2010). Psychosis in women: Consider a pragmatic randomized trial with 6,987 participants. midlife medical and psychological triggers. Current Cancer Causes and Control Journal (Epub), 22(2), 167-180. Psychiatry, 9(2), 64-76. Selby P, Rogers J, Hunter K, Meyer Ngo J, (2010). DeSeeman MV, (2010). Reves, psychosis, and spirit healveloping dynamic tobacco control guidelines in Canada ing. Transcultural Psychiatry, 47(3), 491-501. Otolaryngology. Head and Neck Surgery, 143(1), 4-4. Seeman MV, (2010). Schizophrenia: Women bear a disproportionate toll of antipsychotic side effects. Journal of the American Nurses Association, 16(1), 21-29. Seeman MV, (2011). Sleepwalking: A Possible Side Effect of Antipsychotic Medication. Psychiatric Quarterly, 82(1), 59-67. Segal Z, Young T, MacQueen G, Levitan R, (2010). Antidepressant monotherapy versus sequential pharmacotherapy and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, or placebo, for relapse prophylaxis in recurrent depression. Archives of General Psychiatry, 67(12), 1256-1264. Selby EA, Bulik CM, Thornton L, Brandt HA, Craw-

Selby P, van Mierlo T, Voci SC, Parent D, Cunningham JA, (2010). Online social and professional support for smokers trying to quit: An exploration of first time posts from 2,562 members. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 12(8). Selby P, Voci S, Bondy S, Zawertailo L, Walker L, George TP, (2010). Impact of a smoke-free policy in a large psychiatric hospital on staff attitudes and patient behaviour. General Hospital of Psychiatry, 32(6), 623-630. Selby P, Voci S, Zawertaillo L, George TP, Brands B, (2010). Individualized smoking cessation treatment in an outpatient setting: Predictors of outcome in a sample

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


publications with psychiatric and addictions co-morbidity. Addictive Behaviors, 35(9), 811-817. Seruga B, Zhang H, Bernstein LJ, Tannock IF, (2008). Cytokines and their relationship to symptoms and outcome of cancer. Nature Reviews Cancer, 8(0), 887-899. Seto MC, Hanson RK, Babchishin KM, (2011). Contact sexual offending by men with online sexual offenses. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, 23(1), 124-145.

Scandinavica, 122(3), 173-183. Shorter E, van Praag HM, (2010). Disease versus dimension in diagnosis. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 55(2), 59-64. Shram MJ, Lê AD, (2010). Adolescent male Wistar rats are more responsive than adult rats to the conditioned rewarding effects of intravenously administered nicotine in the place conditioning procedure. Behavioral Brain Research, 206(2), 240-244.

Shahid A, Shen J, Shapiro CM, (2010). Measurements of Shulman K, (2010). Lithium for older adults with sleepiness and fatigue - a review. Journal of Psychosomatic bipolar disorder: Should it still be considered a first-line Research, 69(1), 81-89. agent?. Drugs and Aging, 27(8), 607-615. Shorter E, (2011). A brief history of placebos clinical trials in psychiatry. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 56(4), 193-197.

Shuman NK, Krug I, Pinheiro AP, Brewerton T, Thornton LM, Berrettini WH, Brandt H, Crawford S, Crow S, Fichter MM, Halmi KA, Johnson C, Kaplan AS, Keel P, LaVia M, Mitchell J, Rotondo A, Strober M, Shorter E, (2010). American Melancholy: Constructions Woodside DB, Kaye WH, Bulik CM, (2010). Is season of Depression in the Twentieth Century (review). Journal of birth related to disordered eating and personality in of Nervous and Mental Disease, 198(5), 390-390. women with eating disorders?. Eating and Weight DisorShorter E, Fink M, Taylor MA, (2010). Catatonia is not ders, 15(3), 186-189. Schizophrenia: Kraepelin’s Error and the Need to RecSicard MN, Zai CC, Tiwari AK, Souza RP, Meltzer ognize Catatonia as an Independent Syndrome in Medi- HY, Lieberman JA, Kennedy JL, Müller DJ, (2010). cal Nomenclature. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 36(2), 314-320. Polymorphisms of the HTR2C gene and antipsychoticShorter E, Francis A, Fink M, Appiani F, Bertelsen A, Bolwig TG, et al, (2010). Catatonia in Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition. Journal of ECT, 26(4), 246-247. Shorter E, Gazdag G, Fink M, Ungvari GS, (2010). Laszlo Meduna’s Immigration to the United States in 1939: Correspondence With Victor Gonda. Journal of ECT, 26(2), 79-81. Shorter E, Parker G, Fink M, Taylor MA, et al, (2010). Issues for DSM-5: whither melancholia? The case for its classification as a distinct mood disorder. American Journal of Psychiatry, 167(7), 745-747. Shorter E, Taylor MA, Vaidya NA, Fink M, (2010). The failure of the schizophrenia concept and the argument for its replacement by hebephrenia: applying the medical model for disease recognition. Acta Psychiatrica


induced weight gain: an update and meta-analysis. Pharmacogenomics, 11(11), 1561-1571. Simmons TR, Flax J, Azaro MA, Hayter JE, Justice LM, Petrill SA, Bassett AS, Tallal P, Brzustowicz LM, Bartlett CW, (2010). Increasing genotype-phenotype model determinism: application to bivariate reading/ language traits and epistatic interactions in language impaired families. Human Heredity, 70(4), 232-244. Simpson AIF, (2011). Mental Health Law in Ontario: challenges for reform. Health Law in Canada, 31(2), 65-71. Singh D, Deogracias JJ, Johnson LL, Bradley SJ, Kibblewhite SJ, Owen-Anderson A, Peterson-Badali M, Meyer-Bahlburg HFL, Zucker KJ, (2010). The Gender Identity/Gender Dysphoria Questionnaire for Adolescents and Adults: Further validity evidence. Journal of Sex Research, 47(1), 49-58.

publications Singh D, Zucker K, McMain S, (2010). Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation in Women with Borderline Personality Disorder. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 19(0), 31-41. Sinopoli KJ, Schachar R, Dennis M, (2011). Traumatic brain injury and secondary attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in children and adolescents: The effect of reward on inhibitory control. J Clin Exp Neuropsychol, 19(0), 1-15. Sinyor M, Levitt A, Cheung A, Schaffer A, Kiss A, Dowlati Y, Lanctot K, (2010). Does Inclusion of a Placebo Arm Influence Response to Active Antidepressant Treatment in Randomized Controlled Trials? Results from Pooled and Meta-Analyses. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 71(3), 270-279.

effectiveness of palivizumab: a systematic review of the evidence. Journal of Medical Economics, 13(3), 453-463. Soares CN, Frey BN, Haber E, Steiner M, (2010). A pilot, 8-week, placebo lead-in trial of quetiapine extended release for depression in midlife women: impact on mood and menopuase-related symptoms. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 30(0), 612-615. Sockalingam S, Links PS, Abbey SE, (2011). Suicide risk in hepatitis C and during interferon-alpha therapy. Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 18(3), 152-160. Sockalingam S, Shammi C, Powell V, Barker L, Remington G, (2010). Determining rates of hepatitis C in a clozapine treated cohort. Schizophrenia Research, 124(1), 86-90.

Sinyor M, Schaffer A, Levitt A, (2010). The Sequenced Treatment Alternatives to Relieve Depression (STAR*D) Trial: A Review. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 55(3), 126-135.

Sockalingam S, Stergiopoulos V, Maggi J, Zaretsky A, (2010). Quality Education: A pilot quality improvement curriculum for psychiatry residents. Medical Teacher, 32(5), 221-226.

Skilling TA, Doiron JM, Seto MC, (2011). Exploring differences in youth and parent reports of antisociality among adolescent sexual and nonsexual offenders. Psychological Assessment, 23(1), 153-163.

Soczynska JK, Kennedy SH, Woldeyohannes HO, Liauw SS, Alsuwaidan M, Yim CY, McIntyre RS, (2011). Mood disorders and obesity: understanding inflammation as a pathophysiological nexus. Neuromolecular Medicine, 13(2), 93-116.

Sloman L, Sturman E, Price J, (2011). Winning and Losing: An Evolutionary Approach to Mood Disorder and Their Therapy. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 56(6), 324-332.

Soreni N, Noseworthy M, Schachar R, Konyer N, (2010). Inter-individual, Repositioning and Time-ofDay Effects on Single Voxel Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of the Anterior Cingulate Cortex. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 32(0), 276-282.

Smart K, Herrmann N, Lanctôt KL, (2011). Validity and responsiveness to change of clinically-derived MDS scales in Alzheimer’s disease outcomes research. Journal of Souza RP, De Luca V, Manchia M, Kennedy JL, (2011). Are serotonin 3A and 3B receptor genes associated with Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology, 24(2), 67-72. suicidal behavior in schizophrenia subjects?. Neurosci Smart K, Paes B, Lanctôt KL, (2010). Changing costs Lett., 489(3), 137-141. and the impact on RSV prophylaxis [brief report]. Journal Souza RP, de Luca V, Meltzer HY, Lieberman JA, Kenof Medical Economics, 13(4), 705-708. nedy JL, (2010). Schizophrenia severity and clozapine Smart KA, Lanctôt KL, Paes BA, (2010). Rebuttal: treatment outcome association with oxytocinergic genes. palivizumab for the prevention of respiratory syncytial Int J Neuropsychopharmacol., 13(6), 793-798. virus infection. Canadian Family Physician, 56(10), 988Souza RP, Ismail P, Meltzer HY, Kennedy JL, (2010). 991. Variants in the oxytocin gene and risk for schizophrenia. Smart KA, Paes BA, Lanctôt KL, (2010). The costSchizophr Res., 121(13), 279-280.

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


publications Souza RP, Meltzer HY, Lieberman JA, Le Foll B, Kennedy JL, (2010). Influence of neurexin 1 (NRXN1) polymorphisms in clozapine response. Human Psychopharmacology, 25(7-8), 582-585. Souza RP, Remington G, Chowdhury NI, Lau MK, Voineskos AN, Lieberman JA, Meltzer HY, Kennedy JL, (2010). Association study of the GSK-3B gene with tardive dyskinesia in European Caucasians. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol., 20(10), 688-694. Souza RP, Remington G, Meltzer HY, Lieberman JA, Kennedy JL, Wong AH, (2010). Phosphodiesterase 4B genetic variants and not associated with antipsychoticinduced tardive dyskinesia. Int Clin Psychopharmacol, 25(5), 264-269. Souza RP, Romano-Silva MA, Lieberman JA, Meltzer HY, MacNeil LT, Culotti JG, Kennedy JL, Wong AH, (2010). Genetic association of the GDNF alpha-receptor genes with schizophrenia and clozapine response. J Psychiatr Res, 44(11), 700-706. Souza RP, Rosa DV, Romana-Silva MA, Zhen M, Meltzer HY, Lieberman JA, Remington G, Kennedy JL, Wong AH, (2011). Lack of association of NALCN genetic variants in schizophrenia. Psychiatry Res, 185(3), 450-452. Spreng RN, Grady CL, (2010). Patterns of brain activity supporting autobiographical memory, prospection, and theory of mind, and their relationship to the default mode network. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 22(0), 1112-1123.

Srinivasan V, Brzezinski A, Spence DW, PandiPerumal SR, Hardeland R, Brown GM, Cardinali DP, (2010). Sleep, mood disorders and antidepressants: the melatonergic anti-depressant agomelatine offers a new strategy for treatment. Psychiatria Fennica, 41(0), 147-158. Srinivasan V, Kaur C, Pandi-Perumal S, Brown GM, Cardinali DP, (2011). Melatonin and its agonist ramelteon in Alzheimer’s disease: possible therapeutic value. International Journal of Alzheimer’s disease., 2011(7419), 1-15. Srinivasan V, Pandi-Perumal SR, Spence DW, Moscovitch A, Trakht I, Brown GM, Cardinali DP, (2010). Review. Potential use of melatonergic drugs in analgesia: Mechanisms of action. Brain Research Bulletin, 81(4-5), 361-371. Srinivasan V, Singh J, Pandi-Perumal SR, Brown GM, Spence DW, Cardinali DP, (2010). Jet lag, circadian rhythm sleep disturbances, and depression: the role of melatonin and its analogs. Advances in Therapeutics, 27(11), 796-813. Starostina E, Ivashkina MG, Krivchikova MN, Shavrikova EP, Bagby RM, Taylor GJ, Quilty LC, Bobrov, AE, Moshnyaga EN, Puzyreva NV, Bobrova MA, (2010). New 20-item version of the Torornto Alexithymia Scale: validation of a Russian language translation in a sample of medical patients. Sotsialnaya Psychiatriya (Social and Clinical Psychiatry), 20(4), 31-38. Steele LS, Ross LE, Dobinson C, Veldhuizen S, Tinmouth J, (2009). Women’s Sexual Orientation and Health: Results from a Canadian Population-Based Survey. Women & Health, 49(5), 353-367.

Spreng RN, Strother S, Chow TW, Diehl-Schmid J, Freedman M, Graff-Radford N, Hodges J, Lipton A, Mendez M, Morelli S, Black SE, Miller BL, Levine B, (2010). Occupation attributes relate to location of atrophy in frontotemporal lobar degeneration. Neuropsychologia, 48(12), 3634-3641.

Stein MB, Ravindran LN, Simon NM, Liebowitz MR, Khan A, Brawman-Mintzer O, Lydiard RB, Pollack MH, (2010). Levitaracetam in generalized social anxiety disorder. Journal of clinical psychiatry, 71(5), 627-631.

Spreng RN, Wojtowicz M, Grady CL, (2010). Reliable differences in brain activity between young and old adults: A quantitative meta-analysis across multiple cognitive domains. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 34(8), 1178-1194.

Steiner M, Peer M, Palova E, Freeman E, Macdougall M, Soares CN, (2011). The premenstrual symptoms screening tool revised for adolescents (PSST-A): prevalence of severe pms and premenstrual dysphoric disorder in adolescents. Archives of Women’s Mental Health, 14(0),


publications 77-81. Stergiopoulos V, Dewa C, Durbin J, Chau N, Svoboda T, (2010). Assessing the Meantl Health Service Needs of the Homeless: A Level of Care Approach. Journal of Healthcare for the Poor and Underserved, 21(3), 1031-1045. Stergiopoulos V, Dewa C, Tanner G, Chau N, Pett M, Connelly J, (2010). Addressing the needs of the street homeless: a collaborative approach. International Journal of Mental Health, 39(1), 125-130. Stergiopoulos V, Dewa CS, Durbin J, Chau N, Connelly JL, (2010). Specialized Mental Health Service Needs of Long-Term Homeless Men. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 21(10), 1031-1045. Stergiopoulos V, Lieff S, Razack S, Lee AC, Maniate JM, Hyde S, Taber S, Frank J, (2010). Canadian residents’ perceived manager training needs. Medical Teacher, 32(11), 479-485. Stergiopoulos V, Maggi J, Sockalingam S, (2010). Teaching and Learning the Physician Manager Role: Psychiatry Residents’ Perspectives. Medical Teacher, 32(07), 308-314. Stevens B, Abbott LK, Yamada J, Harrison D, Stinson J, Taddio A, Barwick M, Latimer M, Scott S, Rashotte J, Campbell F, Finley A with the CIHR Team in Pediatric Pain, (2011). Epidemiology and Management of Painful Procedures in Hospitalized Children across Canada. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 183(7), 403-410. Stewart DE, (2011). Toward Understanding Resilient Outcomes. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 56(5), 256-257. Stirtzinger R, Campbell L, Green A, De Souza C, Dawe I, (2001). Multimodal School-Based Intervention for At-Risk, Aggressive, Latency-Age Youth. Canadian Journal of School Psychology, 17(1), 27-46. Strassnig M, Brar JS, Ganguli R, (2010). Low cardiorespiratory fitness and physical functional capacity in obese patients with schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 126(1), 103-109. Strauss JS, Freeman NL, Shaikh SA, Vetró A, Kiss

E, Kapornai K, Daróczi G, Rimay T, Kothencné VO, Dombovári E, Kaczvinszk E, Tamás Z, Baji I, Besny M, Gádoros J, DeLuca V, George CJ, Dempster E, Barr CL, Kovacs M, Kennedy JL, (2010). No association between oxytocin or prolactin gene variants and childhood-onset mood disorders. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 35(9), 14221428. Sullivan W, Berg J, Bradley E, Cheetham T, Denton R, Heng J, Hennen B, Joyce D, Kelly M, Korossy M, Lunsky Y, McMillan S, (2011). Primary Care of Adults with Developmental Disabilities: Canadian Consensus Guidelines. Canadian Family Physician, 57(5), 541-553. Sun L, Dimitromanolaki A, Faye LL, Paterson AD, Waggott D, the DCCTEDIC Research Group and Bull SB, (2011). BR-squared: a Practical Solution to the Winner’s Curse in Genome-Wide Scans. Human Genetics, 129(0), 522-545. Swaby JAM, Silversides CK, Bekeschus SC, Piran S, Oechslin EN, Chow EWC, Bassett AS, (2011). Complex congenital heart disease in unaffected relatives of adults with 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome. American Journal of Cardiology, 107(3), 466-471. Swardfager W, Lanctôt K, Rothenburg L, Wong A, Cappell J, Herrmann N, (2010). A meta-analysis of cytokines in Alzheimer’s disease. Biological Psychiatry, 68(10), 930-941. Swardfager WL, Herrmann N, Marzolini S, Saleem M, Kiss A, Shammi P, Oh PI, Lanctôt KL, (2010). Cardiopulmonary fitness is associated with cognitive performance in patients with coronary artery disease. Journal of the American Geriatics Society, 58(8), 1519-1525. Sword W, Jack S, Niccols A, Milligan K, Henderson J, Thabane L, (2009). Integrated programs for women with substance use issues and their children: A qualitative meta-synthesis of processes and outcomes,. Harm Reduction Journal, 32(6). Szentkiralyi A, Czira ME, Molnar MZ, Kovesdy CP, Remport A, Szeifert L, Vamos EP, Juhasz J, Turanyi CZ, Mucsi I, Novak M, (2011). High risk of obstructive sleep apnea is a risk factor of death censored graft loss

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


publications in kidney transplant recipients: an observational cohort study. Sleep Medicine, 12(3), 267-273. Taber KH, Salpekar J, Wong AH, Hurley RA, (2011). Developmental origins for neuropsychiatric illness. J Neuropsychiatry Clinical Neurosciences, 23(1), 1-5. Taddio A, Appleton M, Bortolussi R, Chambers C, Dubey V, Halperin S, Hanrahan A, Ipp M, Lockett D, MacDonald N, Midmer D, Mousmanis P, Palda V, Pielak, K, Pillai Riddell R, Rieder M, Scott J, Shah V, (2010). Reducing the pain of childhood vaccination: an evidence-based clinical practice guideline. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 182(18), e843-e855. Taddio A, Appleton M, Bortolussi R, Chambers C, Dubey V, Halperin S, Hanrahan A, Ipp M, Lockett D, MacDonald N, Midmer D, Mousmanis P, Palda V, Pielak, K, Pillai Riddell R, Rieder M, Scott J, Shah V, (2010). Reducing the pain of childhood vaccination: an evidence-based clinical practice guideline (summary). Canadian Medical Association Journal, 182(18), 1989-1995.

Müller DJ, (2010). Association study of polymorphisms in cholecystokinin gene and its receptors with antipsychotic induced weight gain in schizophrenia patients. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry, 34(8), 14841490. Tiwari, AK, Zai CC, Müller DJ, Kennedy JL, (2010). Genetics in schizophrenia: where are we and what next?. Dialogues Clin Neurosci., 12(3), 289-303. Tolg C, Sabha N, Cortese R, Panchal T, Ahsan A, Soliman A, Aitken KJ, Petronis A, Bägli DJ, (2011). Uropathogenic E. coli infection provokes epigenetic downregulation of CDKN2A (p16INK4A) in uroepithelial cells. Laboratory Investigation, 91(6), 825-836. Tong J, Furukawa Y, Sherwin A, Hornykiewicz O, Kish SJ, (2011). Heterogeneous intrastriatal pattern of proteins regulating axon growth in normal adult human brain. Neurobiology of Disease, 41(2), 458-468. Torzsa P, Kalabay L, Adám A, Novák M, Mucsi I, (2010). Obstructive sleep apnea--its clinical significance, and the role of general practitioners in its treatment and care. Orvosi Hetilap, 151(42), 1725-1733.

Tam NDK, Balshaw R, Sambrook R, Lesnikova N, Lanctôt KL and the COSID Investigators, (2010). The relationship between disease severity and cost of caring for patients with Alzheimer’s disease in Canada. Canadian Tozzi F, Manchia M, Galwey NW, Severino G, Del Zompo M, Day R, Matthews K, Strauss J, Kennedy JL, Journal of Psychiatry, 55(12), 768-775. McGuffin P, Vincent JB, Farmer A, Muglia P, (2011). Taylor GJ, (2010). Affects, trauma, and mechanisms Admixture analysis of age at onset in bipolar disorder. of symptom formation: A tribute to John C. Nemiah. Psychiatry Res, 185(12), 27-32. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 79(6), 339-349. Turnbull G, Baldassarre F, Brown P, Hatton-Bauer J, Thombs BD, Ziegelstein RC, Pilote L, Dozois DJA, Li M, Lebel S, Durkin L, (2010). Psychosocial healthcare Beck AT, Dobson KS, Fuss S, de Longo P, Grace SL, for cancer patients and their families: a framework to Stewart DE, Ormel J, Abbey SE, (2010). Somatic guide practice in Ontario and guideline recommendasymptom overlap in Beck Depression Inventory-II scores tions. Program in Evidence-Based Care, Cancer Care Ontario, following myocardial infarction. The British Journal of 0(0), 1-13. Psychiatry, 197(0), 61-66. Uchida H, Chow TW, Mamo DC, Kapur S, Mulsant Thompson R, Daskalakis ZJ, Fitzgerald PB, (2011). BH, Houle S, Pollock BG, Graff-Guerrero A, (2011). Near Infrared Spectroscopy Study of the Effects of Effects of aging on 5-HT(2A) R binding: a HRRT Prefrontal Single and Paired Pulse Transcranial Magnetic PET study with and without partial volume corrections. Stimulation. Clinical Neurophysiology, 122(2), 378-382. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry [epub ahead of print], 101(0). Tiwari AK, Rodgers JB, Sicard M, Zai CC, Likhodi O, Freeman N, Meltzer HY, Lieberman JA, Kennedy JL, Uslaner J, Vardigan Jd, Drott JM, Uebele VN, Renger


publications JJ, Lee A, Li Z, Lê AD, Hutson PH, (2010). T-type calcium channel antagonism selectively decreases motivation for nicotine and nicotine- and cue- induced reinstatement without influence motivation for sucrose reward. Biological Psychiatry, 68(8), 712-718.

Spectrum Disorders. Journal on Developmental Disabilities, 16(3), 72-75.

van Eimeren T, Pellecchia G, Cilia R, Ballanger B, Steeves TD, Houle S, Miyasaki JM, Zurowski M, Lang AE, Strafella AP, (2010). Drug-induced deactivation of inhibitory networks predicts pathological gambling in PD. Neurology, 75(19), 1711-1716.

Vigod S, Villegas L, Dennis C-L, Ross LE, (2010). Prevalence and risk factors for postpartum depression among women with preterm and low birth weight infants: A systematic review. British Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 117(5), 540-550.

Van Oosten EM, Wilson AA, Mamo DC, Pollock BG, Mulsant BH, Houle S, Vasdev N, (2010). Towards the development of new subtype-specific muscarinic receptor radiopharmaceuticals: radiosynthesis and ex vivo biodistribution of [18F]3-(4-(2-(2-(2-fluoroethoxy) ethoxy)ethylthio)-1,2,5-thiadiazol-3-yl)-1-methyl1,2,5,6-tetrahydropyridine. Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 88(0), 1222-1232.

Vigod SN, Kurdyak PA, Stewart DE, Gnam W, Goering PN, (2011). Depressive Symptoms as a determinant of breast and cervical cancer screening: A population-based cohort study in Ontario, Canada. Archives of Women’s Mental Health, 14(2), 159-168.

Vieland VJ, Hallmayer J, Huang Y, Pagnamenta A, Pinto D, Khan H, Monaco AP, Paterson AD, Scherer SW, Sutcliffe JS, Szatmari P, on behalf of the Autism Valo S, Tannock R, (2010). Diagnostic Instability of Genetics Cooperative AGC and the Autism Genome DSM-IV ADHD Subtypes: Effects of Informant Source, Project, (2011). Novel method for combined linkage Instrumentation and Methods for Combining Symptom and genome-wide association analysis finds evidence of Reports. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology., distinct genetic architecture for two subtypes of autism. 0(0), 749-760. Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders, 3(0), 113-123.

Vigod SN, Levitt AJ, (2011). Seasonal severity of depressive symptoms as a predictor of health service use in a community-based sample. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 45(5), 612-618.

Vance SR, Cohen-Kettenis PT, Drescher J, MeyerBahlburg HFL, Pfafflin F, Zucker KJ, (2010). Opinions about the DSM Gender Identity Disorder diagnosis: Results from an international survey administered to organizations concerned with the welfare of transgender people. International Journal of Transgenderism, 12(1), 1-14.

Vigod SN, Ross, LE, (2010). Epidemiology of psychotic symptoms in pregnancy and postpartum in women with schizophrenia. Current Women’s Health Reviews, 6(1), 17-21.

Vecchio LM, Grace KP, Liu H, Harding S, Lê AD, Horner RL, (2010). State dependent versus Central effects of ethanol on Breathing. J Apply Physiol, 108(2), 187-200.

Voci S, Bondy S, Zawertaillo L, Walker L, George TP, Selby P, (2010). Impact of a smoke-free policy in a large psychiatric hospital on staff attitudes and patient behavior. General Hospital Psychiatry, 32(6), 623-630.

Viecili MA, MacMullin JA, Weiss JA, Lunsky Y, (2010). Predictors of psychology graduate student interest in the field of developmental disabilities. Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 3(4), 190-201.

Vodermaier A, Esplen MJ, (2010). Can self-esteem, mastery and perceived stigma predict long-term adjustment in women carrying a BRCA1/2-mutation? Evidence from a multi-center study. Familial Cancer Journal, 9(3), 305-311.

Viecili MA, Weiss JA, Lunsky Y, Shupak S, (2010). The Voineskos AN, Farzan F, Barr M, Lobaugh NJ, Mulrelationship between social acceptance, problem behaviours, and social skills as perceived by youth with Autism sant BH, Chen R, Fitzgerald PB, Daskalakis ZJ, (2010).

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


publications The Role of the Corpus Callosum in TMS-induced Interhemispheric Signal Propagation. Front. Psychiatry, 68(9), 825-831. Voineskos AN, Lerch J, Felsky D, Shaikh S, Rajji TK, Miranda D, Lobaugh NJ, Mulsant BH, Pollock BG, Kennedy JL, (2010). The Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Val66Met Polymorphism and Prediction of Neural Risk for Alzheimer Disease. Archives of General Psychiatry, 68(2), 198-206. Voineskos AN, Lett TAP, Lerch JP, Tiwari A, Ameis SH, Rajji TK, Muller DJ, Mulsant BH, Kennedy JL, (2011). Neurexin-1 and frontal lobe white matter: An overlapping intermediate phenotype for schizophrenia and autism spectrum disorders. PLoS ONE, 6(6). Voineskos AN, Souza RP, Remington R, Lau MK, Voineskos AN, Meltzer HY, Lieberman JA, Kennedy JL, (2010). Association study of the GSK-3B gene with tardive dyskinesia in European Caucasians. European Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 20(10), 688-694.

Wang JL, Schmitz N, Dewa CS, (2010). Socioeconomic status and the risk of major depression: The Canadian National Population Health Survey. J Epidemiol Community Health, 64(5), 447-452. Wang K, Zhang H, Bloss C, Duvvuri V, Kaye W, Schork N, Berrettini W, Hakonarson H, Bergen A, Magistretti P, Strober M, Brandt H, Crawford S, Crow S, Fichter M, Goldman D, Halmi K, Johnson C, Kaplan AS, Klump K, La Via M, Mitchell J, Woodside B, (2010). A genome-wide association study on common SNPs and rare. CNVs in anorexia nervosa. Molecular Psychiatry, Mol Psychiatry, 1359(4184), 1-11. Wang L, Li Z, Shi Z, Zhang Y, Shen J, (2010). Factor structure of acute stress symptoms in Chinese earthquake victim: a confirmatory factor analysis of the Acute Stress Disorder Scale. Personality and Individual Difference, 48(7), 798-802.

Wang M, Pei L, Fletcher PJ, Kapur S, Seeman P, Liu F, (2010). Schizophrenia, amphetamine-induced sensitized state and acute amphetamine exposure all show a comVoineskos AN, Zai CC, Tiwari AK, Muller DJ, de mon alteration: Increased dopamine D2 receptor dimerLuca V, Shinkai T, Shaikh S, Ni X, Sibony D, Voineskos ization. Molecular Brain, 3(0), 3-25. AN, Meltzer HY, Lieberman JA, Potkin SG, Remington G, Kennedy JL, (2010). The Catechol-O-MethylWarriner EM, Rourke SB, Rourke BP, Rubenstein Transferase gene in Tardive Dyskinesia. Worl J Biol Psych, S, Millikin C, Buchanan L, Connelly P, Hyrcza M, 20(10), 803-812. Ostrowski M, Der S, Gough K, (2010). Immune activation and neuropsychiatric symptoms in HIV-infection. Voormolen EHF, Wei C, Chow EWC, Bassett AS, Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 22(3), Mikulis DJ, Crawley AP, (2010). Voxel-based morphom- 321-328. etry and lobar region of interest volumetry: the trade-off between spatial scale and statistical correction. NeuroIm- Weinberger AH, George TP, McKee SA, (2011). age, 49(1), 587-596. Differences in smoking expectancies in smokers with and without a history of major depression. Addictive Behaviors, Walker R, Gee ME, Bancej C, Nolan RP, Kaczorowski 36(4), 434-437. J, Joffres M, Bienek A, Gwadry-Sridhar F, Campbell NRC, (2011). Health behaviour advice from health pro- Weinberger AH, McKee SA, George TP, (2010). fessional to Canadian adults with hypertension: Results Changes in smoking expectancies in abstinent, reducing, from a national survey. Canadian Journal of Cardiology, and non-abstinent participants during a pharmacological ePub( June), 1-5. trial for smoking cessation. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 12(9), 937-943. Wang J, Williams J, Lavorato D, Schmitz N, Dewa CS, Patten SB, (2010). The Incidence of Major Depression in Weiss J, Lunsky Y, (2010). Service utilization patterns Canada: The National Population Health Survey. J Affect in parents of youth and adults with intellectual disability Disord, 123(1), 158-163. who experience behavioral crisis. Journal of Research in


publications Mental Health and Intellectual Disability, 3(3), 145-163. Weiss J, Lunsky Y, Morin D, (2010). Psychology graduate student training in developmental disability: A Canadian survey. Canadian Psychology, 51(3), 177-184.

depression and anxiety. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, 0(39), 302-310. Wittman L, Halpern J, Adams CBL, Orner RJ, Kudler H, (2011). Prolonged exposure and psychodynamic treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 50(5), 521-522.

Wessels AM, Pollock BG, Anyama N, Schneider LS, Lieberman JA, Marder SR, Bies RR, (2010). Association of 9-hydroxy risperidone concentrations and risk of switching or discontinuation in the clinical antipsychotic Wiwanitkit V, Jerrell JM, McIntyre RS, Tripathi A, trial of intervention effectiveness – Alzheimer’s disease (2011). Cardiometabolic conditions in patients with trial. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 30(6), 683-687. Schizophrenia. Clinical Schizophrenia & Related Psychoses, 5(1), 54-54. White S, Lunsky Y, Grieve C, (2010). Profiles of patients with intellectual disability and mental illness in Wolfe DA, Jaffe PJ, Leschied A, Legate BL, (2010). specialized and generic units in an Ontario psychiatric Assessing historical abuse allegations and damages. Child hospital. Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Abuse & Neglect, 34(3), 135-143. Disabilities, 3(3), 117-131. Wong AH, De Luca V, Souza RP, Zai CC, Panariello Whitehead C, Austin Z, Hodges BD, (2011). Flower F, Javaid N, Strauss J, Kennedy JL, Tallerico T, (2011). Power: The Armoured Expert in the CanMEDS. Parent of origin effect and differential allelic expression Advances in Health Science Education and Practice, 4(10), of BDNF Val66Met in suicidal behaviour. World Journal 1049-1077. of Biological Psychiatry, 12(1), 42-47. Wiljer D, Leonard K, Urowitz S, Apatu E, Massey C, Quartey NK, Catton P, (2010). The anxious wait: assessing the impact of patient accessible EHRs for breast cancer patients. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 10(1), 46-50. Wiljer D, Urowitz S, Frasca E, Nyhof-Young J, Secord S, Walton, T, Catton P, (2010). The role of a clinicianled reflective interview on improving self-efficacy in breast cancer patients. Journal of Cancer Education, 25(3), 457-463.

Wong AH, Lee FH, Kaidanovich-Beilin O, Roder JC, Woodgett JR, (2011). Genetic inactivation of GSK3a rescues spine deficits in Disc1-L100P mutant mice. Schizophrenia Research, 129(1), 74-79. Wong AH, Sarras H, Semeralul MO, Fadel MP, Feldcamp LA, Labrie V, (2010). Elevated PICK1 mRNA in schizophrenia and increased SRR mRNA in suicide. Schizophrenia Research, 120(1), 236-237.

Wong AH, Souza RP, De Luca V, Remington G, Lieberman J, Meltzer H, Kennedy JL, (2010). Glial Wilson MG, Lavis JN, Travers R, Rourke SB, (2010). cell line–derived neurotrophic factor receptor alpha 2 Community-based knowledge transfer and exchange: (GFRA2) gene is associated with tardive dyskinesia. Helping community-based organizations link research to Psychopharmacology (Berl), 210(3), 347-354. action. Implementation Science, 5(0), 1-14. Wong AH, Souza RP, Remington G, Meltzer HY, Wing VC, Sacco KA, George TP, (2011). Spatial work- Lieberman JA, Kennedy JL, (2010). Phosphodiesterase ing memory impairments induced by cigarette smoking 4B genetic variants are not associated with antipsychoticabstinence are correlated with plasma nicotine levels in induced tardive dyskinesia. International Clinical Psychoschizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 128(1-3), 171-172. pharmacology, 25(5), 264-269. Witheridge KW, Cabral CM, Rector NA, (2010). Examining autobiographical memory in patients with

Wong AHC, Lee FH, Preston-Maher K, Fadel MP,

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


publications Cordes SP, Clapcote SJ, Price DJ, Roder JC, (2011). Disc1 point mutations in mice alter development of the cerebral cortex. The Journal of Neuroscience, 31(9), 197206.

Youngberg MR, Karpov IO, Begley A, Pollock BG, Buysse DJ, (2011). Clinical and physiological correlates of caffeine and caffeine metabolites in primary insomnia. J Clin Sleep Med, 7(2), 196-203.

Wong AHC, Souza RP, Romano-Silva M, Lieberman JA, Meltzer HY, MacNeil LT, Culotti JG, Kennedy JL, (2010). Genetic association of the GDNF alpha receptor genes with schizophrenia and clozapine response. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 44(11), 700-706.

Yourganov G, Chen X, Lukic AS, Grady CL, Small SL, Wernick MN, Strother SC, (2011). Dimensionality estimation for optimal detection of functional networks in BOLD fMRI data. Neuroimage, 56(2), 531-543.

Wong AHC, Souza RP, Rosa DVF, Romano-Silva MA, Zhen M, Meltzer HY, Lieberman JA, Remington G, Kennedy JL, (2011). Lack of association of NALCN genetic variants with schizophrenia. Psychiatry Research, 185(3), 450-452. Wong JC, Honh J, Leung P, Yin P, Stewart DE, (2011). Human trafficking: an evaluation of Canadian medical students’ awareness and attitudes. Education for Health, 24(1), 1-9.

Zai CC, Manchia M, De Luca V, Tiwari AK, Squassina A, Zai GC, Strauss J, Shaikh SA, Freeman N, Meltzer HY, Lieberman J, Le Foll B, Kennedy JL, (2010). Association study of BDNF and DRD3 genes in schizophrenia diagnosis using matched case-control and family based study designs. Progress in Neuro-psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 34(8), 1412-1418.

Zai CC, Tiwari AK, MĂźller DJ, De Luca V, Shinkai T, Shaikh S, Ni X, Sibony D, Voineskos AN, Meltzer HY, Lieberman JA, Potkin SG, Remington G, Kennedy JL, (2010). The catechol-O-methyl- transferase gene in Woodward TS, Menon M, (2011). Multinomial Model- tardive dyskinesia. World J Biol Psychiatry, 11(6), 803-812. ing and the Analysis of Source Monitoring Biases for the Study of Hallucinations. European Archives of Psychiatry Zai G, Zai C, Tiwari A, King N, Braithwaite J, van Tol and Clinical Neuroscience, 261(0), 157-164. H, Kennedy JL, (2011). Weak association of the plateletderived growth factor beta (PDGFB) and PDGF receptor Yager C, Brennan D, Steele L Epstein R, Ross LE, beta (PDGFRB) genes with schizophrenia and schizoaf(2010). The challenges and mental health experiences of fective disorder. World J Biol Psychiatry., 12(2), 127-133. lesbian and bisexual women who are in the process of trying to conceive. Health & Social Work, 35(3), 191-200. Zariffa J, Nagai MK, Schuettler M, Stieglitz T, Daskalakis ZJ and Popovic MR, (2010). Use of an experimenYonkers KA, Vigod S, Ross LE, (2011). Diagnosis, tally derived leadfield in the peripheral nerve pathway pathophysiology, and management of mood disorders in discrimination problem. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil pregnant and postpartum women. Obstetrics & GynecolEng, 19(2), 147-156. ogy, 117(4), 961-977. Zilmaz Z, Kaplan AS, Zai CC, Levitan RD, Kennedy Yonkers KA, Vigod SN, Ross LE, (2011). More than JL, (2011). COMT Val158Met variant and functional the Blues: Diagnosis, Pathophysiology and Management haplotypes associated with childhood ADHD history in of Mood Disorders in Pregnant Women. Obstetrics and women with bulimia nervosa. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Gynecology, 117(4), 961-977. Biol Psychiatry, 35(4), 948-952. Yoo YJ, Bull SB, Paterson AD, Waggott D, DCCTEDIC Research Group, Sun L, (2010). Were genome-wide linkage studies a waste of time? Exploiting candidate regions within genome-wide association studies. Genetic Epidemiology, 34: 107-18, 34(0), 107-118.


Zimmermann C, Burman D, Follwell M, Wakimoto K, Seccareccia D, Bryson J, Le LW, Rodin G, (2010). Predictors of symptom severity and response in patients with metastatic cancer. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, 27(3), 175-181.

publications Zimmermann C, Burman D, Bandukwala S, Seccareccia D, Kaya E, Bryson J, Rodin G, Lo C, (2010). Nurse and physician inter-rater agreement of three performance status measures in palliative care outpatients. Supportive Care in Cancer, 18(5), 609-616. Zucker KJ, (2010). The DSM diagnostic criteria for gender identity disorder in children. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 39(2), 477-498. Zucker N, Von Holle A, Thornton LM, Strober M, Plotnicov K, Klump KL, Brandt H, Crawford S, Crow S, Fichter MM, Halmi KA, Johnson C, Kaplan AS, Keel P, LaVia M, Mitchell JE, Rotondo A, Woodside DB, Berrettini WH, Kaye WH, Bulik CM, (2011). The significance of repetitive hair-pulling behaviors in eating disorders. J Clin Psychol, 67(4), 391-403.

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


Book chapters

Abbey SE, Wulsin L, Levenson J, “Somatization and Somatoform Disorders” In: The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Psychosomatic Medicine, Levenson J, American Psychiatric Publishing Co., 2010, 261-290. Bagby RM, Goldbloom D, Schulte FSM, “The Use of Standardized Rating Scales in Clinical Practice” In: Psychiatric Clinical Skills, Goldbloom D, CAMH, 2010, 11-18. Beitchman J, Carlisle CE, “Psychiatric Assessment of Children” In: Psychiatric Clinical Skills: Revised 1st Edition, Goldbloom D, CAMH, 2010, 271-297.

2011, 257-276. Brydon-Miller M, Kral MJ, Maguire P, Noftke S, Sabhlok A, “A. Jazz and the Banyan tree: Roots and riffs in participatory action research” In: The Sage handbook of qualitative research, Denzin N, Lincoln Y, Salvo J (Eds). Sage, 2011, 250-265. Brydon-Miller M, Kral MJ, Maguire P, Noftke S, Sabhlok A, “A. Jazz and the Banyan tree: Roots and riffs in participatory action research” In: The Sage handbook of qualitative research, Denzin N, Lincoln Y. Sage, 2011, 387-400.

Cardinali DP, Pandi-Perumal SR, Niles LP, Brown Benoit D, Coolbear J, Crawford A, “Abuse, Maltreat- GM, “Melatonin and sleep: Possible involvement of ment, and Neglect” In: Encyclopedia of infant and GABAergic mechanisms.” In: GABA and Sleep Moearly childhood development, Haith MM, Benson JB. lecular, Functional and Clinical Aspects, Monti JM, Academic Press, 2008, 1-11. Pandi-Perumal SR, Möhler H. Springer Basel AG, 2010, 279-301. Bhugra D, McKenzie K, “Expressed emotion across cultures” In: Clinical Topics in cultural psychiatry, Castel S, “Comorbidades. Alcoolismo e abuso de droBhattacharya, Cross and Bhugra. The Royal College gas (Comorbidities. Alcoholism and drug Abuse)” In: of Psychiatrists UK, 2010, 52-67. Transtornos de ansiedade (Anxiety Disorders), Hetem LAB, Graeff G. Editora Atheneu, 2010, 34-52. Bigos KL, Bies RR, Marder SR, Pollock BG, “Population pharmacokinetics of antipsychotics” In: Chaim G, Rosenkranz S, Henderson J, “Considering Antipsychotic (CATIE) trials, Stroup S, Lieberman J. trauma in outpatient addictions treatment for youth” Cambridge University Press, 2010, 267-280. In: Moving Toward Trauma-Informed Care: A Guide for Mental Health and Addictions Programs and InpaBoardman J, Currie A, Killapsy K, McKenzie K, tient Psychiatric Services, Poole N, Greaves L. Centre Mezey G, “Social exclusion in specific groups and for Addiction and Mental Health, 2011. individuals with mental health problems” In: Social Inclusion and Mental Health, Boardman, Currie, Chaim G, Shenfeld J, “Concurrent Disorders: A Killaspy and Mezey. The Royal College of PsychiaFramework for Working with Couples and Families” trists, 2010, 179-209. In: Treating Concurrent Disorders: A Practical Guide for Counsellors, Skinner W, Centre for Addiction and Boardman J, McKenzie K, “The extent of disadMental Health, 2005, 331-349. vantage, poverty and social exclusion in the UK” In: Social Inclusion and Mental Health `, Currie, Killaspy Chaim G, Shenfeld J Long D, “Working with Youth” and Mezey. The Royal College of Psychiatrists UK, In: Alcohol & Drug Problems: A Practical Guide for 2010, 101-134. Counsellors, Harrison S, Carver V, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. , 2003, 383-415. Bradley E, Hollins S, “Assessment of patients with intellectual disabilities” In: Psychiatric Clinical Skills, Connolly H, D’Hondt J, Herie M, Selby P, “Vol. IX: Goldblum D, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Adapting and developing educational best practices and


publications curricula for Aboriginal tobacco cessation interventions” In: Aboriginal Policy Research: Health and Well- Being, White JP, Peters J, Dinsdale P, Beavon D. Thompson Educational Publishing, 2011.

Geller J, Srikameswaran S, Cassin S, “Eating disorders and self-silencing: A function focused approach to treatment” In: Cultural perspectives on women’s depression: Self-silencing, psychological distress, and recovery, Jack DC, Ali A. Oxford University Press, Crooks CV, Jaffe P, Wolfe DA, Hughes R, Chiodo C, 2010, 381-398. “School-based dating violence prevention: From single events to evaluated, integrated programming” In: George TP, “Nicotine and Tobacco” In: Cecil TextSourcebook on violence against women (2nd edition), book of Medicine, 24th edition, Goldman L, Schaeffer Renzetti CM, Edleson JL, 2011, 327-349. A. Churchill Livingstone, 2011, 100-106. De Souza C, Abla O, “Chapter 14: Psychiatric Issues” In: Handbook of Supportive Care in Pediatric Oncology, Abla O, Breakey V, Dupuis LL, Truong TH. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2010, 219-240. Eady A, Ross LE, Anderson S, Epstein R, “To bi or not to bi: Bisexuality and disclosure in the adoption system” In: Who’s your daddy? And other writings on queer parenting, Epstein R, Sumach Press, 2009, 124-132. Esplen MJ, Hunter J, “Therapy in the Setting of Genetic Predisposition” In: Psychological Therapies in Cancer Care: The IPOS Academy Handbook, Watson M, Kissane D. John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2011, 199-210.

Goldbloom D, “Documentation” In: Psychiatric Clinical Skills, Goldbloom D, CAMH, 2010. Goldbloom D, “General Principles of Interviewing” In: Psychiatric Clinical Skills, Goldbloom D, CAMH, 2010, 1-10. Grewal S, Pinhas L, “Bulimia Nervosa in Children and Adolescents” In: The Dance of Sleeping and Eating among Adolescents: Normal and Pathological Perspectives., Latzer Y, Tzischinsky O. Nova Publishers, 2011, 5-6. Hankivsky O, De Leeuw S, Lee J, Vissandjee B Khanlou N, “Introduction: Purpose, Overview, and Contribution” In: In: O Hankivsky (editor) et al. Health Inequities in Canada: Intersectional Frameworks and Practices., Hankivsky O, De Leeuw S, Lee J, Vissandjee B Khanlou N - co editors. UBC Press, 2011, 1-15.

Fabio K, Guillon C, Lu S, Heindel ND, Miller M, Ferris CF, Brownstein MJ, Garripa C, Steiner M, Coccaro E, Damiano E, Koppel GA, Simon NG, “Vasopressin antagonists as anxiolytics and antidepressants: recent developments” In: Frontiers in CNS Drug Discovery (ebook), Atta-ur-Rahman, Choudhary MI. Harris GT, Rice ME, “Assessment of risk and dangerousness in adults” In: Cambridge handbook of forensic , 2010, 153-183. psychology, Brown J, Campbell EA. Cambridge Fletcher PJ, Higgins GA, “Serotonin and rewardUniversity Press, 2010, 299-306. related behaviour: focus on 5-HT2C receptors” In: Holiff J, White M, Wilson KR, Lofchy J, Teshima 5-HT2C Receptors in the Pathophysiology of CNS J, Kitamura C, Lam M, Hutson J, “Psychiatry” In: Disease, Di Giovanni G, Esposito E, Di Matteo V. Toronto Notes 2011, Chen YA, Tran C. McGraw-Hill Humana Press/Springer, 2010, 293-324. Medical, 2011, 1-52. Frey BN, Macritchie KA, Soares CN, Steiner M, Iaboni A, Moldofsky H, “Sleep and Post-Traumatic “Bipolar disorder in women” In: Bipolar Disorder: Stress Disorder” In: Sleep and Mental Illness, PandiClinical and Neurobiological Foundations, Yatham Perumal SR, Kramer M. Cambridge University Press, LN, Maj M. , 2010, 463-476. 2010, 326-340.

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


publications Kearney MK, Weininger RB, Vachon MLS, Mount BM, Harrison RL, “Self-Care of Physicians Caring for Patients at the End of Life: “Being Connected…A Key to My Survival” In: Care at the Close of Life: Evidence and Experience, McPhee SJ, Winker MA, Rabow MW, Pantilat SZ, Markowitz AJ. McGraw Hill, 2010, 551- 563.

Leszcz M, “Psychotherapy supervision and the development of the psychotherapist.” In: On Becoming a Psychotherapist: The Personal and Professional Journey, Klein RH, Bernard HS, Schermer VL. Univeristy Press, 2011, 114-143.

Khanlou N, Hankivsky O, “Part 2: Intersectionality Research across the Life Course” In: Health Inequities in Canada: Intersectional Frameworks and Practices, Hankivsky O, De Leeuw S, Lee J, Vissandjee B Khanlou N - co editors. UBC Press, 2011, 130-130.

Psycho-Oncology, Second Edition, Holland JC, Breitbart WS, Jacobsen PB, Lederberg MS, Loscalzo MJ, McCorkle R. Oxford University Press, 2010, 303-310.

Leszcz M, Malat J, “Interpersonale Gruppenpsychotherapie” In: Gruppenpsychotherapie, Tschuschke Kennedy S, Parikh S, Grigoriadis S, “Depression” In: V, Georg Thieme Verlag Stutgartt Publishing, 2010, Therapeutic Choices, Gray J, Canadian Pharmacists 296-305. Association, 2011. Levinson AJ, Young LT, “Assessment of bipolar Khanlou N, Gonsalves T, “An intersectional underdisorder” In: Psychiatric Clinical Skills, Goldbloom D, standing of youth cultural identities and psychosocial Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, 2010, 73-91. integration: Why it matters to mental health promoLi M, Boquiren VM, Lo C, Rodin G, “Depression tion in immigrant receiving pluralistic societies” In: and anxiety in supportive oncology” In: Supportive Health Inequities in Canada: Intersectional FrameOncology, Davis M, Feyer P, Ortner P, Zimmermann works and Practices, Hankivsky O, De Leeuw S, Lee C. , 2011, 528-540. J, Vissandjee B Khanlou N - co editors. UBC Press, 2011, 166-179. Li M, Hales S, Rodin G, “Adjustment Disorders” In:

Li M, Rodin G, “Depression and Illness” In: Handbook of Health Psychology and Behavioural Medicine, Suls JM, Davidson KW, Kaplan RM. Guilford Press, 2010, 217-234.

Khanlou N, Shakya Y, Gonsalves T, “Mental health services for newcomer youth: Exploring needs and enhancing access” In: Building Equitable Partnerships: Li M, Rodin G, “Depression” In: Textbook of PsyTools and Lessons Learned – A Resource for Individu- chosomatic Medicine, Levenson JL, American Psychials and Organizations, CAMH, Centre for Addiction atric Publishing, 2010, 175-197. and Mental Health, 2011, 16-18. McCay E, Boyd M, “Caring for the abused client” Kissane DW, Levin T, Hales S, Lo C, Rodin G, In: Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing for Canadian “Psychotherapy for depression in cancer and palliative Practice, Austin W, Boyd M. Lippincott Publishing, care” In: Depression and Cancer, Kissane DW, Maj M, 2010, 908-944. Sartorius N. , 2011, 177-206. Meyer JH, “Affective Disorders” In: Molecular ImagKreindler DM, Lumsden CJ, “The effects of the ing in Neurosciences, Grunder G.Meyer JH, “Neuroirregular sample and missing data in time series” imaging Suicidality” In: Biology of Suicide, Dwivedi In: Nonlinear Dynamical Systems Analysis for the Y, Taylor and Behavioral Sciences Using Real Data, Gregson RAM, Moller HJ, “Psychiatric Disorders and Driving Guastello SJ. CRC Press, a division of Taylor and Performance” In: Handbook of Driving Simulation Francis, 2010, 135-158.


publications for Engineering Medicine and Psychology, Fisher D, Rizzo M, Lee J, Caird J. Taylor and Francis Group, 2011.

2010, 93-111.

Remington G, “Second and third generation antipsychotics” In: Encyclopedia of Psychopharmacology, Moller HJ, “Complete Streets for Toronto: Promoting Stolerman I, Springer-Verlag Publishing, 2010, 1187Health through Active Transportation” In: Research 1192. Report for City of Toronto Transportation Services/ Toronto Public Health, City of Toronto, 2010, 1- 46. Remington G, “Augmenting clozapine response in treatment-resistant schizophrenia” In: TherapyMoller HJ, “Mobile Societies, Automobility and Resistant Schizophrenia, Elkis H, Meltzer HY. Karger Public Policy: Emerging Issues in Driver Health” In: Publishing, 2010, 129-151. Sleep, Sleepiness and Traffic Safety, Verster JC, George Rettenberger M, Hucker SJ, “Structured profesC. Nova Publishers, 2011, 227-240. sional guidelines: International applications” In: In: Norris M, Bryden P, Pinhas L, “Anorexia Nervosa in International Perspectives on Sex Offender Assessment Adolescents: A review of clinical and treatment issues” & Treatment: Theory, Practice and Research, Eher R, In: The Dance of Sleeping and Eating among Adoles- Boer D. Wiley, 2011, 85-110. cents: Normal and Pathological Perspectives., Latzer Y, Rhodes AE, Thurlow J, Donaldson N, Lo A, Bethell Tzischinsky O. Nova Publishers, 2011, 4-5. J, “Depression and Mental Health Services in Canada.” Pollock BG, “Drug-Drug Interactions in the Elderly” In: Mental Disorder in Canada: An Epidemiologic In: ASCP Model Psychopharmacology Curriculum, Perspective, University of Toronto Press, 2010, 3936th Edition, NA, American Society of Clinical Psy413. chopharmacology, 2010. Rice, ME, Harris, GT, Hilton, NZ, “The Violence Ravindran LN, Stein MB, “Pharacotherapy of Risk Appraisal Guide and Sex Offender Risk Appraisal Post-traumatic stress disorder” In: Current topics in Guide for violence risk assessment and the Ontario Behavioural neurosciences Vol 2: Behavioural Neurol- Domestic Assault Risk Assessment and Domestic ogy of Anxiety and Its treatment, Stein M, Steckler T. Violence Risk Appraisal Guide for wife assault risk Springer Verlag, 2010, 505-525. assessment” In: Handbook of violence risk assessment tools, Otto R, Douglas, K. Routledge/Taylor & Ravindran LN, Stein MB, “Pharmaoctherapy of Francis, 2010, 99-120. Social Anxiety Disorder in Adolescents” In: Social Anxiety Disorder in Adolescents and Young Adults: Romans S, Ross LE, “Gender and depression” In: Translating Developmental science into practice, Mental disorder in Canada: An epidemiological Alfano CA, Bleidel DC. American Psychological perspective., Cairney J, Streiner DL. University of Association, 2011, 265-279. Toronto Press, 2010, 259-285. Ravindran LN, Stein MB, Ravindran AV, “Pharma- Rush B, Castel S, “Screening” In: Care in Mental cotherapy of PTSD: An evidence based review” In: Health - Substance Use, Cooper DB, Radcliffe PubNeurobiology of post-traumatic stress disorder, Sher L, lishing, 2011, 68-83. Vilens A. Nova science publishers, 2010, 271-290. Rush B, Urbanoski K, Bassani D, Castel S, Wild TC, Rector NA, Arnold P, “Assessment of patients with “The Epidemiology of co-occurring substance use and anxiety disorders” In: Psychiatric clinical skills, Gold- other mental disorders in Canada: Prevalence, service bloom D, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, use and unmet needs.” In: Mental Disorder in Canada:

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


publications An Epidemiological Perspective, Cairney J, Streiner D. Designing and Conducting Gender, Sex, and Health University of Toronto Press, 2010, 29-45. Research, Oliffe JL, Greaves L. SAGE Publications, Inc, 2011. Sabo BA, Vachon MLS, “Care of Professional Caregivers” In: Supportive Oncology, Davis MP, Feyer PC, Vachon MLS, “Oncology Staff Stress and Related Ortner P, Zimmerman C. Elsevier, 2011, 575-589. Interventions” In: Psycho-Oncology, 2nd ed, Holland JC, Breitbart WS, Jacobsen PB, Lederberg MS, Seeman MV, “Afterword” In: Oxford Textbook of Loscalzo MJ, McCorkle R. Oxford University Press, Women and Mental Health, Kohen D, Oxford Uni2010, 575-581. versity Press, 2010, 323-326. Vachon MLS, “Four decades of selected research in Shulman KI, Herrmann N, Sajatovic M, “Treathospice/palliative care: have the stressors changed?” In: ment of bipolar disorder in old age” In: Bipolar Caregiver Stress and Staff Support in Illness, Dying, Psychopharmacology: Caring for the Patient. Second and Bereavement, Renzenbrink I, Oxford University Edition, Akiskal H, Tohen M. John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Press, 2011, 1-24. Smith P, Chaim G, “Adolescent Substance Use and the Family” In: Management of Alcohol, Tobacco and Vachon MLS, Huggard J, “The Experience of the other Drug Problems: A Physician’s Manual, Brands B, Nurse in End-of-Life Care in the 21st Century: MenCentre for Addiction and Mental Health, 2010, 371toring the Next Generation” In: Textbook of Palliative 386. Nursing, 3rd edition, Ferrell BR, Coyle N. Oxford University Press, 2010, 1131-1156. Stewart DE, Vigod SN, Stotland NL, “Obstetrics and Gynecology” In: APPI Textbook of Psychosomatic van Reekum R, “Power and Persecution or ParaMedicine, 2nd Ed, Ed Levenson JL, American Psychi- noia?” In: When Research Studies Go off the Rails, atric Publishing Inc, 2011, 797-819. Streiner DS, Sidani S. Guilford Publication Inc, 2010, 199-206. Stewart DE, Vigod SN, Stotland NL, “Obstetrics and Gynecology Chapter 33” In: The American Psychiat- van Reekum R, “The Story is in the Numbers” In: ric Publishing Textbook of Psychosomatic Medicine, When Research Studies Go off the Rails., Streiner DS, Levinson J, 2010, 797-826. Sidani S. Guilford Publication Inc, 2010, 147-151. Strother SC, Oder A, Spring R, Grady CL, “The NPAIRS Computational Statistics Framework for Data Analysis in Neuroimaging” In: Proceedings of COMPSTAT 2010, 19th International Conference on Computational Statistics, Physica Verlag, 2010, 111122.

Waddington JL, O’Tuathaigh CMP, Remington G, “Second generation antipsychotics: mechanistically distinct or minor variants?” In: Therapeutic Strategies in Schizophrenia, Mortimer A, McKenna P. Oxford

Waddington JL, O’Tuathaigh CMP, Remington G, “The pharmacology and neuroscience of antipsychotic Taylor GJ, “Symbolism, symbolization, and trauma in drugs” In: Schizophrenia, Weinberger D, Harrison P. psychosomatic theory” In: Psychosomatics Today: A Blackwell Publishing, 2011, 485-514. Psychoanalytic Perspective, Aisenstein M, Rappoport Wolfe DA, “Risk factors for child abuse perpetration” de Aisemberg E. Karnac, 2010, 181-199. In: Violence against women and children: Mapping the Toner B, Tang A, Ali A, Akman D, Stuckless N, terrain, White JW, Koss MP, Kazdin AE. American Esplen M J, Rolin-Gilman C, Ross L, “Chapter 11. Psychological Association, 2011, 31-53. Developing a Gender Role Socialization Scale” In:


Zucker KJ, “Gender identity and sexual orientation” In: Dulcan’s textbook of child and adolescent psychiatry, Dulcan MK, American Psychiatric Publishing, 2010, 543-552.


Carlisle CE, Mamdani M, Schachar R, To T, MSc Thesis: Continuity of Care, Emergency Department Visits and Readmission in Adolescents with Psychiatric Disorders, University of Toronto, 2010. Derose A, Mckenzie K, Khenti A, Vidal C, Culturally Adapted CBT for the fracophone populations, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, 2011. Goldbloom D, Psychiatric Clinical Skills, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, 2010. Hankivsky O, De Leeuw S, Lee J, Vissandjee B, Khanlou N - co editors, Health Inequities in Canada: Intersectional Frameworks and Practices, UBC Press, 2011. Hilton NZ, Harris GT, Rice ME, Risk assessment for domestically violent men: Tools for criminal justice, offender intervention, and victim services, American Psychological Association, 2010.

khvalov AV, Patra J, Alcohol, Social Development and Infectious Disease, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, 2010. Reuben DB, Herr KA, Pacala JT, Pollock BG, Potter JF, Semla TP et al, Geriatrics At Your Fingertips: 12th Edition, The American Geriatrics Society, 2010. Selby P, Methadone Maintenance: A Physician’s Guide to Treatment (Revised 2nd Edition), Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, 2010. Shorter E, Fink M, Endocrine Psychiatry: Solving the Riddle of Melancholia, Oxford University Press, 2010. Vidal C, Mckenzie K, Khenti A, culturally adapted cbt for the spanish speaking populations, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, 2011. Wolfe DA, Ballon B, Chaim G, Chiodo D, Henderson J L, What parents need to know about teens: Strategies for reducing problems related to alcohol, other drugs, gambling and internet use, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, 2011.

Jaffe PJ, Wolfe DA, Campbell M, Growing up with domestic violence: Assessment, intervention & prevention strategies for children & adolescents, Hogrefe, 2011. Mckenzie K, Vidal C, Khenti A, Cultural adapted CBT for the anglophone caribbean populations, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, 2011. Nolen-Hoeksema S, Rector NA, Abnormal Psychology, 2nd Canadian Edition, McGraw Hill, 2011. Rector NA, Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy: An Information Guide, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health Press, 2010. Rehm J, Anderson P, Kanteres F, Parry CD, SamoDepartment of Psychiatry Annual Report


Awards and Honours STEPHANIE AMEIS & GEORGE FOUSSIAS received the 2010-11 Best Presentation / Paper by a Fellow STEPHANIE AMEIS received the 2010-11 Robin Hunter Memorial Award DIANA BLANK received the 2010-11 Fred Lowy Award in Psychosomatic Medicine, Resident or Fellow: Greatest contribution to research in Psychosomatic Medicine by a Resident Fellow WAYNE BAICI received the 2010-11 Award for Resident Teaching Undergraduate Education MARK FADEL received the 2010-11 Best Presentation / Paper by a Resident DANIEL GORMAN received the 2010-11 Robin Hunter Postgraduate Teaching Award MS. NANCY GRIBBEN received the 2010-11 Marie Mara Award for Residents Advocacy NAGI GHABBOUR received the 2010-11 Paul Steinhauer Award for Best Postgraduate Teacher in Child Psychiatry SONU GAIND received the 2010-11 The Henry Durost Award for Excellence in Creative Professional Activity in the Department of Psychiatry ANGELA HO received the 2010-11 Mary Seeman Award for Achievment in the area of Psychiatry and Humanities ANDREA IABONI received the 2010-11 Division of Geriatric Psychiatry Resident Award REX KAY received the 2010-11 The Psychotherapy Award for Academic Excellence JUDY LIN & UPASANA KRISHNADEV received the 2010-11 Paul E. Garfinkel Caversham Booksellers Prize for Excellence in Resident Leadership PATRICK LO, ALBERT ALLEN, AND ADAM TOEWS received the 2010-11 Peter Prendergast - Ontario Shores Prize in Quality Improvement WIPLOVE LAMBDA received the 2010-11 Juan C. Negrete Award in Addiction Psychiatry: Outstanding Resident in Addiction Psychiatry BRITTANY MATTHEWS received the 2010-11 Best Overall Poster Presentation DANIEL MUELLER received the 2010-11 The John M. Cleghorn Newly Established Researcher Prize (Best Presentation / Paper by a New Investigator) RINAT NISSIM received the 2010-11 Max Alexandroff Award CLARE PAIN received the 2010-11 Donald Wasylenki Award for Social Responsibility DAVID ROBERTSON received the 2010-11 Allan B. Tennen Award for Excellence in Teaching/Supervising in Psychotherapy GARY REMINGTON received the 2010-11 Paul E. Garfinkel Award for Best Fellowship Supervisor PAULA RAVITZ received the 2010-11 Ivan Silver Award for Excellence in Continuing Mental Health Education RACHEL RABIN received the 2010-11 The Heather Munroe-Blum Award for Best Presentation / Paper by a Graduate Student ALEXANDRA SOLIMAN received the 2010-11 Best Accomplishement by a Fellow KALAM SUTANDAR received the 2010-11 Resident Psychotherapy Award: Best clinical case report submitted by a Resident VINCENT WOO received the 2010-11 Abe Miller Undergraduate Teaching Award JUVERIA ZAHEER, LORI WASSERMAN, LINDSAY PATON-GAY received the 2010-11 Inaugural Donald A. Wasylenki Award for the Best Sociocultural Psychiatry Grand Rounds SUSAN ABBEY was promoted to the rank of Full Professor in the Department of Psychiatry, effective July 1, 2011. GILI ADLER NEVO received the Toronto East General Hospital New Researcher Award for psychotherapy research with anxious children and adolescents. BRENDAN ANDRADE received an Ontario Mental Health Foundation, New Investigator Fellowship. ANA ANDREAZZA had the Top Cited Article 2006-2010 atNeuroscience Letters, May 2011. PAUL ARNOLD was appointed Head of the Anxiety Disorders Programs; and Scientist, Research Institute, Hospital for Sick Children. BRUCE BALLON was promoted to the rank of Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry, effective July 1, 2011. HOWARD BARBAREE was honored at this year’s Canadian Psychological Association Annual Convention with the Criminal Justice Section’s Career Contribution Award for his out-standing contributions in sexual offender risk assessment, treatment, and theory, in research and practice.” CATHY BARR was appointed Associate Editor, Journal Genes, Brain and Behavior. JOE BEITCHMAN was elected to Observer Status at the Royal College Specialty Committee by the Association of Professors of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry of Canada. 244

Awards and Honours LORI BERNSTEIN received the Psychosocial Oncology & Palliative Care and Cancer Survivorship Program Travel Award. SHREE BHALERAO received the St. Michael’s Hospital, Mental Health Service, Undergraduate Education Award. RAY BLANCHARD received the 2010 Significant Achievement Award from the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers. DANIEL BLUMBERGER was awarded a NARSAD Young Investigator Award for a project title “A Prospective Study of Cortical Inhibition in TreatmentResistant Late-Life Depression.“ SUSAN J. BRADLEY is the recipient of the Naomi Rae-Grant Award of the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry recognizing creative and innovative work in prevention and community intervention. PIER BRYDEN was appointed Co-chair, Professionalism Resource Group , Association of Faculties of Medicine (AFMC). Pier is also the Canadian representative on the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry’s ethics committee. CORINNE CARLISLE received a Master’s of Science (Clinical Epidemiology) Degree, HPME, University of Toronto. Her thesis was titled “Continuity of Care, Emergency Department Visits and Readmission in Adolescents with Psychiatric Disorders.” ALICE CHARACH was promoted to the rank of Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry, effective July 1, 2011. AMY CHEUNG was promoted to the rank of Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry, effective July 1, 2011. TONY COHN received the National Award: 2010 Information Technology Association of Canada (ITAC). He is also the winner of the Annual Community IT Hero Award “The Community IT Hero Award recognizes an individual, group or not-for-profit organization that can demonstrate the creative application of information technology in improving the lives of Canadians.” DAVID CONN was the co-recipient of the 2010 Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Betty Havens award for Knowledge Translation in Aging along with Ken LeClair from Queen’s University and the Canadian Coalition for Seniors’ Mental Health (CCSMH). This award recognizes individual(s), team(s) or organization(s) that advanced the translation of research in aging at a local or regional level. CHRISTINE COURBASSON was elected to the Journal of Addiction Research and Therapy as an Editorial Board Member. KIEN DANG received the AAP Junior Faculty Development Award in September 2010. JEFFREY DASKALAKIS was selected for this year’s Institute of Medical Sciences (IMS) Course Lecturer Award for his MSC1081H – Studies in Schizophrenia course. This award is presented annually for a sustained contribution of three years or more to excellence in lecturing in an IMS graduate course. Jeffrey Daskalakis has also been appointed the new Director of the Clinician Scientist Stream/Program (CSS/CSP), effective July 1, 2011. IAN DAWE was appointed to the position of Physician-in-Chief at Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences (Ontario Shores), effective May 24, 2011. CLAIRE DE SOUZA Appointed Head of the Consultation Liaison/Medical Psychiatry Program at SickKids; and elected Secretary / Treasurer, Medical Staff Association at SickKids. VINCENZO DELUCA received the APA/Astra-Zeneca Young Mind in Psychiatry Award in Bipolar Disorder; and also the 13th European Symposium in Suicide and Suicidal Behavior 2010 Bursary. CINDY-LEE DENNIS was appointed the Shirley Brown Chair in Women’s Mental Health Research based at the Women’s College Research Institute (WCRI). She is the first nurse to receive the appointment since the chair was created 15 years ago. MARY JANE ESPLEN was awarded the “Life Time Achievement Award” by the Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology (CAPO). This annual award honours a member of who, in the opinion of the Awards Committee and the Board of Directors of the association, has made exceptional and enduring career contributions to Psychosocial Oncology. Dr. Esplen was presented the award at the Annual CAPO conference held in May 2011. EDRED FLAK, MADHU VALLABHANENI and CHRIS ULIC (Inpatient Psychiatry team) received the University of Toronto Centre for Interprofessional Collaboration Award for Outstanding Achievement in Interprofessional Education.

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


Awards and Honours GEORGE FOUSSIAS was awarded a NARSAD Young Investigator Award for a project title “Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging in a Virtual Environment: An Investigation of the Neurobiology of Motivational Deficits in Schizophrenia.” George also received the APA-AstraZeneca Young Minds In Psychiatry Award International Congress on Schizophrenia Research 2011 Travel Award. ROHAN GANGULI received a Blue Ribbon for his poster: Society for Biological Psychiatry, Annual Meeting May 21st 2010. PAUL GARFINKEL Program for Israel’s Immigrants, Herzog Hospital, Jerusalem 2010. TONY P. GEORGE was elected Deputy Editor, Neuropsychopharmacology (since January 2011); serves on the Editorial Boards of, American Journal on the Addictions; Asian Journal of Psychiatry; and Psychiatric Times. He is Council on Addiction Psychiatry, American Psychiatric Association (thru May, 2010)and a Member of, Scientific Advisory Committee, Canadian Council on Substance Abuse (CCSA); and Scientific Advisory Committee, Schizophrenia Society of Ontario (SSO). PETER GIACOBBE was awarded a NARSAD Young Investigator Award for a project title “Examining the Intracranial Responses of Neurons in the Human Subgenual Cingulate Gyrus to Faces.” DANIEL GORMAN was nominated for the Robin Hunter Award; and also nominated CHERYL GRADY received the Donald T. Stuss Research Excellence Award which is given by Baycrest Centre to the scientist with the most important and influential paper published each year (Grady CL, Protzner AB, Kovacevic N, Strother SC, Afshin-Pour B, Wojtowicz MA, Anderson JAE, Churchill N, McIntosh AR. Age-Related differences in the default mode and task positive networks across multiple cognitive domains, Cerebral Cortex, 2010, 20:1432-1447). SOPHIE GRIGORIADIS was awarded the R.O. Jones Award for top Three Canadian Psychiatric Association Annual Conference Papers (second place) in September 2010 and will be promoted to Associate Professor effective July 1, 2011. TIM GUIMOND received the American Psychoanalytic Association 2010 Scientific Paper Prize. MARK HALMAN received the Medical Staff Social Responsibility Education Award; the Continuing Medical Education Award; and the Postgraduate Education Award, from St. Michael’s Hospital, Mental Health Service. MARK HANSON received the Certificate of Merit, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Neurosciences, McMaster University, Health Sciences. May 12, 2010 (Dedication and Commitment to Education in the Undergraduate Program). RAED HAWA has been appointed the next Director of Undergraduate Education in the Department of Psychiatry effective July 1, 2011. He also received the 2011 American Psychiatric Association Nancy Roeske Award for excellence in medical student education. NATHAN HERRMANN received the 2010 Canadian Academy of Geriatric Psychiatry (CAGP) Award for Outstanding contributions in Geriatric Psychiatry. BRIAN HODGES received the AFMC (Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada) President’s Award for Exemplary National Leadership in Academic Medicine. This AFMC award recognizes outstanding national leadership in academic medicine and Dr. Hodges was selected for his work as a world renowned scholar and educator. BRIAN HOFFMAN was awarded the Jane Chamberlin award by the AGHPS (Association for General Hospital Psychiatry) for contributions to general hospital psychiatry. ANDREA IABONI received the University of Toronto, Department of Psychiatry, Division of Geriatric Psychiatry’s 2010-11 Resident Award; and the 2010 Canadian ABEL ICKOWICZ was elected President of the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. UMESH JAIN was nominated for the Paul Patterson Award for Excellence in Teaching, CPA. JENNIFER JONES received the 2011 Dave Davis CEPD Research Award; the Ivan Silver Award in Continuing Mental Health Education, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto; and the 2010 National Cancer Institute-Cancer Patient Education Network (CPEN), Award of Excellence in Patient Education.


Awards and Honours ZACHARY A. KAMINSKY was awarded a NARSAD Young Investigator Award for a project title “A Genome Wide Search for Epigenetic Biomarkers of Major Depressive Disorder in Discordant Monozygotic Twins.“ ALLAN KAPLAN has been appointed Director of the Institute of Medical Science for a 5-year term effective July 1, 2011. MARSHALL KORENBLUM was honoured at the Hincks-Dellcrest Centre for completing 30 years of service. DAVID KREINDLER and ANTHONY LEVITT, as well as Charles Lumsden & Nicholas Woolridge won the ‘best poster’ award at the CPA conference in September 2010. PAUL KURDYAK received a CIHR New Investigator Award. EILEEN LA CROIX won the Peters-Boyd Academy Clerkship Teaching Award in Psychiatry. Dr. Lacroix was recognized for her “special effort and unique attention (she) gives to students” and characterizing “true quality teaching”. DZUNG ANH LE was Selected to serve on the Neurotoxicology and Alcohol Study Section, Center for Scientific Review for a 4 year term beginning July 1, 2010. BERNARD LE FOLL was elected to the Editorial boards of neuropsychopharmacology and PLoS ONE. ARLETTE LEFEBVRE is the recipient of the Ontario Federation for Cerebral Palsy Professional Recognition Award. MOLYN LESZCZ was appointed Vice-Chair of Clinical Programs, University of Toronto, Department of Psychiatry, September 2010. Molyn was also reappointed as Psychiatrist-in-Chief at Mount Sinai Hospital until January 1, 2016. SUSAN LIEFF was awarded the President’s Teaching Award, recognizing sustained excellence in teaching, research on teaching, and the integration of teaching and research. Recipients of a President’s Teaching Award are designated as a member of the Teaching Academy for a five-year period and receive an annual professional development allowance of $10,000 for five years. Susan Lieff was also promoted to the rank of Full Professor in the Department of Psychiatry, effective July 1, 2011. FANG LIU was promoted to the rank of Full Professor in the Department of Psychiatry, effective July 1, 2011. DANIELA LOBO is on the Editorial Board – Journal of Addiction Research and Therapy. GREG LODENQUAI was appointed Psychiatrist-in-Chief at George Hull and director of the community clinic as of April 1, 2011. JODI LOFCHY received the 2011 Aikins Award in the Course/Program Development category for her “longstanding passion and dedication to the undergraduate program in psychiatry.” KATHARINA MANASSIS was promoted to the rank of Full Professor, University of Toronto; is Co-Chair of the Scientific Program for the joint Annual Meeting of the American and Canadian Academies of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry; and recipient of The James Day Memorial Award from the Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology Society of Ontario. MARIAN ATHINA (TINA) MARTIMIANAKIS received the Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE) Patil Award for best Research in Medical Education Presentation “Interdisciplinarity: At the intersection of knowledge-production and identity formation”. Glasgow, August, 2010. SHELLEY MACMAIN received a research Award, International Society for the Improvement and Teaching of Dialectical Behavior Therapy, November, 2010. Shelley also received the Distinguished Research Award, European Society for the Study of Personality Disorders, July 2010 (with Dr. Paul Links). MAHESH MENON, Schizophrenia International Research Society, Young Investigator Travel Award to the 2nd SIRS Conference, Venice, Italy. (2010) PETER MENZIES is a member of the Excellence in Indigenous Programming, Kaiser Foundation, Regina, Saskatchewan, May 2011. JEFFREY MEYER was awarded the prestigious A.E. Bennett Research Award for 2011 by the Society for Biological Psychiatry and the John Dewan Prize for Excellence in Research from the Ontario Mental Health Foundation. Jeffrey was also was promoted to the rank of Full Professor in the Department of Psychiatry, effective July 1, 2011. ROMINA MIZRAHI was awarded a NARSAD Young Investigator Award for a project title “Neuroinflammation in Schizophrenia -- Testing a Novel Hypothesis in-vivo.”

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report


Awards and Honours DANIEL MUELLER received the Early Researcher Award from Glen Murray newly-appointed minister of Research and Innovation in September 2010. Daniel was also promoted to the rank of Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry, effective July 1, 2011. MARTA NOVAK was promoted to the rank of Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry, effective July 1, 2011. ANDREW PATERSON received the Canada Research Chair in Genetics of Complex Diseases. JARED PECK completed his training in the Beck Institute for Cognitive Therapy and Research Extramural Training Program; he also became a Diplomat of the Academy of Cognitive Therapy. ARTURAS PETRONAS was appointed the Tapscott Chair in Schizophrenia. TONY PIGNATIELLO is Local Arrangements Chair for the joint American and Canadian Academies of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. REBECCA PILLAI RIDELL received the Canadian Psychological Association President’s New Researcher Award. BRUCE G. POLLOCK, 2011 American College of Psychiatrists’ Geriatric Psychiatry Research Award at the annual meeting in February 2011. TAREK K. RAJJI was awarded a NARSAD Young Investigator Award and the 2010 University of Toronto, Faculty of Medicine Dean’s Fund for his project titled “Enhancing Working Memory in Patients with Schizophrenia Through Paired Associative Stimulation of the Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex.” Tarek also received a Canada Foundation for Innovation-Leaders Opportunity Fund Grant/Ontario Research Fund for Small Infrastructure Funds, Infrastructure “Cognitive Enhancement in Patients with Schizophrenia Across the Lifespan: a Brain Stimulation Project”. ARUN RAVINDRAN was appointed as Director, Global Mental Health Affairs, Department of Psychiatry, October 2010. Dr. Paula Ravitz has been appointed as the Morgan Firestone Chair in Psychotherapy, effective April 1, 2011, for a five-year term. SIAN RAWKINS received the 2010 Irma Bland Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching Residents, American Psychiatric Association, New Orleans, USA. Sian also completed her Masters of Education (Curriculum, Teaching, and Learning) from OISE/UT. NEIL RECTOR received the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI-PA, USA) Scholarship and Research Award, 2011, for his published volume with colleagues at the University of Pennsylvania (Beck, Stolar & Grant), Schizophrenia: Cognitive Theory, Research and Therapy (Guilford, 2009). Neil also received the 2010-2011 Ontario Psychological Association Harvey Brooker Award for Excellence in Clinical Teaching. This award is presented annually at the OPA Convention to a psychologist who exemplifies the highest standards of excellence in the clinical training of psychology students. Neil was promoted to the rank of Full Professor in the Department of Psychiatry, effective July 1, 2011; and also appointed as Associate Editor, International Journal of Cognitive Therapy. SCOTT REEVES received the Interprofessional Education Mentorship Award, National Health Sciences Student Association and Best Research Presentation Award at the Wilson Centre Research Day in October 2010. Scott was also promoted to the rank of Full Professor in the Department of Psychiatry, effective July 1, 2011. GAIL ROBINSON was visiting professor in Australia and Uruguay and has been elected to the Board for the Group for Advancement of Psychiatry. GARY RODIN was awarded the Psychotherapy Award for Academic Excellence, Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto. SEAN ROURKE was promoted to the rank of Full Professor in the Department of Psychiatry, effective July 1, 2011. JOEL SADAVOY received the International Federation of Ageing President’s Award (for Leadership in Geriatric Psychiatry and Community Mental Health). ISAAC SAKINOFSKY was elected a Fellow of the International Academy of Suicide Research. PAUL SANDOR was promoted to the rank of Full Professor in the Department of Psychiatry, effective July 1, 2011. PETER SELBY is Assistant Editor, Addiction Journal (2010) and received the President’s Shield Award, Addictions Ontario (2011) . KEN SHULMAN, Chief of Brain Sciences Program, was recipient of the third annual Leo N. Steven Excellence in Leadership Award from Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. LAURA SIMICH was promoted to the rank of Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry, effective July 1, 2011.


Awards and Honours WAYNE SKINNER is Editorial Board Member of the Journal of Gambling Issues and on the Schizophrenia Society of Ontario Scientific Advisory Board. Wayne is also an Associate Editor (Canada) Mental Health – Substance Use: Dual Diagnosis. SANJEEV SOCKALINGAM received the 2011 Wightman-Berris Academy Postgraduate Teaching Excellence Award. VICKY STERGIOPOULOS was appointed as Psychiatrist-in-Chief at St. Michael’s Hospital, effective July 1, 2011. JOHN STRAUSS was promoted to the rank of Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry, effective July 1, 2011. DAVID STREINER’s book titled “When Research Goes Off The Rails: Why it Happens and What You Can Do About it” was selected as A Book of the Year by the American Journal of Nursing. NADIYA SUNDERJI is the 2011 recipient of the Women’s College Hospital’s Interprofessional Education Award, based on her demonstrated educational teamwork for the development of the Behavioural Arts and Sciences Curriculum for Family Medicine Residents which she co-led. She will present on this at the National Collaborative Mental Health Care conference in Halifax in June. ROSEMARY TANNOCK is the Erskine Visiting Fellow, University of Canterbury, Christchurch New Zealand; and Co-Editor-in-Chief, Journal Behavioral and Brain Functions. VALERIE TAYLOR was appointed Psychiatrist-in-Chief at Women’s College Hospital, effective July 1, 2011. JOHN TESHIMA received the Paul Steinhauer Award for Excellence in Postgraduate Education in Child Psychiatry; and was nominated for the Award for Excellence in Postgraduate Teaching, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. RACHEL TYNDALE received the Heinz Lehmann Research Award for Outstanding Contributions to Neuropsychopharmacology. SIMONE VIGOD completed her MSc Degree, Clinical Epidemiology, Deptartment of Health Policy Management and Evaluation (HPME), Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto and received the Claire Bombardier Award, Most Promising MSc Student from HPME. She also received an Ontario Mental Health Foundation Research Training Fellowship (3rd year extension). ARISTOTLE N. VOINESKOS was awarded a NARSAD Young Investigator Award for a project title “An rTMS Treatment Trial of Working Memory Deficits in Schizophrenia and Genetic Prediction of Response.” Aristotle was also awarded the 2011 Siminovitch-Salter Award given to the Institute of Medical Sciences (IMS) PhD graduate who best fulfills this criteria based on peer reviewed publications originating from graduate research and the evaluation by external thesis examiners. He also received the ACNP (American College of Neuropsychopharmacology) Young Investigator Memorial Travel Award; the International Congress of Schizophrenia Research Young Investigator Travel Award; the World Congress of Psychiatric Genetics Travel Award; and the CIHR Institute of Aging Age Plus Award. GEORGE VOINESKOS received the Distinguished Life Fellow Award from the American Psychiatric Association (DLFAPA). LESLEY WIESENFELD graduated from Harvard University with her Masters of Science in Health Care Management. DAVID WOLFE continues as Editor-in-Chief Child Abuse & Neglect: The International Journal. ALBERT WONG received a NARSAD Independent Investigator Award for the period October 2010-November 2012. TREVOR YOUNG was appointed Department Chair, Department of Psychiatry, September 2010. Trevor also received the Hope Inspiration Award by the Mood Disorders Association of Ontario in recognition of his research work into mood disorders. ARI ZARETSKY received the Association of Chairs of Psychiatry of Canada Award for Excellence in Education in September 2010. MARCIA ZEMANS was nominated for the Abraham Miller award for Undergraduate Medical Student Teaching. CAMILLA ZIMMERMAN received the William E. Rawls Prize for excellence in cancer research from National Council of the Canadian Cancer Society and was promoted to Associate Professor in the Dept of Medicine. KEN ZUCKER continues as Editor, Archives of Sexual Behavior; Chair DSM V Work Group Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders.

Department of Psychiatry Annual Report






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