7 minute read
Alumni Spotlight
The #UTSAMusic department is a close-knit community. We are a small department of about 300 students and approximately 50 faculty and staff; it is no wonder then, that when bonds are created here, they last. Take for example this month’s Alumni Spotlight subject, Guerrina Esparza (‘84, ‘92) who after graduating with a Bachelor of Music Education degree, returned less than 10 years later to earn her Master’s degree, and approximately a decade after that joined the faculty of the UTSA Middle School Band Camp to work with young budding musicians. During the times in-between, Guerrina built a career spanning over 3 decades in nearly half a dozen schools in and around San Antonio. Guerrina is currently the Head Band Director at Garcia Middle School in the Northside Independent School District where she has been for the last 12 years and where she will close out a much lauded career that began when she found her passion.
How and when did music become your career choice?
I knew as early as elementary school that I wanted to explore the notion of becoming an educator. Our one-car garage functioned as my “classroom”. Stuffed animals and dolls were hijacked to pose as my students. I would take them through a rigorous routine of reading, math, and writing. As I entered my middle school years at Sul Ross, I was encouraged to join the band. Shortly after my 7th grade year began, I knew EXACTLY the subject I REALLY wanted to teach…..BAND!!!
Why did you choose UTSA?
When I was a junior in high school, (Professor Emeritus) Dr. [Robert] Rustowicz visited Holmes HS for a recruiting seminar. I was impressed with his enthusiasm for UTSA and I did not want to venture far from home. The decision was an easy one. I was going to be a Roadrunner! UTSA was a new and upcoming University in the early 1980s and I was very excited to be a part of the newly formed music division. The campus sat on a beautiful landscape of trees and there were no buildings around for miles. During my sophomore year at UTSA, I remember putting [music] stand racks and the old red chairs together as we opened the new building and recital hall. We were all so proud of our new venue! As we worked tirelessly for hours getting the building ready, Dr. Rustowicz took out a $20 bill from his wallet and asked me to get some lunch for all of us. Back then that $20 fed a slew of college kids. Those were special times. We were all vested in UTSA and great moments were on the horizon!
Can you point to someone who was a positive influence on you during your time at UTSA Department of Music?
It has been a lifetime since my undergraduate years at UTSA, therefore the professors I was fortunate enough to learn from are no longer on staff, but they will always be in my heart. I know that sounds cliche, but it is the honest truth.
Dr. Robert Rustowicz was my ensemble director and conducting professor. I was fortunate to be under his direction for four years as an undergraduate and also as a member of the San Antonio Wind Symphony several years later. His expressive style was captivating and his knowledge of score study inspiring. A few years after graduation, I married a tuba player who was also in the Wind Ensemble. I remember seeing Dr. Rustowicz sitting in the aisle as my new husband and I exited the church. Our professors formed bonds with us that will last our lifetimes. I know, through conversations with my former UTSA student teachers, that this still exists today.
What was your career path before acquiring your current position?

I began my music teaching career in the fall of 1985 in Natalia, Texas. A small 2A town between Lytle and Devine heading south on IH 35. I was the Head, and ONLY, Band Director with a full teaching load that included a high school choir class, marching band, middle school band, and an elementary music class. Due to the strenuous schedule of running a band program and enrolling in the Master’s program at UTSA, those four years seemed to evaporate quickly.
In the summer of 1989, I was fortunate to be hired in Hondo, Texas as the McDowell Middle School Head Band Director and Hondo High School assistant director. Our Hondo High School Band trip to Florida, being named “Teacher of the Year,” and earning my first Sweepstakes in the spring of 1991 are memorable highlights from my second and final year in Hondo. In 2010, I was invited back to a 60th anniversary concert and sat alongside other former HISD band directors. Those years were filled with many unforgettable moments. In the fall of 1991, I was “back home” in NISD at Anson Jones Middle School as the Head Band Director. After 6 years at Jones, I transitioned to Katherine Stinson Middle School spending the next 12 years there. Following my position at Stinson MS, I was hired to open Dr. Hector P. Garcia Middle School in 2009. In the spring of 2020, I was humbled to have been selected as the HGMS Educator of the Year. This spring I will complete my music teaching career that encompasses 36 years of cherished life experiences. A colleague once asked me how many sweepstakes and awards my bands have earned. I honestly could not answer him. There have been many, but that is not how I choose to evaluate my success. I would rather focus on building lasting relationships with my students and help them to achieve memorable musical moments that will last for their lifetime.
What has your post-graduate involvement with the music department been?
My post graduate involvement with the UTSA Music Dept. has been marching with the SOSA Alumni band, hosting music education majors from the brass methods classes, and mentoring several student teachers. I was also a staff member for the UTSA Middle School Band Camp. From 20072011, I served as the clarinet sectional/master class/private lesson teacher and I directed the Concert Band from 2012-2016. It has always been a pleasure to work with future music teachers, especially fellow Roadrunners!
As you near the end of your extensive and honored career what reflections can you share?
I have relished every performance, cherished every friendship, and valued every student I have had the pleasure of knowing and educating during my career. We, as teachers, never stop learning through our students. I know now that back in those days pretending to teach in my one-car garage was a dream that did come true! I see the double bar line at the end of my song and we musicians know what that means….The end!

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