Catalyst Spring 2019-2020 - COS

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UTSA | Catalyst 2020

Catalyst 2020 | UTSA

Running Forward: Our Response to the Coronavirus Pandemic

UTSA Software to Help Patients Receive Faster Postpandemic Care

At the start of the spring 2020 semester,

map that tracked the spread of the virus

of sickness for those infected when the next

By Milady Nazir

students congregated in large lecture halls,

in Texas. Dr. Amina Qutub, a biomedical

strain of SARS-CoV-2 emerges. The typical

researchers huddled together in narrow labs,

engineering professor; Dr. Hongjie Xie, chair

process of drug development, from initial

and staff members collaborated in shared

of the Department of Geological Sciences;

research to animal testing to clinical trials to

workspaces. However, the rapidly evolving

and graduate students Younghyun Koo and

FDA approval, has a timeline of five to eight

nature of the coronavirus pandemic quickly

Teg Pandit contributed to the project.

years. In the meantime, the compounds will

created a new normal for the College of Sci-

help the scientific community understand

ences. Across UTSA, 4,600 courses pivoted

Dr. Doug Frantz, the Max and Minnie

how the coronavirus attacks cells and reacts

online and 6,500 faculty, staff and student

Tomerlin Voelcker Distinguished Professor in

to molecules.

employees worked from home.

Chemistry and co-founder of UTSA’s Center

Many patients had to wait for surgeries

As of May 1, approximately 20 states across

There are plans to make use of this program

due to the heavy burden COVID-19 caused

the country had resumed some elective

for the entire surgery department, which

for hospitals. Now, UTSA computer science

surgeries, with only a few more planning to

typically has 250 to 300 surgeries scheduled

seniors have built a software program that

do so later in the month. Hospitals anticipate

per day.

helps doctors prioritize medical procedures

bottlenecks and long waits for patients who

and treat people more efficiently.

need procedures such as tumor removals.

“Students don’t always have these real-life and critical problems to solve,” Shah says.

The program, called ESCal, can organize

“We had months [of appointments] already

almost three months of surgeries in a few

scheduled. As all this was happening we

they are doing it very fast. I’m impressed

minutes by simply working within a hospi-

realized that, when this is over, we would

with how they’ve come together to help us

tal’s existing system.

have to reschedule everybody,” says Shah.

out. This is very, very valuable and a huge

“But what they are doing really matters, and

for Innovative Drug Discovery, screened

Dr. Karl Klose, recipient of the Robert J.

Campus laboratories downsized to essen-

small molecule libraries to identify com-

Kleberg Jr. and Helen C. Kleberg College of

tial personnel only, but researchers still

pounds that could potentially be developed

Sciences Professorship and the director

found ways to benefit the local community.

into a coronavirus treatment. The com-

of the South Texas Center for Emerging

Dr. Juan Gutierrez, chair of the Department

pounds have chemical properties similar to

Infectious Diseases, is leading a collabora-

of Mathematics, constructed a COVID-19

hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine, two

tive study to work on a potential COVID-19

epidemiological model San Antonio health

immunosuppressive drugs previously used

vaccine. The San Antonio Partnership for

on another project for Amita Shah at UT

canceled and needing to be rescheduled, we

Besides solving grand challenges, projects

officials used to plan their official response.

to treat and prevent malaria, and are part of

Precision Therapeutics awarded the team

Health San Antonio, but once the outbreak

needed a way to triage things when we start

such as these provide tremendous

In collaboration with UT Health San Antonio,

a class of compounds known as quinolines.

$200,000 to conduct their research. Team

struck, we had to pivot,” says Dr. Mark Rob-

operating again.”

“But not everybody’s condition is of the same “For the past nine months, we were working

chemistry professors Dr. Stanton McHardy

Frantz’s compounds are also quinolines, but

members include scientists from all four

inson, an assistant professor of practice in

and Dr. Doug Frantz made large batches of

they are composed of different atoms and

institutions in the partnership—UTSA, UT

UTSA’s Department of Computer Science.

hand sanitizer for providers and staff at UT

bonds that could provide additional benefits

Health San Antonio, Texas Biomedical

Health’s Physicians locations. Labs across

for those infected with the novel coronavirus.

UTSA donated their personal protection equipment (PPE) to UT Health San Antonio,

Frantz then shipped samples of about 250

Research Institute and Southwest Research

“The challenge we had was to build a sur-

help for our practice.”

acuity, and with hundreds of surgeries being

real-world experience for students as well as considerable value to their résumés.

In less than six weeks, the UTSA students were able build the software program,

In the meantime, Shah is onboarding other

which allows Shah to fetch a list of cases.

surgery departments within UT Health to adopt the software.

Institute. The team’s goal is to develop a

gery-scheduling application where Dr. Shah

The program relies on surgery information,

novel vaccine to combat COVID-19 based on

and her team could store information about

such as date of surgery, urgency, authorization to perform surgery, patient readiness,

The UTSA students who collaborated on

including 363 safety glasses, 1,850 surgical

of those compounds to collaborators at The

decades of work on tularemia, a bio-threat

postponed elective surgeries,” Robinson

masks, and 14,176 gloves.

University of Texas Medical Branch at Gal-

also known as rabbit fever caused by the

says. “The hospital’s existing software creat-

cancelations and other criteria. The retrieved

this software program are Jaime Messinger,

veston. Researchers at UTMB Galveston pre-

bacterium Francisella tularensis.

ed lots of problems during the pandemic.”

data is then reported on a spreadsheet pri-

Andrew Noe, Sam Carey and Tyler Mitchell.

oritizing current or upcoming procedures for

Researchers with UTSA’s MATRIX AI Consor-

treated cells infected with SARS-CoV-2, the

tium for Human Well-Being created a website

virus that causes COVID-19, with the com-

Klose has been studying the bacterium

The team delivered a computer program

to help Texans share the location of hard-to-

pounds designed at UTSA. Once the results

F. tularensis since 2001. After his lab discov-

that helped a physician retrieve a list of sur-

the week.

the COVID recovery effort,” says Robinson.

find consumer goods in real time. The web-

are in, Frantz and three UTSA graduate stu-

ered how to inactivate the organism’s ability

geries scheduled for the next two months in

The system also complies with the hospital’s

site harnessed the power of crowd-sourcing

dents as well as scientists of the San Antonio

to cause disease, a live vaccine candidate

less than five minutes—a huge time-saving

strict security standards and integrates

to populate the recovery map with real time

Partnership for Precision Theraputics will

was identified that can induce protection

measure. As businesses ease restrictions,

seamlessly with its security infrastructure.

data. The site also provided information such

work on refining a treatment based on any

against F. tularensis in the lungs. Klose’s

many patients are eager to reschedule elec-

This allows patients to obtain speedier care

as the location of testing sites, mandatory

compounds that show promise. Frantz hopes

team aims to adapt the vaccine to induce

tive operations that were postponed.

as physicians spend more face-to-face time

business closures, travel advisories and a

to develop a treatment to reduce the severity

protection against SARS CoV-2.


“Now we can say that we contributed to “We are also ready, should a second COVID wave occur.”

with patients—and less time struggling with their software.


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