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Faculty Publications
Airhart-Larraga, S., Lloyd-Hazlett, J., & Purgason, L. L. (2021). Resilience narratives of Hispanic counselors in the Rio Grande Valley. Journal of Professional Counseling, 48(1), 15-30.
Allen, S. A., & Lloyd-Hazlett, J. (2021). Success stories of males convicted of a violent offense. International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling, 43, 147-163.
Christiansen, M. S. (2020). Identity and empowerment: Vernacular English features used by bilingual Mexicans online. Language@Internet, 18, article 2. https://www.languageatinternet. org/articles/2020/christiansen
Clark, L. (2021) Dare the Discipline(s) to Build a New Academy: The Future of Kinesiology and Health in Higher Education, Quest, 73:2, 141-150, DOI:10.1080/0 0336297.2021.1903518
Duffey, T., Haberstroh, S. (2020). Introduction to crisis and trauma counseling. American Counseling Association.
Ek, L.D., Fallas Escobar, C., & Sánchez, P. (2021). Retrospective raciolinguistic work: Leveraging Latina/o/x bilingual teacher educators’ personal narratives. In D. Schwarzer, M. Petrón, & C. Larrotta (Eds.), Bilingualism and bilingual education: Conceptos fundamentales (pp. 21-33). Peter Lang Publishing.
Flores, B. B., Herrera, S., & Flores, J. B. (2021). Early childhood teacher educators’ critical role: Preparing culturally efficacious early childhood teachers. In I. Alanís, Iheoma U. Iruka, & S. Friedman (Eds.), Advancing Equity and Embracing Diversity in Early Childhood Education: Elevating Voices and Actions (pp. 120-126). Washington: National Association of for the Education of Young Children.
Hansen-Thomas, H. & J. Langman. 2020. Functional Language Awareness in Secondary Mathematics Classrooms. In Luciana C. de Oliveira and Marta Civil (Eds.) Teaching Mathematics to English Language Learners: Preparing Pre-service and InService Teachers. TESOL.
Holton, E., InterianoShiverdecker, C. G., Hughes, C., & Stumpf, M. (in press). Engaged trauma training through role-play observations during COVID-19. Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision.
Huang, B. H., Bailey, A. B., Sass, D., & Chang, Y. S. (2020). An investigation of the validity of a speaking assessment for adolescent English language learners. Language Testing, 38(3), 401–428. doi. org/10.1177/0265532220925731.
Huang, B. H., Bedore, L., Niu, L., *Wang, Y., & Wicha, N. (2020). The Contributions of Oral Language to English Reading Outcomes among Young Bilingual Students in the United States. International Journal of Bilingualism. 25(1), 40-57. doi. org/10.1177/1367006920938136. Interiano-Shiverdecker, C. G., Hahn, C., McKenzie, C. & Kondili, E. (in press). Refugees, discrimination, and barriers to health. Journal of Professional Counseling: Practice, Theory & Research.
Interiano-Shiverdecker,C. G., Kondili, E. & Parikh-Foxx, S. (2020). Refugees and the system: Social and cultural capital during U.S. resettlement. International Journal for the Advancement of Counseling, 42(1), 48-64. https://doi. org/10.1007/s10447-019-09383-9.
Interiano-Shiverdecker, C. G., Parikh-Foxx, S., Flowers, C., & Maghsoudi, M. (in press). The impact of race-ethnicity on foreignborn students’ counselor selfefficacy and acculturative stress. Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision.
Interiano-Shiverdecker, C. G., Robertson, D. L., Zambrano, E., Contreras, J. & Morgan, A. (in press) Development and implementation of a bilingual counseling curriculum. Teaching and Supervision in Counseling.
Interiano-Shiverdecker, C. G., Romero, D. E., & Jones, B. (2021). Addressing trauma with children and adolescent clients. In B. Jones & B. Durodove (Eds.), Child and adolescent counseling: An integrated approach. Springer Publishing Company, LLC. https://doi. org/10.1891/9780826147646.0012
Juhnke, G. A., Granello, P. F., & Granello, D. H. (2020). School bullying and violence: Interventions for school mental health specialists. Oxford University Press.
Kisselev, O., Dubinina, I., & Polinsky, M. (2020, June). FormFocused Instruction in the Heritage Language Classroom: Toward Research-Informed Heritage Language Pedagogy. In Frontiers in Education (Vol. 5, p. 53). Frontiers.
Langman, J. & X.Shi. 2020. Gender, Language, Identity, and Intercultural Communication. In Jackson, J. (Ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Intercultural Communication, 2nd Edition. pp. 167-180. London: Routledge.
Lloyd-Hazlett, J., Knight, C., Ogbeide, S., Trepal, H. C., & Blessing, N.* (2020). Strengthening the behavioral health workforce: Spotlight on PITCH. The Professional Counselor, 10(3), 301-317. doi:10.15241/ jlh.10.3.306
Lochman, J. E., Vernberg, E., Glenn, A., Jarrett, M., Powell, N. P., Abel, M., Boxmeyer, C. L., Kassing, F., Qu, L., Romero, D., & Bui, C. (2021). Effects of at-risk children’s autonomic nervous system functioning and tornado exposure on long-term outcomes of aggressive children. Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, 49, 471-489. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10802020-00753-1
Leija, M.G. & M. E. Fránquiz (2021) Where was it Building Bridges Between School and Home: Teacher, Parents, and Students
Examining Latinx Immigrant Experiences. IGI Global.
Mendoza Aviña, S. Border pedagogies as healing pedagogies. (2020). In M.G. Burke, K. Laves, J.D. Sauerheber, & A.W. Hughey (Eds.), Faculty as helping professionals: Developing helping skills for working with students in distress.
Martinez, M. Harmon, J., Hillburn-Arnold, M., & Wilburn, M. (2021). An Investigation of Color Shifts in Picturebooks. Journal of Children’s Literature
Ndimande, B.S., and Swadener, B.B., (2021). Pedagogies of Children and Youth in South Africa Why Paulo Freire is crucial in this age of neoliberalism. Routledge.
Peters, H., Luke, M., Bernard, J., & Trepal, H. (2020). Socially just and culturally responsive leadership within counseling and counseling psychology: A grounded theory investigation. The Counseling Psychologist, 48 (7), 953-985.
Prasath, P. R., Chandrika Prasanna Kumaran, A., Spears, J., & Jackson, K. L. (in press). Creativity in the Classroom: A Content Analysis of The Journal of Creativity in Mental Health from 2005 to 2020. The Journal of Creativity in Mental Health.
Prasath, P. R., Bhat, C. S., Mather, P. C., Foreman, T., & James, J. K. (2021). Well-being, psychological capital, and coping of university employees during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Journal of Professoriate, 12(1), 1-30.
Prasath, P. R., Morris, C., & Maccombs, S. (2021). MindfulnessBased Strengths Practice (MBSP) Group Intervention: A Systematic Review. Journal of Counselor Practice, 12(1), 1-23. https://doi. org/10.22229/asy1212021
Prasath, P. R., Lindinger-Sternart, S., & Duffey, T. (2021). Counselors as organizational leaders: Exploring parallels of servant leadership and professional counseling, Journal of Counselor Leadership and Advocacy, 1-11. (March 31, 2021 published online) https://doi.org/1 0.1080/2326716X.2021.1904460
Prasath, P. R., Mather, P. C., Bhat, C. S., & James, J. K. (2021). University student well-being during COVID-19: The role of psychological capital and coping strategies. The Professional Counselor, 11(1), 46-60. https://doi. org/10.15241/prp.11.1.46
Prasath, P. R., & Copeland, L. (2021). Rationale and Benefits of Using Expressive Art Techniques in Supervision. In Techniques and Interventions for Play Therapy and Clinical Supervision. IGI Global Publications. 17-37.
Prasath, P. R., Gregory, J., Maghsoudi, M., Gonzalez, S. S., & Morris, C. (2021). Theoretical Approaches and Modalities Used With Children and Adolescents. In the Child and Adolescent Counseling: An Integrated Approach edited by Jones, B., and Durodoye, B. A. Springer Publications.
Preston, J., Trepal, H., Morgan, A., Jaques, J., Smith, J., & Field, T. (2020). Elements of a high quality doctoral program in counselor education and supervision. The Professional Counselor, 10 (4), 453471. doi:10.15241/jp.10.4.453
Ramírez, R. B.H. Huang, A. Palomin, and L. McCarty (2021). Teachers and Language Outcomes of Young Bilinguals: A Scoping Review. American SpeechLanguage-Hearing Association
Romero, D. E., Anderson, A., Gregory, J. C., Potts, C. A., Jackson, A., Spears, J. R., Jones, M. S., & Speedlin, S. (2020). Using neurofeedback to lower PTSD symptoms. NeuroRegulation, 7(3), 99-106. https://doi.org/10.15540/ nr.7.3.99
Romero, D. E., InterianoShiverdecker, C. G., Castellon, N. E., & Strentzsch, J. (2021). A review of child sex trafficking instruments. Journal of Child and Adolescent Counseling, 7(1), 56-69. https:// doi.org/10.1080/23727810.2020.1 835421
Singh., A., Appling, B., & Trepal, H. (2020). Using the ACA multicultural and social justice counseling competencies to decolonize counseling practice: The important roles of theory, power, and action. Journal of Counseling & Development, 98 (3), 261-271.
Speedlin, S., Haberstroh, S., Prasath, P., Townsend, C., & McVay, K. (in press). Participatory action research: Strategies for implementation in counseling outcome research. Journal of Professional Counseling: Practice, Theory & Research.
Teale, W.H., Martinez, M.G., Yokota, J., (2021). Books Come Alive Reading Aloud and Reading Along with Young Children 2021 Copublished with International Literacy Association ROWMAN & LITTLEFIELD.
Thacker, I., Sinatra G. M., Muis, K. R., Danielson, R. W., Pekrun, R., Winne, P. H., & Chevrier, M. (2020). Using persuasive refutation texts to prompt attitudinal and conceptual change. Journal of Educational Psychology, 112(6), 1085–1099. https://doi.org/10.1037/ edu0000434
Tian, Z. (2021). Translanguaging Design in a Third Grade Chinese Language Arts Class. Applied Linguistics Review. DOI: https://doi. org/10.1515/applirev-2021-0024
Tian, Z., Aghai, L., Sayer, P., & Schissel, J. L. (Eds.) (2020). Envisioning TESOL through a Translanguaging Lens: Global Perspectives. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Tian, Z. & Shepard-Carey, L. (2020). (Re)imagining the Future of Translanguaging Pedagogies in TESOL through Teacher-Researcher Collaboration. TESOL Quarterly, 54(4), 1131-1143. DOI: 10.1002/ tesq.614
Torres, A., Juhnke, G., Canfield, B., Gomez-Escudero, A., & Ramírez, A. (2021). Empowering Families to Address Suicide in Rural Colombia. The Family Journal, 29(2), 220-226. https://doi. org/10.1177/1066480720986493
Uzum, B., Akayoglu, S. & Yazan, B. (2020). Using telecollaboration to promote intercultural competence in teacher training classrooms in Turkey and the USA. ReCALL, 32(2), 162-177. https://doi.org/10.1017/ S0958344019000235
Yazan, B. & Lindahl, K.M. (2020). Language teaching and teacher learning as identity work in TESOL. (Eds.). New York, NY: Routledge.
Yazan, B., Canagarajah, S., & Jain, R. (Eds.). (2020). Autoethnographies in ELT: Transnational identities, pedagogies, and practices. New York, NY: Routledge.
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