UTSA | Catalyst | Summer/Fall 2021
Peek Inside the New Science and Engineering Building Fast Facts
The Brain Health Consortium is located in the Science and Engineering Building (SEB) and includes
u T he
Science and Engineering
18 full members and 33 affiliate
Building (SEB) was the largest
members with expertise in stem
construction project in university
cells and precision medicine, neu-
roscience, biomedical engineering,
psychology, and behavior. In this
research expenditures have
now surpassed $100 million per
innovative space, students and
year. More than $40 million of
researchers conduct collaborative
that total is within the College
studies to better understand how
of Sciences.
the brain functions and how mech-
u T he
anisms affect systems like learning,
first floor of the SEB has a
17,000-square-feet Makerspace
memory and motivation.
with everything UTSA students need to bring their ideas to life.
Many of the building’s laboratories are surrounded in glass so students
u T he
3D PrintLab houses over 25
and visitors can witness the work in
plastic 3D printers. In Spring 2021,
real time, a concept referred to as
the Metal 3D print room opened to accommodate students who
science on display.
need to print design parts with a stronger material.
UTSA recently opened Guadalupe Hall, the university’s newest student residential community. The College of Sciences’ Biology Freshman Interest Group (FIG) is housed in the hall. A FIG is a group of freshmen students who live together in the residence hall and take two to three sets of selected courses during their first year at UTSA. The Biology FIG offers students the experience of a small community within a large university and access to peer mentors who are cross-trained as supplemental instructors.