Catalyst Fall 2021 - COS

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UTSA | Catalyst | Summer/Fall 2021

Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Mariah Hopkins Dr. Mariah Hopkins has been chased by an

those patterns for human-wildlife conflict

In recognition of her ongoing efforts to im-

ostrich, had her lunch stolen by a baboon

and disease spread. Now, she is developing

prove the academic experience for students,

and came eye-to-eye with a 40-ton humpback

a research program that evaluates the

Hopkins was recently awarded the President’s

whale—all in the name of research. Before

effectiveness of innovative instructional

Distinguished Achievement Award for Core

joining the College of Sciences, she taught

technologies and pedagogical techniques

Curriculum Teaching. The award recognizes

courses at the University of California at

for STEM education. In 2020, she initiated

faculty who expertly implement UTSA’s core

Berkeley and the University of Texas at Austin,

a research project comparing the impact

curriculum focus, including the development

and she developed field biology training

of different virtual lab formats on learning

of critical-thinking skills, communication skills,

programs and conservation programs in

outcomes for introductory biology students.

empirical and quantitative skills, and team-

the U.S. and Central America. She spent two

This project is part of ongoing efforts to

work in their courses.

years studying several species of monkeys at

improve experiential learning opportunities

a remote tropical forest site in Panama that

for students in large-format science courses.

was accessible only by boat. She has also

“It is incredibly rewarding to see my students succeed,” she said. “That success can be

conducted research on African wildlife while

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Hopkins has

something as simple as students making

living in the savanna in a thatched-roof hut

embraced innovative technologies such as

connections between content and their daily

with no electricity or running water.

simulations, case studies, biointeractives

lives. It can be students working through

and virtual labs to engage students and

a problem and developing a newfound

Hopkins now brings that adventurous spirit

provide additional experiential learning

confidence in their abilities or identifying

to her classroom. “Biology is the study of life,

opportunities. In Fall 2020, she partnered

as scientists for the first time. It can also

and to me there is no greater mystery,” she

with Academic Innovation to implement this

happen after college, when students are able

said. “I get to spend my day figuring out

experiential learning model in her non-majors

to market the skills that they have learned in

how life works and teaching students about

Introductory Biology class, and she has since

class to land internships, jobs and admission

the amazing life forms on this planet and

expanded the model to several other courses.

to graduate school. Witnessing the impact

the underlying processes that make that

The model is hugely successful; students

of my courses on my students’ college and

life possible.”

report that they learned more, felt more

career trajectories is one of the greatest

engaged, were excited about the material

rewards I have experienced as a teacher.”

The majority of her previous research focused

and could see the real-world value of content

on understanding and predicting animal

more easily than in traditional class formats.

space-use patterns and the implications of


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